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Pacil, Theodore Rayner T.

Reaction Paper on
The inconvenient truth

The inconvenient truth is a documentary film narrated by former US Vice president Al

Gore which educated the viewers about the harmful effects of greenhouse gases. . This film gives
statistics, experimental data, and other rather hard to grasp facts that prove how planet earth is
being destroyed by our industrial societies It has stated many points accounting to the destruction
of the environment due to excess heat trapped by the greenhouse gases. It is a very important
film because it opened the awareness of people about that topic. It made many people be
conscious about the everyday activities they are doing which can affect the future of our

. Before people did not take these matters seriously saying that the earth is so huge that
we cannot cause it to heat up but displaying actual evidences made people realize that this is a
major problem that must be addressed .The importance of this film is vital to the environment of
the future as the effects of global warming is gradually felt. People are starting to take part in
helping the community be responsible. It was alarming to see the various effects of the dramatic
increase in carbon emissions by the world since carbon is one of the many greenhouse gasses
present in the atmosphere that actively participates to the rapid warming of Earth resulting to the
global rise in temperature. Greenhouse gases which are coming from the combustion of fossil
fuel are the cause of global warming, reducing the emissions of vehicles and the regulations on
the usage of fossil fuel greatly affected the carbon emissions.

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