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Katie Leatherman

Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: Rhyme Time

Target Concept: After learning all of the sounds in the alphabet and know how to identify short words, students will move on to
identifying same sounds at the end of a word.

Standards/Rationale: 2 (D) distinguish orally presented rhyming pairs of words from non-rhyming pairs;

Lesson Objectives:


For students to be exposed to and begin to identify and

Using movements, repetition and colors students will

distinguish words that rhyme.

demonstrate an understanding of rhyming words.

Glue sticks
Colored paper

Differentiation Strategies: Flexible Grouping, Compacting

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will:

The student will:

Focus/Mental Set (ENGAGEMENT): Teacher will

Students will actively listen to the video as they are

introduce new topic by use of PowerPoint. The first slide

introduced to the new topic.

will be showing a video; Rhyme Time by Hooked on


Students will be exposed to words that are addressed as

): Teacher goes to next slide where she says that rhyming

rhyming words. They will start to acknowledge how

is when the end of at least two words sound the same. 3rd

rhyming words sound as they are shown multiple

slide will have a poem where she will emphasis on the

examples. Given prompting the students will start to

words that rhyme (do not go deep into teaching with this

identify as a group rhyming words with assistance as the

poem-you will be using it again at the end) Ask higher

teacher points to a body part she knows they are familiar

order questions like, What do you think rhymes with


deer? And point to your ear. What do you think rhymes

with bed? And point to your head.

Guided Practice (ELABORATION): Teacher will go

Students will remain seated for slides 4 through 13.

through slides 4 through 15. Each of these slides, not

During these slides students will be instructed to give a

including the last two, will be two pictures with words

thumbs up or thumbs down. Thumbs up if the two

that rhyme and do not rhyme. With each slide students

pictures rhyme, thumbs down if the two given pictures do

will be asked if the words rhyme or not. Instruct the

not rhyme. As a class and then done in pairs or by table.

students that if they think that the words rhyme-give a

Teacher will be noting responses. On slide 14 students

thumbs up. If the words do not rhyme they need to put up

will again hear the poem and will learn movements.

a thumbs down. If there seems to be quite a few that do

Students will do movements as we say the appropriate

not respond correctly, explain. If there is a student who is

words in the poem.

constantly looking at other students for assistance, make a

mental note or mark a star next to their name (have a
name sheet prepared). To have some fun and get the
students moving is the 14th slide where there is the poem
repeated but with the rhyming words underlined. Ask the
students to name the rhyming words (jump, thump,
pump). Explain to children that there is something they
can do for each of those three words. Then demonstrate
jumping up and down in place for the word jump, patting
the chest over the heart with an open hand for the word
thump, and straightening and bending the arms out from
the shoulders and back for the word pump. Once children
know the motions, tell them that when you say the rhyme,
they should do the appropriate motion each time they hear
the words jump, thump, and pump. Say the rhyme
together, using the motions with the appropriate words.

Independent Practice:

Students will be asked to sit down and will be shown the

For independent practice The students will all be given

paper with the cut out pictures and told how to complete

two sheets of paper, one with 5 pictures printed on it and

the assignment. Then student helpers of the week will

the other sheet is a colored piece of paper. The students

pass out scissor and glue boxes to each table. Teacher will

will all be given age appropriate scissors and glue sticks

pass out two sheets of paper to each student. As students

as well to complete the assessment. The teacher will

look over their sheets they will cut out the appropriate

instruct students to cut out 3 of the given pictures that

pictures to glue on to their colored sheet of paper.

rhyme. Do not cut out pictures that dont rhyme. The

Students will be monitored by teacher.

pictures that the students cut out are to be glued on to the

colored sheet to be turned in upon completion. Teacher
will walk around, paying close attention to the students
that had difficulties identifying rhyming words in the
independent practice.

Closure (EVALAUTION): Teacher will call out table

Students will be address per table and will be able to work

numbers and ask them to agree or disagree with a

together to answer questions. If they had completed their

rhyming word statement referencing to the cut out sheet.

independent practice correctly, they will easily know the

Like, Table 5 do you agree that Cat and Bat rhyme, give

answer because the teacher will be using words that were

me a thumbs up or down. Do this for every table. They

given on the individual assessment. Once a table has

can line up once their table has answered correctly.

completed their question correctly by signifying it with a

collective thumbs up or down they may line up quietly.

Enrichment: Students who have completed their

Reteach: If student has not demonstrated understanding

assignment correctly will be allowed to go to the reading

will be asked to come to the teacher desk for a personal

center where the teacher has designated a choice of

reteach, this will be appropriate for up to 4 students. If not

rhyming books to read.

address the entire class and write out words on the board.



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