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MAINTENANCE SERVICE MANUAL FT-180/180A YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD. €.P.0. BOX 1500 YAESU U.S.A. 17210 Edwards Re. CONTENTS (Page) PREFACE .. SECTION 1 — GENERAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..... a SPECIFICATIONS . SEMICONDUCTORS. = _ FRONT PANEL CONNECTIONS AND SWITCHES REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS . INSTALLATION . OPERATION 1-16 SECTION 2 — TECHNICAL NOTES SIGNAL TRACING . . CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .... FREQUENCY RELATIONSHIPS SECTION 3 — SERVICING OUTER COVER REMOVAL/REAR PANEL REMOVAL . 34 FRONT PANEL REMOVAL ..... MAINTENANCE AND ALIGNMENT RECEIVER ALIGNMENT .. TRANSMITTER ALIGNMENT ......... COMMON CIRCUITS ALIGNMENT ..... MODIFICATIONS ...... LSB FILTER INSTALLATION — ‘ OPTIONAL CRYSTAL OVEN INSTALLATION CHANNEL INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ........ FT-180A MODIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR USE WITH THE FT80..... SOLDERING TECHNIQUE BOARD LAYOUT ........ CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT AND TEST VOLTAGES RF UNIT (PB-2269A) IF UNIT (PB-2273B) AF UNIT (PB-2270B) REG/CONTROL UNIT (PE-2271B) ......... PA UNIT (PB-2149B: 10W, PB-2013B: 50W/100W) XTAL OSC UNIT (PB-2268, PB-2230, PB-2231) ...... LPF/ALC UNIT (PB-2272) ... FAULT IDENTIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION TROUBLESHOOTING BAND TABLE ....... PARTS LIST ..... PREFACE ‘The purpose of this manual is to provide the reader with information critical to the maintenance and repair of the FT-180/180A transceiver, as well as information useful for understanding its functions and operation more thoroughly. Technical explanations are geared toward providing a clear understanding of the overall system design, rather than attempting to cover many specific circuit details. Therefore descriptions have been kept brief, although photographs and drawings are utilized liberally. Use of this manual is entirely at the owner's risk. The FT-180/180A uses high quality components and # design and construction intended to last a long time without the need for alignment or servicing. Should the reader discover any errors in this manual, however, wwe invite any corrections; although Yaesu can not assume liability for damage which may occur When this manual is used as a reference. ‘Your attention to the note below is requested, ‘Yaesu Musen Company, Ltd. Tokyo Copyright © 1984 Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved No portion of this Manual may be reproduced in any form without written permission of Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. YAESU FT-180/180A HF SSB SOLID STATE TRANSCEIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION ‘The FT-180/180A is a rugged, compact SSB transceiver for base or mobile HF applications. Designed to provide a typical PEP power output of 10, 50 or 100 watts over the 1.6 to 18 MHz range, the FT-180/180A employs modern FET and bipolar technology for state-of the-art performance and reliability. As many as 6 channels may be installed in the FT-180/180A. Once installation is com- pleted, no further tuning procedure is required for full operation on each channel. The FT-180/180A is packaged in a heavy gauge metal case for excellent mechanical stability, and the final amplifier transistors are fully protected against possible damage from high antenna SWR. GENERAL GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Frequency coverage: 1.6 — 18 MHz (except for #1 MHz near the 10.7 MHz IF) Emission type: J3E (USB, LSB), H3E (AM) (LSB filter optional) Number of channels: 6 simplex or 3 semi-duplex Operating temperature range: —10°C to +50°C Power requirements: 13.4 volts DC 10% negative ground Power consumption: 20 amps transmit, 1 amp receive (100W w/o oven £10 PPM type) Case size: 100W type: 95(H) x 240(W) x 310(D) mm. SOW type: 95(H) x 240(W) x 290(D) mm. 10W type: 95(H) x 240(W) x 260(D) mm Weight: 100W type: 6 kg. SOW type: 5.5 kg. 10W type: 5.0 ke. TRANSMITTER Power output: ‘As per power amplifiers SSB — 100 watts; AM — 35 watts SSB — 50 watts; AM ~ 17 watts SSB - 10 watts; AM — 3.5 watts Unwanted sideband suppression: Better than 50 dB Carrier suppression: Better than 50 6B Spurious emissions: Better than 65 dB down Third order distortion products: Better than 31 dB down Transmitter frequency response: 300 — 2700 Hz (—6 dB) Maximum bandwidth: 3 kHz (SSB) Stability: Better than +10 ppm Distortion products: —20 dB or better Microphone impedance: 600 ohms (dynamic) Tone signal: 1500 Hz Antenna output impedance: 50 ohms nominal RECEIVER Sensitivity: ‘SSB better than 1 nV for 20 4B S/N AM better than 10 #V for 20 dB S/N Selectivity: SSB 2.4 kHz at —6 dB, 4.0 kHz at —60 dB AM 6.0 kHz at —6 dB, 12 kHz at —50 dB Receiver type: Single supetheterodyne Intermediate frequency: 10.7 MHz IF rejection: Better than 60 dB Image rejection: Better than 60 dB Audio output power: 2 watts @ 10% THD Audio output impedan 4 ohms Specifications subject to change without notice. AKHOTUFT-180A FCC Rule Part No. 21.900(K) 74.402(D), 81, 83, 87 & 90 SEMICONDUCTORS Integrated Circuits (IC): 28C732GR a ANOSSI 1 2SC732BL 1 ICL7660CPA 1 2SC1583 3 MC1496P 1 2SC1589 — MC14016BCP 1 2SC1815Y 16 MC14572UB 1 2SC1815GR 2 uPCISIA 1 2SC1815BL 1 uPC2002V 1 2SC1923R 3 uPC7808H 1" 2SC1959¥ 2 uPC78LO8 2 te 2SC2166 Tee 1 #** —-28C2290 2 Me Field Effect Transistors: 282395 2% 2SK192AGR 3 28C2407 2 28K125 4 28C2509 2, uae 3SK73GR 9 2sp288K t &. 28D7170 2 Transistors: 2SD844K 1 28A564Q 2 28A564R 1 Diodes: 2sca96y 1 1N270 7 ACCESSORIES Microphone (YM-36) 1 (M3090026) DC Power Cord 1 10W model (79006806) SOW model (79006815) 100W model (19006820) Miniature External Speaker Plug (P2240) 1 (P0090034) Headphone Plug (SH3010) 1 (P0090007) Accessory Plug FT-180 (FM-148P) (1090164) FT-180A (sc-120M) (P0090078) Coaxial Antenna Plug (MP-5) 1 (P0090021) Spare Fuse 1 10W model 6A (Q0000012) SOW model 15A (Q0000008) 100W model 20 (90000009) Remote Control Plug _(P-1620BA-CA) 1 (P0090128) 13 GENERAL 181555 (Si) 17 12208 (Varactor) 1 18853 (Si) 27 1897 22 (Schottky barrier) 1N60 (Ge) 9 10E1 (Si) 14 10D10 (Si) 4 BZ140 (Zener) 1 HZSC-1 (Zener) 2 HZ9C1 (Zener) 4 HZ3C1 (Zener) 1 Q) FC63 (Varactor) 1 + 100W model ** SOW model “8% 10W model () with crystal oven GENERAL FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES (Mic This eight-pin connector accepts the microphone input, as well as push-to-talk control (PTT) line. The microphone input impedance is 600 ohms. (2) PHONES This is 2 standard phone jack for accommodation of the headphone plug. Audio output impedance is 8 ohms. Insertion of the headphone plug into this jack automatically disconnects the internal speaker. (3) POWER ON/OFF (REMOTE .. . FT-180A) This is the main ON/OFF switch for the transceiver and accessories, when used. The FH-180 Remote Controller is only switched on when this switch is set to the REMOTE (lower) position. The FC-420 Remote Controlled Antenna Coupler and/or op- tional crystal oven are switched on in either the ON (upper) or REMOTE position, (4) NB This switch activates the noise blanker. (5) FUNCTION CALIB/CALL This isa momentary switch used for sending tone calling signals, as well as for calibrating the trans- ceiver for incoming signals, (6) METER This switch selects the display function for the front panel meter. On receive, this meter functions as a signal strength meter (S-meter). On transmit, the source voltage, final amplifier collector current, relative power output or reflected power can be displayed (7) MODE This switch selects the operating mode: LSB, USB (J3E) or AM (HE) (LSB filter optional). Do not operate this switch while transmitting. (8) RF GAIN This is 2 manual gain control for the RF and IF stages of the receiver, Counterclockwise rotation decreases the RF and IF gain. (9) AF GAIN This control sets the audio output (volume) level for the receiver. Clockwise rotation increases the volume level. (10) SQL The squelch control quiets the receiver when no signals are being received. This control should be set to the point where the background noise just disappears, in order to retain maximum sensitivity. (11) CLAR This control allows fine tuning of the signal received, for precise tracking of unstable or off- frequency signals. (12) CHANNEL, This switch selects the operating channel. Do not operate this switch while transmitting, (13) METER This is the front panel S-meter, FWD/REF PO ‘meter, IC meter and source voltage meter. (14) SPEAKER This is the grill for the internal speaker. REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS (1) EXT SP (FT-180A) This is the external speaker output jack. Insertion of a plug into this jack automatically disconnects the internal speaker. (@) GND For best performance and safety, a good ground should be connected at this point. (3) ANT (FT-180A) This SO-239 jack accepts the antenna cable connector. (4) POWER (FT-180A) Connect the DC power cord at this point. Never apply AC power or improper DC input voltages to this transceiver. 15 (5) REMOTE (FT-180A) This blue, 20-pin connector accepts the power and control signals from the optional FH-180 Remote Controller, which provides remote control of the CHANNEL selector, AF GAIN and CLAR func- tions, as well as microphone input and audio output from a telephone handset and/or speaker. However, to use the FH-180, certain modifications must be made within the T-180A, the details of which are desoribed on page 42. (6) ANTENNA COUPLER (FT-180A) This 12-pin connector provides power and channel switching control signals for the optional FC-420 Remote Controlled Antenna Coupler, which will then match the antenna impedance for each chan- nel as selected by the FT-180A or FH-180 CHANNEL selector. YM-36 MICROPHONE/ACC PLUG — YM-36 MICROPHONE CONNECTIONS cores ome} CHS.GND CHa. GND CH3 GND CH 2.GND C41. GND GND hav PIN Oo © ‘VIEWED FROM “8” SIDE ACC PLUG CONNECTIONS (FT-180) Ne BAND sw BAND SW Sano SW BAND SW GND GNo. Power a e ¢ 5 BE suPeLY FT-180 1-6 GENERAL INSTALLATION ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS Next to the transceiver, the antenna is the most important component in a successful communica- tions station, as the communication range is directly related to the efficiency of the antenna. Therefore, great care should be taken in the instal- lation of the antenna system. If a proper antenna is not otherwise available, see your Yaesu dealer for a specially factory adjusted YAc1O single band dipole antenna, YA-11 dual band dipole antenna, or RSL series antenna (for mobile installations). These antennas are capable of meeting most requirements. The FT-180/180A requires a load impedance of 50 ohms at the operating frequency. If