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cannot (and will not) create anything official

due to the copyrights and trademarks involved.

However, as my gift to my blogs readers and to
the many fans of the show, I created this
documenta simple compilation of all Thundarr
Thursday posts that have appeared on The
Savage AfterWorld in the past year.

The year: 1994. From out of space comes a

runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth
destruction. Man's civilization is cast in ruin.
Two-thousand years later, Earth is reborn...A
strange new world rises from the old: A
world of savagery, super science, and
sorcery. But one man bursts his bonds to
fight for justice! With his companions Ookla
the Mok and Princess Ariel, he pits his
strength, his courage, and his fabulous Sun
Sword against the forces of evil.
He is Thundarr the Barbarian!
And with those words, Thundarr, Ookla the Mok,
and Princess Ariel the Sorceress rode off to fight
injustice in a post-apocalyptic wasteland under a
shattered moon. The cartoon series Thundarr
the Barbarian ran for 21 episodes from 19801982, and it was imaginative fuel for many of my
junior high Gamma World games.
Now here I am27 years laterand Im still a
fan of the show and of ruined-earth RPGs. After
discovering the joys of Mutant Future (rules
available for free at, I
decided to create a blog named The Savage
AfterWorld ( and
populate it with all of the mutants, ruins, and
Ancient artifacts I could recall from the RPG
campaigns of my youth. And I kept coming back
to a certain barbarian and his companions for
blog fodder. Thus began Thundarr Thursday
where I would take some facet from the show
and convert it for use with Mutant Future.
Many readers of my blog have written to me,
asking me to create a Thundarr the Barbarian
supplement for Mutant Future. I obviously

Gathered within is a cornucopia of Thundarrrelated Mutant Future material including:

Three new PC character classes!
Eight nefarious NPCs!
Eleven new devices!
Twenty-nine (!) new creatures!
And four adventures based on classic
It is hoped that you will enjoy reading this
collection of blog posts andperhapsworking
some Thundarr-inspired adventure into your
Mutant Future campaign!
I want to make one thing abundantly clear: The
Savage AfterWorld and its blog-meister (yours
truly) makes no claim of ownership or rights
to any part of the Thundarr the Barbarian
television series. All materials are copyrights of
their respective owners. All information, images,
and materials on both the blog and in this
compilation are intended for entertainment
purposes only.
Also, I am somewhat unclear who currently
owns the rights to Thundarr the Barbarian and
its related trademarks, since it has traded hands
more than a few times in the last 27 years. So Ill
just say thanks to Ruby-Spears Entertainment,
AOL Time/Warner, and Warner Bros. And
finally, Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord are
trademarks of Daniel Proctor. Thanks Dan for
creating and bringing these great games to us!
So grab your Sun Sword, jump upon your
equort, and ride off to face yet another evil
wizard terrorizing the human survivors in the
world of Thundarr the Barbarian!
Lords of Light! Ookla, ArielWe ride!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Sniderman


Hit Dice: 1d8 per point of CON

Mutations: none
Barbarians are the uncivilized nomads of the
Thundarr universe. Trained since birth in the
ways of combat and self-sufficiency, Barbarians
are the natural survivors of the future Earth. It is
assumed that Barbarians are part of a larger
tribal race, but it is very rare to encounter more
than one or two Barbarians at a time. They are
usually dressed in animal hides and furs, which
are decorated with bones and teeth of past
hunting victories.
Barbarians appear to be an offshoot of Pure
Strain Humans although, unlike the typical
humans encountered, they are muscular and in
good physical condition. Due to a lifetime of
physical training, Barbarians gain +2 when
rolling for both Strength and Constitution.
Because of their "hardiness," Barbarians roll 1d8
per point of Constitution for their hit point totals.
A Barbarian's true abilities lie within his acrobatic
skills and heightened agility, enabling him to
commit almost superhuman feats. This is due to
the +3 Dexterity bonus gained when rolling up a
Barbarian. Barbarians will never be encountered
with any mutations. (In the Thundarr universe,
mutations are usually limited to wizard
deformities or the dangerous monsters that
roam the wastelands.)

Because of their savage outward appearance

and primitive way of speaking, a Barbarian may
be viewed as not very intelligent. In fact, the
opposite is true: A Barbarian is incredibly clever
and quick-witted. They do not receive a bonus or
penalty when rolling for Intelligence. However,
since Barbarians have not had much exposure
to Ancient history, artifacts, and technology, they
have a permanent -10% Technology Roll
But even though they may be ignorant of
Ancient history and devices, a Barbarian is not
distrustful of technology and may even be found
using an Ancient device comfortably. (For
example, Zogar's cyborg arm.) Barbarians are
usually armed with a special weapon that they
prefer in combat. The Mutant Lord may wish to
present the PC with a unique weapon to wield,
i.e., Thundarr's Sun Sword, Zogar's Flaming
Trident, or Shara's Skull Mace.

Barbarians can be of either lawful or chaotic

alignment, but because of their driving passions
and goals, Barbarians will never be of Neutral
alignment. Barbarians are usually arrogant and
stubborn, refusing to listen to reason until the
situation requires it. Barbarians are quick to
action as well, almost reckless in nature, as they
quickly grow impatient. They will be the first to
enter combat, which - to them - is usually the
most direct course of action for any situation.
In spite of their hotheaded shortcomings,
Barbarians can be fairly friendly and helpful
once you get to know them and once they have
given you their trust. Barbarians are fiercely
loyal to their friends, seeing the value of
traveling in numbers with a like-minded group.
Any Barbarians encountered who are traveling
alone are usually of a self-serving chaotic nature
and should be viewed with caution.

Barbarians are very vocal, preferring to let loose

with a war cry when fighting. ("Ahhhhhhhhhee!") They may also have a few catchphrases
they will utter when surprised or angered.
("Lords of Light! Demon Dogs!") The player
should be encouraged to come up with one of
two "catchphrases" to endlessly shout


Hit Dice: 1d8 per point of CON

Mutations: None
The Mok is a fierce-looking humanoid race
known for its superhuman strength and
ferocious appearance. It is undetermined if Moks
are an evolved form of animal, a mutated form of
human, an alien race, or a completely new
species. A Mok is a large humanoid, usually
between 7-9 feet tall. The face appears felinelike with a hardened, fang-lined, flattened beak
for a mouth. A thick mane of hair encompasses
the head of a Mok and their bodies are covered
with fur usually tan, blond, or very dark brown
in color. The Moks hands are clawed, and their
feet are nearly cloven hooves. Because of their
fur, Moks do not need to wear clothing (and
prefer not to), though they will wear a loincloth,
briefs, or other modesty coverings.
Moks are supremely strong and hardy. A Mok
gains a +3 when rolling for Strength and
Constitution. Both scores can increase beyond
21 during level progression, making an older
experienced Mok capable of incredible feats of
strength and endurance. Moks also roll 1d8 per
point of CON for their hp total instead of the
usual 1d6. However, Moks receive a 2 when
rolling for Charisma due to its frightening
countenance. People who have never before
encountered a Mok may run away, cower in
fear, or attack the monster. No Moks have ever
been encountered with mutant abilities.
Moks have their own language that sounds like
random growls, snarls, and grunts to most
intelligent species. Even though a Mok can learn
and understand most common languages, they
are unable to speak in any language other than
the Mok tongue, making communication difficult.

And the Mok language can be learned and

understood by other non-Moks, but it is
impossible for any other than a Mok to speak it.
It is assumed that if a Mok is within an
adventuring party, the Mok can understand the
other PCs and the PCs can understand the Mok.
However, the Mok will oftentimes find that they
cannot communicate with NPCs, leading to
needed translation from the other PCs.
Despite their frightening appearance and quick
tempers, Moks are actually very friendly and
social creatures. Moks believe in the values of
justice and community, and thus will never be of
a chaotic alignment. Moks are blindly loyal to
their friends. Moks sometimes are unaware of
their own strength and will accidentally tear
doors from hinges, crush fragile items in their
oversized hands, or other damaging mishaps.
Moks are incredibly afraid of water and will not
willingly allow themselves to get wet.


knowledge of Ancient history and geography,

whereas Merlik the Sorcerer reveled in Old
Earth youth slang (though he was bad at it). It is
assumed that Sorcerers studied the Ancients
during their training in the mystical arts. The ML
is encouraged to allow a Sorcerer PC to choose
one facet of the Ancients that he has studied
(technology, history, language, etc.).

Hit Dice: 1d6 per point of CON

Mutations: none (or energy manipulation; see
Sorcerers are the magic-wielders of the
Thundarr universe. They are able to draw upon
mystical forces, bending, shaping, and warping
them to their will. They are able to cast spells of
an offensive, defensive, healing, and/or
destructive nature. Sorcerers are powerful, yet
sometimes feared by humans as they can easily
be mistaken for an evil Wizard.
Sorcerers appear to be Pure Strain Humans,
although they are usually dressed in better finery
than the human survivor rabble encountered in
the wastelands. Due to their training and study
of the magical arts, Sorcerers gain a +2 when
rolling for Intelligence and Willpower. Sorcerers
do not have any mutations (unless the ML
determines that the ability to cast magic itself is
a mutation; see below). Sorcerers are always
Lawful or Neutral in nature. Chaotic Sorcerers
are better knows as the evil Wizards in the
Thundarr world.

Before we can discuss the abilities of Sorcerers,

we need to discuss the nature of magic in the
world of Thundarr. Magic is common in this
shattered world under the broken moon, but how
to explain it? I offer two explanations for the
consideration of the Mutant Lord:

Sorcerers seem to have a fascination with

Ancient culture. Princess Ariel had extensive

When the runaway planet hurtled

between the Earth and the Moon, it
destruction. It also tore open the
magical energy stored within the ley
lines that crisscross the planet. Magic
energies spilled forth throughout the
world and those persons attuned to it
can harness and channel it. These
people eventually became the original
Wizards and Sorcerers of the future.
Magic isn't "real." Rather, Sorcerers and
Wizards are actually mutants with the
ability to manipulate energy. This energy
could be defined as the lifeforce in all
atmosphere, etc. Regardless, energy
manipulation could be considered a
mutation and therefore susceptible to
anything that would remove or hamper

Regardless, a magic system that is compatible

with Mutant Future already exists and is
available in Labyrinth Lord. It is suggested that
Section 3: Spells from the Labyrinth Lord rules
be implemented and used. Sorcerers (and by

extension, Wizards) are able to cast spells just

as if they were of the same level of a MagicUser or Elf in Labyrinth Lord. Cleric spells are
unavailable to Sorcerers. When a Sorcerer casts
a spell, there are two facets to remember:

All Sorcerer spells manifest themselves

with colorful beams of energy. For
example, if the spell is Hold Person, the
energy snakes out from the caster's
hands and wraps around the target.
Charm Person may manifest as a
flashing hypnotic pattern. It is left to the
PC or ML as to how the spell appears
when cast.
One limitation is that a Sorcerer MUST
have at least one free hand to cast
spells. If a Sorcerer's hands and arms
are bound or otherwise immobile, a spell
cannot be cast. Wizards are not,
however, bound by this limitation.

Sorcerers are level-headed and will not willingly

rush into a dangerous situation, preferring to
weigh a course of action. They are better
educated than most, but they are rarely
egotistical. They use their magical abilities
sparingly as too much magic use can lead to
corruption and eventual downfall into the ways
of a Wizard. (See The Wicked Ways of Wizards
elsewhere in this booklet.) For each time a PC
uses his/her magic in a harmful, destructive, or
evil manner, the ML should secretly roll a 5%
check versus corruption. This corruption check
is cumulative, so future checks are 10%, 15%,
20%, etc. Failure means that the PC has
succumbed to the power and has become a
Wizard. This new Wizard can become a new
NPC villain for the PCs to contend with!


An Aquagill is an Ancient facemask that enables

the wearer to function underwater as if they
were above water. When wearing an Aquagill,
the wearer is able to breathe underwater as well
as speak. Treat the wearer as having the
mutation of water breathing while it is in use.
An Aquagill is a soft rubber facemask with a
hard clear plastic see-through faceshield. A
large cup-like apparatus (the intake) fits over the
nose and mouth. Unlike Scuba gear which acts
as a self-contained air reservoir, an Aquagill
takes in water through the nose/mouth intake
and draws out breathable oxygen for the wearer.
The deoxygenated water is then expelled
through twin tubes on either side of the intake.

The Aquagill not only supplies air to the wearer,

it also acts as a pressurizer on the wearer's
body. Through Ancient processes (not fully
understood), the Aquagill allows the wearer to
descend to underwater depths that would
normally crush them. Even at one mile
underwater, the wearer will feel a slight pressure
on his or her chest at most. An Aquagill uses a
standard power cell which allows it to run for 1
hour before being depleted.

Even though the Aquagill allows the wearer to

function underwater, this does not enable them
to swim any better than they could without it. A
set of swimfins or other swimming aid may be
necessary to keep the wearer from flailing about
helplessly. Also, since the Aquagill uses water
as its air source, it cannot be successfully used
outside of an underwater environment. Wearing
an Aquagill in this situation would ironically be
suffocating for the wearer since it is incapable of
drawing oxygen from dry air. It will not protect
the wearer from poison gasses, smoke, or other
airborne contaminants.


The Black Pearl is an Ancient artifact capable of

deadening the powers of wizards, sorcerers, and
other magic wielders. It appears as a fist-sized
glossy black sphere with no markings, openings,
switches, or dials. Anyone who physically holds
the Pearl is immune from the effects of magic,
and any village that possesses the Pearl is
enveloped by a magic-dampening field,
protecting it from the wrath of evil wizards. It is
undetermined if the Black Pearl is a mystical or
technological artifact.
In the cartoon series, The Black Pearl was being
transported to the village of Manhatt when the
courier was ambushed by groundlings trying to
obtain the Pearl for the evil Wizard Gemini.
Fortunately, Thundarr and his party drove away
the rat-like beings and delivered the Pearl to the
villagers. While carrying the Pearl, Geminis
magic had no effect on Thundarr, and at the
conclusion of the episode, the Pearl was hurled
at Gemini to explosive effect.
If your Mutant Future game has magic in it, the
Black Pearl should act as a magic sink. Magic
does not work within a 100-yard radius of the
Pearl. Both wizards and sorcerers should find
themselves powerless within the Pearls range.
Also, any magic cast into the Pearls range of
influence fizzles out once it comes within 100
yards. However, pre-existing magical effects are
NOT canceled out if brought into the Pearls
area of influence.

On the other hand, if your Mutant Future game

does not encompass magic, the Black Pearl
should rather act as a mental mutation
dampener within a 100-yard radius. All mental
mutations both beneficial and drawback are
unavailable to the mutant. (Physical mutations
are unaffected.) And, just like magic, mental
mutation effects will be abolished if they are cast
into the Pearls range.


Flowers are highly flammable, so cultivators will

try to keep all sources of flame and heat away
from the fields.
Death Flowers can be used by the Mutant Lord
as the hook for an adventure. ("The local
populace are starting to disappear and the
nearby wizard seems to be amassing an army of
mindless slaves!") Or a local gang of toughs
may discover the use of the pollen and will have
made up some crude pollen blowers with which
to enthrall some victims for their use and/or

The Death Flower is a bright red tulip-like flower.

Despite its name, it is not deadly. Rather, the
Death Flower's pollen can place a humanoid
creature into a powerful "death-like" trance.
Anyone under the hypnotic spell of the Death
Flower will be a mindless thrall until the pollen
wears off.
Death Flowers grow in hot, sunny, humid
climates. Wizards and other villains with grand
plans will grow large fields of the flower in order
to cultivate the pollen for their nefarious use.
(And it's easy to get slaves to harvest the flower
- just use the flower itself and bring victims
under your thrall!)

The Death Flower's pollen acts as a powerful

sedative, literally blanking the mind of anyone
who is careless enough to breathe in any of it.
Lackeys and minions will often arm themselves
with a "pollen blower." If pollen is blown into the
face of a victim, the victim must save versus
poison or come under the command of the
manipulator. A hypnotized victim can roll versus
their WIL (halved) once an hour to try to break
free of the pollen's spell. The pollen will wear off
after 24 hours. However, since the slave is often
put to work in the Death Flower fields where
they are in constant contact with the pollen, they
may never break the spell. One note - Death


One of the most powerful artifacts in the

Thundarr universe is The Guardian. This
mechanical marvel looks like a large
computerized sphere on a mechanized base
with two satellite dishes attached to the top of it.
Seated at the foot of The Guardian are three
large spheres riddled with antennae, each with a
single laser barrel sticking out of the center.
When a predetermined perimeter is breached or
threatened, The Guardian's three orbs will
activate, taking flight in tandem to neutralize the
In actuality, The Guardian is an Ancient
supercomputer designed to disarm and
immobilize an armed foe. According to
information revealed in the episode "Portal Into
Time," The Guardian was developed by
Guardian Computer LTD in the late 1980s for
the U.S. Defense Department. When The
Guardian is programmed and activated, its
sensors constantly sweep the area, searching
for any threats within range. If any threat is
detected (weapons, large armored vehicles, or
other devices of a combat-offensive nature), The
Guardian's three orbs will launch, flying off to

If they encounter any hostile action or if a

potential threat is determined to exist, the orbs
will each fire a very destructive disintegration
beam. This beam will instantly de-atomize any
non-living item. (The device was designed to

disarm, not to kill.) The orbs will first target any

large mechanized devices (tanks, trucks, etc.). If
the threat still exists, they will then target any
energy-based weapons as well as explosives.
They will then move onto projectile-firing guns
and rifles. If the enemy still advances, the orbs
will begin removing everything else of a nonorganic, non-living nature (leaving the enemy
disarmed and demoralized). Usually a disarmed
foe will either retreat or will be easier for the
defenders to subdue. The orbs themselves are
highly armored (treat as AC 1) as well as being
protected by a forcefield.

Because of its highly destructive ability (and

potential for abuse by power-hungry PCs!), The
Guardian should be used as a plot device for the
Mutant Lord rather than a potential weapon. In
the episode "Portal Into Time," The Guardian
blew a circuit while defending a village (housed
in the remnants of The Alamo) from the wizard
Krom. Thundarr, Ookla, and Ariel had to travel
back to the 1980s and retrieve a new circuit to
repair The Guardian of the future before Krom
and his minions could overtake the Alamo
villagers. A similar quest would make for an
exciting adventure in the World of Thundarr!


The Moondial is a very powerful Ancient artifact

that opens a doorway to other times and other
places. Simply put, The Moondial is a time
In the world of Thundarr the Barbarian, time
travel is not unheard of, though it is rare. Some
powerful wizards such as the wizard Vashtarr
are able to rip open the fabric of time using only
their magic. Others, like the wizard Krom, rely on
devices and machines to open a portal into time.
The Moondial is one such device.

The Moondial apparently runs on magical

energy. (If magic is not used in your campaign,
the energy meeded to power this should be
astronomical - such as a dedicated power plant
or fission chamber.) Once enough arcane
energies are poured into the device, it will
activate - gears and knobs turning, dials
spinning, and other lights and diodes blinking
and flashing. Behind The Moondial is a large set
of doors which will then slide open, revealing an
image of the destination. This "time door" is the
gateway to whatever time and place The
Moondial has been set for. Once something
passes through the time door, a portal is
effectively "locked open" at the destination
coordinates usable only by the original
travellers. When the open portal is re-entered,

the travellers will return moments after they left.

