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GIKAN RYU KOPPO JUTSU (Truth, Loyalty, and Justice school - Bone/Structure attacking art)

Founder: Uryu Hangan Gikanbo - 16. century

The Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu is almost totally unknown today to the public. The founder of Gikan Ryu was Uryu Hogan
Gikanbo , who lived during the Eiroku Era (1558 - 1570). The Gikan Ryu was heavily influenced by Gyokko Ryu
Koppojutsu. From the teachings of Gikanbo comes the saying: 'Bufu Ni Sente Nashi (From this side will not come the
first strike) . Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu contains special kicks, punches and throws. It is said that Gikanbo developed a
special punch that could break a sword. Gikan Ryu is known for powerful "cross" counterstrikuing, which come from far
side of the body to strike, unlike strikes seen in the other Bujinkan schools. These strikes, when performed properly, can
disable the attacker without further confrontation.

GYOKKO RYU KOSSHI JUTSU (Jewel Tiger School - Flesh Attacking Art)
Founder: Tozawa Hakuunsai - 12. century
Koshijutsu: Attacks against soft parts of the body and muscles. Moves sideways, or around the attack, to get close to
Kyoshi (the week parts of the body). These targets can be nerve points, but also inner organs, or muscles and where the
muscles are attached. One of the reasons for this system is probably because it was developed by a small person. A
frequently used body weapon in Gyokko ryu is the fingers and the fingertips. It is important to protect the heart.
Therefore a starting position with the right leg forward is preferred, so that the left side is turned away from the opponent.
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu is the oldest school in the Bujinkan, and was probably brought to Japan from China around 618
AD - 907 AD. Gyokko Ryu's movement is suited for armored or unarmored combat. It utilizes distancing, circular
movements and attacks to detailed functions of the body such as muscles and nerves. Typical for the Gyokko Ryu are
powerful counter-striking blocks
that hit with the knuckles and balance-taking. Shitojutsu (use of thumbs and fingers) is at trait of Gyokko Ryu, and the
many various fist positions used in the Bujinkan come from this school

GYOKUSHIN RYU NINPO (Jewel Heart School - Higher order of ninjutsu)

Founder: Sasaki Goeman Teruyoshi - 16. century
It is believed that the techniques of Gyokushin Ryu are based on Gyokko Ryu. In the west, not much is known of the
combat techniques of Gyokushin Ryu, except that it may have utilized many sacrifice-throws. The school specialized
in the espionage aspect of Ninjutsu. This school was kept secret and unmixed with other schools until it passed to
Toda Nobutsuna (1624-1644).

KOTO RYU KOPPO JUTSU (Knocking Down Tiger School - Bone/Structure Attacking Art)
Founder: Chan Buso - 16. century
The exact origin of this school is not known, but it is speculated that the Koto Ryu came to Japan via Korea, by Chan
Busho, a Chinese warrior. The techniques were organized by Sakagami Taro Kunishige in 1542. Koto Ryu uses short
distances between opponents, and the techniques are direct and to- the-point. It focuses on powerful striking, with
power generated from twisting and turning of the hips and shoulders. In the Bujinkan, it is renowned for its unarmed
techniques that attack the body's structure to take down opponents. Distance is created by moving along with the
attack, then moving forward with a strike and then
move quickly out to a safe distance again. This is done to come in with a strike at exactly 90 degrees against the bone
structure of the attacker to do most damage. To do this demands good timing and rhythm in the defensive attack, often
done with yoko aruki. Another important part of the footwork is to hit the attackers toki (the top of the foot), by kicking or
stepping on it to control his balance. Starting distance should be really big from the start, the attacker must take one big
step or several steps to reach the defender. This states clearly that Koto Ryu was developed for the battlefield or out
doors in general, and not inside a house or narrowed places. The Koto Ryu stylist should be looking right between the
attackers eyebrows, so that the attacker cannot read the intentions through his eyes. The attacker will also believe that
he have eye contact, which will be confusing for him in an unusual way. Other typical methods of Koto Ryu is the use of
Different ways of blinding the attacker or attacking the eyes directly.

KUKISHINDEN RYU HAP PO BIKEN (Nine Demons School - Weapons Art)

Founder: Izumo Koshiro Yoshiteru - 12. Century
The founder was a guard of the Tenno Go-Daigo (Emperor) called Yasushimaru Kurabito Takamasa. Because of his
excellent contribution as a guard, Yasushimaru was later awarded Kuki family name. The Kukishinden style was
developed in the Kumano prefecture, and during the life of the school it was employed by Japanese seamen for combat.
This greatly influenced the schools techniques and weapons. Warriors of the Kukishinden are said to have used masts
and rigging during combat. In addition to eight techniques such as Bojutsu, Yari, Naginata, Shuriken, Taijutsu this Ryu
also uses Kenpo (Sword). It excels especially in its use of the sword. At the time, as it was an era of civil wars, sword
was mainly used to kill, but as time changes and it became more peaceful, sword switched its function to protect good,
and punish the bad.

Because the Kuki Suigun (Navy) used swords on ships, the lowered Posture that gave better balance became the basic
way of sword of this Ryu. This school is most famous in the Bujinkan for its many different weapon techniques. It is a
complete fighting system and battlefield art based on unarmed fighting, bo, hanbo, yari and naginata techniques as well
as techniques for throwing projectiles. Techniques are done assuming the combatants are wearing armor, and the
movements reflect this. Since this system may have been used
as a naval art, consequently the movements are designed to be used on a ship that is slippery and rocking.Sensei
Ueshiba, the founder of modern Aikido, in his youth studied the Kukishinden from the Kuki family.

KUMOGAKURE RYU NINPO (Hiding In The Coluds School - HIgher order of ninjutsu)
Founder: Heinaizaemon Ienaga Iga - 16. century
It is introduced by Iga Heinaizaemon Ienaga (Kumogakure Hoshi) who was believed to be the founder of Iga Ryu Ninpo.
This Ryu was passed to the Toda family by Toda Sagenta Nobufusa. Ninjutsu school of thought, centering its
techniques on the non-violent side of Ninjutsu. Specialties of this Ryu include the Kamayari (a hooked spear), and is
known for its tobi-waza (jumping techniques). The hooked spear was originally used for climbing up the sides of ships
and was also used against swordsmen. Also used was the Demon Mask, sometimes worn by the members of the Ryu,
for masking their faces, to play on the myth surrounding ninja and to scare the enemy. It may be from here that the
Kikaku Ken strike ("Demon Horn strike") originated, which is rarely seen in other arts. When going into battle, ninja of
this Ryu wore armored sleeves to protect themselves. Kumogakure Ryu also taught various survival techniques such as
making fire in wet weather. It is said that the phrase "Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo", which is said during the Bujinkan
bowing procedure, comes from this Ryu and reflects both Buddhist and Shinto attitudes.

SHINDEN FUDO RYU DAKEN TAIJUTSU (Immoveable Heart School - Striking/Grappling Art)
Founder: Izumo Kanja Yoshiteru - 12. century
Shindenfudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu was founded in the beginning of 1100 by Izumo Kaja Yoshitero. Shindenfudo Ryu's
jujitsu was one of the arts that contributed to the creation of Kodokan Judo. It is most famous in the Bujinkan for the
rough Dakentaijutsu striking techniques. It utilizes throws, strikes, locks, and kicks done in a fairly straightforward
manner. It uses the body as a striking weapon and often appears "hard" in application. The Shinden Fudo Ryu
emphases the use of nature, and techniques are often very casual-looking. There
are no formal postures in the school, the Kamae are ?held in your heart?. However most of the techniques start from
natural standing and sitting postures. One of the secret attributes of Shinden Fud ryu is the "Principle of nature".
Shinden Fudo Ryu suits small od weak persons very well. The school is specialized on Jujutsu and Iainuki (fast sword
drawing). Striking and kicking should be done in blind angles of the opponent.

TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU JUTAIJUTSU (High Tree, Raised Heart School - Grappling Art)
Founder: Takagi Oriemon Shigenobu - 17. century
Takagi Yoshin Ryu was often used by ancient Japanese police in close-quartered urban settings to apprehend fugitives.
It employs grappling and throwing techniques similar to modern day Jujitsu/Judo/Aikido. Takagi Yoshin Ryu has a
"yielding" feel that reacts to the forces provided by the opponent, and uses someone's efforsts against them. Although
similar in some ways to Judo/Jujitsu/Aikido, Takagi Yoshin Ryu goes further by making it more difficult for the opponent
to roll or fall safely. It includes techniques for non-lethally ambushing, disarming, and capturing people for questioning.
Fighting wearing armour and Daisho (long and short sword), and fighting agains oponent wearing armour and Daisho.
Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu has been handed down together with Kukishinden Ryu for generations.

TOGAKURE RYU NINPO (Hidden Door School - Stealth/Survival Combat Art)

Founder: Daisuke Nishina - 12. century
It was founded by Togakure Daisuke who was a vassal of Kiso Yoshinaka when he lost a war and, after learning various
military arts such as Kosshijutsu, and Kenjutsu from his uncle Kagakure Doshi, was in hiding in Iga in the early 12th
Century. It was initially called Togakure Ryu Happo Hiken but has been called by various names since that time. Iga
Ninja such as Momochi Sandayu and others studied the Ryu and they passed it to the Natori family of Kishu clan, and
later in the 17th Century, to the Toda Family. Togakure Ryu
is known for it's use of the Shuko, Sendan Nage, Shuriken, 4 feet Shinodake used in Suiren. Togakure Ryu Ninpo
Taijutsu is a branch of Kosshijutsu. Togakure utilizes a large array of ninja weapons, including the Kosetsu Shogee,
shuriken, Shuko/Ashiko hand and foot claws, grappling hooks, etc. The movements in Togakure Ryu are very low,
stretched out and angular - as opposed to circular movements with small foot- base as seen in other arts. It was
developed in highly mountainous areas, and its very low stances and long range attacks make much more sense when
put in the context of that terrain. The strategies employed are adapted for survival and escape, such as throws that
direct the attacker away, rolling movements, evasion and "disappearing" skills, and techniques that incapacitate
(sometimes brutally and deceptively). When necessary, the emphasis was on escape and spying involving the use of
little gadgets, espionage, concealment, sabotage, breaking in and escaping, etc. The Sakki Test for the rank of Godan
(sensing an

Attack without seeing it) comes from Togakure Ryu


GIKAN RYU KOPPO JUTSU (Truth, Loyalty, and Justice School)

Shizen No Kamae
Hachiku No Kamae
Ichimonji No Kamae
The body is side on. The left leg leads, and is almost straight with the left foot pointing forwards. The right
Foot, faces to the rear. The right hand is near the left
shoulder. Sanposhin No Kamae
Hira Ichimonji No Kamae
The arms are straight out at shoulder height to the sides. The palms are down. The feet point out to
the sides.
Uke does a Tsuki. Tori steps back with a left Jodan Uke. Tori shifts his weight to the left keeping his left
hand in contact with Ukes right wrist. The right forearm comes in contact with Ukes neck, and tipping Ukes
Balance knocking him back.
Star in Hira Ichimonji no Kamae. As Uke starts a Tsuki, Turn on the spot to the left, The Palm of the
right hand comes into contact with the back of Ukes neck, and with a slap, projects Ukes forwards.
Start in Hira Ichimonji no Kamae. As Uke starts his Tsuki, Turn to the left like a spinning top to the left. Turn
the hand into Shikan Ken (palm up), and strike into the neck.
Start in Shizen. Uke strikes with a right Tsuki. Tori moves into a Migi Ichimonji. As the hands pass over the
punch the fingers point towards the eyes (do not move out of the way, place your right foot on his right foot).
Uke applies pressure to your arm. Tori moves 90 to the left, and strikes with a Ura Shuto to Shichibatsu.
Ryote Fudo Ken, with the left hitting Shichibatsu, and the right hitting just below the shoulder.
Start from Shizen. Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori moves to Ichimonji, and as the hands pass over pointing at
the eyes, press his arm up, and move in with a right kick to his left Satani. If you Jodan Uke is too far to
the left kick with your right leg to Omote Sai, on his right thigh.
Start in Shizen. Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori does a Jodan Uke, Uke does a left Tsuki. Tori moves to
the outside, and strike down, and forwards with the right hand as it aims towards the face.
The right strike should be open or in Fudo Ken
Star in Shizen. Uke does a right Tsuki. Step with the left foot to the outside of his right arm (he aims for
the face). As he steps Tori strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Butsumetsu. Tori's right hand then grabs Ukes
right wrist. The left Fudo Ken strikes down on top of the right thigh. Tori drops down on his left knee on top
of Ukes right foot, and pulls the right hand down and forward. Tori then does a right kick to Men or
Suigetsu. Tori then spreads Uke out using both of his arms (keep the knee down on the foot). Tori pulls
the right arm back, and kneels on it. Tori reaches under the left leg (above the knee) from Ebi Dori, and
the right hand controls the lower back.
Shoden Kata

Hiki Otoshi
The uke grabs the left sleeve between the shoulder and the elbow with his right hand. The tori sidesteps to
the left covering the grabbing hand with his left inside wrist area on the outside of uke's grabbing hand,
then bring the right hand over the top to create a jumonji effect with your arms to bar the arm then drop
back to the right bringing him down.
Kakae Komi
The uke grabs the left wrist with the right hand and jodan tsuki with his left. The tori drops to the left and
uses a basic tehodoki movement on the wrist grip and executes a jodan uke with his right hand, then he
hugs the arm with his right arm to form an arm bar, twist to the outside of the arm and step on the toes to
trap any movement, then twist and lean back to break the arm.
Kote Gaeshi
The uke grabs the left hand with both hands. The tori steps to the left and takes his right hand over the top
of uke's hands takes hold of his own left hand. Then twist bringing uke's hands in towards your chest
trapping them on your chest then taking ura gyaku with your right hand and barring the elbow with your left
elbow to his right elbow.
Iri Chigae
The uke grabs the right wrist with his right hand. The tori steps back 45 degrees to the left and grabs the
inside of the wrist, then step in and execute a left happa ken strike to the solar plexus to bar the arm,
bring the wrist down to the obi then take a deep step away and twist to throw uke to the ground.
Ete Nage
The uke grabs the left wrist with his right hand and jodan tsuki with his left. The tori responds by
sidestepping to the left whilst twisting the left hand so that the palm is facing up and the fingers are pointing
to the eyes, then with your right hand take an upside down omote gyaku, then place your left hand palm
against the uke's fingers with your fingers pointing towards the eyes, drop your weight and wind the arm in a
circle to throw.
Ryote Dori
The uke grabs both wrists . The tori responds by stepping forward 45 degrees to the right, taking his
left hand towards the eyes to break the grip then bring down the left elbow down sharply onto the uke's
left elbow to break the elbow while stepping back.
Ryomune Dori
The uke grabs the lapels with both hands. The tori passes the right hand over and in between the uke's
hands and assumes a kongo gassho grip, then twist to the right and bring the hands towards the chest
then step back with the right leg to take down.
Kasumi Gaeshi
The uke grabs the left lapel with his right hand and jodan tsuki with his left. The tori steps to the left whilst
covering the grabbing hand with his left hand then brings his right hand over the top to grab his own
clothing (jacket) to entangle the uke's hand. The tori then twists to the right taking ura gyaku bringing the
left elbow over the top of the grabbing arm to lock arm twist back to break arm.
Ori Ki
The uke grabs the obi (belt) with his right hand and punches (jodan tsuki) the tori steps forward to the left
and blocks whilst covering the right hand with the middle knuckles on the back of uke's hand, then as you
step back bring your right hand on top of your left hand to apply pressure to drive the knuckles home
drop your hips deep to create intense pain.
Uchi Otoshi
The uke executes a right tsui ken (downward striking fudo ken). The tori drops back to the right whilst
blocking with a jumonji cross block then kick attacker with right foot to the kinteki (testicles) as you drop
back, grab the wrist with your right hand and the elbow with your left forearm then step deep into deep
Iki Chigae
As you walk towards each other the uke grabs the right wrist with the right hand, the tori responds by
twisting to the outside of the arm and executes a left shuto to the solar plexus whilst keeping hold of the
uke's right hand then drop your weight and grab under the elbow or triceps area with the left hand then row
the elbow to throw.

