Financial Aid Reflection (6) VR

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Financial Aid Reflection

1. What financial assistance does the FAFSA offer? Based on your application, do you
qualify for assistance through the FAFSA? If so, how much do you expect to receive
and how will you use this money?
Based on my application I am eligible for Pell Grant and Direct Stafford Loan. From Pell
Grant there is an estimate of $3.325.00 and from Direct Stafford there is an estimate of
$5,500. I will use this money to pay for books, my tuition, school supplies, and if any is left I
will save it in case I ever need anything else for school.
2. Are you eligible to receive the Cal Grant? If so, how much do you expect to receive
and how will you use this money?
I am not eligible to receive help from Cal Grant.

3. Are you eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver? If so, do you plan on
applying for the BOG Fee Waiver?
I am not eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver.

4. Describe your findings from the private scholarship search. Do you plan on applying
to any of the scholarships available? If so, to which are you planning to apply and
how much do you expect to receive if you are accepted?
I do not plan on applying for any of the scholarships I found on the private scholarship search
because most, if not all of them are no longer available.

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