the load impedance differs greatly from this figure, the final amplifier protective circuit will cause the power output to decrease. If this impedance cannot be secured on all desired channels an antenna tuner must employed in order to provide a 50 ohm load impedance for the transmitter. The following section will describe two common types of antennas which satisfy the impedance requirement of the FT-180/180A. (1) Doublet Antenna ‘The Doublet, or Dipole antenna consists of a half- wavelength of wire, cut into two equal sections and fed at the center. At this feeding point, an antenna balun may be utilized to prevent unwanted radiation from the coaxial cable, Maximum radia- tion exists at right angles to the wire. Ceramic insulators should be installed on both ends of the antenna, and a suitable center insulator must also ‘be used. However, some types of antenna baluns include mounting hooks for the antenna elements, ‘thus eliminating the need for a center insulator. These parts may be obtained from your Yaesu dealer. The correct length for a doublet or dipole antenna can be determined by using one of the following formulas: 468 Length = 25 quia (feet) 142.5 Length Freq (MHz) (meters) Cut the appropriate length of wire (allowing some extra length for fastening) into two equal pieces. Tie one end of each to a ceramic insulator, and connect the other ends to the antenna balun (or center insulator). Connect the coaxial feedline (type RG8A/U or equivalent) to the antenna balun. If an antenna balun is not being used, connect the center conductor of the coaxial feedline to one side of the center insulator's wire, and connect the shield of the coaxial line to the other side of the center insulator (there is no direct connection of ‘one half of the dipole to the other). The far ends of the wire elements may then be secured, using nylon rope tied to the insulators. Using supporting poles, hoist the antenna as high an in the clear as possible, Check to see that the SWR is less than 1:1.5 at the operating frequency. If so, the installation is complete. The dipole antenna works best if it is placed high and in the clear, so use the highest support possible. When building the supports, remember that they should form a line perpen- dicular to the line representing the shortest distance to the station with which communication is desired. Tneutaore (3) Doublet Antenna GENERAL (2) Quarter Wave Wire Antenna Usually constructed in a vertical configuration, Rafrteasion the quarter wave antenna is sometimes used in base insulator station installations. However, it is more commonly used on ships or yachts, especially when the space ee for a doublet antenna is not available. The length mena of the quarter wave antenna can be determined by using one of the following formulas: 234 Menai = Freq (tia) “*P 2S _, ect Length. Freq alli) (meters) Fe autor The wire has one end connected to a ceramic insulator, which is, in tum, hoisted up a non- metallic mast. The other end of the wire is connected to the center conductor of the coaxial cable. For base station installations at the higher frequency channels, the vertical element may be Back Stay used ascAntenna Element ‘made of aluminum tubing (self-supporting). The shield of the coax is connected to a good RF ground. The ground system may consist of six to twelve wires 3% longer than the radiator, extending radially from the center of the antenna and buried slightly beneath the surface of the ground. A cold water pipe may provide @ usable ground in many instances. On yachts, the ground foil in the hull must be used. The vertical radiator must be insulated from ground, and it should not touch any trees, buildings, etc. For all antenna types, be certain that the FT-180/ 180A meter needle, when switched to the PO (REF) position, stays in the GREEN zone of the meter scale while transmitting, If the deflection is outside of the GREEN zone, your antenna must be checked or readjusted for the correct impedance, GROUND CONNECTION ‘The FT-180/180A should be connected to a good earth ground for best performance and safety. Use a heavy braided wire, not more than 3 meters in length, for connection to the station ground bus The ground connection at the transceiver may be Antenna Element installed separately ‘made at the rear panel GND stud. POWER SUPPLY CONNECTIONS DC OPERATION ‘The FT-180A comes equipped for operation from a DC supply. The DC supply should be capable of 20 amperes (100 watt model) for 13.4 volt operation. Before connecting the power connector to the rear apron, be sure the power supply voltage does not exceed 15 volts. Adjust the power supply voltage, if necessary, to ensure a safe supply level, ‘A fuse is located in the DC cord for the trans- ceiver. For 13.4 volt operation, a 20 ampere fuse is used. When replacing fuses, be absolutely certain to use a fuse of the proper rating. Before connect ing the power connector to the transceiver, verify that a fuse of the proper rating has been installed. CAUTION Our warranty does not cover damage caused by the use of incorrect fuses. Unless otherwise specified, proper fuses are as follows: 100 watt model: 20 ampere fuse 50 watt model: 15 ampere fuse 10 watt model: 6 ampere fuse Connect the RED power supply lead to the POSITIVE supply post, and connect the BLACK power supply lead to the NEGATIVE supply post. ‘The DC cord is included with the transceiver. GENERAL AC OPERATION ‘The FP-700 will allow operation from AC supply voltages of 100/110/117/200/220/234 volts, 50/60 Hz. Before commencing operation with the FP-700, be absolutely certain that the voltage specification marked on the rear of the FP-700is the same as your local AC supply voltage. Do not connect the FP-700AC cord to a DC supply. Also, be certain that a fuse of the proper rating is in use. For 100/ 110/117 volt operation, use a 6 ampere fuse in the FP-700. For 200/220/234 volt operation, use a 3 ampere fuse. CAUTION Our warranty does not cover damage caused | by improper power supply connections, nor | damage caused by the use of an incorrect fuse. When all voltage inspections have been completed, connect the FP-700 output voltage cable to the FT-180A rear panel POWER jack. Plug the FP-700 power cord into the wall outlet. AC installation is now complete. GENERAL err on oe Stover 2 Ba Poh a 2so7i7-0 (28D1084) f = tog ee ge 2) 1 Pe 77 oe SSeS TL | ae oe | Gl Tl Swhes wees Or | 1 | as 08 | as age or | eal] ee a Bi | pS rods, Loos lena |i ETS 1h Tk 8 once Vee J CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ur to uw ho 100 nananananna pri ac ac ac ac | ac ac 234v 0 _z20v 200 uv Hoy oo POWER TRANSFORMER PRIMARY CONNECTIONS 1-10 MOBILE INSTALLATION A DC cable for mobile installation is included with the transceiver. If the DC cable needs to be extended, a heavy, low resistance cable must be used to avoid excessive voltage drop in the cable. For under-dash mounting, a special mobile mount- ing bracket is available from Yaesu dealers. This bracket, model MMB-2 (or MMB-16), allows easy mobile installation of the FT-180A. ‘The FT-180A should be mounted where there is adequate space around the heat sink to allow free circulation of air. Allow a space of about 20 cm behind and around the heat sink, and do not posi- tion the transceiver directly in the path of the heater ducts. When making battery connections, be absolutely certain that the proper polarity of the power cord is observed. CAUTION Permanent damage will result if reversed polarity supply voltage is applied to this, transceiver. Our warranty does not cover damage caused by reversed power supply connections. GENERAL Power connections should be made directly to the battery instead of to the ignition switch. The battery provides considerable filtering against igni- tion noise, while connection to the ignition switch can place the FT-180A in a noise-producing circuit. ‘The power leads must be kept as short as possible, and should be kept away from ignition cables as much as possible. When making battery connections, be certain to connect the RED power cable lead to the POSI- TIVE (+) battery terminal, and the BLACK lead to the NEGATIVE (-) terminal. Before connecting the DC cable to the transceiver, check the battery voltage with the engine running fast enough to show a charge on the vehicle’s ammeter, or immediately after starting the engine, If the voltage exceeds 15 volts, the automobile voltage regulator should be adjusted, so as to limit the maximum voltage to less than 15 volts. This transceiver should not be operated from a power source of less than 12 volts. The trans ceiver should always be tured off when the car is started, to prevent transients in the automobile electrical system from damaging the transistor circuitry of the FT-180A. CAUTION Be certain to observe proper polarity of the power cord when making connections to the vehicle battery. GENERAL MMB-2 MOBILE MOUNT INSTALLATION 1. Listed below are the parts included in the MMB-2 kit. Only the parts shown with an asterisk (*) are required for FT-180/180A installation. Universal bracket MMB-2 Catch chip Right (90°) angle hinge Knob screws Screws for the catch clip (M3x4) Screws for right-angle hinge (M3x6) Screws for the MMB-2(MS5x10) 8) Lock washers for the MMB-2 *9) Flat washers for the MMB-2 10) Nut for the MMB-2 *1) 2) 3) *4) 3) 6) *7) (5000038) (0061920) RRAR RR OU 2. Use the universal mounting bracket as a template for positioning the mounting holes. Use a 3/16” diameter bit for drilling these holes, allowing enough room for the trans- ceiver, its cables, microphone and controls. Secure the mounting bracket with the screws, washers and nuts supplied, as shown in the drawing. 3. Using the slotted knob screws, attach the FT-180/180A to the MMB-2 universal bracket. 4, The angle of the transceiver may be adjusted to whatever position is most convenient and easily accessible. CAUTION If the FT-180/180A is installed in a car which has an Electronic Fuel Injection carburetor, we strongly recommend that the FT-180/ 180A. be installed as far away as possible from any equipment related to the carburetor located within the passenger compartment. sere 5 270) ed Figure 2 1-12 MMB-16 MOBILE MOUNT INSTALLATION Note that the FT-180/180A have three mounting holes in each side, only two of which are used for mobile mounting. Select which two holes to use according to the desired distance that the equipment is to project forward of the bracket in the final ‘mounting position. Preassemble the slotted mounting brackets to the side plates using the four small screws. If installing an amateur transceiver only, the GENERAL Now remove the main mounting plate, and use it asa template to locate the mounting holes on the vehicle. Use a 3/16 inch (4.8mm) bit for drilling the holes. Affix the main mounting plate to the vehicle as shown in the diagram, and then finally affix the side plates, with the equipment affixed, to the main mounting plate. Notice that there are three possible positions for the rear bolt, allowing several choices of mount- mounting brackets are not needed, ing angle, 3. Bolt the side plate/brackct assemblies to the transceiver using the upper holes in the mounting brackets. 