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‘hig, ovr second title in the wellueceived "3D ORIGAMI" Series, invites you to “Tearn an innovativ i. Each of tho “intricate projects bogins with a small _Teetangular piece of paper folded into a tiny, "magical* triangle, By combining lots of such "magical" triangles in various positions. you can build up ‘ornamental abjcets that are solid and three dimensional. I's so mach fun you won't belicve what you have created before you know it ee ea en an Iso ona hal of a square Fold in hall 10 make @ Fold in Fail, this time in Fol up upper fap so longa paper thinner rectangle the other drection, its Dotiom edge aligns ith the et sie Li So 9 lo urn over and fold the pon as shown, Fold dowri upper — "Folin half again For tier flap in the seme Semors dagonally ‘a completed basic, mmarner. triangle. (@hstructions shown here aro designed for commercial origami paper. For different shaped paper, see pagos 26-27. EE ™] RECYCLING FUN Warrior's Helmet See an Decorative Bow! See page 23 @scrap paper ot give life t0 papers that are destined to St ee : | BW Way? Glossy catalogs, wrapping. 2 ‘vers, or even magazine paper will make 3 shaded, one-af-»-Kind ornaments. TS are heavy weight and perfect for . Plan your own color scheme by] Hlatback. Turtle ge 10. Feld in aif again for @ Make = number of these Interlock tham one by ore fo completed tiangular piece. piece. | BASIC HORIZON’ rAL ASSEMBLY ‘one direction. Just remember to set the pocket turtle will be created Here is an easily assembled work that exte edge of the piece to face the same side as y time with 70 prepared triangl #2 Piggyback Turtles, black e See page 31 fo; detalled instructions #1 Piggyback Turtles, pink ‘See page I for detailed instructions, ace .- The turtle has been a symbol of Ic in Japan as seen by the adage: Th lives a thousand years, the turtle thousand years. i. Be sure io gue ° butts era thre Interlock secone row pie the peak of each frst row it jo the Make head using 2 peoes ‘Atiach the head to the body for completed turtle, ULAR ASSEM vive learned the trick of the triangular Piece, eg, haw each side of the tart with small projects such as these 4 ‘wish that all girls grow up healthy ancient emperor and empress. and is a This pair of dolls represents an h daughters, This cute version can be must decoration for any home wit used as a container for candies. Japanese Dolls WUbin2 peces by stacking @ naw piece Jd wo urs by aaskny oan “ono asjacent points. Hold the new plece anor init ard pn nina came nanveru't Soieess roe 8 to 5 Pocket side down and the right-angle point lo each tend 2nd toy, A ara tha “any for you. Make 12 of this. For ‘ow 6 change colcr according to the Work rows 6 to 20 relerring to the color Adtach head ‘or completed dell ‘hat onpage 35 Thsisalrantalvew chart Mase an ebosti hat for the empercr. #5 Flying Dragon See page 28 for instructions eee ae Caen anet #7 Spiny Lobster @ ; ee See page 36for instructions. Long Life Turtle |\, See page 82 for insiructons. Flatback Turtle - Soo pago 50 for instructions, #12 Treasure Boat ‘Seo page 40 for instructions. Treasure Boat with Seven Deities of Good Luck See page 38 for instructions. GOOD LUCK ORNAMENTS #15 Flopping Crane ‘See page 44 for instivctions. > 0 #16 Sitting Crane See page 42 for instructions. #18 Japanese Crane ‘See page 45 for instructions, #20 Swan Sse page 47 for instructions. ‘#19 Chicken, _ See page 48 for instructions, #22 #21 Elderly Owl Couple See pages 57-59 for instructions. Traditional Japanese Hand Ball See dave 49 for insiriiclions. #28 Panda Bear | See oage di ferinswuatens n #27 Puppy See page 62 for instructions. #30 Raccoog Dog: Soo page 65 for insifeHions #29 Fox. ‘Soe page 60 for Instructions. Rear View ADORABLE ANIMALS: #31 Black Owls Ges faye 63 or nob vcs Owl Family roger we f- iY A 92 70 for instructions. Baby