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BIEN DONG PETROLEUM OPERATING COMPANY fal a onan BIEN DONG 1 PROJECT B06 NO Page tot 13 _olaee OFFSHORE FACILITIES Philosophy PROCESS DRAIN & VENT PHILOSOPHY 7 [vec | Retammeaarie —| “| apf Di 1 [Heer [reverse [A | oP P| a wer [ba Dosen ion [ S| Wrens BOOST “Tit: Process Oran & Vent Pricsophy ‘Document No: 801-007-0004 | Date TeNowtt Page 13 | Rev ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. 49° wrRopucTION 3 11 Project Desrton 3 12 Aeron and Atbeatons 3 13° References 4 14 Scope ‘ 20 ORAINA VENT PHILOSOPHY 5 24° General 5 22 brane System 5 23° Vents system 2 “Tite: Process Drain & Vent Philosophy Document No: 801-00-R-T-0004 | | 10 1 12 Date H7-Nowtt Page 30113, Rev 2 INTRODUCTION Project Description The Blen Dong 1 Project involves ofehore development of the Hal Thacn and Moc Tian ‘saslcondensate Fils in locks 052 and 05.3 approximately $40km south of he coast of Viet. “Te fs ie approximately 20k apart. ‘The projectinciudes: [AWeieac platform in Moc Tinh (WHP.AIT) /AWelnead plato in Hal Thach (WHP-HT) | Production and QuatePlatform in Hal Thach (POP-#T) | Floating Storage and Offeasing (FSO) vessein Hal Thach An i-ld ppline fom the WHP-AT to WHP-AT ‘Agas export pipeline erm WHP.HTT fein tothe exetng Nam Con Son pipeline [A dual condensate expo pipeline anda ue gas exper ppeine from WHP-HTY tthe FSO) ‘A Subsea Composite Fiber Opie! Power Cable fom WHP-HT! tothe WAP. ‘The FSO design wil be conducted undo a separate contact. ‘Acronyms and Abbreviations BOPOC Bion Dong Patou Operating Company 68 FEED He LAL ur ‘Double Bock nd Bled Front End Engineering and Design Hydro carton Level Alarm Low Low Lowest astenomia! ise PQPHT Hal Thach Production and Quarter Pam we Worey Parsons Lt \WHP MT! Mee Tinh Wethead Plater WHP HTS Hal Thach Welhead Plato Tite: Process Dian & Vent Phiosopty Document No: 87-00R-T-0004 Date H7Ocet Page 0113 Rev 2 13 References 1. Watley Design Gudeine, Open & Closed Drains Dasign Phlosopy, document no, WS-DG-PR- 8 2. Process lscation Pitosophy, document no, BD1-00-R-T-0003, Rev C1 ‘3. Process Design Crtaia, document no. 801-00-R-A.0002, Rev D1 4. Technical Design Discussion Register, document no, 1000-L6-000 5. Process and utiles design basis, document no, 8D1-00-R-A0001, Rev C1 6. Integrate Statoment of Requirements (Feed Phase} Rev 7, document number -5625-1000-AG. 00% 7. Veinamase Regulations, TCVN 6767--2000-Fied Ofshore Patfoms-Part 3 Machinery and Process Systems, 14 Scope ‘This document covers the drainage and venting systems design pilsophy required forthe Bien ‘Dong 1 Project. It Wentfies the types of eins and vent requted forthe diferent sources and summarises the requirements forte collection, teatment and posal ofthe charge fds ‘This design guide shal apply to process and vty systems incuing packaged equipment “ive: Process Dian & Vent Philosophy Document No: 801-00R-T-0008 Date 7c Page of Rev 2 20 DRAIN & VENT PHILOSOPHY 24 General In general, al equipment and areas ofan offshore instalation should be provided with facies to {ran and vent. The dan ad vent streams cou be produces duet caning contort om process vossoe pir to maintenance, overtow, wash down, and rain wate process equipment faire ec ‘The drainage normally comprise of ol preducs & wator andthe sytem must be designe to safely colect and separate these fis prior to thelr ceposal. For HC systems vant connectons are required to re te residual gases nse the vessel ar iolaton by fling wth water several es and daning pore personnel enty andr other maintenance werk. Feu ypsl guidelines for ent fand dein provision ae a follows. ‘+ Drain connection forthe columns and verical vessels with skits wil be provides on the