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Name The Steps - Lesson Plan

Name: kumar
Subject: FEV Tutor Like a Champion Name The Steps
Period: 11:30 pm
Date: Wednesday, June 24th

SMART Objectives:
Technique 13Name the Steps: When possible, give students solution toolsspecific
steps by which to work or solve problems of the type youre presenting. This often
involves breaking down a complex task into specific steps.

The student will learn to use the Name The Steps technique while solving
complex problems which involves specific steps to be broken down.

1. PPT on Name The Steps technique created for the presentation.
2. Questions were taken from VSH project files as part of the ppt.
3. TLAC downloaded material used for reference.
TTW outline the agenda for the days lesson Name The Steps.
TSW write down the Daily Topic and Objective.
TTW provide scenarios and ask why this concept & technique is helpful for tutoring.
1. TTW show the importance of this technique through the 3 real time examples. (3
2. TSW will take down notes of 1 solved example. (3 Minutes)
3. TSW practice framing steps and to make them sticky based on the 3 examples.
(15 Minutes)
4. TSW write steps for 2 questions provided for practice. (10 Minutes)
The closure of the lesson should refocus the learner on what was learned. When writing
your closure you should:
1. Restate the objective
2. Review the days learning
3. Involve the learner with questions, summarizing, or performing a review
4. Preview what will be learned next in an upcoming lesson.

Objective: TSW write the steps and possible sticky acronyms for the given problem.
Informal: TTW will randomly identify students to complete the left out steps.
Formal: TSW will write the complete steps and sticky acronyms for the exit ticket.

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