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5 Steps to Curing IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


Get tested. Try to get a test for IgG food allergies and eliminate the foods that test positive for
12 weeks. Or simply try an allergy elimination diet for a few weeks.


Test yourself. If you cant afford the test mentioned above, then just eliminate the most
common food allergens for 12 weeks thats dairy, gluten, yeast, eggs, corn, soy, and peanuts. And
then reintroduce them to see if they cause symptoms. This is an effective way to isolate the foods that
may be causing you problems. I have created a simple program to follow based on a comprehensive
elimination diet called The UltraSimple Diet.


Get rid of the unwanted visitors in your small bowel. Ask your doctor to prescribe rifaximin
(Xifaxin or Normix) and take two 200 mg tablets three times a day for seven to 10 days. This is often
the best way to deal with the chronic bacterial overgrowth that causes bloating and irritable bowel
syndrome. You may also need an anti-fungal such as nystatin or fluconazole for two to four weeks.


Repopulate your digestive tract with good bacteria. I dont usually recommend brands, but
when it comes to probiotics the quality varies so much that I suggest taking two specific brands. Take
one packet of VSL3 or other high potency probiotic twice a day for one to two months. This probiotic
has over 450 billion organisms per packet. I also recommend a probiotic called S. boulardii take two
capsules twice a day for two months. This is a special probiotic that helps to further normalize gut


Try digestive enzymes with meals to help break down food while your gut heals. You also may
benefit from nutrients that help heal the lining of the gut including fish oil, GLA (from evening primrose
oil, zinc, vitamin A, glutamine and others.
By taking these steps and seeking out the underlying causes of IBS, you can dramatically improve your
health and overcome your digestive disorder.

The newer antispasmodics that were proven to be efficacious in IBS in clinical studies include
otilonium (Spasmomen) and pinaverium (Eldicet). These drugs relieve abdominal pain by directly

relaxing the gastrointestinal smooth muscles in the colon, reduce stimulated colonic motor activity, and
inhibit the stimulatory effect on colonic absorption.
The antibiotic rifaximin was demonstrated to have a modest benefit in trials among patients with
IBS who have bloating as their major symptom and in those without constipation. Though not
recommended as first line treatment, it can be considered in moderate to severe IBS patients with
bloating but no constipation, and in those who had failed a low FODMAP diet, bile acid sequestrants,
antispasmodics, and tricyclic antidepressants.
In extreme cases, antidepressants are used in patients with persistent abdominal pain despite
antispasmodics and in those with coexisting depression. These drugs have analgesic properties
independent of their mood improving effects. These medicines slow intestinal transit and may provide
benefit in IBS-D. However, none of these anti-depressants have an approved indication for IBS.
Probiotics are not routinely recommended in patients with IBS, but they have been associated
with an improvement in global symptoms and bloating. However, the available studies were
heterogeneous and involved combination and specific strains. Because of insufficient data, the
magnitude of benefit and the most effective strains are still uncertain. However probiotics are safe and
patient tolerate them well.
IBS is a very common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. However, the establishment of the
diagnosis can be confusing, and the management may be difficult. As primary physicians, if one is
uncertain on the diagnosis of IBS, suspects a more serious condition, or has difficulty in managing a
patient with IBS, a referral to the gastroenterologist is indicated.
***Those who suffer IBS experience these symptoms for at least three days a month for the last three
months. According to Naval, IBS symptoms can be controlled with stress management, diet, and
medication such as Otilonium bromide.


Eat green leafy vegetables and bananas. Ill share with you my secret formula for IBS. If you have
bouts of diarrhea, try to eat more bananas. Theyre like miracle food. Bananas help coat the stomach
and protect it from too much acid. It also helps form your stools. On the other hand, if you have
constipation, try to eat more high-fiber vegetables like patola, kangkong, okra, pechay, and broccoli.
They help normalize your bowel movement.
Avoid unnecessary medicines. Stay away from laxatives. They can weaken the linings of your
bowels. I suggest that readers be careful with drugs for IBS. Theyre not proven yet. See if your
symptoms are better off with or without medicines.
Take frequent sips of water. This advice is good also for those with ulcers and gastritis. Taking
regular sips of water, like three gulps every 15 minutes, washes off the acid in the stomach. Try to drink
10-12 glasses every day.
Eat the same food at the same time every day. I know this sounds hard, but since our bowels are
picky with new acquaintances, try to eat similar foods every day, and at the same time. Go for six small
frequent feedings.
Our stomachs love carbohydrates and warm foods (like congee), rice, vegetables, and soup. It dislikes
spicy foods, taco chips, cold water, and too much milk. However, each person is unique. Keep a food
diary of what is pleasant or unpleasant to your stomach. Know the foods that make your stomach
contented and happy.
Release stress and relax. If you are angry, tell a friend about it. If you are irritated, resolve the
conflict with your spouse or friend. Bottling the anger inside you will affect your bowels.
There are many other things you can try. Like yoga, meditation, spa, music therapy or traveling. Just be
careful with your food when you travel.
Try non-caffeinated teas. You can try taking warm soothing teas like chamomile tea or peppermint
tea. Try it at night for relaxation.
Pray and lift it up to God. I know you might think its silly, but prayers have really helped me with my
irritable bowel. When the bowels act up, usually there is stress involved and knowing this helps me
accept the problem. I follow the food plan Ive listed above and then I just pray away the pain.
Keep your mind calm even if your bowels are not. I inevitably fall asleep and the pain is gone in the
Some people may get turned off when I say that most ailments can be cured by having a peaceful mind
and a positive attitude. But I sincerely believe this will help patients in the long run. Soon, you will get
the hang of it. Dont despair, living with an irritable bowel is easier than you think.