Eri Hiki
The uke stands behind the tori and grabs the collar with his right hand. The tori then twists inwards and
away whilst executing a left boshi ken , covering the grabbing hand as you go. Bring the left forearm onto the
elbow as in ganseki, roll the forearm to bar the arm, bring the other arm to join the left arm and step back,
barring th arm with both arms.
Hiki Tate
The uke grabs the tori's right wrist with his right hand. The tori steps back 45 degrees to the left, grabbing
the inside of the wrist then steps in and executes a fudo ken to the solar plexus. Then hug uke's arm with the
left arm barring the elbow then drop body taking arm into attacker's body.
Maru Mi
The uke grabs the right wrist with right hand. The tori circles right hand clockwise to grab uke's wrist
and then steps in and bars elbow with his own arm or armpit and executes yokonagare into uke's arm.
Gyaku Te Nage
The uke grabs both wrists. The tori kicks with right foot to uke's kinteki whilst twisting left hand up so that
the fingers are pointing towards uke's eyes. With the right hand take an upside down omote gyaku then turn
the wrist into a reverse take ori, using your elbow to bar uke's elbow, then twist to throw.
Mojiri Gaeshi
The uke grabs left lapel with right hand and the tori executes a chinese burn usinf pressure points
twisting the body to the left and executing a right shuki ken to the face to bring uke down.
The uke grabs the right lapel with his left hand and executes a tsui ken. Tori covers with right hand and
drops to the right knee and catches punching hand with left, twist clockwise rising up to bar both arms and
throw with double seionage.
Gyaku Muna Dore
The uke grabs both lapels. The tori passes over and between the uke's hands and grabs the right hand
from underneath, then passes left hand under both arms whilst twisting inwards to bar arms. Step across
and throw with double seionage.
Eri Jime
The uke takes a cross hand jime (right hand on top). The tori executes a double boshi ken to the
butsumetsu (ribs) then takes ura gyaku on uke's top hand, twisting clockwise, bringing left elbow over the
top to bar the arm. Twist back to break or throw.
Mae Kata Dori
The uke grabs the left lapel with his right hand and punches with the left. The tori side steps to the left,
taking ura gyaku with the right, then twist clockwise bringing left arm over grabbing arm close to the body
(creating hon gyaku) and down while dropping body.
Tsuri Gane
The uke rugby tackles tori's waist. The tori hugs uke's chest and kicks to kinteki with the right foot
then executes a yokonagare bringing uke over. Then drive thumbs into throat.
Uchi Komi Kakae
The uke executes a right tsui ken, the tori shifts back 45 degrees to the right, blocks the arm and takes
goja dori. Then twist in and execute a boshi ken to the throat with the right hand and follows uke down
keeping the goja dori on. Then straddle uke's body, sits and twists to break the arm.
Kaeshi Nage
The uke, from behind, grabs the right with his right hand. As tori turns around, uke punches to the head.
Tori raises the right hand to cover the incoming punch while grabbing the inside of the wrist. Twist clockwise
with the body, bringing left hand onto grabbing hand and twist wrist anti-clockwise to lock, then lift and
Sanmyaku Dori
The uke hugs waist from behind (left hand on top). Tori strikes double fudo ken onto uke's hands to
release grip then takes uke's left hand with his right hand then brings left hand under uke's left arm and
grabs his own right wrist on top. Then twist anti-clockwise to break the arm.

Kihon Happo
Koshi Gata
Two Ukes face Tori, all are in Hidari Ichimonji
Toris Ichimonji is loose and relaxed. Tori faces Uke 1, Uke 2 is on Toris right side. Tori turns the front of his
left foot outwards which exposes his right side to Uke 2 (this movement with the foot also sets up the
correct angle for Toris next move). Seeing an opening, Uke 2 steps in with Migi Jodan Tsuki. Tori keeps
looking at Uke 1 but steps with the right leg towards Uke 2, to the outside of Uke 2s strike and hits Uke 2s
right Butsumetsu with a Migi Tsuki. Tori then keeps moving in that direction to escape.
Continuation: After Tori strikes Uke 2 with a Migi Tsuki, he steps forward with his left leg (still looking at Uke
1) and then pivots on the left leg, turning the body anti-clockwise to do a simultaneous right punch and
right kick to Uke 1. The punch is to Men and the kick is to Suzu.
Torite Gata
The footwork for the Gikan Ryu style of doing each of the Torite Kihon Goho is very similar - basically
four steps which take Tori to the outside and then slightly behind Uke in a curve.
The main thing with the Gikan Ryu style is that the movement is everything and the technique is
accomplished by the movement.
Also, Tori does not attempt to release Ukes grip while applying the locks (or throws). Rather, Ukes hand
is kept against Toris chest (in the case of Ura and Omote Gyaku) and the final takedown makes use of the
chest pressing down on the back of Ukes hand to apply the lock and take the balance. For the Ura and
Omote Gyaku, Tori uses his middle and ring fingers of one hand on the inside of Ukes wrist to isolate the
joint and fold the wrist joint inwards.
Probably the most important point for the Torite Kihon Goho in the style of Gikan Ryu is that the
footwork takes you to a point where Ukes arm is behind his own back slightly.
Omote Gyaku
Uke and Tori are in Shizen.
Uke grabs Toris left lapel with the right hand. Tori uses his left hand to restrain Ukes right hand and steps
back left with his left leg. At the same time, Tori extends his right arm to push a right boshi ken into Ukes
right wakitsubo (Toriss hand is open in a shako ken attitude).
Tori then moves his right foot to the left (like yoko aruki).
Tori then steps with the left foot to behind Uke and (using his left hand) turns Ukes right hand anti-clockwise
palm out (so that the back of Ukes hand is against Toris chest). Tori isolates Ukes wrist with two fingers
and ensures that Ukes right hand is behind his back and the balance therefore gone.
Tori then swings his left leg back to position 3. and pushes down on the back of Ukes right hand with
his chest by bending the body forward. This applies the lock and takes Ukes balance.
Omote Gyaku Tsuki
Uke and Tori are in Shizen.
Uke grabs Toris left lapel with the right hand and does a left jodan tsuki. Tori uses his left hand to restrain
Ukes right hand and steps back left with his left leg. At the same time, Tori extends his right arm to slap
the right side of Ukes face with the back of his hand (the hand is open as if in ichimonji).
Tori then moves his right foot to the left (like yoko aruki).
Tori then steps with the left foot to behind Uke and (using his left hand) turns Ukes right hand anti-clockwise
palm out (so that the back of Ukes hand is against Toris chest). Tori isolates Ukes wrist with two fingers
and ensures that Ukes right hand is behind his back and the balance therefore gone.
Tori then swings his left leg back to position 3. and pushes down on the back of Ukes right hand with
his chest by bending the body forward. This applies the lock and takes Ukes balance.
Ura Gyaku
1.Uke and Tori are in Shizen.
2.Uke grabs Toris left lapel with the right hand. Tori uses his left hand to restrain Ukes right hand and steps
back left with his left leg. At the same time, Tori extends his right arm to push a right boshi ken into Ukes
right wakitsubo (Toriss hand is open in a shako ken attitude).
3.Tori then moves his right foot to the left (like yoko aruki).
4.Tori then steps with the left foot to behind Uke and (using his right hand) turns Ukes right hand
clockwise palm out (so that the back of Ukes hand is against Toris chest). Tori isolates Ukes wrist with
two fingers and ensures that Ukes right hand is behind his back and the balance therefore gone.
5.Tori then swings his right leg around clockwise so that he is further behind Uke and pushes down on the
back of Ukes right hand with his chest by bending the body forward. This applies the lock and takes Ukes

Musha Dori
1.Uke and Tori are in Shizen.
2.Uke grabs Toris left sleeve (at the elbow) with the right hand. Tori steps back left with the left leg.
3.Tori then moves his right foot to the left (like yoko aruki).
4.Tori then steps with the left foot to behind Uke and cups Ukes right elbow with both hands (Toris left
hand is on top, right hand underneath), directing the elbow down and back towards Ukes rear left hip. At
this point, Tori ensures that Ukes arm is behind his back and the balance therefore gone.
5.Tori then swings his right leg around clockwise so that he is further behind Uke and lifts Ukes right elbow
at the same time as the leg movement. This applies the Musha Dori. Once the elbow is lifted, Tori can swing
his left leg back anti-clockwise and push Ukes elbow back and up further with the right hand (in a rapid
snapping motion).
Ganseki Nage
1.Uke and Tori are in Shizen.
2.Uke grabs Toris left sleeve (at the elbow) with the right hand. Tori steps back left with the left leg.
3.Tori then moves his right foot to the left (like yoko aruki).
4.Tori then steps with the left foot to behind Uke and puts his left arm underneath Ukes right arm as an
entry into Ganseki Nage.
5.Tori then swings his right leg around clockwise so that he is further behind Uke and raises his left arm
into the Ganseki position preparatory to applying the throw. As soon as the right foot is in position, Tori
inserts his left foot in front of Ukes right leg and continues the clockwise rotation of the body to throw Uke
with Ganseki Nage.


Typical of Gyokko Ryu is the powerful blocks to take away the opponent's balance. When blocking, it is
preferred to block and hit with the knuckle of the wrist.
Strike the inside of Ukes wrist, with Nio Ken. This will injure the tendons, and veins of the wrists.
Back of the hand, with Shikan Ken, or Nio Ken. This will injure the small bones in the hand, making the
fist painful to clench.
Nagare. Use Shuto, but do not just drop the Shuto into the muscle, even though this is painful, more pain
and damage will occur if at the point of executing the Shuto the body weight is dropped. It is possible to
tear the muscle when doing this.
Bicep, use Shuto or Boshi Ken to the inside or the outside of the arm.
Shoulder joint, drive a Shikan Ken into the Joint. Best when as wing punch comes in.
The main point of Gyokko Ryu Taijutsu is move around your Uke. Do not move too far away or too
close. Maintain the right amount of distance.
When executing the techniques of the Gyokko Ryu keep within 36 cm of your opponent. Keep the flow in
a circular motion, and do not stop and start as in Karate.
It is important that you should focus your eyes on a point at infinity behind your opponent's head. You should
be aware of everything around you, other attackers, obstacles, terrain etc., not just the enemy in front of you.
When Tori moves to avoid the incoming punch, the right foot faces the direction that Tori travels in. Hide
Ichimonji No Kamae
The left leg is forward with the toes pointing slightly inwards, the right foot points outward and carries 60%
of the weight. The left hand is open and pointing at your opponent with a slight bend in the arm, the right
hand is closed with the thumb up and resting on the inside of the left elbow.
Hicho No Kamae (Hidari) (Single crane posture)
The left foot is on the right leg at knee height with the left knee protecting the groin. The left hand is open
and pointing at your opponent with a slight bend in the arm, the right hand is closed with the thumb up and
resting on the inside of the left elbow.
Jumonji No Kamae (Hidari) (Cross posture)

Both feet are about shoulder width apart with the knees bent. The left arm is crossed in front of the right,
both hands are closed with the thumb up.
Shoshin no Kamae
The left leg is forward with the toes pointing forwards, the right foot points outward and carries 60% of the
weight. The left hand is open and pointing at your opponent with a slight bend in the arm, the right hand
is closed with the thumb up and resting on the right hip.
Hanin no Kamae
Left leg is forward with the toes pointing slightly inwards, right foot points outward and carries 60% of the
weight. The left hand is pointing at opponent with the middle and ring finger held by the thumb, with the
pointer and little finger pointing forwards. The right hand is slightly above and to the side of the right ear
with the middle and ring finger held by the thumb and the pointer and little finger pointing upwards with the
palm towards your opponent.
Kime No Kamae
Grab your opponents left lapel the right hand and his right sleeve with the left hand.
Uke is in Daijodan and cut to the lead leg. Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae, and raises to Hicho no Kamae.
Uke then cuts down with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward with the left leg, an turns to the right to face the
sword in Jumonji no Kamae.Uke then does a horizontal cut. Tori steps back with the left leg dropping the
arms to the side of the body.
Sanshin No Kata (Form of the three hearts)
Chi No Kata (Earth form)
Tori steps back to Soshin no Kamae. Dropping his weight slightly on the right leg, Tori steps forward with
the right foot, and brings the right hand up in Sanshitan ken, passing past the knee to strike up, finishing at
shoulder level.
The hand must not alter course, and moves like a penduleum. The feet must change direction.
Sui No Kata (Water form)
Tori steps back to Soshin no Kamae, and steps back to the right 45 degrees with a left Jodan Uke.
Stepping forward with the right foot, Tori strikes with Omote Shuto to Uko.
The Shuto in this strike is a "Killing Strike". Practice first moving without the feet.
Ka No Kata (Fire form)
Tori steps back to Soshin no Kamae, and steps back to the right 45 degrees with a left Jodan Uke.
Stepping forward with the right foot, the right hand rises up from the Obi to come from underneath the left
hand. Tori then strikes with Ura Shuto to Uko.
Destroy Ukes posture then you can move him anywhere you wish.
Fu No Kata (Wind form)
Tori steps back to Soshin no Kamae, and steps back to the right 45 degrees with a left Gedan Uke.
Stepping forward with the right foot, Tori strikes with a Gedan Shito Ken to Koe.
Trick Uke with the extension of the strike soon after the extension of the strike to max level. Bend the
right knee extra. Try to strike with the whole momenteum of the body not just the Shito Ken. If Uke kicks,
the Gedan uke is to move Uke out of the way gently. A Tanto can be drawn from a boot, without Uke
seeing. Move as if cutting like the wind.
This rises from underneath the same way the plants grow from the soil. The Fu no kata symbolises
moving things out of the way.
Ku No Kata (Void form)
Tori steps back a little with the right foot, and does a left Gedan Uke. At the same time Tori lifts the right
hand (open) above the head. Tori then does a right Sokuyaku Keri.
The Gedan Uke can block either a kick or a punch, use Chosui Dori. In ku, the raised hand is for
balance. When doing the kick in Kumite it is used like a glove to catch a baseball.

Taihen Kihon (Basic body movement)

Tori is in Hira no Kamae. Uke cuts at Tori. Tori steps back to a Ichimonji (leaning back) and then does a Ashi
Tori is in Hira no Kamae. Uke cuts at Tori. Tori steps back to Ichimonji no Kamae, then does either a Jun or
Gyaku Nagare to the rear.
Tori is in Hira no Kamae. Uke cuts at Tori. Tori steps forwards with the left foot, then turns to face the
sword. Tori then does a Koho Kaiten.
Taihenjutsu Muto Dori Kata (Body movement defense against swords)
Hira No Kamae (Flat stance)
As the Uke steps forward with a vertical sword slash, Tori moves from hira back into hidari ichimonji to
avoid the cut. Tori then pivots to the right and does a right shoulder roll, rolling away in the direction of
Uke's advance.
If a long Tachi is used, a greater distance is needed. The step back to Ichimonji is greater. Be careful to
see the distance between you and the sword. This sort of training is a most important part of Taihenjutsu.
Ichimonji No Kamae (Letter One stance)
From hidari ichimonji, Tori dives forward and to the right under Uke's vertical sword slash, to end up behind
Uke. As Uke turns and approaches with a second cut, Tori steps forward with the right foot, and with the left
knee on the ground, applies a right shito ken thumb drive fist to the solar plexus while sheltering himself
with the left forearm.
Jumonji No Kamae (Cross stance)
Tori uses Shi Ho Tobi four-directional leaping method from the jumonji offensive posture to avoid Uke's
sword slash. As soon as the blade is cleared, Tori springs back at Uke with restraining grabs and
counter strikes.
Jump out then jump back in, the Shuto to the neck is to the rear and side
Ki Kata (Basic foundation patterns)
Migi Ichimonji No Kamae
Tori stands in migi ichimonji no Kamae. Uke strikes left jodan tsuki. Tori steps to the inside and blocks with
a right fudo ken to hoshi. Tori then steps forward with the left foot and applies a left omote shuto to Uke's
uko or kasumi.
Hidari Ichimonji No Kamae
As above, on opposite side.
Hidari Hicho No Kamae
Tori stands in left hicho no Kamae. Uke steps in with a right chudan tsuki. Tori sinks down and does a left
downwards block (right past his body) to nagare. Tori lifts his body up and left to kick to Uke's butsumetsu
or armpit. After the kick, the foot lands on the spot and Tori steps forward with his right leg , striking Uke's
Uko with a right ura shuto.
Migi Hicho No Kamae
As above, on opposite side.
Jumonji No Kamae
Tori stands in jumonji no Kamae. Uke strikes right jodan tsuki. Tori steps inside the punch and does a left
block to hoshi. Tori then rocks forward, thrusting a left boshi ken into Uke's right butsumetsu or armpit,
then strikes to Uke's eyes with the left hand (this can only be a feint). Uke steps forward and punches left
jodan tsuki. Tori blocks, does boshi ken and metsubushi as before but on the opposite side.
Torite Kihon Gata (Basic grab creation methods)
Migi Omote Gyaku (Right outside twist)
Uke does a left grab to mune. Tori steps back left, covering Uke's hand with his right hand, with his
thumb between Uke's hand and Tori's chest. Tori then steps up to his right foot with his left, releasing
Uke's grip