4. Temporarily bolt the main mounting plate to the side plates, and determine the proper mounting location in the vehicle, This must allow for several inches of clearance around the heat sink, and sufficient clearance for all cables (front and rear) and controls. In general, the FT-180/180A is designed to function properly regardless of the mounting position, but it should not be mounted directly in the path of the vehicle heater yents, nor where it could interfere with driver vision or vehicle operation. MAIN MOUNTING notte G5) as Lock Washer knob Serew for ta shor Side Plate SIDE PLATE Mounting Surface Kot Serew for ‘Transceiver Bracker MOUNTING BRACKET, Fiat Wasner Serow for Mounting Bracket —— serew GENERAL FH-180 REMOTE CONTROLLER INSTRUCTIONS The FH-180 Remote Controller is specifically designed for use with the FT-180A HF Transceiver, after the Transceiver has been appropriately modified. A ten meter cable is supplied with the FH-180 to allow complete control of the FT-180A from any convenient location, and the FC-420 Remote Antenna Coupler, when used with the FT-180A, is also controlled by the FT-180. The part number of the Modification Kit required for the FT-180A is D3000266, and the procedure is given on page 3-16, Specifications Power requirements: 13.4 VDC at 1 A, and 8 VDC at 0 mA (supplied by the FT-180A) Functions Power ON/OFF, Channel selection, AF gain control, Clarifier adjustment, Tone CALL, Microphone input, Receiver output (from Handset and Speaker), PTT (Push-To-Talk) AF Output: Speaker; 2 W (4 ohms) Handset earpiece; 0.2 W (4 ohms) Handset Microphone: —68 dBm output (600 ohms) Dimensions (WHD): 80 x 120 x 240 mm Weight: 1.4 kg. Installation ‘The FH-180 can be installed in any desired mount- ing position, and on any surface 1. The supplied mounting brackets can be posi- tioned so that the mounting screws are either under the Controller, or on either side, accord- ing to individual requirements. If the mount- ing screws are to be located underneath the Controller, temporarily bolt the brackets to the Controller and hold it in the mounting position while marking the positions of the brackets on either side. Then remove the brackets from the Controller and use the brackets as templates for locating and drilling the mounting holes. If the channel frequencies are not already shown on the channel plate beneath the hand- set, write the frequencies on the label paper and install it under the channel plate. 3. After the FT-180A has been modified, con- nect the female connector on the Controller Cable to the FH-180, and the male connector to the REMOTE jack on the modified FT- 180A. Ms Operation Set the POWER switch on the FT-180A to the REMOTE position, and set the FH-180 POWER switch to ON. The green lamp will light, Select the desired channel using the CHANNEL selector on the FH-180. Set the SPEAKER switch to ON, and adjust the AF GAIN control for the desired volume level. This control and the AF GAIN control on the FT-180A function inde- pendently, so that only the control on the trans- ceiver will affect the speaker in the transceiver, and only the control on the FH-180 will affect the volume from the FH-180 speaker or earpiece. When privacy is desired, communications may be conducted only through the handset. To disable the FH-180 speaker, set the SPEAKER switch to the MUTE position. This will silence the FH-180 speaker when the handset is removed from the cradle, though the speaker will be reactivated when the handset is replaced. =F Control Cable 10m (32.6 feet) v GENERAL To transmit when using the FH-180, squeeze the PIT switch on the inside center of the handset handle, and talk, Release this switch to retum to receive. The CALL and CLAR controls on the FH-180 function identically to their counterparts on the FT-180A. NOTE The handset must always be pressed snugly into the cradle when not in use. Otherwise the FH-180 speaker will be disabled if the SPEAKER switch is set to the MUTE posi- tion, and incoming calls may not be heard. od = GENERAL OPERATION (1) Make certain that all power supply and ground connections have been correctly made. Connect a 50-ohm antenna for the desired operating frequency to the rear panel ANT jack. Q (3) Insert the microphone plug into the front panel MIC jack. If a non-standard microphone is used, be sure that the microphone has an impedance of 600 ohms. Connect your headphones, if used, to the front panel PHONE jack, (4) Refer to the CAUTION notice on this page, and preset the controls and switches as fol- lows: MODE To desired mode AF GAIN Adjust later to comfortable level RF GAIN Fully clockwise METER S/FWD CLARIFIER 12 o'clock position CHANNEL Desired channel SQL Fully counterclockwise Turn the POWER switch ON. The pane! lamps and indicators should become illuminated. Adjust the AF GAIN control to a comfortable listening level. Adjust the CLARIFIER control for a natural sounding reproduction of the incoming signal Adjust the SQL control to the point where the background noise just disappears when the channel is clear, in order to provide maximum squelch sensitivity. (9) If pulse-type noise is present on the incom- ing signal, turn the NB switch ON, Most pulse- type noises will be eliminated by the blanker, although some atmospheric and man-made white noise will not be totally removed. (10) To transmit, press the microphone push-to- talk switch, and speak with a normal voice into the microphone. Release the switch for receiver recovery. SELECTIVE CALLING FEATURE A 1500 Hz tone generator is available for selective calling. Calibration and operation using this feature are simple: (1) When a 1500 Hz tone is received from another station, set the CALIB/CALL switch to CALIB and rotate the CLARIFIER control so your tone matches that of the incoming signal. Your set is now calibrated to the same frequency as that of the other station. (2) To transmit the 1500 Hz tone, push the CALIB/CALL switch up to the CALL posi- tion, The transmitter will be activated and the 1500 Hz tone sent for as long as you hold this switch. Sey CAUTION NEVER CHANGE CHANNELS OR MODES WHILE TRANSMITTING, AS DAMAGE TO THE TRANSCEIVER MAY RESULT. AL- WAYS RELEASE THE PIT SWITCH AND/ OR CALL SWITCH TO DEACTIVATE THE TRANSMITTER WHEN CHANGING CHAN- NELS OR MODES. TECHNICAL NOTES WVEDSVid I007E ‘vostoaria ma | me mois ab} EE ee ae poccaa ine ai Xu 3GOW GSS VO8L/O8L-L4 21 TECHNICAL NOTES WvueviG 10078 vosi/oars X¥ 3GOW HEV VO8L/O8L-L4 TECHNICAL NOTES Wvuovia yo07e ‘vost/osl-1a oa! ee Ho = 2000 wow FS om Tinh aw EHH SSS Sma XL JGOW ASS VOSL/O8L-L4 TECHNICAL NOTES ‘Wvuovid y0018 ‘Yosrosris (ite waiwinoair ———~~=—— 4 | aioe? [See To | svisinsse _soor-ome | 1 Tusroneooce | | LL | onrm aco wes” DES | XL JGOW HEV VO8L/O8L-L4 24 TECHNICAL NOTES CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The block diagrams and circuit description to follow will provide you with a better understand- ing of this transceiver. Please refer to the schematic diagrams for specific component details. RECEIVER The RF input signal from the antenna is fed through relay RLsou, lamp fuse Faoo, and then a highpass filter before delivery to pin 2 of Joo: on the RF Unit, The signal passes through individual antenna coils for each channel and a 10.7 MHz trap, and is then amplified by Qioo (38K73GR), a dual gate MOS FET with excellent freedom from cross modulation and intermodulation. The amplified sig through an individual diode-switched tuned cireuit, which protects the mixer from out-of-band signals. al is fed The RF signal is buffered by Quo, (28K125) and the output from the source Of Qroos is fed to a single balanced mixer, consisting of Qyo0s, Qiooe (2SK125), where the RF signal is mixed with a local signal delivered from Quooy (282407). This results in a 10.7 MHz IF signal which is delivered through Jyooq to the UF unit. The local signal applied to the local amplifier, Qioor; is. produced in the following manner: the local oscillator, consisting of Qeor /Quoos (28C1923R) and a local crystal, generate a ‘al for each individual channel. The crystal for th channel is selected by # diode switch, Dsos — Doc /Dsooi ~Deooe (18853) provided for ystal. The control voltage from the channel switch is applied to these diode switches to activate the appropriate crystal. The output from the collector of Qsor/Quoor is fed to a buffer Qooo/ Qéooe (2SC1923R), and then delivered through Pos (Pooos WJi00s t0 Qioo> On the RF unit each NOTE: In order to discriminate CARRIER/LOCAL OSC Units with and without the optional crystal oven, units with the oven have part numbers of the form 6XX, and units without the oven have part numbers of the form | 60XX. 25 The 10.7 MHz IF signal is fed to a common gate FET amplifier, Qsoor (28K125), and the output passes through XFo0s, a 20 kHz bandwidth monolithic crystal filter, which provides carly protection against IMD products while allowing enough bandwidth and delay time for the noise blanker citcuit. The signal then passes through noise blanker diodes Dsoie—Dsois, which act as switches driven by noise blanker controller Qcore (2SC181SGR). The IF signal is amplified by Qzooe (2SK192AGR), and then delivered to a crystal filter for USB, LSB or AM, where un- wanted adjacent signals are cut out. Finally, the IF signal from the crystal filter is fed through diode switches to a three-stage IF amplifier, Quoos —Qao0s (3SK73GR), where the IF signal is amplified to a sufficient level to drive the SSB and AM detectors. A portion of the output from Qsogs is fed to buffer Qeoos (2SC1B815Y) and detected by Dsois, Dzoa (1N60), resulting in a fluctuating DC voltage. This voltage is amplified by Qroo (28C1815Y), where the recovery time of this DC voltage is also deter- mined. This DC voltage acts as the AGC control voltage, which is fed to gate 2 of the RF and IF amplifiers. This voltage is also delivered to S- meter buffer Qzo11 (2SK192AGR). Output from the buffer is delivered to Smeter amplitier Qzors (2SA564AR) and squelch control amplifier Qzors (AN6S51). The buffered output from the emitter of Qsoor is also delivered through AM detector diode Dever (INGO) to AF buffer Qrox (28C1815Y), and it is then delivered to AF analog switch Qso0s (MC14016BCP) on the AF unit. This analog switch selects output from either the AM detector or the SSB demodulator, depending on the mode of operation The SSB signal