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Risk Factors for Human Breast Cancer (3e): Urban Residence

Stand / Letzte Aktualisierung durch Elisabeth Rieping 2004/07/27


The last important feature is the overproportional affliction of the urban opulation, even in high incidencecountries [i],[ii],[iii]..

In our times, the reason for that are most easily seen in the developing countries, where new habits like bottle feeding must spread from towns to the
rural area.

Means for artificial feeding, such as bottles, and milk formulas, are supplied by and through the hospitals, and propagated by advertising, which
does not reach the village as quickly as the town. So infections spread by bottlefeeding are likely to occur more early in urban born infants.

[i] Pike MC, Hendersond BE, Casagrande JT, Rosario I, Gray GE. Oral contraceptives use and early abortion as risk factors for breast
cancer in young women. Br J Cancer 43: 72-78, 1981

[ii] Hoover R, Gray LA Sr, Cole P, MacMahon B. Menopause estogens and brest cancer. New England J Med 295: 401-405, 1976.

[iii] Bolt WJ, Fraumeni JF Jr, Stone BJ. Geographic patterns of breast cancer in the United States. J. Natl Cancer Inst 59: 1407-1411, 1977.

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