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Tables ate une of the commonest and earliest way of storing and exbsiating data, Tabulation ig the eystematicand scientilie prosentarson of quantitative data in auch a form that itis uble thelucidate the problem under consideration. ‘Anaspiranl isoxpected to be able vo go through a table, quickly and offectively ie. with “understanding. Hacontuals of table: Thore are Fix ussential elements-ofa table 4) Title (2) Stub isecsion containing row heading? (5) Cclumn caption (heading of each column} (4) Body (5} Footnutes (6) Source INTERPRETATION OF DATA Its bused on tae earcful assessment of the Figures Gvumber) given int the table. fn this process we analyze [he catries and aubentries sn the table and derive conclusions regarding: () waxicum and minimum (8) maximum / minimum gate of :ncre decrease percent change in aa entry demu previous entry’ any eccentric kohavigur of opt nature of dependent variable ec, @ @ IMPORTANT POINTS EQR $' ANALYSIS Ratio and proportions relation Eetweep parl@ad/parl whereas properuion renresela a relation between part and whale. ard@very important in TICAT, io represents ward percont means he symbol "%" ve express scent”, For example, "17 percene* Mindredlbs", ané can be written rmbol, az afraction, or as adecimal rovide « decima: lu @ percent. move the ail point twu places t the right, adding Os weasaary, nud add the % avmtol convert a fraction 9 x percent, first convert the fraction to a decimal, and then convert the decimal to a percent, as indicated above. Data ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION (TasLes AND GRAPHS) 0. 30%, LU = 1000% Many questions involving percents, cai actually be answered more quicl ad Ulan by using paper and pencil & M of a number, jusl divide by the flecimul point one place m sf 60 8 6. Aleo, since 5% is half d a 6% of 60's 3 thalf C6); and since 30M time= 10%, Len 3056 of €0 is 18G> 6), Rates! 4 ratio @oykedp two magmtudes ay usually sho rate or zato(@f chaazé. This ratio helps ue in findang the rae of change over z period of time. Ione, paid av arate Ra. S00 per a obvious Ubal his payiment sod My 2076 part (3) Whole to whole [hore ia not much theoretical background vat them and you have been uaing them sinre echool days, However, ame general hints cx (@ Youshould make sure Luu. you look ut Lhe entire table or graph. Sumotimes come by a non-carcful exantince, We consciaur and aware of Lhe unite used express your answer in correct units, (iii) A vory cimimon mistake in euch types af decimals and percentages. Don't omivee deeumels with percontaxea and vies versa. and an enlry is given om be 3 then iis equal to .32% which equals .003. (iv) bhotore attempting. a calculation. Since the testasks for only an approximate answer, od u: cime is ealicd cl is payrnent inarenses to Re.600 per cl set «tio: (1) Part to whole; (2) Part te ‘ean be given about taliles; youare familiar with be supplied! Ltivinl locking portions moy be overlooked in the table or graph, Maky eure that you quostione arises due to confusion between For oxample, ifthe unils are pexventager At ywould be advisuble to look at answers oven mental serutinizing may lead tosn anawer of a reascnably correct degree: saving effort and time. (e) Again, eince yousre acked te furnish only an approximate answer, you may round offor approximate the vasious quantities during calculation. Por example if you arv 19237 to calowate a5 You may spprosimute 1.92 to and 2 2x34 8.7, 7.89 8 and then Gand owt ose (2d) You aust base your answer to cach westuon only on the information in the given charts and graphs. If your Knowledge contradicts any of the data presented in the graphs, ignore what you TABLE Diteetion : Study the following table ond answer the ques PROJECTED AND