outet nozzle pipe fom botom of he equipment, upstream ofthe Bnd and physically located outside the st ‘+ Drain/ Vent connections willbe provies on shelor channel ofthe hel & tube heat exchangers handing HC, gol orhot ot 1+ For he plate & tame and compact pited cvcut) type heat exchangers the crains and vents \walbe provided on he piping ‘Siac ters chanoe of wax formation, the minimum dain / vent connections considered fortis Project shall be DNSO when proved on equpmento inthe png ‘A standard nitrogen puge / tity connection wil be provided to alow purging of malntainabie ems of equipment '+ High pont vents and ow point cain shal be provided at appropriate locations. ‘+ Al nyérocarton releases (vent & eran) shall be contained in closed eytem (re. secon 4214). 22 Drains System 221 Opendrains (pon arins systom is 9 grauty tow eotecton systom that shall cotect rain water, water from lige syste and potable wash down water from vests, piping, foorng and instruments. ‘The Open Drain callecton system consists of Hazardous and a non-hazardus dain header, ‘The Hazardous Open Drain Header collects open drains trom process areas where hysrocarbon gases may be rleased ‘Te Non Hazardous Open Dran Header coects open dans fom uly areas, ‘The 801 has designated hazardous and non-hazardous open drains. The drains ae coected in ‘separa headers to minimise any sk of vapour discharging trom te hazardous area crn tothe non-hazardous drain system. n aditon each dain pont has an inert seal. Each deck has own ‘open dain header whic is provided wit #iquld Seal at the tes point othe man collection header. ‘Tite: Process Drain & Vent Philosophy Document No: 8D1.00-R-T-0004 Date H17-Ocet4 Page or Rev 2 ‘Tere isa separate drain system forthe Living Quarters on the POP and NTI patos which are rete oa sewage testment system ands entirely segregates rom the open drain estem, ‘Tre hazardous open drains arse in the zone 1 and zone 2 areas onthe pstforms. The non- hazardous open drains aise in reas ouside the zoned areas, incising the uty area protected behing the bast wal onthe POP platform. It shouldbe nota hat aqupmentoutslde the zoned area has been subject to igiten source conta! by measure including ‘+ Alife instruments ae zone trates + Allmotors rates to zone 2 + Instrument panes ether ated to at east zone 2 or lectcaly isolated on gas detection. + Hot surfaces and isrument panels have been protected and exhaust gas coled ‘+ For tho hazerdous area open dain points, it has Been considered that a hazardous area ‘zone 2s crested by the crn pont sen accordance wih IP 15 to @ 3m radusareund he ean ‘Tne hazardous open drain header is outed to the open aaln tank, while the non nszardous open drain is routed overboard on the wel head plas and to the rested water dump casson on HT. Por, (Open arin piping shouldbe configured such tat an operator performing manual 3 Cont ‘atc miles ofenor) ly Wastes ‘Ally wastes wansfred ashore for reyeing or ceposal Use ans discharge of chemicals to be approve in avance, Production Cnemicals | Dgcnarge wilfolow TCVN ‘spi contingency | To bein place wih company’ bit to provide response fr spl up panning to 1S and S00 tomes “Titi: Process & Utties Design Base Document No: 801-00.8-8.0001 | Date WeNowtt Page 280179 Rev 1 LiguisRadioacive | Cortcat tobe granted for storage or disposal radioactive wate SSotarcee Te Sova Teal ul ere dapoaa is wea va a Gateywaso ant | De Srtnaecscanco wih vatoness awe onset = protection [Ref-22] Wass Dans [Neto be done oa Maximum decharge temperature ee 65 Sola Waste No process related solids wastes anticipate in nal operation. Sand remaval and ssposal may be requled late infield fe, Curenty sand Is assumed to be shipped to shore for treatment and safe dsposal wile the offshore tretment for safe handing and shipping area to be determines [Ret 4, 88 Flaring and Venting “The ntnt is to minimise faring and vantng to reduce the producton of greenhouse gases that contibute to global warming. The folowing environmental performance requirements should ‘be applied inthe design (Re 4 '+ Avoidance of continuous and routine flaring and venting wil represent the base case in project design. ‘+ Wot testng requiring faring shal be by excepton ony ‘Tite: Process & Utsties Dotgn ass Document No: BD!