and raising his hand while doing left metsubushi. Tori takesUke's hands with boh hands (and placing his
right thumb in the centre of the back of Uke's hand). Tori finishes by stepping back with his right foot,
applying omote gyaku, taking Uke directly down.
Instead of stepping out to the side, Tori steps back with the left foot, pulling Uke to the ground. Also continue
with Uzimaki
Bend the knees, and lift the hand above the head, step out to the side to throw.
Grabbing his hand is related to tradition. When stepping back step so that you are side on to Uke. When
holding the hand in Omote Gyaku, place Yubi (thumb) into the Omote Gyaku Kyusho (middle of the back
of the hand).
Hidari Omote Gyaku
As above, on opposite side.
Migi Omote Gyaku Henka
Uke does a left grab to mune and a right punch. Tori covers Uke's grabbing hand with his right hand. As Uke
punches, Tori steps back to the right and does a left block to Uke's hoshi. Tori then steps forward with his
right foot to the outside, releasing Uke's grip and extending Uke's arm to the side while the left hand sweeps
across Uke's eyes. Tori keeps walking past to take Uke down with omote gyaku (Uke's arm should be
Hidari Omote Gyaku Henka
As above, on opposite side.
Migi Ura Gyaku (Right inside twist)
Uke does a left grab to mune. Tori covers Uke's grabbing hand with his right hand, then steps back right
while sweeping his left hand across Uke's eyes (metsubushi), and taking the grabbing hand from above. Tori
then steps up to his left foot with his right, releases Uke's grip and twists Uke's hand upwards. Tori
continues to twist Uke's hand in ura gyaku downwards as he walks forwards.
Hidari Ura Gyaku
As above, on opposite side.
Migi Jigoku Dori (Musodori) (Right hell capture)
Uke grabs Tori's right sleeve with his left hand. Tori steps back to the right (into a kind of an ichimonji no
Kamae), with his right palm on Uke's left elbow, and rolls Uke's arm over (locking his wrist and elbow on the
crook of Tori's elbow). Tori then shifts his weight onto his front, pushing Uke upwards and backwards to the
point where his body wants to come forward. Tori does a right pushing kick to the outside of Uke's left
knee, taking him down with the kick and the armlock, and pinning Uke down with the shoulder / arm lock.
When you are in Muso Dori it is important that you are side on at an angle to Uke. Point with your knee.
If you face him in Muso Dori place the heel behind his knee.
Hidari Jigoku Dori (Musodori)
As above, on opposite side.
Migi Musha Dori (Right capture the warrior)
Uke grabs Tori's right sleeve with his left hand. Tori steps forward to the right, pushing Uke's arm
backwards, and steps around so that he is parallel to Uke. Tori then sinks down, and raises back up,
applying musha
dori with his hands clasped together. As Tori tightens the lock, he does a right kick to the side of Uke's
knee, then goes down onto his left knee (opposite knee to the musha dori practised in kihon happo) as he
takes Uke down.To finish, Tori secures Uke.
Hidari Musha Dori
As above, on opposite side.
For the techniques - If he is strong use the body more, drop the weight. He does not need to let go of
the jacket for you to be able to complete the technique.
Omote Kote Gyaku
When one is being held in kumiuchi (as in Judo), never hold any part of the opponent's body or clothing.
Place the left hand's thumb nail into the back of the opponents right hand, stepping backwards and lifting
his hand above the opponents head, with the palm facing away. Then place the right hand onto the

raised hand and apply pressure to take down.

Ura Kote Gyaku
As one is held in kumiuchi, place the left hand on the opponent's right hand with the fingers pointing up.
From here, step back with the left leg and simultaneously place the right hand over the opponent's right,
digging the thumb nail into it. Move backwards with the right leg, bringing the opponent to the ground by
twisting his wrist and applying pressure to it with the other hand. A variation of this is to apply pressure to
the opponent's elbow.
Oya Goroshi
As the opponent holds the gi in kumiuchi, gently place the left hand under the opponent's right hand (which
is holding the lapel) with the thumb on the outside and all the other fingers on the inside. Step backwards
with the right leg turning the body to the side, thus straightening the opponent's arm. Then place the right
hand on the opponent's thumb and use the palm to bend it.
Ko Goroshi
As the opponent holds the gi in kumiuchi, hold the hand with the left in the same way as with oyagoroshi.
Then sink the thumb's nail into the base of the nail of the opponent's little finger so as to release his grip.
Once released, apply pressure by trying to put the tip of the little finger to it's second joint while encasing it
in the hand. Finally, hold the little finger firmly and bend it backwards.
Omote Gyaku Kimewaza Roppo
First put the opponent on the ground by using omote gyaku then do the following (opponent on his back
after a left handed omote gyaku):
Place the right foot under the opponent's armpit and lock the elbow.
Step on the side of the opponent's face with the right foot and lock the elbow over the leg.
Step on the opponent's rib cage with the left foot and lock the elbow over the leg.
Kneel on the left knee, keeping the right leg straight, pushing the rib cage with the foot, and keeping the
arm straight with the palm facing up, finally putting the body weight on the wrist.
Bend the opponent's arm at the elbow so that it is perpendicular to the floor and place the right knee onto
the middle of the upper arm, while twisting the hand in an anti-clockwise manner.
From here do a zenpo kaiten.
Ura Gyaku Kimewaza Roppo
First put the opponent on the ground by using ura gyaku and then do the following (opponent is on his
front after a right handed ura gyaku):
Grasping the hand firmly, kneel with the right leg, keeping the left leg straight so that the foot is pushing
the opponent's arm straight, and place the body weight onto the back of the opponent's hand, bending it at
the wrist.
Maintaining the opponent's arm straight, place the right foot under his wrist, while keeping it bent and
lifting the toes a little. Then kneel on opponent's elbow.
Place the right knee on the side of the opponent's trunk from under the arm and put the body weight onto
it while locking his arm with the right shoulder (facing opponent's feet).
Bend the opponent's arm by holding the elbow with the right hand and sliding the left hand under his
forearm and catching his shoulder with it.
Lie on the opponent's back, catching both of his arms with the forearms from above.
From here do a koho kaiten.
Ganseki Nage
As the opponent holds one in kumiuchi, place the hands on the inside of those of the opponent. Step
forward with the right leg , moving the right arm under the opponent's elbow and bending one's arm so that
the hand is next to the ear, keeping it open. At the same time take hold of the opponent's other elbow. Step
in front of the opponent's right leg with the right foot and twist the body to the left, reaching to the left foot
with the open hand, thus taking the opponent to the ground.
Ganseki Otoshi
This technique is used when one fails to complete ganseki nage. If the opponent resists the ganseki nage,
then place the right foot in front of the opponent's left and slip it backwards allowing oneself to lean
forward. This should sweep the opponent's left leg backwards. During training release the opponent's right
hand so that he can do a zenpo ukemi.
Ganseki Ori
Another way of putting the opponent on the ground if one is unable to do so with ganseki nage is by using

ganseki ori. Instead of twisting the body to the left, place the right foot behind the opponent's right and
lock the knee back while leaning the body, thus snapping the opponent's leg if done properly.
Goja Dori
This technique, also called musha dori, together with ganseki are traditional forms of fighting when wearing a
"Yoroi" (armour).
As the opponent holds one in kumi uchi, place the hands inside his. Move forward while moving the right
hand over his elbow from the outside and turning it back in, under the elbow. The elbow should now be bent
with the right forearm under it. Clasp the right hand from underneath with the left hand, keeping both wrists
straight, and raise them towards one's chest, thus securing the opponent. To bring down, kick to the
"kobura" nerve point (the muscle just under the back of the knee).
Omote Taki Ori
As the opponent reaches to catch one's lapel, hold his wrist from above with the thumb and middle finger
and push the base of one's palm upwards under his armpit, so as to bend his wrist. Repeat to the opponent's
other hand and turn the body to the side placing one foot in front of both of the opponent's feet. Lower the
hand opposite that foot, raising the other, while twisting away, thus bringing him to the ground.
Ura Taki Ori
Again, as the opponent reaches for the lapel, taking hold of the wrist from the inside with the thumb and
middle finger while keeping the index finger straight. Pressure the opponent's wrist with the index finger and
raise his hand. Do the same with the other hand and turn away from the opponent, placing one foot in front
of both of his feet so as to bring him down.
Hon Gyaku
The beginning is done in the same manner as ura kote gyaku, but turning the opponent's hand until his
palm is in a vertical position and straighten his arm. Then place the free hand over the holding hand with its
little finger placed on the little crevice of the opponent's wrist. Finally turn the opponent's hand towards him,
keeping it vertical, to put him to the ground.
Katate Zeoi
As the opponent holds one in kumiuchi, hold the wrist that is holding the lapel, from above with the right
hand and turn the body under his arm from the outside so that his elbow is locked straight on one's chest.
pull his arm diagonally down and straighten one's free hand in front of the opponent.
Ryote Zeoi
This is basically the same as katate zeoi, however one must catch both of the opponent's wrists
before turning the body under his arms and also twisting both of the wrists together.
Omote Oni Kudaki
As the opponent holds one in kumiuchi, never hold onto him in any way. Place the right elbow to the
opponent's chest with its hand going under his right upper arm, while placing the left over the opponent's
right forearm. Then clasp both hands together, turning the body away from the opponent, thus bending
his elbow, and continue to turn to bring him to the ground. Once there, lift his arm up so that the upper
arm is perpendicular to the floor and his forearm horizontal. To restrain, straddle the opponent, catching
the free hand with the right foot, then turn the arm.
Ura Oni Kudaki
From kumiuchi, place both hands inside his, then placing the right elbow to the opponent's shoulder,
pushing it gently. Entrap the opponent's arm by circling the right hand around it, bending his forearm at the
elbow, while holding onto his wrist with the left and his elbow onto one's chest. Finally, place the right leg
behind his and bring to the ground. Then restrain.
Muso Dori
As the opponent holds one in kumiuchi, turn the right arm in an anti-clockwise manner, with the hand
traveling under his left forearm, turning it. Take hold of his sleeve at the elbow, having left hand trapped
between one's right upper arm and forearm. Place the left hand on the right and push down onto the elbow.
Once again the opponent holds one in kumiuchi. Entrap the opponent's left arm as in ganseki, releasing his
right arm and lever his left arm to bring him to the ground with the help of one's left hand. Once on the
ground, push his forearm forward with the upper arm. Finally, restrain by straddling the opponent, holding his
free hand with the right foot and use the body weight to restrain.

Sanshin No Kata (Shoshin Go Kei Gogyo No Kata) (Form of the three hearts)
Uke is in ichimonji no Kamae, Tori is in shizen no Kamae. Uke strikes migi jodan tsuki. Tori moves back 45
degrees with right leg and lets right arm swing back while left arm points at Uke. Tori then steps forward
with right leg as his right arm swings forward and up to strike Uke's uko with nishitan ken or sanshitan ken.
Sui (Mizu)
Both Uke and Tori are in ichimonji no Kamae (Tori with right fist on hip). Uke strikes migi jodan tsuki. Tori
moves back 45 degrees with right leg and blocks left jodan uke to the inside of Uke's arm. Tori then steps
in with right omote shuto to Uke's uko.
Ka (Hi)
Both Uke and Tori are in ichimonji no Kamae (Tori with right fist on hip). Uke strikes migi jodan tsuki. Tori
moves back 45 degrees with right leg and blocks left jodan uke to the inside of Uke's arm. Tori then steps
in with right ura shuto to Uke's uko.
Fu (Kaze)
Both Uke and Tori are in ichimonji no Kamae (Tori with right fist on hip). Uke strikes migi chudan
sokugyaku. Tori moves back 45 degrees with right leg and blocks left gedan uke to the inside of Uke's leg.
Tori then steps in with right upward swinging fudo ken or koppo ken to Uke's gorin.
Both Uke and Tori are in ichimonji no Kamae (Tori with right fist on hip). Uke strikes migi chudan
sokugyaku. Tori moves back 45 degrees with right leg and blocks left gedan uke to the inside of Uke's leg.
Tori then raises his open right hand above his head to draw Uke's attention and then strikes right sokuyaku
to Uke's gorin
Ku No Kumite
Uke attacks with migi jodan shikan ken (or fudo ken). Tori goes back and blocks with his right hand with an
uke naga shi. Then pull Uke's hand between Uke's legs and turn at the side of the body. Check the back of
Uke's knee with your own knee. This is a Ku variation and an example of kumite no kata.
Jo Ryaku No Maki (12 techniques against unarmed attacks) (Upper principle
Kokuu (Empty sky)
Uke and Tori stand in hidari ichimonji no Kamae. Uke steps forward with right jodan punch. Tori steps out
to the right (inside), and does a left block. Tori then shifts his weight forward and does a right omote shuto
to Uke's right hoshi or jakkin (from below). Uke kicks with his right foot. Tori steps yoko aruki with his right
foot to the outside of the kick and does a left keri kaeshi to Uke's kicking calf. As Tori lands, he strikes
Uke's butsumetsu with a left boshi ken (from above).
Uke attacks as before. Tori does block and shuto as before. As Uke kicks, Tori shifts to the outside of the
kick (left leg leading, and pull the right leg up to it) and strikes to Uke's right sai (outside) with his left
knee. Tori then extends his left leg to kick away Uke's supporting leg (at the knee).
Both Uke and Tori start in ichimonji no Kamae. Uke attacks with migi jodan tsuki shikan ken to ganmen
(face). Tori blocks jodan uke to the inside of Uke's arm with ken kudaki and follows with omote shuto with
the right hand to Uke's right hoshi (elbow). Uke attacks with migi sokugyaku to Tori's gorin (stomach). Tori
steps to the left and applies keri kaeshi to the side of Uke's knee or thigh and follows with a left boshi ken to
butsumetsu or the kidneys.
Renyo (Giving a Ride)
Tori and Uke stand in hidari ichimonji no Kamae. Uke steps forward with a right jodan punch. Tori steps out
to his left (outside) and does a right block. Uke does a right kick. Tori avoids to the outside of the kick and
applies a right keri kaeshi. Uke grabs Tori's mune with his right hand. Tori covers Uke's grabbing hand with
his left hand, and steps to the left (to the outside) and strikes with a right ura shuto to Uke's uko (with weight
change). Tori's right hand then returns to take hold of Uke's grabbing hand in ura gyaku, helping to apply
the lock with his left hand under Uke's elbow (weight changing to Tori's right to bring Uke's balance
Tori then changes to omote gyaku, kicking Uke in the chest. Tori's kicking leg lands behind Uke to take him

down with omote gyaku / o soto.

When Tori takes Uke down with omote gyaku, Tori steps behind Uke's legs with his right foot, strikes with
his hip, and applies the omote gyaku to send Uke over Tori's hip.
Tori and Uke are both in ichimonji no Kamae. Uke attacks with hidari jodan tsuki to ganmen (face). Tori
steps out at 45 degrees to the right and blocks with ken kudaki to the outside of Uke's hoshi (elbow). Uke
up with a right sokugyaku ken, Tori defends with a right fumi komi keri kaeshi. Uke grabs Tori's lapel with
the right hand. Tori takes hold of Uke's right wrist and steps in on the right with ura shuto to uko (neck).
still holding Uke's wrist, step in with the right leg, apply hon gyaku, follow up with a right sokugyaku
to sternum or shinchu (heart).
Danshu (Projectile hand)
Tori and Uke stand in shizen no kamae. Uke grabs Tori's right sleeve with his left hand and does a right
jodan punch. Tori responds by stepping to the right, blocking with a left fudo ken to hoshi and rolling his
grabbed hand in an ura gyaku movement (Tori's palm on Uke's elbow). Tori then shifts his weight forward
onto his left leg and does a left ura shuto to Uke's uko, then applies ura gyaku to Uke's grabbing hand.
Tori finishes by doing a right kick to Uke's soto kaku and takes him down. Secure.
After blocking and rolling Uke's arm over, Tori does a left shako ken to Uke's ganmen then reaches over
with his left hand to grab some flesh on the back of Uke's grabbing upper arm. Tori then steps back left
(down to his left knee), taking Uke down directly with O gyaku.
Uke grabs Tori's right wrist with his left hand and steps in with the right foot to strike with shikan ken to
Tori's face. Tori steps 45 degrees out with the right leg, rotates his wrist downwards to press Uke's hand on
his body and blocks with fudo ken to the inside of Uke's arm then ura shuto to the neck with the left hand
and a kick to the inside of Uke's knee with the right heel.
Danshi (Projectile fingers)
Uke grabs Tori's mune with the left hand and does a right jodan punch. Tori covers Uke's grabbing hand
with his right hand and steps out to his right, blocking with the left hand to Uke's hoshi. Tori then shifts his
weight onto his front (left) leg and simultaneously applies a left boshiken to Uke's butsumetsu and twists
Uke's grabbing hand in an omote gyaku movement. Tori does a right kick to Uke's left butsumetsu and
applies omote gyaku to take him down.
Uke grabs Tori's right lapel with his left hand. Tori holds Uke's grabbing hand with his right hand. Uke attacks
with right jodan fudo ken. Tori blocks with left jodan uke followed by left boshi ken to Uke's butsumetsu then
kicks Uke's left leg with his right to take down. Finish by lifting Uke's left arm and stamp on the side of his
ribs with a left sokugyaku.
Saka Nagare (Gyaku nagare) (Reverse flow)
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae, Uke strikes with a right punch. Tori steps to the outside (left) and
does a right block to the back of Uke's hand. Uke then does a right kick. Tori responds with a right keri
kaeshi (being careful not to push Uke too far). Tori then grabs Uke's right hand with his left in preparation for
omote gyaku. Uke does a left punch to Tori's suigetsu. Tori responds with a right fudo ken to Uke's left
nagare followed by a right ura shuto to yugasumi to straighten Uke's arm. tori then takes him directly down
with omote gyaku.
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. As Uke comes in to punch, Tori shifts slightly to the outside and
does a right punch to Uke's armpit (this technique is using some kind of weapon, ie. a pen, small stick etc.
The punch to Uke's armpit actually makes contact with the full length of Uke's arm, cutting or scraping the
whole arm). Tori then grabs Uke's (now useless) right hand with his left in preparation for omote gyaku and
pulls downward and to Uke's right to open Uke's body up. As Uke attempts a left punch to Tori's face, Tori
ducks under it and then strikes upwards with weapon to the underside of Uke's arm (hoshi or jakkin). Tori
then takes Uke down with omote gyaku.
Uke grabs Ryote to Tori's mune and attempts a knee kick to Tori's suzu. Tori covers by bringing his right
knee up (left 45 degrees). As his foot lands forwards, Tori takes Uke's right hand in preparation for omote
gyaku. Tori does a right ura shuto to Uke's right yugasumi then hooks his fingers over the right-hand part
of Uke's collar bone and takes him down.
Uke and Tori in ichimonji no kamae. Uke strikes right shikan ken to the stomach. Tori steps 90 degrees to
the outside and takes hold of the hand with the right hand. Uke applies sokugyaku keri with the right foot

