Bulimia Nervosa: Reference: Bulimia Nervosa. (2014) - Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1. Link

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Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is a type of eating disorder where a person is overconcern with their weight and how they look that leads to repeated
episodes of binging and purging. Binging is when a person eats large
amounts of food in one sitting and for someone who has bulimia; its
usually done in secret. To compensate for binging, bulimics often use
inappropriate methods to avoid weight gain. The most common one is
self-induced vomiting; but there are also other methods such as
abusing laxatives and diuretics (medication that promotes water loss),
fasting and excessive exercising. These kind of behaviors that occur
more than twice a week for three months are factors to consider in
diagnosing bulimia.
Bulimia, unlike anorexia, doesnt usually result in severe weight
loss but it carries its own consequences. Gastrointestinal problems and
serious potassium depletion are usually observed secondary to
vomiting. Furthermore, the acid from the stomach that accompanies
the vomit damages the enamel of the teeth and causes corrosion and
sometimes affects the gums as well. 90 percent of cases in the United
States are female and usually develops during adolescent period to
early adulthood.
Treatment for bulimia is usually focused on ending the binging
and the inappropriate compensatory behavior associated with it.
Discussing the risks and consequences of being bulimic is also
important to have with the patient. Other forms of treatment like
therapies can also be used to treat the disorder. Lastly, since bulimia is
often associated with depression and anxiety, medication such as
antidepressant may be helpful
Bulimia Nervosa. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1.


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