-00-R-A.0001 | Date HT-Nowtt Page 3270179 7.0 PRODUCTION PROFILE Wel. fud production rofies (el- ‘The base case for development sto produce 2.0 hema. The folowing data represents the reserves and producto profes [Ret 4)- Bion Dong 1 DEPLETION PLAN 2.0 BCMA CASE SUMMARY ‘GASE_237 (20 bema) ‘suing 0) 6 6 Pateau Length (Years) 0 0 “Tota 250 cA Sey | During Piateau 702 m2 Shin Plateau 73% 73% FIELD SUMMARIES cad ur [or Gas, et oor | 308 ‘seo | 388 Condensate, mmstb sea | 23 aos | 24 rmmboe aass | 718 1532 | 722 No.of Welt w | 6 wife CWO CGR 150 Bom “The antcipatd production profes though eld fe ae given teow 4) Moc Tinh Gas Producto Profie ‘Tite: Process & Utites Desgn Basis Document No: 8D'-00-R-A-CO0! I Date H?-Novstt Page 280179 I Rev 1 »b) Hal Tach Gas Production Protie “Tie: Process & Utes Design Bass ‘Document No: 201-00.8-A-001 | Date ‘rN Page 200179 I Rev 1 6) Mos Tinh Condensate Producten Profie «Hal Thach Condensate Production Profle ‘Til: Process & Utes Design Basis Document No: 801.00.8-8.001 | Date 17-Nov-tt Page 330079, | Rev H 4 Combined Condensate Producten Profe Tal Thach «Moe Tinh Conder Proacton 8) Moc Tinh Formaton Water Preducton Profie wep ‘Tite: Process & Utes Design Basis Document No: BD1-00-8-A-0001 | ina H-Net s10t79 I Rev 1h) Hal Thach Formation Water Production Profle ‘ai Thach Formation Wate prion 1) Combined Formation Water Production Profle Tal Thach «oe Tinh Formation Waterpro on tree “Titi: Procets& Ubities Design Basle Document No: 301-00-R-A2004 Date ATNow-tt Page zon Rev 4 8.0. GENERAL DESIGN PARAMETER 8.1 Production Capacty Production and processing facies shal be provide to permit production a 20 bea wih 18% ‘ing. Peak desig rate of 360 MMe is worked out corespondng tothe expected maximum ‘ututo the turin of gas export compressors tend fel fe minimum sucton pressure and ‘maxsmum escharge pressure). ‘The gas separation, condoning, compression and export rain ae theretore designed. based 0 360 atta ‘The facies design capscty i of a8 flows: Normal Gss Expat: 8 5MMScmd 228.5282 MIMS), Pak Gas Production: 360 Std Maximum Condensate Producten: 25000 Stbopd Maximum Produced Water, Free water 3500 bwpd + condensate wator 1100 bwpd 82 Servceie: ‘Te facies shal be designs for a service Ife of 28 years (Ret 4 83 Tumdown Operation ‘The following turn down shale considered with respect faci & coniderng production proe, (Ret Minimum Gas producton wil be 1.3 MiSmd (4.9 MMScf). Mrimum Condensate prosuction willbe 1000 Stoops. Mim water production wil be 0 bwpd Mrimum wal fut flowrate ftom Moe Tinh ppeine shall be detrmined fom Mec Tinh pipsine Fw ‘Assurance Stuy Ref 8) Minimum condonsste recicultion Fourate In the condensate pipeline shal be determined fam [Condensate exper pipeline Faw assurance based on WAT [Ref 14) ‘Document No: 801-00.R-A:0001 Date HIP-Nowtt Page 330179 I Rev + 9.0 FACILITY DESIGN DATA 8.1 Well Head Pltorms 24 WHEAT Production waihead ‘The flowlines on Hal Thach wes frm wing valve to the choke valve ae to be designed for 6° Nomina iameter subject to confimaton tal the maxim rates to prevent erasion ae in excess of the folowing requements ‘+ HT Hort arf fe mmects (FWHP > 200 