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A2 Media Studies

Essay Writing Part Two

With Miss O’Dell

Answering the Question
• There are always concerns about new technology. In
your view, what are the possible benefits and
problems attached to social networking, particularly
on the Internet? (12 marks)

• It has been said that media representations often

reflect the social and political concerns of the age in
which they are created. Discuss. (48 marks)
During the lesson...
Lesson objectives Learning Outcomes

• You will have read

1. To understand how examples of previous
the mark scheme is students’ work
applied for MEST 4 • You will have become
familiar with the mark
scheme for MEST 4
• You will have received
2. To self-assess your feedback and a level
progress regarding indicator for your CI
essay writing • You will have published a
blog entry onto Weebly
Marking Example MEST 4
• Read an example of MEST 4 work

• Give the work a level 1 -4 using the

mark scheme

• Write a comment on the example

justifying the level you have given
• Publish a blog entry to your Weebly
answering the following:

– What level would you give your work?

– What level would you like your work to


– What have you learnt this lesson that will

help you improve your essay writing?

– How can your writing improve?

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