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Correlation between nutritional status and pulmonary hilar lymph nodes on chest
x-ray checks of childrens pulmonary tuberculosis cases.
Chest x-ray check is one investigation which is often used to diagnose childrens
tuberculosis. Several studies argued that hilar lymph nodes mostly found on chest
x-ray check. In addition, one of the factors that contribute in hilar lymph nodes on
chest x-ray check was nutritional status. Hence, this study conducted in order to
ascertain the correlation between nutritional status and pulmonary hilar lymph
nodes on chest x-ray check of childrens pulmonary tuberculosis.
This study used observational analytic design by cross-sectional as a research
design. Research data were collected by using secondary data that is childrens
medical records who was diagnosed as tuberculosis sufferer in Tangerangs
regional public hospital. The data were analyzed by using SPSS version 17.0.
69 medical records have already analyzed by chi-square analysis. The results
showed that there were no significant correlation between nutritional status and
pulmonary hilar lymph nodes on chest x-ray check.
It can be concluded that there is no correlation between nutritional status and
pulmonary hilar lymph nodes on chest x-ray checks of childrens pulmonary
tuberculosis cases.
Keywords: nutritional status, hilar lymph nodes, x-ray, childrens pulmonary

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