bara) ‘+ HT Hort Late ite 40 mmsctd (FAH < 200 bara) ‘+ HT Flank ana South wel ary fe 70 mmscté(FWHP> 200 Bar) ‘+ HT Flank and South wells at fe 60 mmnscts(FWHP< 200 Bag) {Now ines shal be protected wih rupture buctng pina for back charge case, The folowing table summaries te SITHP and ie design pressure forthe HT1 wells fowines Fiowine Design Predicted | Design | Press Max | Max | Upstream | Flange svat | sithe* | ofchoke’ | clase Wait ‘arg | Bag | —Barg—] — APT TIPAT (Dav Wel Typea] | 6240] ests] — ers | 15000 HTD [DevWel Type2] | 6285 | esr | —e78 —| —15000 HTS [Dav Wei Typez] | 6101 | —e7az—| —e75 | 5000 HEH@ [Dev Wel Tipe | 5855 | —eora | e768 —| 16000 TIVFET Dev Wer type] | 4787 —| S088] 675} —Te000 HTFED DavWal ype] | 5308 | sea | ove | —ve000 HISi [DevWel Typed | 6266 | S55] ers | THO HSE [DavWal Type) | —a7i7 | 5003] ers | T5000 HFSS [Dav Wel Types] | a7S8 | —soas | — a7 | Fao HYSt [DavWel Typed) | 8264 | 686] 87 | Teno ‘DEC wil provide a S-15 Tee and wing va, in API 15000 working pressure, wt he appropriate 5-18" API BX flange. The intemal damters (5.128, all irtemal owawetes surfaces of Yee and wing vaNve sre csdded wih Incnel625 CRA. DEC wil provide 6-18" Wing Vale wih API 68X “Tite: Process & Utites Design Basis ‘Document No: 801-00-2-A.0001 Date H-Navtt Page a4ot79 Rev 4 flange o same pressure rating as he Tree (@) Preicte SITHP pressure is based on maenum predicted wth lowest expected rial CGR (0) Design SiTHP value uses a lower CGR value to provide a design margh. Design temperature: 140°C [Ret 23] Max FWHT: 198°C Flow rate: Gas 6-70 mmsctd, Cond 0.6000 stoop, Water -0-500 spd [Re-17) Foreachblowdown le from annulus, only manual oan valves sal be provide, 8.41.41 Produeton Mantels Production manifeld wil be designed foal the Production cases mentioned in Secton 82 Production Manfld: 6008 pressure rating Test Manito: 25008 pressure rating Design Temperature producton and test Manis: 130°C [Ret-23) 84.12 Test Separator (HT1-¥-2010) ‘Test Separator shal be horizontal 3phase separator and shal be used o perform wal ests and well cleanup. During well lesn-up sobs shall be removed inthe test ir, around 100 mirons but during the fret 24-6 hours, there may be parties up to 50-100 microns, Afr the nis peed, partes sha be between 50-100 microns. Cleanup duration shal be 2-3 days. The test ter wil be supple by ethers and wil ony be used for intial wel clean-up. Later on, wil be disconnected [Ret 25) _Durng wel testing the soparstod gas, ol and water shal be measured and outed tthe production mantel Design parameter of test separator ae a8 fobows [Ret26 ‘Design Parameters Values (Choke vv downstream) ‘Gas wate MSGR = ‘Condensate Hwa, OPE 05 iar Raat wpe 00 SRV. Upsveam of ke vaWe for statup Methanol ‘+ Upsream of wing | 2 mam during well : valve forwall tubing 100 (Wott, 2nd 3) fing fr star. babe + MTtHT! plete pressurization 200% Injoction pumps shal be provided for each chemicals further atrbton via IRCD except methane. RCD shal be proved for present well however the IRCD rack shal have space! ‘mounting provision for hare wel Ret) ons 9146 ear Process & Usliles Design Basis ‘Document No: 8D1-00-R-A.0001 Date HP-Novtt Page £36079 Rev 1 ‘Metnancl shat be use for wal fl up and sal be Injected atthe upeveam of wing valve, Ouring start up methanol shal be injected at the upstream of choke vale. Startup of one well at a ime considered hence no RCD is provided fr methane [Ret] (Chemica! leading shal be done manualy by tte tanks [Re-3 Injection points (Piped up paint \wel 8s provisional pons) shall be provided wth Injection ql Ret). 