Owl Soe page 66 for instructions. Alley Cat See page 56 for instructions Black Swan See page 74 for instructions. #41 Peacock See pages 71-73 for instructions, Fee ey aon ene cue | ‘Side View “HearVion | DECORATIVE CONTAINERS #43 Vase Oumar UNUM ARu a he ecg ypu can adjust the size accordingly. Just loosen or enero oir negra a beau neta have at hand, Glue aul tate Pe ccealiahe ee eae #45 Vase Sco page 78 for instructions. bales rue teas Se ie #46 Basket Sea oe See page 79 for instructions. #49 Star-Shaped Basket S00 page 82 for instructions #52 Basket ea Pere Co Cmci Re arate Soe page 84 for instructions | 453 Flower-Shaped Basket HOW TO PREPARE TRIANGULAR PIECES: ‘We have come up with three different ways to fold triangles, from which you can choose depending on the paper ‘tobe folded. In other words, you don’t nced to be very picky about the size of paper, Practice each method to gain confidence in transforming the paper into your favorite figures. Benicia ‘hl Bowalily to ie ores of ganrenieu pa wae, teas, Has Haba HD eo AT hanotde le ong de ey 8 py i ae ac pian side / Folsn hale feng) ISM | r j Fala in ha i stern Via iperiecres na tenon i ‘edge aligns with the left side. eer | ~ (= Turn over, : © [ <€ = a Po 7 en ou L J Open Gite Fi une othe fap ii fae the ar ( {@ Fold in half - eS Aa _ ® This spe aN i} PC {7 ee is ma Vir 7 comers diagonally. be tucked in one ina EMBLY@[ ip” ‘\\ Double fold Ueto the dtforances between iy ‘he dle parts, =e Meithree ses of Menge: pieces into the double pocket of anather tt vo piece: Fist, hot two pleces together ai double points up ad then stack on é \. ‘new piece by inserting the center two, \, points into tho double pocket of the / new pioce. This way the adjacent points of the first two pieces are @BAST fastened by the new piece, which at | the same time makes a second row. The direction of the piecing depends on each project, Double pocket __ ii A triangle created with a slightly “longer” reciangle than type A. This 1:2 of scrap paper ratio rectangle is suitable when using B4 size You can mix and match any type of triangles in a single project short side measures the same, - Fold in half again. as long as the |S Fold up upper flap B so its bottom edge @ re a | so nh Fale in halt atigro wih tho left Foid corners in =e ® Turn over Gren e Leave a little space. ‘ — 4 ald up the otner s Double pocket} flap in the same Fold down. => manner as in Step’ ; Completed piece, with double _ M6" inside _pocket formed on the left-hand side. TYPE “C” TRIANGLE This triangle is created with somewhat “ shorter” rectangle that has 1:2" rati This rang (Grete, In dhis method, sate paper is layered only partial aa reer sous “trimmed,” you will Find this 1ype easier 19 sssemb a ane rea ag uses of thick paper, of when x sturdy look is required ova in hat of aa > lee Fold in half again. Fold up upper flap 80 ite J potiom edge alge with = the left cide. Fold comers in a 3) a KW WS at ran : \e | oF Tum over = Leave 14" 14 = ace here. ie Fold up the other flap in 4 the same manner 65 in Step 8s Completed pisee \ ®) Fold in hat. eB co — Lesa @., > > pocket is fred. ; PRACTICAL EXAMPLE FOR CUTTING B4 SIZE PAPER INTO TYPE B RECTANGLES © g at > a Cut along the fold, Fold in half in the other direction again _ “Cut along the fold, Fold into @ Layer soveral sheets of scrap feienea paper aligning edges provieoy, Fold in falt, i \ 6) Basic rectangle en "AF Approx. 2%" @ a just the sizo s aecoring to i ‘ectancles are ‘poect Aspro 134" made, PORE ou C \ Foldeach sheet precisely “hie 12 rato rectangle erates \ | inte rectangles and type B triangle. along the creases. MATERIALS AND UTENSILS 0 Cutting board @ Magazine paper OFuler O scissors @Faper cutter @ Bamboo skewer (tor aopiving alue)| @ Wood Paper al ®verrish 8@ Cratt papor DGlue gun #4, 4:5, #6. Dragon shown on page 8 Paper materials per dragon (craft paper) Other materials per dragon 96 2°03" rectangles in blue (violet) ©" thick gold string 51 2°25" rectangles in silver (gold) 84° thin gold string 23. 