from Qzoos on the IF unit is delivered to Jyoox on the AF unit, where it is fed to product detector Dsoo:—Dsoos (IN60), and con- verted to an audio signal, using the carrier signal supplied by crystal oscillator Ques /Qsoos (2SC- 1923R) and buffer Qeos/Qsoor (2SK192AGR). The carrier oscillator changes its frequency depend- ing on the activated mode, and clarifies the control voltage with diode switches Deo, /Dsoo7s Dsos/Deoos (18853) and variable capacitor diode Dsos/Dsoos (152208). TECHNICAL NOTES ‘The selected AF signal from analog gate Quoos is delivered to an active lowpass filter at Qzoos (2SC1815Y), which eliminates any high-pitch noise on the audio signal. It is then delivered to buffer Qsoio (25C1815Y). Next, this signal passes through a potentiometer, which controls the AF output, to audio power amplifier Quo: (uPC2002V), and is then delivered through Jso.e to the speaker. ‘A portion of the RX IF signal from Quoo7 is delivered to three stages of noise amplifier, Quoir, Qzois and Qzois (28C1583). Each individual transistor contains two sections, which are con- figured as differential amplifiers. When a carrier or noise-free signal is received, the noise signal is rectified by Dass, Dress (1N60), producing a DC voltage. This DC voltage is amplified by Quors (28C181SY), which charges Cyizo for noise blanker AGC purposes. ‘The AGC time constant is designed so as not to respond to pulse-type noises. This AGC voltage is used to control the gain of Quoir and Quois- When pulse-type noise is received, Dror and Daoas rectify the noise signal, which controls noise blanker switch Qaois. Noise pulses are of very short duration, but high amplitude, Because of the very short time constant of the Rzoor/Cz11s discharge path, AGC voltage is not induced by these short duration pulses. There- fore, the noise amplifiers operate at full providing maximum voltage to the base of Qzors. When a desired signal and noise pulse are received simultaneously, the blanking action is not im- paired, because the relative difference between the desired signal and the noise pulse is still high. 26 TRANSMITTER SSB The audio input signal from microphone jack Jo, is fed to Jpg: On the AF unit. The speech signal is amplified by Qo (2SC732BL) and delivered through microphone gain control potentiometer VRioo to two stages of AF amplifier, Qsoos (28C732GR) and Qaoos (28C1815Y). The output from the emitter of Qaooc is applied to double balanced modulator Qsoo6 (MC1496P), where the amplified speech signal and applied carrier signal produce a DSB signal at the IF frequency (10.7 MHz). The balanced modulator provides high carrier suppression stability corresponding to various temperature changes. The signal is then fed to soo: for delivery to the IF unit. ‘The IF signal appearing at pin 2 of Jao: is fed through buffer Qaee: (3SK73GR) to the appropri- ate crystal filter for the mode in use (LSB, USB, A3h) according to the instructions from the mode selector. The resulting SSB signal is amplified by Qsoo2 (3SK73GR) and then delivered to single balanced mixer Qyooe and Qioos (3SK73GR) on the RF unit. Here the IF signal is mixed with the local signal from the local signal oscil- lator/buffer. Finally, the RF signal is amplified by Qreoz (38K73GR) and Qjons (282407) in the RF unit, A3h The USB signal at Qsoo2 from the USB filter is joined by a 10.7 MHz carrier signal from the carrier oscillator, resulting in an A3h signal. The carrier level is determined by VRzoor on the IF unit, sending the A3h signal on the same path followed for SSB. 100/50W POWER AMPLIFIER The input signal is amplified by pre-driver Qsoor /500 (28C1589), push-pull drivers Qsoo2/ sua Qsoos (sons (28C2395), and then further amplified by the push-pull final amplifier Quoos v0o!+ Qaaos 9s (28C2290). which supplies approxi mately 100/50 watts of RF output. This RF signal is then fed to the LPF unit. NOTE Parts with numbers of the form 8XXX are used in the SOW model, while those with numbers of the form 9XXX are used in the 100W model LL 10W POWER AMPLIFIER The input signal is amplified by driver Qroor (28C2166) and delivered to the push-pull final amplifier, consisting of Qzoo2 and Qraos (28C2509). This RF signal is then delivered to the LPF unit ALC Cireuit A variety of level control systems are included in the FT-180 for protection against overdrive and high SWR. ‘At the directional coupler the output voltage is sensed, and when a high SWR condition exists the voltage is detected by Dsor, Daoiz (18897), and the overdrive ALC voltage is detected by Deora, Dore (18897). These rectified ALC control voltages are amplified together by Quo: (2SA564Q) and Quoos (2SC181SY) (A3H: Qaoos — Qaoos), for the control of TX IF stage. 27 TECHNICAL NOTES TECHNICAL NOTES TECHNICAL NOTES 29 TECHNICAL NOTES Ti ssoneovze-a INA av | | I “BY Astoiosz 0 Asieisez wooss262 om 60D 62 _AsIeI06z £10 we yo ele ae Be antl 2-10 TECHNICAL NOTES [(ovowaeizeaa Inn WW/ae0SS—S—~—CSs—s—SSC) TX IF Coil Alignment Disconnect Py, from its jack yoo.) on the RF unit, and terminate Pp, with a 50 ohm resistor. Connect the RF probe of the VTVM t0 Pog Adjust Tago, and Tro. for maximum deflec- tion on the VTVM. IC Meter and Idling Current Alignment Disconnect the +13.5 volt line to the PA unit, and connect an ammeter in series with the fine. Turn the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL. Adjust VReoo: So that the reading on the IC meter will show the same value as that on the ammeter. Now release the CALIB/CALL switch, and set the MIC control fully counterclockwise. Press the PTT switch, and adjust VRaoos (100W PA), VRsoor (SOW PA), or VRroo: (OW PA) for a reading of 100 mA on the ammeter. FWD Meter Setting Tum the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL, and adjust VRsoo: to 80% of full scale on the S/FWD meter. ALC Alignment Do not switch channels or modes during transmission. Note: LPF/ALC UNIT 37 a) b) a) °) ) 2) SERVICING Preset the potentiometers and MODE switch, as follows: VRio AF Unit Fully counterclockwise VRoor IF Unit Fully clockwise LPF Unit Fully clockwise LPF Unit Fully counterclockwise LPF Unit Fully counterclockwise witch A3h On any channel, close the PTT switch and adjust VRepo. for a power output of 50 watts on the dummy load/wattmeter. (SOW PA: 25 watts; OW PA: 4 watts) Check the power output for each frequency and set the CHANNEL selector to the channel at which minimum power is obtained. Again adjust VRzoo, for a power output of 67 watts on the dummy load/wattmeter (SOW PA: 33 watts; 10W PA: 7 watts). Adjust VRaooz for 35 watts on the wattmeter (SOW PA: 18 watts; LOW PA: 4 watts) Now set the MODE switch to USB, the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL, and adjust VReoos for a reading of 100 watts on the dummy load/wattmeter (SOW PA: 50 watts; 1OW PA: 10 watts). Release the CALIB/CALL switch, and apply 4 2 mV 1000 Hz signal from the AF generator to the MIC connector. Set the MODE switch to SSB (USB or LSB). SERVICING h) id Adjust VRsoo: to the point where the specified power output is obtained on the dummy load/wattmeter. Connect three 50 ohm dummy loads in a parallel fashion, so as to present a 17 ohm load to the amplifier (1:3 SWR with reference to 50 ohms). Tum the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL, and adjust VRsoo, for 75 watts power output, as indicated on the wattmeter (SOW PA: 37.5 watts; 10W PA: 7.5 watts). - ¢e& © © cf € os Note for SOW Model Never attempt to adjust VRaoo or VRéoos without performing the entire ALC alignment procedure, as this may cause the final transistors to exceed the specified power output, leading to damage by overheating. Tre To SOW/100W PA UNIT 38 SERVICING COMMON CIRCUITS } Remove the VI'VM from Poo: and connect the frequency counter to the plug. d) Set the CLARIFIER control to the center a position, and adjust the core of Tsoo: for a Note: When the optional crystal oven is reading of 10.700 MHz installed, there is a difference in the part numbers used in the FT-180/ 180A. Part numbers of the form 60XX should be read as 6XX (ce, f) Next, remove the counter from Poss and Deoos * Deas) connect the frequency counter to Jyeos on the RF unit. 1. Carrier/Local Oscillator Alignment en e) Now close the PTT switch and adjust TCsoo> for a reading of exactly 10.700 MHz. 2) The local oscillator frequency must be a) Disconnect Pgoss from its jack (Js903) on the adjusted by the appropriate trimmer capaci- AF unit, and connect the RF probe of the tor, corresponding to the CHANNELselector. VTVM to Pyoos Adjust the trimmer capacitors on the CAR- RIER/LOCAL OSC Unit as shown below to the exact crystal frequencies. b) Adjust Tyoos for maximum deflection on the VIVM. The nominal value is approximately 0.2 volts. TCeo02 is “Tans TCee0s 2 TCeoos TCeaae lator Alignment Connect the frequency counter to TP3.0: on the AF unit, turn the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL, and adjust VRsoo. for a frequency of 1500 Hz +20 Hz. Connect the AF voltmeter to the internal speaker terminals, and turn the CALIB/CALL switch to CALIB. Adjust VRyoos on the AF unit for a reading of 0.45 volts on the AF voltmeter. Connect the AF voltmeter to TPsoo1, tum the CALIB/CALL switch to CALL, and adjust, VRsoos for a reading of 80 mV on the AF voltmeter. REGULATOR/CONTROL UNIT 3.9 SERVICING MODIFICATIONS LSB FILTER INSTALLATION 1) Remove the bottom cover of the trans- ceiver, and carefully disconnect all connectors on the IF unit. Then, unscrew the four IF unit mounting screws on the corners of the unit, 2) Install the LSB Filter on the IF unit using the nuts provided, in the space beside the existing IF filters. Solder the pins of the filter to the cireuit board. 