ACTUAL PRODUCTION OF C: unber now. First of af, you mas be mistuken: tout more important, the data may rofer to adifforent, unspecified location or pear In any case, alwaya hae Your anstcer an the wiven dala. (oii) Finally, you should chee if Uke sumer ‘maker any acnse. Before confirnting va ‘you should realize that earning execed sales. So by testing Fi reasonableness, you will re made a riistake. Rement don't keow how ut must guces in order ty mov@ on. Befure squossing, however. chi 12 Wane oF more of the choices are unressonable. If 0, elnninat ° D E ED reason fas se) 7 2 [ie] S| @ 1988 a | as | is | 6 1989 22 21 2 1S 1990 20 28 2B Ww 1691 2 4 a 7 1902 ieee oom ane eo ee) 1, Which company has the actual production of cars over these years? un? @A OB @e @ D production of cars ovepithigge » wa ®) ot @ Ke the lowest. projerted ‘all the 5 companies? jereantage of aetual production anpared to the peojected production ‘cars of company 1) in year 1988 5 ) 80 @ 2 4, Which company has continuous incvease ra, WE What 1s the approximate % acteul production cf ears oampared tn tha projected production of crs of B over these rears (1987-1991) (a) 80 @ @ OT Solution: 1. © We quickly yo through the cclume of actual-production for different companies and note that D, A und Ct Janke Hilen ‘the top producers. How do we note this? We see thet all the entries for A are ovar 20; for C, only ‘entry un css thaa 20 bul the later eatmies have tourhed $0; und for D, on‘y two entries are lees than 20 but the entries ave gradually rising, wo quickly add up the enties of these 3 companies And sind Usat Cie the highest. produce 21987 (by simple inspection 5. 90% (18 is 90% af 20); 4, D8. 14%, GRAPH! 1 CIRCLE GRAPHS (PIE CHARTS) Gircular- Graphs are uaed 20 ahow how various sectors ubave in the whole, Sometimes they are filo referred lo ab pie, charts. The porcentagy of teach sector 1 usually denoted in 9 cicle graph. Dircetions: Kejer ta the following poe charts, College Enroltment, by Age and Sex: 1978 and 1995 Es pe - 1975 Carre Population Survey L. If there were 14,000, foge students in 1G75, how n ale students were wer thant ents? ) 1,800,000 é@) 5,100,000 chat percent cf female college re at east 25 years uld? 4) 3096 ‘eo 60% &) 76% 8. Ifthe total number of students enrolled an college war 40% higher in 1995 thom in 1975. what is the ratio of the number of male students 19 #995 lo the number of male students in 1978? (a) 38 wor (7 @ 63 ©) 75 Solutions : 7. (a) From the top gxaph, we eee that in 197% 54% (45% + 19%) af all college students, were male. and the oker 48% wei female, Se there were 5,100,000 atid 4.600.000 fernales ~a ditto $300,000. 2 (b) Ie 1975, of owery 100 college, = 42 of whog years old aud over. $ sk we sue That in 19%) uf all college ale, sherese in 1995 the i Rgure was 45% (289% + implicity, assume thal there in 1974, 540f , there re 140 college sendents, 63 af whom were male (48% cf 140 = 63}. So the ratio ufthe number of male students in 1995 tothe number af mul: sruderte in 1975 is 63:84 = 7:6. LIXE GRAPHS Line graphs denote how a quantity changes continuously, Very often the quantity iv measured a8 tire changes. Ifthe line goce vp. the quauc-ty is increasing; if t ques down itis decreasing: itis horizontal chon the quanlity is not changing. To monswre the heighr of @ polat on the graph, sour exes should acs 8s sufficient means. Example: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it, 1. Wht was the percentage inereste in income fron 15 49 1984? 