2 bar and 28 bar pressure crop shal be considered acres the Injection ql and for RCD respectively. ‘Wax Dispersant, Pour Pont Depressant and Methanol shall be vansfred rom WHP-HT' to HT- PP wa brage. Note: 1) Metnaol shal be used only uring start-up pressurston of WHP-HT1 and stall be Injected ft upstveam of choke valve, Methanol shall alto uted in the POP-HT dung startup ressursaton, Hydrate depression margin of 10°C shal be considered for design, 2) Metnanonjcton uptram of th wing vais for back start (fr fling the tubing) 53) Methanol nection wa be performed at oe pint ony at a gven time for a wel and one west a time. Fle System \WHP-HT1 HP & LP Flare hoaders shal be connected with POPLHT HP & LP Fare header via twige, Refer Seaton 9210.1 fer ther design details Coe Drains system ‘The WHP-HT1 Closed Drain System coleets maintenance drains trom al process equipments and ‘manos. The system conse of Cased Drain Drum and Closed Drain Pumps (2 100%), LUqucolected in Closed Drains Vessel wil be routed to POP-HT closed dran vessel by clotad ‘ran pump va bridge whl the separated gas is outed othe LP Flare header. Closes cain pump ‘tte shal be (Ret 28) "ectrichester wil be instaed below low low vel or wax management which shalbe “on and" at 40° and 45°C respectively (open Drain eter (Open Drain System colects all the ran, deluge wash down water, leakage, Gps and deck erin. ‘hare are designated hazardous and non nazardous atea open dain sysiems whic are entirely segregated. The system design aha ensure tha he isk of gas migraton trough the aan system © potential igilon sources is minimized. Open Drain system is operating at atmosphere pressure conatins ‘The non-hazardous stea open drain header is ruled dec overboard. The hazardous ara open drain headers outed othe Open rain Tank ore ease ‘Tie: Process & Unites Design Basis Document No: 801-00.8-A-0001 Date WieNovett Page 370179 Rev 1 “The open dain tank compartment olnysracaoon fe sparated ram water when wil be floating on top of water and wil overfow ito the compartment proved in the tank whch Is provided wih & pump \watr from open drain tank shal be routed to overboard (leminate at 6 m above LAT). Oi / hyerocabon colectes in Open Drain Tank wil be Wanstead using Open Dran Pump and pump charge ine wil be connected t closed eran pump dchatge Ine and routed to POP-HT closed ‘rain veseel va brisge ‘ectric heater willbe installed below ow ow evel for wax management which shal be "on" and" at40°C and 45°C respectvay tities ‘The folowing Utes shal be supped from POP-HT to WHP-HTS. Utity headers though POP.WHP beige shal be extended fo the users, For Ualty daign condone reer section 9210, 8) Instument Ar: forinerumentation eon. b) Plant Ae: nose stations ©) Ntvogen: Flare Header and nose stations 8) Fresh Water: safety showers / eyewash stations 2) Process Water hse stations 1) Service Water: hose stations ) Diese: Crane pedestal and Chemical jecton syst (frequted for don) 1) Fuel Gas: Flare header pursing Fee water HT wehead patio is equpped wih a fre wator system containing s fre water fing main network and deluge systems. No frewaler pumps ate provided on well head piatorm, 2 Becca! Power Usties whic wi be su nip. POP (Chemica injection - Wax aepersat, PPD and methanol Pig Launcher and Receivers ‘The folowing Pig Launcher Receivers sal be provided st WHP-HT! Ps 114 Weld Ppein Tite: Process & Usiies Design Basis Document No: 801.00.8-A.0001 | Date I7-Nowtt Page 380179, Rev 1 Pig receive sal be sutable fr receing seapelephee pis from 12" Well Fu Pipeline [Ret 132], Pg recover shal be sutable forthe operatonalleaning/sphere pigs. ntligent ggg rot envisages, Design Pressure : 137 bag Design Temperature :130/-5 °C 7 ine Pig Launener Pig launcher shal be sutable for launching dual lameternteliget pi for 20° Export Gas Pipeline (25" at NCSP) [Ret 31 & 32} ane