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Vocal In The Heights SUNRISE 14 Calmly 4 Gtr. solo 21 | Flute NINA: Are you read-y to ty a- gain? NINA: Okay. "Here we go..." oco rit. NINA: 25 BENNY: P a | [think I'm read = y. 29] Atempo qui-na, Tien-da, Bom - bi - lla, You're sure? BENNY: Cor-ner, Store, Light bulb, I'm... sure. rall. ‘Three out of thre&ou did all right. Teach me a lit - Ue more. -134- Veal 2. SUNRISE Freely; colla voce (INA) In The Heights ‘That's—right A- no - che. Do- lor lor. (BENNY) Heat, Last night Pain 45 Ua-ma-me, a A-ma-me, — Per-haps—— 1 do.— ma Call me, Blue. love me. Well, how do you say "Kise"? And how do you say “Holche"?— 53 se 3, 4 ma-nec- er, —__ At sun, tise. — An-y-thing at An-y-thing a 87 SI - tise — all can hap - pen just be - fore— the sun all can hap - pen just be- fore the sun = tse. —— ' on ~135—- Vocal 3. SUNRISE In The Heights (NINA) ic Al a-ma-ne - cer.— (BENNY) —— Al a-ma ne-cer. Poco pitt mosso (SONNY) VANESSA: DANIELA: Sun - rise,__ Sun tise. GUYM6 p M3/M5: 3 Si-gue an-dan-do el ca - VANESSA: Sun - tise. CARLA: DANIELA: Sun mi-no por to-da su wt + da— Res-pi ~ ra. ay oon Vocal 4. SUNRISE In The Heights rit. ‘ KEY SONNY VANESSA: ee eee Sun tise. cfg e-—___ DANIELA: Se Slower, with breath Rl NINA: Yo no sé (BENNY) re ‘Acbo-ra que te ett = corte qué ba-cer. 3S, know what 10 do wi 76 e a-roun When he sees me @ ony Vocal 5. SUNRISE In The Heig accel. Faster, pushing (nay 79 aS A-yti - da-me— (BENNY) See a 7 + So how do you sty help me? — you? 82 Pro mé fe - me. Pro - mise me you'll stay oS Pro - mise me you'll stay how do you say pro - mise me? T don't care at the sun I don't care at — be-yond the sun - tie, 88 eet ; =H =F S = ° a aE all what peo + ple. say. be-yond— the sun - tise, pts = re i 7 = S f f f the sun = rise all what peo - ple say be - yond — — 138— 4 6. SUNRISE, In The Heights accel. (NINA) _—_—— Promise me you'll stay. (BENNY) = se SONNY/ USN/GP/M3/M5: Sun + ‘And how do you say "Kiss me"?—— ARLIVVANrW4: Sun cay ee Se — a, ae g Sun - fise,..__—__—_-__—_--—] rise, ony _139- Vocal 7. SUNRISE In The Heights 97 (NINA) ie ceaaneeeaeep nae Berea Eeeeeeee ee eeeeeeeeeee BE - sa - me, (BENNY) = — Pa-ra_ siem ~ pre. how do you say “AL = ways" CARLA/VAN DANUWI/W4/W5: 4 Vocal 8, SUNRISE In The Heights (NINA) eee eee ee anaemia ee a EEE Al a-ma - (BENNY) ass see ees EEE Pa-ra siem - pre... em) eile Vocal 9, SUNRISE In The Heights rit. Freely a it. 7 108 a whl a 1 will be there..—— - ma - ne aD 1 will be there... ma AFTERMATH 14A| TACET NINA'S GONE TACET 14B -142- we In The Heights HUNDREDS OF STORIES cue: CAMILA: “Later, papi. Rightnow we find our daughter. ” Salsa 6 Ens. - ed sub, Pp v A: USNAVI: CLAUDI. ao A-bue-lal Are you 0~ kay’— USNAVL CLAUDIA: epee aati Pa-cien- cia y fi———_ Pa-cien- cia y fel— CLAUDIA: USNAVI: Let me see it a-gain! We kept it sale!———~ USNAVE: ay? what hap-pens (0 -(ay?— So we sur-vived — the night; ony -143-— Vocal 2. HUNDREDS OF STORIES In The Heights 26 CLAUDIA: A third——— for you. — USNAVE: Uh-huh, uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh! 30 (CLAUDIA) A third for____ mel. (USNAVD) No pa-re! — Si- gue, si- guel The rest=——— for Son ny. . And with our share of the mo-ney, and with our share—— of the mon-ey: [2] Soca-ish Dream of the sea. - side. air! See me be - side you there! Think of__ the hun - dreds of sto - ties we will USNAVI/ 2 CLAUDIA: share! YOU (cunghe f]tseeee seeccseeeeeestiee AY... wy —144—- wil CLAUDIA: 3. HUNDREDS OF STORIES In The Heights Now you. i— ; can sell your____- ‘store! of i O- pen a bar by— the — shoret. Te told you hun - dreds of — sto. = ties a + bout 2 USNAVI/ CLAUDL home; make somemore, ae a Salsa USNAVI: ( Yo! L_ know just_—_where to go! There's a lit- tle beach named et a -tor-bike t0 Ph-ya Rin-cén with no_-roads, You need a row - boat or mo-tor-bike a4 teach this beach, it's just. a stone’s— throw from home. My folks = 's 87 home, —be-fore 1 was. born, Be-fore they passed on and Jefi— me on my own, in New York, with = the gro; cry store. They would 7 92 / tak a= bout home, 1 lis-tened close ~ ly forthe way they en lens Vocal 4, HUNDREDS OF STORIES In The Heights Tempo relaxes (USNAVI) whis-pered to each oth-er ‘bout the war-mer win-ter wea-ther.In_ - se-p'ra-ble, they ev-en got sick to-ge-ther. They nev-er got bet-ter... Passed aw-ay that De-cem-ber, and 100 left me with these me = mo rie like dy = int em-bers from a eH 102 dream I can't re-mem-ber. Ey-er since then it’s like an - oth-er day dee-per in debt ‘ 105 with diff-'rent di-lem-masThe bo-de-ga's a mess, I'll be see - in’ less of Van-nes-sa. A- 108 rit. {to 114) bue-la I don't know how I can keep it to-ge-ther! i Slower, poco rubato CLAUDIA: 2s Re-mem-ber-the sto-ry of your name... Tt was en- graved on a pass-ing ship—on the day your fam - ‘ly came. Your 122 USNAVI: fath-er said “US - na- vi; That's what we'll name the ba - by.” I wn) - 146 - Vocal 5. HUNDREDS OF STORIES In The Heights real-ly said “U.S. Na but hey... I worked with what they gave me— o - kay. Tempo I° 134 CLAUD! Theyd be so proud of you — to-day! Soca-ish CLAUDIA: USNAVIE Uh-huh, uh-huh! Uh-huh, uh-huh! Then by— the end of. Ju - ly, No pa-re! — Si-gue, si- gue! >, Out where the sea meets the sky!