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Fajriyah, Happy Eka. 2015. Increasing fine motor skill through splash colour
game to the groub B of TK Al-Hidayah Wonorejo 01 Kabupaten Blitar.
Thesis, Department of Elementary and Preschool Education, Faculty of
Education, University of Malang. Advisor: (I) Dr. H. Alif Mudiono,
M.Pd, (II) Wuri Astuti, S.Pd
Keywords: fine motor skill, splash colour game, children in groub B
Learning to develop fine motor skill in children aged 5-6 years in TK AlHidayah Wonorejo 01 Kabupaten Blitar less than optimal. Only 25% of children
whose ability to develop according to expectations. Found some problems are the
cause, namely, learning to play the atmosphere is very less so that children get
bored and feel compelled to accept learning.
The purpose of this study are: (1) describe the application of Splash
Colour Game to improve fine motor skill groub B in TK Al-Hidayah Wonorejo 01
Kabupaten Blitar, (2) describe the application of Splash Colour Game can
improve fine motor skill groub B in TK Al-Hidayah Wonorejo 01 Kabupaten
Blitar. This type of research used in this research is classroom action research
(PTK). The study was conducted by two cycles each cycle consisting of (1)
planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. Subjects of this
study were children in groub B TK Al-Hidayah Wonorejo 01 Kabupaten Blitar 9
boys and 11 girls. The instrument used is the observation sheet, sheet work
method, and documentation. Data analysis techniques classroom action research is
conducted qualitatively.
The results showed that through the Splash Colour Game fine motor skill
of children in groub B can be increased, this is evidenced by the pre action fine
motor skill of children by 25% with the criteria very less, at cycle I amounted to
42.5% with less criteria, and increased on the cycle II was increased to 87.5%
with the criteria very well.
Based on the research that has been done can be concluded
implementation Splash Colour Game can improve fine motor skill groub B in TK
Al-Hidayah Wonorejo 01 Kabupaten Blitar. Suggestions were put forwad that
more schools are expected to vary the learning activites not only with books
childrens activities an provide equipment activity fun game for children, theacher
should determine the pattern of activity which is simpler and bigger, and activities
conducted in groups, other than that the teacher can make protective clothing of
plastic so kids clothes are not dirty.

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