English Project

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News Report (English)

Whats the impact of using internet?

Why we should use an internet?
When did you use an internet?
Who teach you how to use an internet?
How is your first experience in using internet?
One of the technology product sometimes give you bad or good thing
In college
Can give you benefits
in 1998
Made life easier
Tahu banyak hal yang gak diketahui
5 years old dirumah
Mencari informasi
orang tua
Searching google for homework
Can get a lot of information
At home
To get information to studying
When need to
To register email
Gak tahu
Gak tahu
To find information
Kelas 2 sd
Gak tahu
Lebih banyak pengetahuan
Di sekolah
Lebih mudah dapat information
Smp 2003
Mengubah hidup



Source : http://te.net.id/v2/konten/images/Internet-1.jpg

Actually we should interviewed

Then, They also said that we should use

about 5 stores in MTA. We think that we

internet for our benefits in communication

just have to interview 1 store. So we had to

and find an information. Most of them

interviewed people around us.

answered that the person who taught them to

We interviewed five peoples and

use internet for the first time was their

most of them answer that we used internet to

parents, and one of them said that he learned

get an information. Two of them said that

it by himself. We asked them about their

the first time they used an internet was at

first experience when they used internet, and

home. The others said that they used an

how does it change them, and two of them

internet for the first time at school, college

said that internet made life easier, and it

and One person said that he doesnt know it.

change their life for a greater good. What

about your internet experience?

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