____ the hun = dr Think of_— the hun dreds— of sto. - ties | (9/11) alate aa Vocal 6. HUNDREDS OF STORIES In The Heights 149 (CLAUDIA) we'll cre You and eee (USNAVT) — You and apetee we'll cre - ate, Weill find your is - find your is - Til find my is = land — sky! 160 rall. You But what - ev-er we do it's You and— u NINA COMES HOME ISA TACET - 148- Vocal In The Heights ENOUGH! 16 Angry Salsa 1 CAMILA: Oh, my God, E = nought Now you lis - ten tome. NINA: CAMILA: Mom! Ca = ra = jo, [said ~ nought tm CAMILA: ting him of) ‘ kevin: “Uuns fo — «pal sick of allthis fight - ing! Ca-mi.. Ya - pa- pa - pa- pal y =ten to what 1 think you've said - nought Now lis ae — : | say, What 1 say—_goes|——— \ KEVIN: CAMILA: 't wan-na hear it! Pa-pi, you've pushed us all a-wayl— lm try-ing (0 1 don't We make de - ci-sions as fam And throw -ing like thav You sound just like your ony -149- Vocal 2, ENOUGH! In The Heights 30. (CAMILA) fa - ther! We both know what a son-of-a- bitch he was! 34] You think it all_________-comes down (0 you... 38 KEVIN: CAMILA: No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no! No, you Ca-mi, let's talk a-bout it don't When you have 2 pro-blem you come home. You don't go off and make mat - ters worse on your own One day you're gon-na come back home, And you're not gon-na find me waiting a - ny — more, KEVIN: “I'm sorry.” CAMILA: Huh. Damn ‘ight, you're sor - ry. (10 NINA) NINA ago c anneal -=———— z all night. Mom... 'm_ talk--ing now! —150- ocal 3. ENOUGH! In The Heights 68 (CAMILA) NINA: You scared us. half - to - death, you know that right? I'm . CAMILA: Sor ty. Don't a - po-lo-gize to me You save it’ for your NINA; “What?” Be ene Look at your fi - ther. He — does - n't sleep when you're gone, 8 He's worked his whole life— to help you go far-ther. And he can't’ ad = mit when he’s wrong, Now who does that Fe - 80 You two— de - serve cach 0 - ther! mind you of?. For months you've lied tous. What did we do,— to make you think we wouldn't do a-ny-thingand ev-‘ry - thing for you? (/11) -151- Vocal 4, ENOUGH! In The Heights 102 | (CAMILA) When you have a pro-blem you come home. You don't run off and 106 hide from your fa-mi-ly all—_ a-lone!__ You hear me? | 110 | When you have a pro-blem you come home. As Jong as we're a - 114 : — live, you're ~=—snev- er on your— own. Leave Ben-ny. Take— Ben-ny. It— does-n't make a-ny 122 KEVIN: CAMIL, diff-'rence, as Jong as you come home! Ca-mi-la.. No, n0, no, no, no! E- nough ly - ing! E- nough screaming! I'm done try - ing, and 1 am lea - ving it up to youl It's up to yout Til see you both back 134 poco rit. home! E - _ nough! Segue -152- em Vocal In the Heights 6A POWERLESS ; i ENSEMBLE: duns 2] ‘Dani/Carla/Van/W 1//W2/W3/W4/WS 1 Hoes Gera —_ v Sonny/PG/MI/M2/M3/Ma/MS/M6 Double-time; Salsa 4 ded 4 as — 153 — em Vocal In The Heights CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO CUE: GRAFFITI PETE: “The popo's took my are stuck to the damn street!” monkey wrench.” CARLA: “My fingernails are DANIELA: “Play nice,” slipping off in the heat!” (GO) (GOON) \ Freely; Colla Voce" 1 DANIELA: Hey! Hey! ' it. In tempo ' What's this fon-te ri-@ that I'm see -ing on the street? 6 Freely Accel. f since i nev- er thought I'd see the — day... 8 Rit. When when are la - tin Freely; Colla Voce 3 3 3 peo - ple scared of heat? t © = 4. |OUW Twas a little gil grow-ing up in the hills of Ve-ga Al <= % — DANIELA: “Ask me why! 2 CARLA: “Why?” yqtBht mm ‘There fav - ‘rite time of year was Christ- mas time! enn Pee 4 2, CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO 3 wasn! a n't an ounce of snow, But, oh,— the co-qi In tempo i-to would flow!— AS Rit. — 18 We sang the A gui-nal «do, the car -na-val—woul bergin to grou! aig Rall. , aS SS) Bus’ ness coer a 20 is closed, and we're a - bout— 10 20..