For example, if Thundarr entered the time door
and appeared in 1982, there would be a time
door back to 3994 - his home time - at the same
location he appeared at. Only he can see and
re-enter the doorway back to his home time.
(This is to keep others from wandering into the
shining doorway to find themselves surrounded
by wizards and moks.)
Setting The Moondial for a specific time and
place is a very complex process understandable
only by the most cunning and educated of
wizards. Most likely, the PCs will use The
Moondial to go back in time to whatever place
and coordinates the device is already set for.
Fooling around with The Moondial's settings is
dangerous indeed. Anyone who tries to reset it
should find themselves thrown to some random
location in space/time. (If you really wish to
teach them a lesson, have the return time door
be inaccessible or missing.)
The wizard Krom uses The Moondial to loot the
past, bringing powerful Ancient artifacts and
weapons back to the future for his use.
Fortunately, Krom is not a very imaginative
wizard, settling on bringing back rifles, lasers,
and armored tanks rather than more destructive
weapons or more dangerous substances.
Thundarr and his companions used The
Moondial to travel back to 1982 to secure a
replacement part for The Guardian. Upon their
return to the future, Thundarr destroyed The
Moondial so Krom would be unable to gain more
weapons or - worse - fool around with and
change the past.

A clever Mutant Lord should be able to find all

kinds of uses and plots for The Moondial, but it
should be used sparingly and with caution. After
all, if Krom thought to bring working Ancient
weapons and devices back to the future, what's
to keep a clever PC from doing the same?


Weapon: Sarott's Gauntlet

Damage: Electrical-4d6; Laser-4d6; CrushingSTR x 2; Stun
Attacks: 1
Range: N/A
Weight: 2 lbs.
Battery: Beltpack or Backpack
Charges: 25/50

a save vs. energy attacks is made.

However, the lasers will also set
flammable materials on fire as well as
burning a hole through softer materials.
Crushing Grasp - The Gauntlet
effectively doubles the strength of the
wielder, bestowing all STR benefits
associated with it. (If a PC has STR of
15, they have a STR of 30 when using
the Gauntlet as an attack weapon.)
Also, if the Gauntlet's wearer chooses to
do so, they will do their STR times 2 hit
points of damage just by holding and
crushing the item. (A PC with STR of 15
will do 30 HP damage with the Crushing
Stun - Upon contact, the Gauntlet can
emit a Stun attack. If a save vs. stun
attacks is failed, the victim will be
stunned for 2d4 turns.

Due to the variety of attacks available, the

Gauntlet should be viewed as a very powerful
weapon. However, the Gauntlet also has a huge
power drain on it, using two charges per attack
rather than the usual one charge. Owners of the
Gauntlet have come to find that their power
usage is more trouble than the variety of attacks
is worth.
The wizard Sarott stole an Ancient Gauntlet of
Power from a village at the beginning of the
episode "City of Evil." Thundarr and his
companions were able to retrieve it before Sarott
could do any real damage with it. However,
while he wore it, he managed to trigger several
interesting effects. This entry encompasses
everything this gauntlet was shown to do.
Sarott's Gauntlet is capable of four different
kinds of attacks. The wielder is able to trigger
any one of the four attacks per round. (The user
chooses which attack method will be used each
round.) The four abilities of the Gauntlet are:

Electrical Shock - The Gauntlet can fire

out a bolt of electrical power that will do
4d6 hit points of damage unless a save
vs. energy attacks is made. This attack
will fry electronics and possibly short out
a robotic/android PC.
Laser Beam - The Gauntlet can
discharge a series of four laser beams,
one from each fingertip. This beam will
also do 4d6 hit points of damage unless


Weapon: Shock Lance

Damage: 2d6+15, Stun
Attacks: 1
Range: N/A
Weight: 7 lbs.
Battery: N/A (if magical) or Beltpack
Charges: N/A (if magical) or 25
The Shock Lance is a magical weapon wielded
by the Raiders of the Abyss during their human
hunts. It appears like a long slender rod of bone
or ivory, covered with deeply carved lines and
veins. A Shock Lance is slightly longer than an
Energy Baton and weighs slightly more.

When a Shock Lance strikes a victim, it does

2d6+15 hit points of damage. This damage will
not penetrate a force screen however. Any
attempt to hit a victim will count toward a
discharge. Even more devastating is that a
successful hit will also stun a victim for 1d6
rounds if a save versus stun attacks fails in the
same manner as a Stun Baton. When a victim is
immobilized in this manner, the Raider will then
scoop up the collapsed human prey in a net,
taking them back to the Abyss where they never
return from.
In the Thundarr universe, magic co-exists with
future technology. The Shock Lance is a magical

weapon rather than a technological one. If magic

exists in your Mutant Future campaign, then the
Shock Lance does not have a battery to rely on
for its energy purposes and it should have
limitless charges to pull from. If, however, magic
does not exist in your campaign, use the tech
stats as described above.


Weapon: The Sun Sword

Damage: Toon version Special; Mutant Future
version 1d10+16
Attacks: 1
Range: N/A
Weight: 5 lbs.
Battery: Toon version N/A; Mutant Future
version Minifusion cell
Charges: Toon version N/A; Mutant Future
version Cell depleted after 30 minutes of use
The Sun Sword is the iconic flaming sword
wielded by Thundarr the Barbarian and has
been referred in the show as "the most powerful
weapon on the planet." When inactive, the Sun
Sword appears to be a simple bladeless sword
hilt that magnetically attaches to Thundarrs
wrist gauntlet. When grasped by Thundarr, a
blazing flame-like beam of energy springs to life.
On the show, the Sun Swords blade can
effortlessly cut through nearly anything without
problems. It can also deflect energy bolts,
standard projectiles, and magical spells (which
exist in the Thundarr future). The Sun Sword
has been used to cut a passage through
concrete walls; melt open a steel doorway; and
actually cut through bedrock to allow escape
from a cave. There seems to be very little that
the Sun Sword cannot cut through. However,
even though the Sun Sword could apparently cut
through flesh as if it were butter, the cartoon
never showed Thundarr cleaving an opponent in
two. Instead hed trap them or block their
passage by using the Sun Sword to bring down
their surroundings (cutting down a tree so it
would fall on a villain, for example).

In the Thundarr universe, magic co-exists with

future technology. The Sun Sword is a magical
weapon rather than a technological one.
Although the Sun Sword has nearly limitless
energy, it needs to be recharged in a magical
Pool of Power only when it is seriously damaged
or drained (such as when it is struck by scarlet
lightning in Master of the Stolen Sun Sword).
Only the person who recharges it can activate
the blade, as the Sun Sword will imprint upon
the wielder during the recharge.
OK, thats enough background about the original
version as presented in the show. As you can
surmise, a flaming sword with limitless energy
that can cut through anything is just too powerful
an artifact to be introduced into a Mutant Future
game. (Also, the Sun Sword is a wholly unique
device usable only by Thundarr, so the original
wouldnt be of any use even if it WERE
available.) So try this version:
A Sun Sword is a technological weapon similar
in design and construction as a warp-field sword
(MF rulebook, pg. 112). The activated blade,
however, is a thin column of blazing plasma that
does 1d10+16 hit points of damage. It also
attacks as if the target has an AC 1 level worse
due to the searing heat produced by the blade.
The Sun Sword runs on a minifusion cell that will
be depleted after 30 minutes of use.


War Machines are the gargantuan, deathdealing transports of evil wizards. They are
monstrously huge and bristling with highly
destructive weapons. A wizard often uses a War
Machines in one of three ways: as an impressive
and intimidating show of his power; to utterly
decimate a village or town with minimal effort; or
to attack another wizard. In the cartoon, War
Machines have been wildly varied with respect
to size, armament, weaponry, and crew. But all
War Machines have one thing in common they
are pretty much unstoppable short of the
interference of another, larger War Machine.
It is difficult, if not impossible, for the Mutant
Lord to come up with statistics for a War
Machine since the devices size itself is
staggering. They can be as small as a
skyscraper, or as big as a several city blocks. As
an example, one of Mindoks War Machines
seen above dwarfed the multilevel building
complex it was parked next to.

War Machines also have a wizards most

powerful weapons. Entire Ancient buildings have
crumbled into dust with only one shot of a
disintegrator beam. It could have a huge set of
robotic claws that can pick up and thrown

buildings. It could be covered with lasers that fire

out simultaneously in a multitude of directions. If
the Mutant Lord can imagine it, a War Machine
could be armed with it.
War Machines are also versatile as far as to
where they can go. They have been shown
traveling underwater, trundling across the
wastelands, and flying through the skies and
even into space. Theyve been seen running on
huge tires, tank treads, hover jets, rocket
engines, or other modes of transport. War
Machines are often crewed and defended by
either a robot army or a wizards mutant minions
(such as Groundlings, Carrocs, or Feloids).
However, some War Machines are fully
automated, either being run by the wizard
himself on the bridge or remotely from a

Once a War Machine is underway, nothing short

of a tactical nuke will slow it down. So how are
the PCs supposed to go up against a fortress on
wheels? Well, if a War Machine has a
weakness, it would be its size. They are not able
to move very quickly; a fast horse can keep up
with one. In addition, due its size, they are very
difficult to defend from intruders and boarders. A
wizard may be watching for a massive army to
attack, but is not prepared for one mutant with a
crowbar to open up a hatch to gain entrance.
Once access is gained to the inside, the Mutant
Lord could run the exploration as a kind of
mobile dungeon crawl with the War Machine
taking on the qualities of a large building or even
If the War Machine is headed toward that small
village a few miles away, the PCs will need to
find out how to stop it in time. There are several
ways to stop a War Machine (left to the Mutant
Lords discretion):

The War Machines power source could

be removed or destroyed.
If access is gained to the control room,
the War Machine could be steered off a
cliff, into the ocean, or if it flies
crashed into the ground or into the
depths of space.
The War Machine may be heavily
armored on the outside, but the interior
is not. Enough damage to the controls
and mechanics will cause it to grind to a
One of the minions operating the
controls could be convinced to share
the self-destruct codes.
The PCs may be able to defeat the
wizard, convincing him to stop the War
Machine in exchange for his life.

Bringing a War Machine into a Mutant Future

campaign should not be done lightly since the
power of one is potentially campaign-breaking.
(You're introducing an unstoppable machine with
unimaginable weapons into your game. What
happens if the PCs take control of it?) A War
Machine should be introduced as something
akin to a force of nature - and one that must be
utterly destroyed before it completes its mission
of doom.


minutes. After 30 minutes of use, the power cell

will be drained.
If the Nega-Sword has a weakness, it is the
power cell it uses. The cell is the size and weight
of an automotive battery, making the sword very
difficult to transport and use. Also, if the cables
are severed, the Nega-Sword will power down.
Since the cables are only 15' long, Yondo must
have the power cell either with him or near him
at all times. If attacked with the Nega-Sword, it is
best to target the power cell or hope that the
power cell is quickly drained.

Weapon: Yondo's Nega-Sword

Damage: 1d10+16; Blast-4d6
Attacks: 1
Range: Blast-120'
Weight: 5 lbs.
Battery: Special (see description)
Charges: 30 minutes of use. Each "blast"
decreases the power by 3 minutes.
Jealous of Thundarr's Sun Sword, the "wizard"
Yondo attempted to steal the weapon. (See
entries on The Sun Sword and Yondo the
Wizard for more information.) He was successful
for a short time until Thundarr was able to
retrieve it. However, Yondo was able to glean
enough knowledge of the Sun Sword's workings
to create a perverse duplicate of Thundarr's
weapon -- a blade he called "The Nega-Sword."
When powered down, the Yondo's Nega-Sword
is a thin-bladed fencing rapier with two long
cables (about 15' long) snaking from the handle.
These cables are then plugged into a large
power cell. (In the cartoon, it was implied that
this was a common automobile battery.)
However, Yondo was able to channel some very
powerful negative "red" lightning into the power
cell, which in turn powers the Nega-Sword.
When activated, the Sword's blade is sheathed
in a glowing crimson beam and, when swung,
the air hisses with energy. The Nega-Sword was
shown to be an even match for Thundarr's Sun
Sword, deflecting an attack from the legendary
As an evenly-matched weapon, the Nega-Sword
deals 1d10+16 hit points of damage just like the
original Sun Sword. However, the Nega-Sword
can also fire out a blast of negative lightning at a
distance of 120'. This blast deals 4d6 of
electrical damage to anything hit. However each
blast also decreases the power level by 3


Weapon: Zogar's Trident

Damage: 1d10+16
Attacks: 1
Range: N/A
Weight: 5 lbs.
Battery: Minifusion cell
Charges: Cell depleted after 30 minutes of use
Zogar's Trident was given to him by the evil
wizard Kublai in hopes that he could use it to
thwart Thundarr and his Sun Sword. Because
Zogar was another barbarian now also armed
with a powerful energy weapon, Kublai assumed
Zogar would be triumphant.

Although presented to Zogar by a wizard, the

Trident is not magical. The weapon is a very
powerful technological artifact, powerful enough
to stand up to the Sun Sword for a short while.
In Zogar's hands, the Trident deals 1d10+16 hit
points of damage. As a thrusting weapon, it can
very easily "punch" a hole through solid matter,
though actions of this kind deplete 5 minutes of
charge for each attempt. After 30 minutes of
use, the power cell will be drained.
Although Zogar and the Trident held up to
Thundarr during a protracted fight through
Chinatown, the Trident eventually ran out of
power, and it powered down. At that time,
Thundarr easily cut the weapon in half,

disarming Zogar. (See entry for Zogar the

Barbarian for more information.)


In the post-apocalyptic world of Thundarr the

Barbarian, magic exists side-by-side with
mutation and future technology. People who can
actually harness and use magical power are
very, very rare. And with very rare exception,
magic is usually wielded by power-mad
individuals who use their arcane abilities to
terrify and rule over the disheveled humans.
These evil spell-slingers are the Wizards of the
Thundarr universe. But there are good spellcasters - Princess Ariel, for instance. Since
shes often referred to as a Sorceress, well
assume that Sorcerers are uncorrupted magic
users whereas Wizards are corrupted and foul.
Wizards are often land barons, conquering and
lording over a large area and its population.
Compared to the relative ruin the normal
humans live in, Wizards live in comparative
splendor, constructing large enforced palaces to
live in. Wizards are often in possession of
Ancient technology and - surprisingly - have a
good idea on how to use it. Wizards are also
fond of building large destructive war machines floating battleships or monstrous tanks - that
they use to keep their slaves in check as well as
to wage war with other neighboring Wizards.
Pictured are four of the more powerful Wizards
who have been encountered in the Thundarr
future world:

Gemini: This Wizard had head with two

faces - one good and one evil. When
crossed or angered, his head would
rotate, revealing the evil Gemini face
(pictured). Gemini was the only Wizard
to appear in two episodes.

Mindok: The brain of one of the Ancients

was placed into a mechanical robot
body. Over the years, Mindok learned
the ways of magic. It is said he is
Argoth: The Wizard with One Thousand
Eyes, Argoth can see in 360 degrees
around him. His eyes are the sources of
his power, as all of his spells come firing
out of them.
Skullus: This Wizard is nothing more
than a head living inside of a glass
dome. But dont let that lull you into a
sense of security as Skullus commands
one of the largest armies in the world.

Wizards are, lets face it, insane. They are

megalomaniacal. Wizards are also often
touched by several physical mutational
drawbacks, making them as ugly on the outside
as they are on the inside. It is thought that the
awesome magical forces they command have
somehow warped their minds and bodies.
On the other hand, Sorcerers are level-headed
and clear of thought. They are often found
traveling the countryside, assisting the
oppressed and downtrodden. Sorcerers either
have no physical mutations or else they are so
minor as to be unnoticeable. One school of
thought is that Wizards have surrendered
themselves fully to their magical power, making
them virtually god-like but twisted in all respects.
But Sorcerers use their magical ability sparingly
and only for good purposes, allowing them to
stave off the warping effect of the limitless
Most Wizards in the Thundarr world have long
since established themselves as lord and ruler
of their domain. Therefore, they should be of
sufficiently high enough level to present a
challenge - say 8th level or higher. Wizards
should have an army of minions at their disposal
which they will send forth to do their bidding.
(See entries on Groundlings and Carrocs for
typical Wizard minions.) A Wizards stronghold
should be virtually impenetrable to the party. In
other words, waltzing into a Wizards fortress
and confronting him just isnt going to happen. A
Wizard should be encountered only as the final
encounter of a long campaign, or if the party has
done something to REALLY tick him off. Meeting

a Wizard should be something to be feared or

built up to.
Mutant Future is fortunately fully compatible with
Goblinoid Games fantasy RPG Labyrinth Lord,
so the introduction of magic into your campaign
should be fairly easy. Wizard spells should be
selected from the Magic-User and Elf Spells
section of the Labyrinth Lord rulebook. Since
Wizards would focus their studies on spells of an
offensive or destructive nature, spells like Magic
Missile and Lightning Bolt are assumed to be in
their arsenal. Defensive spells like Hold Person
and Invisibility are also preferred. Since many of
the spells shown on the TV show dont actually
exist in the RPG, a Mutant Lord could have the
Wizard use a form of Phantasmal Force to
simulate the creation of monsters, the
destruction of buildings, etc.
In the world of Thundarr, those who can cast
spells are feared and loathed - and with good
reason. It would be in keeping with the spirit of
the cartoon to have only evil NPC Wizards
capable of using magic, and players
discouraged from choosing a path of magical
power lest they lose their mind and soul.
However, the Sorcerer PC class is explained
and fleshed out elsewhere in this document for
those adventurous enough to try.



Kordon has had a very successful career as a

pirate thanks to her ruthlessness and cunning.
She sails the rivers on a modified craft created
from parts from a naval shipyard. An aircraft
carrier platform and towers have been mounted
to a wooden log frame. Her ship is propelled by
the wind only (25 MPH max speed). This huge
craft has a battery of firearms and primitive
weapons available to the crew, but the real arms
lie in the six "fire lances" she has at her disposal
- Ancient surface-to-air missiles that can be
launched via catapult. But rather than waste
these valuable destructive weapons, Kordon
prefers to use the catapults to fire large hives
with mutant killer wasps as well as flaming
barrels of oil at her enemies.

9th Level Pure Human

STR: 12 --- INT: 15
DEX: 18 --- WIL: 13
CON: 10 --- CHA: 16
HPs: 58 --- AC: 7
Mutations: none
Described by Thundarr thusly: "As evil as she is
beautiful." Captain Kordon is an old-world pirate
in a new world. Known as the Queen of the
River Pirates, Kordon does not patrol the oceans
and seas, rather sailing and pillaging up and
down the widest rivers of the ruined earth. (In
the Thundarr universe, it is hinted that she
terrorizes the Ancient river once called the
Mississippi.) In the truest sense, she is a deadly
opponent who will stop at nothing to get what
she wants. Captain Kordon has trained herself in
the ways of swordfighting and fencing, seeing it
as the "true" way of fighting as her pirate
ancestors did. When fighting with her rapier,
Kordon receives a +2 damage bonus when she
strikes. She is also incredibly dexterous and
fast, making two attacks per melee round.

To run her ship and to do her bidding, Capt.

Kordon has a small army of 50 minions. Many of
these pirate lackeys dress in a skindiver's rubber
suit with a large stylized skull and crossbones
painted on the chest. Others dress in a
stereotypical pirate fashion. These minions are
mostly pure humans (though there could be
some mutants working for her). They have very
basic fighting skills, preferring instead to
overpower a foe in sheer numbers. They are not
particularly loyal to Kordon and will break and
run if a battle is turning against them. However,
while on board the ship, they are fearless as the
craft is the largest, most powerful water vessel
Captain Kordon is always pillaging for Ancient
weaponry with which to strengthen her ship and
her standing as the most dangerous force on the
water. If a party encounters Captain Kordon,
they'd better be prepared to face a clever
tactician, a master swordsman, many armed
minions, and the most powerful ship they will
likely ever encounter.


mindless robotic drones dressed in armor from

various periods throughout history (taken from
various Ancient museums). Gemini will send
these warrior Knights out to fight for him before
he will enter combat himself.

