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a teacher

a policeman
a doctor
a lawyer
a cashier
a shop assistant
a PC operator/ programmer
a bank clerk /clarc/
a judge
a district attorney (DA)
a nurse /n:s/
a housewife
a traffic warden /udn/
a warden gardian
a retired person /ritaid/
an engineer

an architect
an unemployed person
an electrician
an artist
an accountant
He is retired.
She is unemployed.
The retired are numerous. (pl)
The unemployed are not happy.
The wounded are sad.
The young are unemployed.
The old are happy.
The rich are not at home.
poor srac
pupil /piupl/ elev
people /pipl/ (nu primete -s) oameni

peoples popoare
Peoples Republic of China (PRC)
This man Omul/ Brbatul
These men Oamenii/ Brbaii
Excuse me

Conversation enders
Good bye/ Bye
See you later
See you tomorrow

Answers (introductions)
Pleased/ Nice to meet you
to introduce oneself a se prezenta
My name is and I am a/ an
!!! How do you do?
How are you? (nu se ateapt un rspuns)

surname nume (de familie)

name prenume
middle name al doilea prenume
Vasile Adrian IONESCU
marital status stare civil
place of origin locul naterii
mother tongue limb matern
next of kin rud/ persoan de contact (din
TO HAVE (a avea)

have not (havent)


have not



not (hasnt)


have not


have not


have not

DO I/ you/ we/ they HAVE a car/ many

DOES he/ she/ it HAVE a car/ many
I have a few friends.
Zitas eyes are blue.
Her daughter has green eyes.
Does Ionu have a tie?
Yes, he has.
What colour is his tie?
His tie is black.
Does a student have blonde hair?
Yes, a student has blonde hair.

What colour is Angelas hair?

Angelas hair is dark brown.
Does the computer have a keyboard?
Yes, it has.
Is it black or white?
It is black.
Does your shirt have long or short sleeves?
My shirt has long sleeves.
Does Elena have a necklace or beeds?
Elena has beeds.
beets sfecl roie
cleavage decolteu
Does Angela have black or brown glasses?
Angela has brown glasses.
Angelas glasses are brown.
sun-protected lens

Do you have homework for school

Yes, I have a lot.
Do we have a break?
No, you dont.
Do you have a book?
Yes, I have.
Are you in pain?
Do you have a pain in the chest?
Do we have anything sweet after lunch?
overweight supraponderal
height /hait/ nlime
weight /ueit/ greutate
wait /ueit/ a atepta
theatre /thit/
Do your parents have a car?

Yes, they have.

Does your city have a theatre?
Yes, it has.
Do you have a computer?
Yes, I have.
Does your teacher have any pens?
Yes, he has.

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