—— i PIRAGUA GUY: “Wepal” m4 gq lets ave a car - na-oal— del bar Slowly at first... DANIELA: <=> ol —— ragua cart] Car na - val: del Hires ee [M2 whacks pi 6 ‘Accel. poco @ poco val. PIRAGUA GUY: a ded Bar- ri - of BA Car -na-val! _ Bar Vocal 3. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 34 $ Car-na - val. $ del Bar - ri +SONNY/GRAFFITI PETE: We ' Car-na-val! Bar - ri-of A tempo don't need e - lec-tric - i - dad! Get off your butt, a-van + za! Sa- PIRAGUA GUY: Accel. “Wepa!™ 6a la ma-ra-ca, bring—your tam-bou-rine, Comeand join the parran - da. Bomba-ish Pemisimame LAICARLA/W4/W5; Win Car - na-val! Car- na - del Bar - ri eo Car - na-val! Bar - vi-of wn — 156 —- 4, CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO +SONNY/MS (top) In The Heights Car - na-val! Bar - ri- o! Car + na- val! CARLA: 2 E ® DANIELA: m3 =e ques - tion 1 don’t know whatyou'te can - tan -do,— — Just_—make it up as you 68 go! We are im-pro-vi-san - do! lai le lo lai lo le 72 3 3 — lo lai! You—— can sing an-y-thing!— Car = a what-ev-er pops 7% | 3 CARLAt = : : 5 : ae = ° HS a —s in - to your head. — Just. so long as you sing! Uh. My on -157- Vocal 5. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights al (CARLA) epee deg se Drea reece eee eee eee ee ieee Sc 3 Mom is Do-mi-ni-can - Cu-ban, my Dad is from Chi-le and P. R. which means: Tm 83 SS m3 3 a a eer) Chisle-Do-mi-ni-cu = i= can, but Tal-ways say I'm from Queens! SONNY/PG/M3/M4/MS/M6_ /M6 (@7] DANICARLAIW4W5: 7 in Car - na ~ val del “Bar ri - ol Car -na-vall Bar - ri-o! | a Pal dees Bares eee oles Car - na-valt VANESSA: Del Bar (VANESSA) vw hap- py’ We're swea ing and we have no po-werl Te _got-ta get out of here Io 3m soon, This block's get-ting worse by the ho- ur! You can't ev-en go to a orm age wal 6. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 18 DANIELA: (VANESSA) =—j—- 3 3 club with a friend with - out hav-ing some-bo-dy shove you! Ay, por fa-vor, Va - CROWD: too "ooooodhhhh" : m3 Se aw Po eee ae = y oe ~. oe a : ne-ssa, don't pre- tend that Us-na-vi's your friend, we all know that he love _ you! Slowly 1. Us} CARLA: — 3. oe ne egal 3 ad) Wow, now that you men-tion that sex-u-al ten-sion, it's ea-sy to see! Atempo 417 VANESSA: DANIELA: Pes ee [CROWD cheers] Yo, this is bo-gust Have-n't you no-ticed you get all your cof-fee for free? SONNY/PG/M3/M4/MS/M6 DANI/CARLAIW4IWS: / \ see ! aa ae : ee ea = \ Car - na - val del Bar - ri - ol—— MUM2/GP WIW2W3: = St i | o Car - na-val! Car - na-vall Del Bar - ri - of 428 MANA: 3 USNAVE: Here comes Us - na - vil — Yo! Yo! Yo, yy Yo, Yo! ‘ely —~159- Vocal 7. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights ust (USNAVD, Now, now, ev-'ry-one gath-er ‘round, Sit down, lis - ten, [got an an-nounce-ment 135 Wow, it in-volves large a-mounts, It’s someavhere in the range of nine - ty six thou-sand! A-ten cid, Ym_ clo-sin’ shop! Son-ny, grab ev-‘ry-bo-dy a so-da pop! Yo, — grb a bot- tle, kiss it up to God, ‘Cause A= bue - [a Clu - dia just — won the lot - to! A-bue-la Clu - dia won the lot - to! We're ENS: — boo-kin’ a flight for D. - Ro to-morrow! Oh my gah ALL: except VANESSA and SONNY Al-za la ban-der - a La— Ban-de - ra Do-min-i-can - a! i 157 Ale zu la ban-der ~ @ la—Ban-de - ra Puer-to-ri-que - fal ii) — 160- 165 Al-za la ban-der - @ la—Ban-de - ra Me - ji-can - al PG/M4/M6 USNAVI/GP/M1/M2/M3/M5 Al-za la— ban-der a la—Ban-de ra— Cu-ba 169) 8, CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights DANUCARLA/W4 WI/W2/W3/W5S + (Sce lyrics at end) PIRAGUA GUY: nal Pa- ‘yri-ba e@ - sa ban - de - ral Al» za-ladon-de — quie-ra! Re. ENS: Hey! Hey! 173 [PSxavi ~ - cuer-do de mi lier - rat Mea - cuer-dode mi tier - tal E 177 ral Con-lie ne mi al-ma en te - rat Ma - sa bo-ni - ta ban - de - . ony Hey! Hey! - 161- Vocal 181 PIRAGUA GUY: 185 9. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights me mue - ra, En-tiér ~ ra-me en mi tier ral 187A, “ry-thing chan-ges to ~ day! na-vi's on his — way! Hey! Hey! place! look at Va-nes - ony Hey, _ a6 pra 10. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights ' sg (BENNY) = ; 9 == eee 4 = = f 7 oa ‘ty-thing chan-ges to - day! Good + bye, Mis - ter Ro sa-ti- of fm & yy ye, oo USNAVE: 4s 3 3 t ey! 0 - kay! CARLA ie7z (Saat bar - ri - of i get-ting out of the w USNAVI: 7 —tak-ing 0 ver the bar ti - o! i oeciee ctngrout of ee DANIELA: = fee 2 ses to - day Hey, Mis-ter Ben - ny: Have you scen @ ny hor se7ut 1871 BENNY: DANIELA: 37 MH BEANE, Ne gn ohhhh.. oe + \ : ent{for a rollin What do you meatl? heard you and Ni-na went for the hay! Hey! ENS: Ohhh. Hey! Ben - ny and Ni-na, Sitting in— 4 — 163 - en Vocal 11, CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO. In The Heights 192 (WOMEN) tec! Pee ce eee arene - chin - chet Ni- na_and Ben - ay! Que bo-chin-che! Ni = na and Ben-ny! 203} Sambatén = SONNY: wait a mi-nute! Us GRAFFITI PETE/MAN 1: na-vi's leav-in’ us—— for the Do-mi-ni-can Re- Wait a min-ute! public? And Ben-ny went Aandstolethe girl that I'm in love withShe was my ba-by-sit-ter first! Hoo! ern) = 164— seal 12. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights we (SONNY) lis-ten up, is. this. what yall want? We close the bo-de - ga, the 25 | ee eo f FS : a = ! neigh-bor-hood is gone! They sel-ling the dis - patch, they clo-sing the sa-lon, And theyll 218 SONNY VANESSA: turn the lights back on, cuz We Ei SONNY: (ES po-wer = less, ‘all ke we are po - wer-less! And yall Keep 224 : < place is dis-in-te- ' dan-cin’ and sin-gin! and ce-le - brat’, But its gettin’ Tate and this place 'S USNAVI: i a can’ z a . Jess, so light UP \ wer-les: Al-tight, we're po iia 233 (USNAVD, ain + det dle! There's no-thing go-ing on here that we can't han ee You don't un-der-stand, ey —165- Vocal 13. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights [226] Tempo relaxes (USNAVD) We're gon-na give a third of the mo-ney to you, Son-ny! (SONNY) im not trying t0 be fun-ny! 240 Yeah, yeah. And may-be you're right, What? For real? (USNAVI) Son-ny. Call in the co - ro-ners! May-be we're po - wer-less, a cor-ner full of 247 ecerme Sct fo -teign-ers. May - be this neigh bor-hood'’s chan = ging for “S249 3-5 i ever, May-be to-night is our last night to - ge-ther. Ho - we-ver: 253] How do you wan-na face i? Do you wan-na waste—— it, when the end is so close you can taste i? Yall can cry with our head inthe sand. Im-a ony — 166 - real a 14. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 8 4 (USNavy = PIRAGUA GUY: (at concert pitch) f SSS Pa he HH He Tr fF T fy thls flag that got in my hand Atempo ENS: Hey! Hey! DANIELA PG (concert): aE RES “FE ‘i-| = set ba e - sa ban - de - ra! AP. za-la don-de quie-ra! 264 USNAVI: + ENS: Can we raise our voice to-nightEan we make a little noise to-nigh?-— Hey! DANUCARLA PGIMS (concert J ERS 268 Jo sa bo-ni - ta ban - de- ra! Contie > Me mi_al-ma en + te ~ ral Hey! 272 rw 1 1 i { f— aes FS ot — — — Can we sing 80 loud «al sus, they can UL on ~167- Vocal 15. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 274 (USNAVI. cross. the bridge East Se = cau = cus? PGIM3/M4/M5/MG (concert): Pa - 28 (USNAVI) CARLA/DANI From Puer-to Ri- PG/M6/M3/M4/M5 ‘rri-ba e+ sa ban - de - rat Al - m- de quie-ra! waiws: Car - na + val GP/MI: Car = na val del Bar - ri = of 280 | (USNAVI) San + 10 Do = min wan — 168 ~ Socal 16. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 282 (USNAVI) ple and the beat gO... DANUCARLA PGIMIMIMSIM6 (concert): oH USNAVE: CARLA/DANI CARLADANL MBIMaIMS: sa bo-ni - ta ban - de+ rat Gon-tie - ne mi al-maen- @ ~ waiws, a WHW2W3: ral Car = na = val del Bar +" GP/M1/M2; Car + na - val deel Bar oh 288 (USNAVI) Te oo. : ight, in the ho ness, for-get aboutwhat coul-da been, And dance with me, one fast mi) om —169— Vocal 17. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 292 DANIUCARLA: Bomba, pit! mosso WOMEN: (except Dani and Vanessa) Car - na - val. del Bar - ri - of. © Men: (except Usnavi and Sonny) 298 DANIELA: Pa-'rri-ba e@ - sa ban- Maes Wi Bar - ri aerate 18. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO. In The Heights. t tect a ee ee ee ee ood Y—cuan-do yo me mue- f 5 f f f | SSS 5 — SS val del Bar - ri of = == See = ot Ee oe j mt SSeS Set SS SS + 2 THe 1a,—__ En- ti¢r-ra-me en mi tier Ponaims Sah 4 i del Z del — ote F y eat + . (GP/M1/M2/M3/M5: -1iit- om Vocal 19. CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO In The Heights 310 (DANIELA) Al-za la ban-de- co! Al-za la ban-der - a, La— ban-de - va Do-min-i-can - al ra Do-min-i-can - al Al-za la ban-der + a, la— ban-de - Al-za la— ban-der - a, ta— ban-de - ra Puersto-rique ~ tia! Meza la— ban-der - a, ta banede - ra Puer-to-ri-que ~ fal ony -12- ypval 918 (DANIELA) ieseangeet po aeeaeaee. dios! CARLAMWAIW5 WiW2W3_ A - dios, a Al-za la ban-der - a, la— ban-de PGIMaIMamMsiG PG GP 822 DANE: Al-za la ban-de - ra, la— ban-de Al-za la ban-de - ra, la— ban-de ra, la— ban-de - 10 (atm, 168) Pa'rriba esa bandera! \Alzala donde quiera! Recuerdo de mi tierra, \Me acuerdo de mi tierra. JEsa bonita bandera Contiene mi alma enteral! Y cuando yo me muera, entiérrame en mi tierra! em -173- ra, la—_ban-de - Tal ‘Al-za la—ban-de ~ Ala la—ban-de ~ 20, CARNAVAL DEL BARRIO dios! eerreea eee ote In The Heights ra Me - ji-can - at ra, la— ban-de ra, la — ban-de Let that flag fly! Raise it anywhere an ral ra, la— ban-de- ra, |a— ban-de- CHEERS) CHEERS!) ral Applause Segue d everywhere! It’s a souvernir of my homeland, it reminds me of my homeland That beautiful flag Contains my entire soul! And when | die, bury me in my homeland! Vocal In The Heights ALZA LA BANDERA CUE Applause Segue (Cue USNAVE: “a’1...2!