11th Level Sorcerer

STR: 13 --- INT: 16
DEX: 11 --- WIL: 20
CON: 16 --- CHA: Good-17; Evil-8
HPs: 60 --- AC: 4
Mutations: optic emissions
The evil wizard Gemini is the closest thing
Thundarr has to an archvillian. He is the only foe
to face Thundarr on more than one occasion,
and he even appears in the opening credits of
the show. Gemini should be considered the
most dangerous being in the Thundarr universe.

As an 11th level wizard, Gemini has the

following numbers of spells and levels
memorized: four 1st level spells; three 2nd, 3rd,
and 4th level spells; two 5th level spells; and
one 6th level spell. The Mutant Lord should use
the magic-user/elf spells from the Labyrinth Lord
rules. Even without his spells, Gemini is a
powerful fighter. He receives 2 attacks per round
and gains a +2 damage bonus when in hand-tohand combat.
When encountered, Gemini may very well have
a small number of Groundlings and HawkPeople with him, as these creatures have served
him as minions in the past. All of his minions are
blindly loyal, as disloyalty is punishable by any
number of very painful deaths.

Geminis most striking feature is his dual-faced

head. He reveals one face his good face when initially dealing with people or when trying
to win over strangers to his lands. This face has
an effective Charisma score of 17. However,
when angered, Geminis head spins around and
a face shield slides up, covering his good face
and revealing his evil face. This evil face has
glowing red eyes and is covered with wrinkles
and scars. Although most sorcerers and wizards
are without mutations, Gemini has one special
ability. When his evil face is exposed, Gemini is
able to use his mutation of optic emissions
which blast out a laser-like beam for 4d6 hit
points of damage if they strike.
Like other evil wizards, Gemini has established
a massive stronghold where he lords over his
domain as absolute ruler and master. At his
immediate beck and call is an army of 12 known
as Gemini Knights. These Knights are actually

When first encountered, Gemini will have his

good face in place. A PC party may very well
mistake Gemini as a benevolent and kindly ruler.
But once crossed, Geminis true face and nature
will shift into place and his true evilness will be
revealed. Once angered, Gemini will never
forget the party and will resurface to torment
them for years to come until either he or they are
destroyed. And with his abilities and resources,
the odds are squarely in his favor.


8th Level Sorcerer

STR: 13 --- INT: 15
DEX: 16 --- WIL: 18
CON: 11 --- CHA: 9
HPs: 49 --- AC: 6
Mutations: water breathing
Queen Stryia is a very powerful denizen of the
deep. She is the current leader of the Amazons an aquatic race of women warriors - as well as a
powerful wizard. Her plans are to raise an army
of Amazons and then strike and conquer the
land as she has the sea. Queen Stryia usurped
the throne from Queen Deona - the rightful
Amazon ruler. As Amazon leader, she has an
underwater palace that she rules from as well as
a large number of Amazon warriors who will
follow her orders unquestioningly. However,
Queen Deona and a small rebel band hope to
one day wrest the throne away from this
powerful foe (which could be the plot hook that
leads the PCs to their first encounter with her).

Queen Stryia has many of the features of a

shark including a mouth lined with razor-sharp
teeth. To enhance her shark-like appearance,
she wears a wetsuit that has dorsal fins on the

head and back. Her hands are both clawed and

webbed. Since she is an Amazon, she has the
mutation of water breathing, which allows her to
breathe both underwater as well as on dry land.
She can also swim very quickly, doubling her
normal movement rate when underwater. When
in the water, she and her warriors ride bull
sharks (MF rulebook, page 94) as mounts.
These sharks are well-trained and will join in
underwater combat if commanded to do so.
As an 8th level wizard, Queen Stryia has the
following number of spells and levels
memorized: three 1st level spells; three 2nd
level spells; two 3rd level spells; and two 4th
level spells. The Mutant Lord should use the
magic-user/elf spells list from the Labyrinth Lord
rulebook. When fighting hand-to-hand, Queen
Stryia receives a +1 to hit and +2 to damage
when using a handheld weapon.
Although she is a skilled warrior and has
powerful magic at her command, Queen Stryia
prefers to let her Amazon army do her fighting
instead. She may confront another sorcerer
though, just to test her own power against
another spell-slinger. But if the tide begins to
turn against her, she'll retreat to her underwater
lair where she shall regroup and plot her


Batons to keep the peace. Although he appears

slow and clumsy, Sheriff Korb is a crack shot,
receiving two attacks per round as well as a +1
hit point damage bonus when fighting hand-tohand. He also has three Ancient Highway Patrol
cars at his disposal that are still functional which
he will use to chase down and capture fleeing

5th Level Pure Human

STR: 16 --- INT: 9
DEX: 12 --- WIL: 13
CON: 14 --- CHA: 11
HPs: 78 --- AC: 8
Mutations: none
Sheriff Korb is the sheriff and de facto ruler of
what remains of the Ancient city of Atlanta - now
merely a walled-in village of huts. He is an
overweight pure strain human who speaks with
an exaggerated southern accent. He dresses in
a tattered Ancient uniform of the office, and he
wears a policeman's badge, a sheriff's star, and
other law officer insignia on a sash that runs
across his chest. He wants there to be no
mistake that he is "the law around these h'yere

Sheriff Korb is incredibly corrupt. He's a bully, a

coward, a cheat, and a thief who uses his
position to push around the villagers. One tactic
he has used is to commit a crime himself, then
frame an innocent villager. Since he's judge,
jury, and executioner, the trials move swiftly and
no one is the wiser. Sheriff Korb is also in
league with the Wizard Artemus, assisting him in
his local quest for power. The Sheriff is perfectly
happy to secretly support and assist the Wizard,
knowing that he will be rewarded once Artemus
is in power.
Sheriff Korb can be easily underestimated by a
group of PCs. When first encountered, he
should appear as a down-south, aw-shucks,
clumsy, good-natured oaf. However, Korb is a
ruthless criminal who will use those mistaken
impressions to his advantage. When the PCs
drop their guard, Korb will use his deputies, his
weapons, his vehicles, and his position to frame
the PCs for a crime he himself committed. A
good adventure hook would be for the PCs to
escape from jail and avoid recapture, while
trying to clear their names!

Sheriff Korb runs the village out of an old

jailhouse in the middle of the town. Assisting him
is a loyal group of 8 Pigmen (see MF rulebook,
page 88) whom he refers to as "his deputies."
These deputies are fairly dim-witted, but they
follow Korb's orders without question. The
deputies and Korb himself are armed with Laser
Pistols Mk1 (5d6 hp damage) as well as Stun


8th Level Sorcerer

STR: 3 --- INT: 14
EX: 5 --- WIL: 21
ON: 14 --- CHA: 9
HPs: 59 --- AC: 8
Mutations: advanced mind control
Although he is only a disembodied head, Skullus
is one of the most powerful wizards found in the
Thundarr universe. As a giant 3-foot-tall head in
a glass dome, Skullus is fairly weak physically.
He is carried around on a special platform by
four hooded slaves, as he is unable to travel
about on his own. He is, however, very powerful
mentally. His high Willpower makes him
formidable in mental combat. Aside from his
magic-casting ability, Skullus also has one very
powerful and unique mental mutation. Skullus'
advanced mind control mutation gives him the
ability to completely enslave a victim's mind. To
do this, Skullus must make eye contact with the
victim for 30 seconds. If the victim then fails a
save versus their WIL halved, Skullus will have
inducted a new slave into his army.
Yes, that is Skullus' other power - he has
amassed one of the largest armies in the World.
His army consists primarily of mind-controlled
victims who will fight to the death for Skullus. It
is estimated that he has more than 500 mindcontrolled soldiers to do his bidding. Skullus is
also very technologically advanced, having a
large regiment of four-armed Battle Droids who
also do his bidding. Skullus has 20 of these
Battle Droids who have the ability to fly and fire
lasers. He will use these as a line of defense for
himself, sending his mind-controlled rabble into
the lines of combat first. Skullus also has a large
War Machine available that he uses to wage war
on those who oppose him.

In fact, that is one of Skullus' weaknesses - his

deep-rooted hatred for and ongoing war with
another wizard by the name of Octagon. Skullus
has been waging war against Octagon's
impenetrable fortress for many years now to no
avail. He has been amassing his largest army
yet, preparing for one last all-out assault against
Octagon. When the PCs first meet Skullus, he
could be "recruiting" more victims for his army,
or Skullus' final drive toward Octagon could be
As an 8th level wizard, Skullus has the following
number of spells and levels memorized: three
1st level spells; three 2nd level spells; two 3rd
level spells; and two 4th level spells. The Mutant
Lord should use the magic-user/elf spells list
from the Labyrinth Lord rulebook. Skullus is able
to cast spells quite easily without the use of his
hands. Skullus has a very low AC due to his
inability to fight and/or defend himself. His glass
dome offers him 50 hit points of protection
before it fails. Because of his vulnerability,
Skullus will make certain that his armies, droids,
and machines are between himself and
whomever may want to harm him.


3rd Level Pure Human

STR: 9 --- INT: 12
DEX: 8 --- WIL: 15
CON: 10 --- CHA: 14
HPs: 38 --- AC: 9
Mutations: none
Tye is a young human girl who is one of
Thundarr's closest friends and allies - although
he'd never admit it. She is bull-headed,
stubborn, and sharp of tongue. She claims that
she's seen "12 summers," making her 12 years
old. She has long platinum hair and is usually
seen wearing a tattered dress. Thundarr refers
to Tye as "the swamp urchin," as that's where
she and Thundarr first met - in the swampland
that has overtaken the former Texas/Mexico
Although she is a child, Tye possesses two
resources unique to the World of Thundarr that
makes her a very valuable ally.

First of all, Tye owns and runs an ancient steamdriven locomotive throughout the lands. This
train consists of a steam engine, two flat cars,
and three boxcars. Tye ships goods and
supplies for many merchants and dealers
throughout the area (for a nominal fee). She also

transports passengers and refugees. Since she

is the only one who seems to know how to repair
and run it, even the most ruthless of villains
leave her alone lest those who depend on it rise
up in revolt.
Tye's other resource is her long-standing
friendship with the Marsh Hulks that roam
throughout swamplands. (See entry on Marsh
Hulk for more information.) Because Tye has
lived in the swamps her entire life, she has
developed a relationship with the Marsh Hulk
species; she is able to communicate with them,
and they view her as one of their own. If Tye is
in danger, she can call upon 1d4 Marsh Hulks
who will rise out of the watery depths and
defend her to the death. Tye will not call upon
the Marsh Hulks unless her life is in danger
though, as she does not want to abuse this
connection with them.
Tye should be portrayed as very worldly and
wise beyond her years. But she is still a 12-yearold girl at heart with all of the interests and
flightiness that entails. She will lose her temper
at the drop of a hat, but she also realizes her
importance in the world, giving her a bit of an
ego. If Tye is befriended, she'll gladly transport
the party anyplace the rail line travels - at a
discounted price, of course.
Two bits of real-life trivia: Tye was voiced by
Nancy McKeon who went on to play "Jo" on The
Facts of Life. And Tye's second appearance in
"Last Train to Doomsday" also marks the
second appearance of another classic Thundarr
character - Gemini the Wizard! (See entry for
Gemini the Wizard for more information.)


contained. Since he has no real power, but

wanting to taste the power of wizards, Lomax
studied stage magic in secret, learning the tricks
that entertained audiences in Ancient times. He
uses these stage tricks to frighten and enslave
the villagers as Yondo, but he lives amongst
them as Lomax. In this way, he can sow
uncertainty about Yondo's powers as well as
eavesdrop on information that Yondo can act
upon. Lomax's Ancient studies are such that he
has developed several stage tricks that border
on the mystical to the villagers, but they are still
performed with "smoke and mirrors" (or actually
high-tech equipment).

6th Level Pure Human

Wanting even more power for himself, Yondo

actually challenged Thundarr and - for a time had possession of the Sun Sword. Thundarr was
able to retrieve his weapon, but not before
Yondo had a chance to examine and duplicate
it, creating a very powerful vibroblade he called
The Nega-Sword. This blade was able to stand
up to the Sun Sword and actually reflected a few
blows. Thundarr was able to deactivate it by
cutting off its power supply, but the fact that
Yondo was able to build so powerful a weapon
is a frightening.

STR: 15 --- INT: 21

DEX: 15 --- WIL: 11
CON: 16 --- CHA: 16
HPs: 76 --- AC: 7
Mutations: none
Yondo the Wizard is an apparently powerful
magic-user who terrorizes and extorts the rabble
living in the ruins of what once was Beverly Hills.
His lair is a large foreboding structure known as
The Magic Castle, said to have been built by the
Ancients themselves. He claims to have learned
his magical secrets and skills from the "Ancient
Masters of Abracadabra."
Yondo dresses in flowing white robes topped
with a blue hooded and horned helmet which
conceals his face. A skilled fighter, Yondo
receives a +2 to hit bonus with handheld
weapons, as well as a +1 damage bonus. He
has a small group of six minions who do his
bidding (any intelligent humanoid creature will
do), and he rides upon the back of a trained Sky
Dragon (see Sky Dragon entry for more
Where Yondo truly excels is his intelligence,
having studied every Ancient text he has been
able to lay his hands on. In fact, he has one of
the most extensive libraries of Ancient tomes in
the Thundarr Universe. Because of this, he
receives a +30% Technology Roll Modifier. His
intelligence and tech skills brings us to Yondo's
secret: He is not a real wizard.
In reality, Yondo is actually Lomax, the Beverly
Hills village scholar. Years ago, while scouting
for research, he stumbled across The Magic
Castle and the stage magician secrets it

In the game, Yondo should be built up as a very

powerful wizard whose exact abilities are
unknown. The spells he wields have the
trappings of the Ancient magicians - balls, rings,
cabinets, scarves, etc. However, his tech skills
and knowledge make these "spells" just as
deadly as the real magic the wizards sling, so
Yondo should be treated just as carefully.


with a robotic claw that gives him a +3 to hit

bonus and +4 damage bonus. If he grapples
someone with his robotic claw, treat it as having
a STR score of 19. Zogar also has a highly
trained pet panther (MF rulebook, page 65) that
will follow his commands and defend him to the
death, if necessary.
During an earlier encounter with Thundarr,
Zogar was given a powerful power trident by the
wizard Kublai. This weapon does 1d10+16 hit
points of damage, and it can easily rend and
destroy any obstacles in Zogar's way. The
trident even stood up to the Sun Sword for a
short time. (See entry for Zogars Trident for
more information.)

7th Level Barbarian

STR: 16 --- INT: 14
DEX: 15 --- WIL: 12
CON: 20 --- CHA: 9
HPs: 121 --- AC: 6
Mutations: none
Zogar is a lone barbarian warrior who roams the
blasted lands. Friend to no one, Zogar is an
angry evil brute who is best left alone. He has,
however, made his mark in the world as a
ruthless bounty hunter and man-for-hire. It is
said that Zogar has never failed in any job given
to him. Such is his reputation that Wizards have
actually sought him out for his skills in dealing
with "nuisances."

Through years of training and survival, Zogar

has increased his constitution to almost
superhuman levels. He receives a +2 bonus to
any save versus poison and a +1 bonus to
radiation saves. His strength and skill in combat
would normally give him a +2 to hit bonus as
well as a +2 damage bonus. However, at some
point in the past, Zogar's right arm was replaced

Zogar will often be encountered by PCs in one

of two ways -- either in a tavern during a good
old-fashioned brawl (which Zogar has inevitably
started) or being hunted by Zogar after the PCs
have run afoul of either him or someone who
has hired the brute to "deal" with the characters.
If Zogar is on the hunt for the PCs, his favorite
tactic is to first capture them or trick them into
some sort of trap. When incapacitated, Zogar
will either taunt them (if their deaths are the
goal) or bargain with them for their lives (if he
feels he can get a better deal). Zogar, however,
cannot be trusted, and he'd likely leave the PCs
to their fates even after extorting something from


No. Enc.: 1d6 (2d6)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: 1 (claw, bite, or weapon)
Damage: 1d8, 1d10, or as weapon type
Save: L4
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: None
Carrocs are reptilian bipeds that have evolved
(or mutated) from crocodiles and/or alligators.
They are covered with a thick scaly hide that
acts as a natural armor. They have a long
reptiles tail, jet-black eyes, sharp claws, and a
strong wide jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth.
Carrocs are incredibly strong, able to lift five
times their own weight with ease. Even through
they look like they come from a watery and/or
underwater and do not swim very well. Carrocs
are quick to anger and are very vicious fighters,
preferring to slash and bite an opponent, even if
they have a weapon in hand.
Carrocs are a slaver race, capturing mutants
and humans to work in their fields and/or to be
sold off as slaves for profit. It is rumored that
carrocs will eat a slave that no longer pulls his
weight, so being captured by a carroc tribe is
considered to be a fate worse than death.
Mutations: increased strength, natural armor


villagers. A rampaging Chatterer is a dangerous

creature to contend with.
Mutations: natural armor, epidermal susceptibility

No. Enc.: 1d4

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: Fly: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: 3 (bite/claw/claw)
Damage: 1d8/1d10/1d10
Save: L5
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: VII
Getting its name from the clicking and clacking it
makes with its claws and mandibles, the
Chatterer is a giant mutant beetle with an
incredibly heavy exoskeleton. They are normally
found in caves and other underground caverns,
preferring to leap out of the darkness to surprise
a victim.
The Chatterer attacks with its two giant pincer
claws, grabbing and crushing a victim for 1d10
hit points of damage. They may also lift a victim
to its mouth, biting them for an additional 1d8 hit
It is very difficult to successfully attack a
Chatterer as their natural armor is nearly
impenetrable. However, they are very adverse to
fire and will take an extra 1d6 hit points of
damage whenever they come into contact with it
or are attacked with fire.
Chatterers have only an insectoid intelligence
and cannot be trained or otherwise tamed. They
attack by instinct only. Some wizards have been
known to trap a Chatterer, letting it get nice and
hungry before releasing it onto a foe to be
dispatched. Chatterers have also wandered into
villages, attacking and consuming the weak and
the small before being driven out by the


apparently possible to learn their language.)

Desert People have a unique device called a
Spring Lariat that they use to capture a victim. A
long coil of spring is compressed between their
hands. When released, the coil shoots out
toward a victim, trailing a length of rope or wire
behind it. On a successful roll to hit, the spring
will spin around the victim, entangling them
within the trailing cord. If a group of Desert
People use their lariats on a victim, they are as
good as captured.
Mutations: none

No. Enc.: 1d10 (2d20)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1
Damage: per weapon
Save: L4
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: XXII
Desert People are 2-foot-tall humanoids who
hate and mistrust all outsiders - to the point of
being violently xenophobic. Desert People are
often found in the sandy wastes of the postapocalyptic Earth, preferring to make their
homes in sand-covered, long-forgotten ruins. If a
city has been slowly consumed by a desert,
you'll find Desert People lurking within the buried
Desert People prefer to keep themselves
wrapped from head to toe in loose-fitting clothes,
keeping their faces hidden behind scarfs and
hoods. The only facial feature seen will be a pair
of hateful scowling eyes. Since Desert People
hate strangers, they will either keep hidden
away if outsiders enter their area, or they may
try to subdue and capture a prisoner if the
Desert People are being employed by a Wizard
or other powerful ally. Once captured, the victim
is either turned over to the one who hired them,
or the victim is left to perish in a deathtrap or fed
to a large beast they keep for such events. You
will never befriend a Desert Person, so it's best
to not even try.
Desert People speak in a high-pitched chatter
their own that will be incomprehensible
listeners. (Although Ookla was able to speak
and understand a Desert Person, so it



attack by biting for 1d8 hit points of damage. If

they sit up on their haunches, they can lash out
with a claw attack for 1d6 hit points of damage.
However, they are fairly slow when attacking this
way and get only one claw attack in a round.
(Devil rats rear up like this to frighten and
intimidate its victim, not because it's a better way
of attacking.)
Mutations: gigantism, natural armor, vision
impairment (severe light sensitivity)

No. Enc.: 2d6 (2d10)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1 (bite or claw)
Damage: 1d8 or 1d6
Save: L2
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XIII
Devil rats are vicious beasts that have evolved
from common rats. They are fairly large due to
gigantism, running from 7 to 14 feet from head
to tail. When they stand upon their hind legs,
they can tower over most normal-sized mutants.
Devil rats are found in very dimly lit locations
such as caves, caverns, and sewers. Though
they are not blind, they have developed severe
light sensitivity and will be unable to see if the
light is brighter than a torch or flashlight.