3) Install the IF Unit in exactly the same configuration as before, and secure it with the mounting screws. Connect all plugs to their jacks, and close the transceiver. BOTTOM VIEW AM FILTER X Tsao» » Croas» Cross CHANNEL 2: CH 2 (RX) Troos s Tro0s » Croa2 » Cross CHS (TX) Troi0, Trois » Cioas » Cross CHANNEL 3: CH 3 (RX) Trove Tio07 + Cros Cross CH6 (TX) Trotzs Trova» Crore Cross SERVICING Install the Channel Select Jumper(s) from the point adjacent to Joy to the point adjacent to Jn, for the semi-duplex channel(s) being installed, as shown in Figure 9. Referring to step 5 and Part B of Figures 7 and 8 in the Simplex Channel procedure, install the LPF jumper(s) for the TRANSMIT frequency in the CHI, CH2 or CH3 positions (points in common with pins 4, 5 and 6 of Jio, respectively). Do not install any LPF jumper for semi-duplex channels in the CH4, CHS or CH6 positions. Referring to Figure 10, cut the wire to con- nector Py, that corresponds with the CH location that is being used as the transmit frequency for the semi-duplex channel. That is, if CHI is to be semi-duplex, cut the wire to pin 4 (designated CH4 in Figure 10). For CH2 semi-duplex, cut the wire to pin 5 (CH: and for CH3 semi-duplex, the wire to pin 6 (CHO). SEMI-DUPLEX JUMPER CONNECTIONS Figure 9 RF Unit Ff || i femal = Me e i s anh a . yee 315 (CHS Semi-duplex (cH2 Semistuplex (CHI Semi-duplex cuT FOR Tx ON SEMI-DUPLEX CH (cut for CHS semicuniex) "CHS. [cut for CH2 smi-cuplex) LT Bog it Sitch JB ower cur —cni J pi Figure 10 SERVICING ET-1 804 MODIFICATION PROCEDURE FOR USE WITH THE FH-180 Kit required: Part number D3000266 L steoua sa Disconnect the FT-180A from the power source, and remove the 4 screws affixing the top cover. Loosen the side plate screws, and remove the cover. Referring to Figure 11, locate the two screws affixing the Connector Unit. Remove these screws, but do not remove the connectors from the Unit yet. Carefully disconnect plugs Pyo, Py and Piz from RF Unit (previously beneath the Con- nector Unit). Also disconnect plugs P.; and Pas from the Connector Unit. Remove the CHANNEL selector knob, mount ing nut and washer, and remove this switch and its wires disconnected in the previous step. Install the new BCD switch supplied with the kit, with wires and plug Ps: 10. ul Connect one end of each of the supplied connection cables to the RF Unit: Pi to Foro» Prs to Juor, and Piz t0 Sore Referring to Figure 12, install the Remote Control Unit (supplied with the kit) using the the supplied mounting screws. Make sure that no wires or connectors are pinched or trapped beneath the Unit. Connect the other ends of the new connection cables to the Remote Control Unit: Psp to Joos, Pee t0 Iros , and Pey to Iron. Disconnect the following plugs one at a time from the Connector Unit, and connect them to the jacks on the Remote Control Unit: Pas to Trors Pas to Ino2, Par t0 Ino; and Pys to Ties Connect Ps: from the new CHANNEL selector switch to Jog on the Remote Control Unit. Replace the top cover and its 4 screws. This completes the modification. (CHANNEL swrTCH Tae snap _ pee 0 oy ° Fein ope sro rena | eon ees ema MRE OLIT W co . ne ww ares oe — ri — Fig. 11 Hy-22: TOP VIEW 316 SERVICING REMOTE CONTROL UNIT (Optional Accessory for FT-180A) 317 SERVICING SOLDERING TECHNIQUE SOLDERING AND DESOLDERING TECHNIQUE ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS ‘The FT-180/180A circuit boards are tough, but mishandling during soldering can cause circuit traces to “lift.” While this does not cause perma- nent damage to the board, much servicing trouble can result, because of the tendency for this lifted trace to break. A few simple precautions will keep your circuit boards in A-I condition, 1. Use only a 12 to 30 watt chisel-tip soldering iron. Yes, some “repairmen” have been known to use small blowtorches on cards. 2. Use only a soldering iron equipped with three-wire cord, with the tip grounded. Also acceptable is a soldering iron isolated through a transformer. An old soldering iron or gun may have 117 volts on the tip, and will certainly cause more damage than it repairs! 3. USE ONLY 60/40 ROSIN CORE SOLDER. Acid core solder should be thrown away if you find it in your radio shop! 4. Use a solder sucker and solder tape to ensure a professional repair job. 5. If you do lift a trace, don't worry! Read on to find out how to repair traces like a pro. INSERTION OF PARTS ON CIRCUIT All of the below are acceptable ways of inserting components into cireuit board mounting holes. =S- (a) Bend leads slightly =e © Straightin mounting 318 NOTES ON USE OF CMOS IC’S: As CMOS devices are extremely sensitive to damage from static electricity, special precautions must be observed, In storage, use only sponge specially designed for CMOS components. When installing a CMOS IC in a socket, or on 2 circuit board, be certain that the power is off. In addition, the technician should rest his hand on the chassis as the component is inserted, so as to place his hand at the same potential as the chassis (better to discharge small amounts of static electricity through your fingers than through a $5 IC!) When soldering a CMOS IC onto a circuit board, use a low wattage iron, and be sure to ground the tip with a clip lead, if the tip is not grounded through a three-wire power cord BOARDS (©) Vertical mounting (a) Preformed dise ceramic =S\— capacitor Preformed resistor, diode, ete. BASIC SOLDERING PRACTICE \4\" eG @) @) Prepare soldering iron and solder, Apply soldering iron to surface to be soldered. Apply solder to heated surface. When enough solder is applied, remove solder. Continue to apply heat until solder flows cleanly. Remove iron from work. Do not apply more heat than necessary for good solder flow. Soldering to terminal posts: (Be certain to apply heat to both post and wire.) Apply seldar here ren EXAMPLES OF POOR SOLDERING PRACTICE Solder bridge (caused by use of too much solder) S== “Cold joint” (caused by in- sufficient heat to part of work, resulting in poor solder flow) Unstable joint (caused by in- sufficient heat or solder) ar m= Wire Terminal If you have previously lifted a trace, make an etch cut on each side of the lifted trace as shown in the drawing, and install a wire bridge. Copper. “Lifted” Trace Coat Cut Area With Eastman 910 BOARD LAYOUT (FT-180) (FT-180A) TOP VIEW (FT-180) (ET-180A) BOTTOM VIEW SERVICING ergo | eg yon RF UNIT PB-22698 *4:2182kH2 MODE: USB RX: ANT INPUT LEVEL 0 d8u ‘TX: OUTPUT POWER 100 Watts AF: MIC INPUT LEVEL 1 mV io oo] 15 Z ) G 5 a feces = wee \ Te Olas 9] efle a fees 5 3) RF UNIT VOLTAGE CHART — (wc vorts) cm | es) | xn | G2 | REMARKS aio | ws | 29 | 28 | 46 | RX am | 6 | ie | us | a9 | 1x 103 97 | 19 | 26 1 ai04 94 | 12 | 0 RX Q105 sa | 3a | 0 RX Qi06 9a] aa | 0 RX gor | ue] 47 | sa RX qos | ue] io | to | a0 | 1x qo | us] iio | to | io | ca RF UNIT PAR) PHO : 2 i Qo) k fo 0 O} a Soo lie ‘Viewed from component side “> * "GATE No oRAIN 3SK73GR GATE No.2 32 SERVICING 'S LAYOUT Viewed from solder side EMITTER GATE COLLECTOR pase DRAIN eoGaRE 2802407 28K125 SERVICING r PB 1 Tx: 4amv vom I 3 as a | : ! ~av |oF age [oe shitrer anyon 322 ‘Ask 3 h CARRIERS IF UNIT P. Viewed from component side IF UNIT VOLTAGE CHART (0c vous) a | es) [sen] @ | REMARKS ew [oe [wo wor pep pas |p wi | 7 sa | 46 ana [te pie fas | aap a2 | 00s a | 4a ans [ 7a faa [ae | «of we eau | vane) us [aaa au fu ps ae [as [= ais | m4 [0 | oa qos to [ae pes | eae [rans | 19 [asis eos | te [as | 39 z exit | rains | 19 [asias cor [es | oa [0 oi as | 1 fo | o Q208 6.6 3.0 a7 EE axe | a6 | 0 |e z DpPeet ys Cr aE [ea as) apo [si] sa [-aal aa ARTS LAYOUT SERVICING gists hoe Sea aE ay ee See 5 Fe 4 af, = ahig’ islsicke a HHT ay pag 4 ef 5 es Pe a) wo rot rt eos al Sires eh SS feb cea fae & 20" pos” Sl ge fae xe or, 2 Og il els Led oar FO Boros Oe at ea TY a2 o) & 5 4 B gt ibaa br rE yp y Bgl te ie mir ears Ie es é s Eats St she) z Boy a OS ? 3 ae oe REMARKS REMARKS RX 7/819 [32[ 22] 0 HC es 2 g Ase Be PCs tices Sequel Pine a Viewed from solder side Pina COLLECTOR {EMITTER COMMON! EMITTER py 2 nN G ase \ 7 tottecron nn |p iegTOR” PINT \ Waa \ - Nedse2 wu {Base 1) 25c1815¥/GR ‘ANGSS1 2SAS64AR re a SOURCE PeotbES craw. \ rs0unce (SRE nce GATE. \ JORAIN - i SY ‘shin b> i { gate HP Ab No.2 DRAIN No. t 2 ae 2SK19TMGR 2SK1S2AY 3SK73GR SERVICING 338 our caeRiee iv (AF: (CALL ON) is a3 ova z2scisisy —-2Scisi5BL rat Js sy zscieisy No used Q3002, Q3005 AF UNIT P. ‘Viewed from component side AF UNIT VOLTAGE CHART (vc vous) cle B | REMARKS: quo | 30 | 6 | 22 | 1 3003 | 52 | 18 | 24 | Tx eos | 71 | 38 | a4 | tx qs007 | 79 | 17 | 24 | RXCSSB) esos | 72) a1 | 38 | RX qo | so | uz | ue | RX eon [0 ° ° RXSQL:@ qos | 74 | 27 | 33 | CALLON 1]?]3 [4 RENARKS qos | 38 | it | 12 | CALLON qo | onfan|) o | 63 [iso] rx 1f2]3[¢[s[e]7]s]o]["] [8 | | Rewarks ‘esos | 35| 28| 28] as|o |12[ 0 | es] o | es] o [12] 0 | o | 1x qxoos | 0 | o | nc] nc[ nc| wc] 0 | nc] nc] o | 0 |78/0lor78| 76 | RXSSB/ASH ARTS LAYOUT SERVICING ane coLtecton: Pinta PIN? NOTCH PINT Mc1496P Mc14016BcP 28C732BL/GR 3-25 N eurreR COLLECTOR SAE EMITTER, BASE 2SC1815V/GR/BL SERVICING | _REG/CONTROL UNIT PB-22718 «I Q5001 IC type ~8V Supply : ie T iT PE 7 aos ssoriey iy | SSIES fel mL Yt 5 0sjgo7_seeersy (Se i + 3 * | Bl [ver L led ey aye x «| | als = ° ve emt E PASE) ORR T fot aro jew ser ve 3-26 REG/CONTROL UNIT VOLTAGE CHART «wc vous) Viewed from solder side c E B REMARKS (05002 BI “14 BA | es00¢ | tnzis of SSB/A3H ~ 95006 | 11.7709 0108 RX/TX os007 | 11.7/0.9 0 7 95008 | 11.7/0.8 oor | IW | our es009 | 11-7/0.8 0/0 s003 | 118] 80 1[2[3[a]s [eo ]7][s[» [w]u | ]is [as [is] w | remanxs ‘as005 | Nc] Nc|a/7.9| 80/0] 8.0/0] 0/78] 018.0] 070 [017.9] 7.9/0] 077.9] 8070] 8010 |o/80| 0/79]] RxPTX 1f2][3]4]s]«]7]8 sor | nc] 40] 0 |-33/-38] 29] 38 | 79 LECTOR Pins: EMITTER, a PIN 16 Pine. poten 28018 15Y MC14572UB 28C1959Y GROUND NP INPUT ourrur: HPC14308 GROUND wPc7edeH) PINS pine pina PIN) NOTCH ICL7660cPA e-20r SOW/100W PA UNIT = * 639, cas 36 03 3-27 100W 1200 pF 1000 pF 22pF 0020632 sow 820 pF 470 oF Not used 0021284 SERVICING SERVICING 10W PA UNIT PARTS LAYOUT 10W MODEL. ‘Viewed from component side PA UNIT VOLTAGE CHART (10W MODEL) (WC VOLTS) € E B | REMARKS ev | us | ro | is | avs | 3s | 0 or | gms | as | 0 o7 | 1% ov | us | o7 | 13 | COLLECTOR. Bags EMITTER, COLLECTOR EMITTER COLLECTOR 2802166 Base coLLector. (eoTToM SURFACE) EMITTER 7 BASE 2scagey COLLECTOR. oe “cottecton 3-28 SERVICING (a14..) + 1090..} or (080..) 