Recipe no. 1
Turmeric (Jamu) Juice
Turmeric is known to be one of the most powerful healing herbs. It is great for bones and joints
as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents metastases from occurring in many different forms of
Turmeric's also a natural liver detoxifier and a kidney cleanser, and it speeds metabolism and
aids in weight management. Plus it heals and alleviates conditions of depression, psoriasis, damaged
skin, arthritis and more.
For these reasons, turmeric is ubiquitous both in Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine.
Here's what you'll need to get started:

5-7 inches turmeric


5-7 tamarind


2 lemons


raw honey

mason jar(s) or other glass jar with lid


1. Peel turmeric. Your fingers will turn yellow. Dont worry! All-natural dish soap gets it right out.
If your cutting board or countertop get stained, slather on dish soap and rub it in. Let it soak in
for 5 min or longer, then scrub with water and sponge. The turmeric stain will vanish!

2. Crack and open tamarind. Make sure you get all the inner roots off, too. Were only going to
use the inner fruit.

3. Fill a big pot with water, put peeled tumeric in and let it boil for at least 20 minutes until the
water becomes a rich and vibrant marigold color.

4. While the tumeric water is boiling, get a pan and pour 1 inch of water in with the peeled
tamarind. Move the fruit around with a wooden utensil, mix it in with the water so it can melt and
dissolve into a jam like texture. More water shouldnt be needed, but if its lookin a bit dry, pour
water in as needed.

By this time, you should be able to see the little seeds coming out. When the texture looks soft,
turn heat off and let it cool down.

5. Go back to the tumeric water. By now, the color should look ready. Pour a little bit of cold
water to lower the temperature. Take the turmeric water and pour it into the blender with the
tumeric. We boiled it so the root could soften and have more flavor, now its ready to buzz in the
blender for even more flavor and richness! Blend, blend, blend. The color now should look like
an extra extra fiery marigold.

6. Go back to the tamarind in the pan. Pour substance into the strainer that is placed on top of a
small bowl to catch the tamarind. Swish the jam like substance around in the strainer with the
wooden utensil-- we only want to use the soft bits of the fruit. No seeds, no seed peels.

7. Pour the tamarind that has been caught in the bowl into the blender with the tumeric water.
Buzz it around again.

8. Were almost done. Squeeze your lemons into the blender. Now take the blender and pour
your yummy juice into your mason jar(s). Add honey to taste, close with lid, shake it up to mix.

9. Store in fridge up to 3-4 days and drink daily!

Recipe no. 2
Turmeric (Jamu) Juice

Makes approximately 4 serves:

200grams Turmeric
100grams Tamarind
100grams Raw Sugar
50grams Palm Sugar
20grams Lesser Galangal (Ginger)
1 Liter Spring Water


Grate Turmeric, Tamarind & Ginger roots together (alternatively you can dice). Blend them
together with the spring water. Add sugars. Strain & press through fine sieve. Refrigerate in a
mason jar up to one week. Traditionally Jamu is simmered over a low heat for around 10
minutes to aid in preserving it longer however this step is up to you.

+ SUGARS the sugar listed about is the traditional quantities and are generally added in for
taste. If you are after a healthier version and youre not scared of the taste I would leave the
Sugar out and use Raw Honey or Coconut Nectar at the end of the making process adding for
taste only.

+ LEMON: if you dont mind a bitter taste, feel free to squeeze in some lemon.

As the Balinese say, a glass a day will heal all of your health issues.

Be sure to give this recipe a GO and ENJOY!! Id love to hear what your thoughts of Jamu are,
maybe youve tried it yourself in Bali share your comments with me below.

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