Tori's stomach, Tori applies keri kaeshi and changes grip from the right to the left hand. Uke strikes fudo
ken to the solar plexus or the heart. Tori blocks with gedan uke, steps in with right ura shuto to the neck.
Finish with omote gyaku to the right hand.
Uke grabs ryote to Tori's mune. Tori responds with a right kick to Uke's suzu (leaning the body back
slightly to straighten Uke's arms). Tori then rocks forward, either striking the backs of both of Uke's hands
with shikan ken, or striking both of Uke's nagare with shikan ken (The strike to the backs of the hands
works better with some kind of weapon, ie. a pen or short stick. Striking nagare is more effective when you
are unarmed.). Tori finishes with a right kick to Uke's suigetsu.
The strike to the hands should strike downwards with a kind of cutting motion. The strike to nagare
strikes horizontally inwards.
Uke grabs Tori's lapels with both hands (ryote dori). Tori applies ryote shikan ken to the back of the hands
in a sweeping motion and at the same time a sanshin motion kick to the groin. Uke strikes with a right jodan
tsuki to the face. Tori blocks with fudo ken to the inside of Uke's elbow, step in with the right leg and ura
shuto to the temple followed by a kick to the stomach.
Hane bi (Leaping blame)
Uke grabs Tori's collar from behind with his right hand and pulls. Tori reaches over his shoulder with his
right hand to touch Uke's grabbing hand (do not grab, just use your hand as a sensor). Uke does a right
kick. Tori steps over to the left to avoid the kick to the inside and turns to face Uke, doing a left gedan block.
As Tori is turning in to face Uke, Tori takes Uke's grabbing hand and brings it over his head in ura gyaku,
bringing it down and forward to bring Uke's balance forward (helping to apply Tori's left arm on Uke's elbow).
Tori simultaneously changes to omote gyaku and kicks Uke in the chest or face to take him down.
Uke grabs Tori from behind with the right hand on the collar. Tori's right hand presses on Uke's right hand
and turns to face the attacker. Uke kicks with the right leg. Tori blocks with gedan uke, as he leans to the
right grab the little finger and the ring finger, raise the hand up and shift to omote gyaku. At the same
time, apply a right sokugyaku geri to Uke's face, stomach, or breast.
Ketoh (Imperial fall)
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. Uke does a right kick. Tori steps to the outside and kicks to the back
of Uke's calf. Uke stops Tori from kicking him by pulling his foot away, and lands forward, punching to Tori's
face. Tori steps to the inside and does a left block. Tori then shifts his weight forward onto his front (left) leg
and does a right shako ken to Uke's face (aim your thumb at Uke's asagasumi, and your fingers will
naturally go into his eyes). Tori finishes with a right kick to Uke's butsumetsu.
Uke strikes with a right jodan tsuki. Tori follows the punch (uke nagashi). Uke kicks with a right sokugyaku
keri. Tori applies a right keri kaeshi. Uke sees the kick coming and pulls back the leg and strikes instead
with gedan fudo ken with the right hand to Tori's stomach. Tori moves 45 degrees to the right and blocks
with left gedan uke, follow with a goshitan ken to the face and a kick to the heart.
Yubi Kudaki (Break the finger)
Uke grabs Tori's collar from behind with the right hand. Tori holds Uke's right hand with his right hand and
turns left to face Uke. Tori then punches with a right fudo ken to Uke's kimon or butsumetsu. Tori brings
Uke's right hand over his (Tori's) head to Tori's front, applying a hon gyaku / ura gyaku with his right
hand, making the lock tighter by putting downward pressure on Uke's forearm with his left arm. Tori takes
Uke directly down.
Uke grabs as before. Tori bends his body forwards so that he can take hold of Uke's little finger instead
of just the hand (use the thumb nail on Uke's little finger). Tori takes down as before.
Uke grabs as before. Tori holds Uke's right hand with his right, turns in towards Uke and steps on Uke's
right foot with his left, then does a left punch to Uke's face. Tori changes his left arm position in preparation
for ganseki, and takes Uke down directly using the arm and the foot.
Uke grabs with the right hand from behind on the collar. Tori's right hand goes over Uke's right hand, press
and step out 45 degrees with the right leg. Execute a left fudo ken to Uke's head, grab Uke's fingers with
the right hand. Go under Uke's arm and apply hon gyaku on his fingers.
Ketsu miyaku (Squeeze the wrist)
Uke applies a right sankaku jime (sankaku jime is a very dangerous choke. You must get into the habit of

lowering the chin to one side as soon as you feel the opponent starting to apply the technique - this will
lessen the effectiveness of the choke) Tori lowers his weight and holds Uke's right hand with his left, and
applies pressure to Uke's right hoshi with his right thumb. Tori twists his head out of the lock and takes
Uke down with the hold he has on Uke's arm.
Uke applies a right sankaku jime as before, Tori drops his weight and kicks with his left heel to Uke's right
uchi yaku as he turns in to Uke. Tori's leg lands beside Uke's right leg. From here, Tori takes Uke down
with pressure to the side of his knee.
Uke applies a right sankaku jime as before. Tori drops his weight. Tori takes Uke's right thumb with his left
hand and Uke's hoshi with his right hand. Tori releases Uke's grip, pushes his right leg backwards
between Uke's legs, and throws Uke with ippon zeoi.
Uke applies a strangle from behind with the left forearm (sankaku jime). Tori turns the chin towards the hand
and grabs wrist with the left hand. Strike with boshi ken to Uke's armpit and push up on the elbow. Boshi ken
to the wrist nerves, finish with seionage.
Uke applies a strangle from behind with the right forearm (sankaku jime). Tori turns his chin towards Uke's
right elbow and holds Uke's right hand with his left and Uke's right elbow with his right hand. Tori applies
pressure to Uke's right wrist and seitaku kyusho points to lever the arm away from his neck. Tori
straightens Uke's right arm and then throws him to the ground with seionage.
Tei ken (Squeeze and strike)
Uke attacks Tori from behind with tai jime. Tori simultaneously strikes backwards with his head to Uke's face,
and strikes backwards with his hips. Tori then steps to the side and stamps on one of Uke's feet. By bending
Uke's fingers back, Tori brings Uke's arms up, while sinking out of Uke's grip. Tori applies a crossed,
straight-arm lock with Uke's arms on Tori's shoulder, and throws Uke either by taking Uke's back leg with his
foot, or by walking forward.
Uke grabs Tori in a bear hug (Tai jime) also covering the arms. Tori drops the body, a short step to the left,
grabs Uke's hands and pulls them outwards. Step back to the left with the right leg, fudo ken to the face.
Continue the movement and finish with genseki otoshi.
Sakketsu (Satei) (Killer squeeze)
Uke attacks from behind with a full nelson. Tori simultaneously strikes backwards with his head to Uke's
face, and backwards with his hip to break Uke's grip (do this with the feeling of doing a koho tobi, for great
effect). Tori lifts Uke's right hand with his right hand, as he steps out to the right striking Uke's face with
the back of his left fist. Tori then puts his left arm under Uke's right arm to throw him with ganseki (not
allowing Uke to roll). Secure.
Uke attacks with Tai jime (bear hug) from behind. Tori drops his body weight. leans forward and grabs at
hand / fingers and pushes them outwards. Step out left with the right foot behind the left (yoko aruki).
Keep hold of the hands so Uke's arms are crossed and walk to drop the attacker.
Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae, Uke is in Doko no kamae. Uke strikes with shikan ken, Tori moves backwards
45 degrees and strikes with jodan uke. Tori steps forward with the right foot and applies omote / ura shuto to
Uke's neck.
Tori is hicho no kamae, Uke is in Doko no kamae. Uke strikes with chudan shikan ken. Tori applies left
gedan uke and clears the attack out of the way opening up the body, Tori then does a left sokugyaku geri to
armpit or butsumetsu. Left leg drops down and also backwards, step with right leg. Right ura shuto to neck.
Tori in Jumonji, Uke in Doko. Uke strikes with right shikan ken. Tori steps back 45 degrees on the right,
left chudan uke. Left boshi ken to the pectoral muscle. Uke strikes with a left shikan ken. Tori does a right
chudan uke then a right boshi ken to the pectorals. Finish in jumonji.
Omote Gyaku
Uke grabs Tori's left lapel with the right hand. Tori takes a light hold of the hand and steps back on the
right. Right hand joins the left, step forward with the right foot and push Uke's hand into the air releasing the
grab. Step back on the left and apply a wrist lock (Omote Gyaku).

Omote Kote Gyaku Dori

Uke grabs Tori's lapel with the right hand and strikes with katate buri (roundhouse strike) to the head. Tori
steps back 45 degrees to the left and right jodan uke (important to keep head down in case block
misses). Right hand joins the left, step back on the left and apply omote gyaku.
Ura Kote Gyaku Dori
Uke grabs Tori's lapel with the right hand. Tori turns to the left and the right hand envelopes the attacking
hand. Turn back to face Uke turning the hand so that Uke's hand is upturned. Tori's left hand takes hold of
the elbow. Twist the little finger towards the face (Ura Gyaku). Important - keep the attacking arm horizontal
for a better lock.
Musa Dori
Tori and Uke hold each other right hand on lapel, left hand on the sleeve by the wrist (kime no kamae). As
Uke attempts to throw, Tori applies right boshi ken to the throat, The left hand releases the wrist and goes
over the top of Uke's arm and around so as to grip / lock Uke's arm. Make sure that the arm is bent at the
elbow. Lift the arm to apply the lock, right hand can assist. Can also be used to take down the opponent with
more pressure in the lock.
Chu Ryaku No Maki (8 techniques against Tanto or Kodachi). (middle principle
scroll) U Jaku (Black Magpie)
Tori stands in hidari ichimonji no kamae. Uke attacks with a right strike. Tori steps to his left (to the outside
of the attack), does a right block to the back of Uke's hand, and takes hold of Uke's wrist. Uke does a right
kick. Tori shifts to the outside of the kick and counters with a right keri kaeshi. (By this point Tori is standing
virtually behind Uke, holding Uke's right hand with his right hand.) Tori steps in with his left foot to strike with
a left boshi ken to Uke's kidneys (or strike under the back of Uke's ribs with an uppercut type shikan ken).
Tori then steps yoko aruki with his right foot to stand on Uke's right foot and raises Uke's right arm. Tori
then steps through with his left foot (Tori has his back to Uke, guarding him with his left elbow) applying
omote gyaku as he goes. Tori continues to twist Uke's hand down to his legs and then lifts up, throwing him.
Uke does a right strike as before. Tori blocks but doesn't take Uke's hand (a Karateka will, for example, pull
back his fist after punching). Uke kicks and Tori does a keri kaeshi as before. As Tori pushes Uke's body
around, the natural reaction for many people would be to try and lash out with the right hand. As Uke strikes,
Tori takes hold of his arm / wrist and steps through as before (Tori strikes Uke's butsumetsu with his left
elbow as he goes). With Uke's arm on Tori's right shoulder, locked at the elbow, Tori puts pressure on the
elbow joint, changes to holding with his left hand and strikes Uke's right butsumetsu with his right elbow. Tori
then changes back to his right hand (grabbing Uke's thumb) and takes Uke down with omote gyaku as
before. Secure.
Uke attacks with right jodan tsuki. From hidari ichimonji, Tori moves to the right to block ura jodan uke with
either hand and then catches Uke's right wrist (with the thumb on the back of Uke's hand). Uke then attacks
with a right keri to koe and Tori defends with a right keri kaeshi. Tori then raises Uke's right arm and strikes
Uke's butsumetsu with a right boshiken using sanshin motion. Tori moves under Uke's arm (yoko aruki, right
over left) and applies omote gyaku, katate nage.
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. Uke attacks with a right strike. Tori shifts to the inside of the punch
and does a left block to the inside of Uke's right wrist. Uke does a right kick. Tori steps to the left to the
outside of the kick and does a right block to Uke's yaku. Uke does a right strike to Tori's suigetsu. Tori steps
to the inside again and executes a left block to Uke's nagare (After blocking, Tori opens his hand so that he
has his hand, palm up, holding Uke's right wrist between his thumb and forefinger). Tori does a right shako
ken to Uke's face then takes hold of Uke's right shoulder with his right hand. Tori does a right kick to Uke's
suigetsu, and takes Uke down forwards with ogyaku (Tori drops down onto his right knee to do this).
Secure. Henka
As before, but after Tori kicks Uke's suigetsu, Tori half applies the ogyaku, bringing Uke's body forward, but
not taking him down. Tori does a right knee kick to Uke's face as he is bent forward, and steps behind
Uke's right leg, taking him down with seionage. (In reality, Tori would step to the side of Uke's leg, and take
him directly down with pressure to the side of Uke's knee. This is very dangerous.)
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. From hidari ichimonji, Tori blocks left jodan uke. Uke attacks with right

keri. Tori steps out to the left and blocks with a right gedan uke followed by a fake right strike to ganmen.
Tori then grabs Uke's right wrist in ura gyaku with his left hand and Uke's right shoulder with his right hand.
Tori does a right sokuyaku keri to Uke's suigetsu and applies o gyaku as he steps back with the right leg
onto his right knee.
Da Shin (Pulling and Shaking)
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. Uke steps in with his right leg, thrusting with a tanto. Tori avoids to
the outside by shifting his right foot around, and taking Uke's knife hand with his left (fingers up). Tori strikes
down onto Uke's gogoku with a right shuto to make Uke drop the knife. Uke kicks at Tori's suigetsu with his
left foot. Tori avoids to the left , and does a right keri kaeshi (still holding Uke's knife hand). As Tori's right
foot lands, he strikes Uke's knife hand with his right hand, breaking Uke's wrist with take ori / omote
gyaku. Tori continues the movement to take Uke down.
Uke attacks as before. Tori avoids and takes hold of Uke's knife hand as before. Instead of making Uke drop
the knife, Tori hits upwards with his right hand to Uke's knife hand, making Uke hit / cut his own face with
the knife (this strike resembles the swinging strike in Chi No Kata of Sanshin No Kata). Tori steps with his
right leg behind Uke's legs and takes Uke down with seio.
Uke attacks as before. Tori avoids as before, but takes hold of Uke's wrist with Tori's fingers downwards.
Tori takes Uke's knife hand with his right hand, and steps forwards (Tori keeps his elbows against his own
body for power), cutting Uke's butsumetsu area with Uke's knife, and lands with his right foot on Uke's right
foot. Tori steps out to the left slightly, and twists Uke's knife hand into position to stab Uke in the right kidney.
Using a weight change to his right, Tori stabs Uke's kidney, and as Uke begins to drop, Tori uses his right
knee against Uke's right knee to make Uke drop directly onto the knife.
When you take Uke's knife hand with your right hand, hold around the thumb so that he can't release his
grip on the knife. Also, by gripping in this way, no fingerprints are put onto the knife.
Uke with wakizashi, Tori in hidari ichimonji. Uke thrusts with sword. Tori moves back leg round to the outside
of the thrust, grabs the sword hand with his left hand, right shuto to hand to make Uke drop the sword. Uke
does left kick. Tori counter kicks with right leg and finishes with omote gyaku.
Hosen (Bee tip)
Uke has a Tanto, and raises it to Jodan no Kamae, and steps while cutting with Jodan kiri. Tori is in
Ichimonji no kamae, and ducks/moves to the left under the Tanto. As Tori raises his body straight, he kicks
up with the right foot, kicking the Tanto out of Ukes hand, and lifting his right arm up. With Ukes both arms
up, and the body open, Tori does a right open hand push (Gyokaku ken) to Ukes chest knocking him down.
Tori then jumps up, and onto Ukes chest.
Observe the flow of the Tanto. The duck and rise motion is Moguri Gata (Submerging
pattern). Henka
As Uke cuts with the Tanto, Tori, ducks, and moves to theleft under the Tanto, then kicks up with the
right hand,lifting Ukes hand high. As the foot comes down, Tori pushes Ukes chest with a right Gyokaku
ken (open palm strike). As Uke falls on to his back Tori jumps up onto Ukes chest.
Ko Rai (Koraku) (Tiger striking down)
Uke does a right jodan kiri with a tanto. Tori steps left from hidari ichimonji no kamae and catches Uke's
right wrist with his right hand. Tori then does a left ura shuto to Uke's kasumi, keep hold of Uke's wrist, and
goes under Uke's arm (omote to wrist) to throw Uke with katate nage. Tori finishes with a sokuyaku ken geri
to Uke's men.
Uke attacks jodan kiri with tanto. From hidari ichimonji, Tori steps to the left and catches Uke's right
wrist with his right hand. Tori then does a left ura shuto to Uke's kasumi. Holding Uke's wrist, Tori goes
under Uke's arm, applying omote to the wrist, to throw katate nage. Finish with sokuyaku ken geri to
Kou (Hanetsurube)
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. Uke does a right jodan punch. Tori steps right (to the inside of the
punch) and does a left block. Uke kicks with his right foot. Tori avoids to the left, blocking with his right
hand. Tori then lowers Uke's right hand to the floor while lifting Uke's right leg (Tori uses his left and right
hands respectively for this) to throw Uke.
Uke with wakizashi, Tori in hidari ichimonji. Uke cuts down with the sword. Tori moves to the inside of the
cut and grabs Uke's sword hand with his left. Uke does right kick. Tori moves to the outside of the kick and
blocks gedan uke with his right arm, scoops kick upwards with the right arm to throw Uke down on his back.