50W/100W MODEL Viewed from component side PA UNIT VOLTAGE CHART (50W/100W MODEL) yc yours) é E 3 REMARKS awooves00r | issnss | asios | 13/3 002705002 | 13.5135 a0 07107 * annsves00s | 13.535 0 o7107 ‘ax0odas008 | 135/138 a 07107 : as00sfan00s | _13.8/13. oo 07107 soo7ias007 | ea.o | anion | aia - IN ouT REMARKS eaoosiase | a3snas | aomo | sowsioow — EMITTER ROUND Dee COLLECTOR Sane Sieeerrun < a coutector urea eae EMITTER COLLECTOR ewitteR 201 ‘GROUND 589 282200 pecan P1408 2802395 wec7e08H) 3-29 SERVICING cera) oezz-64 unm Towne nano | 3:30 CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR UNIT PARTS LAYOUT em | we | es REMARKS e601 | 42 | 21 | 29 | Remove crystal from the erystal socket oso2 | 57 | 34] 42 eos | 56 | 20] 27 ‘esos | 73 | 61 | 56 331 SERVICING SERVICING OVEN CONTROL/HEATER UNIT PARTS LAYOUT lee {0 fl 3 ‘a 8 : wa wees Bee we Viewed from = side at Viewed from solder side Viewed from component and solder side 3:32 OVEN CONTROL UNIT/HEATER UNIT VOLTAGE CHART BCVOLTS) [em | es | ne REMARKS [eo | as | ies | ua 2 | ios | os | ua 9402 135 n2 | ns Ti ]2]3 [4] s] 6] 7 [8 | remarks a | [ [ra[ass| 0 SOURCE SOURCE mane cate DARIN GATE f Pina me fine 2SK19TMGR 28K182AY weotsia COLLECTOR EMITTER COLLECTOR. BASE BASE EMITTER coLLector 2sci923R sonee (asp1064a/R) 3.33 SERVICING SERVICING [oponiaaizeaa Linn S9V/aa7 Asioigse owvocvse 1] S00 208 10 | | | | | | | | ! | | SERVICING Viewed from solder side LPF/ALC UNIT VOLTAGE CHART (we VOLTS) COLLECTOR cle 8 | REMARKS: a EMITTER, voor | -33 | -06 | -o7 | ox over | 39 af e403 | 2.9 ¥ oaos | 2.9 [# = 2scigisY 4005 | 3.8 ee 335 SERVICING FAULT IDENTIFICATION AND LOCALIZATION The process uf troubleshooting any electronic equipment is highly individualistic. Fundamentally though, the process is one of logical elimination, Begin with a visual inspection of the transceiver, looking for broken, discolored, or charred com- ponents, Smell the unit, as transformers smell differently than resistors, ete. If you do find a component that is cooked, remember that another fault may have caused the destruction of the part you have located Initially, turn on the receiver, and check out only the RX side, Any malfunctions you detect on the receiver side should be repaired before you check out the transmitter. In doing this, you may well cure the entire problem, as much circuitry is shared on TX and RX. The logical process of fault identification is to determine the missing function (no RX on USB), then the board at fault (IF UNIT), then the bad circuit (USB filter), then the malfunctioning part (Qaoo7 ). If, after the receiver inspection is completed, all appears OK. switch to the transmit side. following the same logical procedure (function — hoard uit, — component). Concentrate on those sections unique to the transmit side, as you have already performed a thorough checkout of alll receiver and shared circuits. Use only a dummy Joad. NEVER troubleshoot using an antenna. In this manual, we will provide troubleshooting advice which leads you directly to suspect com- ponents. As there are some 2,000 parts in the FT-180, though, it obviously is impossible for us to trace the path of every possible malfunction in the radio. Therefore, if our tips do not lead to identification of the trouble, the logical elimi- nation process is the way to go. 3-36 SERVICING TROUBLESHOOTING A FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE TROUBLE The failure may be caused by one of the following: 1) Mechanical defect 2) Electrical defect 3) Others (Murphy's Law, etc.) 1, MECHANICAL DEFECTS Typical examples of mechanical defects encountered by the technician are. a) Damage from shock during transportation (remember the unit was probably subjected both to sea and truck shipment), b) Damage caused by vibration in service. c) Damage caused by forcing stubborn knobs or switches. This difficulty is usually preceded by one of the two above defects. 2. ELECTRICAL DEFECTS Typical electrical defects encountered are: a) Part(s) failure caused by aging: b) Failures caused by improper application of supply voltage or by voltage spikes: ¢) Improper operation (e.g. transistors. without load — this usually points to a failure elsewhere, in addition to the damaged transistor or IC). d) Loose connections, at the power receptacle, caused by cold solder joints, etc. 3. OTHERS ‘Among the miscellaneous types of failures or difficulties encountered are: a) Antenna troubles — be on the alert for antenna problems when the owner of the just-aligned transceiver complains of difficulty “when I switch to the antenna.” b) Poor power source ~ extremely high or low voltage, insufficient capacity, poor regulation, ete. c) Murphy’s Law — use of 2 non-Yaesu microphone with different connections, for example, (See page 1-6.) 3:37 SERVICING RECEIVE Problem Condition Probable cause(s) (1) Nothing happens when switched on @) icy Fuse OK Fuse blows Detective power switch Defective DOT Defective J5001, 15002 Defective RLOT Loose contact at Power Jack JO4 Defective C03, 04 or 05 Defective Power Connector JO4 413,8V line shorted (2) No reception @ to S-meter OK, no audio ‘output from speaker No audio output on SSB No audio output on AM e speaker EXT SP Jack J03 445001, J5002 PHONE Jack JO2 13006 Defective audio circuit around 03011, 03012 end associated circuit Defective 03008 Defective 13005 SSB RX BY line shorted Low carrier level Detective 03007 Defective 13004 Defective T3002 Defective 03008 (2822708) Defective J3005 (3) Squelch inoperative @ ‘SQL control does not function * Defective VRO2 Defective 02013 and associated circuit Defective 03011 and associated circuit 3:38 TRANSMIT Problem (1) No power output (2) Poor TX performance (8) No change over from RX to TX ® Cy @ (a) to) Condition No power output No power output one or more channels No power output on LSB/USB and no module tion on AM mode TX OK in CALL position No TX in GALL position SERVICING Probable cause(s) Loose contact at J1003 Loose contact at J1006 Defective 01003 and associated circuit Defective 01002 and associated circuit | Defective 01008, 1009 and associated circuit, Defective RL4011 Defective 07001, 7002, 7003 and associated circuit Defective 08001, 08002, 08003, 08004, 08005 end associated circuit Defective RL4001—RL4010 Defective LPF circuit | Defective J4003 | Defective T1002—T1013 Low local signal level Defective microphone Loose contact at microphone connector JOT Defective 13001 Defective 03001, 03003, 03004, 02006 and associated circuit Defective VR3001 Defective 3008 TX 12 line shorted Failure in PTT line Defective MIC PTT switch Defective JO1 MIC JACK Loose J5006 connection Defective 05008, 05006, 05007 Defective RL6001, RL5002 Loose J5001, 6002 connection (4) inoperative on AM mode () No power output Defective 05005, 05008, 05009 Defective J5004 Defective $5 (MODE) Defective RL5003, RLE004 Defective J2007, D2011 BV line shorted, (5) Fuse blows on transmit (a) OK on RX TX 13.8V tine grounded Defective 10W AMP ur Defective PA unit 3:39 SERVICING (6) Abnormal meter (a) Meter does not deflect at all | * Defective MOT ‘operation * Defective S04 * Defective JO8 * Defective 406 Defective RL5002 Defective 02011, 02022 Defective 12004 Defective J5008 Defective RLSOO2 | {b) Smeter does not function (c) FWD. REF meter does not function Defective $04 Defective J5008, Defective 4001 Defective 04015, D4016 (a) Source meter does not Defective 15008 function * Defective VA5001 and associated circuit 3-40 SERVICING COMMON CIRCUITS Problem L Coneition Probable causets) (1) XTAL OSC Unit (2) Crystal oscillator does not | * Defective D6001-D6006 oscillate * Defective channel Xtal * Cold solder joint between Xtal unit and J1007 * Defective Q8001, 06002 Defective X6007 Defective 08003, 06004 Defective T6002 Loose connection at 11007 (0) No carrier output (2) REG/CONTROL Unit | (a) No DC #8 Volt output * Defective 05003 * 48V line shorted (0) No DG ~8 Volt output * Defective 05001 (or 05010} and associated circuit BY line shorted lo) No TX/RX 12 voit * Defective RLSOOT * TX/RX 12 volt line shorted (a) No TX/RX 8 volt Defective RL5001 TXIRX BV line shorted AM RX BV line shorted Defective 3004 Defective 02010, D2021 (e} AF circuit appears OK, no | * Defective T3002 ‘S-meter deflection * Defective 12003-T2009 Defective 02003-02009, 02011, 02012 and associated circuit Defective XF2001—XF2003 and associated circuit Detuned T2003-T2009 Defective J2004 (RX 8V line) Defective L2013, L2017, L2019, L2020 and L2021 Defective J2009 Defective O1001, 1004, 01005 and 01006 Defective T1015, T1016 No local signal Defective 1007 Defective T1017 Detuned 71002-11013 (3) Partial reception (a) Poor reception on oneor | * more channel (some + Defective T1002—T1013 channels OK) * Channel switched control line open or shorted ‘Low local signal level 341 SERVICING BAND TABLE RANGE TRANS. wopmics.| FREQUENCY | yormens |ty CERAMIC CAPACITORS ay TION Troo2—Tiors (Cro2i—1026+Cross—r0ss) KINO. poo | 16— 20min | Loomer | 2 SOWV Tange cH woni7si81 | 2 2.0 2.25 MHz SOWV 120pF CH (K02175121) 3000117 | 2.0— 25MHz | 10020973 | 2 2.25—2,5MHz SOWV 100pF CH (K02175101) 2.52.15 MHz SOWV 82pF CH (K02175820) 3000118 | 25— 3.0MHz | 10020973 | 2 2.75—3.0MHz SOWV S6pF CH (K02175560) | 2 3.03.25 MHz SOWV 150pF CH (KO2175151) | 2 p3o0o119 | 3.0 3.5MHz | 0020974 3.25—3.5MHz SOWV 120pF CH (Ko2175121) | 2 3.5 —4.0MHz SOWV 100pF CH(KO2175101) | 2 3000120 | 35— 4.5MHz | 10020974 =| 2 - — | 40-45MHz SOWV 75pF CH (K02179018) | 2 3000121 | too20974 | 2 | SOWV S6pF CH (K02175560) | 2 5.0—5.5MH2z SOW 62pF CH (K02179017) 3000122 | 5.0— 6.0MHz | 10020975 5.5—6.0MHz SOWV 47pF CH (K02175470) 6.0—6.5MHz SOWV 39pF CH (K02175390) | 2 3000123 | 6.0— 7.0MHz | 0020975 65—7.0MHz SOWV 33pF CH (K02175330) 3000124 | 7.0- 80MPz | 10020976 | 2 SOW SipF cH (KO2179016) | 2 3000125. | 80— 9.0MPiz | 0020976 | 2 SOWV 39pF CH (KO2175390) | 2 |'‘D3000126 | 9.0-10.2Mem | 10020977 | 2 39pF CH (K02175390) | 2 Fbs000401 | 10.2—11.7MHz | 10020977 | 2 27pF CH (K02175270) | 2 3000127 | 11.7-14.0Mez | 10020977 | 2 15pF CH (K02175150) | 2 13000128 | 140—17.0MPiz | 10020977 | 2 SOW _ 6pF CH (K02173060) | 2 3000129 | 17.0-18.0MH | Loow977 | 2 SOW 3pF CH (Ko2172030) | 2 Channel frequencies in this range cannot be installed in the special 9.1 MHz IF version. '** Channel frequencies in this range can only be installed in the special 9.1 MHz IF version. 3-42 REPAIR PARTS PARTS LIST Tain GONNECTOR symbol No. Pert No ition Fi_(withwie) | To2ne200 | 5251-02 TRANSISTOR —— PC») | T92ne2o1 | s2si09 G Gane | spseay p3_(» ) | Toneao2a | 525102 Pas) | 920403 [5251.02 = _ | P6_ ) | 19208205 $251.02 — DioDe Pe (» ) | r9304207 | 521-06 Dia cmon | st iol [ro }tozne208 | 52st.06 Daf G20isss0_[ 181555 Pig) | 192042098 | 5951.07 Do 2030027 | —* 18853 PirC») | Toz0ent08 | s2st06 i riz( ) | 19204211 | 5251-06 [ — RESISTOR Pig(~ _) | 39204212 $251.02 [Rr 10276100 | Carbon Composition pi4( | 792042134 | 5251-10 - vawor 10a [ris ) | Taneate [325102 a mma toon | Pi6(—» | Toamais [sess RS 50148472 | Carbon fim WAWTS Tes [PIT | T920e2i6a | _s2sit2 RE OW mod) | 152009003 | Meter Shaot 0.1250 P20») | To20eaisa | 525107 ‘RA (SOW model) | 332009004 | 0.0250 Paa¢» ) | 792082198 | 5251-07 [-R+ (.00W model) | 132009008 | ~ » 0.0250 P26¢_» _) | T9204221 | 5251-06 — Parcs) | te20en22 | s2s1-11 | T Ff totes | s2si.0e r ~_ | PoTENTIOMETER P31 | Te2naang | 5251-13 [wR 762800059 | DMIOAGTIA 10KMATOKNB | P32°» —) | T9208225A| 5251-13 VR2_ 762800056 | _DMIOA679A -10kmBx? P33 ) | 9204226 | 5239.03, “VR 350710502 | VIOK-8-1-2 SKB P34¢ 79204227, 3251-08 — - = - “Prss( =) | 19204228 | 5239-09 CAPACITOR P36 )__| 1920022832811 Gane KISITHOGE| Ceramic dsc SOWV OIA [p7(_~ | 9200230 [s2si03 (DvI06F 103250V) pse( | T9204231 | $251-07 Gada Kisi79009 |” 04a [P39 ) | 9204252 | SMROSV-B © epii0973250v) - Ga wipro [aS OF EF 4 (UATI3X1OSK-L45AE) “Tame po 4019006 | Electrolytic ==» 220030" | ero00085 [13 1Sma —_K0,303,60 _2sne2200) (91000039 | 4V 0.120 Mi081 59 ‘METER — | Mi MISTS | AP70 I] | SPEAKER 7 [sri MaOsOOSS_|_SuS7P an FUSE HOLDER 1 Fa Poconos | Pan98 | RELAY REI Miosoo1s | GwW.IT1z3AB Toe = t TERMINAL BLOCK ‘sniToH rqgoonoei | wisie2.15e = Nao90021_|—#a101T 3 [xzog0036 1 8a-2041 oH [_N0190085 | _SRN2044 