Devil rats have a natural armor. They are

covered in bony horns and plates, the most
obvious is the bony fin along its spine, the horns
on its head, and the jutting tusks thrust from its
mouth. However, the devil rat does not use
these horns and tusks for attacking. Devil rats


The only saving grace of a dreadlon attack is

that it cannot stay above the waterline for very
long as it needs to submerge to breathe again. It
will also quickly grow bored or frustrated with an
attack if it lasts too long, preferring larger prey to
eat or prey that doesn't put up much of a fight.
So a dreadlon will only attack for 2d12 rounds
before it breaks off and goes back underwater.
Dreadlons are huge unstoppable monstrosities
and should only be introduced to increase
tension or to "herd" a party in a certain direction.
Mutations: none

No. Enc.: 1 (1)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: Swim: 240' (80')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 20
Attacks: 5 (bite, four tentacles)
Damage: 4d8, 2d8, 2d8, 2d8, 2d8, 2d8
Save: L9
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
A dreadlon is an incredibly giant sea creature
with the head and body of a giant lizard and
tentacles like a squid. It is often brought into
existence by very powerful wizards, though they
can be encountered naturally in the ocean.
Dreadlons are gilled water-breathers only
encountered in oceans or seas. They feed on
underwater sealife and have the appetite of a
whale crossed with a shark. They have been
known to come up from the ocean depths to
attack large ships on the surface.
A dreadlon attacks first by biting at its target.
Due to its incredible size, a dreadlon will inflict
4d8 hit points of damage with a single bite. If a
natural 20 is rolled, the target is either
swallowed whole (if human-sized or smaller) or
an additional 1d8 hit points of crushing damage
is inflicted from its massive jaws. The four
tentacles of a dreadlon surround its midsection.
It uses these to grasp prey and/or crush ships or
obstacles. A tentacle can crush for 2d8 hit points
of damage. Due to their size, they have an
incredibly high hit dice pool and morale. It is very
difficult to hurt or drive away a dreadlon once it
begins its attack.


mount will have to find someone willing to

sell theirs.
Mutations: none

No. Enc.: 0
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 2 (hooves)
Damage: 1d6/1d6
Save: L2
Morale: 9
Horde Class: None
Primarily used as a means of transport, the
equort is a large horse-like creature with a beaklike mouth, cat-like eyes, and a thick reptilian
tail. Equorts are hairless, covered instead with a
thick pale-yellow hide, with pointed ears that
could be mistaken for horns at a distance.
Equorts are incredibly strong creatures, often
used as pack animals and cart-pullers. They can
carry up to 450 pounds and move at full speed,
and up to 900 pounds and have their movement
halved. Because of their size and strength, they
are the favored mounts of Moks, who often use
them for transport. When threatened, an equort
will rear up and kick with their front hooves for
1d6 hit points of damage. Equorts are not agile
creatures when at a full gallop, often crashing
through smaller barriers rather than leaping over
them the way a horse will. They are also
somewhat slower than a Riding Horse (MF
rulebook, pg. 76) with a max speed of 90' per
Equorts are as loyal as horses and are
incredibly protective of their master. They will
never be found in the wild, however, since they
are specifically bred, raised, and trained by
equort handlers. A PC who wishes one as a


No. Enc.: 1d10 (3d10)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: 3 or 1 (2 claws and bite, or weapon)
Damage: 1d6, 1d6, 1d8 or weapon type
Save: L7
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: V
Feloids are mutant felines often found working
as muscle for wizards. Upon first glance, feloids
could be mistaken for tigrisoids (MF rulebook,
pg. 87). However, whereas tigrisoids are mutant
descendants of Ancient tigers, feloids have
descended from domesticated felines, i.e.,
housecats. Because of this, feloids are slightly
smaller and less courageous than their larger
cousins. Since they are descended from
domesticated stock, Feloids are often found
working for humans, especially wizards who
appreciate their relative obedience. Feloids have
also evolved without any mutations.
Feloids usually attack with whatever weapon
they have been provided - often stun or laser
pistols. However, in close combat, they will lash
out with their claws for 1d6 hit points damage
each and a fanged bite for 1d8 hit points
damage. Feloids are fairly dexterous and
cunning, though they will often retreat once
combat has turned against them.
Mutations: none


Firewhales are known to attack in packs and

have been known to ram watercraft with their
horn, overturning any boats that happen to
venture into their territory.
Mutations: unique (flamejet)

No. Enc.: 0 (1d4)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: Swim: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: 1 (bite or flamejet)
Damage: 1d20/ 2d12
Save: L3
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
The firewhale is a large
renowned for its ferocity
Firewhales are often used
underwater domains, islands,
intelligent sea-based beings.

aquatic creature
and ill temper.
as guardians of
and atolls by other

The primary method of attack of the firewhale is

by biting using its massive mouth of stalagmitesized teeth. The bite of a firewhale deals 1d20
damage to the unfortunate victim. Also, if a
natural 20 is rolled for a firewhale bite attack, the
victim is instead swallowed whole by the whale.
The victim will suffer 1d6 of drowning damage
per round until they are either freed or they have
died in the whales stomach.
Over the course of time and evolution, the
firewhale has developed a flamejet where a
whales blowhole would normally be. A firewhale
can use this flamejet as a secondary attack,
spewing a fiery stream of magma over 50.
Anyone struck by the magma will suffer 2d12
damage from the initial burn. The magma will
cling and burn for 1d6 additional damage for 1d4
rounds. Water will not wash off the magma once
contact has been made.


laser beam from the tips of two of its tentacles

for 4d6 hit points of damage.
If a fight is going against a Fraeken, it will spray
a 40' cloud of black ink, obscuring the vision for
all in the area. It will then try to make its escape
while its combatant is blinded.
Mutations: energy ray

No. Enc.: 0 (1d3)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: Swim, 90' (30')
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: 8 (tentacles) or 1 (energy ray)
Damage: 1d4 per tentacle/4d6 per energy ray
Save: L4
Morale: 7
Horde Class: None
A Fraeken (fray-ken) is an eight-armed, squidlike, underwater creature that may be mistaken
for a Giant Octopus (MF rulebook, pg. 87) when
first encountered. It is usually colored a sickly
reddish-purple, and a thin webbed skin runs
between each of its tentacles, giving it a saucer
shape. Its most disturbing feature is its eerie
human-like face that takes up most of its central
body mass.

A Fraeken can grab and crush a foe with any

one of its eight tentacles for 1d4 hit points of
damage. These tentacles will also wrap around
a victim upon a successful hit, crushing them for
1d3 additional points of damage per round.
However, the Fraeken prefers to attack with its
energy ray mutation. A Fraeken can fire a blue


If combat starts to turn against a Gamma Hare,

it will suddenly shoot into the air and out of
range of its attacker.
Mutations: gamma eyes, leaping

No. Enc.: 1d6 (1d8)

]Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: 2 or 1 (claws or gamma eyes)
Damage: 2d8/2d8 or 6d6
Save: L5
Morale: 7
Horde Class: None
Gamma Hares are large mutated rabbits about
the size of a fully grown adult bear. They are
covered in a thick green fur with a long lizardlike tail. Gamma Hares have thick bony plates
running down their spines which gives them
extra armor protection from attacks.
Gamma Hares attack with their sharp claws for
2d8 hit points for each claw that lands. However,
instead of a claw attack, a Gamma Hare can opt
to use its gamma eyes mutation, firing out a
scorching ray of radiation for 6d6 hit points of

Gamma Hares usually walk upright, but they

have developed incredibly strong haunches,
giving them the ability to leap away from trouble.
With this ability, a Gamma Hare can launch itself
100 feet straight up or 200 feet in any direction.


walking or riding above. The Grizzly Snake will

then burrow to a position under the victim,
exploding out from under them and surprising
them, gaining initiative in the attack.
A Grizzly Snake attacks by wrapping around and
strangling a victim. If successful, it will crush a
victim for 2d10 hit points of damage. The
constriction continues on subsequent rounds.
They can also bite for 1d6 hit points of damage,
although the bite is not poisonous.
Mutations: hyperburrowing, vibration sense

No. Enc.: 1d4 (1d6)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 2 (bite, constrict)
Damage: 1d6, 2d10
Save: L3
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: VI
The Grizzly Snake is a 20-foot-long snake-like
creature that lives in desert and arid areas. The
Grizzly Snake isn't a true reptile, however. It is a
mutated legless bear that has evolved a
lengthened snake-like body covered in a matted
brown fur with a large bear's head at one end.

The Grizzly Snake is as aggressive as any

angered bear. They do not live in caves though,
preferring to use its hyperburrowing mutation to
hollow out a large underground pit in which it
lives. A Grizzly Snake has evolved a very acute
vibration sense that gives it the ability to feel
vibrations in the earth from up to 200 yards
away. The Grizzly Snake can use this sense like
a radar, "feeling" the approximate position of a
nearby victim through vibrations from them


distance or run in, attack, and dash away. They

are also quite cowardly, choosing to ambush a
party from the shadows and then run if the tide
turns against them.
Mutations: increased balance, reduced strength

No. Enc.: 1d10 (3d10)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 1 (claw, bite, or weapon)
Damage: 1d6, 1d6, or as weapon type
Save: L4
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: VII
Groundlings are rat-men that are devious,
cowardly, and untrustworthy. They are covered
in fine grey hair, and they have the elongated
snout and ears of a rodent. Groundlings attack
the weak and shy away from the strong, so they
are often found tormenting and robbing weaker
mutants they encounter. Because of their
cowardice, they are often found working as
minions for more powerful villains.
Groundlings live underground in massive
caverns and cave complexes. Most groundling
lairs have one leader, who is the strongest
and/or most intelligent of the clan. This leader
can be identified by the human finery he
chooses to outfit himself with (robes, jewelry, a
crown perhaps).
Groundlings are fairly clever and dexterous.
They are able to use most advanced weapons
and some have even been seen driving
vehicles. It isn't unusual to see groundlings
armed with lasers or other firearms. In combat,
they are very quick and nimble, so hitting them
can be problematic. However, they aren't very
physically strong, so they wont stand toe-to-toe
with an enemy, preferring to either attack from a


No. Enc.: 2d4 (2d6)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Damage: as per weapon
Save: L6
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: VII
Hawk-people are wingless, bird-like bipeds that
are fairly strong and fearless. However, hawkpeople have no real motivation or drive of their
own, preferring to follow the orders of a strong
charismatic leader. Because of this blind loyalty,
hawk-people are often found working as muscle
for wizards. Hawk-people do not have wings or
any other ability to fly, although they have the
face, beak, and feathers of a bird. They are
never found without their backpack where they
keep all of their valuables. (It is thought that the
backpack also helps hide whatever vestigial
stumps remain of what was once their wings.)
Hawk-people have the mutation of shriek,
preferring to let loose with a bloodcurdling
scream when they enter battle. The hawkpeople can be found using any kind of weapon,
although when trying to accumulate slaves for
its master - they prefer to use a man-catcher.
This large fork-like polearm ends in a large clawlike apparatus and is used to snare, entrap, and
otherwise capture a victim. On a successful hit,
the man-catcher has ensnared a victim. If three
or more hawk-people ensnare the same target,
that victim is immobilized. This ensnaring does
no damage though.
Mutations: shriek


No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d4)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 1 (bite or frost breath)
Damage: 2d6 or 4d6 cold damage
Save: L2
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
The ice wolf is primarily found in arctic and
frozen wastelands. It is the size of a very large
dog, covered in white fur, with a small sharp
horn on its muzzle. The ice wolf is a nocturnal
animal, preferring to hunt at night. This is
because it suffers from albinism and is very
sensitive to sunlight, so it has a -2 penalty to hit
when the sun is up. However, its thermal vision
mutation allows it to see perfectly well at night.
The ice wolf can bite its prey for 2d6 hit points of
damage. Also it can breathe a cone of frost
breath once every 4 rounds to a distance of 50
feet. This subzero attack deals 4d6 hit points of
cold damage to anyone hit.
Ice wolves live in caves and underground ice
tunnels, preferring the darkness and the cold
these shelters provide.
Mutations: albinism, thermal vision, frost breath


On a successful hit, a PC should roll a save vs.

STR. If the save fails, the Lava roll has
successfully grabbed the vicitim and will begin
pulling them into the magma. Unless the PC is
very clever or the party comes to his aid, he will
be dragged screaming into the liquid rock.
Mutations: increased strength, fire resistance

No. Enc.: 1 (1)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 14
Attacks: 2 (claw/claw)
Damage: 3d4/3d4
Save: L7
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: none
A Lava Troll is a monstrously huge (18+ feet tall)
humanoid mutant that lives in actively volcanic
environments. They have eerie white eyes,
pointed ears, a pug nose, and are covered in a
sickly, rubbery, ashen-grey skin. Because of
their preferred habitat, it will be rare to encounter
a Lava Troll as no one is foolish enough to
approach an active lava field or volcanic crater
where they reside. If, however, someone does
get close enough, they will attempt to grab the
victim and drag them into the lava where they
will then feed on what's left of the charred
The Lava Troll's rubbery skin bestows on it a
form of incredible fire resistance. They are
immune from any and all fire and flame-based
attacks. In fact, the skin of the Lava Troll is
actually quite cool to the touch, so there is no
danger of being burned by the Troll's touch. (But
that's little comfort when it's dragging you to a
firey doom.)
Due to the size of the Lava Troll, it has
increased strength. However, it is a slow
creature, so it receives no damage bonuses in
combat, though it will still do 3d4 hit points of
damage if it successfully clubs you with its fist.


avoided. However, Wizards have been known to

get a Lava Worm under control, sending them
out to destroy a village or other Wizard. If that
happens, it's best to stay out of the way.
Mutations: lava stream, hyperburrowing

No. Enc.: 1d2 (1d4)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20'), Hyperburrowing: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 1 (trample or lava stream)
Damage: 2d6/8d6
Save: L6
Morale: 10
Horde Class: None
A Lava Worm is a monstrously large orangeand red-skinned worm that appears to be
completely ablaze. A Lava Worm's AC is fairly
high due to its incredibly hot surface
temperature. More common weapons will either
bounce off of its hide or will melt upon contact.
Because of this, Lava Worms are very
susceptible to cold attacks (taking double
damage). They can also be injured with large
amounts of water.
A Lava Worm is slightly smaller than a purple
worm (MF rulebook, page 90), about 8 feet in
diameter and 80 feet long. Due to its monstrous
size, a Lava Worm can literally "fall" onto its
victim, crushing them from 2d6 hit points of
damage. A Lava Worm can also spew a thick
lava stream from its mouth, burning the unlucky
PC for 8d6 hit points. This lava is also fairly
corrosive due to the heat and will melt through
surfaces of AC 6 or less. A Lava Worm can
move underground at an accelerated rate using
its hyperburrowing mutation. It prefers to tunnel
underneath a victim, then explode out from the
ground in front of them, gaining surprise if
Lava Worms are usually found in extremely hot
and arid areas (i.e. deserts, active volcanoes).
Due to their aggressive nature and dangerous
surface temperature, a Lava Worm is best


movement rate. They are unable to take flight

once they are carrying more than 600 pounds.
Mutations: gigantism, toxic weapon

No. Enc.: 1d6 (1d8)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20') Fly: 240' (80')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 4d6
Save: L4
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
Leatherwings are giant mutant bats that can be
used as flying mounted steeds. They are nearly
10 feet in length with a 25 foot wingspan. They
have brown fur, red eyes, and a long rat-like tail.
They are the preferred mode of transport for the
mysterious Raiders of the Abyss, although they
are a common enough mount that they could be
encountered anywhere in the Thundarr universe.
Unlike common bats, Leatherwings have fairly
decent eyesight so they do not rely on (or
possess) a radar sense or any mutations like
Leatherwings aren't much good in a fight, only
able to bite with their large fanged mouth.
However, if they successfully bite, they'll do 4d6
hit points of damage due to their size and
strength. Also, just like the Giant Bat (MF
rulebook, pg. 61), Leatherwings have a paralysis
potion in their saliva, causing paralysis in a
bitten enemy for 1d10 rounds unless a save
versus poison is successful.
Leatherwings aren't naturally violent unless
provoked. Once "broken," they are as tame as
any horse or beast of burden. They are able to
carry up to 300 pounds and fly at their full
movement rate. They can carry between 301
and 600 pounds and still become airborne,
however they move at half their airborne


No. Enc.: 1 (1d2)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30'); Underwater: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 11
Attacks: 1 (claw, bite, or weapon)
Damage: 1d8/1d8/as weapon (3d6 damage
bonus with claw/weapon)
Save: L6
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: XX
A Marsh Hulk is a huge (7-8 feet tall) fur-covered
humanoid mutant that lives in swamps and
marshy environments. They have glowing yellow
eyes, a mouth full of dagger-like teeth, and
sharp four-fingered claws. Because of their
preferred habitat, a Marsh Hulk is often found
dripping wet, reeking of damp rot, with seaweed
and other brambles clinging to their matted fur.
They are incredibly strong and virtually
impervious to harm. Entering into combat with a
Marsh Hulk is incredibly foolhardy, and even the
bravest of adventurers should avoid angering

A Marsh Hulk is unusual in that it's one of the

few mammals in the Thundarr universe capable

of water breathing. Using this mutation, a Marsh

Hulk will make its lair in an underwater cave or
cavern, coming out only when an intruder
invades its turf. A Marsh Hulk doesn't "swim" but
it can walk underwater along the bottom of the
swamp at the same rate as it can on land.
It is very difficult to harm a Marsh Hulk due to its
natural armor. Its matted fur is hardened to a
mail-like surface, making it impenetrable. Also,
its fur is permanently dampened, effectively
making the Marsh Hulk immune to all fire
attacks. (In fact, Thundarr's Sun Sword bounced
harmlessly off the hide of one Marsh Hulk, which
should give you some idea of how hard it is to
hurt one of these creatures!)
A Marsh Hulk's basic fighting skill is "grab an
object and beat my opponent with it." Due to its
increased strength, a Marsh Hulk gets a 3d6
damage bonus when it hits with its claw or a
club. And heaven help you if it grabs hold of you
and starts yanking in opposite directions!
In spite of its frightening appearance and
formidable strength, Marsh Hulks are actually
fairly timid, choosing to avoid combat if possible.
But if they enter combat, they will tear the
combatant apart to ensure they are never
bothered by them again.
Mutations: water breathing, natural armor
(extreme), reflective epidermis (fire), increased


No. Enc.: 1 (1d2)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40'); Swimming: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 10
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite)
Damage: 3d10/3d10/3d6
Save: L5
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
The Oceanbrood are an offshoot of the
Lobstrosity species (MF rulebook, pg. 81),
although they are ten-times larger, more
aggressive, and infinitely more dangerous. An
Oceanbrood is 20' to 40' long and protected by a
flexible outer shell. They are often found in or
near large bodies of water. They are as quick in
the water as they are on the ground, able to
swim at its normal land movement rate.

