Victorian Abcf President-Gc2

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Victorian ABC Friends Presidents Report to members

on the National Conference

The recent National Conference of ABC Friends organisations around Australia
held in Adelaide gives me the first opportunity to introduce myself as your new
President following the resignation of Gael Barrett due to health reasons.
I will let you know about my background on a future occasion as it is
unfortunately the case that the ABC has been swept into another maelstrom by
the intemperate words of the Prime Minister Tony Abbott vociferously cheered on
by the Murdoch Press with front pages that plumbed the depths of propaganda
by attempting to connect the ABC with terrorism and the ISIS war machine.
If the somewhat ironic praise the PM delivered about the ABC in airing the TV
series The Killing Seasons lulled any of us into a false sense of security, we
were rudely awakened by the unprecedented attack on our national broadcaster
which followed the recent Q & A program.
The National meeting of Friends in Adelaide last week, was convened to create a
National Campaign which included the development of a fighting fund so that
ABCF can mount a vigorous and targeted campaign to hold the Prime Minister
and his supporters to account for the lies they perpetrated on the Australian
voters leading into the last election when they stated that they would not cut
funding to the ABC or SBS.
We urgently need to prepare for a vigorous campaign right up to the next Federal
Election. At the commencement of our recent 2 day meeting, we were addressed
by Quentin Dempster who generously gave us his time and provided a great
briefing on the current state of play.
Quentin believes that Prime Minister Abbott has in fact lost significant credibility
from his lie about not cutting the ABC and this could go part of the way in
explaining the ferocity of his subsequent attacks.
It is of course an important part of our mandate also to hold to account the
management of the ABC. I think that our first priority is to support Mark Scott
and his defence of the ABC at this time since the level of abuse and undermining
especially, from the Murdoch cheer squad, is unprecedented.
The proposed National Campaign, which has largely been the work of the
unfailingly energetic Ranald Macdonald, was unanimously endorsed by the
states Presidents and representatives
So expect to see material via email or post requesting your further support for
the cause of defending the ABC. It is under unprecedented attack!
We will be letting you know how the campaign is progressing via social media
with a very talented creative team producing material for us.
What you can do NOW
Talk to your friends and workmates and persuade them to join ABCF
Write a letter to your local member
Write a letter to your newspaper
Post on line with Facebook and Twitter if you tweet
Donate to the Fighting Fund and/or organise a stall at your local market

Graeme Connelly
President ABCF Victorian branch

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