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Metabolism is important because it is literally the powerhouse of the body, providing energy to
keep the body going. Without metabolism, living organisms will die, and errors in metabolic
processes can cause health problems such as diabetes, in which the body fails to metabolize blood
sugar properly.
Growth The growth of some organisms can seem sall or even non-existent to the human eye, but every
living thing must grow to survive. It has to mature in order to properly handle its environment.
Irritability is important so that the animals can hide from their predators. And to survive in the
environment they are alert on what to do.
Reproduction is important for the survival of all living things. Without a mechanism for reproduction,
life would come to an end
Adaptation helps organisms to fit at a location or in a situation that fits on a change/changes happened.
This is important because a species can not survive if it is not adapted to its environment.
Assimilation is occurring in every cell of the body to help develop new cells.
Definite form and size
Movement help 0rganism to search for necessary requirements such as food, water and shelter
Definite chemical composition

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