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What is Dangling Pointer?

What is Memory Leak?

what is a smart pointer?

What is auto pointer?

Why should you use smart pointers?. Explain in detail.

Explain Storage issues of Smart Pointers?

Explain whether Member Functions should be used in Smart P

what is the size of class which has int, double, and char?

What is faster ++i or i++, where i is an interger variable?

what happens if you write this code? string& foo() { return "H

How does free know the size of memory to be deleted.? int *i =

free(i); how did free function call know how much of memory

Write a function to display an integer in a binary format.

Implement Binary Search Tree in C++?

Implement Binary Heap in C++?

Implement Vector class in C++?

Implement STL List template class in C++? STL List class is

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