°) Merengue 1 USNAVI claps Double-time; Merengue USNAVI/BEN/GP/M1/M2/MS5/M6 [3] DANI/WI/W2/W3/W4: Car - na Bar - ri-o! Car - na - Car-na-valt Bar-ri-o! del Barri - of Car-na-valt ee wn -174— iy) 2. ALZA LA BANDERA In The Height Car - . eee del Bar - ri ~ ol! Car -na-val! Bar -ri-o! (minus USNAVI) Car « rena + val ee Ki \ \ : o o— = f Car- na - val del | hh ras i * = ; a 7 So a5 a, Wee elgg deere DO aa 4 ‘ Alplatban-der - @ ia—Ranede Remaining people stagger breathe rall. MS5/M6/Dani/W4 Al- za la. ban der - 4 Ia Ban - de Attacea -175- omy In The Heights ATENCION Vocal 18 Gently 2x's KEVIN: A-ten - cion. A-ten + ci6n, Roll down your win ~ dows, Turn up your ra - di-os. Un mo- men-to, por - fa-vor,__ A-ten-ct6n. Asten - cidn. A- bue-la Please drive slow ieee ee ae ng 7 ral. Freely Clau-dlia passed a-way at_noon to-day. Attacca "Alabanza" worn 176 — Vocal In the Heights Slow Pop 3 USNAVI: Sea ; = } 13 B She was Q-# a x WE ~— | & = = =—— 7 found and pro. - nounced. atthe scene, She Was f4 a = : — : SS 7 al-rea-dy Wy- ing in bed. “The par - a+ med ies said 4 t —————— — eo = er ¥ that her heat gave out. 1 mean, — thats 8 he et + 2 f EE l bi - ©. ‘ly what they said. They stid— com E mn fF 2 SS Se i her nation of the stress and the heat. Why she nev - er (00k 10 4 Gao = = SSS 8 aS" med. i- cine, Tl nev - er 9 un n 4 = = i { ft Et © ‘ — cS 1 like to. think she went out in with piece 12 4 —— = ; =e . = cs of bread = crumbs inher hand. enn -177- Vocal 2. ALABANZA In the Heights fh 4 SSS SSS —: eo Sescvetnneteneereeth pat aNeete eetereeteteeemteee 1-1 aoe aaa A - bue - la Clau-dia had sim - ple plea - sures. She sang the 14 Ge —— oe == —S= — pris - es of things = we_—sig: ~ nore, Glass coke in i +t + — f f —ss OE bread crumbs, a—sky_— full of se + t— cher- ished these things. ‘A-la-ban - 2a." Al - a= ban - za means to raise this thing— to. God's —ji— to sing, quite lit - e+ ma - lly: _ to this.” And she was 20 (a cappella) NINA? When she was here, the — path just here, she was just” here... Ala. on ~178- ve sect 3. ALABANZA In the Heights & Poco rubato (NINA) i Ee SS — SSS = — dz o3- Sao =o ban - 2a. ‘A-la-ban za a Do-fia Clau- dia, Se-tor, A- la - Oe eee A-la- ban + waa ae = SS : = SSS coe $la-ban 2a a Do-ita Claudia, Se-for, A-la~ +DANIELA/ CARLA: 20 ban - za, A-la - ban More in tempo a Do-tia Clau~ dia, Se-tior A- la- SONNY: ban + za A-la- ban - za As la DANUCARLA ng NINA/CAMILA: - la ban ban = 7a. A-la+ ban + za a om ee Vocal A tempo 4. ALABANZA In the Heights (DANI/CARLA, (top) 35 NINA/CAMILA) +VANESSA: ban - za. A-la-ban- za a Do-Ra Claudia, Se-ttor. A-la- (SONNY/BENNY) Se-tior. A-la- EVIN: ttstiom) ban - za— A-la-ban-za a Do-tia Clau - dia, 37 CARLA/DANE: 2, —— a VAN CAMI/NINA: (CARLA/DANT) (VAN CAMININA) P+W1 (bottom): z — A-la-ban - 2a a Do-na — Clau - dia, wn i! = 180- yoral 5. ALABANZA, In the Heights fA (CARLAIDANT) DaniiCarla M4/M6: Pa-cien - cia y JA +W2 (bottom): Sane + MI/M2s 43, NINA: Pa-cien - cia y Pe Pa-cien - cia y Fe-—— M4iM6: a FNINA to Top Staff #0 pan-za a Do-fia Claw-dia, Ser, Ala SONNY only: ~ F733 EMS (top). ban - za— SON/PG/M3 ony : ~ 181 Vocal 6. ALABANZA In the Heights 45 (NINA) Do- na Clau-dia, A-la-ban - za, A-la-ban-2a_ Ala A-la-ban-za, Do- ta Clau-dia, A-la-ban - 2a, A- la-ban-za Ala A-la- ban an USNAVIt Nina/Dani/Carla/Van, Caminw WANS, Acla-ban + za. Adla-ban - 2a — Sonny/PG/Mamsime Kevinv/Benny/GP7MI/M2/m3 et (USNAVI) ban - 2a. on — 182 - Vocal In The Heights 20 EVERYTHING I KNOW CUE: NINA: "I have my parents. I can't take her money. But if you could spare some of these photos, my dad would appreciate it." [GO] Simply USNAVI: “There's a bunch of boxes inside." 3 NINA: In. this jelea’s. You can al-bum, there's a pie - ture of the fa dies— at Dan - Fela: 2 2 a ‘There you tell i’s__ from the Nine-ties by the vol-ume cof their—— hair. x -lo- nt are, youre just a ba~ by, “Tight-y - Se-ven, Hal ean 2 17 —, SS cea hap-pened on this block, A bue-la_was—— there—- 2 Be 1 did my home-work. very after = noon 1 came, shetd make sure T eee She could bare - ly write her name, but € = ven—— S0..