Shien (Giant Monkey)

Uke attacks with right tsuki (tanto) koho. Tori moves to the inside of the thrust with his right hand on the
outside of Uke's arm, then grabs Uke's wrist with his thumb on the inside of the wrist. Tori steps with the right
foot in front of Uke and waits. Uke attacks with a right keri. Tori responds with a keri kaeshi to the right and
goes under Uke's arm to throw katate nage.
Uke with wakizashi, Tori in hidari ichimonji. Uke cuts down with sword. Tori moves under the cut and to the
outside, he then kicks up to Uke's sword arm with right leg and then strikes matsukaze with right shako ken
to knock Uke down. Tori then leaps to land on Uke's head with both heels.
Ho Ryaku (Destructive fall)
Uke stands behind Tori with wakizashi, Tori is in shizen. Uke thrusts with sword to Tori's back. Tori moves to
the inside of the thrust and raises his right arm so the sword goes between right arm and right side of Tori's
body. Tori then applies take ori to Uke's sword hand with both hands. Keeping hold of Uke's sword hand with
his left, Tori turns towards Uke and strikes shako ken to the face. Tori then grabs Uke's right shoulder and
spins round and down onto the left knee to throw Uke. Finish by stamping on the side of Uke's ribs with the
right heel.
Uke attacks jodan kiri koho with tanto. Tori moves to the inside of the cut and catches Uke's arm in a hug
with his right arm. Tori then applies take ori to Uke's knife hand, holds Uke's hand with the left and turns to
the right to strike Uke's kasumi with a right ura shuto. Tori finally applies ogyaku as he steps back with
the right leg onto the right knee. The right knee can stay up and the left knee can drop so that Uke's men
hits Tori's right knee as he falls.
Kou Gyaku
Tori stands in left ichimonji no kamae. Uke does a right jodan punch. Tori steps to the outside of the punch
and catches Uke's right wrist with his right hand. Uke then kicks with his right foot. Tori sinks down and
catches Uke's right leg on his left shoulder. From here, Tori can either apply leg ganseki or a left keri to
Uke's supporting leg.
Uke with wakizashi, Tori in hidari ichimonji. Uke cuts down with the sword. Tori moves to the outside of the
cut and grabs Uke's sword hand with his right hand. Uke does right kick. Tori moves to the inside of the kick
and blocks gedan uke with his left arm, scoops kick upwards with the left arm and turns to his right to throw
Uke with taijutsu, or, after scooping kick, does a right kick under Uke's right arm. Once Uke is on the
ground, Tori can attack Uke's right elbow or arm and right leg simultaneously. Finish with a jump back and
kick opponent with both feet.
Ge Ryaku No Maki Mutodori Gedan (8 techniques against Katana or Yari attacks). (Lower principle
scroll) Shun Uke (Corresponding hero)
Uke has ken in obi. He draws, Tori steps in with the left foot and his left hand jams and pushes back Uke's
right hand (that holds the sword). Tori then steps forward with his right foot and does ganmen dori, he
then pulls Uke's ken out of Uke's grip with the right hand and finishes with tsuki to Uke's suigetsu.
When you tsuki, the left hand is holding the ken by pressing on the side, blade up.
Tori steps with his right foot behind the left so that he is in to Uke's armpit, then does
ganmen. Henka
Same foot with step back. Uke has ken in his obi, he draws, Tori steps back with the left foot and jams
Uke's right hand with his left. Uke steps back and pulls ken, Tori keeps his left hand to Uke's right hand and
steps forward with his right leg to apply ganmen dori. Tori steps back with his right foot (maki) to apply
musodori to Uke's arm, then pulls ken away with his right hand and finishes with tsuki.
Uke with katana in scabbard, Tori in hidari hanin. Uke starts to draw his sword. Tori shifts forward to stop
the draw by pushing the pommel back into the scabbard with his left hand. Tori then steps in with a right
ken to Uke's face, he then moves back and draws Uke's sword and thrusts it into Uke's gorin (with left
hand on sword spine). Tori then positions the sword under Uke's left arm and throws genseki using the
sword. Henka
Uke with katana in scabbard, Tori in hidari hanin. Uke starts to draw his sword. Tori shifts forward to stop
the draw by pushing the pommel back into the scabbard with his left hand. Tori then steps in with his right
foot behind his left so he is in close to Uke's armpit and applies ganmen dori.
Uke with katana in scabbard, Tori in hidari hanin. Uke starts to draw his sword. Tori shifts forward to stop the

draw by pushing the pommel back into the scabbard with his left hand. Uke steps back and pulls the
sword. Tori keeps his left hand on Uke's right hand and steps in with the right foot to apply ganmen dori.
Tori then steps back with the right (maki) to apply muso dori to Uke's arm. Finish by pulling away the sword
followed by a thrust.
Shun Soku (Corresponding limb)
Uke is wearing a sword in his obi, both Tori and Uke stand in shizen no Kamae. As Uke attempts to draw
his sword, Tori steps in with his left and jams the butt of Uke's sword with his left hand. Uke strikes Tori's
jamming hand with a right ura ken, but Tori avoids by stepping out to the right and taking the bottom end of
Uke's saya, and lifting it so that it is locked against Uke's elbow or tricep. Tori takes Uke down and secures
him with his saya, finishing with a toe kick to Uke's butsumetsu.
Uke with katana in scabbard, Tori in hidari hanin. Uke starts to draw his sword. Tori shifts forward to stop
the draw by pushing the pommel back into the scabbard with his left hand, then steps in with a right shuto to
Uke's upper sword arm. Tori then moves and takes the back end of Uke's scabbard over the back of Uke's
left arm to apply tsuki iri with the scabbard. Finishing with a right sokuyaku.
Ichi Geri (First attack)
Tori stands in left ichimonji no Kamae. Uke stands in seigan no Kamae with katana. As Uke pulls back his
right foot and raises his sword into dai jodan no Kamae, Tori does yoko aruki in towards Uke, controlling
Uke's right elbow with his left palm, and does a right boshi ken to Uke's omote kimon (Tori has his left leg
forward. Be sure that you don't finish up directly in front of Uke, but slightly to his right). Tori finishes with
a right kick to Uke's suigetsu or kage.
Tori does yoko aruki in towards Uke as before, controlling and doing the boshi ken as before. This time,
Tori does a simultaneous right kick to Uke's knee and pushes Uke backwards with the boshi ken to his
omote kimon.
Tori does yoko aruki in towards Uke as before, controlling and doing the boshi ken as before. Tori
shuffles forward a little more with the left foot, closing his distance with Uke and staring Uke in the eyes.
Tori gives Uke the chance to cut left to right, but keeps Uke under control. As Uke tries to cut, Tori shifts
onto his left foot, raises his right foot and takes Uke down with o soto gake.
Uke attacks with a jodan kiri. Tori responds with mogurigata and uses his left arm to jam Uke's right arm. Tori
then does a right boshiken to Uke's butsumetsu followed by a right sokuyaku ken keri, osotogari, or keri to
koe or suzu.
Kai Soku (Vanguard limb)
Tori stands in Hidari ichimonji no Kamae. Uke cuts downwards from dai jodan no Kamae. Tori steps out to
the left, and does a right kick to the fingers of Uke's right hand, landing on Uke's right foot. Tori covers Uke's
right hand with his left so that Uke can't draw his shoto. Tori does a right ura shuto to Uke's kasumi, and
applies o gyaku to Uke's right arm. Tori finishes by stepping behind Uke's legs to take Uke down with o
soto gake.
Uke is in daijodan with katana, Tori is in hidari hanin. Uke cuts down with sword. Tori moves to the outside
of the cut and kicks Uke's arms with his right leg. Tori then strikes right ura shuto to Uke's uko and takes
down with harai goshi. Finish by taking Uke's sword, cutting his neck as you do so.
Uke attacks with jodan kiri (two swords in his obi). Tori steps to the left to avoid the cut and applies a right
sokugyaku ken keri to Uke's hands. Tori then steps in with his left leg and uses his left hand to jam Uke's
right elbow. Uke then tries to draw his other sword, so Tori responds by striking Uke's kasumi with a right ura
shuto. Tori grabs as in o gyaku and applies sotogari to Uke's right side. (As your left hand traps and the right
strikes kasumi, you apply o gyaku, left hand goes in motion as if to apply muso dori and the right hand grabs
his right shoulder).
Ko Ryaku (Seize and squeeze over)
Tori stands in hidari ichimonji no Kamae. Uke cuts downwards from dai jodan no Kamae. Tori steps to the
right (inside), covering Uke's right wrist with his right hand (or left hand). Tori then shifts in with his left,
reaches over with his right arm and takes hold of Uke's right tricep. Tori then steps in with his right foot to
the outside of Uke's right foot, applying o gyaku to Uke's right arm, while Tori pushes his right foot forward
(tate nagare) to bring Uke down forwards. Tori finishes up on top of Uke, securing him.
Uke is in daijodan with katana, Tori is in hidari hanin. Uke cuts down with sword. Tori moves inside the cut to

jam / strike Uke's arms. Tori then holds Uke's arm and applies temakura. Finish by taking the sword and cut.
Iai Fu (Permentary thought)
Uke attacks with yoko kiri (left to right), Tori avoids koho. Uke attacks jodan kiri. Tori responds with moguri
gata, jamming with his left arm, and applies a right boshi ken to Uke's butsumetsu followed by a right keri
to Uke's koe or suigetsu.
Uke is in shizen with katana in scabbard, Tori is in shizen. Uke draws and cuts in one motion. Tori moves
back into hidari jumonji. Uke then raises sword into daijodan. Tori quickly takes two steps in, raising his left
hand to stop a possible downward, cut and strikes Uke's butsumetsu with a right boshiken. Finish with a right
sokuyaku and move back.
Chin Gan (Sinking wind goose)
Uke stands in seigan no kamae with katana. Tori stands in shizen no kamae. Uke attacks with tsuki (right
leg forward). Tori avoids to the left (his outside), striking Uke's gokuro with a left shuto. Tori takes Uke's
hand with both hands , moves around anti-clockwise, and takes Uke down with omote gyaku.
Uke comes in with a tsuki as before. Tori avoids as before. Tori controls Uke's right hand with his right hand,
and Uke's left hand with his left hand. Tori pulls on Uke's left and pushes on Uke's right, pushing the blade
to Uke's throat as Tori steps in and slightly right with his right foot. Tori breaks Uke's balance by pushing on
the throat then steps around with his right foot, taking Uke down with o soto gake (while still controlling the
blade on Uke's throat). Tori finishes Uke off by cutting his throat.
Uke comes in with a tsuki as before. This time, Tori avoids inwards to the right (his inside), controlling
Uke's hands with his left. Tori simultaneously strikes Uke's face with his right elbow, and kicks the inside of
Uke's right knee with his right foot. Tori then takes hold of Uke's right shoulder with his right hand and as
he lands backwards from the kick, applies o gyaku to Uke's right arm, taking Uke down and securing him
on the ground.
Uke is in migi seigan with katana, Tori is in hidari hanin. Uke lunges forward with a thrust. Tori moves to the
outside of the thrust and grabs Uke's hands. Tori then moves underneath Uke's arms (keeping hold of the
hands) and continues moving to Uke's left side, Tori then pulls Uke's hands back to his left hip to throw
Uke. Tori ends up holding Uke's sword in a reverse grip.
Uke attacks tsuki. Tori moves left and drops to his left knee. Tori's left hand blocks (traps) Uke's right hand
and presses to his right. Tori then does a left fudo ken to Uke's right hand to make Uke drop the sword.
Then, Tori grabs omote gyaku, stands, and applies the lock.
Fu Uke (Fuumo) (wind bowl)
Tori stands in shizen no kamae. Uke stands in dai jodan no kamae. Uke comes in to cut downward. Tori
avoids inwards to the left, covering Uke's right hand with his right hand. Tori then hooks his index and
middle fingers over the back of the tsuba. Tori strikes with a left ura shuto to Uke's jinchu while
simultaneously pulling Uke's sword out of his hands with his right hand. Tori takes hold of the hilt with his left
hand and cuts Uke down.
Uke attacks as before. Tori avoids as before, taking hold of the sword as before. Shuto and pull as before. If
the pull does not pry the sword from Uke's grip, Tori pushes the blade to Uke's throat as in the Henka of
Chin Gan. Tori then takes Uke down with o soto.
Uke attacks as before. Tori avoids as before. Holding Uke's right hand with his right hand, Tori steps in
with the left , striking Uke's right elbow with his left shoulder. As Tori leans him forward, Tori sweeps Uke's
right leg backwards with his left foot, dropping Uke directly down to the ground.
Uke is in daijodan with katana, Tori is in hidari hanin. Uke cuts down with sword. Tori moves to the outside
of the cut and grabs Uke's hands or tsuba with his right hand (in a claw if to tsuba). Tori then strikes with a
left ura shuto to Uke's face (jinchu). Finish by levering Uke's sword out of his grip by rotating it to the side
(butsumetsu) and cut to Uke's left side or downwards.
Baku - In
Sanpo Hiden

Ten Ryaku Uchu Gassho (Heaven and universe prayer)

The hands are clasped in front of the body (chest), then move the hands straight out in front of you until
the arms are straight, step back into Doko no kamae, passing through Ichimonji no kamae.
This gives you the feeling of you and God coming together as one, and to work as one, through your
own strength and mind. Then you can defend yourself.
The hand postures sometimes used as kamae at the beginning of some techniques are used to help
focus your intention onto him.
The Ten Ryaku Uchu Gassho means peace and harmony (all elements from the right united), with no desire
to fight.
Chi Ryaku Futen Goshin Gassho (Circle of wind prayer)
The thumb (Ku), and the forefinger (Fu) of each hand touch, the left then interlinks with those of the
right hand. These are then held vertical in front of the chest. This is Futen Goshin Gassho.
When doing this is Kata the right foot steps back, and the hands separate. The thumb and forefinger still
touch. The wrists cross, as in Jumonji no kamae, but are close to the body. This is called Kohyo Gassho.
When doing the Futen, you should imagine that a Typhoon or whirlwind is spinning around you as you
preform the Inso. This will help protect you.
Jin Ryaku Chi Sui Ka Fu Henka Ryaku
Hanno Hon Itsu Gassho (Circle of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind prayer)
The thumb (Ku), and the ring finger (Sui), of each hand touch, and those of the left hand interlink with
those of the right hand. They are held in front of the chest. This is Hanno Hon Itsu Gassho.
When in waza, the right foot steps back, and the hands separate from each other. With the fingers still
touching each other. The right foot steps back, and the right hand drops to the side of the Obi. The left
arm straightens, and points at Uke. This is Ton Ryu no kamae (escaping dragon posture).


