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Signs that Visitors from

Dolmenwood Are Lurking

in Your Campaign World
A Dee Eleven Table
by G. Gorgonmilk

d11 Omen

The cow's milk is off and tastes of old moonlight.

There's shrill singing and accusatory shouts coming from the

attic, but only at times when you're not at home. The neighbors
have complained.

When you awoke the other day your dream was still with you,
lying next to you in bed, having taken the form of a flayed
house cat.

Shadows have abandoned all propriety and take whatever

monstrous forms they please.

A smiling imposter has come to town, but everyone other than

you seems to think he's been living among them for years and is
a trusted friend. While you initially assumed this was the result
of hypnosis or somesuch magical charm, you've been finding bits
of evidence--old letters and accounts, a portrait in the mayor's
house, stones marking the graves of his ancestors--that seem to
indicate your assumption is wrong.

Ever since that troupe of traveling performers left town the sky
has taken on a sickly yellow pallor that taints the very sunlight
passing through it. Trees and crops and plants of all stripes have
begun to mold over, and there are tremors under the local
church at night.

Folk who you've never seen before keep showing up at your

door asking for cake. Their faces take on a hollow, lifeless look
whenever they are denied.

Unidentified robed figures continually attempt to drag off the

milkmaid, who is admittedly quite strong.

Your dog unearths a palm-sized casket buried in the yard.


The goats have become strangely disobedient and mutter

amongst themselves when they think you aren't watching.


Your daughter says she saw a unicorn and won't stop crying.

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