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Visual Arts Program

Year One

VAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and

imaginary things.
VAS1.4 Begins to interpret the meaning of artworks, acknowledging the roles
of artist and audience.



Term 3

Learning Sequence


Wet and Dry, Amphibians - Frog Art

Part 1:


Watch you tube clip

Discuss Amphibians and their relation to
last Terms HSIE unit (Wet and Dry

Paint paper plates green with red dots
leave to dry.

Part 2:

Paper plates in
Green pain
Leg templates on green

Googly eyes
Sticky felt/ coloured card
Red card - tongue

Cut and paste legs, tongue and eyes.

Hot Air Balloons

Watch youtuble clip on the hot air balloon

Yellow and orange paper

On white art paper draw the shape of a
balloon then a rectangle below for the

Assorted tissue paper
Art paper
Coloured mounting card

White card
text Samsons Titanic

Use the yellow and orange coloured paper


to collage the basket in a checked

Use the tissue paper and glue to collage a
pattern for the balloon. Cut both shapes

out to even the edges.

Mount on coloured card and glue on wool
to attach the basket to the balloon.


Read the text Samsons Titanic Journey

by Lauren Graham and Roislin Mathews.

Journey by Lauren Graham

On white A4 card use black crayons to

draw the outline of an iceberg and the

and Roislin Mathews.

Paints, brushes and water.

titanic sinking (step by step following the

teachers instructions).
Fill picture in with paints.

Indian Truck Art


Browse the images from the Horn Please

Website and discuss the difference
between these trucks and ones we see in

Watch the youtube clip (slideshow of

truck art in Pakistan)

Students design and create their own
truck art using the stencil and a mixture
of materials.

Truck template on card
Gel pens
Pom poms

Create a Truck Computer Lab

Using publisher students use a variety of

shapes and colours to create their own

When complete, students write a
description to outline the purpose of

their truck.
Boat Making with Prac Student (please
see other program below).

Learning Area: Visual Arts/Craft

Timing: 3 4 sessions of one hour each.

Year Level:
Class 1

Class Size: Approx 25

Topic: Transport theme making boats using cardboard, paper Mache, glue,
paint, buttons and fabric

Curriculum Connections: Overview of outcomes for Stage 1/Class 1 & 2: - Makes

artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things VAS1.1; Uses
the forms to make artworks according to varying requirements VAS 1.2; Experiments
with a range of media in selected forms VAES 1.2; Makes simple pictures and other kinds
of artworks about things and experiences VAES 1.1.


This term one of the subject themes is transport and so I have created a
lesson plan for the class to use this knowledge base as integration to
work on their fine motor skills through crafting a boat via tape, Paper
Mache (gluing), painting, and sewing.


How will I know that my intended learning outcomes have been

achieved? In the BOS Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus, the Objectives stated
for Visual Arts is that students will develop knowledge, skills and
understanding in:
Making artworks informed by their investigations of the world as
subject matter, use of expressive forms and consideration of the
audience for their works;
In appreciating their own artworks and those of others, recognising
the roles of artists, audiences and how the world can be interpreted.
I will therefore take note of the childrens responses during the craft
activity and at the end. I will let the children know that their work will be
put on display once completed.

What evidence will I collect to show students learning? Keep a

journal of responses to questions and how the task is carried out, record
samples of work, children can give a presentation of their work, discuss
what they found difficult and easy and name their boats, take
photographs of their work.

What planning can I do with others? Prepare cardboard cut outs

of hull, glue, shredded paper for paper mache, sticks for mast and
yard, fabric for sail cloth and patches, buttons for rigging.
How can I find out what the students already know? Ask
teacher about the students ability when working on craft projects.
Can they sew?
How can I build on their knowledge and experiences? Ask them
to name different types of boats/water transport/vessels.

