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June 28, 2011

Angel Cordera
Sherwin Alex Del Rosario
Karl Henrick Dy
Paolo Santiago
Dustin Tan
Christopher Henry Yap
In the Philippines, pet lovers come from different classes in society. Not all
pet owners avail services, nor purchase pet products from the pet shops.
Some would prefer to feed their pets with left-over foods rather than feeding
them with their appropriate treats (e.g. dog food, cat food, bird seed, etc.).
Some would prefer to purchase their pets from friends who also own pets
which are bearing children. The tastes and preferences of pet owners and
lovers can also influence the way they treat their pets.
Marketing Objectives
1. To obtain consumer brand loyalty.
2. To increase product and service awareness.
3. To inform the target market about the features and benefits they
can get from the products and services provided for their pets.
Research Objectives
1. To gain understanding of why some people opt not to purchase
products and not to avail services from Cartimar pet shops.
2. To understand why consumers purchase products and avail services
from high-end pet shops.
3. To know which brands have the most successful and widely
patronized products and services for pets.
Target Market
Pet owners and animal enthusiasts
A survey and face-to-face interview will be conducted to five pet shop
owners or employees and 30 consumers who are near the designated pet
shop. The use of the UAI questionnaire will serve as our source of information
in order to analyze the consumers opinion, decisions, and behavior towards

the specified product or service. Data will be analyzed and marketing

strategies will be made based on its results.
1st week: preparation of the UAI questionnaire
2nd week: survey and interview will be conducted
3rd week: survey and interview will be conducted
4th week: results of survey and interview will be processed
5th week: finalization and submission of research report

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