1" *29%" rectangles in yellow (for belly) 1 miniature bell 12 34° 134" rectangles in gold (silver) 2 4° plastic eves 4 2°34" ractangle in rad Careboard Fold into type C triangles (see page 26). ach dott Nake beam A that forms the “backbone” Jom 35 triangles Calor rterng to tho singrem an tks oppoeite sane, and sheng parang Make 2 of beam B to form the siées: Join 25 tangles shaping in shown the same manner as beam A, Glue each pioco a8 you pin conmage 90 lve ea ace oe eu ie | ia L “ @See page ao _ Att Wale 2 of sean © 16 fom stats Jon 7 Neko nox by ng 8 pce ering toe dayan Go Glue & rows of body NC rote oor poce ign were marner___eabh eta sdatch eget en ca etge rane, ues Tows of BodiiG o le © @Sce page 30 @see page 30. Br asta a cold reciangle ono caitboad. Make belly by joining 28 pieces, and glu onto the body, Make forefeet according to te ony tho hind ook shape end cutout shaping alike iagrem Glue on fore and hind feot. Trim the teil se shown on page 30. Attach neck and heed for completed dragon 2 Note: Completed project may look diferent depending an the thickness of paper used a Pe eee ees BELLY Attach neck here. (28 pos.| _- Attech bell her. Assembly of neck vee s 7 't e ¥ “, = blue oF violet « * 7 BEAMG ot acsiverorgold = pes. : a= yellow y ~ sing A have. | © antach ayes *~ 22 A | ies “oN 3 sstach s7ng B here >t fo foot het Atacn * attach hind * } Boy valoal het : NECK Mey wy - 19 PS) ry gow | é from | 2p tip of beam C v ¥ pI) foretcot | huh Sat How to attach Z| sh) position f ! Signs for Directions — Insert points of forefoot BEAM B / forefoot into ? “@5 pcs) Inner side 9] Ouse body, and glue. : a-7 J) j Bowie Law) = pack Fore foot | . MMM 5 v PS EM 9 Fore toot |}, SS, Sandwen toot | vy ES with toe, ang | glue t secure | - Sc VVY toe Insert 3 pieces | 9 vvv inte 2 pieces. BEAM A Siver] Make 12 tiny Ts. tees Spat | (95 pes.) pieces for toes. —> TEX a es See page 30 for actual #4, 45, #6 Dragon shown on page 8 SHAPE GUIDE FOR NECK SHAPE GUIDE FOR BEAM (BODY) Assembly of belly Join in the athor diction Begin with second row, land glue first rovr later HEAD lue on bell. Fold thick thread in half and insert Glue to secure, Glue cn eyes. Gut thinner thread into 2 6" longths, and 13” lenath. Fold each in half and insert HIND FOOT (Actua-size pattern) Paste silver paper onto both sides | of cardboard, and cut out 2 feet. Insert into position and glue. Trim away. Other materials, 47" plastic eyes rectangles in ved (black) UP ae ei (a eames ne Finiohed 928-4 22 rectangles in gray Adult turtle: 5°“612” Fol into type C triangles (sce paze 20. © 42 is a black version of | Baby turtie: als" 5" ADULT Row 15( 4 pe.) TURTLE fowre( 2xca) Sed FOOT ter sours run i ow 13 2 pea) ow 12( Apc) acme ey fed per ow 10 6 ocal a | ew (7 poo) | rae od age aot ie eon. ei natn ow 8 (10 cca) « foe Elem) es ‘Edge of row 4 rae ow 4 12 pea) — a ee BM cage ot ow 2 MM edge of row Row 2 (13 pes) AAARARAA DADRA ROW 119 pond Pooks side Genter a Feo! alteching Signs for Directions Foot attaching «ne feelin ens fee Mirestis zosition HEAD -_ al (attach to completed body.) | Inersde Sate | A Eye attaching pasitian A i AN Dou /_\R BABY v Row 11 (1 pe) socket | Fadl Rew 10 @ pes.) { cele Edge of row 1 Row 9 (3 pos.) Kae Edge of row 2 ow: 8 (4 p08) Vad | Edge of row & ow 7 (5 pos. soe Dousle pocket Flow 6 (8 pcs) ———d Flow 507 pes) ME) tae ot rm 2 ow 410p08) MM eae of on 3 A HEAD Row 3 (9 pes.) MP 2 = YEG eyo of vow 2 Fold wp ’ meer) OM ce otowt ASRMM AS mA -—Row 1 @ pes) Egerton Ss «HEAD (Attach to completed bee.) eal 74 ry ve attaching posttion WV Sie Note: Completed project may look different depending on the thickness of paper used) Other materials per turtle 1. styrofoam turtle head in gold 2 \4" plastic eyes gis gee sho 25° rectangles in gel fla) 134° 214" recwles in sivetcr pink (el tl 82. 