4a) 100 wb) 25 © 50 @® 7 {o) none of there 2. Tn how many of the given years was the income more than expenditure? fa)one ) two threo @ fur (e) none of these 3. In how many of the given yeara was the difference between inarme and expenditure ahout Re, 5 craves? ©) two fa) one @ fur three (none of theve 4. Which years hos the difference betwoen incomo and expenditure about Rs, 10 erorsg (a) 1987 & 1990 (@) 1990 & 199) (©) 1988, 1990 & 1991 @) 1986 & 1 (©) 1988 & 1981 If the difference between the ii expenditure was considered @s which of the fullowing years yas dhe" loss maximum? @) 1988 w (©) 1991 © {@) none ofthese Solutions: 2. @) 75% (Approx Miatelygfrorn 18 crores lw 30 crores) be more than the Uhe Tine denoting incume 2 above the line denoting, ure (dotted linc). This is in 1986.and 1987, keno, 2 years, tive Years (none of these). Exeept fur 989, when both income and expenditure equal each other, in all the remaining yeare the gup hotwean the Serauies apps graves waar wie gp UL 5 units on the scale. 4. (9 1986, 1990, 1981 3. (©) 1991, (wher expenditure exrneds the income by the largest gap) BAR GRAPHS, Quantitios can be compared by the height, length ofa bar ina bar graph. A bar grap] ‘have either vertical or horizanéal bays. compare different quantity or the ity at different times. Use y we of paper ta compare bare adjacent to cach other DISABILITY BENEFICIARIES REPORTED AS REHABILITATED (number, as percent of all rehabMffaved cients of astute vocationalyf@hubibitation agencies, seary 1953-1971). Batxeen 1967 an 1971, the largest Uisubility beneticiatles were xeported. 2 rehabilitated in the sear. ‘) 1067 1970 &) 1988 @ 397 1959 2. Between 1958 and 1905, about low muy chonte were rebubslitated by slate Vocational rehabilitation agencies? (a) 90,000, @ 1,900,000 (hy 40,000 © 10,000,000 3. 1,600.000 Solution: A. @) The answer is (c) since che highest baris the bar for 1971. The percentage of disability bonoficiaries out of all rehabilitated clients was higher in 1963, ‘Uul the number was kwer. 2 (6) 1.9% of Abilitated were ciaries, and were shout 19,000 disability beneficiarics rehabilitated. So Tis the total eember rehabilitated then 1.9% of T = 19,000 or 0197 = 19.000. Phus T= 19.0000.012 = 7,000,000 and the sussex 15 (©) [CUMULATIVE GRAPHS] ‘You can compare several categories by a graph oftae cumulative Lype.’Theae are usually bar or Tinw grapha where the bright of the bar or line 1s divided up proportionately among differeat wsantitioe ircetions: Following bar diagrom shows the nonthty expenditure af tun families A & B on food. eathleg. education, fue, huuse vt and miscellaneous (ir uercestages). oe 4. both the families have same expend:tuze, which one speads move on. education and mnellancows tugetlor? faa @B (¢) Both spend equal amounts @) none of these §. What percentage ie Bs expenditure on oo over Av expenditure on (sod. taking oqual total expenditure? @) 10% tb) 70% fo) 133.39% id) 75% Solutions 1. (d) Money spent on educatior. by fais A 65-15) Le. 20% outa eased SaRSSERTETE Late aes RELATE. speat on oducation in family A? 13 2 oF o2 (none ofthese % Uf the socal expenditure on family B is Rs. 10000, then aaoney spent on clothes by thiv eee the year is: (a) Rs. 200 (b) Re, 600 G) Rs, 2000 (@) Rs. 6000 8. Uuhe wotal annual expenditure: Aye is Re. 20000, then money spent Qy clothes and heuse rent is: (a) Rs, 18500 &) Re, 48000 © Re, 21000 @ fa nf tatul expenditure { of the total expenditure, 2 Mawey spent o = 0- 49 ar = Re. me Lo 3.) Monet Sent clothes and house en} = rossi oy = 75)] % af wtal | 0 Sh Sits [Som] mney spent by A on edyestion and Tlaaeous (65 - 45) + (200, 80)] Money spant by B on education & nuscellancous (75 — 60} (100 95)]% = 20%, (6) D'sexpenditure on fond = 40% ‘A's expondivare on fond = Dis percentage over A'S QUESTIONS le ond arse T. Which of che following conclusions drawn is moxt curroxt” (@) 10% peopis did not take part in the polling () Women sre lees interested in polling ‘ae compared te men (9) Poltinghawe become unpopular in nis (wy 1.0% penpie vowed tavoUr oF tne uci