-—— NINAJUSNAVIE 29 2 She would stare at the pa ~ per and tell me, “Bueno, ets re orm — 183 — Vocal 2. EVERYTHING | KNOW In The Heights 32 NINA: view, why don't you tell me cv - ‘ty-thing you — know.” In this al-bum there's a pic - ture of A - bue-/a—— in Ha - va-na. She is 43 Es Ee hold -ing— a rag doll, un smil - ing, black and white. I 47 - 2 2 2 won-der what she’s think-ing, does she know that she'll be leav- ing— for the 51 cisty on a cok, dark night Eg 2 2 i And on the day they ran, did she dream of end less sum-mer? 3 2 Did her moth - er 2 have a plan, or did they just—— go?—— 2 Did some-ho - dy sit her down and say, “Clau + dia, get e rea - dy, to leave be - hind ev - ‘ty- thing you— enn — 184 — fy] (NINA) 3, EVERYTHING I KNOW In The Heights — know. ae — know. — Freely What do 1— know? (NINA takes FOLDER out of box.) 3 ‘ry-thing 1 NINA? 86 94 102 en fold -er, 2 pro- gram, Atempo 2 pic - ture, 2 ev - ‘ry: lives are we there's a pic-ture from my high school grad-u - a tion, 2 mint con = di-tion, and a star be-side my name 2 of my par-ents, as 1 left for Cal-i-for - nia. 2 2 2 rio 7 pet thing we gave her~ ev-'ry lit tle scrap of e 2 2 in these box - es,— while the wo-mm go on, we, -185- aa who held us is—#0N- ee aean In. this with the Here's a she saved And our But grow, —— a Vocal 4, EVERYTHING I KNOW In The Heights 106 eee hold. — tight, A - bue - la, if you're up there. tll make you proud of — ev-ty-thing 1—_know. 115 rall. D> om Thank you, for ev ‘ty - thing L—— 118 Tempo I° molto rall. a — know, aA oe = 186 — 7 In The Heights NO ME DIGA REPRISE 2 ‘CUE: sina Rosatio, Bachelor of Arts, Wh HE love you Dad” en that day comes, we'll cal it even.” (THEY hug, GO) Slow Son a A v4 ) : CARLA DANIELA: CARLA ; — ht + i mas, fees sit! no pow - Tell me some thing I dont know. ARLA 8 VANESSA: SANIELA: == Ss = eae 1 think that's all of the box ~ es Tell_ me _ apm secing double.” TAL hat every DANTELA: "YOU S ans.” ¥C tight jeans: time you wear HOSE ‘ ae a some-thing 1— don't know.——_—— i ALL: ony Vocal In the Heights PIRAGUA (REPRISE) CUE: DANIELA: “It's like a band-aid, Rip it of quick, you don’t even notice.” (GO) Salsa RAGUA GUY: - lands are— to-day. It's hot-ter than the is ona And Mis-ter Sof - tee’s truck Keatbio et ken damnit nani And here come all— his cus to-mers my. way! I told you, I run this town! Pi - ra Bua, — pi-ra- One - Twen-ty-five, Pi-ra - gual Pi-ra- gud, piera gual Two - twen-ty-five, Pi-ra - gual New — block of ice, hike up the price! dai fo le lo lai, tai en — 188- Vocal 2. PIRAGUA (REPRISE) In the Heights 28 ae — lo le to lai! Black - outs are nice, black - outs are— nice! oco rit. 7 a ae ua! ~lo le lo lai, Keep scrap-ing by} _———__-.._ ™"™° ® om — 189 - Vocal In The Heights CHAMPAGNE CUE: SONNY: “Fine. Bye. See ya. This is the end of an era!” [SONNY exits} [VANESSA enters (GO) VANESSA: USNAVE: Moderato “He's got a point.” "How's it going?” 2 VANESSA: So I got you a pre-sent. T went down-town to get it.. rans SS SS Do-ing a-ny-thing to-night? You're done for the USNAVI: Clean - ing. day. Cuz we gor a date Be-fore you board that plane, 1 owe you a bot-de of cold cham - om, — 190 - Vocal 2, CHAMPAGNE In The Heights it (VANESSA) pagne! cold cham - pagne!— (USNAVI) No... Pop the cham- Damn, the bottles all sweaty and ev'-rything... You wentand got this? ~ pagne! To: I don'tknow if we have cof-fee cups, or plas-tic cups, 1 think Son-ny packed the cups night, drink-ing straight from the bot - te. Us - —— S na - vi?——_ Da-nie-la told——-_me what you did — for me. And it's, Yeah? worn -191- 3. CHAMPAGNE hon - est = ly, the sweetest thing a-ny-one ev-er did How do you get this or do— to pos - sib- ly re- pay you. for shit of & town, the signs are tak - en down, 4, CHAMPAGNE In The Heights i — i Ss SS F = SSS 2 Zz os i a v i walk a-round the matte Be x say—— our good - byes.— Us- {4 + | =| 33 i a na-vi, are you al right? (USNAVI) Ym fing I'm_— tryin’. ‘a o- pen this cham - a Ww t > S == == —— © io ee ere ——= = Dagne! See, the twist-y thingis bro - ken, But I'm gon-na o-pen this damn chat 37 = Tem-me see it. * - + = = pagne! No, 1 got— it! = pagne! You. Us-na - vi, drop the cham mean you went t0 allthis tou-ble 0 get us a little bub-bley on —193- Vocal 5. CHAMPAGNE In The Heights 44 (VANESSA) poco rit. kay. You ought - a (USNAVI) a> Ym sor - ry, it's been a long day. Atempo stay. You can use that mo-ney— to fix this What? And i's not like Son-ny’s. gor Ha ha, ve-ry fun - ny. role models step-ping up to the phate. im just Role mo ~ dels? Yo, what are you talk-- ing a-bout? sa-ying: 1 think your va-ca - tion can’ wait! e Va-ca-tion? Va-nes-sa, you're lea-ving ony —194- Vocal Baiting ee en In The Heights 51 (VANESSA) : = 5 i=. —— — : S oe eg ee a Z z = Im go-ing downto West 4th Street,——you can take the A. (USNAVI) Se x ee ; oe tool ‘What are you trying to You're lea-ving the coun-try, And we're _ ne-ver gon-na see you a-gain.