End Times and Mahdi

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Imam Mahdi (AS)

Surely, they think it (Zahoor) to be

far off, and We see it (Zahoor) near.
[Dua e Ahad]

Prophecy about End Times, Jesus and Mahdi

All the Nations are Saying -------------2023
Old Testament The Book of Daniel (Ch 8 and 12)
Saint Malachy in 1139 AD [Second coming after 112th Pope]
Famous - Nostradamus in 1555 AD [ 4 months before 2023]
Paracelsus in 1550 AD - who discovered Zinc
Ian Gurney in 1999 AD in his book The Casandra Prophecy
Naemat Shah Wali in 1175 AD [End of Times after 1998 AD]
Prince Handley in his Book Prophetic Calendar
Robert Singer mentioned in his research papers
Wayne L. Atchison in his book, 120 Jubilees
Hindus Scholars -- www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org
Hindus Mythology --- The Arrival of 14 Purest Elements
The famous Documentary, The Arrivals Ep. 26
The Book 2023 The New Beginning by Dan Dewolf
The Book 2023 The Fall of an Empire by Abel Cain
Bassam Jarrar - www.endtimes2014.com
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey
The Website --- www.oneistheteacher.com
100 Astrologers predicted in 1974 AD in South Korea
Biblical Prophecies about End Times
Encoded in the Abjad of the Name of Imam - Mahdi 59
Adrian Gilbert in his Book, The Mayan Prophecies
The Book 2023 by Andrew Jennings
The Book 2023 by Luigui Jovoune
The Book 2023 by Britney Mitchell
The Book Year 2023: Death of Many by John Ceryes
The Book Special Survive: 2023 by Christine Rochon
The Book Civilized War 2023 by Slate Raven
Late Baba Venga of Bulgaria The Earths Orbit would change
The Book Mahdi will come this century by Harun Yahya
The Book His Dream Interpreters by Phantom Prophet
Latest Movies and Documentaries about the End Times
Islamic Prophecies indicating the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi


2023 AD
2023 AD
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2023 AD
2023 AD
2023 AD
2023 AD

Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Mahdi ----- 2023 AD

World Events Before and After the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)
And surely you would be tried of fear, poverty, and hunger, loss of life and loss of
crops by draught. And give glad tidings to the steadfast. (Surah 2, Verse 155)

7 Years ---- Tribulation Period (28th July, 2016 till 28th July, 2023 AD)
2016 AD: Worldwide Conflicts, Economic Tribulation, Currency and Stocks Crisis.
2017 AD: Third World War would reach its climax when West would collide with the
Eastern powers. The whole Middle East would be destroyed.

2018 AD: 1/3rd population of the world would die in 3rd World War Destruction. Red
Death would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ & Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

2019 AD: Worldwide Draught and Diseases, Global political instability.

2020 AD: Dajjal would announce the ONE WORLD ORDER for the Globe.
2021 AD: Global Spiritual Awakening, Global Draught and Diseases.
2022 AD: 1/3rd - More population would die by Global Draught and Diseases. White
Death would occur in the World as told by Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). The Last Suffiani named, Usman would emerge from the Middle East.

2023 AD: Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi (AS)

14th April, 2023 AD __ 23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday) Kharooj from Yemen

28th July, 2023 AD ---- 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday) Zahoor from Mecca

2024 AD: War of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ against the enemies.
2025 AD: The Punishment of all major criminals of Humanity by our Imam.
2026 AD: The Establishment of the Divine Kingdom and the Rule of Law and Justice.
World would be divided into 313 Provinces under 313 Governors appointed by Imam
Mahdi. The Millennium period of peace and prosperity would start.

Divine Kingdom: The 12 Caliphs of God would rule in the World known as Rajaat
for the next 84,000 years, each Caliph ruling the world for 7,000 years. The Big
Judgment Day i.e. Qiyamat would occur on 23rd Ramazan, Friday at Asr time as told by
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

International Books written on the Year 2023 AD

There are so many books written recently on the Year 2023 AD. They are available on
www.amazon.com. Now the philosophers and intellectuals of the World come to the
conclusion that the Year 2023 would be the Year of the Second Coming of the Jesus
Some of the photos of the titles of the books written on the Year 2023 AD are as

The Books about End Times and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
 End Times Eyewitness: Israel, Islam and the Unfolding Signs of the Messiah's Return
by Joel Richardson and Philip Anthony
 The End Time by Neil Ostroff
 End Time by John McDonald
 The Time of the End by Tim Warner
 At the Time of the End by John Carswell Hull
 End Times: Apocalypse by Donald Grant
 End Times: Are there Biblical signs that show us that Jesus will return? By Glenn Pease
 End Times by Anna Schumacher
 Ebola, Plagues and the End Times by Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley
 Living in the End Times by Slavoj Zizek
 The End: A Complete overview of the Bible Prophecy and the End of Days by Mark
 The End Times: Are we seeing any of the signs yet? By Michael J. Oldham
 The End Times in Chronological Order: A Complete Overview to Understanding Bible
Prophecy by Ron Rhodes
 Are we living in the Time of the End? By United Church of God
 End Times to 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment
Day by David Montaigne
 At the End of Time: Prophecy and Revelation: A Spiritual Paradigm by Robin Robertson
 World at the End of Time by Fredrik Pohl
 The Apocalypse Code: Find Out What the Bible REALLY Says About the End Times...
and Why It Matters Today by Hank Hanegraaff
The visionaries, scholars, intellectuals, writers, philosophers, thinkers, etc of all the religions
of the world cannot be wrong at the same time. They are coming up with the same result of
2023 AD as the second coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Imam Mahdi.
Late Ayat Ullah Taqi Bahjat of Qum, Iran once said: The Zahoor of Imam Mahdi is very
near. Even the old people would see Imams Zahoor in their lifetimes. Also Imam Jaffar e
Sadiq (AS) said that Give me the news of the death of Abdullah, I would give you the good
news of the Zahoor of Mahdi.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Zahoor e Mahdi (AS) in 2023 AD