ntligent pig launched from WHP-HT shall be received a onshore texting Pg Receiver (NCSP Ppeine) Pig nunche: shal be suede forthe dal ciameterintligent igs (20" ana 26. ‘Auerately, export gas fom WHP-HT! canbe sent to NCSP.2pipeine va thet na the gas export Ine (00-P6-FL-2821-P) provided that gas expr line to NCSP is binded. Only one gas expat pone alowed fer operaton at atime Provision is made for @ sub-sea pig tap a he NCSP tie-in and this option may be used to nepect the ppeine pte te tes, Design Presture : 160 barg Design Temperature 75°C \WniP-HT1 to NCSP.2 Gas Expo Pipeline Pi Launcher [Re-$2] ig launcher sal be sutable for aunchng inttigent pig or plsphere er qld management for 26° Export Gas Pipsine [Ret 32 & 52) ‘Atemately,expot gas tom WHP-HT1 canbe sent to NCSP pipeline via the te in athe gas export line 400-PG-FL-2901-) provided that gas expot ine to NCSP.2 is binded. Only one gas export pene is alowed for oporaton at atime. Design Pressure: 160 bag Design Temperature: 70°C 80 Conder Ps ‘Condensate Export Pig launcher and receiver, at WHP-HTT, shal be sutabe for launching and receiving scraper pig (Ret 15) ‘Te launcher and receiver shal be suitable for lunchinghecovng spberantelignt pig for 7" Condensate Expat Pipaline. Launcherrecehver shall be bidrectonal and sutable for perationaleaning pgs: Intligent paging snot envaaged DDosgn Prossure : 98 bay “Tae: Process & Utes Design Bass Document No: 891-00-8-4. 0001 \ Date rN Page 300879 | Re Design Tempersture : 90°C \WhiP-HT io FS0 Condensate Recirculation Piling Pa LeuncherReceiver, ‘Condensate Fig launcher and recover, at WHP-HT1, shall be suable for Saunching and receiving seraper pig (Rel 15). Dual nef consisees to permit crown of condensate back 'e Condensate Export Pume suction o¢ Sr Stage Separator. ‘The launcher and receiver shal be subi for lunchingreclvng spherentelignt pg for 7 Condensate Reciculaton Pisin. Launchertcoiver shal te bi-sreconal and eutabe for operatoraitaning pgs. Intligen poping not ensaged Design Pressure: 88 bag Design Temperature 80°C ‘WHP-HT to FSO Fue a Cxpot Pipeline Pia Launcher, Pig launcher shat be sutable for launching soreper sig for 3" 1D Hal Tach Fuel Gas ppeine [Ret 15] Launcher sna be sutabe fr operatoniceaning pigs. Itligent paging fs not envisaged Design Prassure: 83 barg Design Temperature : 756. For apg launcher and recewver, a hand operated pressure warning sew integrate into the ‘mechanism shale provides to prevent the doo being interlock unite confirmed that he vessels Intal pressure has boon releved [Re20) Manual valves wil be uses around al pig trae to divert ‘ow outing ggg. MOV sal ete required for he pg launcher and receiver Ret 30) Design of ntetigent pig launcher / ceiver shall e based onthe most conservative isigent ig dimensions. Provision for bidvetonal plain 8 required for 20" gas expor pete and condensate ppeine (Ret-22) wear ‘The fowlnes on Mos Tinh wel fom wing valve to the choke valve are to be designed fr 6° Nerina cameta subject confmaten thatthe maximum rats to prevent erosion ae in ‘excess ofthe folowing equremens [Ref 12& 17] ‘+ MT Core reserved ary life 80 mmc (EWHP > 200 bar) + MT-Cote reserves iat life £0 mensca.