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Basis for the ExtraOrdinary Rodin Coil

Marko Rodin Creator and Inventor rainbowfalls@gmail.

Marko Rodin has discovered
the source of the non-decaying
spin of the electron. Although scientists know that all electrons in
the universe spin they have never
discovered the source of this spin.
Rodin has discovered the underpinning geometry of the universe, the
fabric of time itself. Marko has
done this by reducing all higher
mathematics (calculus, geometry,
scalar math) to discrete-number
mathematics. With the introduction
of Vortex-Based Mathematics you
will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This
math has no anomalies and shows
the dimensional shape and function
of the universe as being a toroid or
donut-shaped black hole. This is the
template for the universe and it is all
within our base ten decimal system!

Rodins discovery replaces the binary code with a new code called the
binary triplet which will revolutionize computer operating systems. It

Vortex Based Mathematics has no anomalies and

shows the dimensional
shape and function of the

The Rodin Coil

The Rodin Coils pictured above are
bore-silicate glass coil forms, with an
induced plasma core using rarefied
noble gases.
Rodin Coils implement a mirror
symmetry via its star wound geometry that create a toroidal pinch effect.
When correctly made incorporate the
use of wavy ribbon wound conductors
that have a changing aspect ratio.

The physics, computer science and
spirituality of Rodins pinnacle
number conglomeration is staggering; it is universally applicable
in mathematics, science, biology,
medicine, genetics, astronomy,
chemistry, physics and computer
science. Rodins discovery will
revolutionize computer hardware by creating a crucial gap
space, or equi-potential major
groove, in processors. This
gap space generates underpinning nested vortices resulting in
far higher efficiency with no heat

will transform physics and astrophysics by finally answering how

black holes and pulsars work. Space
travel will be revolutionized by reactionless drives that are unaffected
by the weight they pull, making the
present day combustion engine obsolete. The revolution brought on by
reactionless drives will far surpass
the societal changes wrought by
the shift from steam engines to the
d a y

combustion engine.

Rodins discovery can even be applied to ending pollution and food

shortages by creating an inexhaustible, nonpolluting energy source.
Because Rodins Vortex-Based
Mathematics enables him to condense a trillion-fold calculation to
only a few integer steps and because
he is able to solve all the mathematical enigmas, Rodins mathematics
will revolutionize computer information compression.
Rudimentary versions of the
Rodin Coil, have been created
Rodin Coil Winding
The 4 Colors shown in the image
(left) represents only one winding,
illustrating that the conductor
wraps around the circumference
of the toroid 4 times prior to reaching the point of origin. Wraps in
sequence order are: Red, Blue,
Green, Yellow, Red.

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

Alternative Science

key concepts such as the phasing

and energizing of the Rodin Coil
although there has been a virtual
stampede to get at this work. The
complexity and scope of Rodins
discovery requires advanced animators and skilled technical writers to
put the work into a form that people
can learn from without Rodin personally walking them through it.

Challenging the Myths of

the Scientific Establishment
by Richard Milton
This tour of anomalous research makes
clear what the establishment denies: plenty
of hard experimental evidence already exists for cold fusion, paranormal phenomena,
bioenergy, and the effectiveness of alternative medicine. Because these subjects and
their investigators are continually denied legitimacy by the paradigm police, the public
is led to believe that all claims made about
such topics are completely groundless. In
many instances, the scientific orthodoxy
acts with rigidity in the face of the evidence.
Faraday, Roentgen, Edison, and even the
Wright Brothers were thought to be charlatans by their contemporaries. The reader
can only wonder if there is not something
fundamentally wrong with the way that science is currently being practiced.

A Do-It-Yourself Guide
to Revolutionary Science
by Rupert Sheldrake
In the past, most scientific research was
carried out by amateurs; and amateurs,
by definition, are people who do something because they love it. And although
amateur naturalists and freelance inventors
still exist, they have been marginalized. . .
I envisage a complementary relationship
between non-professional and professional
researchers, the former having a greater
freedom to pioneer new areas of research,
and the latter a more rigorous approach, enabling new discoveries to be confirmed and
incorporated into a growing body of science
solving our most fundamental problems.

The Principal of Inversion

This principle is the foundation of
creation and symmetry. You cant
have symmetry without inversion.
The Family Number Groups are 180
degrees opposite each other. The
number 6 is 180 degrees opposite
12 which illustrates that the half-way
point is the longest most extreme
distance away from itself.

and tested by leading scientist Al

Henderson, president of Signature
Antenna and were used by the U.S.
Government in antennas that protect
the four corners of the continental
US increasing their range a thousand
fold. Potentially life-saving medical
devices based on crude approximations of the Rodin Coil are now
being manufactured and used in
the treatment of patients for a large
range of miladies.
Marko Rodin has never published

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Each Addl Item: $3-US; $4-Can/Mex; $7-Other


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pattern, reveals the


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Queen Valley,AZ 85218

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Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

16 = 7
32 = 5
Notice how the
64 = 1
256 = 4
512 = 8
1,024 = 7
2,048 = 5
4,096 = 1
8,192 = 2
16,384 = 4
32,768 = 8
65,536 = 7
131,072 = 5
262,144 = 1
524,288 = 2
1,048,576 = 4
2,097,152 = 8
4,194,304 = 7
8,388,608 = 5
16,777,216 = 1
33,554,432 = 2
67,108,864 = 4
134,217,728 = 8
268,435,456 = 7
536,870,912 = 5
1,073,741,824 = 1
2,147,483,648 = 2
4,294,967,296 = 4
8,589,934,592 = 8
The number is on
the left, horizontal
addition result is
on the right.