ouranuzess GL Ube UE rae et party the graph? Dircations: Study éhte table aad answer @ fmpor: and expert both have the question. Favourable prospects : Year Firm’ outlay Proceeds @) Import was maximum in July but 1930 S~*~*« OD 4000 minisvum in Januar 1970 3806 4500 () In duly export wae minimum byt 1980 4500 5400 import way muximvim 1390 7400 8000 (4) Bxport snd mpoxt bth were ga in 3. Which of the finlawing conclusion 1 not Spril and Mecamber true? 5. Study the following pie cha ngpt @ Mists Leal a steady growth in the following questions (9) inch! the firm besomen doublvin| _ExPensea of fara years: loess (©) Percentage profit in 1980 was 17.6% 2. Vegetables (@) There is 117.65% increase in the a expenses of Use firm fous 18€0 lw 1980 4. Rent 4. Far the purpnwe of preparing 9 pie-chavt 8. Pewol the Government's expenditures on different beads in angles are given below. Study them and answer @. No. 4. Industries wr ; 5 iranspart Set ces bs Prin om orn neta 3 2 5 mn etal feel am @) "Bxpeaseson clothes and veyetales is Inventories a0 groacer than on rent, patrol und Small scale mdustries 18 ollers Jerigation i {¢) 219 of the famnity'e income is spent on “The atatement which ia not t @ Expendituro on transp aerviee combined i expenditure @). Expenditure on that of agrieu (© Expenditurg tHe is 256% of the total exp: (a) 25% of budget WagpOnt on industrios Directions: Sttaly Te graph ond artempe all except foodgrins (@) Equal amount of money is spent on vegetablog und newt. 8. Saveme of person fron differce sowrens is expressed through the following pie chart, Study them and answer Lhe Mbank intervat 2 3. 4. Compuny shares < WY 5. Commission on bucky \O/ 6 Wifewealney Sale of waetes With the help ofthe above pie chart which of the conchusions cannot be drawn? (@) Cootnburian of rent, ra.eeest, shave and ceimmiasion is more ther af che total ireome () His sala: ‘3 Jess then his wife solary Peeieiiip i SPMAMITAS GAD fe} Tncune from service and rent pat together makus an obtuse angle its pie chart @) His wife's salary is less than the income obtained from rent Dircetiona: Population growth in Indice ts shown through a bar diagram, Study it anc answer the question No. 7. Population in Crores Seessaees ser aw aR 7. Which of the following conclusions :s nat true? @ Average annual increaae of Indio's population is about on erore (@) Population of India in 1990is expected torise by 10% or more (©) Population in India io 1901 aust have been less than 25 craves (@) Growth rate of population from 19 to 1061 fy maximus ‘8, Runs scored by three players in 6, are given below, which player ¥ like ta weleut us a captain of Qe eerie WIS Tos eae v0 Hee Which conclusion is net true? fo) Profit of the firm: was minimay 1980 and matumum in 1985 fo) Rate uf inereare in incnmyt 3 that of increase in exp 1980 fo} There is a direct income and expeneffure (a) Ailofthe above Directions: The fallowing hows the walue of exports frag ysicsaptudy the table ward onswwer the qué tn Tes erores 1977) 1580.8b Tew 61012 734 5 20985 20338 — guar 73 ao Toab16 10. Which of the following conclusions i= correct? (@) Total export between 1970-80 increazed by about 200% (0) The selative shivre of the UK and USA went doven considerably to the sta! export (@ dupan became the majou importing country from India in 1980 fa} The shave of these seven countries as more than half to the total expact during the whole period Study the table sand decermne the state which hus recorded qaaimum jmpro- vement in output fiom 1961 to 19917 nL ‘Export in Re, crores State 196 1971 1951 1992 UP. al a6 Bihar 10165185205 Mr 350-2760 BTO AP 1 43180 at Punjaly 4m 90-530, 60 Haryana 410 450360720 W, Beng] 150240 280170 @ UP. (@) Puna (O Haryena (@) W. Bengal 12, Onthe baatsofthe above table which state does not record any improvement in its output! @UP @ AP. (©) Pumab @) MP. 18, Study the following table and determine whose overall performance is best umang the three. Sibject As Morkw Bs Maris C= Marks Mathe 30 10 35 English 0. 