(FWHP < 200 bar) ‘A flow ines shat be protected with bucking pin valves for Blocked elcharge case, The folowing {able summaries the SITHP andthe design pressure forthe MT wells flowin. e124 “Title: Process & Utes Design Base ‘Document No: 891.00.2-A.0001 Date HITNowt Page 400179 Rev u Predicted | Design Max | wax | Upstream | Flange sme" | siTa* | ofchotet | clase Wer arg] Sag] Bg Pr UT PPS Wat Type waa | a Ws] T0005 HPS [Der War Type BT we | ae ws | T9060 THT Deep Eatin Wet 0 Tz 70 | 5068 ‘DAC wil prove 5-1/8" Tree and wing valve, nether AP 10000 or 15000 wocking pressure, wth the appropriate 6-116" API 68K fange. The intemal camatar i (6.128), al inten! fow-welted surface of tee and wing vane are cladéed with Inconet625. D&C wil provide 5-18" Wing Valve ‘wth APIGBX flange of sare pressure ang a he Tree. Noto: (a) Preicted SITHP pressures based on maximum predicted with lowest expected inl CGR (0) Design SITHP value uses lower CGR value to provide a design margin (©) Fomine matl standardized for core dev wes, MT Deep design fo higher pressure. Design temperature: 140°C [Ret 23] Max FWaT: 125°C Frow rate (each wel (Corewels, Gas: 5-70 MMSCFD, Con 0-1000 stoop, Water-0-1000 spd [Ret-17 and 0) Deepae, Gas: 5-70 NAMSCFD, Cond 0500 stbopd , Water 0-100 steed [Re-17} For each biowdown tne tom annuus, ony 1 manual isolation valve and 1 automated BOV shall be provided [Re 24) Production & Test Manos Production manfol wil be designs foal he Production cases mentioned n Secton 5:2. Production Maio: 9008 pressure rang “est Manifl: 25008 prossure rating Design Temperature production and test Manfold: 130°C [Ref 28] e122 e123 ‘Tide: Process & Utiies Design Basis Document No: 801. I Date LAT-Novett Page 410179 | Rey “Test Separator urs-v2010) Test Separator shall be horzonta phase separator and sal be used to perorm well ets and well ‘ceanup.Durng wall ear-up sold shal be removed inthe test ier, around 100 microns Bt dung the fst 24-96 hous, there may be particles upto 60100 microns, Aer te inal perio, partes ‘shall be between 60-100 microns. Cleanup duraton shall e 23 days. The tes te: wil be supped by otrers and wal ony be used for nal wel ean, Later on, kw be clscomneced [Re 25 During wel testng the separated ga, ol and water shat be measured and routed othe production mani ‘Design parameters of test separator are a folows [Ret-28)- Design Parameters vas (Choke vale downstea) ‘Gas rae, HRISCFD w [Condensate fowrataeTbopd | 000 War Towra, a Bp 700 ‘Senate: Paomancs Ret 7) Waar Conaaraate Tron (tay male oF arganese mahi <04 Boren nahi a5 ‘Sli marae ow Tide: Process & Usiies Design Basis Document No: 801.00.8-A.0001 Date 1 YTNow Page 63079 Rev 1 Phosphorsue mate <5 Te male 2025 ‘Chorde naive T5OTS Bromide mare oF Saha marie 00 ‘Nala ad 2 Caxonate Tare © Bicarbonaia refi wz Fao ite 3 Terbitogial analysis @ Tom warden Genera wobe balers WENT = General anaeicBaciars WEN 2 ‘Supe reaueng bac WN oa Two Mein Sea Water it Pups (2x100%) wil ft Sea Water fom at east 14 m below chart datum ‘0a love! and supply to eerent consumers. Basket type Coarse Fiters(2xT00%) provided wth ‘manual back wash facy ae povided dounetream of it Pumps t remove petulerar uo fo {500 um and supply sea water to Once trough sea water system, cooing the treated water sveam and io supply to fire watar eckey pump which in tum dlstbies the sea wate to freshwater maker ‘and electro chernaton package. {Sea water service pump is also provided inadton to the two main sea water it pumps. Tis ‘pump wil net be runing curing noc operation, It wil be tried manual # uty statons que water during normal operation or sea waters required by otter uses during shun This pump ‘shal algo ave Basket ype Course Fiters (2x700%) provided wit manval back wash fy, ‘Once tough Sea Water system shal take supply From Sez Water system downstream of Coarse Flor. Sea water wil be utisedt co! the Cooing Medum retin om various cooler, Afar pae85g, ‘orough Sea Water Cooling Medium exchangers (2x 100%), Sea Wester shal be discharged into the 0a va Sea Water dump calseon, ‘Sea intr contons Design Once Through Sea Wer Init Temperature: 315°C ‘Once Through Sea Water retum Temperature : 45°C (max) ypochote Souton is raquled to be dosed into caisons to minimize biological