28th July, 2023 AD..10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday)

Zahoor ---- Imam Mahdi (AS)

Crack in the Wall of Masjid e Kufa, Iraq on 28th July, 2013 AD

Exactly 10 Years before the Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS)

And Listen on the Day when the Crier shall cry from a near place. The Day when they shall hear the
cry in truth; That is the Day of coming forth (Kharooj).
(Surah e Qaf, Verses 41, 42)

23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (14th April, 2023 AD) --- Friday-----Kharooj Mahdi

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday)-------------------28th July, 2023 AD (Friday)---Zahoor

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ -------------------Year 2023 AD

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri ----------------------28th July, 2023 AD (Friday)

Zahoor Mahdi (AS) --------------------1445 Hijri

Last International Hajj -------------------2016 AD

Kharooj Mahdi -23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday)..14th April, 2023 AD

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday) ------------------28th July, 2023 AD

Death of King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia ------23rd January, 2015 AD

Last 3 Years before Zahoor --------------------2023 AD till 2023 AD

Divine Kingdom ------------------------2025 AD------- Hindus Mythology

120 Jubilees --- Why 2023 May be End of Days by Wayne L. Atchison

28th July, 2023 AD ---------------------10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday)

Book of Daniel, Chapter 12.2023 AD --- Second Coming of Jesus

Kharooj Mahdi (AS) ------------------23rd Ramazan, 1444 Hijri (Friday)

First Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).29

Second Zahoor of Imam Mahdi (AS).28



July, 869 AD (15th Shahban, 255 Hijri)

July, 2023 AD (10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri)

Second Zahoor after 1190 Years

10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday)..28th July, 2023 AD

Red Death --------------2017 AD till 2018 AD (1/3rd people would die)

White Death ----------------2018 AD till 2023 AD (1/3rd more people would die)

28th July, 2016 AD till 28th July, 2023 AD------------------7

7 Years

Total War and Civil Unrest ---- 2017 AD till 2023 AD

The Zahoor Year- 2023 AD ----- Summary of Events



5 Feb, 2023 AD on Sunday i.e. 13 Rajab, 1444 Hijri, a face would appear on
the Moon and everybody would see that miracle. 13th Rajab is the most famous date
in Shia Calendar i.e. the Zahoor of our 1st Imam i.e. Maula Ali in the Holy Kaaba, Mecca
and Sunday which is known as Ahad in Arabic is also related to Maula Ali and His
Ziarat is recited on Sundays.

8th March, 2023 AD on Wednesday i.e. 15th Shahban, 1444 Hijri, a hand
would appear on the Sky and it would be another miracle before the Zahoor of Imam
Mahdi (AS). 15th Shahban is remembered in Shia Muslims as the First Zahoor and birth
of Imam Mahdi (AS) every year.


14 April, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 23 Ramazan, 1444 Hijri, Hazrat Ali (AS)
would make Nida i.e. announce the Kharooj of Imam Mahdi i.e. The Exit of Imam
Mahdi (AS) from Ghaibat e Kubra at Fajr time at 04:45 from the valley of Qira, Yemen.
On the same day, the Satan would announce that Haq is with Usman and the
followers of Usman.


14 July, 2023 AD on Friday, i.e. 26 Zil Hajj, 1444 Hijri, Nafs e Zakia would
announce the program of Imam Mahdi (AS) in Mecca and he would be murdered at
Rukn and Mukam in front of Holy Kaaba.


28 July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10 Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e.
Jesus Christ Zahoor would take place at Fajr time at 04:45 am in Masjid e Bani
Ummiyah in Damascus, Syria.
28th July, 2023 AD on Friday i.e. 10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri, Imam Mahdi (AS) Zahoor
would take place on the roof of Holy Kaaba at Asr time at 14:45 pm in Mecca, Saudi

28 July, 2023 AD ------ 313 Companions of Imam Mahdi (AS) would join Imam
Mahdi (AS)

28 July, 2023 AD ------- 10,000 people from across the world would also come to
Mecca, Saudi Arabia to join Imam Mahdi (AS).

Zahoor e Mahdi (AS)10th Muharram, 1445 Hijri (Friday)

The End Times ----- Books

War in Yemen ---- 2015 AD and Kharooj e Mahdi from Yemen 2023 AD
(2015 AD till 2023 AD ------------8 Years Waiting Time)

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