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Name Mohammad N. R.

Course M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering
Module: MEC3098 Individual Project
Supervisor Dr. Andrew Naylor

Improving the design and operation of a

finger Simulator



Finger Simulator

Figure 1: Finger simulator (2)


Figure 2: Finger simulator (2)

Arduino is an open-source platform. Consists of,

Figure 3: Arduino Uno Board [1]

8 Channel Relay
A small electronic device, uses small amount of
power to control much higher amount of power.

Figure 4: 8 Channel Relay Module, photo has been taken on 20th March, 2015.

Previous Experience
Designing a Home Automation System by
using Arduino Uno Rev3 RF receivers.

Figure 5: Sample photo was taken on 22nd February, 2014, first step of the

Technical Progress
Flow Chart

Review on the simulator

Literature review on the
Arduino UNO, IDE, Relay
Flow Chart
Explored the utilization of
Arduino UNO with relay
Examined some samples
with similar hardware

Work To Be Done

1. Arduino, SparkFun Electronics, copyright 2014, Last viewed: 14th July, 2015, URL:
2. Joyce, T. J., and A. Unsworth. "The design of a finger wear simulator and preliminary
results." Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of
Engineering in Medicine 214.5 (2000): 519-526.
3. Weightman, B. and Amis, A. A. Finger joint force predictions related to design of joint
replacements. J. Biomed. Engng, 1982, 4, 197210.
4. Joyce, T. J. and Unsworth, A. Wear of cross-linked polyethylene against itself. Proc.
Instn Mech. Engrs, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 1996, 210(H1), 1115.
5. Tamai, K., Ryu, J., An, K. N., Linscheid, R. L., Cooney,W. P. and Chao, Y. S. Three
dimensional geometric analyasis of the MCP joint. J. Hand Surg., 1988, 13A, 521531.


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