50 5 Science 20 0 40 Soe, Se. 40 35 0 GK a0 35 39 Hinds 20. 20 ‘1 (©) X-2=¥ fd) 2 16. Which of the following figures docs nov represent a linear relationship between ‘the variables K and Y? = ‘ 'e Jw ae is @a ih) B n. 9c @), . Value of constunt X and Ware 1g Svespec- tively an a linear relat find the mugeing value of {jn the ‘ing table GF ; Oe (@) Nome of these wrding to the survey off area A and B lowing record were collected. Study We records and determine the cone wsivn: which ia not corrvet ? GA @ B @c (@) Cannot be determined 14, On thc bnsicofthe data which of the following ¢ idjcorrect 7 (@) Smglish is an o: A @) Abas failed i ‘but Bin only ‘one of gin English is twice The 385 Clos Pant Sits daw Thal de lims_ tos Kon 2 1-H T8000 ‘AreuB 254 h_IT%_ ah _2484_7_35000 (@) There is a difference of 1640 indus between these two areas (®) Number of Forsinim ares Ais oqual to @ that of Christians in area P Windus remammed the community in bath the areas. (a) All of the above 19. According to the survey of 2000 educated unampleved percona im which 1200 were men and 800 were women, dhe following largest dats were collected: Qualification Trrmployed Unemployed Men uraen Doctors 12.5% Engiawers 20% Trained Teachers 15% Postgractuates 29.5% Graduates Ga the basis ofthe above table what, 20, Avcurdiny to quevtion Nu. 19 w 04s the difference i the numbey oF unemployed tolal numer ofa lee? men nn? wenn dcctars? a) 2 tb) 30 esd fe} 40 (@) None of these il EXPLANATORY ANSWERS anreetnn ‘Phe ahows table shows the: Lay SEE - ora WW. Bewgul wus 6: ae 196] Lich Ta becomes rd in 1997. The ntker states 2. (e: Fins profit = Revenue — Expenses tre not chewing 39 much improvement Banh — 4500 = 900, eae amperirmarces ee sets 2. (by eae Teh in 196) whieh gall Now percencage provic= "24 1g gan | 12 (balsas we ae 3. (by: Expenses on industeres ~ Hand that | 18. ¢e}: A, B snl Corman Ma of Anvieuiture = 45" Mis range wn l= Soit tsonly Acuble. Here 360°= 100%, Puligs ta 45 — 180" + 50% and 90" ~ 254 a3 rooge 13 43 — 4. (a): Guyort sual wspurt both are 89 Standard doviaco: mam Auctuacing out athaug cae be wid meaee of A then cur east SD about future prospect definitely. will be there in ease 5. {b}: Aven shown on the basa ofthe degrees | 14, d): None of elute ae coerced takeo ine arconnt here. The line that bet + cut the etele into two halves means fi ach eubsect Aas nat vision uf 30%and 50% while un areof nw oxte-fourth (2) Hck ‘ubiee measures different 8 Oo: Si snot even here 4 bile, nothing eau he wu1d 40 necurately A ing parucular cubjeet 7. coy: Gals estimotion is poeubte an nothing raison saturate avery iv impertaint hut eonaieteney is inuch more important, means difference between the hig Scots, sud the lowest, sone, én can be detinitely suid about future. ject bu other ‘wariables Athy Fr beter performance not only ae )?F ror to tae lefts the minus sign of X avd X is 2 point Wes than Y. Tn linear solahorstup if ue Variable imercases by a constant amouct the corres-pording increase 1m the other ‘variable ig alee constant alue w= Li 1X 14 axa 13 Tncreawe in X is une Le 1, 2 84.5, and inereacn in ¥ is, 19..5,8,18.17.21 13x 38000 18. >): «SE 1735000 “7 ‘Thus ther are nat equst 19. (hy(12 5 2200}/100 150 men (05 » Aly 100 = 12D wonten Differonee = 1) — 126 = 30 20, (6: (30 + 120057190 = 360. (99 = 800% 100 = 249 500 + 240 = B00. 9. Ce): Expendicane w highly Deter Tatooship i nu dhrwee, 20, (b} The export ta U.K, an ae ineoaatag und much a5 itisine fiveecuntries IT $949 Pass “a 5 050 Christus

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