growth and meet the discharge water qualty. An elecro charnaton package shall be provided to take care of hypoctlnte dosing into Caissons as flows: | | e2108 ‘Tite: Proces &Utitoe Design Basie Document No: BD'-00-8-A.0001 Date H7Nowtt Page: 64079 Rev 1 Hypoctinte dosing details Tneeton Pat Tuvala Chane jection Rate om ‘Sea Wier and seivice water | 7 (pormatand 5 (ehoeH pom st Pump caisson "Fie Wats Pup calssons | — 2 (pony and 8 (2hoc) part Residual Chorin nthe tested watershallbe 05-1 ppm Fresh and Potable Water System Freshwater wile required tobe supplied to accommodation, stay showereye wash stations, tity stations, ffces and various process uss [teh water maker package is envisages to met his requirement. Backup supply of rsh water wi ‘be provided trom the supply boats asa back up faci for any contingency ‘System Detas Fitored Sea Wster wil be supplied to Freshwater maker Package (1x100% using fre water jockey pumps) ‘Onl one qualty of ech water shal be produced rom freshwater maker package, however asad ‘on users the gystem shal be segregated as Fresh water system’ and Process Water Systm Each system shall be provided wth ts own deccstod storage tanks and dstbuton pues Freeh water sate: Fresh wate: wl be stored in rsh water storage tank proved wth 2x 50% compartments to ow routine inspection and maintenanes ad to lit the impact of contamination. Fresh Water storage tank shall be sized for 7 days of normal consumption at te fate of 260 lves/pereontay for 70 persons. Fresh Wale rom storage shall be routed to fosh water skid that shat consist of Fresh Water Astruton Pumps (2xt00%, fresh water badder vessel and a UV starser Flowing ae te usrs of Frosh Water = Wrkshop! Lab = General Office bung = Safety showers eye wash stations (cing WHPLHT1 vi ridge) = Aecommodation ‘Tite: Process & Utes Design Basis | | Document No: 801-00:8-A.0001 Date HHNovett Pa 50178 1 z Process Water system ‘This ystom shal const of Process water storage fank and dstbuton pumps. Flowing are the users of Process Water ‘Expansion vessels = Rotigration package + Diesel centrifuge package + Ubity Stations Gncusing WHP-HT! va bridge) Pofabin Water "No dedicate system sal be provided for Potable water Potable water required fr drinking purpose shal be supplied in bots 82.10.10 Domineralsed (OM Water System 1D watar may be required for turbine wash. ted OM water wil be supplied from onshore by ‘Ounerwnenever requires Unies specie bythe turbine vendor, DM water shal have the follwing spscicaton. Parameter Unt] va a o Caan Magram pomw |e ‘Chore oar | | Fae Ofehara Paton Part Fie ProREIGN, 2000 Detection and Extinction “TOUNGTS7=3> | Foe Ofehore Paton Parts Machina Sd 2000 Process System ‘TeWN 6787-4 > | Fad Ofehore Pationn- Part a7 Eeciea alton 2000 "TEVN 69552007 | Arua Indusval Emsion Standard or organs ‘Subetances in Rural and Mountain Are “TCUN 65852007 | Ar Guat Industral Emasion Standard er Organic Subetancesin Rural ang Maurtan Areas. ‘Tie: Process & Usities Design Basis ‘Document No: BO1-00-8-A.001 I Date Hi-Novstt Page 75079 | Rev A APPENDIX 1; FLUID CHARACTERISATION AND BINARY INTERACTION PARAMETERS (Ret) uonesHepeseUd pins (& ro exioau: 98a bevonae ‘ea ooo-v's-00'108 oN ueWN20q | | ‘80g used som 8 s8020%3 MLL ‘869 used seutan 8 ss00014 om. “Te: Process & Utes Design Basle Document No: 801-00.8-A0001 Date: T7-Nowtt Page Te0t70 Rev H APPENDIX 2: Simulation Cases (Reto) anengvetmau moran |b aromianoraausBiein seo | oF “ars ma ENEMA seve ovaou sera hao nrg nm mer ‘rg 70 WENA snowed nm Wh zlalzlsielalsislslals (ores wong ed mut sree vtnneaseiransio |= Ha rave) | 829 | wanna, = . orem sone to0 “oH = | oon ‘seg uisog some @s800014 9m,

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