SS ~ | NOis005 SRN1043 36 OISODS| —SRN3OGS 36 (Remais)_——|NOI9OIII | — 15 GS HT R SL(ET-180) | -No0g0021_|—sa-1011 SymbolNe. | PartNo Deseition SL@r1g0q) | 2090052 | 8A.3021 73.2269 700022690 | Printed Grout Board ria) Com490A_| PC Board wih Compress ‘RECEPTACLE (ET-180A 10.7MEz), _C022690B Tr POOSUISS | FMD1a-885 PIBOAD.IMFe) | C0226900 iz PLOSO13+ ‘SG7627 _ FeT 73 Pia80005 | scas0 HwOs Too | GaH0IIS0_|_2SKIDE 14 (FT-180) POOS02IS RBI9R4M ‘Q1001,1002,1008, | G4800730G | ISKTIGR 16 P1090194 | MBR-068 | 1008" | 34 (FT-180A) P1090036 (OS-ABSM I Ts (FT-1g0) | Poop0Tse_| Fare TE FTIwOA) | PL090096 [SCRA TRANSISTOR 37 (FT-180A) [| Pi090149 ‘S-1620A-STA, Q1003,1007_ 63324070, 2SC2407 41 REPAIR PARTS c DIODE Cras KODI7S690 | Cenumicdie SDNY 68pr | piooi—i0i6, | Gxov00xt [si 15883 {DDIOTCHEBOISOV) 1927-1030 - - | ci04e Kosi | TOO Dioii=t036 | G209011E | ~"Sehotiky Wawier 18997 _ I «wp1o7eH101350V _ - - penn [wonton f= = stor — — - wooscmsusovy | J resistor J cto xonn9022 | ier yo24se79 | Carbon fim vawsi a7 | | 302248829 | “a2 C1073 KONTO) ‘pF “302245100 |» 109 woircnusoy) | 702245180] Tsa_| C1006, 1034, 0179028 | nota —rs390-[ sm] 193771088 1081 (€Ds0R0XBI03K50) 302245870 aT] Isa'tore i072: | 302245560 | — so Bom] HBR, TORL 08S, 02245680, mem ae] 108g. t0Rg 100, 1009 Joaaase20 [eB -R1026,1029,1036, | 102245101 « ” » » Loom | C1003,1008, 19149021 ° SW ODATKT | “03 ao © | 1818102855 (UATORXATIK-LASAED Rigis-1081 | T0ERwSI21 Sw HOA] 1036, 040.1082, R062 > * 1s0n | 1044,1065" 1070.) | #io0.108i, 1083, | sozzesist [= = ew 180 Ree Tne SpE aa] 1081085 TORE aw] 1995 1099;1101 so2m4s71 | gion] HOI | To2245331 ion | { | Rises icas,s0sa] lozass3 | na] Ton T003.t008, | wiais805 |= Or 105010571083 Yo4s.1073,1102, (UATISNIMK-LAGAE ‘Ri003,1006,1007, | JozMaseBr |= eon | | { wt cLoos “| K4017010S | Electrolytic = SOWV Lut ON; 10301032, | ORAS |= BO (S0RL1) 1082, | ciios 40120106 | iewy | | Rio4i,1083,1064, | omasior | —~ ike __| c1eRt10) 1084,1091~1093 C1009-1014, 40129008 ae 33uF [R103 oa245122 iz Dn aK] 1059" L064 _ (16RE33) _ | ‘1050 [02245152 ska} €1021-1026, ‘See BAND TABLE (euee 342) [-Rioa2 102245222 a 22k 1053-1058 FRi034 yoa3ss472 | ake [inpucTor | [-Ri02s To224ss6 |» sss S.6Rm | LION DIS TATBOoTS | FLSH-IOIK 100. | i00s,1008,1083, 7 302285103 | “Tw Tok | L100) =1003.1013, 11190038 | FLSH-YTIK 27048 1076,1077 108i 1018 1087 jase | = Se taka | Lrooe—iproio12| Ligon | ELSIE ta [ eiosocioo | yoxzasaa3 | tom | NOLO [R103 [ioa3ss23 | pom aT LIOTA, LOTS 10020982) aR RIO6S 102245473 4k] 11019 10020953 | O.60uH | rioxssomi—[ yozassiss |.» 180kmr]| Lio20 ‘| L0020954 Osta s02248224 T R102 To2ms77E a ——F —_ | 1069 [aronaas334 5 = | TRANSFORWER z| RIOR To2048225 |» iva] Toon ip0n0r78 - r CAPACITOR T1015,1017,1019. | L0020209 | Clie KS0TE271 | Dipped mica SOWV —270pF | _ 1070 = | (zirD271Kos) | rioi6r0r8 toon09s7 [| SJ cats RUOITESIT | — == STORE [11002-1013 =| See BAND TABLE (page 342) (Zispsi1k0s) T1001 ‘Lon2054 ci007 Ks0T902 [= SOOWN 750RF — (omig075138) [win CONNECTOR C1118,1121 KO2172040 | Ceramic dise = 4pF J1001,1003—1006 | PO090218 S04502A (DD10sCHaKOCSOV) [rro0 | Poogox2s | sas. — cia Kone) | HOUT 0090228 | s045-12A (wd104cH069DS0V) 71908 1009,T017, | Po0g0222 | ~s0as6A CHIoe KONG, Dp yO | «wo10scH220150v) Hi0i0 SETA Cloay 07s 107s, | KOTITSEEO)—~SGF teats (DD 106CH#860150V) ~ [- ‘resonant |~ Wrapping termina © 42 REPAIR PARTS ‘Symbol No. ‘Description 2003 To2245472 r = 4.7Ka | aA a | RET sone [020062011 G3801921G] 28SK192AGR. 2101.2 ‘2001-3005 G4800730G| _3SKT3GR. 206° 302245333 * R2033 — 302245473 ~ - _ TRANSISTOR R2062 302245683 ” _ [| o2012 G3I0S4IR| _2SAS64AR a 0 302245104 | 02014,2016,2017 | G3315830 ‘2SC1S83, ‘02008-2019,2015,, ¥| 2scisisy - ‘o20i8 G3318150G | 2SCIBISOR — 7 [atone 2073, ~ [D2011,2016,2017 | G2090093 | Ge __:IN270_ - -2015,2025| G2015550 si C«SLS5 VR2002 ‘551723102 ‘H10S1A007-1KB ASB 62090027 _| Si "18853 WR 331723103 | HIOSTAOI310KB—_10kSB | —[szosoos0~ | Varactor FC ve20od | 11723473 | Hf10S1AG17-47KB__47kAB | - {_ - CRYSTAL FILTER — CAPACITOR _ eat t — _ | copra4cinonDseN) MONOLITHIC FILTER. 2134 | coprerano.sa0)" _| { orice) ——T Tae | Cosceoxsroasy R206 [02248100 [Carbon film _1/¢WS1_ 10m [R206s somas330 [SR [Rats roanass@ | sa] eee R2004,2038 702245101 1008 3aeea07 $2076, S0EMASTaL “ns 1208 | 3981~2087,2097, [Ro0TE aI 02245221 Boa] 209921074109, Haars eee aime] Rea, "2027,2031,2057, " pean ee anagieani9, (OATOBXATIK-LASAE) EROS TINS | AEBS] comm ME certs 2017,2030,2060, +2047/2049'2051, 2063,2078,2083, 2052/2054/2056, Seatac Horan Rea. Be asa W202. 201SH0Ie | TOAST zona] 79882092102. Rates DEES srisea] Bae | 2003 2064,3086 | 102245332 | sagen | PQatazalss || | 43 REPAIR PARTS Case AIT RISO | —Ceamiedhe TSWV DONTE] 03001 GsUTSD] _ISCTIIOL (UATOSXA7IK-LASAE) | Q30043009=3OTT] G33TBISOY] — 2SC1BISY CHE OTT | RITES] — = Diae | 3013 (UATISX104K-L4688) 3007 GIII8ISOG | ISCIBISGR | K3O076331 | Dipped mica SOWV 330 | 03014 G3318150B | 2SCI8ISBL (2170331K05) LC a inane Tesora | T_ 4 zispariKos) DIODE 2095 50177222) Myler [2090027 [si (50620222) | 62090009 “Ge 4 03s KTOI6TT0S Tanta 35WV I (CS1SE1VO10M) | tT __ [ _ —_] [e2139,2140 ‘70120002 | ~ 16WV TOF — RESISTOR — app 106xo016c1) Ra070;3071 | F10276129.} Carbon composition C2096 ‘Kag170105 | Electrolytic SOWVTuF | (S0RL1) 3069 [210276229 = €2069,2093,2098, | K40120106 | * 1ewV 10uF | 3037 ~ | 102245470 | Carbon film T/4W ST 231 (16RL10) [3083 TOR 245560 a [cai01 21082106 | K40128008 [3005 o224sia1 | (25RE10) wormasisi| : Ra06e 3078302245221 = [R307 «| ~So24s331 c INDUCTOR R3028,3081 02245471 12001 3008, 11190016 FLSH-OIK 10H 102245681 ‘2010-2014, | R3035 02245821 a 3a47-2028,201 aot ese | 12029, ‘1190088 ‘s4271K 270uH R3025,3083 — — 23079 “pis — - — 3024062 | yo22es332 | — TRANSFORMER R084 [ronzas3e2 Toi 9020855 ‘R3008 3049,3054, | 102245872 a 19030857 3055,308603078" | [-r2006.2007 | Looa09s6 ronsasiea E 73002, 302245103 - ~ 3033;3039'3082, | | ‘MINI CONNECTOR OS0 DSI ‘Ta0o1 200372008, | Po0g0RIE | 5045-024 BOTT 02245133, 200772008 Ra0060ET.I0SI | 102388185 | TOE FOOTER | SOAETGA R004 702245223, 72004 ‘poog0221 | SO4S-0SA R3040,3080 | ~302245273 [-aa0as 090726 | _s085-124 3020 502245333, 2008 P0090223 | 5045-07A — [102245393 | t — 102245473 T - [3003 Toaasse3 ~~] @s000071 | Wrapping terminal € 130263027 | *102245683 7 wa072 | 0z2asi08 - R3057,3076 702245184 [-——}porentiomerer ¥R3008 151723471 | 47008 _| Symbol No. Pare No. Deseription WR3003 11723102 | 1k0B ¥a23708 Fo0022708 | Printed Cirnit Board "VR3006 151723472 7k [er-i80) {Co22700A | PC Boaid with components | VR301 3005 | 181723103 | HIOSIAOI3-10KB__10kAB ‘FT-1808 10. TMHa)) 0227008 “VR3002 TS727473 | _HIO2ASI747KB_47knB | (FT-IS0A 9.1ME2) [~C0227006 | — | ra ‘3008 ‘Gi0s0340 | wCLA96r t | earaciTOR ‘5008 ‘Gi0s0124 | — wCI4016BCP | ©3001 3002 KURTSION]| Ceramic dic SOWV CHIOISF ‘3012 ‘Giosonss | wrczoa2v wplorcHiousoy) 0365057 Kon T9035 sw SOF ewpiricH22tssoy) TRANSISTOR Ca004 ORE erai7ii02 oo DOOR Gao GSSOTIDOG]—_2SC7S2CR (wp104E102850¥) REPAIR PARTS Caine S085 09E] RISTTHOON] Coane doe SOW OOF _ (DD106F 103Z50V) Symbol No. Part No. Description | e3006,3032,3076 | KIsi7eND | ww OOFTaE | PB22TIA F00022724 | — Printed Circuit Board conors7s2s0¥9 FEW [c023700A | PC Boazd win Components C3089 KSO177152 | Mylar = O001SuF Fr-isoa_| €0227208 (S0F2U152M) _ Tao RST] =O TRANSISTOR | Gorman ‘oar. s003,4004 | GSTOSEAIO| 2sAseH0 C3064 ‘50177332 Z ~ 0.0033uF | Q4002,4005 G3318150¥| 2SC18iSY (S0F2U332M) _ — — | ©3069 ‘)x50177472 7 0.0047 uF (S0F2U472M) DIODE _ | €3047.3073-3075 | KS0177103 ‘O.0iKF | pe001—a010,4020 | G2090001 Si TODT (sor2u034 DHOLL=A016 | G2OSOILE | —Shorbey barisr 18557 3070 KS0177123 - ‘D012 | ps018,4021—4023| G201SsS0 | Si 181355 _} or2u29%9 DAO Ga090238 | Zener ——_z3C3 €3039,3071 K50177223 ” ~ 0.022uF [ D407 ‘2090218 | Zener Hz9CL | sor2u22399 CIEE TOTTI | Tantalum SW OF (GSISEIVR224I5) I AESISTOR Sons oa ‘40170105 | Electrolytic SOW 1uF 140024003, 710276339 | Carbon composition 2a: (sort 1aW Gx 3.20 auauageret | R4001,4004 310276470 ~ an | ra029 oan4s470_|—Cubonin —1aW 81470 cag SnI9oRS, | RANGE | = Te Toe [Raz — 02245101 =» 10a | 5077 302953038, ase10) [-Rsoz7.s0a8 |" ro20e5221 - mon i __Fxsao7 4008 sozési02 5 ry €3007,3009,3018, | K40129008 ™ * 33uF | Ra012 302245222 = eo 22kD 044, (16RE33) ‘4009 102245332 " «33k ROIS 400601, | ORSIOS |» tok 3059 40129009 ” ™ 220uF |_4023,4039 csre2 Ra0H7 4018 A005, | TORRISTIS : a aka Gos eaniasi06 7 aba |_ 4026 | 6RE870) Ra Tose | a Goer aa = oem | Rao1e aaa | Toaaaszas [= PRA (16R1028) R4010 [902245473 : ~~ 4Tko _ 'R4011,4013,4019, | 502245104 ~~ 100KR 021000 INDUCTOR Bas Aane | TOERASS4 oe Tanne Tisora | Flaiesk al 13006 1190083 | —FLSH-200K 22H L003 Liigolol | —s4220K 2248 POTENTIOMETER E5001 Tiida016 | FLsH10nk 10047 VRA0UT A003 —TsoTOSTOS | H0S2A015-10KE TORR Lanta Tiig0i2i | sei0ix 100g —] CaPRGTTOR I TRANSFORMER C404 30275100 | Dipped mice SOOWV 10pF Or Tanna acai o03s) T3002 1020788 oes we, t equs1s0s5 | casio | KSORTSRCO TF [MINI CONNECTOR (1.6Q1220055) 33001 Pp0090223_| 5045-074, C4042,4060 30275220 " ” 22pF 13002-3008 | PO0WORIE | soaso2a, | acorz220s5) 5308 FoQ90RTI | S04S06A cab KITS] — TF 06 70050227 [SOAS TIA cecqu224) COA RISTO = co1227015) ‘sumnoT | Wasps terminal co a cr) 091230035) Cmseaas ONS] HEAT SINK 091233055) TROGETODO_| tor uPC3003V COSTAE AOSD | KSOTTEGOO] — 7 36F .o9n236055) 45 REPAIR PARTS ©4056,.40774078 | K30275470| Dipped mica SOOWV 47pF | 4094,40964101 | K40120106] Elecwolytie ~ — 10uF rn (isnt) (C4007,4025,4040, | K30275560 » S6pF | C4086 40129008 | Electrolytic “‘16WV33uF dBianoostoes: (L0Q1256035) (6RE33) [coe “30275820 * 82pF 4022-4027 (LCQ1282055) 14007 ‘10020958, 160uH €4033,4070 30275101 -— a 100pF | L4008 10020959 310K acin09 Eo a (€4017,4029,4053 | K30275121 ” ” 120pF 10020961 O95uH 2.6-4.2Miiz (191712155) 0020962 1.84uH _ [cass ——SS*SY BOBS e 150pF 12002096 2.15uH C4039 ‘K30275161 “ " " 160pF “7 Lo020965 1.18uH | ca0s8 ‘K30275181 —_ - 180pF 10020967, O377uH 6.8 | qucqi7i3155) 0020968 | O70 4030 4067 30275201 ~ = 300pF | L4018 10020969 O.855uit | (1091720155) [s019 110020970 (0.230uH 111-18 0M C4020,4061 KIODS21 == 220pF | L400 1L0020971 O4e7uH ca034 K30275271 | «» 270pF | L4028,4039 | 10020922. (co1727135) €4012,4013,4026, | K30275301 ar a ‘300pF 4027,4035.4081 (09173015) - RELAY C4008, 4045,4049 | KIOVISIGT| ~~ SS «SBOP |_RLSOOT Miig0024 | FBR3IID0I22 ig (L€Q1733155) [ | ccorssiss cas or a a co TTT dea BOTTA _ pera €4018,4019,4037 | K30275511 “ ~S1OpF (1091851155) | MINI CONNECTOR ‘C4041 30275621 a " ” 620pF |_J4001 0090225 | S045-09A oorssiu * Lee Tomine [seen |“ cxooissis5 cause Se corset a Taos] =a | coxsostaxsy omer} wap aT courso135 Gins0202%5 074103 cppiosrioses0™) pT REGCONTROL UNIT SoG PRG] es a OE Pot —_— 401-4076. 