Not only is the Rodin Torus three

dimensional, but actually fourth
dimensional and higher!

the pencil in a

Numerical Table
of a Doubling Circuit


This fantastic coherence has

existed since the beginning of
time but has yet to be harnessed
by mankind and the potential is
truly mind-boggling!

Infinity Defined...

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As Russell Blake, senior researcher

from Microsoft, has said of Markos

Mathematics as we know it today is

only a tool to symbolize quantities.
Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM)
is completely different because it
is a dynamic math that shows the
relationships and thus the qualities, substance and position in 3-D
space of numbers rather than just the

then across the center to 8. Notice

that you are doubling. So next
should be 16 and it is, but 1+6=7.
So move your pencil to 7. Then 16
doubled is 32, but 3+2=5. So move
your pencil to 5. Then 32 doubled
is 64 and 6+4=10 and 1+0=1. And
youre back to 1. So move the pencil
across the center and back up to 1.
The significance of the Mayan
calender is that 64 is one complete
cycle of infinity. Then it begins
again with 64 doubled is 128 and
1+2+8=11, then 1+1=2. And so on.

Vortex Based Mathematics

300002 -Seven Experiments ...........16.95


Introduction to Rodins

300001 - Alternative Science .......... 16.95

Seven Experiments
That Could Change
the World

Derivatives of the Mathematical Fingerprint of God


quantities of numbers.
Marko studied all the worlds great
religions. He decided to take The
Most Great Name of Bahaullah
(prophet of the Bahai Faith) which
is Abha and convert it into numbers.
He did this in an effort to discover
the true precise mystical intonation
of The Most Great Name of God.
Since the Bahai sacred scripture
was originally written in Persian
and Arabic, Marko used the Abjad
numerical notation system for this
letter to number translation. This
was a sacred system of allocating a
unique numerical value to each letter of the 27 letters of the alphabet so
that secret quantum mechanic physics could be encoded into words.
What Marko discovered was that
(a=1, b=2, h=5, a=1) = 9. The fact
that The Most Great Name of God

equaled 9 seemed very important

to him as everything he had read in
both the Bahai scriptures and other
religious text spoke of nine being
the omnipotent number. So next he
drew out a circle with nine on top
and 1 through 8 going around the
circle clockwise. Then he discovered a very intriguing number system within this circle. Marko knew
he had stumbled upon something
very profound. This circle with its
hidden number sequence was the
Symbol of Enlightenment. This
is the Mathematical Fingerprint
Of God.
Follow along as the amazing properties of this symbol unveil themselves to you. Put your pencil on
number 1 and without picking up
your pencil, move your pencil in
a straight line to number 2, then 4,

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

The Yin Yang is Trinary

The Ancient Symbol correctly

defined with its three
You will never get off this track
as you keep doubling. Notice the
infinity symbol has formed underneath your pencil, creating an everrepeating pattern of 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5.
Amazingly, this number sequence
stays intact as you half numbers as
well. Start again at the 1 but this
time go backwards on the infinity
symbol. Half of 1 is .5, so move
your pencil to the 5. Then half of
.5 is .25, and 2+5=7. So move your
pencil to the 7. And half of .25 is
.125 and 1+2+5=8. So move to the
8. Next half of .125 is .0625 and
0+6+2+5=13 and 1+3=4. So go
across to the 4. And half of .0625
is .03125 and 0+3+1+2+5=11 and
1+1=2. So move to the 2. Forever
staying on the route of 1,2,4,8,7,5
even backwards.

circuit for a very efficient electrical

coil. There was still one more very
important number pattern to be realized. On the Mathematical Fingerprint Of God which has also been
called the Symbol of Enlightenment
notice how the 3, 9, and 6 is a doted
line and does not connect at the
base. That is because it is a vector.
The 1,2,4,8,7,5 is the pathway that
matter in the form of any continuous
medium such as air, water, electricity or even a solar system travels
though space in the third dimension
while the oscillation between the
3 and 6 demonstrates the higher
fourth dimensional magnetic field
of an electrical coil. The fourth dimension is always coupled together
with the 9, which is a sustaining
Flux known as Spirit, Prana, Chi,
Tachyon, Inertia Aether, Maxwells
Monopole or Dark Energy.
The 3, 9, and 6 always occur together with the 9 as the control. In
fact, the Yin Yang is not a duality
but rather a trinary. This is because
the 3 and 6 represent each side of
the Yin Yang and the 9 is the S
curve between them. Everything is
based on thirds. We think that the

