Initial Ideas - Flipped Perception

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Initial ideas Flipped perception

What if the perceptions were flipped in a opposite town. In a town that zombies were afraid of
living people their immense speed, their capibility to have almost super power ability to
control their own limbs and the weird regenerating process of needing sleep?
In this town everything is turned upside down when a zombie inhabitted town is introduced to
humans. These humans are a threat to the zombies as they are ready to kill. Zombies are
upagainst humans in a race to fight for their lives. In a dark town, zombies are a competitive
disadvantage with their slow speed and inacapibilty to form a tacktical plan with only around
20% of brain capacity as a human... due to the fact half their brain is proabaly fallen out of
their head. They leak blood from various sections of their body due to decaying. They do not
like the sunlight as theis speeds up their decay. Who will win the battle between zombies and
humans? Will this be the end of all life? Can 3 humans whom have escaped in to a sectioned off
area survive and take on the zombies whom travel around the town at ever courner. Every
government has a secret and somethings are better left that way. In this short film filled with
twists and turns at every courner of comedy and frights. The film is left on a cliff hanger as
zombies begin to advance as they interact with the humans. The humans need to get out of
this secluded town as every minute they spend in the town the risk of joining the zombies from
being bitten grows. One by one each human is bitten joining the zombies.
This has an implict meaning of the government sub-consiously cloning all humans to be the
same without us knowing as it is a secret. They manipulate the different indivduals and it is a
fight to break free from social norms.

Setting: This film will be set on the empty street roads. It will
be on a cloudy day, the emptyness of the streets will be
emphasised and it will be decorated with blood and debrey for
example branches. The atmosphere will be set through gloomy
but thrilling music and this will allow the audience to feel like
we want them to.

Main Character 2: The 2nd

main character is the human
who is entering the crossed
off land. He is trained military
and not afraid of anything.
He fights zombies to get a
closer look and wants to
analyse them as a crazy
scientist he really is. In hope
he can create his own life
with zombies attributes
mixing their DNA with Human

Main Character 1: The Main

character is a zombie that
lives in the small town. They
are a likeable character
whom introduces the story
by a voiceover. The audience
will befriend this character
as the character will be
sympathtised for through the
voice over. The main
character will be quite young
and innocent.

Main Character 3:This

character is main character
1's best friend. They have
grown up together and are
as close as family.

Initial idea 2
Plot: In this twisted tail i will take you on a journey in to the deepest depths of your
imagination. Imagine you can hear voices and see things that dont add up. You are sitting in
your front room when all of a sudden you think of the girl you like of that boy that hit you in
gym class and now you can see, hear and feel what they are feeling. You are them. Imagine
what it is like to hear every thought of what someone is thinking about. The opinions of first
judgements of you. In a normal persons life they could meet someone and get on really well,
but what if you were told their first thought was 'can this guy leave me alone' or 'ew why is he
talking to me' or 'he is so ugly' would you still make friends just as quickly? Now think of the
girl you are married to and think of the first night you met, you clicked on got on so well, now
imagine her thoughts on that night were filled with previous lovers and true intentions of
making x's jealous and you were just a second choice. Every arguement and doubt fills your
brain and you have no control over it. What a lonley life, filled with rejection as your mother
thinks of the regret her mind is stuck in from having you or sititing at home trying to watch TV
as your mother thinks about the steamy sex she had with your father last night and you can
see it and feel it, you are in that situation. The plot follows Jamie who is 19 years old. He is an
average boy with extreme intelligence. He travels down a path on a journey to see if anyone is
simular to him. Find out if he can find anyone else to make him feel whole and accepted for
once in his life. Although, once he leaves his house he is met by a strange girl who he cannot
read the thoughts of. She explains that they are coming and they need to go. He later finds out
that he is being hunted by branders who are scared of people like Jamie who have a genetic
mutation on their nucleobases (the basic building blocks of deoxyribonucleic acid). The mutation
has lead to different neurons being used in the brain leading to a lobe called the rianglediletic system being
utalised. This girl leads, protects and fights for Jamies life to get him to safty, they seem to bump in to more
and more people with this mutation until they get to the safe camp, away from the branders where a force
field keeps them safe and hidden away from the branders who seem them as a threat.

Setting: This first starts off in a small town which is quiet and
normal, although when Jamie leaves home and starts to make
his own journey, the settings change between a park where he
first meet this girl who is very secretive but befriends Jamie. To
an action filled adventure through woods and streets, hiding
and running from branders.

Main Character 1:The main

character is Jamie. He is an
adolesent boy who is a little
out of the ordinary. He has
extreme intelligence. He is
confidnent and set on his
travels to find out where he
really belongs.
Main Character 2: Lunar, is a
secretive and caring. She can
be descriped as a little odd
but intreging. She speaks
softly and with an enchanting
and slow pace. She keeps the
audience intrested and is
alike to Jamie but they were
assigned protection partners,
therefore they cannot read
each others thoughts and
they will fight with each

Main Character 3:This

character is the branders.
These are men dressed in all
black, they lurck around
street courners and know
who ther targets are due a
special pair of glasses.
These allown them to target
the DNA mutated humans
and kill them so they cannot
dominate the world and
reproduce their genes.

Final idea
Plot: There is a man that lives in an average house and he is sitting on his sofa as he turns the
TV on. He then is shocked to find that a news report flashes on the screen exaplin that there is
a lack in Hazelnuts. This is a complete shock to the point the man drops the television control
and runs to his car without taking off his slippers and still in his PJ's. He then arrives at the
supermarket where he runs straight to the store and to the nutella isle to clear the shelf and
stock up before the product is ceased due to the stock of hazelnuts. When getting home he sits
down in a calm manner and turns the TV back on. The TV report then changes to explain it was
all a hoax.

Setting: The setting starts off in an avaerage

house and then jumps to a superamarket,
then back to the average house.

Main Character
1:This man is quite
young and tall and
skinny. He has
overlly expressive
facial expressions.

Main Character 2:
News reporter.
Woman, smart,

Main Character 3:-

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