How can I give students some ownership of the lesson by

determining content? They can start by either working on the
sail/sewing; or by gluing their boats together and starting on paper
What choices can I offer students within the lesson? Students
will be given colour choices for boat and fabric choice for sail and
button choice and selection for name of boat.
Engagement: What will be a good attention grabber to start the
lesson? Play/speak finger play rhyme to warm up their hands and get
their attention:


This Is The Boat, the golden boat (cup both hands to make a boat)
That sails on the silvery sea (move hands like waves)
And these are the oars of ivory white (lace fingers together, palms up)
That lift and dip, that lift and dip (raise and lower hands)

Here are ten little ferry men (hold up ten fingers)

Running along, running along (make fingers run)
To take the oars of ivory white (repeat actions from first verse)
That lift and dip, that lift and dip
That move the boat, the golden boat
Over the silvery sea.

How will I connect students with their past learning experiences

and prior knowledge of the topic?
Check with Sam re: past experience.

How will I make the expectations and the intended outcomes

for this lesson explicit?
Show sample boat. Go through Steps (ask children/illicit how they think
we made it?)
Write up: 1. Tape boat hull; 2. Paper mache hull; 3. Wait to dry; 4. Paper
mache again; 5. Paint hull; 6. Paint mast and yard; 7. Sew patches on to

sail and sew sail fabric to yard; 8. Attach buttons for rigging; 9. Attach
sail to mast and rig boat.

Learning experiences:
What learning experiences will best develop the intended
outcomes? Doing the craft in a methodical and focused way. Help those
who are struggling with fine motor skills.
Which Dimensions of Learning Strategies would be appropriate?
Encourage students for positive attitude.
What Instructions will I need to give? As well as writing on board
draw pictures of stages.
What examples might I need to show? Show final product.
What is the logical sequence of the learning experiences?
Following steps of craft process.
How will I differentiate the learning experiences to include all
students? Those who are working faster can move ahead whilst those
who need help can be assisted or take part of the project home for help
at home.
What will I prepare for fast finishers? Ask those who have finished
to think of a name for their vessel. Practice writing it on a piece of paper
then paint on their boat.
What time allocation do the learning experiences require?
Roughly 1 & - 2 hours.
Classroom organization: How will I set up the classroom for this
lesson? We set up three stations: 1. Paper mache for the hull of the
boat; 2. Painting the mast and the yard; 3. Sewing patches on sails.
What grouping arrangements will be the most strategic? I learnt
from the first lesson that the children need a lot of one on one attention
for instruction on sewing and fixing any errors or rethreading their
What balance of whole class, small group and independent
learning experiences will I use? Those who finish early can help
peers who need it.
Dialogue: What opportunities can I create for dialogue? Who has
been on a boat? What happened/Tell us about your experience.

What questions can I ask to encourage exploration of concepts

and big ideas? What do you think the very first boats were like?
What spaces can I make for student questions? Does everyone
know what to do? Are there any questions?
Reflection: How will I get students to reflect on their learning?
What did you learn today?
How will I inform them of their progress? Advise them to make
paper mache smooth especially the edges.
Closure: How will I bring closure to the lesson? Song? Ask if
anyone knows a song about boats?
Practise singing in rounds? Row, row, row, your boat. Gently down the
stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. Break
class up into groups to create rounds.
How will I ensure the room is ready for the next class? TBC have
children help pack away. Ensure name identifier is on childrens work.


What resources will I need to support the lesson? Prepare

cardboard cut outs of hull, glue, shredded paper for paper mache,
sticks for mast and yard, fabric for sail cloth and patches, buttons for
What equipment do I need to check prior to the lesson?
Prepare cardboard cut outs of hull, glue, shredded paper for paper
mache, sticks for mast and yard, fabric for sail cloth and patches,
buttons for rigging.
What materials do I need to prepare? Prepare cardboard cut outs
of hull, glue, shredded paper for paper mache, sticks for mast and
yard, fabric for sail cloth and patches, buttons for rigging.
What other arrangements are necessary? A couple of students in
the class need one on one attention to follow through and monitor
whilst on task. For e.g. R.R and W.J. I will also need to help prepare
the rigging on each childs boat by incising holes for buttons to be
threaded through 4 parts of the boat.
What questions can I plan to support student learning and
encourage discussion of big ideas?