At this point some of you might

be thinking, What in the world
do these number patterns have to
do with real world applications?
These number groupings piece
together into a jig-saw-like puzzle
pattern that perfectly demonstrates
the way energy flows. Our base-ten
decimal system is not man made,
rather it is created by this flow of
energy. Amazingly, after twenty
years of working with this symbol
and collaborating with engineers
and scientists, Marko discovered
that the 1,2,4,8,7,5 was a doubling

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

universe is based upon dualities

because we see the effects and not
the cause.
When I say the oscillation between
the 3 and 6 what I mean is that 3
doubled is 6 and 6 doubled is 12,
but 1+2=3, and then 12 doubled is
24, but 2+4=6 and 24 doubled is 48,
but 4+8=12 and 1+2=3. So the 3 and
6 go back and forth in their own
separate dimension. This creates the
other important pattern of (3,9,6; 6,
Spirit is the only thing in
the universe that moves in a
straight line while causing all
matter to precess and warp
9,3; 3,9 ,6).
Now lay out the number patterns on the 2-D grid. Place the
3,9,6,6,9,3,3,9 number pattern in
the center of the 1,2,4,8,7,5 number pattern going forward and the
1,2,4,8,7,5 number pattern going
backwards this continuation creates
an amazingly perfect number map.
The Mathematical Fingerprint Of
God is a legend or blueprint for

Marko Rodin explaining the

mathematical connection to
the Seal of Solomon and the
Great Pyramid of Giza..

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

the Coil and can be visualized in

a 2-D form shown on the opposite
page. The 2-D number map forms
the 3-D skin of the Rodin Coil and
thus demonstrates the concept of the
winding of the coil.
The 9 demonstrates the Omni dimension which is the higher dimensional flux emanation called Spirit
that always occurs within the center
of the magnetic field lines.
The last number left to be explained
from The Mathematical Fingerprint Of God is the number 9. The
number nine is Energy being manifested in a single moment event of
occurrence in our physical world
of creation. It is unique because it
is the focal center by being the only
number identifying with the vertical upright axis. It is the singularity
or the Primal Point of Unity. The
number nine never changes and is
linear. For example all multiples
of 9 equal 9. 9x1=9, 9x2=18, but
1+8=9, 9x3=27, but 2+7=9. This is
because it is emanating in a straight
line from the center of mass out of
the nucleus of every atom, and from
out of the singularity of a black hole.
It is complete, revealing perfection,
and has no parity because it always
equals itself. The number nine is
the missing particle in the universe
known as Dark Matter.
The number nine lines up with the
center of the infinity symbol and it is
from this center that the linear emanations we call Spirit emanate from
the center of mass outwards. Spirit
is the only thing in the universe that
moves in a straight line. Spirit is the
inertia aether that Einstein postulated. Spirit is what makes everything
else warp and curve around it. The
perfect number patterns are actually created by this Spirit energy.
Without Spirit the universe would
become destitute and void. Spirit
flow is the source of all movement
as well as the source of the non-

decaying spin of the electron.

Numbers have temporal, spatial and
volumetric qualities. For example,
physics is the base ten number
system. In other words numbers
have bilateral or mirror symmetry
and line up in stratified layers of
horizontal planes. This is the same

Nine is THE Zenith that

represents ALL knowledge.

The Secret
of the Aether
by David Thomson
and Jim Bourassa
For the first time in human
history, a scientific foundation for the
existence of God is presented, supported by the same empirical data used
everyday by physicists. Through a very
simple observation noted 100 years
ago by Charles Coulomb, the electromagnetic units have been corrected of
an error that has led physics astray for
so long. Now, electrodynamics can be
expressed in simple dimensional equations, the neurosciences can now be
united to quantum and classical physics,
and the precise geometry of subatomic
particles can be modeled.

592000-Secret of the Aether ..... 64.95

Unification of
Strong Gravitational
& Electric Forces
Between the hole in the vortex
and the number nine is a
perfect diamond.
as physics parity. There are nine
simple multiplication series (one series for each discrete number 1-9) in
Vortex-Based Mathematics. These
multiplication series are based upon
reducing all products to single digits via horizontal addition forming
meaningful number sequences.
Nature is expressing herself with
numbers. The symmetry of our
decimal system is a principle of nature. The 9 axis causes the doubling
circuit and it is the point towards
which matter converges and away
from which it diverges or expands.
Thus the polar number pairs will be
mirror images of each other, both
flowing in opposite directions from
the central axis. There is perfect
symmetry wrapped around a single
point coiling outwards the way that
petals are wrapped in a rose, or a
( continued on page 08 )

by Vladimar Ginsberg
The strong force is merely a manifestation of Coulombs electric force, both
qualitatively and quantitatively. This
book expands the concept of the spiral
field that leads to the unification of
strong electric, and gravitational forces.
A presentation discusses the new prime
elements of Nature, the torix and the
helix, which are based on positive and
negative energy.
Matter, ether, electromagnetic waves,
and neutrinos are decribed by the very
same fundamental equations. Ginsbergs unification of strong, gravitational,
and electric forces confirms a possibility
of instantaneous transmission of waves.
Furthermore, it identifies likely candidates for dark matter, while outlining
a road map for the unified field theory.
Well illustrated, this book explores the
leading edge of physics. (280pp)

593000-Unification Grav/Elec ... 14.95

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296 E Donna Drive

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Call (520) 463-1994

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

Some Principles of the Mathematical Fingerprint of God


Fundamental Priciples and Dynamics of

Vortex Based Mathematics
Numbers are stationary vector interstices in the form of nodes
over the Torus surface topology.
No Numbers come alone.