94°%2" rectangles in oer or pik cla) 170 1!2°%2!4" rectangies in cear iby, feo Fold ints ype C triangles (see page 25.) excepe claws TAIL (6 pos) SHAPE GUIDE FOR LINE A Trim off innGFEDCBABCDEFG #8 hha hia) SHELL @Sce page 34 for assembly, Line & (1 pes) Line 8 (29 pes) Line © (28 pes) Line D (26 pos.) Line E (28 pos.) Line F (20 pes.) Line G (17 pes) SS Foot 2 Of Kam Insert 4 claws. SHAPE GUID! FOR LINE G Note: Completed project may look different depending on the thickness of paper used LEG (10 pes, Shapo in the same manner as shell “ A=gold a= 8llvor Paw base (Use 2/4" 4” rectangles.) 7 eet (Use 34°“2" rectangles) VV VY! Signs for Dircetions PANN, | | inner side our a-7]™ | Dowie Sed BELLY #9 SHELL Line @9 pcs) Lino & (28 pes) Line C (39 pes.) Line D (25 pes) Line E (22 pos) Line F (18 pes.) Line @ (16 pes.) Start by making Line A. Make Lines 8 t0.G, and glue to Lino A in order, slichtly lower than the previous line. Glue gun is recommended for this purpo Kowa x Dable pocket Row 12( 8 pcs) Row 11 (10 pos) How Row 19 (11 pes.) at sides Row 9(02008) yng Row 8(ig.ocs) py Bow 7 (13 poe) Row 6 (13 pes) Fev 502 P°°) How to increase Row 4111 os) etaee Fow 3110 pee) Row 2(9pcs) NIM ‘Row 1( 8 pes) MM How to decrease lineG@ FEDCBABCDEFG vvvvyyy Lyvvvyyy. vvvvvvy: vovvvvyyvy Vvocvvwocwyy yoovyywovew vouws yoo YooWW YW YOOy Yow yr YOY vrvvvvyvvyvvy Yo VN roy vyyy y vey WYTVVIVEVY VvvVVvyoCy VOW VY OY¥ VVVVV VV VY WOVTV NOVY v viv VIVITVTV EWE vvvvvvr VOYV VY VOW vvvvvvvyy EVI VTS av: 44ad vowoy v Fail attaching position =silver Y=gold Eee eo melas are eee ene ad ‘ake al remaining rows from to F Glue each row onto the sides of Line A in according to the color chart, but do not order, slightly lower then the pravious ling apply glue 80 that e dome shave Is achieves. 13 teams afe stuck together, Using the smallest pioces, Make 4 feet, gluing 3 largest Into the pocket side o forming a dome. Make claws and glue tocelher’ pisces eash, insert 4 claws, Join 10 piece: Make 16 claws, 4 for each leg, log, gluing together, ble belly using a light Glue On tutte tule Need 80 that Make sido boame using 10 Glue legs onto the underside of lor pieces, raterring to tho tho end is alightly inside belly. pieces as shawn: shell, overlapping ends aterm on pede 33, q Giue on belly with Foad, covering the Add side beams, Attach tail Attach eyes for completed turtle. shell GO ase We PeETETe {> Japanese Dolls snown'on page 6 Row 20( 2 pcs.) Row 19( 3 pes.) Flow 18 ( 4 pes.) Row 17 ( 6 pes.) Row 16 ( 6 pes.) Row 15(7 pes.) Flow 14 ( 6 pos.) Row 13 ( © pes.) Row 12 (10 pes.) Row 11 (11 pes} Row 10 (12 pos.) Row 9 (13 pes.) Row 8 (14 pes.) Row 7 (16 pes.) Row 6 (16 pos.) *2 Row 5 (25 pss. Vv Row 4 (25 pos. 7 “Row 8 (25 pos vVRow 2 (25 pos. Row 4 (25 pes Paper materials per doll fall 16°83" ongami cut in nat) + rectangle in gold 45. rectangles in white 50, rectangles in violet (pink) 40 rectangles in purple ted) 25 rectangles in ght green 100 toctangles in green 25 reotangies in yeilovr Fold into type A triangles (see page 25). Other materials per doll 1 2° xl" rectangles in black tor nai 11g" squere in goid for headpiece 34" wooden bead for dol! head violet (pink) SAA BAABKAASAABA BAAS Reinforcement Center back ) (See page 43) Join 25 os, of Ist row in @ ring, =~ ORIGAMI CRANE tieeeviese) g 7 oA EMPEROR'S CREST la 07 =" — Be Spread cut from inside “x 5 ares coum into ca ,/X © sss 5 oe hols of wooden bond VI Ne \ Feld to moet at center. Sy ve on cule stip ane \ Ace EMPRESS’S HEADPIECE Gover the hole of wooden bead win “hai' and attach golden crane, ‘Spread, fold up, end piess down, HAIR (Actuat-size pattern) Note: Completed project may look diflerent depending on the thigkness of paper used, 3 gr Paper materials (stiff paper in rod) 65 2°» 3's" rectangies for body 1" plastic eyes 14°24" rectengies for (ong feelers 3 #28 wrapped wire, each 7” long “A134” rectangles for short fecler, eye bases ‘spines 14° in all ‘ope C triangles (see page 26) (°3)" rectangles for long feelers and legs | @See page 37 for 4. 