An Oceanbrood's claws are diamond-hard and

razor-sharp. Its claws have been known to
pierce and cut through a ship's steel bulkhead!
These claws do 3d10 hit points of damage to an
unlucky victim. If a single claw attack of an
Oceanbrood does more than 20 points of
damage at one time, the PC should roll vs.

death or they will have a limb severed by the

knife-edged claw. A second save vs. death
should then be rolled, otherwise the claw
severed the PC's head or cut them in half, killing
them instantly. The Oceanbrood will also bite an
opponent with its mouth of pointed teeth, doing
3d6 hit points of damage.
Although it has very limited intelligence, an
Oceanbrood can be trained to obey very simple
commands if it is caught when young and
trained as it grows. The river pirate Capt. Kordon
was able to train an Oceanbrood to come when
she blew a high-pitched whistle and to attack
when she pointed to a victim. They cannot be
trained to do anything more substantial.
Mutations: none


distance. Upon doing so, they will turn their

attention to those who are left to fight.
Mutations: gigantism

No. Enc.: 1d2 (1d4)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 1 (hand or weapon)
Damage: 2d8 or weapon
Save: L9
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: VII
A One-Eye is a classic giant cyclops straight of
of Jason and the Argonauts. However, in the
Thundarr universe, the One-Eye is is often found
under the thrall of a Wizard who is commanding
it to do his bidding.
A One-Eye is nearly 30 feet tall due to its
gigantism mutation. It is covered with matted
brown fur, has a set of sharp teeth and -- of
course -- one large eye in the center of its
forehead. Due to the lack of depth perception, a
One-Eye has a -1 To Hit penalty. However, due
to its size and strength, a One-Eye gets a +2
damage bonus if it hits in combat. One-Eyes
prefer to use a club in combat. However, this
club will be the size of a large log, dealing 2d10
hit points of crushing damage if it hits.
When dealing with a One-Eye, the party will
have one other advantage other than the
creature's inability to see well. One-Eyes are
notoriously stupid with a very basic animal-like
intelligence. It will get confused easily during
combat, and a clever fighter will be able to use
this slowness to his advantage. One thing to
avoid is being caught and lifted by a One-Eye. If
they are able to grab an opponent, 50% of the
time they will immediately hurl them into the


an enemy with its mandibles doing 2d8 hit points

of damage if successful. A Sky Dragon can also
dive from the sky at an incredible rate of speed,
ramming into an opponent and doing 3d10 hit
points when attacking in this manner. They will
ram only as a last resort as they will take 1d10
hit points of damage themselves from the
Mutations: quickness

No. Enc.: 1 (1)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: Fly: 300' (100')
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 11
Attacks: 1 (bite or ram)
Damage: 2d8 or 3d10
Save: L5
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
The Sky Dragon is a monstrously large mutant
dragonfly used as a means of transport. They
are incredibly fast due to their powerful wings,
light weight, and quickness mutation. A Sky
Dragon has eight legs, a blue exoskeleton, long
thin insectoid wings, and large red multifaceted
eyes. Due to their size, they can carry up to
three human-sized creatures comfortably. They
can carry up to 900 pounds and move at full
speed. They can carry between 901 and 1,800
pounds and still get airborne, but they'll move at
half-speed. A Sky Dragon cannot take flight if
encumbered by more than 1,800 pounds.

Because of their fragility, a Sky Dragon isn't

normally used in combat, although they can
defend themselves if attacked. They will bite at


"shuts down" magical ability. Even worse for

denizens of the Mutant Future is the
mutation/magic sink also shuts down all mental
mutations within this same area of effect.
(Physical mutations are unaffected.) Many
Wizards will bring a Spellrender into being and
order it to attack a magic-wielding foe while the
Wizard stays out of the range of the magic sink.
When the victim finds herself unable to cast
spells, the Wizard will hurl magic from afar while
the Spellrender moves in for the physical kill.
Unless a spell-casting victim is good with
weapons as well, the Spellrender will make the
fight a short one.

No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30'); Flying: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite)
Damage: 2d8/2d8/4d8
Save: L6
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None

Mutations: mutation/magic sink; complete wing

development; optic emissions (bright eyes)

A Spellrender is not a naturally occurring

creature; it is a magical being brought into
existence only through very powerful Wizard
magics. Because of this, only 1 will ever be
encountered at a time and there is no chance of
meeting one in its "lair."
A Spellrender looks like a large lizard-like
monster with a set of leathery membranous
wings (complete wing development) and glowing
pupilless yellow eyes. Two sets of two-toed
claws are found on its "arms" and "legs" and a
serpentine tail rounds out the beast's
appearance. The Spellrender is covered in a
thick slime coating, but this is harmless and not
poisonous in the least. A Spellrender can attack
with its claws for 2d8 hit points of damage for
each claw that hits and it can also bite for 4d8 hit
points of damage. The Spellrender's eyes can
also fire out a dazzling bright light which blinds
all opponents within 30' for 1d4 rounds. This
blindness causes a -4 penalty on attack rolls and
increases the victim's armor class by 4 while
they stagger around blinded.
The true purpose of a Spellrender is in its
mutation/magic sink ability. All Wizards and
Sorcerers within 90' of a Spellrender will find that
their ability to cast spells and wield magic is
gone. The creature radiates a field that just


No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40'); burrowing 90 (30)
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 11
Attacks: 6 (4 claws, tail, bite)
Damage: 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d6, 1d8
Save: L9
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XVI
A stalker is a large (8 feet tall) slug-like creature
with four clawed arms, a large fanged mouth,
and yellow pupil-less eyes on eyestalks. The
stalker is not a mutant, however, but rather an
evil space-faring creature that travels from
planet to planet, collecting prey to take back to
its homeworld for food. A stalker will not stop
until it has collected 50 creatures (mutants,
animals, etc.) and secured them for transport.
Once it has captured enough prey, it will return
home with its harvest to feast. NOTE: A stalker
prefers to eat live prey, so it will try to subdue or
overpower a victim rather than killing them
A stalker is able to burrow underground at an
accelerated rate using its hyperburrowing ability.
The stalker often likes to dig underneath a
victim, grab them, and then pull them
underground for an attack. The stalker can also
use this ability to break through wood flooring or
other fragile ground coverings in order to
surprise and overtake its victim.
When attacking, the stalker has four claws that
can each strike for 1d8 hit points of damage. It
also has a tail it can whip around for 1d6 hit
points of damage as well as biting for 1d8 hit

points of damage. The creatures eyes can also

emit an optic emission that will strike a foe for
1d6 damage as well as blinding them for 1d4
rounds. One additional ability of the creature is
that it can control any machine for 1d10 rounds
once per week. The control is only through line
of sight and is used as a last resort for defense if
the creature is in danger of being captured or
Stalkers are able to cocoon their prey using
webs that spray from their claws tips. Once a
victim is defeated or captured, the stalker
cocoons its victims and returns them to the
cargo hold of its hidden spaceship for later
transport back to its homeworld. The creature
does not use its webs in combat or as a trapping
material. It is used only to bind an already
defeated creature.
The stalker is an incredibly powerful and
dangerous creature and should not be randomly
encountered. Rather, an entire campaign should
be built around investigating and stopping this
monster from another planet. Failure could
mean the disappearance of entire communities
including the partys home village.
emissions, machine control



No. Enc.: 1d4 (1d6)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 2 (bite, constrict)
Damage: 1d4, 2d8
Save: L2
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: VI
The surfent (AKA "fur serpent") is a 10-foot-long
python-like snake. The surfent, however, is
covered in a soft spotted fur. It also has a set of
insectoid-like antenna on its head. The antenna
gives the surfent the mutation of echolocation,
giving it a +2 to hit bonus in combat.
Unlike other snakes, surfents are very
aggressive and will actively enter combat. Its
primary form of attack is through a bite. Upon a
successful hit, the surfent will deal 1d4 hit points
of damage. A bitten character must them make
a save versus poison. Failure means they will
die in 1d10 turns (class 12 poisonous venom
with delay). Surfents also use their incredible
size to wrap around and constrict a victim. If
successful, it will crush a victim for 2d8 hit points
of damage. The constriction continues on
subsequent rounds.
Surfents are usually found in muddy/swampy
areas. They are often used as guardians by
wizards, and a pit of surfents acts as a handy
way to dispose of troublesome meddlers.
Mutations: gigantism, echolocation


No. Enc.: 1 (0)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 210' (70')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 3 (claw, claw, bite)
Damage: 1d6, 1d6, 3d8
Save: L6
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: None
Swamp worms (properly known as "hydroids")
are not natural mutants or animals, but are
rather created through magical forces. They
appear to be grotesquely large snakes (between
30-40 feet long) with the head and front claws of
an alligator. They have pupil-less red eyes and a
bony fin protruding from its head. Since they are
brought into existence by wizards specifically to
do their bidding, they will never be found "in the
wild" or "in a lair." They are blindly obedient to
the one who created them.

A swamp worm attacks with its two claws for

1d6 hit points of damage each and with its
toothy maw for 3d8 hit points of biting damage.
A swamp worm's true magical nature is revealed
when it uses its special regenerative capability.
When a swamp worm is taken down to one-half
of its original hit point total, the worm splits into
two halves. These halves then immediately
regenerate into a whole swamp worm, each with
the remaining hit point total. (For example, a
100-hit point swamp worm is taken down to 50
hit points. It splits, and the two new swamp
worms each have 50 hit points.) The new
swamp worms will not divide further. Once the
swamp worms are defeated, they will curl upon
themselves and disappear in a flash of light and
acrid smoke.
In the show, Thundarr was able to defeat the
swamp worms by tricking them into biting each
other. When they made contact with each other,
they exploded into non-existence. This method
may also work for your PCs, but I have no idea
how they'd manage such a trick. If they think of
it, let them do it!
Mutations: regenerative




child's flesh, hardening it to the rocky shell

unique to the synthekoid race. However,
although it is safe for synthekoids to come into
contact with this liquid, the mineral-rich pool is
incredibly dangerous for others. Anyone who so
much as touches this pool (or falls into it) will be
instantly encased in the same rocky,
unbreakable, unmoving shell, trapped forever in
the stony cocoon. Synthekoids will often set
these "living statues" at the entrance of their
cave complex as a warning to outsiders to stay

No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d6)

Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: 1 (fist)
Damage: 2d6 + 3d6 (strength)
Save: L5
Morale: 9
Horde Class: XIII
Synthekoids are 7-foot-tall humanoids with a
stone-like outer shell. This rocky coating acts as
a natural armor, bestowing an armor class of 4
to the creatures. However, this granite skin
inhibits a sythekoid's movements (treat as per
the slow mutation), causing them to move only
60' per turn. They are voiceless, soundless, and
seemingly without any means of communication.
It is thought these creatures are driven only by
instinct, though there may be a rudimentary
telepathy amongst the members of a synthekoid
"family," but this is unconfirmed.
Due to their decreased speed, synthekoids only
attack once every other round. But although
slow, sythekoids deal a lot of damage due to
their increased strength. Their hardened fists
deal 2d6 hit points of damage, plus an additional
3d6 hit points due to their strength. In other
words, a synthekoid may not hit very often, but
they will deal a lot of damage when they do.
Synthekoids live deep underground in massive
caves and caverns. They will always be found
living near a mineral-rich underground pool.
Upon hatching from a boulder-like egg, a baby
sythekoid is carried to this pool and dipped into
it. The pool's minerals instantly bond to the

Synthekoids are usually peaceful, wishing only

to be left alone with no contact from the outside
world. They may, however, be found working
with a wizard if it suits their unknown purposes.
Mutations: slow
increased strength





No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30'); flying 240 (80)
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 13
Attacks: 3 (2 claws, bite)
Damage: 1d10, 1d10, 1d12
Save: L11
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: none
The Sleeping Demon is a unique creature in the
Thundarr universe as it is not a natural denizen
of the ruined Earth of the future. Nor is the
creature mystical, magical, or demonic in nature.
Rather it is an Ancient genetic experiment
revived from suspended animation by the
wanna-be wizard Judag.
The Sleeping Demon appears to be a cross
between a hawk, an owl, and a gorilla. It has
hawk-like talons for both hands and feet as well
as a fully-developed set of wings powerful
enough to carry both itself and a victim aloft. The
exact name of the creature as well as the
experiment that spawned it are lost to the sands
of time.

The Sleeping Demon is incredibly strong. It

attacks with its talon "hands" for 1d10 hit points
of damage for each claw and it can bite with its
powerful beak for 1d12 hit points of damage. It
has a ravenous appetite and it will feed on any
mutant it can get its claws into. Due to its
hunger, The Sleeping Demon has a very high
morale. It will not stop or retreat until it has fed.
In Thundarr's time, the legend of The Sleeping
Demon is well-known. Its exact nature and
background is still steeped in mystery and myth
though. It is said that whosoever awakens The
Sleeping Demon will be granted the powers of a
wizard. The truth is that the awakener will most
likely be the first victim the "Demon" will feed
upon. (After all, it hasn't eaten in more than
1,000 years.) After feeding, the Demon will then
fly to the nearest village and continue its feast.
Mutations: complete wing development


No. Enc.: 3d6 (3d10)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 2 (bite/claw)
Damage: 2d4/1d6
Save: L4
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: XX
Just as they "exist" in most fantasy tropes,
Werewolves also exist in the World of Thundarr
the Barbarian. However, unlike the "classic" idea
of a Werewolf, the man-beasts from The
Brotherhood of the Night differ greatly.
Werewolves appear to be a humanoid creature
with the characteristics of a large wolf. They are
covered in brown or grey fur, have pointed ears
and claws, and fangs. Unlike a wolf,
Werewolves have yellow slitted eyes and a thick
mane of hair around their head, giving them an
almost-feline-like look. They are rarely found in
small groups, preferring to hunt and travel in
larger packs. A Werewolf attacks by biting and
clawing, dealing 2d4 and 1d6 hit points
respectively. They have enhanced sight and
enhanced hearing, giving them an almost
supernatural ability to track their prey.

However, the bite of a Werewolf does not pass

along the lycanthropy curse. All Werewolves are
created by their "pack leader," a powerful
Werewolf who can create new Werewolves just
by touching a victim. (If a Werewolf pack is
randomly encountered, there is a 20% chance
that the pack leader will be accompanying them,
though there is a 60% chance he will be found in
their lair.) This pack leader should be 2HD larger
with a +2 bonus to hit. If he is able to grab and
hold a victim, the victim should save versus stun
attacks or be transformed into a Werewolf under
the control of the pack leader. However, this
condition can be broken and reversed upon
exposure to a naturally occurring substance
such as wolfsbane or the waters of an
enchanted spring. It is left to the Mutant Lord to
determine the antidote to the lycanthropy.
In the episode "The Brotherhood of the Night,"
the pack leader Zebon was trying to grow his
pack large enough to capture and convert the
wizard Infernus. Once the wizard was under his
thrall, he planned to use his massive army
(along with the wizard's power) to rule the world.
Once Thundarr tossed him into a healing spring,
he reverted to a wolf form rather than a human
form, which could mean that he was a mutant
wolf all along.
Mutations: enhanced sight, enhanced hearing


to branch. They prefer to attack by leaping out of

trees and onto their victim. They rend with their
sharp claws for 1d6 hit points for each claw that
lands. They can also snap and bite at a victim
for 2d6 hit points of damage.
Oddly enough, even though a Wolf-Ape has no
use for or concept of money and valuables,
some very basic silver coinage can be found in a
Wolf-Ape lair. It is thought that they are attracted
to the shiny baubles, collecting them for their

No. Enc.: 1d4 (1d6)

Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: 3 (claw, claw, bite)
Damage: 1d6, 1d6, 2d6
Save: L7
Morale: 8
Horde Class: II
Wolf-Apes are a mutant hybrid of both the
canine and simian species. They are large
human-sized bipedal mutants with matted greybrown fur. They have pointed ears, sharp claws,
and eerily glowing pupiless eyes.

Wolf-Apes are not intelligent, possessing only

animal-like instinct and cunning, and they are
incapable of speaking. They attack for food and
- since they are fairly cruel - for sport. Because
of their animalistic ways, wizards will not use
them as minions as they are unpredictable and
dangerous. (Although a wizard may have an
arena where he arranges combats between his
collection of wild Wolf-Apes and unfortunate
victims for his amusement.)
Wolf-Apes are able to travel through the trees
much like an ape, swinging silently from branch

Mutations: none



While riding along a cliffside along a sea coast,

the PCs will hear the blasts of lasers as a
nearby firefight ensues. If they investigate, they'll
see two blue-skinned women in robes with
shields and tridents being fired upon by four
other blue-skinned warrior women armed with
laser rifles. One of the laser-armed women
shouts to the ones who are pinned down:
"Surrender Deona! Rejoin our Amazon army!
Queen Stryia will be merciful!" "She is a
WIZARD!" Deona shouts back. "She shows no
mercy!" The laser-weilders begin firing again at
the rebels. If the PCs have any sense of fair play
(and if they are "anti-wizard" as all good
characters in the Thundarr universe should be),
they should help the outgunned rebels.

have taken refuge. She explains that she was

once Queen of the Amazons - a race of aquatic
water-breathing warriors - until the Wizardess
Stryia conquered her underwater domain. "Now
Stryia is building an army with which to strike on
land as well as at sea!" From her hidden base,
Deona has been striking against Stryia,
weakening the wizard's defenses. Impressed
with the PC's fighting prowess, she asks them to
accompany her on a raid on Stryia's underwater
base. "Stryia has located an Ancient secret
weapon! We must seize it before she can use it
against the surface world!" she warns. She
offers all of the PCs the use of a set of Aquagills
(which they'll be allowed to keep) for this
While swimming to the location of the secret
weapon, the party will be spotted by one of
Stryia's patrols. They contact Stria who informs
them to release the Fraeken - a monstrous
squid-like creature trained to protect the area.
The Fraeken will attack the party, firing an
energy ray at them first before moving in to try to
grasp and crush any PC is can get near.

Amazon Women (4) (AL C, MV 120 (40), AC

7, HD 8, #AT 1 (laser rifle), DG 6d6, SV L4, ML
7, mutations: water breathing)

Fraeken (1) (AL N, MV Swim: 90' (30'), AC 7,

HD 9, #AT 8 or 1 (tentacles or energy ray), DG
1d4 per tentacle or 4d6 per energy ray, SV L4,
ML 7, mutations: energy ray)

When the battle has turned, the leader shouts

for retreat. All of the Amazons will dive into the
water, swimming away on giant sharks that have
been waiting nearby. Deona thanks the PCs and
offers them food and shelter in a nearby hidden
cave where she and her rebel Amazon band

Once the Fraeken is dealt with (or it scampers

away), Deona will lead the party to a submerged
Ancient air force base. (If the party has been
getting away relatively unscathed, toss in an
underwater Amazon patrol attack to keep them
on their toes. If they've been taking a beating, let
them get to the air base after the Fraeken
attack.) One of the buildings, an Ancient airplane
hanger, has a thick crust of barnacles that have
kept it undamaged over the centuries. An airlock
leads within. Once the party is inside, they'll see
the secret weapon Stryia plans to use - a large

combat missle that could level a city! As the

party approaches the missle, three Giant Black
Widow Spiders descend from the ceiling and
attack the party! The bite is deadly (death after 1
turn unless a save versus poison is made).
Giant Black Widow (3) (AL N, MV 60' (20');
Web 120' (40'), AC 6, HD 3, #AT 1, DG
2d6/poison (class 12), SV L2, ML 8, mutations:

After the spiders are dealt with, the PCs will hear
a shrill laugh coming from within the missle. The
nosecone drops off and there stands Queen
Stryia! The missle was Trojan Horse - a hollow
case in order to lure Deona into her trap for a
final battle! Stryia is an 8th level wizard and will
not stop until Deona and the PCs are defeated,
or she is destroyed! If there are any sorcerers in
the party, she will single them out first, trying to
incapaciate them first. (And if the PCs are still a
viable threat, have a small regiment of Amazons
file out of the missle behind Stryia for support.)
Once Stryia has been defeated, Deona reclaims
her rightful place as Queen of the Amazons. The
PCs have made a very strong ally that they may
call on one day. Queen Deona may also reward
the PCs with something from her kingdom if the
Mutant Lord so wishes.