The Jodan Uke is very close on the inside of the striking arm. Use the hips to pivot into place for the
Uke. The Uke is usually fast, and snappy. More as a straight to the point block.
Use one of your hands, and tie up Ukes arms, I.E Musha Dori, also Omote Gyaku.
Use a rising, and sinking body motion "up, and down" movement. This is very noticeable within the Ryu's
Ichiboku Goshinjutsu
Technique 1
Tori lies on his back (asleep on a futon with his head on a wooden pillow). Uke approaches from Toris right
side and grabs Toris right lapel with his left hand. Uke then punches to Toris face with his right fist. Tori
moves his head to the left (Toris left) as he deflects Ukes punch to the right with the lef t hand. Tori then
rolls his body to the right, holding onto Ukes right hand with the left hand and barring Ukes elbow with the
left elbow, using his rolling body to bar and break Ukes right arm. Both of Ukes arms should be trapped.
Technique 2
Tori lies on his back (asleep on a futon with his head on a wooden pillow). Uke approaches from behind
Toris head and puts his left hand over Toris mouth. Uke then attempts to cut Toris throat with a knife held
in his right hand (could even be sharpened wood, flint etc. - any sharp implement). Tori immediately moves
his head to his left while turning to his right and raising both hands into Hoko No Kamae (while still on his
back), the right arm blocks Ukes knife attack. Tori uses his left hand to press Ukess left hand firmly onto
Toris face and Tori continues turning to his right until he is face down. With Ukes hand pressed against
Toris face the result us a kind of Taki Ori on Ukes left wrist.
Technique 3
Uke lies on his back (asleep on a futon with his head on a wooden pillow). Tori approaches from Ukes right

side without looking at Uke. Tori kneels down on his right knee (close to Ukes right side) and at the same
time lifts Ukes right arm by the wrist (Tori uses his right hand to do this). Tori then swings his right foot
clockwise (pivoting on his right knee) until his lower right leg lies against Ukes right side and
simultainiously brings his straightened left leg over Ukes neck. Tori drops backwards onto his back,
slamming his left leg down onto Ukes throat (or mouth) and at the same time breaking Ukes right arm
across Toris right knee/thigh.
Counter to Technique 3
Uke lies on his back (asleep on a futon with his head on a wooden pillow). Tori approaches from Ukes right
side without looking at Uke. Tori kneels down on his right knee (close to Ukes right side) and at the same
time lifts Ukes right arm by the wrist (Tori uses his right hand to do this). Uke does a Koho Kaiten over his
left shoulder to come up into a kneeling position and then throws Tori with a Tomoe Nage using the right
leg. NB. When Uke does Koho Kaiten hi must do the roll in the space below his pillow, the roll is virtually on
the spot with very little backward movement.
Technique 4
Uke and Tori face each other with legs braced wide in a kind of Sumo posture. Tori charges Uke and
tackles Uke around the waist. Uke resists. Tori places both hands just below Ukes buttocks and lifts. Tori
then immediately pushes Uke backwards to either the left or the right. Uke will fall backwards and Tori
does a zenpo kaiten over Ukes body and face.
Counter to Technique 4
Uke and Tori face each other with legs braced wide in a kind of Sumo posture. Tori charges Uke and
tackles Uke around the waist. Uke resists. Tori places both hands just below Ukes buttocks and lifts. Just
before Ukes balance is compromised, Uke uses either his right knee or right foot to push Toris left knee
down to the floor at an inward angle (Uke attacks the outside side of the knee). Uke then drops backwards
and turns to his right, wrapping his legs around Toris waist to apply Do Jime and bringing Tori to the floor.
Takagi Yoshin
Karame Dori
When Uke kicks, block underneath. Pass the right hand over the top of his shin. Between your right arm
and your body. Raise to right foot only. Turn him and hit with right shuto to back of the calf. Push away.
Katate Otoshi
Tori in Seigan, Uke in Seigan with katana. Uke does a tsuki. Tori steps to the left and does ken nagare. Uke
releases the katana. Tori takes his hand in both hands and steps under and throws with Ryote Kote
Shizumi Nage
Uke draws with Do Kiri. Tori jumps back to clear. Tori goes to Seigan as Uke goes to Daijodan. As Uke
cuts, Tori jumps in underneath, left hand to kashira and right fudo ken to Suigetsu (Gorin) left knee down.
Stand turning to the left taking both hands ???? his sword across his arms ???? tsuba in right hand and
throw. Right hand has tsuba, left hand has his left kote when you ???? and throw.
Uke is in Daijodan. Tori in right seigan. Uke cuts. Tori moves to left outside and strikes down to nagare with
the right hand. Uke drops the sword. Tori lifts Ukes hand and steps underneath as in hira ichimonji,
pushing Ukes left hand up with the left hand. Tori continues his turn, throwing Uke with kote gaeshi with the
right hand.
Shime Hodoki (Defence against hon jime or gyaku jime)
Hoshi Dori
For this, simply apply pressure to the nerve points of the opponents elbow with the thumbs and then throw.
Gyaku Zeoi Nage
Do a gyaku zeoi holding either one or both of the opponents arms.
Simply do a temakura, however, if the opponents body resists, execute a shuto to his ribs and return
to doing the temakura.

Waki Jime
Catch the opponents sleeve but more preferably his gi from the side and drive a pair of boshi ken to his ribs.
Defence against san kaku jime.
Hoshi Dori nage
To avoid strangulation, lower the chin and raise the shoulders. Then take hold on the nerve points of both
elbows with thumbs and then throw with a gyaku zeoi.
Zu Dori Nage
Catch hold of the opponents hair, ears or throat and then throw.
Shunken Gata Taijutsu Shodan Level *Shinken Gata* When studying the techniques from the Shinken gata,
do not think of these techniques as if they come from any particular school. Even though many of them
come from the Kukishinden Ryu, they are no longer part of these Ryu-ha.
Sei On
Uke and tori stand in KUMUCHI. Tori steps out to the left and gives a right BOSHIKEN to ukes neck (under
the ear ) and pulls with the left arm on ukes right elbow (to unbalance him). Tori is now standing besides
uke and gives a right heel kick into the back of ukes right knee. Tori then goes down to his left knee and
pulls on ukes right arm and pushes with BOSHIKEN. Uke falls onto his back (keep the right foot after the
kick behind ukes right foot).
Cho Yoku
Uke and tori stand in KUMUCHI. Tori steps out to the left and gives a right BOSHIKEN to uke's neck and
pulls on the right elbow. Tori is now standing besides uke and gives a right heel kick into the back of uke's
right knee. After the kick tori goes to the right knee (behind uke) (continue grabbing with both hands) and
then tori does SEOI NAGE. Uke falls onto this back.
Yume Otoshi
Uke does left jodan TSUKI, then right jodan TSUKI. Tori responds with right JODAN UKE, then left JODAN
UKE, and grabs the right hand with his left. Tori comes in with a right BOSHIKEN under the ear and steps
with the right leg behind uke's right. Tori then does OSOTO GAKE (push him down with the BOSHIKEN,
pull on the right arm).
Sui Yoku
Uke does right jodan TSUKI, then left jodan TSUKI then right ZENPO GERI. Tori does left jodan uke, right
jodan uke and grabs uke's left hand, then left GEDAN UKE (just above the knee). From the same
movement from the block, tori goes up and applies a left BOSHIKEN to uke's neck. Step back with the right
foot and
pull uke down. Uke falls onto his back.
Sui Sha
Uke does right TSUKI, left TSUKI, right TSUKI and left ZENPO GERI. Tori responds with left JODAN UKE,
right JODAN UKE, left JODAN UKE (soft block) and grabs uke's right wrist with left hand, and finally with
right GEDAN UKE (above the knee). With the right hand tori grabs uke's (right) shoulder. Note : it is not
written in the DENSHO if it is left or right shoulder. Tori then kicks with his right foot against uke's right
knee (to unbalance him) and from the kick between uke's legs and encircles uke's left leg (from the inside).
Tori then pushes with his left arm and with the right leg he pulls uke's leg (to tori's left side). Uke will fall
onto his back (make a circle movement with uke).
Kubi Wa
Uke does right jodan TSUKI, left TSUKI, right TSUKI, and left ZENPO GERI. Tori does left JODAN UKE,
right JODAN UKE, left JODAN UKE and grab the wrist, and right GEDAN UKE (just above the knee).
From the last block, tori applies a right BOSHIKEN in uke's neck in a SANSHIN motion and goes down to
his left knee (pushing with the BOSHIKEN and pulling on the arm). Uke falls onto his back.
Uke does right jodan TSUKI, left Tsuki, right Zenpo Geri, and right TSUKI. Tori does left jodan Uke, right
JODAN UKE, left UCHI UKE and right SOTO UKE and grabs the wrist. Toril puts left arm over uke's right
shoulder and grabs uke's left lapel. Uke releases himself by pushing his right shoulder up. Tori turns in

(clockwise) and puts uke's right arm on his left shoulder. Tori stretches out his own left arm (for
protection) and goes to left knee and throws uke. The arm is elbow barre down. KATATE GYAKU SEOI
NAGE. Uke falls onto his back.
Iso Arashi
Uke grabs with his left hand does right TSUKI and right ZENPO GERI. Tori checks uke's left hand on the
wrist with right hand (fingers outside, thumb in) and does left JODAN UKE and left GEDAN uke (just
above the knee) Tori then comes in with his left hand SHAKOKEN and pushes uke's head back against
the chin.
At the same time, he takes the grabbing hand in OMOTE GYAKU and goes down to his right knee. Uke falls
onto his back.
Oshi Ori
Uke grabs with his left hand and does right TSUKI and right ZENPO GERI. Tori checks the grabbing hand,
left JODAN UKE, left GEDAN UKE and tori then puts his left arm over uke's left arm (do URA ONIKUDAKI).
Tori applies with right OMOTE GYAKU to uke's left hand and steps in with the URA ONKUDAKI with his left
foot. Tori is now standing next to uke. Tori now does a right kick into the back of the uke's left knee and
goes down on the right knee from the kick and drags uke down. Uke falls onto his back.
Fu Buki
Uke grabs with his left hand and does right TSUKI and right ZENPO GERI. Tori checks the grabbing hand,
left JODAN UKE, left GEDAN UKE. Tori grabs uke's left shoulder with right hand and grabs uke's left hand
in OMOTE GYAKU. Tori then steps in with his left foot (next to uke) and gives a right heelkick into the
back of uke's left knee. Tori then steps in with his left foot behind uke and turns his body to the right.
Apply OMOTE GYAKU with uke's left hand and push on his left shoulder with left. This is not
KOSHINAGE. The feet stay where they are.
Kata Ho
Uke does right TSUKI, left TSUKI, right ZENPO GERI, and right JODAN TSUKI. Tori does left JODAN UKE,
right JODAN UKE, left GEDAN UKE, left JUMONJI block (with the block, left foot is in front, left hand is
inside, right hand outside, and uke's arm between the hands). Tori then grabs with his right hand uke's right
elbow and pulls (to unbalance uke) and grabs the hand in OMOTE GYAKU with the left hand. Tori then
steps behind uke with his right foot and grabs uke's right shoulder with right hand. Do OMOTE GYAKU and
pulll on the shoulder. OSOTO NAGE.
Uke does right TSUKI, left TSUKI, right ZENPO GERI, left ZENPO GERI, right JODAN TSUKI, and left
JUMONJI block (with block, left hand is in front, right hand behind elbow). This is to break the elbow. When
the last left TSUKI comes, tori grabs right arm with left hand, then steps left with his left foot (next to uke's
right side) and does right JODAN UKE. Tori then does right BOSHIKEN into uke's left side of the neck and
steps with his right foot behind uke's right leg. Tori then pulls on the arm and pushes with the BOSHIKEN.
Uke falls onto his back.
men : face
asagasumi : point under the chin
hoshi : point on the elbow
nagare : point on the forearm
sai : thigh
kaku : knee
yaku : ankle
toki : top of the foot
butsumetsu : four points on the ribs
uko: neck "door of rain" rear of jawbone
shichibatsu : top of the hip bone (back of the hip)
suigetsu : solar plexus
suzu : groin
kasumi : temple
tento : top of the skull (frontal bone of the skull)
yugasumi : point below the ear
koe : to find the correct point. place the fingers on the point of the hip bone. the thumb should be positioned

on his koe.
murasame : notch between the clavicles
kage : sternum
ryumon : dent at the shoulder bone
gorin : five points around the navel
omote kimon : top of the chest (uke's left side)
urakimon : top of the chest (uke's right side)
jinchu : base of the nose
shinchu : centre of the heart
wakitsubo : ribs in the armpit
jakkin : bicep (jujiro)

KOTO RYU KOPPOJUTSU (knocking down tiger school)

The Koto Ryu techniques use short distance between the two opponents
The Koto Ryu concentrates more on striking
Attacks to the face in addition to metsubushi are common techniques of the school.
Yoko Aruki (cross stepping), and stamping on toes (Toki).
Short distance and striking hard.
Always make the eyes appear blank so no telepathic movement can be detected by the opponent. A
saying in the Koto Ryu is "The eyes are everything.".
Looking at the eyebrows of the opponent.
The counter attack is similar to a explosion. Do not explode too soon or the body will become weak, and
you will lose.

Ura Kimon, the gap between the 4th and 5th ribs right under the nipples.
Yanagi Kaze, the Adam's Apple.
Rangiku (or Kasumi), the temple.
Hiryuran, the eyeball.
Shishiran (or Suigetsu), the area a little bit lower than the pit of the stomach.
Kosei (or Suzu), the testicles.
Yu Kasumi, the soft dimpled area right behind the earlobe.
Tsuyu Kasumi, directly under the ear.
Ryumon, the soft dimpled area on/near the clavicle.
Jyujiro, the front part of the shoulder bone.
Jyaku Kotsu (or Hoshi Shita), the gap between the upper and lower bones of the arm at the elbow joint.
Daimon, the gap near the shoulder joint.
Asagasumi, the chin.
Hoshi, the armpit.
Kimon, the nipple.
Kinketsu, the ribs.
Koshitsubo, inside the hip bones.
Koe, the leg joint at the lymph nodes.
Tenmon, above and below the eyes and nose.
Amado, the area where the lymph glands are, about two inches below the ear.
Jin Chu, the area below the nose, above the upper lip.
Hachi Y, the ear.
Menbu, the face and the forehead.
Shoku Kotsu, the Adam's Apple.
Gorin (Tsuki Kage), the right side of the area around the navel, alongside the navel.
Gorin (Inazuma), the left side of the area around the navel, alongside the navel.
Sai, the inner thigh, specifically the left inner thigh.
Usai, the right inner thigh.
Yaku, the calf.
Matsukaze, the areas left and right of the throat's indention.

Murasame, the area immediately below the Adam's Apple.

Hoshisawa, the elbow joint.
U-in, the area immediately below the right eye.
Sa-in, the area immediately below the left eye.
Tent, the top of the head.
Shin Chu, the chest.
Wakitsubo, the root of the thumb.
Butsumetsu, the side of the ribs.
Kykei, the top of the five toes.
Hadome, one inch below the ear lobe.

Ura Kimon
Ryu Fu
Matsu Kaze
Mura Same
Ten To
Shin Chu

Outside Devil Opening (ribs under the pectoral muscle)

Willow Wind (above and below the Adam's apple)
Fog or Mist (temple)
Flying Dragon Confuser (eyes)
Tiger Confuser (stomach)
Power of Tiger (groin)
Evening Mist (soft spot below the ear)
Drop of Mist (under the jaw line)
Dragon Gate (under the collar bone near the point of the shoulder)
Intersection (front of the shoulder)
Weak Muscle (upper arm between the bone and muscle)
Big Gate (middle of the shoulder joint)
Morning Mist (bottom of the chin)
Star (directly under the armpit)
Tabu Hole (sternum)
Hip Pot (inside ridge of the hip bone)
Voice (side of the hip)
Heaven's Gate (ridge of the eye socket)
Door of Rain (side of the neck)
Center of the Human (base of the nose)
Eight Leaves (clapping the ears)
Face (bridge of the nose)
Independent Bone (Adam's apple)
Five Rings (around the stomach)
Leg (inside and outside of the upper leg)
Pinetree Wind (just above and below the ends of the clavicles)
Village Rain (notch between the clavicles)
Cliff of Stars (elbow joint)
Shadow (inside the swell of the cheekbone)
Top of the Head (soft spot at the top of the head)
Center of the Heart (middle of the chest)
Side of the Body (the ribs under the armpits)
Finger Pot (base of the thumb and index finger)
The Day the Buddha Died (ribs just under the chest muscles, front and back)
Strong Tendons (top of the foot just above the toes)
Below the chest, below the armpit between the 4th and 5th rib
Adam's apple
Dent behind the ear
Below the ear, chin
Below the armpit
Top of the chest
Rib Cage
Dent of spine, causes pain and suffering for seven days
All the side below the lymphatic gland in the neck
Both ears
Face, forehead
Right side of navel
Left side of navel
Right side

Ten To
Shin Chu

Calf muscle
Below indentation of the throat
Below the right eye
Below the left eye
Frontal bone of the head
Front of the chest
Heaven Bone (four places)
Between the thumb and index finger
Four places on the rib cage
Below the chest
Five points around the navel
Top of the five toes
One inch below the ear lobe
Both sides below the chin

Kurai Dori ("Taking proper position"; Kamae)