Numbers are a pieces of a jig-saw puzzle which when properly assembled back together form a mosaic revealing the panoramic view of
the actual shape of the universe.

Naturally Insulated electrical harmonic shear.

This is demonstrated by cross multiplying the adjoining numbers along

the outskirts of the Doubling Circuits, which will always result and reduce
to unity.

The Toroid Map comes from the Base 10 system.

The Base 10 system comes from 32 which is modular 9. The next Base
counting system after Base 10 is Base 26 - 52 which is modular 25. Base
12 or Base 15 are false counting systems and do not give true results
because any other base counting system that do not originate from Prime
Numbers will not have the coherence of self referencing properties.

The Binary Code is the Base 10 System.

This is exhibited by the dual doubling circuits contained therein.

Infinity Is Third Dimension.

124875 is the pathway that infinity takes before it repeats itself. Infinity
is a closed loop unbroken circuit that never deviates from the same path.
That path is referred to as the longest mean free pathway of least resistance
and infinity truly defined is a bounded Infinity of spin continuum which is
an infinity of duration and not direction.

Spirit emanates in Thirds.

For every action, there are two simultaneous 1/2 opposite equal reactions.
Nine is the control. When Nine is negative, Three and Six are both positive.

The Universe has a preferred frame of reference.

The 396 vector of The Mathematical Fingerprint of God represents motion,

velocity and is the shape of Spirits vector. It is revealing that the Universe
has a preferred frame of reference. It proves that indeed there are such a
thing in creation as fixed constants and absolutes.

The pupose of a Black hole is to function as a heat sink.

It operates by dissipating heat into the outer environment of the ergosphere

to maintain a stable operating constant temperature. If a black hole was to
get too hot it would incinerate itself.



The Doubleing Circuits are a bounded pathway of infinity.

Polarization comes out of a Point.

Presentation by

Marko Rodin

In the 1980s, a radical approach to coil

design was revealed in the Powder
Puff Principle. It featured a new form
of mathematics. The Rodin Coil is the
physical implementation of vortex-based
mathematics. It consists of wire-wound
toroids incorporating a specific pattern
identified by Marko Rodin in his mathematical derivation. His presentation
and demonstration at the 2009 ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference held in
Albuquerque, NM reveals some promising applications for his coils.

ET0905 - 2009/ M Rodin DVD ......... 29.95


Presentations by

Marko Rodin

During the 1990s, the Global Sciences

organization, founded in 1983 by Dean
Stonier held a series of conferences with
the intent to promote the understanding
of the mysteries which surround us in
daily life such as UFOs, crop circles,
alternative healing modalities, and
suppressed technologies. It was on
this platform that Marko presented two
presentations on his evolving technology that later became known as Vortex
Based Mathematics!

G90205 - 1990 Global Science Conf DVD:

Inexhaustable Electric Supply,
Marcus Rodin ..................19.95
G93118 - 1993 Global Science Conf DVD:
Dandelion Puff Principle,
Marcus Rodin ..................19.95
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296 E Donna Drive

Queen Valley,AZ 85118

Call (520) 463-1994

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

Rhodes/Browns Gas
(2H2:O2) Generator

All Multiplication series start from the inside out.

The polar number pairs

will be mirror images of
each other, both flowing
in opposite directions
from the central axis.


We believe our 12 volt experimental

Rhodes/Browns gas generator is the most
efficient and cost effective available to the
modern alternative energy enthusiast.
Many people are introducing this gas into
the air-intake of their vehicles and report
increased horse-power and miles per gallon
gains. The introduction of hydrogen and
oxygen gas is said to have an immediate
effect of increasing the octane rating of
their fuel.
You will not have problems with corrosion
as you have with other obsolete designs
that use stainless steel electrodes. Our
state of the art high-density electrodes are
chemically inert and as such will not react
to your electrolyte solution. Our electrodes
are porous which allows them to generate
gas more effectively. Best of all, you wont
have to replace them anytime soon.
BGEN includes
5 diax 7 1/4 polypropylene housing
Gas tight 3/4 water-fill and twist cap
Stainless steel power input terminals
Nylon gas outlet barb
Six chemically inert, conductive plates
Over-pressure safety feature
Fully assembled
Basic Experimental

Rhodes/Browns Gas
Lab Generator

There are three polar number pairs; 1 and 8, 2 and 7, 4 and 5. For example, multiples
of 4 are 1x4=4, 2x4=8, 3x4=12 but 1+2=3, 4x4=16 but 1+6=7, 5x4=20 but 2+0=2,
6x4=24 but 2+4=6, 7x4=28 but 2+8=10 and 1+0=1, 8x4=32 but 3+2=5, 9x4=36 but
3+6=9. So multiples of 4 equal 4,8,3,7,2,6,1,5 and multiples of 5, the polar opposite
of 4, are (5,1,6,2,7,3,8,4).
Each pair forms number sequences that are identical but in opposing directions. So
if you take the multiples of 5 and look at them running backwards they are the same
as the multiples of 4 running forwards. In exactly the same way the multiplication
series for the polar pair [1,8] is: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) and (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1) for the number
1 and the number 8 respectively. The multiplication series for the polar pair [2,7] is:
(2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7) and (7,5,3,1,8,6,4,2).