The PCs should find themselves travelling

through a wintery Arctic area. Aside from the
usual dangers the post-apocalyptic world holds,
they should be worried that something as simple
as exposure to the elements will be their
swansong. While they search for shelter from
the elements, have one of them spy a meteor
streaking far overhead. They should hear an
explosion in the distance where the object
crashed. If they wish to investigate the impact
site, the party must cross over an ice bridge on
their way. However, due to the heat of the
passing meteor, the ice bridge is dangerously
melted and it should collapse under one of them
(or all of them), dumping them into a deep ravine
and at the entrance to an Ice Wolf den. There
are three Ice Wolves who attack the party.

can rest up and warm themselves. She will take

them to a nearby ice cavern and, after traversing
about a mile of tunnel, the cavern will open up
revealing an Ancient buried amusement park
that had been swallowed up during the
cataclysm. Meena's people have converted this
long-buried theme park into a small thriving
The village elder and Meena will take the
characters into one of the shanties where they
will be fed and warmed. While eating and
socializing, the characters should be given a
chance to hear screams in the distance. If they
do hear the commotion and are alert, they will
not be surprised when the Stalker From the
Stars explodes from the floor and begins
attacking the village elder. Otherwise, they are
surprised when the creature appears and will
miss an attack on the first round.
Stalker (1) (AL C, MV 120' (40'); burrowing 90'
(30'), AC 4, HD 11, #AT 6 (4 claws, tail, and
bite), DG 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d8, 1d6, 1d8, SV L9,
ML 10, Mutations: webs, hyperburrowing, optic
emissions, machine control)

Ice Wolves (3) (AL N, MV 150' (50'), AC 6, HD

5, #AT 1 (bite or frost breath), DG 2d6 or 4d6
cold damage, SV L2, ML 8, Mutations: albinism,
thermal vision, frost breath)

When the last Ice Wolf is dealt with, the Mutant

Lord should make it clear that the party cannot
reach the crash site from the bottom of the
ravine and that the ice walls are too slick to
climb back up. Plus, the temperature is
beginning to drop rapidly. (Give one of the
characters a cold if you need to prompt them.) If
they follow the bottom of the ravine, they will
eventually come to a guard outpost manned by
a single young human girl named Meena. If they
explain what brought them here, she'll explain
she saw no "lights in the sky," but she will also
offer to take the characters to her village so they

The Stalker is an alien from another planet who

crashed in the ship the characters mistook for a
meteor. (The ship is completely destroyed and is
now buried forever under tons of ice and rock.
The Stalker escaped using its hyperburrowing
ability.) It has used its hyperburrowing to try to
sneak up on the party while they fought the Ice
Wolves, but they had moved on by the time the
Stalker arrived. (The remaining Ice Wolves in
the den are now packed away for a future feast
though.) The Stalker has followed the party to
Meena's village and, using its hyperburrowing
ability and its webs, has been systematically
catching and bundling up other villagers while
the party ate and rested. It has now decided to
go after the elder as well as test the PCs who
seem to be the most powerful enemies here.

the fight starts going badly, it will escape from

the Fun House and will try to use the other old
decrepit rides to throw off the party. An exciting
fight can take place on the roller coaster or the
Ferris wheel.

The elder offers no real fight and is caught in

webs and dragged underground before the party
knows what happened (though they may get in a
good shot or two). If the party starts to gain an
advantage, the Stalker will fire its optic
emissions at the roof, causing it to collapse. It
will escape during the commotion.
After the attack, if the party goes outside, they
will see several villagers standing around,
wondering what has happened and what to do
next. Several of them feel as if they are sitting
ducks for the Stalker once the party explains
what they just encountered. It is up to the PCs to
determine what to do next. If they split up to go
looking for the Stalker, it will pick off the other
villagers one by one. If they decide to stay
together, the Stalker will attack without warning,
overpowering a villager and quickly dragging
them off. The villager numbers should dwindle
until only the PCs are left. (The Ancient
amusement park should make for some creepy
encounters with the Stalker as it jumps out,
attacks, and hyperburrows away after catching
another victim.)

The party should eventually discover that the

Stalker has been using the abandoned Fun
House as its base, whether by tracking it or
seeing it running into the building. Once they
enter, they will see web-cocooned villagers
stacked up like cordwood throughout the
building. The Mutant Lord should play up the
otherworldliness of the Fun House as they track
the Stalker. A tumbling barrel, a maze of mirrors,
spring-loaded paper mache "monsters" that
jump out at the party, etc. can be used to keep
them on their toes. If the Stalker is cornered or if

Eventually, the fight should begin to turn against

the Stalker. When the Stalker is down to 15 hit
points or less, it will use its machine control
ability to take control of some nearby heavy
machinery (a bulldozer perhaps) which it will
send toward the party. However, if the Stalker is
defeated, the controlled machine will stop
moving. Once the Stalker is defeated, the party
is free to release the villagers and help them
recover and rebuild after the encounter with the
alien being.
If the party ever does decide to investigate the
crash site, a bit of digging will reveal the
Stalker's escape tunnel. If they follow it into the
ship, they will find it fairly well crushed and
destroyed. However, they will be able to salvage
the following items: 2,155 gp; a stun pistol; a
stun rifle; 8 bottles of synthihol; 6 light sticks;
and a water purifier.






While travelling through a large canyon, the PCs

should spy some large bird-like creatures
circling overhead. Closer examination (or
mutations that heighten vision) will reveal that
these are humans with artificial wings gliding on
the wind currents. While admiring these gliderpeople, the party sees stun beams firing at them
from up ahead. The glider-people are under

If the PCs decide to investigate where the

beams came from, they find a human and
several cat-like mutants firing at them from an
Ancient children's playground. Judag and nine of
his feloid mutants are firing at the glider-people,
trying to bring them crashing to the ground.
When the PCs arrive, They'll see that one of the
glider people has already landed roughly and
has been captured. Freeing the captive and
putting a stop to Judag's attack should be a
priority of the PCs.
(NOTE: Stats for Judag are not included in this
adventure. The Mutant Lord can stat him up as a
rather strong and intelligent pure strain human
without mutations, if so desired. Keep in mind
that he's well-armed and he always keeps his
feloid army well between himself and the PCs.)

village located on a cliffside as his way of

thanking them for their help. While the party
rests and are fed by the grateful villagers, Torg
explains why Judag has been attacking his
"Once, Judag was in bondage to a wizard, but
he made a daring escape. Rather than battle
their evil, however, Judag has vowed to become
a wizard. Now he's searching the canyon for the
den of the Sleeping Demon. According to the
legend, whoever wakes the Demon will be
granted magical powers, and Judag believes it is

The legend of the Sleeping Demon and the

dangers it presents are very well known in the
world of Thundarr, so trying to stop Judag from
finding, waking, and controlling the demon
should be of utmost importance. Torg says that
his scouts saw Judag and his minions heading
west along the canyon floor. The walls of the
canyon are too steep to go down on foot, by
horseback, or by vehicle, so Torg offers the use
of his gliders to any PC brave enough to try.
(The Mutant Lord should not place the PCs in
danger - play this "flight to the floor of the
canyon" for comedy relief. Perhaps an airborne
foe could create some tension as the PCs fly
down to the surface.)

Feloids (9) (AL C, MV 150 (50), AC 6, HD 8,

#AT 1 (stun pistol), DG stun, SV L7, ML 8,
mutations: none)
When the battle begins to turn against Judag, he
shall beat a hasty retreat, causing some
calamity to act as a diversion while he escapes.
(In the show, he fired a stun pistol at a nearby
rock outcropping, starting an avalanche. He
escaped while everyone tried to get out of the
way of the tumbling boulders.)
Upon freeing the captive, he will explain that his
name is Torg and that he is the leader of the
glider-people. He invites the party back to his

Once the PCs reach the canyon floor and

proceed to the west, they'll come across an
Ancient abandoned hospital. Lights flicker from
one of the windows on the upper floor. It is here
that they'll find Judag. When the PCs enter the
hospital, they'll be attacked by four devil rats that
have made the hospital lobby their lair.

Devil Rats (4) (AL C, MV 120 (40), AC 6, HD 3,

#AT 1 (bite or claw), DG 1d8 or 1d6, SV L2, ML
6, mutations: gigantism, natural armor, vision
impairment (severe light sensitivity))

Once the rats have been dealt with, the PCs are
free to get to the top floor of the hospital any
way they wish. There, in a large laboratory,
Judag and his feloid minions stand over a glass
case with a large creature within. In Judag's
hand is a book. "The secret of life is within this
Ancient tome!" he shouts, lifting a copy of Mary
Shelley's Frankenstein. At that moment, one of
the feloids flips a switch on a nearby console
and electricity courses through the case. With a
screech, the Sleeping Demon explodes through
the glass. The feloids run for their lives. Judag
steps before the creature and demands that it
bow before its master. It doesn't. It leaps upon
him, killing him. It then turns to the PCs, hunger
flashing in its eyes.

The Sleeping Demon (1) (AL C, MV 90 (30);

flying 240' (80'), AC 3, HD 13, #AT 3 (2 claws, 1
bite), DG 1d10, 1d10, 1d12, SV L11, ML 11,
mutations: complete wing development)
If the PCs don't defeat the Demon right now or if
it escapes from the hospital, it flies to Torg's
village, where it will begin feeding. The PCs
must put a stop to the creature's rampage before
it begins!


While entering a long-forgotten valley, the PCs
will come across a disturbing sight: A small army
of 14 man-apes (use the Apeman stats from the
MF rulebook, pg. 60) are excavating something
from the valley floor. "Dig faster, my faithful
ones!" says the one who is obviously overseeing
the digging. "We have much work to do this
night!" The man-apes will then lift something that
appears to be a giant hand from the ground.

If the PCs do nothing, the man-apes will load it

onto a cart and drag it off. If, however, the PCs
are heard or if they attempt to make contact, the
leader will scream, "There are spies among us!
Attack the humans!" A group of eight man-apes
will attack while the other six (and the leader)
carts off the hand.
Man-Apes (8) (AL N, MV 120 (40), AC 6, HD 7,
#AT 1 (weapon), DG as weapon +2, SV L5, ML
9, mutations: none)

the man-apes "for untold ages" and built the

high walls to keep them out. "Now Simius, their
leader, is rebuilding The Mighty One - an
Ancient warrior who will destroy our city!" Zett
offers to handsomely reward the PCs if they will
spy on Simius and find out what the status is of
The Mighty One's reconstruction.

Following Zett's directions, the PCs will come to

an Ancient movie studio lot. A great deal of
commotion is coming from the Old West area of
the lot. Inside a saloon soundstage, Simius and
six other man-apes are dragging out another
hand of The Mighty One. (The Mutant Lord is
encouraged to start up an old-fashioned Old
West barroom brawl!) If the man-apes get the
best of the PCs, they will tie them up and drag
them to the medieval castle soundstage, leaving
them for a small gamma wyrm (MF rulebook, pg.
73) to eat. If the PCs begin to win, Simius will
run off, leaving the hand behind. If the PCs
pursue, they'll encounter the gamma wyrm,
which will attack on sight.
Small Gamma Wyrm (1) (AL C, MV 90' (30'),
AC 2, HD 8, #AT 3 or 1 (2 claws, 1 bite or
breath), DG 1d4/1d4/3d6 or 5d6, SV L12, ML
10, mutations: psionic flight, toxic weapon,
reflective epidermis (radiation))

When the battle has ended, the PCs' next

mission may be to follow the man-apes to find
out what mischief is afoot. Following the path the
ape-man took will lead them to a large walled
fortress. This fortress is not the lair of the manapes (they took another well-hidden path) but
rather the fortified village of Zett and the dwarf
people who have been under attack from the
man-apes for many months. If the PCs are able
to gain the villagers' trust (and as long as none
of the PCs resemble apes), they will open the
large doors and invite them in to rest. Zett, their
mayor, explains that they have been at war with

While distracted by the gamma wyrm, the PCs

should hear a loud crashing in the distance and
the boom-boom-boom of echoing footsteps. The
Mighty One has been activated and it's on the
way to Zett's village! The Mighty One is a 100foot-tall robotic gorilla used as a prop in some
Ancient movies. The robot is fairly mindless, but
since it was used in Hollywood monster films, its

basic programming consists of "Go to the nearby

village and crush the puny humans." The hands
were the last things Simius needed to complete
the repairs (though it may have only one hand
depending on how the barroom brawl went).

The robot can be defeated in one of two ways:

The PCs can tackle it head-on and attempt to
destroy it before it reaches Zett's village.
Although it is incredibly strong (50 HD and
hitting with its fist for 8d6 damage), it is also
incredibly slow (-1 to hit). It also has very poor
sensors (adding another -1 to hit) as well as no
true armor to speak of (only a fur covering giving
it a AC of 7). So fighting it is not out of the
question. The other way to defeat it is to locate
and stop Simius who is running The Mighty One
with a remote control base unit. Simius has
positioned the unit very close to Zett's village.
Once The Mighty One reaches the village,
Simius plans to trigger the remote and use it to
control The Mighty One to destroy the walls. If
the PCs can find Simius and the remote, they
can shut down The Mighty One. (However, it will
be much more exciting if the PCs fight the giant
monster rather than simply pulling the plug!)

The Mighty One

Hit Dice: 50
Frame: Armature
Locomotion: Legs
Manipulation: Basic Hands
Armor: None, but covered with fur (AC 7)
Sensors: Class I (-1 to hit)
Mental Programming: Programming
Accessories: Remote Control Unit
Weaponry: Fists deal 8d6 damage

Once The Mighty One has been stopped and

Simius and his man-apes dealt with, Zett and his
village will treat the PCs as the heroes they are.
It is left to the Mutant Lord to determine the
reward Zett presents to them.

Thundarr the Barbarian:

Across the Dimensional Divide
A Mutant Future adventure for 3-6 players
using pre-gens of the TV shows characters
Gen Con 2012


In this adventure, it helps if the players have
a passing knowledge of the Thundarr the
Barbarian cartoon show from the mid1980s. (Show them an episode or two if you
can!) They will be playing the roles of
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess Ariel during
the course of the game, so having an idea of
the characters and their individual tropes
will go a long way toward capturing the feel
of a Saturday morning action cartoon show.
The pre-gens have role-playing tips to help
players unfamiliar with the show.
The twist to this adventure is that, due to a
dimensional breach, there are TWO teams
made up of Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess
Ariel. If you have 6 players, there should be
two Thundarr PCs, two Ooklas, and two
Ariels. If you have less than 6 players, I
would suggest breaking the teams up as
5 players = 2 Thundarr, 2 Ariel, 1 Ookla,
1 NPC Ookla
4 players = 2 Thundarr, 2 Ariel, 2 NPC
3 players = 1 Thundarr, 1 Ariel, 1 Ookla,
3 NPCs for the other Thundarr team
Before play, explain to the players that the
game needs to be played as if its a kidfriendly cartoon from the 1980s. Primarily,
no one ever dies or is horribly maimed in
combat. When villains and henchmen are
defeated, they are either knocked
unconscious or they run off with their tails
between their legs. PCs are dazed or winded
when they take damage. Attacks should be
made to disarm or demoralize not to injure
or kill. Encourage cheesy dialogue (Demon

dogs!) and acting in-character, even if the

action goes against what the player would
do. (Thundarr charges into a fight without
thinking of the consequences; Ookla will
break things that annoy or frustrate him,
even if the MacGuffin is important to the
plot; Ariel will joke during combat and offer
asides about Ancient cultures, traditions, and
To encourage and reward this kind of
Saturday-morning-clich game-playing,
offer PCs a +1 bennie each time they do
something in-character or in keeping with
cartoon tropes. These bennies can be
accumulated through the adventure and can
be turned in for a +1 bonus on any roll. For
example, three bennies gives the PC a +3
toward a combat roll, on a save roll, on a
damage roll, etc. Keeping the characters true
and keeping the feel of the cartoon will
give the PCs rewards to be used in the game.
To start, make sure you have the players
grouped into two teams (even if they dont
know it yet). Give each player a PC sheet
FACE DOWN and instruct them to not turn
it over until told to do so. The players will
obviously wonder who gets to play the 3
main characters and who at the table is
getting stuck with 3 nameless PCs. This also
salvages the twist of two identical teams
during the course of gameplay, which
should be a nice surprise for everyone.
EVERYONE gets to play a main character
in this adventure. (Plus, the combined might
of TWO wizards-in-one should be enough of
a challenge for two teams made up of these

** For weeks now, the wizard Yin the
Eternal, self-proclaimed Master of
Time, has been terrorizing the villagers
who reside in the ruins of
Indeenapliss. Coming to the aid of the
village, Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess
Ariel have thwarted Yin at every turn
and have tracked him to the decaying
structure of Lucas Oil Stadium, where
the wizard has decided to make his final
stand against the heroes. Yins blue
robes flutter in the night air and azure
energies crackle from his fingertips. His
henchmen stand before him, ready to
defend their master.
The PCs enter from the far end of the
stadium. Six Possumen (loin-cloth-wearing
humanoids with long narrow rodent faces,
whip-like tails, and grey fur) stand before
Yin. They are armed with clubs.
Possumen (6) (AL C, MV
120' (40'), AC 3, HD 4, #AT 2 (club, tail
whip), DG 1d6, 2d6 SV L2, ML 7,
mutations: none)
They all have 24 hit points.
1 24
2 24
3 24
4 24
5 24
6 24
Run one round of action. Let the PCs move,
get their licks in, cast a spell, throw some
stuff. The stadium has lots of sporting

equipment like footballs, helmets, tackling

dummies, etc. all over the place for the PCs
to use as they see fit. But for just one round.
Youre too late Thundarr! Yan laughs.
For tonight, my power will increase far
more than you can imagine!**
** Yin holds up one hand and a sky-blue
circular pulse of energy starts to
emanate from it. The oval perimeter of
the stadium blazes with blue light. The
henchmen cringe and you shield your
eyes as it gets brighter and brighter.

