General Studies III

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ESCM), ROLY C-DRN-N-ITUC [Stem ea anaes sees (se -4A-111) Sea west Pade ager (a8 ed fafa Ee A pen sauces we) Be ara wer Re eB St At Gi sith Qi wt By eel we afar’ 21 sate aea/srt 3 fe, fina of wal er fae fh swell & sec et eg mom fed ar ate, Far agen one ewe fea ar 8, oc re eam a ee Ba Tas (Re hs Qo) ger yea Ae eee Fen aR eg MERE & CE et fre ream 8 Fea me sam om AE ais wel AA wei A ae da, on sina @, ar ara ea seinem gféton ure ol mq AE ye ster gm at phe are ed GENERAL STUDIES (PAPER-II) [fine Alowed’ hice Hows] [Basan Waris 755] QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS (Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions) ‘There are TWENTY questions printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. All questions are compulsory. ‘The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medivin authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet must. be clearly struck off, emRE-9-30UC/49 1 [P-r0. ‘ao sell & wae ate, wee 200 ed were a a HL au A rvs teat @ anf ae OY a wet ham a 8: Answer all the questions in NOT MORE than 200 words each. Content of the answer is more important than its length. All questions carry equal marks 12%4*20=250 2. prmneaey Sapik ats te are A Qvad orate & oe a HD at pA B Ral wh ovate Swe By ‘an Bede eras at ewes wa 35 ae Ten BP sn aes ee Alf oT fee fea ta wa vem YP Nosmally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services, What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without @ strong industrial base? 2, fre ere er ama suite emer (Genin fetes) at wa G weitia aa Ee eM ee aera ae al AA CH EY" Be Ren ww oe ae AP a a fie Te | dead) a cme 8, 3 sta we @ ont? eae a “While we flaunt India's demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability." What axe we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come from? Explain. 8. wm iat we of 2% vee saftfiadl & omdta eae gf aemea arm aft (APMCs) 3 wea Hf a at ‘aR & Reara A ann en 8, ofS 3 rey wen a af A BL CHES Se FI ‘There is also a point of view that Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) set up under the State Acts have not only impeded the development of agriculture but also have been the cate of food inflation in India, Critically examine 4. fh Aer iA wi hee, se gira AE oA orate sugar Eh hedonic wae sre 8 Pa A ge A, ge eer wal iQ) BA fa eA aA arc Ps eel a a area coe aehigal om ae a) wget 8 on Sanat aes Deere age atk ar fee SAA or Pa we ‘getora feat at wer 87 “In the villages itself no form of credit organization will be suitable except the cooperative society.” —AUl india Rural Credit Survey. Discuss this statement in the background of agricultural finance in India. What constraints and challenges do financial institutions supplying agricultural finance face? How can technology be used to better reach and serve rural clients? 8. ft os, rman she praia & ata afte ate acho at ater sila, 2013 veel wed, 2014 & sure et at 8) ce afta om ae Raa ace BE aA Rn? we setter oe AA cab ea wo gH? ‘The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 has come into effect from Ist January, 2014. What are the key issues which would get addressed with the Act in place? What implications would it have on industriatization and agriculture in India? cmRe_9-aTaC/49 2 10. aL. 32, 13, ‘iia 3 Re oneen ot one! ey pe fede fer BL orgy RHC, ae See ge Bia so 8 en er ae AE ahd Fags ova a agen Bn 21 ea wea, wa 3 was safe a8 & fig wa Gere ure wen ote gees oe Sa ee? wal ARQ! Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often fencourages short-sightedness and contributes to vide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism for bringing inclusive growth in India? Discuss ame & ahdentes wera (Ser) smate deen steers A Aah he teh (orate ore sar) Row ae arrest (sea) Scala we arate a we BI ze Aa we Re sate feed A neat 3 ae aE austen 3B, en sree wats A aT eG? Explain how Private Public Partnership arrangements, in long gesiation infrastructure projects, can transfer unsustainable liabilities to the future. What arrangements need to be put in place to ensure that successive generations’ capacities are not compromised? sa arta ares A “areata” & ae ‘ST A are’ oe aet Beh RL ga H eee A iu wal A usa A oreterers aa fires National Urban Transport Policy emphasises on ‘moving people’ instead of moving vehicles’ Discuss eritically the success of the various strategies of the Government in this regard. ven Gop 4 AReH eae Fran (He dio ange) wt ors Tiga wa A tend Be one A Ue she Sefer rowan aft hfe Aye a oor wea #7 Foreign Direct Investment {FDI} in the defence sector is now set to be liberalized. What influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run? sara featrereah fants sryors mere Fem ar er, als ara Hier carn ores a 8 fre ag arta dreary, ffiad a1 mo Af, afk RuRtorae soon ogS ae at ek El wales Reon Aer Scientific research in Indian universities is declining, because a attractive az are business professions, engineering or administrs fare becoming consumer-oriented, Critically comment. sear Beare a onto aft aieet qed & fer ge sea, wed Bafta a at ona 3 iereren &h we8 8? orgie oh Pia <6 rmcah ren 82 ge re Pea ge oe eats raf RQ) Can overuse and free availability of antibiotics without Doctor's prescription, be contributors to the emergence of drug-resistant diseases in India? What are the available mechanisms for ‘monitoring and control? Critically discuss the various issues involved, Aig Hare 8, stew corey ore apr eee A aro afte A yore an ats Bare Er whee, He ite Sn yfied & ate aR ake Rater AA) In a globalized world, Intellectual Property Rights assume significance and are a source of litigation, Broadly distinguish between the terms—Copyrights, Patents and Trade Secrets. Fa Bp Ge ae Mle to le 3 sth eats wach He ofc eres flere ies ww SEAT wae ea ST veo, at rds Be & eT Ho Pras oa 7 sates eal 9 flee a WA af emer SH gS wal SR Should the pursuit of carbon-credits and clean development mechanisms set up under UNFCCC be maintained even though there has been & massive slide in the value of @ carbon credit? Discuse with respect to India’s energy needs for economic growth weer in science is not jon, and the universities CBRE-9-30UE/49 3 [PTO a Fane cat Frere, waft seat, det ares she aes al ee end od) A gd A omer ee rat ft BL apla sares ac ra (WHe lo We Yo) % raat 2010 wrk Fra we ears cw ge are He oA othe cr aan ema gore Beek & Fee dard A eeAd a aul PRY Drought has been recognized as a disaster in view of its spatial expanse, temporal duration, slow onset and lasting effects on vulnerable sections, With a focus on the September 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMAl, discuss the mechanisms for preparedness to deal with likely El Niso and Le Nifa fallouts in India ia an fe sian A aR a, caftrantine: wafata awa omar arene fig an aE) we 16. a7. 18. 19. 20. iret (Reta) orafSer aieen-sifta ona ea vateoha one ot sal

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