( continued from page 05 )

nautilus shell spirals outward.
Computer Processors
and Operating Systems
Rodins mathematics enables Marko
Rodin to design circuitry for computer microprocessors that have no
waste heat and - thus, require no re-

3) Rodin uses electricitys own

magnetic field to bathe conductors in a magnetic wind to maintain constant temperature without any risk of short-circuiting
or incinerating conductors.

$12.95 shipping charge within USA

ask for international rates

PO Box 22
Rumney, NH 03266
(603) 786-9316

Rodin Coil tests have determined a

1000% greater magnetic output than
the present day standard wound
electrical coils.

1) Rodin knows the natural pathway

that electricity wants to take
without forcing it, scientifically
known as the longest mean free
pathway of least resistance;
2) Rodin has discovered the source
of the non-decaying spin of the


Nu Energy Horizons

frigeration or heat sink - eliminating

all friction, resistance and parasitics.
This is possible because:

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

State of the art manufacturers of

conventional processors have no
idea how to prevent heat buildup.
Rodin knows how to incorporate,
in the conductors, a crucial gap
space that creates underpinning
nested vortices that are respon-

sible for super-efficiency. (Refer

to illustration on page 13) One of
Rodins great abilities is to create
microprocessor electrical circuitry
in which the conductors touch, yet
do not short-circuit. He is able to do
this as a result of what he calls harmonic shear which creates a natural
wall of insulation without requiring
any special materials. This natural
electrical insulating shear is created
by the harmonic phasing activation
sequence of the electricity.
Not only does Rodins discovery
introduce a new type of processor
for computers, its application also
enables Rodin to create a new artificial intelligence operating system
that replaces the binary code with
a new code Rodin calls the binary
triplet. Former Microsoft senior researcher, Russell P. Blake, treats the
binary triplet briefly in his article,
The Mathematical Formulation of
the Rodin Torus, in which he states
that the Rodin Torus has perfect
mathematical coherence on all six
axes and is not only three dimensional, but actually higher Omni
fourth dimensional, and higher.

Rodin also adds a new factor of polarity to the binary code by using his
binary triplet code which is based
on the fact that all numbers begin
and end from out of a point. Rodin
toroid number map depicts the accurate pathway through the event
horizon of a black hole and into
the Singularity vortex-well, where
it inverts. No mathematics, other
than Rodins can calculate while
inverting, since all existing branches
of mathematics self-destruct before
emerging out of the other side in a
white hole.
Rodins math harnesses a heretofore

Mathematics and Physics

Using his Vortex-Based Mathematics, Marko Rodin is able to show
that numbers are real and that nature
expresses herself through numbers.
He solves the long standing debate
in mathematics whether numbers are a man-made contrivance
or based in nature by proving
that numbers are a condition of
creation. With this math, Rodin is

The Primal Point of Unity

Numbers are REAL and

Nature is expressing
herself with numbers.

unavailable level of mathematical

language that takes advantage of
six different self-referencing axis
configurations over the surface topology of the Rodin Coils toroidal
matrix, thus enabling the creation
of new revolutionary advances in
Marko Rodin is able to navigate on
artificial intelligence hardware and
all axes of a Rodin Coil Torus, thus
resolving the obstacles to creating
artificial intelligence by being able
to compute multi-dimensionally.
Vortexual Compression and Decompression

H These linear eminations

travel from the center of mass

outwards while always moving
in a straight line and causing
everthing else to process and

H Theses positive emanations

are the source for the curvature
of the universe.
H These emanations are irresist-

There is perfect symmetry

wrapped around a single
point coiling outwards the way
that petals are wrapped in a
rose, nautilus shell, or on the
Macro level - the geometric
architechture of a galaxy. The
center ALWAYS being the
Primal Point of Unity.

able, penetrate everything, and

are the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron.

H These emanations are the

source of all vibration and time.
H Positive eminations create
negative draft countersapce.
H If these emanations were to
suddenly stop than the entire
universe would instantlybecome
null and void and cease to exist.
ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

The Dandelion Puff Principle

is the creation of a puff-like formation by aiming all of the numbered
quantum tiles over the torus surface
topology at a single point in the center.
The resulting positive emanations
looks like a dandelion puff.

