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Lesson Cycle

Haley and JC
Lesson Title/Topic: 9th Grade The Importance of Play in Toddler Development
Target Concept: Physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs of toddler.
Standards/Rationale: (5)B The student is expected to describe the role of play in a
preschool childs growth and development.
Lesson Objective:

The students will list the types of play in toddler

development, by listing them, getting 4 out of 5
terms correct.

Role play

Materials: Computer, projector, bingo cards, stickers for bingo cards, markers, and poster
Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will:

The student will:

Focus/Mental Set:
Beginning Questions
Students will get in groups of three to disShow and Tell Students will tell/ show/ us cuss questions.
what their favorite toy was when they were
little. Will present why Play is important.
Questions that will be asked are:
What was your favorite memory as a child?
What were the toys like in 1990?
What are toys like now in the 21st century?
Teacher Input:
Power Point - The importance of play in
Toddler Development.
Refer to Attached PowerPoint.

Students will participate in active listening
by playing bingo. When students hear a certain word that is in the lesson, they will
place a dot on their bingo card if word is on

Guided Practice:
Oversee class while students are role playing and listing types of play

Students will write at least 5 types of play

and describe them. Students will also act
out at least one type of play they wrote

Independent Practice:
Divide students into groups of 3.

Students will create posters of appropriate

and non-appropriate toys of toddlers.

Review terms and definitions:
Ask any further questions.
Dramatic Play, sensory, constructive, Social, emotional, linguistic, intellectual and
mental development, balance, coordination,
free play, physical, cognitive, psychosocial




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