Ichimonji No Kamae
The left leg is forward, and slightly bent. The left arm is straight out pointing at Uke, and the hand is
open. The right hand is in Shuto, and is held above the left bicep with the palm face towards the face.
Migi Seigan No Kamae (Right "Correct eye" posture)
The right leg is forward with the toes pointing at your opponent, the left foot points outward and carries
60% of the weight. The right hand is open and pointing at your opponent. The left hand is open and lies on
your right bicep, half way between elbow and shoulder.
In koto ryu, for migi seigan, your right hand is placed in front of you, pointing at your adversary, and the left
hand is placed in such a way that protects you from potential attack. Even though this is migi seigan no
kamae, in reality your mind and heart can be assuming kage no kamae ("shadow position"), which could be
ichimonji no kamae, hoko no kamae, etc. You are ready for any type of attack. Since this is called kurai
dori, foot positioning becomes very important, and is crucial for proper distancing. This will help freedom of
Hidari Seigan No Kamae (Left "Correct eye")
As above, in ichimonji, but with left hand pointing at opponent's heart and your body leans back slightly.
As you can see, this left seigan posture is different from the illustration you saw before. This posture is
what your heart is feeling. With this posture, you attack and strike the hidden target.
Hira Ichimonji ("Level figure-1" posture)
Stand on right leg with the left foot placed on the side of your right knee. Both arms are stretched out to
your sides.
Imagine a spinning top. Your centre of gravity is balanced in the air. A top in motion flies away
tangentially from what hits it and continues to spin.
Hoko No Kamae ("Hug -surround" posture)
The weight is evenly distributed between both legs. The arms are held above the head with the hands
open. When some animals meet their enemy, they threaten the enemy by making their body look bigger
than it is. This posture is good for a small person, and the attitude for this posture is "I will defend myself no
matter what happens. Attack whenever you want!".
Bobbi No Kamae ("Defensive posture")
Both feet are close together with the right foot pointing at your opponent and the left foot pointing outwards.
Both knees are bent. The right arm is extended towards your opponent with the hand closed and the left
fist rests at your left hip.
The right hand is in front and the left hand is on the hip. You are ready for any attack any time. Since this
is kurai dori "proper positioning".
Kamae No Tanren (Kamae training)
Ichimonji no Kamae

Hidari Ichimonji no kamae. As Uke kicks with the right foot, step out to the left, and catch the kick with the
right hand. Turn to the right facing Uke, and kick with Sokugyaku keri into the back of the inside left thigh,
or up into the base of the spine. From here drop the left foot into Ukes left (supporting leg) thigh. Kick
and/or push him to the ground.
Seigan no Kamae
Hidari Seigan no kamae. As Uke moves forwards with a Jodan Tsuki, Yoko Aruki forwards, and form a low /
flat Jumonji Dori (left under right). The left hand is at Butsumetsu, and the right under the forearm. Turn to
the left so your back comes near his. Push with the hands and strike with a right Ura Shuto.
Hira Ichimonji no Kamae
From Hira Ichimonji no kamae, as Uke strikes turn to the right, and step back, and down with the raised
right foot. The left hand slaps Ukes right elbow, and then slaps Hachi-Yo to the Yo.
Turn to the left, and slam the right foot into Ukes ribs, and slapping Hoshi, then drop the foot onto him.
hoko no Kamae
As Uke strikes step forwards with the left foot. The left hand drops down onto Ukes hand pushing it
down. The right hand goes to Mura Same with either Ryu Ken, or Shako Ken, and pushes into Kyusho
NOTE: Both hands move together.
Bobbi no Kamae
As Uke strikes Yoko Aruki to the right with the left foot. The left hand comes without moving to Ukes face
(Natural movement). Yoko Aruki to the left dropping below the arm, and strike with a right Fudo ken into
Ukes Butsumetsu / Suigetsu.
Shoden No Kata (Initial transmission forms)
Yokuto (Scooping and throwing)
Uke applies a judo grip. Tori is relaxed but covering Uke's right hand with his left hand. Tori moves his left
foot slightly towards the right to help his body to twist as he strikes with a boshi ken to the point below Uke's
ear (yugasumi). Tori then applies a right keri to Uke's suzu, steps in with his left foot with his body down
low, and thrusts a left happa ken upwards to Uke's asagasumi, standing up as he strikes to give power.
Uke grabs as before. Tori steps out to the left, striking with a right happa ken to Uke's left ear. Tori twists
his spine and hips right around to the right, picking up his left heel, and strikes nio ken upwards to Uke's
Uke holds Tori's right wrist with his left hand and Tori's left mune with his right hand. Tori does a left nio
ken to Uke's left hand (the one holding Tori's wrist), followed by a right boshi ken to Uke's uko. Finally, Tori
applies a left happa ken or nio ken to Uke's asagasumi
The point of Yokuto is striking to Uke's asagasumi and yugasumi.
Henka (Bojutsu)
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori is in Shizen Tai with the Bo. Tori steps out across to the right (leg is
straight). The top of the Bo is close to the chin, the Bo is in line with the right leg. Tori pushes the tip of
Bo into Asagasumi. Tori does a right kick to Gorin, and steps with the left foot, and pushes with the left
hand. The left hand grabs the top of the Bo, and strikes with a Do Uchi.
Ogyaku (Big lock)
Uke attempts koshi nage. Tori jams the throw with his left knee and by pushing his left hand into Uke's
hip, with the thumb pushing down into the point on the top of the hip bone (shichibatsu). Tori pushes Uke
down with his thumb, then pivots his hips to the left, lifting his right heel, to apply a right nio ken to Uke's
Tori practices lowering the hips to jam Uke's throw, and takes Uke down by pushing down on the back of
Uke's legs with his knees.
Tori lowers his weight as Uke tries to throw and does a nio ken to Uke's shichibatsu. Tori then pivots his hips
to apply a right nio ken (using the knuckles of the little finger and the ring finger) to Uke's right kaku (inside
of knee). Finally, Tori finishes with a left nio ken upwards to Uke's asagasumi. If you are in close, you may
also use kikaku ken to men or kasumi.

Koyoku (Resistance)
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with a left jodan uke then does a reverse right boshi ken to
Uke's right butsumetsu or ura kimon. Tori's left arm then comes under Uke's punching arm in preparation for
a genseki. Tori steps forward yoko aruki and on the next step , throws Uke with ganseki over his hip.
Uke attacks jodan tsuki with the right hand. Tori blocks jodan uke (without moving the legs) then directs a
boshi ken or sanshitan ken to Uke's ribs. Tori's left arm stays with Uke's arm after the block. Shift weight
from the right to the left leg and go in under Uke's right arm to throw with seionage, ganseki nage, or
haraigoshi. Shuto.
Uke steps in with right jodan tsuki. Tori shifts back and right with a left jodan uke, then moves forward with
a right uppercut punch to the solar plexus. Tori then steps forward and places his right foot behind Uke's
right foot and executes osoto gake rear hip throw.
-Henka (Jutte)
Hold the Jutte in the right hand, and do the Kata. When the Left hand comes up under Ukes right arm,
the Jutte is held vertical with the shaft against the back of the muscle. Tori then grabs the top of the shaft
with the right hand, pulling it to apply pressure, taking Uke straight down to the ground face down.
Uke applies hon jime. If Uke's right hand is above, Tori steps back with his left, pushing down onto Uke's
hands with his chin and does a right boshi ken to Uke's kasumi (Strike with a cutting feeling. Aim for kasumi
in such a way that if it misses, it will cut across Uke's eyes). Tori Finishes by taking Uke's right (top) hand
and applying omote gyaku.
If Uke does hon jime with the left hand above, the technique is the same but using the opposite
side. Henka
Uke grabs Tori's lapels with both hands. Tori applies ryote koppo ken to both sides of Uke's head. Hold in
Hosoku (Taking and dropping)
Uke does a left hand grab and punches with his right hand. Tori steps back with his right and blocks left
jodan uke, followed by a right boshi ken to Uke's left koe (To find the correct point, place the fingers of one
hand on the outside of the point of Uke's hip bone. The thumb should then be correctly positioned on Uke's
koe). Tori pushes inwards and down with the boshi ken to lower Uke's body. Tori then steps in with his right,
using kikaku ken to Uke's men. Your target should be the crown of Uke's head, the temple, nose, or jaw. Do
not use kikaku ken against Uke's forehead as that is too hard.
Uke attacks as before. Tori blocks as before followed by a right toe-kick (sokugyaku) to Uke's left koe, to
lower Uke's body. After rising up with the kick, Tori uses his body weight going downwards with the kikaku
ken. The strike should cover as many targets as possible, nose-lips-chin etc.
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with a left jodan uke. Uke attacks with a left jodan tsuki.
Tori blocks with a right jodan uke then moves his weight forward and lowers his right fist to strike with a
right boshi ken to Uke's left hip. As Uke bends forward due to the strike, Tori shifts his weight forward
slightly to strike kikaku ken to Uke's face.
Hoteki (Release and throw)
Uke grabs Tori's lapel with the right hand. Tori presses Uke's right hand with the left hand. Uke steps in with
a left strike. Tori does omote shuto to the inside of Uke's upper arm, followed directly with koshijutsu to
Uke's right elbow using the left hand while Tori grabs Uke's right wrist with the right hand. Tori then steps in
throw with seionage.
Uke grabs Tori with his left hand and punches jodan uke with his right. Tori steps back with his right foot
and shoves his right palm-heel up into the back of Uke's straightened right elbow, lifting Uke. Tori then steps
forward and places his left foot behind Uke's left foot and executes osoto gake rear hip throw.
Tori is in Shizen Tai. Uke grabs with the left hand, and does a right Tsuki. Tori steps out to the right, and a
left Jodan Uke. Tori grabs the Bo with the left hand below the right hand. Tori turns to the left, so that the
Bo is in front of him, and against the back of Ukes hand. The right leg is over Ukes left leg, and with the use
of the Bo throws Uke.
Shato (Break and drop)
Uke grabs Tori's lapel with the right hand. Tori presses Uke's hand with the left hand and does a right omote

shuto to Uke's right inside upper arm. Tori then steps in with the left leg to strike boshi ken to Uke's ribs in
a downward motion.
Keto (Hook and topple)
Uke applies a ryote grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps back with his right and applies a downward ryote
shikan ken to both of Uke's hands, sinking his (Tori's) body very low. Tori finishes with a right kick to Uke's
gorin uchi or suigetsu.
Uke applies a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps outwards to the left, striking and pushing the outside of
Uke's fist with his left fist. Tori then does a right kick to Uke's right uchi kaku, and a second kick to the front
of Uke's knee to push Uke down.
Uke applies a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps out to the right, striking the outside of Uke's fist with
his left fist. Tori finishes with a left kick to Uke's right kaku.
Saku Geki
Uke attempts a ryote grab to Tori's mune. Before Uke reaches Tori, Tori avoids to the left and does a boshi
ken to Uke's asagasumi with a sanshin style swinging motion. The distancing on the first movement is
important as next, Tori should able to kick with his right foot to the outside of Uke's right thigh (sai).
Uke attempts a ryote grab to Tori's mune. Before he reaches Tori, Tori avoids to the left and does a sanshin
style boshi ken to Uke's asagasumi, followed by a mawashi style kick to Uke's right uchi kaku. Tori steps
down from the kick behind Uke at Uke's blind spot. Tori then takes one more step and draws katana then
finishes Uke off.
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps out to the left and strikes with a right shako to the right side
of Uke's face (The thumb strikes above the corner of Uke's mouth, the index finger to the right eye. The other
fingers can be used on the left side of Uke's face.). Tori then drops to his right knee, applying omote gyaku
to Uke's right hand and taking Uke directly to the ground (Half apply the lock with the left hand, and slap
Uke's twisted hand downwards with your right hand. The idea is to break the hand on the way down. Not
only to throw Uke.)
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps out to the left and strikes with a right ura shuto to Uke's
uko (this strike should straighten Uke's arm). When Uke's arm is straight, it should be possible to take Uke's
thumb with Tori's left hand and use it to get more effect on the omote gyaku. You can also take Uke's little
finger with your right hand, to use a combination of oya goroshi and ko goroshi to control Uke, and take him
down with o soto.
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps out to the left and strikes with a right ura shuto to Uke's
uko. If Uke's grip is still strong, Tori sinks down, puts his right arm under Uke's elbow, and lifts. Tori steps
releasing the elbow lock, and applies omote gyaku.
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps out to the left and strikes with a right ura shuto to Uke's
uko. Tori then steps in with his right to strike downwards with the right elbow onto Uke's ura kimon. Tori puts
his right arm over Uke's right arm, steps back , and applies ura gyaku against his (Tori's) body. Tori then
takes Uke directly down using his footwork.
Tan Geki
Tori stands in hidari seigan. Uke attacks with a left punch then a right punch. Tori steps back and blocks
first with a right block. As the second punch comes in, Tori backs off slightly and blocks with the left arm in
hoko no kamae. Tori moves in slightly , pushing his hands towards and over Uke's face to distract his
attention. Tori finishes with a right kick to gorin or suigetsu (The kick should be "placed" on the inside of
Uke's knee and then follow Uke's inside leg up to the groin, if this is the target, with the foot turned
sideways, big toe uppermost.)
Setsu To
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune Tori steps out to the left and does a right shuto to Uke's jakkin to
release Uke's grip. Tori then twists his body to the right and does a left boshi ken to Uke's right butsumetsu.
(What gives this technique power is the weight change. Although the technique is done virtually on the
spot, you should take small steps. If Uke moves away, or is knocked away by the shuto to jakkin, step in
with the left leg to make distance for the boshi ken.)

Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune Tori steps out to the left and does a right shuto to Uke's jakkin. If Uke
still keeps hold of mune, Tori twists his body to the right, raising his left arm to strike Uke's jakkin from
below with the top of the wrist (This should break Uke's elbow). Tori then steps in with his left leg, striking
with a right shikan ken to Uke's butsumetsu. (The shikan ken strike should be done with the fist horizontal in
order to go in between Uke's ribs).
Uke does a right grab to Tori's mune. Tori steps back with his left leg, twisting Uke's hand slightly in an ura
gyaku movement (Tori uses his left hand to do this) and applies a right shuto to Uke's nagare (This twisting
movement of the hand is to bring Uke's nagare to the top where it is easier to get at.). If Uke is within
reach, Tori strikes Uke's face with his right elbow. Tori then steps out to the right and does a left horizontal
shikan ken to Uke's butsumetsu.
Uke grabs Tori's lapel with the right hand. Tori presses Uke's hand with the left. Uke steps in with the left
and tsuki. Tori strikes Uke's right jakkin with the a right fudo ken, slides the right foot forward to hit Uke's
kasumi with a left koppo ken and finishes with a right keri to suzu using the shin.
Tori stands in hidari seigan. Uke does a right punch followed by a left punch. Tori moves back to the right
and blocks the first punch at Uke's wrist. As the second punch comes, Tori moves to the inside and blocks to
Uke's jakkin. Tori then does a right kick (only raising the knee to make Uke attempt to block and leave his
body open). As Tori steps down from the kick, he punches downwards with a left nio ken to Uke's suigetsu.
The technique progresses as before but as Tori raises his knee for the feint, he also raises his right fist in
preparation for a punch. Practice checking where the opponent concentrates his attention and attack
through his guard. If Uke goes to block the punch, Tori kicks him. Practice not letting the opponent know
which is the feint, and not deciding yourself which is the feint.
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with a jodan uke from hidari ichimonji no kamae. Uke then
attacks with a left jodan tsuki. Tori steps back with the left leg, left keri as a fake and then left fudo ken to
butsumetsu as Tori steps down and forward with the left foot from the fake keri.
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with a left jodan uke. Uke attacks with a left jodan tsuki.
Tori blocks with a right jodan uke, then lifts his left leg as if to kick but instead steps forward with a left tsuki.
Tori is in migi seigan. Uke attacks with a left punch followed by a right punch. Tori moves back to the left
with his left leg and blocks Uke's first punch by striking the wrist. As the second punch comes in, Tori steps
out to the right and back with the right foot and strikes Uke's right hoshi. Tori then moves forward yoko aruki
his right foot stamping on Uke's right foot (toki), and simultaneously punching nio ken to Uke's
right butsumetsu (still controlling Uke's right arm).
Uke attacks left punch then right punch. Tori blocks as before. As Uke attempts a third punch with his left
hand, Tori steps in with right yoko aruki stamping on Uke's right toki and applies a right nio ken to Uke's
asagasumi, blocking or jamming Uke's punch with the elbow (still controlling Uke's right arm). Tori steps
forward with his left foot, sweeping Uke's right leg with his right foot, and pushing Uke down with the right
fist. Henka
Uke attacks left punch then right punch. Tori blocks as before. As Uke attempts a third punch with his left
hand, Tori steps in with right foot on Uke's left foot (stepping very shallow so that Uke cannot use his knee
to put pressure on Tori's). Tori controls Uke's right shoulder with his left fist so that the only possible attack
Uke can do is kikaku ken. As Uke attempts kikaku ken, Tori's right arm goes under Uke's left arm to apply
ganseki otoshi (do not let Uke roll).
The important points of this technique are the stamping on the toki, and the practicing of the yoko
aruki movement.
Uke attacks with a right jodan tsuki. Tori moves his left leg back to his right leg as he does a soft left
jodan uke. Uke attacks with a left jodan tsuki. Tori does a soft right jodan uke as he moves to the inside of
the punch and sweeps Uke's right leg with his right leg. Tori then follows Uke down with a right boshi ken.
Kakko / Katsuko
Tori is in migi seigan. Uke attacks with a left followed by a right punch. Tori blocks the first punch with his
right to Uke's wrist. As the second punch comes in, Tori steps right and back with his right leg blocking to
Uke's hoshi with his left arm. Tori then simultaneously kicks with his right foot to the top of Uke's right
knee, and strikes with a right sanshitan ken to murasame (middle finger goes into murasame and pushes
downwards while the index and ring fingers hook over the collar bone and help to control sideways