able to demonstrate the man-made

mistakes in mathematical theories
and arrive at a correct solution. He
is also able to predict any missing
unknown prime number and to show
that symmetry exists in all prime
numbers. Base ten comes from the
first true prime number 3 squared
which generates the modulo nine
toroid number map. Base twenty
six comes from the prime number 5
squared which generates the modulo
twenty five toroid number map. Any
base counting system is always one
number less because of the missing zero. Thus base ten is correctly
referred to as modulo 9 and base
twenty six as modulo 25. Only
prime numbers can generate true
base counting systems comprised
of circuits and thus base twelve or
base fifteen are false counting systems that result in broken symmetry
Zero is not a number and does not
exist before one on a number line.
Rather Zero is an absence.
In Rodins Vortex-Based Mathematics, zero does not exist, but is replaced by the number 9 and instead,
zero is defined as the vortex-well
that passes through the center of the
Rodin Torus.
Vortex-Based Mathematics harnesses the secret of the upright
vertical axis by aiming all of the
numbered quantum tiles over the

torus surface topology at a single

point in the center, which Rodin
calls the Primal Point of Unity. This
is based on Rodins proof that numbers are stationary vector interstices
resulting from positive emanations.
These positive emanations have
been postulated and conjectured to
exist, but have never been observed.
Marko Rodin is able to demonstrate
that they are linear, they do not bend,
and travel in a straight line, forming
linear radial spokes along the Z-axis
referred to as the Dandelion Puff
Because Rodin is able to tap into this

Every black hole is connected to a white hole.

newly discovered emanation which
is above the known elements he is
able to create electricity without reluctance or friction, which he refers
to as synchronized electricity. This
synchronized electricity can be observed in its past, present and future
position using Rodins numerical
interferometry patterns, which are
noninvasive and hence, eliminate
the possibility of the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle occurring.
The only way scientists can model
Rodin Coil
The Rodin
Coils tore in the
center of the
magnetic field
while creating a
localized space
time implosion.
This creates a
perfect vortex
hole with fractal
magnetic field
spiraling arms.

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

an atom is to observe it, invasively,

through an electron microscope,
but this causes the electrons to absorb the light and jump a valiance
ring and youve just deflected and
contaminated it. With Rodins
mathematical matrix an electron
is observed not with light, but by
creating an interferometry numerical diffraction grating pattern. Thus,
nothing is contaminated. Hence,
Rodin is capable of determining
the electron moment in all frames
of reference. This enables him to
see infinitely small or large, from
the quantum level to the shape of
galaxies and the universe.
Rodins Vortex Based Mathematics
Coil explains the secret of creation.
It explains how the universe reprocesses matter, uses matter as its
coolant source to bathe itself at the
core of a black hole, and then to
dissipate heat away from the center
of the galaxy. And every galaxy in
the universe, it turns out, is in the
shape of a torus.
Spirit Energy Emanations
of a Rodin Coil
Rodins toroid number map also
explains how black holes work.
A black hole is a negative vortex where everything implodes...
swirles and compressed until it
reaches the inner diameter of the to-

Low Power Levitation

In this online video, a
1-inch diameter, 64gram magnet sphere
Neo N42 is spun at approximately 2000 RPM
& suspended verifying
magnetic field generation, with less than
4-Volts, at 20,000Hz using 90-feet of
24-gauge magnet wire
on a 5-inch diameter
hollow air core toroid
drawing 1.5-Amp while
consuming less than
6-Watts. Invented by:
Jamie Buturff & Marko

roid, which is called the singularity.

Spirit emanates Omni directionally
from this toroidal pinch. Matter is
drawn in at the top and ejected at
the bottom. This is the source of
gravity, of all motion, and of time.
It is what causes everything to warp
and spin. When the old, dead stars
and planets are shot out of the white
hole (every black hole is connected
to a white hole), they are made up
of hot streaming interstellar nebula
gaseous matter. As this stream gets
further away from the toroidal pinch
point it cools and amalgamates,
forming new stars and planets all
over again. This is why our human
bodies are made of stardust ... we are
made of countless stars of the past.
This is an endless cycle of renewal.
The Rodin Coil harnesses this energy by tapping into a self-contained
energy source that is renewable
anywhere. The creation of a reactionless drive, called a flux thruster,
atom pulsar becomes possible. A
flux thruster would enable humans
to travel anywhere in the universe
without having to return to Earth for

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

fuel or living supplies. Technology

could be taken to any planet and
could make it habitable because Rodins mathematical matrix provides
the secret of molecular engineering. One could go to a dead, barren

Vortex Based Mathematics precisely models the underpinning geometry of the universe.
planet and transform it into an oasis.
Using current combustion-engine
technology, transporting materials
of significant weight into space is
very cost prohibitive... approximately $20,000 per pound. With
flux thruster technology based on
the Rodin Coil, one could carry
any weight into space very inexpensively.
Power Sources & Transportation
Perhaps the most compelling, po-

How Quantum-Leap New
Energy Inventions Can
Transform Our World

by Jeane Manning & Joel Garbon

Compelling stories of brave innovators and
their breakthroughs that can replace coal and
other polluting fuels, makes the case for opensourcing clean-energy inventions. Even nontechies can envision and help manifest a higher
civilization assisted by an energy abundance that
is humankinds birthright. Scientists in this book
highlight the rich variety of clean energy inventions that the public usually doesnt hear about.
Yet these topics directly relate to both climate
change and the world economy and humanitarian projectsthat determine our future!