4... Raw 16 @ pes) folding instructions. BODY tai) V7 ~~ Sive 2 pieces on 78th ow How to assemble v Row 18 (1 pc) Sov Row 17 @ pes) Long feolor 3 Each piece is made AA Row 15 (2 pes) i tA" rectangle. eee Bo | GE } as Row 13 (2 pes.) Oh ge Gy rectangle Row 12 (3 pes.) Noy. 4 Reh heey Row 11 (4 pos) Inger and glue Aw | Row 10 (8 pos) Vp Glue on legs Row 9 (4 pcs.) I | Short fooer fetsoon Bie Flow 8(6 pcs) Bo sure to inaert side ma | ang 6th rows. taps for a smooth finish, it L Row 7(6pcs) taps tn fins. Feeler attaching position Leg attaching: Row 6 (5 pes.| pestion ee F fev 80058) Bye attaching position How to make tail Cro:dliahing KABA ZK 418 poss Wakes trenale fom ANN coetlon j Row 3(4 pcs) Glue on eyes. _ 1713)" rectangles ANY \ ; (6 ac @, 4 Moke tmotineconter | |] ea A fow 2 (8 pea) BS a on nee i erecatacnina bastion Z ah cas | sain ater boay of th wom - | is assembled. a Row 2 7) Long feeler attaching position « Le | | CL 1 2 «eK | LEG LONG FEELER \V . Wind 6" wide atrips of oaper around @Sce page 37 for folding instructions. wire at a slant, end glue. ‘@ue-onio'naseaeaee body and bendto shape leo. With 96° wide strips of paper, wrap wire at a slant into cone, starting 4° Wrapped wite Note: Completed project may look diff depending on the iekness of paper usedt r Assemible body referring to the diagram, from ist to ‘7th row. Maks tall picoes 2a ‘When 18th tow is joined, trunk shown on the bottom oF this pags. Join one in opposite direction (Row 18, of the bedy is completed, Make spines and bases for feelers and eyes. Insert a Completed body pair of smallest tranglos into each peattion, Bue lego onto backside: "Attach eyes. Attach long and short feslars by inserting into the basoe TAIL (ake 3) FEELER a Rall %8” wide strip tightly = RS aan Draw’ “Row 12( 6 pes, "eyes | 11 ( 8 pes, CHEST jock 10 (10 pes.) jatichings, oi Heipes\) | Rosition 8 (20 pes.) 7 (24 pes.) NECK (10 pcs) 6(28 pes) (Actual size) 5 (0 pes) 4 (80 pes) 8 (90 pes) “RoW 2 (30 pcs) “Row 1 (30 pes) Center back Join 30 pisces in a ring— Center front Paper materiale isiff craft paper) Note: Completed project may look different 29934" 15" rectangles in white depending on the thickness of paper used 1 19°14" rectangle in yellow 3. 1g al¢” roctangle in red 4 35°20" tectanale in orange for beck Fol into triangles (ee page 7. Rall up into a cone to form beak. Red Orange b Yellow pal } 7 Draw eyes. v=White ( NECK (6 pos) 4 (Act! size) WING -Row 14 (20 7 ow 19 (790 Fw 12 (10 9 CHEST VIS Row 11 (14 9 Row 10 (16 Row 9 (18 0 “Row 8 (229) Row 7 (26 p “Row 6 (28 Row 5 (305 “Row 4 (308 “Row 3 (30p “Row 2 (30p Row 1 (30p Neck attaching VV 7 position Take 6107 pisces. Aaply glue Join all unts wih glue, forning Tum over and work 2nd ow, by Be sure to change color to tip of each piece and join. @ ring, inseriing peaks of previous fow according to the diagtam. Meke the same unit unti| 99 into pockets. Repeat until 2th Pieces are used. round is cone. Poper materials (all |!1{°2'" thin craft pape) Other materials per ball 12 rectangles in white Japenese cord with deceratve bow 9 teclanales in yellow apanase bell 75 rectangles in blue 817 roctangles in red gradation Told into type C triangles (see page 26), saveing 2 @£22 18 a Sap paper version made of 15° Ficces of red gradation for covering top and twitem, 24” sectangles y —bluo yellow Av =red gradation ww =white Flow 22 @0 pes + Row 21 (39 pes. ow 20 teama) ow 1 fear) ow % (eae) Fow 17 (same) ow 16 (same) ow 15 (sams) ow 14 (ore) Row 12 (saret Flow 12 (sare) Row 14 (ser ow 16 (sere) Row 9 (sae) ow @ (sere) Row 7 (sre) Row 6 (sero) ew 5 (sere) Fow (seme) : Row 2 tare a DAAADAABADAAAADAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAALAAA- Row 4 08 908 7 ; Center front Join 39 pieces ina ring, mt — __ r mn “er Work carefully with color pat- On 22nd round, join 1 piece to Anange overall shaze, are slot incab Hang decorative card From Genter | ‘en unt 20th rounc. Use rec every 2 pieces on the previous of dus between pieces fo secure. top, and cover te top with paper all around 2ist round, rouns, Fl bol oath bono hole, and ito flonr shape 7 a Paper materials per turtle 80 2" Other materials per turtle 2 96" plastic oyca “Row 13 (1 po) Row 12 (2 pes.) Row 11 (3 pos) 10 (4 pes.) 916 pes) 8 (6 pes) 7(7 pes.) 6 (6 pes) 6 (7 pos) 48 pes) 37 pea) 26 pes) 16 pes) Hind foot I pc. each) Row Forefoot (2 pos. each) N Neck Head (Slip inside.) Leminata 2 sheets, #10, 411. Flatback Turtle ‘shown on ‘page 10. 99," rectangles in both gole and red (Use sivor and purple fer #1) Fold into type C triangles (see page 25). Note: For gold or silser. origami paper is used here. Vor red o purple, shiny craft paper is used Wusing serap puper (page 2), spray varnish over completed project 10 add chine ond strength, Completed project may look different depending ton the thiekness of paper tse How to join hind feet J psrosst \ wf Untold and insert one poak into backside. J Head assembly ‘Sandwich in. wiong sices facing in. How to fold basic rectangles fleck — \._olor A. Color Cover A JN LC Feld'n dagonaty I. (Fight side) fol > FS Le Bxon th sides, => ¢ ss (wrong side) : Al ~ Color 8 | Lo erehges color -P Color A Gol COO A CNT Fold under eue | - Color & “diagonally on . bom sides, Make 1 triangles, reversing ater colors fora (nea). - (ea IR SG ‘coi \ * ee 00 411 — A: gold silver . = B:red purple me outer wine seg = || ous tnner Specket Slo Dove nackat A Nears | iN Deustd Doute packet pocket Join 1st and 2nd rows refering to the Werk Ord to Gth row, incteasing pieces Ingert and glue hind feet in Into tet rom, insert 4 pieces of neck base, Insert toretect into edgs porkets, in the Turn over Make head and ineatinto neck. Attach oyos. ‘Overhead view of completed tute, Other materials 114° miniature family crost (Cut out one printes below.) 1. small prece af gold origami 1 small piece of caruboaic ‘dies in gold using seeap paper (page 2). spray varnish ne A triangles (see page 25), impleted projet ty add shine and st A=purplish red = a=purple a, VVYV VY VY ole Row 14 (24 pes.) 16 smaller “Rew 1 (20 pes) ald pieces Spi BA pes vvvvo" ~Feow 11 [29 pes) | Adak 6a dann Fon 10 4 po) | A ‘Row 9 (23 pes.) channel “Row & (24 pes) | VIN VV Vw SP Ne pea) J Reda 2 SIS IID GS Stow 6 001 12 08 J position APPIN SRA TPT TI vow 5 18 p09) 1 crest SSS AIT FST Pon 4 (eae attaching VPP PPTL IT II Row 8 ame) position IY IV IFO II PISS TT Row 2 (ame as below VV VV VV VV VW WY. “Row 1 (16 pos) “= Contor front ————— sboin 16 pieces in a ring, ——______ _ SUI JE owe vy HORN hy or 0 pes.) v v v ee v re pieces w 1 MMM Maw ’ v | BAMILY Cener ront Se Hon AY CREST Fold back to. inset Carat] |) (Actual-size pattern) and glue in position.“ Lk v Signs for Directions 5 ge inner ] | site Wx ont ate Ie sta engine Mets aoe ve IN pocket Ses pocket _Daiile pack Doub fe SS LX in in Woik 2nd to 6th ‘ound, joining 16 pieces acing. fon each, in the same direction. ‘Competed th od, Fo the (me used acconngto theca er 4sngepeces On 7th round, join %S pieces to tho arora, Mako‘zotths sna pam anoppoEtSPaNe. —_ploces of previous TOUNA, Join 7 pieces to tne single pieces at the For ath to 1th rounds jon pieces in raversed For Oth to 14th roundls, reverse the dite front direction, leaving the fart side unwotked. ction again L Join 16 smaller pieces of gold to the front, Make creat Glue gol peper over cerdbonrd, Lave: eke 2 hors, Join and shape 10 pleces Gheck the balance and dive family cestand lve. Cut 6" ager than fhe crest. gach as shown On opposite: aege. Glue an | slur gun is roccmmorded tc paste eld paper) home and crest for completed helmet Paner materials (si rat paoer| 13g" black button for nose 3682" 315" rectangos in wate 22° 728 white wropped wire for whiskers 2 2° 414" rectangles in white for ears 4 red pipe cleaner Fold inte type C triangles (see page 26). 