** For weeks now, the wizard Yan the
Infinite, self-proclaimed Master of
Space, has been terrorizing the villagers
who reside in the ruins of
Indeenapliss. Coming to the aid of the
village, Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess
Ariel have thwarted Yan at every turn
and have tracked him the decaying
structure of Lucas Oil Stadium, where
the wizard has decided to make his final
stand against the heroes. Yans yellow
robes flutter in the night air and golden
energies crackle from his fingertips. His
henchmen stand before him, ready to
defend their master.
This is a parallel dimension where similar
events are unfolding at the same time. As
before, the PCs enter from the far end of
the stadium. Six Possumen (loin-clothwearing humanoids with long narrow
rodent faces, whip-like tails, and grey fur)
stand before Yan. They are armed with
Possumen (6) (AL C, MV
120' (40'), AC 3, HD 4, #AT 2 (club, tail
whip), DG 1d6, 2d6 SV L2, ML 7,
mutations: none)
They all have 24 hit points.
1 24
2 24
3 24
4 24
5 24
6 24
Run one round of action. As before, let the

PCs move, get their licks in, cast a spell,

throw some stuff. But just one round.
Youre too late Thundarr! Yan laughs.
For tonight, my power will increase far
more than you can imagine!**
** Yan holds up one hand and a sunbright circular pulse of energy starts to
emanate from it. The oval perimeter of
the stadium blazes with yellow light. The
henchmen cringe and you shield your
eyes as it gets brighter and brighter
You see a shimmering portal open next
to Yans hand and he reaches into it. **
** You see a shimmering portal open
next to Yins hand. Another hand
reaches out of the portal, and Yin grasps
** Space and time spin in a swirl of blue
and yellow energies. You feel the very
fabric of reality tear asunder and reform
as two parallel dimensions fold and
overlap, merging into one new reality.
When your eyes clear, you see there are
two Thundarrs. Two Ooklas. Two Ariels.
But only one wizard stands where there
once were two.**
Yin and Yan have successfully merged
themselves into one being. The dimensions
have also merged into one. But somehow,
through arcane energies or sheer force of
will, Thundarr, Ookla, and Ariel both
versions have remained unmerged.


he begs for the parties to spare his life. He

can offer the following bits of information:

During confusion, allow the PCs to react to

the new situation. Thundarr(s) will
probably think its a trap and may attack
his doppleganger. Ookla(s) may as well.
Ariel(s) may try to make sense of it.

Give them one round to decide what to do.

At the end of it, have the Possumen attack
(only 6 of them, as they merged along with
the realities). If anyone asks, Yin/Yan
seems to now be wrapped in green robes.
He flexes his hands, looking at them as if
inspecting their new power. He may hurl a
spell or two at the PCs.

** We have never felt such power

before! We are unstoppable! We are
Yin/Yan the Endless! Emerald energy
surrounds the wizard. He grins. But we
want more! More power! More of US!
And we know just where to open the
next portal! Yin/Yan holds up his arms,
theres a flash, and the Master of
Space/Time disappears.**
Excited that their master is all-poweful, the
Possumen (remember them?) will attack
again, this time to the end.
Possumen (6) (AL C, MV
120' (40'), AC 3, HD 4, #AT 2 (club, tail
whip), DG 1d6, 2d6 SV L2, ML 7,
mutations: none)
They all have 24 hit points.
1 24
2 24
3 24
4 24
5 24
6 24
When the last Possuman has been defeated,

Master attack village because

village has way to stop Master.
Master said The Joining needs
big circle. This (motions to Lucas
Oil Stadium) big for First Joining.
Final Joining needs biggest circle.
Master write this. (The
Possuman writes 500 ND for the

The Possuman knows nothing more than

this. The teams can bind him, let him loose,
or whatever, but hes of no further use.
The henchmans first clue should point
toward the villagers residing in Icksee (ICC)
nearby. The party should go there to see
what they have that can stop Yin/Yan.
The second clue points toward Indianapolis
Motor Speedway, the largest oval-shaped
icon in the area. Yin/Yan requires a flat,
circular area to open the dimensional portal,
and this will work for what he has in mind.
Finally, the last clue is very literal. (Ariel
should be the one to figure it out.) The
Possuman wrote it wrong, as its ND 500 =
Indy 500. The villagers know a lot about
their area and its Ancient icons. They can
clue the teams in if they dont get it.

The teams get to their horses (Ookla,
Ariel, RIDE!) and ride back to the nearby
village. The village elder, Mayor Steve
(dressed in a ratty tuxedo and top hat with a
sash across his chest that says MAYOR)
meets them at the entrance to the village.
He and the small band of villagers there
seems delighted when they arrive, then
begin to mutter in confusion as they see
two of everyone. Mayor Steve looks at the
dual teams.
** It is good to see you have returned!
We heard the sounds of battle from here.
Have you defeated the wizard? And
why is there two of everyone? **
Let the teams explain as best as they can.
Steve will be concerned that Yin/Yan is
even more powerful than before. If asked
about what could possibly stop the wizard,
hell frown and then dawning realization
will creep across his face.
** Whenever the wizard would attack,
hed demand we turn over The Emerald
Orb. Its an Ancient artifact that weve
hidden and protected for generations.
We were afraid that he would use it to
increase his own power over the world.
Do you think it would help you? **
Mayor Steve has one of the villagers get
the Orb. Its about the size, shape, and
weight of a bowling ball. The Emerald Orb
seems to throb like a heart and it softly
glows. Ariel(s) can feel magical energies
pulsating from the Orb. It also shimmers
and vibrates, as if shifting between the two
dimensions. If Yin/Yan were to come into
contact with The Emerald Orb, it could
possibly rip him back into two separate
beings. But he needs to be weakened for it
to work.

At this point, a soft green glow should be

seen in the distance. Yin/Yan is beginning
the process to open up a new portal
between ALL dimensions. The PCs may
ask about a large flat circular area, or they
may ask about 500 ND. If they havent yet
figured it out, have one of the villagers
mention that Ancient Chariot Races that
were once held on a large circular path and
that it was called the INDY 500.
If the PCs HAVE figured it out, they may
ask about where it is. Its about 15 miles
away. And by the looks of the green haze
on the horizon, time is of the essence. The
teams horses will never make it in time.
** You need something faster, Steve
says. He turns to a nearby villager. Tell
Foyt to bring out the Firedept! **
A large door nearby scrolls up and a large
red beast comes trundling out, roaring and
screaming. Two shining eyes glare at the
party. Ariel(s) can see it for what it is an
Ancient firetruck that the village has been
able to get running. The engine roars and
the siren wails. On the side, Fire Dept. is
written. Behind the wheel is a large
bearded man wearing a motorcycle helmet.
** Foyt is our best chariot pilot. Hell get
you to the Brickyard faster than anything
else. **
The team is invited to get on the firetruck,
and Foyt will drive them there like a bat out
of hell. (Be sure to mark where the team is
sitting/climbing aboard.) The firetrucks
siren wails as Foyt drives it down the
crumbling streets toward the Speedway.

As the firetruck motors toward the
Speedway, sirens wailing, three Indy cars
crash out of an underground garage. Each
is being driven by a Possuman, and each
has a passenger with a laser pistol. The
Indy cars easily keep up with the firetruck.
One pulls along each side, and one drops
back behind it. The gunmen are trying to
hit either the team or the trucks tires in
hopes of slowing or stopping the truck
before it can get to the Speedway and stop
Yin/Yan. The Possumen may also try to
leap onto the truck to combat the team.
This encounter should be played loosely.
PCs may throw things off the truck. They
may turn the hose onto the car. They may
even leap onto the car and engage them in
hand-to-hand. This should be played as an
exciting chase piece, allowing the PCs to
do some feats of daring-do. (Foyt will not
get involved as he needs to keep the truck
on the road. And whipping the truck back
and forth to ram the cars may cause the
truck to overturn.)
Each Indy car can take 50 points of damage
before being disabled (treat as AC 2 due to
the difficulty in hitting a moving target). If
the gunsmen are taken care of, the driver
will break off the pursuit. If the driver is
dealt with, the car will careen wildly and

Possumen (6) (AL C, MV

120' (40'), AC 3, HD 4, #AT 2 (laser, tail
whip), DG 4d6, 2d6 SV L2, ML 7,
mutations: none)
They all have 24 hit points.
1 24
2 24
3 24
4 24
5 24
6 24
1 50
2 50
3 50

When the PCs arrive at the Indianapolis
Motor Speedway, they see green energy
arcing from the tracks infield. The field is
littered with old tires, broken-down cars,
and other racetrack flotsam. Yin/Yan
stands at the top of the pylon next to the
start/finish line. Hes about 50 feet straight
up, facing the large rusting stadium seating.
He doesnt seem to notice the PCs, as he
starts his bragging
** And now the time has come to
breach all dimensions! Once I join with
myself from other wheres and other
whens, I shall be a GOD! **
A large green portal opens in front of the
stadium seating. The PCs will see the
stadiums seats start to shimmer as hundreds
upon thousands of multi-dimensional
versions of Yin/Yan begin to manifest as the
walls between dimensions begins to
crumble. The PCs will probably shout
something all heroic, or they might just
launch an attack. Regardless of what
happens, once Yin/Yan sees the PCs, he
** Ah, I see youve arrived to see my
greatest triumph! Before I began this
portal though, I created another. Let me
show you what I pulled forth!**
The ground shakes as a giant tentaclemouthed worm-thing explodes from the
ground in front of the PCs. About 5 feet
wide, 50 feet long, and angry. This creature
from another dimension is pissed and wants
nothing more than to attack the characters. It
tries to grab the PCs with its tentacles to

drag them to its mouth. It can also dig at a

high rate of speed underground, hoping to
come up under the PCs. And if it falls on
you, ouch. Yin/Yan is hoping that the
distraction will last long enough for him to
finish the dimensional breach.
Dinensional Worm (1) (AL C, MV
120' (40'), AC 3, HD 10, #AT 2 (mouth
tentacles, crushing blow), DG 2d6, 4d6 SV
L5, ML 9, mutations: hyperburrowing)
It has 60 hit points.
So the battle is joined. Yin Yan is trying to
join with himself a thousand-fold and will
fight to stay away from the PCs. The worm
is his last minion. If anyone is able to get
him to come into contact with the Orb,
Yin/Yan will scream in pain. But he needs
to be down to 10 HP or less for the ORB to
successfully pull him back into two beings.
When this happens, the PCs will see his
body split in two, and suddenly the two
original wizards are here. They have been
split asunder.
** You fools! both versions scream.
By splitting me, youve split the
dimensions! Yin and Yan both scream in
terror and fury as they fade from
existence. You each wave at your
counterpart as the dimensions begin to
pull apart into their separate forms once
again. When your vision clears, you stand
at the Brickyard with no sign of the
wizard or the other Thundarr, Ookla,
and Ariel. Youre back in your rightful
dimension. Thundarr whistles for your
mounts and you ride off successful. **

((NOTE: Yin and Yan are identical, so the

stats for each is the same. Two sets of hit
points are listed to keep things straight. If
the party tackled Yin/Yan as a single being,
just add the totals up to being))
Yin The Eternal
Yan The Infinite
9th Level Wizard
STR: 12 --- INT: 17
DEX: 13 --- WIL: 14
CON: 15 --- CHA: 12
HPs: 63 AC: 0
Spell List:
1st: Magic Missile ( ) ( )
1st Shield ( ) ( )
2nd Invisibility ( ) ( )
2nd Web ( ) ( )
3rd Lightning Bolt ( ) ( )
3rd Hold Person ( ) ( )
4th Dimensional Door ( ) ( )
4th Confusion ( ) ( )
5th Teleport (X) ( ) (One used earlier)
Yin and Yan are two identical (for the most
part) wizards from parallel dimensions.
Although one claims to be master of Time
and one of Space, they have identical
abilities and goals. However, they have
made a study of the existence and
breaching of dimensions, and they have
figured out a way to actually join with
their interdimensional counterparts.
When a Dimensional Door spell is started
by Yin and Yan simultaneously in dual
dimensions, they are able to reach for each
other and join together, effectively
doubling their powers and abilities. In this
adventure, however, the dually-joined
Yin/Yan is not expected to last long (as the
PCs have the Emerald Orb that will split
them apart again), but if they remain
joined, double Yin/Yans Hit Point score

and spell availability (4 Magic Missiles, 4

Shields, etc.).
If left unchecked, Yin/Yan will reach
into other dimensions, joining with other
parallel counterparts. Each Joining
multiplies his scores as the ML sees fit.


Thundarr the Barbarian:

Warlord of the Sacred Library
A Mutant Future adventure for 3-6 players
using pre-gens of the TV shows characters

Gary Con 2013

Lords of Light! Drakexx the

Unstoppable has established a
stronghold in the forbidden Congers
Library where thousands of Ancient
texts are stored. What use does a
warlord have with these tomes, and
what secrets does he hope to
unlock? The tribal shaman of the
village of Linkon has tasked
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess Ariel
with stopping and driving out the
mindless brute!
In this adventure, it helps if the
players have a passing knowledge of
the Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon
show from the mid-1980s. (Show
them an episode or two if you can!)
They will be playing the roles of
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess Ariel
during the course of the game, so
having an idea of the characters and
their individual tropes will go a long
way toward capturing the feel of a
Saturday morning action cartoon
show. The pre-gens have roleplaying tips to help players unfamiliar
with the show.
The twist to this adventure is that,
due to a misfired spell, there are
TWO teams made up of Thundarr,
Ookla, and Princess Ariel. If you
have 6 players, there should be two
Thundarr PCs, two Ooklas, and two
Ariels. If you have less than 6
players, I would suggest breaking
the teams up as follows:
5 players = 2 Thundarr, 2 Ariel, 1
Ookla, 1 NPC Ookla
4 players = 2 Thundarr, 2 Ariel, 2
NPC Ooklas
3 players = 1 Thundarr, 1 Ariel, 1
Ookla, 3 NPCs for the other
Thundarr team

Before play, explain to the players

that the game needs to be played as
if its a kid-friendly cartoon from the
1980s. Primarily, no one ever dies or
is horribly maimed in combat. When
villains and henchmen are defeated,
they are either knocked unconscious
or they run off with their tails
between their legs. PCs are dazed or
winded when they take damage.
Attacks should be made to disarm or
demoralize not to injure or kill.
Encourage cheesy dialogue
(Demon dogs!) and acting incharacter, even if the action goes
against what the player would do.
(Thundarr charges into a fight
without thinking of the
consequences; Ookla will break
things that annoy or frustrate him,
even if the MacGuffin is important to
the plot; Ariel will joke during combat
and offer asides about Ancient
cultures, traditions, and technology.)
To start, make sure you have the
players grouped into two teams
(even if they dont know it yet). Give
each player a PC sheet FACE
DOWN and instruct them to not turn
it over until told to do so. The players
will obviously wonder who gets to
play the 3 main characters and who
at the table is getting stuck with 3
nameless PCs. This also salvages
the twist of two identical teams
during the course of gameplay,
which should be a nice surprise for
everyone. EVERYONE gets to play a
main character in this adventure.
(Plus, the combined might of both a
warlord and wizard should be
enough of a challenge for two teams
made up of these characters!)

((Explain to the PCs who are ready
to play that you need to set up the
situation and to be patient while you
get through the exposition. Also,
remind them to keep their sheets
face down.
Play opening credits to the TV
The unthinkable has happened : A
ruthless warlord has joined forces
with powerful wizard and ,
between them, they have driven
the lands of Deecee to its knees.
Drakexx the Unstoppable and his
robot centurions have terrorized
the villages in the area for
months. At his side has been
Zardon, the self-proclaimed
Leximancer who uses Ancient
tomes to power his magic. Its odd
because warlords and wizards
have never been known to work
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess
Ariel have arrived to stop this
dangerous union of muscle and
magic. The citizens of the village
of Linkon have directed the team
an Ancient white obelisk. Zardon
is at the top of the tower (the top
appears to have been sheared off)
while Drakexx stands defiantly in
front of it. Before him stands 6 of
his robot centurions.
(Map it out for the PCs. Add tree,
benches, burned out car husk)
So Thundarr, Drakexx sneers,
you think you can stop me in my

quest to rule these lands? Bah!

Ive come prepared in case of your
meddling! He turns to the wizard
far above. Now Wizard! Smite
them with your magic!
Zardon holds a tattered book aloft
and arcane energies envelope
This book holds the secrets of
the most powerful weapons of the
Ancients! I command the words
within to take form and strike
down our enemies where they
The title on the cover of the book
is Splitting the Atom.
A bolt of energy flashes from
book at Zardons command,
streaking toward Thundarr, Ookla,
and Arial. With one swift motion,
Thundarr unsheaths the Sun
Sword and swats at the beam.
With a blinding flash, the heroic
trio are engulfed in pure atomic
hellfire of a thousand suns. Your
ears ring and your eyes sting.
When youre able to see and hear,
you find that the atom truly was
split, for there are now two
Thundarrs, two Ooklas, and two
Princess Ariels.
Have PCs turn over their sheets to
see who theyre playing. Let them
ask questions and get used to the
idea of two of each PC. Explain that
they should see themselves as twins
or two sides of the same coin. They
can worry about rejoining later, right
now Drakexx and Zardon must be

Drakexx grimaces at the

unexpected development.
Centurions! ATTACK! he shouts
as he races into the obelisk. The
robots bring up their arms and
laser fire erupts.
Its time for the first combat. The
centurions are refitted and
reprogrammed library drones (to be
encountered later). Their goal is to
keep the PCs from reaching the
oblelisk. There are 6 of them, each
with a laser that fires for 3d6 points
Robot Centurions (6) (AL N, MV
120' (40'), AC 1, HP 50, #AT 1
(laser), DG 3d6, 2d6 SV L4, ML 12,
mutations: none)
As robots, they all have 50 hit points.
1 50
2 50
3 50
4 50
5 50
6 50
When the PCs begin to get the upper
hand, have them notice Drakexx
confronting the wizard at the top of
the tower.
You fool! Drakexx rages as he
lifts the wizard by the front of his

cloak, you claimed that book of

yours would incinerate them!
Zardon licks his lips nervously
then glances at a large gold
medallion Drakexx wears around
his neck. Im sorry Lord Drakexx,
but perhaps if you were to return
my medillion, I would have the
power to
Drakexx cuts him off with an evil
laugh. What kind of fool do you
take me for, wizard? As long as
this is in my possession, you
WILL do what I say! Zardon
frowns in disappointment and
Drakexx points at the party.
When we next meet, I will be
more powerful than you can
possibly imagine! He turns to
Zardon. Wont I? he threatens.
Zardon nods. If I can find the
right tome, yes sire. Zardon
agrees. He lifts his hands and the
two of them teleport away.
Allow the PCs to finish the fight with
the Centurions. When done, they
can return to the village of Linkon to
report what happened.

The team returns to the village of
Linkon which was established at the
base of a large Ancient structure that
holds a statue of a seated bearded
man. Wissop the tribal shaman who
tasked you with stopping Drakexx
approaches you. He stops, obviously
confused by the appearance of twice
as many of the team.
Why, what sorcery is this? he
Allow the team to explain and to
regale him with tales of the battle.
When they mention that Drakexx and
Zardon vanished, he shakes his
head sadly.
It is as I feared. The Leximancers
power grows the longer he is
exposed to the written word. He
has no imagination of his own, so
he pulls the ideas and concepts
from the tomes to do his bidding.
Over dinner and drink, Wissop
explains that Drakexx seems to jhold
dominion over Zardon. If they
mention the medallion, Wissop
agrees that it must be the keystone
to Zardons power. With it, the wizard
would be unstoppable.
But as long as Drakexx
commands the medallion, he
commands Zardon.
The PCs should begin wondering
about any large depository of books
that Zardon may want to get his
hands on. Wissop thinks for a
moment, and lights up

Of course! There is a depository

of Ancient tomes not far from here
The Library of Congers. Ill bet
thats the location of their secret
base of operations. You must
hurry there! With the information
contained there, Zardon and
Drakexx could become Gods on
He gives them a map and sends the
team on the way.

When the team arrives at the library,
they see a large crumbling ruin that
must have been quite opulent in the
past. Now its nothing more than a
looming boxy structure with tumbled
over white marble columns in front
and overgrown with weeds and
Patrolling the area are 4 more Robot
Centurions. The team must get past
them to enter the library. They can
try stealth orknowing Thundarr and
Ooklathey may just decide to
charge in.
Robot Centurions (4) (AL N, MV
120' (40'), AC 1, HP 50, #AT 1
(laser), DG 3d6, 2d6 SV L4, ML 12,
mutations: none)
As robots, they all have 50 hit points.
1 50
2 50
3 50
4 50
As they enter, they approach down a
darkened hallway. In the darkness
lurk three large Devil Rats. (Armor
plated giant rodents. See Thundarr
sourcebook for description) They will
get the jump on the team if theyre
not careful (surprise on 1-2 on d6,
roll for each character until 3 are
jumped). Too much commotion may
also cause two more Centurions to
come investigate.