500058 - Break Through Power .... 19.95

Now on DVD!

of Cold
presentation by Peter Lindemann
In the 1970s, inventor Edwin V. Gray
developed an electric automobile engine
that produced 80 horsepower and
recharged its own batteries. It ran on what
he called cold electricity. This amazing
technology remained shrouded in mystery
until September 2000. This video is the
complete technical lecture given by Dr. Peter
Lindemann at that time. In it, he explains
exactly how Ed Grays system works, how
he produced cold electricity and how that
relates to Nikola Teslas earlier discovery of
Radiant Energy. Using 50 slides of articles,
patents, photos, and circuits, Lindemann
documents his research, until the method is
fully revealed. Now you can understand one
of the most powerful Free Energy methods
ever discovered. (3 hrs-DVD)

330011- Free Energy Secret DVD .. 29.95

Shipping/Handling Rates
1st Item: $8-US; $11-Can/Mex; $15-Other
Each Addl Item: $3-US; $4-Can/Mex; $7-Other

TeslaTech, Inc

296 E Donna Drive

Queen Valley,AZ 85118

Call (520) 463-1994

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Jan/Feb/Mar 2010


The Fabric
of Space
An Online
Discussion Group
Join an online discussion group of
these subjects:
Is there an aether of space?
If so, how is it structured?

tential revolutionary application of

Rodins Vortex Based Mathematics
is the concept of a point energy
source that can be focused on any
desired application. If this concept
bears fruit, it will usher in a new age

of technology far surpassing those

brought on by inventions such as the
steam engine, the internal combustion engine and the electric power
generator. Detailed citations are
available from a variety of physi-

Vortex Based Mathematics DNA illustrations

DNA seen without the Bioaetheric Template.

Is the speed of light the limiting

factor of the universe?
These and many other questions and
ideas will be discussed. Come learn
with us and contribute your thoughts
and ideas.

or call 505-327-5646
of Zero-Point

DNA Showing the Bioaetheric Template nestled

inside of the Major Groove.

cists who support this notion and

base their support on established
scientific experimental evidence and
sound theoretical principles.
With applying the Rodin Coil principles a space power propulsion device could be created into a reactionless drive that is unaffected by the
weight it is pulling, which would be
able to propel astronomical weights
through space with negligible expense. Dennis Watts a senior Boeing
engineer and director of communications for the International Space
Station has confirmed that Rodins
technology will enable humans to
travel anywhere in the universe,
making us true intergalactic citizens.
There are, no doubt, even more
revolutionary applications of Rodins mathematical innovation are
waiting to be discovered and tested.

DNA seen with the Mathematical Fingerprint of God.

by T. Valone PhD
Zero-point energy (ZPE) is a universal
natural phenomenon of great significance
which has evolved from the historical
development of ideas about the vacuum!
This is the authoritative guide to the latest
developments, tools, and physics behind
the only inexhaustible source of energy
for the future.
Includes the revised edition of a year-long
Feasibility Study of the Extraction of ZeroPoint Energy from the Quantum Vacuum
for the Performance of Useful Work.
Profusely illustrated and professionally
researched with almost 300 references by
a noted expert in the science of zero-point

DNA transparency with VBM numerics.

*outlined numbers denote front of DNA double spiral helix

DNA front view.

Microscopic Underpinning Nested Vortices

DNA and Microbiology

How precious are your eyes and the
priceless gift of sight? Do you really
believe that your vision evolved
from the random hap hazard trial
and error of evolution? Chance
alone is not possible to make up the
secrets contained within your DNA.
Then where is preserved this missing and hidden information? DNA
is not comprised of two helices but
from three with the third helix being

Family Number Group +3, +9, +6 being activated by the Inertia

Aether Flux Emanations, creating negative draft counter space mo*outlined numbers denote front of DNA double spiral helix
tion and underpinning Nested Vortices.
*outlined numbers denote front of DNA double spiral helix

invisible and occupying a displacement space called the Major Groove

which is located in between the
two helical strands. Nature abhors
a vacuum. This Major Groove is
not empty but instead is where all
information for the genetic coding
of life exists. Rodins Vortex Based
Mathematics is the schematic for
life revealing that inside the Major

DNA with VBM numerics polarity.

320021-Pract ZeroPoint Energy.. 20.00

Shipping/Handling Rates

DNA with compressing and decompressing

Underpinning Nested Vortices

1st Item: $8-US; $11-Can/Mex; $15-Other

Each Addl Item: $3-US; $4-Can/Mex; $7-Other

TeslaTech, Inc

296 E Donna Drive

Queen Valley,AZ 85118

Call (520) 463-1994

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

.weiv kcab AND

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

Groove of DNA exists a higher

dimensional Bioaetheric Template
(Morphogenetic Field) defined by
the mathematical number pattern 3,
9; 6; 6, 9, 3 revealing the existence
of an All Coherent higher intelligence guiding evolution.
Selective splicing of novel DNA
sequence combinations are able to
be performed at will for medical
treatment and the elimination of all
diseases by utilizing these higher
dimensional Flux Fields to control
DNA cleavage and receptor sites.
Maxwell previously stated that there
must needs to exist a Monopole
to symmetrize all of his electrical equations. Rodins math is a
blueprint that gives us the ability
to observe this missing Monopole
in the form of an Inertia Aether
Flux represented by the number 9
and its associated Magnetic Field
represented by the numbers 3 & 6
which are perfectly nested in unison
within the Major Groove of DNA .