According to BOS History Stage 1 Statement: By the end of Stage 1,

students identify change and continuity in family and daily life using
appropriate historical terms. They relate stories about their families and
communities past and explore a point of view within a historical context.
They identify and describe significant people, events, places and sites in
the local community over time. Students describe the effects of

changing technology on peoples lives over time. Students sequence

events in order, using a range of terms related to time. They pose
questions about the past and use sources provided (such as physical,
visual, oral) to answer these questions. They compare objects from the
past and present. Students develop a narrative about the past using a
range of texts.

Discussion including a timeline of boats will support History Stage 1

outcomes as well as the Visual Arts.
As the students are working/if they are working well I can read from
books with a boat theme.
How will I encourage students to ask questions? Encourage
students to ask questions by letting them know that if they have a
question to put up their hand and Sam or I will come to them or answer

How will I get students to reflect on their learning? Ask students

if they learnt anything new today.
How can I use assessment information to improve student
learning? Keep track of student learning in anecdotal format and
notate ways to facilitate student learning/improvement.


What worked well? Splitting up the class into three groups worked
well. The middle group painting the masts and sails worked well in
terms of making a contribution towards the whole class. The group
working on their sails needed a lot of help at first because they
havent had much if at all any experience sewing.
What would I modify? Reduce numbers in sewing group to 4 -5 and
include some good, confident and experienced sewers. Have all
students finish their paper mache hulls.
What would I do differently next time? Next art session I would
still set up one table for those students who still need to finish their
hulls with paper mache. One table for those students to begin
painting their boats (two coats required to make it look good and
finished). And the third table will be for sewers to sew not only their
patches onto their sails but also their sails onto their yards. I will have
to cut incisions into masts and help them to select buttons and attach
with thread to secure rigging once hulls are painted and dried and
inserted upright into boat.
Which students do I need to follow up? F has been away and will
have to start from beginning. Also B was away for last lesson and will
have to catch up. R.R needs one on one to finish paper mache and

also help with sail and sewing. I asked the students whether they
would like to glue on their patches but all wanted to sew them on
which I am very proud that they all wanted to have a go. Children are
so able when given the opportunity.
What do I need to build on in the next lesson? Build on time
management, planning for children with special needs as to how they
can be managed to work independently? And also prepare tidying up
plan into lesson plan.
How can I use the assessment information to improve student
Honing fine motor skills is essential for good handwriting, craft and
painting. Overall the activity is designed to give the children a strong
sense of achievement especially after mastering each skill and
completing the entire individual project. Nevertheless for assessment
purposes keep an anecdotal record/make a note for each student on
their initial response to each task and responses along the way. For
example those children who simply wanted to finish a task without
taking time and pride in their work rush through the process. The gift of
learning patience and persistence should improve overall student
learning and their attitude towards their own work and how it is related
to effort.

Lesson Planning Checklist

Have I consulted relevant curriculum organizers?


Are my learning objectives and/or purposes clearly defined?


Have I determined students prior knowledge and experiences of

the topic?


Are there some opportunities for some student input/choice?


Have I considered how I will set the room up and use the learning


Have I thought about the grouping arrangements I will use?


Is my lesson content inclusive of all students in the class?


Will my lesson both engage and challenge the students?


Do the learning experiences cater for students abilities different

and learning styles?


Is the sequencing and timing of activities logical and achievable?


Are the learning strategies appropriate for this class?


Have I prepared some open-ended questions to focus discussions?


Have I created spaces for student questions?


Have I checked the availability of resources and tested equipment? Yes

Have I considered how I will draw closure?


Have I considered how will I assess the students learning?


Have I included opportunities for students to reflect on their own



Sample boats.

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