—— You get say? ‘What are you trying t© ev-'ty one ad-dic-ted to your cof - fee and off you go.—— Va-nes-sa, 1 1 wish I was don't know why you're mad at me. Pushing forward VANESSA: Y'm just too late, Segue a enn -195- Spee eee Vocal In The Heights 23 WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN CUE: SEGUE from "IT'S TOO LATE" Pop ballad BENNY: When the sun goes down, you're gon-na need a flash - light, you're gon-na need a 7 NINA: 3 BENNY: can = dle 1 think 1 can han - dle that. When you leave. BENNY 9 NINA: town, — I'm gon-na buy you a call-ing card, ‘Cuz | am fall-ing hard for BENNY: 12 NINA: 1 go backon La-bor Day. And 1 will try to makany way BENNY: NINA: tg NS © Galsfor’~ iz, So we've got this sum-mer, And we've got cach ra BENNY: : Per- ve oth-er. Per-haps e-ven long - er. When you'reon your own, and sud-den-ly with - out me, will you for-get a- orn) - 196 - Vocal, 2. WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN In The Heights 22 (BENNY) NINA: BENNY: bo e? e . ila os ie When Tm all a- lone, 2g BENNY ey eyes, NIN. BENNY: that's when 1 a ll see your face a gain, ‘And. when you're staan: gone, , 30 you know that I'll be wait - ing when you're. Well be work - ing hard, but if But you're here with me right now. we should drift a- pact, ee gett moe met cs ey Ben-ny... world some day... you are gon-na change the ony -197- Vocal 3, WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN In The Heights 7 pecan: And Tl think of = you ev - "ry night Seo thin-king of home, And—I'l_~— think of you ev = ‘ty night When the sun goes at the me time. #2] Atempo down When the sun goes down. When the sun goes down. 45 rit, Attacca ei) —198- Vocal In The Heights SONNY'S PROPOSITION TACET FINALE Bolero Pre-Recorded Piano (TACET) 1 Hs. oo +14 BOLERO SINGER (pre-recorded): No te vay - a, Sime 23 Se-gui-ras en mis re-cuer-dos pa-ra Site ~a-le - jas de mi, USNAVI: 2 ie ——_ < Lights ae SS oe siem-pre, pa-ra siem-pre, pa-ra siem- pre, pa-ra siem- pa-ra siem- pa-ra enn -199— Vocal 2. FINALE In The Heights [23] Hip Hop (USNAVD) oe out on Wash - ing - ton Heights, ancl now the crack of dawn, (BOLERO SINGER) siem The black - out—— goes on and on and. on.. back, sort = ing the trash siem + pre. 32 think a - bout the past. with a — sack full of cash. A-bue- la real - ly wan-ted me up on a beach with mar - ga - oe siem .- pre worn — 200 — Vocal 3. FINALE In The Height 34 (USNAVI) oe ni tas in my reach, and soon that’s how it's. gon - na_ be... (BOLERO SINGER) Pa - ra ma - gine me lea - vin’ to - day— siem + pre 36 (Wo 53) The hy drants are open, Cool bree - CARLA +DANIELA: is Cool bee. - 70s Diow... ‘The hy drants are o - pen, ai KEV! Good PIRAGUA GUY; ony -201- nae In The Heights Vocal 4, FINALE 61 (CARLA/DANIELA) ‘The hy drants are 0 - pen, (KEVIN) i mor ning.. (PIRAGUA GUY) i ! Bua! block of ice. Pir-a - gual sweet and nice, Pir- a gua! Pir-a - guat Pir-a - gual Pir-a - ony —202- Vocal 5. FINALE In The Heights ] - DANI/WS: CARLAIW1: The hy~- drants are o - pen, ze (KEVIN) MOR cece oping sasaitee sae neaisnanai (PIRAGUA GUY) = gual sual ira = gual New_block of ice. Pir-a CAMILA: Pir-a pir-a > gua! —sweet and nice, Pir-a- Pir- gual Pir-a - gual raat cee 3. mis re - cuer - dos—— pa-ra — siem — 203 - ony Vocal 6. FINALE In The Heights DANUWIWS 69 CARLA/W2/W3 The hy - drants are o - pen, Cool bree = es blow...— (KEVIN) a : ning... (PIRAGUA GUY) gual New_block of ice. Pir-a + gual gual (CAMILA) e nL down = town, senza rit. 71 aq EEL USNAVE: ‘There's a —sweet and nice, Pisa - gual ira gal Pir a gual 3 ras en mis re = ewer = dos para siem Te won hel gg gee get en ~ 204 - hes 7. FINALE In The Heights 73] (USNAVI) breeze off the Hud - son And just when you 74 think you're sick of liv - ing here the mem-o - ry floods in, ‘The 75 Qtemaaed cose if = 1 — o — mom - ing light off ~~ the —_ fire es + capes, ‘The nights— 76 in Ben- nett Park — blas - ting Big Pun tapes. Im 3 7 4 -—— 3—— — —s _—_—S—S—— miss this place, to tell, you the — truth: re SS == —— Hi dis = pen = sin’ wis-dom from his dispatch booth; And at awn, 79 fh — Sj —— SSS Va-nes- sa at the sa - lon,—— Nee ee ae 80 = SS —— ¢ But who's gon- na no - tice were gone When our 81 & f : e A job's done, As the eve - ning winds— down to 82 6. SS : o— = SS crawl, son, Can’ 