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010


The backbone of DNAs double spiral helix is comprised of phosphates

and phosphates are known to always
have a negative electric charge and
obviously with any negative electric
charge there is always going to be
an associated magnetic field.
Transformers, Motors
and Energy-Efficient Power
A motor based on the Rodin Coil is
far more efficient than a conventional electric motor. The Rodin Coil
produces so much more magnetism
that a minimum 90% reduction in
copper can be achieved, translating
into tremendous weight reduction
and savings in material. Rodin has
a team capable of producing superefficient motors with much lower
power consumption than conventional motors. These motors could
be incorporated into a product as
small as a ceiling fan or as large as
a power plant. An existing prototype
of a ceiling fan presently tests 600%
more efficient than a box fan. There
will be live demonstrations of the
newest Rodin Coil motor design
technology at this upcoming 2010
TeslaTech ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference.
There is considerable loss of energy
in conventional electric light bulbs
since they produce waste heat. For
example, the standard Edison bulb
has 90% loss of energy. Only 10%
of the energy produced is converted
into light.
Using a Rodin Coil to energize florescent and led lights, there has been
a doubling increase in efficiency due
to the Rodin Coils ability to be far
more efficient than any device presently existing.
Rodin-Coil antennas will radically change communications. They
can receive and transmit through
any media, penetrating what even

There is Something Inside


The Heliotron magnetic field containment device. The Large Helical Device (LHD)
project involves construction of the worlds largest superconductor helical device, which
employs a heliotron magnetic field originally developed in Japan. The objectives are to
conduct fusion-plasma confinement research in a steady-state machine and to elucidate
important research issues in physics and engineering for helical plasma reactors.

magnets cannot penetrate, with a

sensitivity heretofore considered
impossible. Col Thomas Bearden
published that testing by engineers
has already shown that Rodin Coil
design is more sensitive than any
antenna in existence.
Microscopic Underpinning Nested Vortices
Every continuous medium has
the inherent capability to be
superconductive based upon harmonic cascadence. Examples of
continuous mediums, in the form
of a toroidal matrix, are tornados,
hurricanes, water spouts, solar
systems, galaxies, black holes/
white holes and maelstroms.
Underpinning nested vortices are
a scalable micro to macro fractal.
Whether energy is maintained and
survives in the form of a toroid,
or preserved and duplicated in
the form of a DNA spiral helix
as it goes through mitosis, is
determined by whether or not
the nested underpinning vortices

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

are staggered or aligned in their

World Boundary Condition.
A World Boundary Condition
is represented in Vortex-Based
Mathematics by the harmonic
shear which, in the Rodin Coil,
turns into an electrical shear and
allows for two electrical conducting wires to be touching each
other side by side without shorting
out regardless of the total amount
of energy output. In a Rodin Coil,
no insulation is ever needed to
protect it from short-circuiting.
The area of microscopic underpinning nested vortices needs
considerable further research as
it applies to biology and genetics, motors, power generation and
propulsion systems.
3-D Audiophile Speaker Technology
Any frequency range or tone
input into a Rodin Coil can be
reproduced without the use of a
diaphragm. Thus is a radically
new type of speaker and repro-

Numbers Are Real

duces the sound directly from the

Rodin Coils itself eliminating the
need for a diaphragm.
Biophysical Harmonics
Biophysical harmonics, which is
the same as neurogenesis, is the
secret of how to repair or regenerate areas of the brain damaged
through injury or disease. In
2005, medical researchers were
able to achieve regeneration of
mammal organs, bones and tissue, but not of brain tissue. In
his early research, Marko Rodin
began exploring how sound effects the human brain, and using
the Biophysical Harmonics to
treat autism and brain damage.
The foundation of understanding
the human brains neuro synaptic
connections resides in the mathematical patterns Rodin uses to
reveal how the brain learns and
rewires itself..
New Design of Thermal Nuclear
Fusion Reactors
Toroidal Fusion Research is the
Most Expensive International
Scientific Project in History.
Existing technology for thermal
nuclear fusion reactors uses a
band aid approach . Electricity is
manipulated and forced into pathways it doesnt want to take by
using cryogenics and correcting

Contact Information

A civilization is never more advanced than

the level of its mathematics.

-Alfredo Nava Phd

Marko Rodin

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010


magnets because no one knows

electricitys natural pathways.
However, Rodin does. He creates
toroidal pinch by utilizing mirror
symmetry Rodin Coils to create
radical new designs that eliminate all the peripheral equipment
currently used, He is capable of
achieving the same results for a
negligible investment.

VBM Dual Non Cartesian

Coordinate Axes

Atheism is false.
Darwins evolution is false.
Creationism that violates the laws of physics is false.
Scientists never intended to disprove the existence of God.

The dual XYZ non cartesian coordinate system

creates the toroid map.

Intelligent Design is True.

There is an invisible Hand guiding creation.
Absolutes do exist and Fixed Constants are real.
The Universe has a Preferred Frame of reference and numbers have an inherent Spatial Orientation.
There is a Divine Touchstone for everything.


ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010



ExtraOrdinary Science &Technology -

Jan/Feb/Mar 2010

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