120' (40'), AC 3, HD 3, #AT 1 (bite or
claw), DG 1d8 or 1d6, SV L2, ML 6,
mutations: gigantism, natural armor,
light sensitivity
CENTURIONS (if they show up):
1 50
2 50

At the end of the hallway, the room

opens up into a large reading room
area of the library. It is here where
the epic battle will take place.

You enter a large area that was
once the common room of the
Library of Congers. There are
broken tables and chairs strewn
about. Large bookshelves that
used to hold thousands of books
line the area, most emptied of any
kind of tome. Moldy books and
paper lie about, smelling of rot
and decay.
On a balcony at the far end stands
Drakexx and Zardon. Zardon now
holds a new book tightly to his
So, the mighty
are brave enough to enter my
stronghold? I dont know whether
to congratulate you all or pity
Allow a bit of back and forth
posturing and positioning. Time for
some cartoon dialogue!
Drakexx purses his lips with
contempt. It is no matter to me.
In a moment, I shall be the most
powerful man who ever walked
the earth! He turns to Zardon.
Now slave!
Give the PCs a chance to react
one turn. Theyre too far away for
any Mighty Deeds of STR, AGIL, or
MAGIC, but if they can do some
damage or close the gap, let em.
Zardon places a hand on
Drakexxs head and the book in
his other hand glows as if on fire.

There is an audible SNAP and

Drakexx tumbles off the balcony
backwards, managing to land on
his feet. He stands hunched, then
looks up If its possible, he
looks even more evil than before,
almost demonic.
The title of the book in Zardons
hand? The Strange Case of Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. And that
SNAP you heard? Zardon now
holds the medallion he ripped
from Drakexxs neck as he fell.
Drakexx, who was already very
powerful, is now hulking out as his
Hyde personality takes form. When
hes done mutating in a round, he
will be an 8-foot-tall giant with a 20
STR. He will wield dual battleaxes
during the fight. Hell pick up and
throw tables and shelves. He can
even go toe to toe with Ooklas.
(AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 0, HP 90,
#AT 2 (battleaxes), DG 2d6, 2d6, SV
L6, ML 12, mutations: gigantism,
enhanced strength (20))
1 90
And lets not forget Zardon who now
holds his medallion! He looks at it
with wonder, then places it around
his neck. Zardon tosses the Jekyll
and Hyde book aside and brings out
another book he had hidden in his
When Drakexx seems to be nearly
defeated, or if someone decides to
attack him, Zardon holds aloft the
new book.

Drakexx was a fool! You want to

see power? Ill show you power!
The book glows with red arcane
energies. The title this time? The
Hobbit by JRR Tolkein.
On the floor of the library, a very
large, very red, very angry, fire
breathing winged lizard
SMAUG (Yes, THAT Smaug):
(AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC -1, HP 70,
#AT 3 or 1 (2 claws/bite or breath),
DG 1d8, 1d8, 3d8 or 5d10, SV L9,
ML 10, mutations: fire breath)
1 70
If Smaug is defeated, he fades out of
existence. If Drakexx is defeated,
hell shrink back to normal size.
Zardon is only trying to escape. Hes

used his teleport for the day, so hell

try to escape while the dragon and
Drakexx fight with the PCs.
(Hopefully someone thinks to stop
the wizard!)
(AL C, MV 120' (40'), AC 6, HP 25,
#AT 1 (special-magic missile), DG
3d6, SV L3, ML 5, mutations: magic
1 25
If Zardon is defeated, let one of the
Ariels take the medallion. The other
spies a book on the floor which she
picks up. They share a look and they
Let the battle go until all are defeated

With Drakexx and Zardon
defeated, the team reports back to
the village of Linkon to inform the
settlers they have nothing to fear
from the wizard or the Warlord of
the Sacred Library. But theres
still the issue of double everyone.
One Princess Areal reveals
Zardons medallion. The other
reveals the book she picked up:
The Three Musketeers Ariel
opens up the Ancient book
And as it says right here: All for
One, and One for All!
With that, the medallion glows
with an unearthly light and
envelops you. When the light
clears, the original three heroes
stands. While the townsfolk cheer,
Thundarr, Ookla, and Ariel jumps
onto their horses:
(Play closing credits from the TV

Thundarr the Barbarian:

The Wizards Graveyard
A Mutant Future adventure for 3-6 players
using pre-gens of the TV shows characters

North Texas RPG Con 2014

Demon dogs! The evil wizard Thraxx the

Ethereal has discovered an Ancient
weapon that will allow him to conquer
the village of Dee-See! Legends tell of a
powerful artifact long-ago lost in The
Wizards Graveyard that could be the
key to his downfall! Join Thundarr,
Ookla, and Princess Ariel as they try to
save the world of 3994 AD! Lords of
In this adventure, it helps if the players
have a passing knowledge of the
Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon show
from the mid-1980s. (Show them an
episode or two if you can!) They will be
playing the roles of Thundarr, Ookla,
and Princess Ariel during the course of
the game, so having an idea of the
characters and their individual tropes
will go a long way toward capturing the
feel of a Saturday morning action
cartoon show. The pre-gens have roleplaying tips to help players unfamiliar
with the show.
In this adventure, the players will be
playing the roles of Thundarr, Ookla,
and Ariel (of course) as well as their
three teen protgs: Shara the
Barbarian, Merlik the Sorcerer, and
Oosoo the Mok. (Shara and Merlik
were first introduced in the episode
Den of the Sleeping Demon, and
Oosoo is their new Mok companion.) If
you have less than 6 players, have
them play the primary team of Thundarr,
Ookla, and Ariel, then let the remaining
players choose who amongst the teen

team theyd like to play. If youd like to

have your players play their own
characters in this adventure, be my
guest! (Although, if magic doesnt exist
in your Mutant Future campaign, I
suggest having Thraxxs magic be the
result of mutations and Ancient
Before play, explain to the players that
the game needs to be played as if its a
kid-friendly cartoon from the 1980s.
Primarily, no one ever dies or is horribly
maimed in combat. When villains and
henchmen are defeated, they are either
knocked unconscious or they run off
with their tails between their legs. PCs
are dazed or winded when they take
damage. Attacks should be made to
disarm or demoralize not to kill.
Encourage cheesy dialogue (Demon
dogs!) and acting in- character, even if
the action goes against what the player
would do. (Thundarr charges into a fight
without thinking of the consequences;
Ookla will break things that annoy or
frustrate him, even if the MacGuffin is
important to the plot; Ariel will joke
during combat and offer asides about
Ancient cultures, traditions, and
Above all else, play fast and furious, as
its an 80s action cartoon! Dont let the
players catch their breath, and dont let
the action wane! Have fun!
Ookla, Ariel, riiiiiide!

((Pass out character sheets and let PCs
read the characters theyre to play. Play
the opening credits to the TV show to
get them in the mood.))
Thundarr, Ookla, and Princess Ariel
have been travelling the countryside
with three young protgs: Shana the
Barbarian, Merlik the Sorceror, and
Oosoo the Mok. (The trio met Shana
and Merlik when they battled the
Sleeping Demon many moons ago.
And Oosoo has joined them since
then.) As their inexperience and
stubbornness nearly got them all
killed in their earlier adventure, you
offered the teens the opportunity to
tag along for a while so they could
learn from your experience.
You have received word that a new
wizard has been terrorizing a village
in the nearby region of Dee-See -the Ancient capital of these lands.
The area is now a swampy region due
to decades of flooding from the
Tomack River, and twisted aquatic
abominations lurk in the boggy
waters. But never one to turn away
from a cry for help, the six of you
mounted your steeds and rode
toward adventure!
After two days of riding you begin to
notice large white monuments and
blocks of granite dotting the

landscape, and you realize you must

be getting close. Its around noon, as
the trees start to thin out as you
arrive at the village of Smithson a
post-apocalyptic shantytown built in
one of the marble ruins. As you ride
up, you see the villagers are in a
panic as theyre being rounded up by
a band of Carrocs crocodile-like
humanoids armed with some kind of
laser blasters.
Floating above the scene is a ghostly
hooded figure who seems to be
watching the carnage below.
The ghostly figure is the new wizard
hinted at in the opening dialogue. The
wizard, Thraxx, is an invisible noncorporal being who cannot be harmed or
even touched in his ghostly state. He
appears to be an empty hooded robe.
Knowing hes untouchable, he floats
silently, watching his minions (the
Carrocs) as they round up the Smithson
villagers. He wont speak, and attacks
pass harmlessly through him during the
The Carrocs have orders to clear out
Smithson as theres apparently
something within that Thraxx wants to
gets his hands on. Its up to the team to
stop the Carrocs!
((Sketch out map; players enter riding
from the edge.))

Carrocs (7) (AL C, MV 90' (30'), AC 4,

HP 36, #AT 1 (claw, bite, or laser), DG
1d8, 1d10, or 3d6, SV L2, ML 9,
mutations: increased strength, natural
1 36
2 36
3 36
4 36
5 36
6 36
7 36
Thraxx passively watches the battle.
When the last Carroc has been
defeated and the villagers freed, the
village elder Shadoan thanks the
team and steps forward, pointing an
accusing finger at Thraxx.
You have failed in your efforts to
remove us, Thraxx! We now have
help! We can withstand you and your
Thraxx finally moves, turning to look at
the six heroes. The team cant see a
face or eyes under the hood. Its like a
blank empty hole where the head
should be. He addresses the PCs
directly, ignoring Shadoan. His voice is
hollow and raspy.
Your arrival is an annoyance, but
your presence is inconsequential. I
will have The Weapon.
He turns to Shadoan.

You have until the sun sets to leave.

If you stay, you will be destroyed.
When I return, I shall flatten this
place and all within it.
Thraxx slowly fades away and
disappears. Shadoan turns to the
Ill wager you have questions. Come
inside and Ill tell you everything.
((Commercial break!))

The building Shadoan brings the team
to is a ruined museum built by the
Ancients. The village took its name
from the sign in from of the building:
Smithson Air Space. Any PC who
knows a bit of Ancient cultures or any
who brushes away to clinging vines and
who can read will see the full name of
the place is Smithsonian Air and
Space Museum.
The Ancients stored many of their
wondrous machines and
achievements here, he says. Man
once flew across the skies, and even
to other worlds! He shows the team
the ruined examples of Ancient
achievements. The Lunar Module,
planes hanging from wires, photos of
famous Ancients hanging on the
walls, etc.
If the PCs have questions, allow
Shadoan to answer them. They may
also want to fiddle around with the
exhibits. Let them if they wanna for
comedys sake
You enter a new room that is empty
except for one large exhibit. A long
cylinder fills the room, pointed at one
end with fins on the other. It looks
like a monstrous arrow. A disheveled
man in aviators goggles wearing
leather gloves is here, and he hurries
over when you enter the room.

Is Thraxx defeated? the man asks.

For now, Wilbur, but he threatens to
return at nightfall. But the help we
sent for has arrived. This is Wilbur,
the curator of the artifacts here, as
well as my closest advisor.
Allow folks to introduce themselves.
Wilbur is a bit star-struck by the team
and he asks a lot of questions. (Hes
particularly fascinated by the Moks.)
Eventually hell get back on track (or the
team will probably tire and ask about the
Oh, this is what Thraxx covets. Its
called a Rockette, Wilbur says as
he points to the object. In peaceful
times, devices like these were used
to send men far into the skies and to
far-away worlds. But in times of war,
it could be used to send explosives
and nightmarish poisons to your
enemies. Thraxx wishes to take
control of this Rockette, examine it,
and build more like it. If he were to
build more, hed be unstoppable!
Allow the team to ask questions about
Thraxx and the Rockette. Any questions
they have can be answered by either
Shadoan or Wilbur.
Thraxx only recently arrived,
demanding access to the Rockette.
When turned away, he returned with
an army of Carrocs.
Theyve been able to drive them off
so far, but they are weakening under

the constant barrage.

The Carrocs have been patrolling
the area, so the village has been
unable to get help. Theyre amazed
they were able to get word to the
Thraxx seems unable to interact with
the physical world, as if he were
trapped between the living world and
the world beyond. ((BIG CLUE))

Eventually, Shadoan will recall they only

have until sundown to stop the ghostly
Wilbur and I have a theory about
Thraxx. He seems to be a creature
neither living nor dead, so the answer
to his defeat might be found at The
Wizards Graveyard a place of rest
for Ancient heroes and legends.
There, its said the Fires of Forever
burn brightly. We believe if we can
expose Thraxx to this magical Fire, it
could somehow damage him, drving
him away.
Shadoan and Wilbur explain that The
Wizards Graveyard is about an hour
away on horseback. They give each PC
a torch, instructing them to light it in the
Fires and bring it back to use against
Shadoan leads them out to their mounts
and points them toward The Wizards

And time is of the essence. We dont

know what hes planning for
sundown, but its imperative you
return before then!
Ookla, Ariel, riiiiiide!

When the team arrives The Wizards
Graveyard, they see a sign IDing it as
Arling (Arlington Cemetery if the PCs
think to look a bit more at the sign). Its
been all but overtaken by the swamps.
Many bogs and damp muddy pools are
scattered throughout the area, with a
few old stone paths here and there.
The swamp is littered with stone
markers in neat orderly rows. Due to
the tree canopy, its a bit dark here, but
the PCs can see a flickering in the
distance. Its strangely quiet, as if
nothing dares to explore this sacred
While approaching the flickering light,
three Surfents splash out of the
swampy waters. These are huge furcovered snakes with antenna that gives
them the mutation of echolocation. The
PCs need to take care of them quickly if
they can.
Surfents (3) (AL C, MV 60' (20'), AC 6,
HP 30, #AT 2 (bite, constrict), DG 1d4,
2d8, SV L2, ML 7, mutations: gigantism,
1 30
2 30
3 30
Once the Surfents are dealt with, the
PCs can approach the Fires of Forever.
It is a large, flat, stone area with a

single jet of flame in the center. The

engraving at the base names it The
Eternal Flame.
(The Eternal Flame flickers with
otherworldly power, as if this Ancient
symbol has been somehow imbued with
arcane power.)
After the PCs dip their torches into the
flames, as the leave the cemetery, they
can see the sun in the distance where it
sits on the horizon. They will easily see
that sunset will occur in less than 20
minutes and theyll never get back to
Smithson in time. (Dun-dun-dunnnn)
((Commercial break!))

You stand at the gates of The
Wizards Graveyard, torches blazing
with the magic flames. But time is
nearly up, and youll never be able to
get back to Smithson before Thraxx
launches his attack.
In the distance, you hear a buzzing in
the air It grows louder and closer,
and in the dusk, you can see a dark
shadow overhead.
Let them react somehow to the
approaching menace. As it gets nearer,
it looks like a bird but buzzes like a giant
insect. As it gets overhead, it seems to
hover and they can see it some strange
Ancient flying machine. It is the Wright
Brothers flyer with a helicopter blade
sticking out of the top. At the controls is
Wilbur, who drops a rope ladder and
motions them to climb up.
Thought you might run out of time,
so I fired up this Ancient contraption
Ive been working on! he shouts over
the buzzing of the blades overhead.
Be careful with those torches! This
things mostly cloth and lumber. Itll
go up like tinder if it catches fire!
Once theyre on board, have the PCs
mark where they will be standing. Wilbur
banks the heliplane and begins the
flight back to Smithson, shouting for
them to hang on.

After a few minutes in the air (be

sure to have rolls to hang on while
Wilbur fights to keep it airborne), a
last from a laser narrowly misses the
heliplane. Glancing about, there are
three Carrocs riding on the backs of
Leatherwings (giant bats) closing
fast. Seated behind the pilots are
three more Carrocs with laser who
are trying to shoot the heliplane
Dont let them hit the plane!
Wilbur shouts. Those lasers will
tear us apart for sure!
The Leatherwings are not statted as
they are mostly here for use as
vehicles. If the players hit a
Leatherwing, it will veer off, as it has low
morale in combat. The Carrocs who are
flying will try to fly close enough for the
shooter to get a good shot or if close
enough so the shooter can jump over
onto the heliplane. Looks like we have a
good old-fashioned, wing-walking
dogfight at hand!

Carrocs (6 only 3 will enter combat)

(AL C, MV 90' (30'), AC 4, HP 36, #AT 1
(claw, bite, or laser), DG 1d8, 1d10, or
3d6, SV L2, ML 9, mutations: increased
strength, natural armor)
1 36
2 36
3 36
4 36
5 36
6 36

into the statue of the Ancient

leader. The statues eyes begin to
glow, then flicker into twin blazes
of fire. There is the groaning and
grinding of stone-on-stone as the
giant granite statue stands up. The
front of the monument explodes
as the giant stonework man
breaks out of the building that
held him and he begins his walk
toward the Smithson.
Thraxxs final attack has begun.

This aerial combat should be played up

for excitement. The PCs and Carrocs
may jump back and forth from plane to
bat. Someone may get tangled up in
the rope ladder and be swinging back
and forth. The threat of torch or laser
fire could bring the plane down. And
Wilbur will be trying to shake off the
attackers, causing everyone to roll DEX
When the smoke clears and the
Carrocs have been driven away, the
players can see the Smithson coming
into view just as the sun sets.

In a squat rectangular monument
nearby, a statue of a stoic bearded
man sits in a quiet vigil. In front of
the statue floats Thraxx. As the
last of the suns rays shine down,
Thraxx raises his arms and
approaches the statue. He fades
away as he passes through and

((Commercial break!))

Thraxx has taken possession of the
statue of Lincoln from the Lincoln
Memorial, and he intends to use the
stone juggernaut to destroy the
Smithson walls and anyone who gets
in his way. Meanwhile, the PCs are
approaching from the other direction
on the heliplane in whatever
condition it may be. And in the
middle is the Smithson.
The PCs can take whatever tack
they want. If they want to attack from
the ground, Wilber can get low
enough for them to jump. If they
want him to buzz the statue, he can
do that (while Mr. Lincoln swats at
them like King Kong). Any cartoonaction attack the PCs want to
attempt should be encouraged. If
they attack the statue head-on, it will
take 90 points of damage before it is
(AL N, MV 150' (50'), AC 0, HP 90,
#AT 1 (fist), DG 4d6, SV L6, ML 12,
mutations: none)
1 90

The trick is to drive Thraxx out of the

statue as he cannot be attacked
while hes inside. The torch flames

are the key, and the blazing flamelike eyes are the target. If the PCs
can get the fires close enough to the
eyes, Mr. Lincoln will try to shield his
eyes from the blinding light.
Whenever they do this successfully
(as an attack), Thraxx loses that
attack round. So the PCs will need to
really pound on the statue as it
slowly stomps toward Smithson.
Once the statue is destroyed and
Thraxx is driven from the statue, he
will be utterly vulnerable to the
torches. Three successful attacks
using the flames is all it takes to
defeat him and drive his ghostly form
from this dimension!
Let the battle go until all are defeated

With the stone presidential
juggernaut defeated and Thraxx
driven away by the cleansing Ancient
flames, the Smithson villagers have
nothing to fear any longer.
The six of you are surrounded by the
townsfolk and a celebration breaks
out while, overhead, Wilbur dips the
wings of the heliplane in a salute.
As the townsfolk cheer, the six of you
jumps onto your horses:
(Play closing credits from the TV

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