1. case my = mind— when we're ony -205- Vocal 8. FINALE In The Heights 83 (USNAVI) all done? When we've re - signed-in the long tun, What do we leave be - hind? Most. —of 85 ft} —e =——_——>= pers, Do - in’ the Lot f Fa =——_— mas. In five years, — ——— — f—t e >= —_ when this whole G+ ty’s rich folks aandhip = sters, 88 ee ———— —— f e —S= _———— — Who's gon - na miss this rag - ge - dy lit - tle bus - ‘ness? GRAFFITI PETE: “What it do? SONNY: "You have to commission Great sunlight this morning.” an artist while his rate is still good.” SONNY: "Yo cuz! We fixed GRAFFITI PETE: “The first : the gate! work in my new series.” USNAVI: (to SONNY.) "What did Tell you about this punke" 89 6x GRAFFITI PETE: “He hates it SONNY: “Shh. He's (USNAVT rolls down the gate} py, forming an artistic ct opinion." (GO) go piimosso = TP: bf fa Tbn on ~ 206 — ‘Vocal 9. FINALE In The Heights 3} Quasi-rubato GRAI USNAVI: PET TI USNAVI: SONNY: You did this last night? Yeah. There goes my flight. What? 8 USNAVI: Gra - fi - ti Pete you're go - nna need some new cans, Here's some mo-ney, fin - ish up, there's been a slight change of plans! GRAFFITI PET Tempo I° accel. poco a poco 97 USNAVI: lis - ten up guys, you got. «a job, Tm not play - in’ 98 == =e 7 ee f ; in! pee pe en ther hile a Se iN ee in 99 $e eS * e know! Son - ny! head, tell ev = ty = one we know! y eae ot {to 101) Al- right, — go! om ~207- Vocal 10. FINALE In The Heights With elation [01] USNAVI: 4 if He a # He Hi — i —— =| e Yeah, fm a street - ‘light. Chil - lin’ ~ inthe heat toile 102 4. — — eS SS © lu - mi- nate the sto - ries of the peo = ple inthe street, Some have hap - py en - dings, Some are it~ ter = sweet 104 But 1 know them all and that’s what makes my life com- plete. mf NINA: We'te 105 no. me, who keeps. our_leg home! [SS SS SE Who's gon - na_keep the cof - fee sweet with sec- ret re - ci - pes? A - bue- ld, rest in peace, you live in my me - mo ties, but ony — 208 - Vocal 11. FINALE In The Heights 108 (USNAVI) Son - ny's got - ta eat; -ner is my des - i - my. CARLA/DANIELA NINA: test and we keep— Brings out the we pass a home! Jeave. pres sin’ and yes in - deed, you know Til nev - er om Vocal 12, FINALE, In The Heights 411 (USNAVI) — = pH zs e m If you close your eyes that hy. -— drant isa beach, «That si 4. 5 i: | a 5 112 es-cape’s a leaf on a palm— NIELA ILA/VANESSA: home! __ enn —210— Emily Grishman Music Proparation (212-768-2550) Vocal 13. FINALE In The Heights 114 (USNAVE) 1 aint go = in’ back be-cause Im tell - ing your sto = my And (CARLA/DANI NINA/CAMIVAN) nn Benny/Kev/PG/M3 (SONNY/PG KEVIN) 15 | p: a —— — f= f ou smil - in, I found my is 1 can say good-bye to yo , == 2 oo f# 9g 116 : f-# ae = = == . pen ont the whole = me Tim ieee Nina/Cami/Dani/Carla Ge == o ee SS --- ony Vocal 14, FINALE In The Heights (USNAV1) home! US. Yen uw2wanwaws The hy - drants are Nina/Cami/Dani/Carla home! S Sonny Bennyikew/PGia3 116C Its a won-der-ful life that I've known." Mer-ry Christ-mas you ole’ Build-ing and Loan!" I'm let Se = m eanee Vocal 15, FINALE in The Heights 116E (USNAVI) ws —— ‘The hy - drants are o - pen,— = xs blow! home. A-- bue - la that aint a stoop, —_that’s__-your throne. rear se ern} -213- Vocal 16. FINALE In The Heights 116H (USNAVI) (10 117) long af = ter your birds have all flown, 77] home! Where the cof Nina/Camiani/Catha non stop and ny 7 Benny/KeviSonny/PG. this hip hopin my = Mom and Pop shop Tm a Ning/Cami/DanitCacta/Van orese. WINW2IWIIW4lWS) We're ¥ ‘Sonny/PGIMa/MisiM6 Henny ReviGP/MM M23 enn —214- Vocal 17, FINALE In The Heights 9 (USNAVI) Where peo - ple come, peo - ple go Let a 120 2 : ————s SS show all of these peo = ple what 1 know, theres no— plaice ke wl ty oe Sonny/PGIM4/MS/M6 nf ay a : Were 121 ene —————— x © SS home! And let me set. the = re = cont straight! Vm pote | ¢ home! ey —215— Vocal In The Heights 122 (USNAVI) f+ @ fe f SS oe step = pin to Va - nes = sa, Tm get = tin’ asec - ond cate, Tim fh © € i winwawswaws We 54 | » ¢ Sg geegas cess eennceean ggg gS SSE ~ Home! ‘aeeee Benny/Kev/GP/NHIMDINS home! hun - dred inthe shade, but with home! _—— Home! — pal = jence and — faith, + fraid, asCami/Dani/CarkvVan ee ee Home! ony — 216 - Vocal 19, FINALE In The Heights 125 (USNAVI) Molto rall. home! You hear that mu-sic in the ait? Take the train to the top of the world.and Im there, I'm my — == Wwinwanwanwarws ‘Nina/Cami/Dani/Carla/Van Home! —_____—_ MSM. Fominin \? crese, my Home! Sonny/PG Home! KeviGPIMA n Home! Sf Home! Sf BOWS/EXIT MUSIC TACET ony -217-

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