9, | (WATORRSTIK-LASAB) eae Fog0n271E | —Pined Creuit Board eae SHIT | Pe oat vin Sopa | WaT13x104K-L46AE) 1 ca TOOTS enti Sa I cama | eer rr 8 GIDSTTES [aPC TF wore] Tamar [aes cues [aca ee __(CS1SEIC2R2M) 46 REPAIR PARTS TaANSTOR a rama enema NecnsY an on Q5002 [_G3319890Y | 2SC19S9Y_ 35008 ‘0090223, ‘5045-078 Qs010 | 633200201 | 28C20021 [Seas conv TRANSFORMER | Dso01 2015880 Si 181588, aa capeiet-|_ aoa — sae hae ee Patoe sms —| expense vs ee el DaOIT G20 — Zener RDB IEBT ——[G0. rene) | c020680a | PC Board with components : amo ee 5001 | 502245680 Carbon film 1/4W SI_ 682. ~~ RSOLT [aonassa1 | _~ = 30 = t ce aaa esa SOD TO2245682 ” ee 6.8kR FET R502 102245563 Seka —_ S005 302245683 68K TRANSISTOR [asoos seam ae[— Bane — aD | (UATOBX473K-LASAE) 6007 0102387 | HGaaju 10.720") 5083010.5013. (UATISXIOAK-LAGAE) | ee aan Se (S0F2U333M) Bae | ear IO RESISTOR Ny ae fon besos Te] a aie * csnexm ap ee a | ict nae ae ee eT nenigoaT | sons382 ; ee Tm spoe [Eston [FLT Treo — {ener : oe 001 sm Toa] IaH TSR Fenecous—[onssia¢}-—— aa ae cd mic eon ree cm Tomes srsoe cxcousion eae Tame Saas 47 REPAIR PARTS ‘C6007 6004,6006, | KO6I79006| —Ceraniedise SOWV UI 30gF .6008,6010,6012 (DD104U5300) SOV) C67 6038 Kosi | OTE | wororemsorssovy i Tamia eis | KORTSISE | ISR T POTENTIOMETER _empyoscnistisovy [vero asian | min2tams-a7on 7080} C601 TOTO Tone] (cosogoxE103K50) ar ‘eaPaciron | cuatoexe7se-asae KIO2T66H| Dipped mice SOOWY uF | (LCQI2680K5) (C6081,6033-6036] KI9149021 Cro1s 7016 KaoRTeAA > RE | MMER CAPACITOR “| acorz2ixs ECVIZWIOASSN _1OpF | C7026 xaozTesei | 05 | - a.cou76siKs) — Crore KIOITEIOZ | Ceramic cise SOWV 0.00] iNDUGTOR coD104B102KS0V) AGO, 6002 THs | FLSHAOIK 100 CrOer Kir] — = =» GORTEF - — copinses72Ks0vy C a - ciate mom] aoiak = I TRANSFORME _ (CDSHBOXBIO;KS0) Teo) 20569 ‘C7001 7003,7008, | KI3179009 ‘DoerAH T6002 10020187 «pi tora7szsov) —— a ‘mini CONNECTOR caa20.2021 WOT] Myr SE Peas (wah wan | ToROOE 52510 (s0F2ui546) Peoor(») | 9200206 | 5251-12 CroOs 0s | KAOIRIVOE] Llecuoiike WW 104k PEOIS ( y | 19208217 5251-02 _ (AGRELO) [P6024 ¢ | T9204220 | $251.02 ‘Ci008 7012 Kao129008 | Bar| : sre) CI0az | 40129007 * TOF (6RE100) Deserincion | Fo0021498 | Pented Cixcuit Board | INDUCTOR [00214934_[ PC Board with components | 7002 Tso | FianaRI 3aH | ie 17001 1190027 | FLSH-390K —39,H1 ‘Gioas_—[erasenaa | rersnoa L7003,7008 | 1020032 - - T7004 L001. |S _] TRANSISTOR T7005 tons | ‘qroot eames | 28c7166 - | .97002,7003 1G3325090~| — 2502509 — 4 roo | @34088200) —2sp3820 — TRANSFORMER ~ Too aeaTasA | DIODE ~ T1002 1100208334 ~ DIOL [examen | zener WaSCL__ T7008 00206384, Drouz | G9090017 | ~Wasistor MV | i RESISTOR ‘QS000011 | Wrapping terminal € ROO HIORTEE | Carbon Composition 12W oy 2.10 — —_ 7008 7010 manasa nS 7007 710276390 |» x TOIR4SIS1 [Carbon fim —1/aWTT T50R | Symooi No Fert Na Desiotion RTO TOUT Tox6isi |» Composition F-20138 00020155 | Prinjed Crcunt Board 1/2W G3 1808. COROIBGA | _P.C, Booed with componsnis RTOS TORS Tim _i/aw sf 2200 - 7002 SCTECES I R700 Toss [0 Te R701 302248331 "= SF -330n | 8006 ro9Gae | PCTAORHT RTO03 [rorzasear way #200 [ons Taonsi07 Te —— R700 ayor76i02 | —~ —‘Composiion TRANSISTOR Wawer tea [QBOTT OSETSEBT 5 48 REPAIR PARTS GaGa BOOS TSW] OBOOR 8 GaOUR BOO G35239500 | CHIE IR TROLS SUIS OTD, | RTOTIOOOT| —Tantalom —TOWV—10F m 8036,8024,8025, s9D106x0016C1) BOUT GaaORBGOK | —-2SD78GK | BioDe C038 KAOTEOS | Eectalytc SSW S3aF pavor—woos | 62090007 | Si ToBI GSRES30) B00 ‘6090217 | —Zenee wzsc1 INDUCTOR — RESISTOR ‘a0oi=Booe | LTO200354 | Re0os.R0TT 110276159 | Carbon competion 18005; 8007 1020015 aawos 1sa_[ta006 110203954 EDGE sH02T6479 oe ATR RAD HOI SORD | 10276180 =e 18a ‘RHOI28013 Ti0276280 a “TRANSFORMER RBOOE FO2245330 fim —TaWST 330 | T8001 “Looe | e010 THOTTI350 compoation "Ta002 0021890 1awG) 390 [T8003 LORIE ADOT TORTasTaT Fim _1/aW s3_1200 f Reois.a0i5 Tiowreisi |" composition 1203 1500. ‘ASO0OOTT | — Wrapping tral a0 (omasei | fim —i6WS1_2708 8003 8004 710276331 | composition - 12WGs 3309 RS067900_| _HEATSINE RDO Troweion [ee - REDOS yor24sis? |» flim WW. 5k ROOL7.8O2T, HUES] 121339001 | Meal flim 2WNI 3902 8023 Tasso [GRA | syebotN. Part NO Deseibtion| —POTENTIOMETER FB20138 00020138 | Printed Circuit Board [wat TETVETEE|_H1021A309-22R8 2 2KRB co20132a_| PC Board with components ~~ earaciton K30279028| Dipped mice S00WV S6rF ie (DMISDS6OKS) [a006 ‘Gi0s0m4 | uPC7RORHL | caoaa ROOST] we ORF xcor712is) | 083 Kump OF - TRANSISTOR @misp47155) ‘99001 | e3aise90_|38c1s89 Taos] «SURF | 09006,9005 63322900] 252290 (oMisbs61K5) '99002,5003 (G33239500] _25C2395 Kao RF i «omi90621Ks) 5007 ‘CHHOREROK | — 280288K | cao2s, 8083 Rom] iF q@yri9p821K3) [— KGS) «S000 RF DIODE «DM19050235) [pae03—s00s—Texoomeae [situ CHRO 6006 KIOTT@A7E | Ceramic diss SOW 0.0047 Ga0s0217 | Zener HZ3CL (DM203VB472KSL9) ‘Caooz soro,aoni, | KTOI7IOS | OOIGE 2026 8036 (CD8080XB103KS0) RESISTOR 9009 TIOIT6159 | Carbon composition 1pwOs 150 ‘HoT g003, R007, | HISTIIONN | GowTaF | R9006 TIORTEATS = Ae $008,8012,8014 (woni0F473250v) 129007, 9019 9020 | T1077eT80_| eC eee R90IZ90I3 si0776380 |» ee BR 8031 29002 yoa245350_[ oe 330 cao Kier] = Oda | R9OTO 310276390 = 390 (R8H30SYF1047615) 9001 Toa24s121 | Bin _1aW33_1208 CRO, 8009 TaITO0| chip» OA | R9UIS.9OIS 710276121 |» composition - (GRasRsVi04zs0V09) 12W Gs 1208 | ceoao,som KSOVT7@83 | Myr Tea uF | R902 yorasoi |= faim _1/aW $3 2708 __|_(S0F2U68360 R9003,9004 710276331 |» composition ca022 WI0120006] Tantalum TOWY-335F 126s 3302. L (499D338X001651) [soos siee7eio2 |» TE 49 REPAIR PARTS. T5008 TOISAS [Corben tin awa Tha MOTOR ADOT RIGO | 321339001 | Meal” —2WNI 39a WETWOGOE_[ MDRTRT BEIT 79028 321335002 [= area 3056970_| ~ RADIAL FAN THERMAL GUARD POTENTIONETER FST NTOBDOIS | OND-AOHE VRROOF Taam | CRIR 22K CAPAETTOR nc BOS KHOETBOR | Dipped mica S0OWW Sea waees CRYSTAL OVEN CHASSIS #eae® (owtsDseaKs) Syne. [pate | onion Coot KOT] nO eS [reansisror | acorz91035) oa GaaarTO | 3807170 Dona RIOT : TRF comspen5) GUE KREBS = THERMISTOR (DM19DS61K5) 69090018 PSBSiPB46 : ee coMs90621K5) 30279092 > z : | comsp751s5) | con27 9027 woe} = so0pF] 7 (omi9ps0215) - Fase» OVEN CONTROL UNIT +r +0 1 | cs005 3006 | KIOTT903E | ~ Ceramic die SOWY G0047aF | Symbol No. | Par No Detstion {DD108B472K50¥) 782230 70002330 | — Printed Greit Board ‘pooaga10 5011, | KIOTTROR ToaF D2BSOIA | PC Board with components Sorepo3e | (Osx0$0XB103K50) _ ie —| 90 903 gap. | KISTHWGD | = oom F | a ies] PRIS Sur? 90139021: empmoee7a2500 [a 3038'3006, 9030, sat TRANSISTOR 037 Kiso | = Oa | Oe GanipsvoY | asci9se. ese305v1082615) ewoatso09 | Ra3I0002 | — chip OF ccnaaysviowzsovon DIODE Gouasoar | RSOITTERS | Mylar = O0GiGF | BaOLAO Gawp0aG_| Zener WESC SOF 2068340 Soe wai} = OF sor2v10409 aEsiSTOR oon WOTTON | Tantalum TOW 33 | RAOI=ADS TOGA Metlie im VW SRA (489D935X00168)) R06 301265331 | Cuton 7 3300 ‘HaLRsHIg018, | KTOIAOO0R Toa [Ras o124s103 |e TOK 303 9024 9025, avepr06xoni6c1) ROE Tons | LL Ra? TOLRaST55 5M 088 RaO1G9003 | Eesvahie HWSO G5RE330) CARRION iNDUETOR GOS, EAE EATTHTO| Ceram ise SOW ODOT AF Taa0i soos | 1r020655K (@oD104E102750) 30059007 [11020015 Co may Tank 13006 L10203554 opic6rto32s0vy ior KVOTIOOOT] Tantalum 16W Ta (4s9D106x0016C) TRANSFORMER T9001 ToOnOHEPA 79002 0206318 9008 020632 Ea aee EATER UNIT saoee GSWOOOTT | — Wapping ermine Symbol Nes] Pan he Dernier — | PB-2231 ‘FO002231 Printed Circuit Board R4056950_| HEAT SINK CO223114, PC Board with components 410 REPAIR PARTS T CAPACITOR DeOL 2090002 caus ] 02179008 | Ceramic aise SOWW CHIOpF a (opr0sce200350¥) Cat KORTTOTT eo ae RESISTOR coptoscuzisov) ROSS [120779007 | Merale him 172W NT 035m | C802 604.606, | KORTIVOTT - oF R502 301245180 [Carbon » _1/4WTS 18m | 608,6104612 coprascH300350V) R501 TORTS Composition aT KORTE] TF 1/2W GK 3800, copiorcitsorsov) CEST EE KOMI) 00 cop107C38101550¥) [— Caines) TSF coproscHisiss0v) CeoLgoa 0s, | RIOITIOW | ew OE 457 CARRIER/LOGAL OSC UNIT=3 BARA soreae ent (CDSOBOXBIOSKS0) ‘Symbol Na Par No Description eae FB-22688 00022680 | Printed Cireuit Board 8256301532 ‘@.iiliis) | €0296828_| —P.C. Board with components | (631,633. 636 asa | IEW 00a (10-72) |co22682A | _ without erstals (UATOBNA7AK-LASAE) Fer - - O608 GIMITIG] —_2sKIIAGR — TRIMMER GAPACITOR [ THEDI-60T | RSIOOGORE | ECV-LZW-10x53N TOR | TRANSISTOR __— e008 GSHOGHOR | 25C1923R [inpuctor 601,603 TLID0O1 | FLSHAIOIK 106s DIODE - ‘Dé0]-608.610, | Gr090027 | St 15855 TRANSFORMER eu Teo 10020569 Dai ‘qx0i00gs |“ GeGa) INFO 602 10020187 609 6202080 | _Veractor 182208 | - | MINI CONNECTOR cAYSTAL OOS (with wins) | 9204204 [5251-02 X60i-606 0102390_[_HC42/u__LOCAL_CS@) | peor») | 9204206) 82: X60? 0102730 | HC42/u__10.7MHz 13°C) | p619(_~ _) | T9208217 | 5251-02 pen») | 9204220 [525102 Poao(_» _) | 19208253 _[_ SMPOSV CAVETAL SOCKET 560-607 F5050002_|_SDOIOs S¥mDo1 NO Part No Desetiption [_w15090026 | —Mrophone asembiy WHS RESISTOR F1090164 | —(Misrophone plug FN-1480), REST TORRS530 | Carbon fim 1/aWST 35a 0090021 | Antenna pivg MPS R639 wos [en TD | Po0s0007 | Prone pve SH-3010 REID 302245660. [ eB P0090084 | Ft speaker plag P2240 R66 g17 600, | s0224s101 |» 00m | TBO) PI090164 | ACC plug FAIA 630,692/649 (EPIS0AD 70090078 | — ACC Pig SETI, Rei 638 OST 70a | (FT-180a) 0090128 | _ Remote CNTR P-1G20BA-CA R6I4SI5 609, | 40223102 7 Tkn T FUSE 631,633 ‘qou00aIs 6A. TaW THRE Rea wanes | = Ba ‘qo000008 [1s (GoW TYPE) REET FOREST oe BT “@0000009 | 20a. (Goow TYPE) R6ISERT 02085392 So 601-613, TOMESAT? > Ten BE POWER CORD ee ER T9OT360A | CLOW mode) ESTAS TORSO [eT EAB, ‘T9013615a| (sow mode) 645,648 TO2S123 | wk | FTABO) 7790136208 | (00W mode), Reed 302065203 [ww ak | ABO) 71090257 | — (Power pag_RBISPIFY 62s 302245593 9 FTIRO) “920000007 ]— (Fuse holder SN-1101) TIBOAY 79006806 | 0W model "19006815 | SOW model "79005820 | I0nW mogel 411 REPAIR PARTS Tigo 31602, 1606 31603,1604 T1605 Symnbot No. PE2473 9705,707 Q708-715, (pi02— 7074 p708-713.717, D701 RL RTO1-708, 720-143 R710 RII RID C706 Cini 708 C0507 Port No. 002472 (C0247204, 0090219 0090222 0090221 0090223 Part No, F0002475, CO247301 ‘G1090213, G1090004 ‘Gi1050133 ‘G1090094 ‘c1090084 ‘G3318is0¥ (G31095000 ‘@2080027, ‘€2090001 G2090155, TRO308870 02245222 102245332, 102248103 102245223, 13179008 13179009) 40129004 MITDOOIS 3761, 702,708 1704, 706,707 703,705, Description Printed Circuit Board PCB with Components ‘CONNECTOR 5045-00 545.068 S04S.SA S04507A Description Printed Cirewit Board PCB with Components i ‘SN7@LSIS8N SNT44SN MSMAOORS [uPA200&C. 7aL0S TRANSISTOR 2sC1815Y 259500 15853 10D1 ‘RDS.1EB2 RESISTOR ‘Metallic fim Carbon CAPACITOR Cenmic _SONVF O0lnF (Dp 106F103250V) 7 © 0.08TRE (Dp110F473250V) Electrolytic 16WV 10aF (16RE1O) 412 po0s0zzT 'P0090222 "70090223 NO190122, ‘CONNECTOR 5045.05 5045-06 ‘$045.07 ‘CHANNEL SWITCH I-16 GS (BCD) with PSD | CONNECTION CABLE P49-P10 PS0-PL/PSI-PI2 YAESU £E3640900 (008K -CS)

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