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Gifted With the Journey

Psalm 105:4

Volume 1, Issue 4

Look to the Lord and

His strength; seek His
face always.

Our Last Months in a Nutshell

The ACSI Honors Weekend that BFA hosted went really well! All of the
students really seamed to enjoy their time, and learn a lot from the guest
conductors. The BFA Music Department Staff did a great job working
together that week too. As I did end of the year reviews, several of them
mentioned it as a favorite thing. Yeah!


Prayer - Praises & Requests

* We bought a clothes dryer from some
friends who were leaving the area
and we are thankful for it. We also got
two free, flowered curtains. They
really change the room and help us
match our German neighbors. Yeah!
* The School Year is finished and
summer has come to Kandern. It is
time to rest!
* Graduating seniors as they head off to
college/next phase of life, and say
goodbye to BFA people and life.
* Keeping in touch with the graduated
seniors as they transition
into college.

* A refreshing, relaxing summer
computer and music
* Preparation for

needs for next yearconstruction.
* Support needed. Currently at: 64%

Katies parents came to visit in April. We had a nice time showing them
around BFA, Kandern and a few other places. So nice to have people come
and see our lives and ministry here!
We have had a challenging and difficult year at BFA in the area of some
poor choices that students made. When you are in a small school, missing
people on teams, in groups, etc. - especially at the end of the year is hard.
Also, explaining such choices to other students can bewell, it definitely
gives the opportunity for wisdom and eloquence to be practiced. Pray for our
students, our school, our administration, and our staff as we truly NEED a
break this summer!

Graduation Day came and went by. Hard to believe that freshmen that Josh
has worked with all four years and Katie joined their sophomore year, just
graduated. All 75 of them! We are proud of them! They are a good class!
They have spread their wings and flown. Pray for them as they transition out
of their BFA home and into their next phase of life that they have earned and

Summer Calendar

June 5th was Joshs last time with his HS small group. It was mostly a
celebration/last hangout time, but it was be meaningful. He had 1-on-1
lunches with each of them, and took the time to say a proper good-bye.
Josh has been excited to be on the team that is deciding how technology will
be integrated into the classroom. Theyve been looking hard into what the
goals and vision are for technology in the classroom. Soon, theyre hoping to
make a recommendation regarding what type of computer/device each
student will need to have.

June 15-19 BFA Staff Work Week

June 23-25 Katie in Birkman
Consultant Training, Josh Work
June 26 - End of Summer, a variety of
working at school, professional
development, German language
learning, meeting with friends,
continuing to participate in German
music ensembles, a first year
anniversary getaway and relaxing :)
***We are really looking forward to
being in Kandern this summer!!!

We are beginning to start a focus on raising support. We are planning to

take our Home Missions Assignment year from July 2016 - June 2017. In
order to return at that point, our support base will need to be higher. We are
going to start posting our progress in this goal in our newsletter. Then, we
can watch what God decides to do together. Will you allow us to be your
hands and feet as we serve here at Black Forest Academy?

Address: Hauptstrasse 54, 79400 Kandern, GERMANY


German Culture
Featured Pictures Below
1- ACSI Honors Music Weekend
2 - Katies Parents Visited Us
3- Maiwecken
4 - Junior Senior Banquet
5 - Joshs Man vs. Mountain
6 - Graduation

In Germany, well, at least in Kandern,

water is very expensive. I think that might
even be true in Europe as a whole.
Therefore, they do not use anymore than
they have todishes, washing things,
We try to be culturally sensitive, but we
have not fully adapted to the German way
of life in this area.
We got a clothes dryer this week and one of
our German neighbors said, Good, you
needed that! You have a lot of laundry and
it takes a LONG time to dry. We are
thankful for our dryer!

Joshs Highlights
During the Senior Guys cookout I
had the chance to talk with one of
the seniors that isnt a believer. I
enjoyed the chance to talk with
him a bit about faith, and get a
foothold into sharing with him
Taking part in the Mens Groups
Man vs Hill hike was a lot of
fun. Seven men and a dog that
hiking to the highest point in the
area (about 6 miles away, up hill).
Though we were all moving a little
slowly by the end, it was great
getting to know some of the other
men better.

Katies Highlight
Katie had time to say good-bye
to Joyce, who has been her mentee
for the last five years. Their
relationship was special! Someone
recently asked Katie about it, how
it came about. She did not know
what to say exactly. Third Culture
Kids and Missionary Kids tend to
pick people, and for some reason Joyce picked her. Joyce had been
praying for a mentor and Katie was
helping in her dorm and showed
interest in her. Soit began. It
really was a God thing. Katie is
looking forward to other mentoring
relationships that will come along
in the future!

Circle of Friends
Josh was grilling outside this week
and our neighbor approached with
her dog. The dog has a normal
response to us of barking quite
agitatedly. The neighbor explained
to the dog that Josh was his friend and
had him let Josh pet him. Today
we left for the grocery and the
dog came over, but did not
bark. We made a new,
different friend!


1 - ACSI Honors Music Weekend; hosted at Black Forest Academy - the strings, my staff, the choir
(it was also the first year for the Band, but I was playing in it, so I did not get a picture)

2 - Katies Parents Visited

3- Maiwecken with the Kandern City Band - 2 piccolo players, play - eat- play - eat, flute section we Wake Up May (and Spring) by playing around town.meeting at 5:30am in the morning to start



4 - Junior Senior Banquet - Katie with Mimi and Elisabeth, Josh and Katie with Venetian masks &
Josh with his small group

5 - Joshs Man vs. Mountain Hike Group

6 - Graduation

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