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Management Information System

Topic: Shalby Hospitals
Group Number - 8
Submitted by:

1) Arpana Lohiya, 141409

2) Gaurav Tyagi, 141421
3) Nishi Vijayvargiya, 141435
4) Sanyam Mittal, 141448
5) Zeel Maheta, 141460

Submitted to prof. Nityesh Bhatt

1) If you were Mahesh Bhavsar, what measures you would have taken?
We can implement following things for Shalby hospital.
Web based hospital management software
i. Centralization of operations
ii. Remote access tool will no longer be required
Online payment gateway
Housekeeping and laundry management
Nursing and ward management
Biomedical waste management
Code RED and Code BLUE: - Code Blue is generally used to indicate a
patient requiring immediate resuscitation, most often after suffering a cardiac
arrest. Code Red is used to define a possible fire in the hospital.
2) Share your experience of ERP implementation and take away for any industry.
ERP's scope usually implies significant changes to staff work processes and
practices. Generally, three types of services are available to help implement
such changesconsulting, customization, and support. Implementation time
depends on business size, number of modules, customization, the scope of
process changes, and the readiness of the customer to take ownership for the

With ERP implementation we can save process time and expense.
It also helps in Sales forecasting, inventory optimization, Order tracking (from
acceptance through fulfilment), Revenue tracking ( from invoice through cash
receipt), Matching purchase orders (what was ordered), inventory receipts

(what arrived), and costing (what the vendor invoiced), etc

It can improve quality and efficiency of the business, supports upper level
management by providing information for decision making, provides

increased opportunities for collaboration, improve data security, etc.

If we talk about banking industry, it will help them in Secured and quick
online transactions, On-tap Information Support for decision- making within
the banks, online continuous monitoring of the operations by the management,
Reduce risk and liability associated with corporate governance, regulatory
compliance, and customer initiatives.

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