4° 34° ved ribbon | 1116" ongami in red 1 miniature Japanese bell Othor matorial 1 pmateneed marking pr 2 16" plastic eyes Gardboeré anc Cod paner fer paw and gle cin Fished size. 09 TAL 7 ~~] Making ears NOSE 0 pes.) / EAR viranned wie (uit) L | X |J-Bene << ye Lo. > Winner é SS rvesd wie ff | Py ome * through noe, / red origam: a you join > Glue WHISKERS Wrapped wire Piocos. | (white \\ Insert and glue. — Wrap with fp (white) 4 = C i sticky tape. (7) C4 ee VA am row Kei Wrap around 9 {wert + insert RIBBON (sround tethte Insert Band, between pieces ¥ 12 long Aach ars here. — Attach eyes here attach | | botwoon pieces. |i ‘Ata mouth ere, ‘Attach whiskers ere — {0th row ANCIENT : Paw GOLD COIN E 5 | 4 OYe 3 SUV VY Teenmfow 2 Sonanwoton 4 (Actual-size pattems), © Center front — Join 22 pieces in aring———__Use 22 pieces Paste gold paper ard cavdboer. of over) oe Using brush wre Kanji lotere. Werk with 22 pieces through rd to Ioth Qn 11th and 12! rounds, reverse direction round, shaping ae of the Joining pieces, Reverse direction othe pies work 13th to 16th round, Meke tail ard attach to the body ‘Attach beckoning paw, Wind noon arbund ‘neck, and attach gold coin and bel Note: Completed project may look different depending on the thickness of paper used, 2% Paper matorials (all 2"» 9!” cralt paper) Other materials 69 rectangles in white 2 19” plastic eves 197 rectangles in brown 133" black button for nose 187. roctangles in yellow 18 wrapped wire for whiskers 154 rectangles in black 8° 54" ribbon in tec 1 1 1 rectangle in red tiny baad wheel for center of bow Fold into type C triangles (see page 2), pearl-hoad marking pin Finished size: 614° x4le @Sce page 55 for step-by-step instructions. a a nee ROW 20 ( 2 pos) ih Attach nose and a. attach “Row 19 ( 4 pos) Sates wn wheter Dee eyes Row 18 ( 6 pos, a= black | a. Row 17 ( 8 pes.) red | | Wi 7 ve oY we 9 9 YYW RoW 16 (22 p05) | LILY, VV VV Row 15 (came) BOW TRIM ¥'¥'V-Row 14 (same) VV VV VV ¥~Row 13 (same) attach bead “Sp, Bead wheel AAA & & Ao & Row 12 (same) with marking pin. V\ ) Stab into center wvy 41 (same) | vvvvvvy 10 (same) vvvvvyy © (came) VV VV Row 8 (same) V¥VVVVVE VYVVVVVW vVUUT-Row 7 (same) VV VY VV YY Row 6 (same) | Vvvevervey: VV V¥-Fow 5 (samo) TAIL (3 pcs) tall bare i ve , ST PS y Row 4 (same) i /\assembie \ into shape Row 3 (eamo) eS | vevvywyyyouswyyy yyy yyy con 2 cine e5 below AAAAAADAABAARAAAAAAALA-ROW 1 (22 pos) | © Center front Join 22 pieces in @ ring, ———— Attach ribbon here, MOUTH z ‘Cut off. IP 7 i Red piece NOSE /WHISKERS > White wepped wire Oe ° Glue on, Row 14 About 4” Note: Compleied project may look different depending on the thickness of paper used $3 #21 Elderly Owl Couple shown on ee ac! 19 Iith round completed, coy ee eCody Ong! Gouple shown, on, page"4 Paper materials per each owl (all 214°» 4's" origami cut in hal) 56 rectangles in white for face 92 ractanglos in beige (gray) 182 rectangles in rec navy) 1. rectangle in red for beak Fold into type A triangles (eve page 25). Other materiats per ow! 2 116" plastic eyes 1 pair glasses 3° 1g” dapanose cord | peerihead marking pin 12” square orepe fabric in red (purple) for ha Cushien Flor @Sce page 57 for step-by-step instructions. and cushion Insert eyeglasses here, Row 16 (10 pes) Row 15 (12 pcs) Row 14 (22 pes) Row 13 (same) Row 12 (same) Row 11 (same) Altach eyes here, Attach mouth here. Row 10 (same) VV VV VV VW: Row 9 (same) VVVV VV YOUU YY VV VV VY: Attach bow here, “Row 8 (same) VVVV VV VOC VV YY YY YY Row 7 (same) VV VV TTY VV VT VY Row 6 (same) VV VV VV Vy Row 5 (same) Female Mele VV VV VV VV VV VV ye Row 4 (same) A= white white VV VV VV VOY VV Y YY Row 8 (same) = Bees. a vVVVVYVYVVY VVV IV VV VV V~ Row 2 (same as below) Sted red MABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL Row 1 (22 pes.) Center front| Join 22 pieces in a ring @ Showing the front when 14 rons ere done, Beak is added on 12th rove @ Wark 15th and 16th rows, Forming ears by joining pieces in reverse Grection, atacn bow, eyes and glassee lor completed ov, @Make hat and cushion with crepe fabric as illustrated on the next page. ow EYEGLASSES Assembly of beak tab corter with pi rani (TT \ rows | _-About 94 Z - eo piece > RR st ow 12 CUSHION _ Sift Highly and verty os 4 Make decorative tassel S| oon < Stiteh to stabilize the omament. Fal FE: Stitch up epening, | —s Make a knot at Genter to fix thickness. HAT Back | a Copter back * ef fm Tek 14" in Center iront Signs fur Directions Wrong | Center front side Center back Tuck Tuin eg atten 1 ——— BINDING STRIP oan ia eae ‘Poe Outer side NX WN Pj v=) % an XR v= : er Double ee aa oe Beat #29 Fox shown om page 17 Paper materials (sift craft paver! Tips: When all pieoss are joined. lot in dh 0 418 2°32" rectangles in yellow slue berween pieces for «stable projeet. 55 2°32" rectangles in white Compieed project may look different dependin Fold into type C triangles (see page 2). Other materiais 2 36" plastic eyes 415° pompon ton the thickness af paper used, Finished size: a1” \6le Signs fo a=yellow is Flow 22 | 2 pes) _TalL annie aa Row 21 ( 4 pes) Row 9 (3 pes) ow 20 | 6 pcs) “Row 8(2 58) aye attaching A eve Row 19 ( 8 pos) “Row 7 (3 es) peation AAALAVVAAL Row 6 (4 pos) Row 5 (3 pes) Row 4 (4 pos) Row 18 (12 pes) v vow vRow 17 (28 pes. Row 16 (same) O99 FRow 16 (same) VV VY OUV VV Row 3 (3 pes) “Row 14 (same) “Row 2 (2 pos) yor Row 13 (same) Rov 4 (1 po) ow 12 (same) y-Row 11 (same) Row 10 (same) v-Row 9 (same) “Row 5 (same) 7-Row 7 (same) “Row 6 (same) Z-Row 5 (same) Nose attaching position “7 Row 4 (same) v-Row 3 (same) 7 «Row 2 (same as 2 Row 1 (23 pos.) Reintorcement © Genter front —Join 28 pieces of 1st row ina ring Directions vat 9S Sie —Doubie pocket__bouvie paket pocket 2 Piwaide HE. Otter site v IN -[uz Sin Sia IX e | Apply glue to tigs of each unit, and join in. Join the same number icces for the 2nd raw a¢ shown. Note the direction of pieces, Tum over and join the same number Work 3rd to 8th round, refering to the On 10th round, reverse direction of 2 pikes 10 reinforce, dlagran for color scheme, center pieces. Iith round is completed. Note Work 1219 round, stil reversing 13th round is completed, the ditection of center pieces. the center pieces. Form ears in postion. Nole tie Make tall referring to the dia~ aftach tal as illus piecing direction. ‘rar. @ @ sd on bre Attach eyes and nose for com- opposite page. pleted fox. #27 Puppy shownioh, pagé.i6 Paper materials (st craft paper) Other matoriale S14 2"! rectangles in white 215° Dlack dutton, for ayes 54 9°31" restanglos in beice Fett scrap in brown, Yor nose 1 2°%3'5" rectangle in ted 16° 35" leathor ting Fold into type C triangles (ee pase 26). Fishes size: 476 ip: When all pies are joined, lot in dab of Blue between plese Tora Wable proj NOSE (Actuat-sizo pattern) white EAR Cut out folt and glue Fae yen ROWE If VV mn Row 5 2 . VV Vereen Row 4 Bp MOUTH (Actual-cize atten) Attaching ear VV ye Row 8 5 Clip red paper, and insert into head Ly VV ve Row 255 fpf ipeer each Peak nto hee gg a pow tag Row 15 Eyo attaching position = — Nose attaching position }) Mouth attaching |] position “Row 14 “Row 13 “Row 12 “Row 11 “Row 10 “Row Row Row “Row “Row Row “Row Pekan oo Row Row 1 Use 22 piaces on every row. Join 22 pieces in a ring, Insert 2 peeks only at sides, 2 Note: Completed project may: look different depending on the thickness of paper used,

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