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Highlighted questions are not tested in 2015 C1 Block Test

Amanda sells fresh seafood at a market stall, and every day she has a kg of fish, b kg of
crabs and c kg of prawns to sell. She sells fish at $8 per kg, crabs at $12 per kg and
prawns at $10 per kg. However, the cost price of the seafood is different each day, and
the table below shows the cost price of each of the seafood for 3 particular days, and
the profit that Amanda made for each day:
Cost Price of Cost Price
Fish per kg
Crab per kg

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

of Cost Price of Profit made

Prawn per kg

Amanda sold all her seafood on Day 1 and 2, but was left with 5 kg of fish and 15 kg of
crabs unsold on Day 3. Ignoring the loss incurred by the leftover stock, calculate the
values of a, b and c respectively.


Show the sum (m 4) (m 2) m ... (m 2n) , where m, n , n 2 , can be

expressed as (n + 3)(m + n 2).
Hence find the sum of all odd integers between 100 and 500 which are NOT divisible
by 5.


Expand 3 x 1 2 x

as a series in ascending powers of x, up to and including the

term in x , simplifying the coefficients.


Find the coefficient of x8 in the expansion of 3 x 1 2 x and state the range of

values of x for which the expansion is valid.


Given that 0 x 1 , write down the first three non-zero terms in the expansion
of 1 2 , in ascending powers of x. Hence, by putting x in your result, where n is
an integer to be determined, obtain an approximate value of 37 , correct to 3 decimal


The nth term of a sequence is

3(1) n
. Prove that the sequence follows a geometric
progression and state its first term and common ratio. Find the sum, S n , of the first n
terms of the sequence, leaving your answer in terms of n.
Find the sum to infinity, S , of the progression and the least value of n for which the
difference between S n and S is less than 1012 .

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The functions f, g and h are defined as follows:

3 x
x ,
f: x
x 4 ,
g : x ln(4 x) ,
x b where b > 0.
h: x
(i) Show that f is not a one-to-one function. If the domain of f is restricted to [ a, ),
find the least value of a for which f is one-to-one.

Define, in a similar form, the function f 1 corresponding to the new domain

found in part (i).

(iii) Given that the composite function gh is well defined and the range of gh
is (ln 6 , ln12] , find the exact value of b.




Show algebraically, for any real values of x, x2 3x 4 is always negative.

Hence, without the use of a graphic calculator, solve the inequality
2 x 3
x 7 x 10 2


Using the result in part (i), solve the inequality

2ax 2 3
, where
2 4
a x 7ax 10 2
a 0 , leaving your answer in exact form in terms of a.

Prove by the method of mathematical induction that

1 sin n 12
cos cos 2 ... cos n
for n
2sin 2

Hence find an expression for

cos r

, N

, 0 < < .

, N 10 , in the form

r 10

where a and b are constants to be determined in terms of N .



Given that f is a one-to-one function, determine if ff 1 exists.



The functions g and h are defined as follows:

g : x e x 1,
x 0,

sin a cos b
sin 2

Justify your


h : x ln x 2 , x 3.
Show that the function gh exists. Define gh in a similar form and find its


Sketch, on the same diagram, the graphs of g, g 1 and gg 1.


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(iii) State the range of values of x satisfying the equation g 1g( x) gg 1 ( x). [1]

The curve C has parametric equations

x 3cosec 2 , y 3cot 3 , , 0 .

Determine the exact values of where C cuts the axes. Hence find the
coordinates of the axial intercepts of C, leaving your answer in exact form.


Determine the Cartesian equation of C, and find the equations of the asymptotes
of C, leaving your answer in exact form.

(iii) An ellipse has its centre at 2, 3 , width h and height k. Find the equation of the
ellipse in terms of h and k. Given that the ellipse does not intersect C, give the
range of possible values of h and k.


Let f (r ) r (r 1)(r 2) . By considering f (r ) f (r 1) , show that


r (r 1)
r 1

Deduce that

r 1


n(n 1)(n 2) .

16 n(n 1)(2n 1) .


Hence find the sum of the series

12 2 22 32 2 42 52 2 62 ... 2(n 1)2 n2 ,
where n is an odd integer.




The curve C has equation

x 2 9kx 18k 2
, where k is a real constant such that k 0 .
x 2k

Determine the equation(s) of the asymptote(s) of C.



Determine the coordinates of the axial intercept(s) of C, leaving your answer(s) in

terms of k.

(iii) Given that C has 0, 9k and 4k , k as its stationary points, sketch the graph

, stating clearly the coordinates of the axial intercept(s) and the
f( x)
stationary point(s), and the equation(s) of the asymptote(s) in terms of k where
of y

4 x 2 22kx 28k 2
. By considering g( x) f(ax b) ,
2 x 3k
determine the values of a and b, and hence determine the sequence of transformations
that will transform C to D.
The curve D has equation g(x)

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