This is a very difficult technique to practice safely. The simultaneous kicking and shitan ken should be
practiced against an inanimate object.
Uke punches left then right. Tori blocks as before. As Uke attempts a third punch (left), without blocking,
Tori avoids to the left and does a right kick across to uchi kaku (with a yoko aruki feeling) and a right
sanshitan ken to murasame to take Uke down.
The main point about "Kakko" is taking Uke down using the sanshitan ken to murasame. The following
drills are to practice this point. They should be practiced both sides;
Migi Seigan. Uke attacks with a left punch. Tori blocks. As Uke steps in to do a right punch, Tori avoids to
the right placing his left hand onto Uke's murasame. Tori then steps over with a left yoko aruki, pushing into
Uke's murasame. Tori walks around Uke with yoko aruki until he falls.
Hidari Seigan. Uke attacks with a right punch. Tori blocks. As Uke steps in to do a left punch, Tori does a
right yoko aruki around to Uke's right, taking Uke's right arm around with him to break Uke's balance,
and using a right sanshitan ken to take Uke down.
Ura Nami
Tori is in migi seigan. Uke punches with his left, then with his right. Tori blocks the first punch with a right
jodan uke to Uke's wrist and blocks the second punch with left jodan uke to Uke's hoshi by moving back with
the right leg (on the second block, Tori sets up his distance and angling for the following kick). Tori
simultaneously does a right kick across to Uke's right shin (yaku) with a yoko aruki feeling and a ryo boshi
ken to Uke's uko to take Uke down.
Hidari Seigan. Uke does a right punch. Tori blocks. As Uke steps in with a left punch, Tori controls his right
arm and does a right yoko aruki to Uke's right side, punching shikan ken to Uke's right uko (The target is
not the lymph gland, but the muscle below the ear.).
Uke attacks with right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with left jodan uke. Uke attacks with left jodan tsuki. Tori blocks
with right jodan uke without moving the legs, yoko aruki along the front / side of Uke's body and sweeps
Uke's rear foot away. At the same time, Tori does a right koppo ken to Uke's face.
Ten Chi
Tori is in migi seigan. Uke attacks with a left punch then a right punch. Tori blocks the first punch at Uke's
wrist and moves back to the right to block the second punch at Uke's hoshi. Tori simultaneously kicks with
the big toe side of his right foot to Uke's suzu, and does a shako ken to Uke's face, landing forwards.
(When you strike with the shako ken, the thumb strikes jinchu and the other fingers around the eyes.)
Tori is in migi seigan, Uke attacks as before. Tori blocks as before. Instead of kicking to suzu, Tori kicks
across with his right foot to Uke's right uchi kaku to take him down, and simultaneously strikes shako ken
across to the side of Uke's face (This strike should have the feeling of being like a cat or tiger swinging
at something.).
Kata Maki
Tori is in hidari seigan. Uke punches with the right, then the left. Tori blocks the first punch at Uke's wrist
and moves back to the left to block the second punch at Uke's hoshi. Tori then steps in lightly with the right
to apply musha dori to Uke's left (front) arm. Tori simultaneously strikes with a left boshi ken in a swinging
"sanshin" movement to Uke's omote kimon and takes Uke down with the lock by dropping straight back
onto the right knee.
Tori is in hidari seigan. Uke attacks as before. Tori blocks as before. Tori applies musha dori and takes
Uke down with a right kick to the back of Uke's left knee (kaku).
Uke attacks with right jodan tsuki. Tori blocks with left jodan uke. Uke attacks with left jodan tsuki. Tori
moves to the inside so the punch goes between his right arm and the right side of his body. Tori then bars
Uke's arm from this position and turns to his right to strike Uke's butsumetsu with a left boshi ken. Tori
continues the turn down onto his right knee to drive in the boshi ken.
Chuden No Kata

In Chuden No Kata the kamae is not decided. The techniques can be tried from any kamae or no kamae.
The way the opponent attacks is also flexible. It can also be tried , merely walking up to the opponent
and attacking him. The most important point is the timing.
Tori does a right shuto (omote or ura) to Uke's yugasumi, followed by a right kick to suigetsu or butsumetsu.
The meaning of "Hida" is "flying / jumping strike", so you should have this feeling when you attack. You
should step in low and strike upwards. The strike should knock Uke's head backwards, bringing his body
forwards, where he is easier to kick.
Tori does a right boshi ken to Uke's uko, then grabs with both hands to Uke's shoulders (ryumon). Tori then
jumps up, wraps both legs around Uke's waist, and squeezes. Tori lowers his back to the ground, grabs
both of Uke's ankles and pulls them to make Uke fall backwards. Tori secures Uke's left leg and applies
pressure to Uke's yaku as Tori lays back. Tori finishes with a kick to Uke's suzu.
Uke and Tori begin in shizen. Tori strikes Uke's left collar bone with a right shitan ken and grabs both Uke's
shoulders. Tori then leaps up to grab Uke's waist with both legs to apply O jime and leans back to pull Uke
forward. Tori grabs Uke's ankles which causes Uke to fall backwards. Tori finishes with a stamping heel kick
from this prone position.
Tori does a right shako ken to the left side of Uke's face (thumb above the side of Uke's mouth,
fingers around Uke's cheek and eye), then does a kick to the tip of Uke's sternum (kage).
Tori does a goshitan ken to Uke's omote kimon, then jumps up and does a double (simultaneous) kick to
Uke's face or chest. If Tori loses his balance when he lands, he rolls backwards.
Kuden or "oral tradition"; This technique can be used in a two against one situation. The kicker supports
himself on his partner's shoulder, and his partner helps to give lift to the jumper by holding his belt and
lifting. It can also be used by using one's surroundings. Holding onto overhanging branches, door frames
etc. to help the jump.
Uke and Tori are walking towards each other. Tori walks as if to pass Uke on his right side, but just before
Uke and Tori meet, Tori turns to his right as if someone had attracted his attention. As Tori turns back
towards Uke, he strikes Uke's chest with a left fist. Tori then jumps up and kicks Uke in the face or chest
with a double tobi sokuyaku keri. On landing, Tori does a koho kaiten and finishes with shuriken when Uke
starts to get back on his feet.
Tori steps in with a right ura shuto to Uke's uko. Tori then either steps in with his left or does a switch
step and applies a left ura shuto to Uke's uko, followed by koho tobi.
Uke and Tori are walking towards each other. Tori passes Uke on his right side and strikes Uke's right
kidney with a left koppo ken followed by a right ura shuto to Uke's neck as Tori leaps backwards. Tori then
finishes with shuriken.
Tori steps in with his right leg, grabs Uke's left waki tsubo and twists to break Uke's balance to Uke's
right. This opens up Uke's left koe so Tori then does a right kick to koe.
Uke attacks with a right punch then a left punch. Tori blocks the first punch to Uke's wrist, and the second
punch to Uke's hoshi. Uke steps in and applies a right headlock. Tori strikes Uke's omote kimon with the
back of his right fist. Tori then steps with his right foot behind Uke's right leg as Tori twists his right fist
and strikes upwards to Uke's asagasumi and then pushes Uke down to the ground with the right fist to
Tori takes Uke down with a right sanshitan ken to Uke's murasame. (The middle finger goes into murasame,
the index finger and ring finger can hook over the collar bone to control sideways movement.)
By putting power into the neck muscles, this technique can be countered. In order to prevent it from being

countered, first, strike upwards to Uke's asagasumi, and then continue downwards using the wrist in
the same way as a cat swiping with it's paw.
Tori does a sanshitan ken to Uke's murasame as in "Gohi" above. If Uke resists, Tori does a left shako ken
to strike to the right side of Uke's face (The thumb strikes to the point above the edge of the mouth, and
the fingers aim for the eye.). Tori does a migi tobi in the same direction as the strike.
Teki Gaeshi
Tori does a right grab to Uke's left waki tsubo or butsumetsu, breaking Uke's balance to his right. Tori
then does a right kick to the inside of Uke's left thigh (sai).
Tori does a right sanshitan ken to Uke's murasame. As Uke is falling, Tori does a right kick to Uke's suzu.
Uke does a ryote grab to Tori's chest. Tori steps out to the left and does a right nio ken to Uke's
asagasumi. Tori then grabs the Uke's jacket (at Uke's right shoulder) with his right hand, uses his left hand
to apply omote gyaku to Uke's right hand, and does a right kick to Uke's left koe to flip Uke over.
Okuden No Kata (Inner transmission forms)
Uke attempts uchi mata. As Uke kicks Tori's left leg up, Tori drops his weight down to the right and strikes
with nio ken to Uke's uchi kaku or sai (inside). Using a slamming motion with his left forearm, Tori breaks
Uke's right grip and jumps or rolls clear of Uke.
Uke attempts uchi mata. As Uke kicks Tori's left leg up, Tori drops his weight down to the right and strikes
with nio ken to Uke's ganmen. Tori continues to drop his weight down to the ground, striking with nio ken
to Uke's left toki. Tori holds Uke's left leg with his right arm and pulls Uke over his body, using the left leg
against Uke's right leg to control the throw.
Tori stands in hidari seigan. Uke thrusts tsuki with tanto. Tori steps out to his right and does a left block to
Uke's knife hand (block with left hand holding knife wrist from the top in a kind of a take ori). Tori then does
a right shako ken to Uke's right hoshi (thumb goes into hoshi). Tori's right hand pulls back to his left armpit,
and then hits take ori onto Uke's knife hand to make him drop the knife. Tori then steps with his left
behind Uke and applies ura gyaku with both hands. Tori kicks to the back of Uke's knee, and as Uke falls,
Tori adjusts the angle of Uke's arm so that he falls on it and breaks it with his own weight.
Tori is in hira no kamae. Uke steps forward to cut downwards, right to left with tanto. Tori steps in with his
left very low and jams Uke's cut with a left nio ken to Uke's hoshi (with your arm straight). Tori then steps
forward, simultaneously striking double happa ken to Uke's ears and kicking with right foot to Uke's suzu
(The simultaneous happa ken and kick should be very explosive. Coming up from a low position and
extending upwards.).
As Uke comes in to cut, Tori blocks with his left forearm, steps out to the right and does a downward shuto to
Uke's jakkin. Happa ken and kick as before.
Uke attacks with a kick or a punch and Tori responds with the appropriate block. tori then stretches out Uke's
attacking arm or leg, and then steps in with a body slam to break or weaken the limb and down the attacker.
Uke attempts a front choke. Tori drops down and uses his chin to stop the choke. Tori then does a
double happa ken to Uke's ears and then grabs both ears, digging his nails into the backs. Finally, Tori
steps forward with kikaku ken to Uke's jinchu.
As Uke walks towards Tori, Tori jams Uke's step by stepping on Uke's left foot with his right. Tori then does
a right ura shuto to Uke's uko, and jumps back to the left in migi seigan. Practice both sides.

As Uke approaches, Tori executes a right omote shuto to the left side of Uke's neck from Tori's left side.
Tori then leaps back and to the left to escape.
Sho Setsu
As Uke walks towards Tori, Tori steps in right with his body twisted round to the right (almost facing the
opposite direction), and strikes Uke's omote kimon with the back of nio ken. Tori then steps around to
the right so that Tori is standing parallel to Uke. Tori then kicks with the toes of his right foot to Uke's
So Setsu
Tori strikes with the thumbs to both sides of Uke's butsumetsu. Tori then grabs some flesh of Uke's
butsumetsu, lifts Uke slightly, and then Tori drops to left knee, throwing Uke to Tori's left. Don't "throw" Uke
as he could roll out of it, but pull Uke directly down to the ground.
Try grabbing different parts of Uke's body and taking him down as before. For example his ears, the flesh
of his arms, or the outside of his thighs.
Tori grabs Uke's shoulders and pushes his thumbs in between Uke's shoulder muscles and collar bone
to lower his body. Tori then steps between Uke's legs with his left foot. Tori then lowers his body and
throws Uke tomoenage with his right foot in Uke's stomach. Tori goes over with Uke, finishing on top of
him. Tori applies a choke (any), and rolls off.
Uke grabs Tori by both lapels and pushes backwards. Tori reaches over Uke's arms to grab his jacket
lapels, neck muscles, or ears and pulls him onto a kikaku ken strike to the face. Tori then drops to his seat,
sliding his legs between Uke's legs, while pulling Uke forward and down. Tori can use an upward swinging
kick to Uke's groin to send him over onto his face. Tori follows the motion of the roll and ends up astride the
chest of the prone Uke.
Ko No Ki
Tori steps in with his right and applies ryo happa ken to Uke's ears (or clap in front of Uke's face as a
distraction). Tori then jumps up and delivers a double front kick to Uke's suigetsu. If you lose your balance
on landing, roll backwards.
If Uke is very tall, distract him with double shuto to uko and lower him with a grab to his ears. Jump up,
kicking him in the face or suigetsu with both knees. If Uke is very short, lift him up with his ears and kick.
As Uke punches with his right, Tori steps inside, standing on Uke's right foot with the left. Tori claps in front
of Uke's face as a distraction. Tori then does a right kick to Uke's suzu, and as Tori lands, kicks with his
left foot to Uke's suzu. This can also be done as one movement. Kicking right - left before landing.
Tori executes a double happa ken ear slapping strike or shito ken thumb drive to the side of Uke's neck.
Tori then leaps into the air and delivers a double simultaneous front kick to the stomach, chest, or face. Tori
can turn his striking hands into grabs to pull Uke into the kicks if necessary. After kicking, Tori drops
backwards to the ground with a backward roll to cushion the fall and escape.
Uke walks towards Tori. Tori steps in left and grabs Uke's left chest muscle / armpit with his right hand. As
Uke's right arm comes out, Tori secures it with his left and pulls it to twist Uke off balance. Tori steps in with
his right foot beside Uke's right foot and drops down to his (Tori's) left knee, using the grips on Uke's arm
and armpit to pull Uke 90 degrees over Tori's right knee. (Rather than actually "pulling" Uke down, Tori
should break his balance with the hands, and then place the knee in the same direction as Uke's balance
so that he "trips" over it.). Uke should not be able to roll, but fall flat on his hip / back. In reality, Tori would
control Uke's right arm so that he lands on it on the way down and breaks it.
Uke and Tori begin in shizen. Uke grabs both of Tori's lapels with two hands. Tori responds by grabbing
both of Uke's latisimus dorsi muscles and pulls Uke towards him. Tori then retains his hold and pushes Uke
away with boshi ken to Uke's left and right butsumetsu. Tori then turns to his left and drops onto his left knee
to throw Uke to the ground. Using the momentum of Uke's fall, Tori rolls over Uke to drive in his right boshi
ken further.
Tori steps in right, grabbing and twisting thumbs into Uke's butsumetsu both sides. Tori then slides his
left foot through Uke's legs and drops to the ground pulling Uke directly to the ground on his face.

When you pull Uke on top of you, be sure that your elbows are protecting you from Uke's full weight, and
also possibly striking him in both koe.
If you can't get your foot between Uke's legs, put it to the side, and drop, using the grab to butsumetsu
to steer Uke in the direction you want him to go.
The point of Ransetsu is freely using yoko nagare and tate nagare to throw Uke.
Uke and Tori begin in shizen. Uke grabs Tori's latisimus dorsi muscles. Tori strikes both sides of Uke's neck
with a left and right koppo ken simultaneously. Tori then grabs Uke's trapezius muscles and throws him with
tomoe nage.
Ura Kimon
Tori steps in right and strikes with a right shako ken to Uke's omote kimon. Tori then does a right kick to
Uke's omote kimon.
Uke punches. Tori blocks by striking to Uke's jakkin followed by a kick to Uke's jakkin.
The point of Ura Kimon is striking the same place twice.
Hekito No Kata (Attack
forms) Soku Boku
Tori stands in migi seigan. Uke is in dai jodan no kamae with katana. As Uke cuts to jodan, Tori steps in and
to the left, checking Uke's right arm with the his (Tori's) left hand (not having the feeling that you are holding
him, as he will probably try to escape). Tori then does a right kick to Uke's right hoshi, and a right ganmen
dori as Tori lands.
Boku Hen
Tori stands in hira ichimonji no kamae. Uke stands in chudan no kamae. Uke steps forward with his left foot
and cuts left to right (to Do). Tori jumps back and out left to escape the cut (not too far). As Uke raises the
sword over his head ready for a jodan cut, Tori jumps back in, slightly to the outside (his left), lightly
securing Uke's left elbow with Tori's right palm (thumb on hoshi). Tori finishes with a right kick to Uke's
Tori stands in hoko no kamae. Uke stands in chudan no kamae. Uke shifts his weight forward with a tsuki to
Tori's suigetsu. Tori steps slightly forward left and twists to the right so that the sword just misses him. Tori
steps forward with a right yoko aruki and strikes with a right nio ken to the back of Uke's right hand. Tori
then takes Uke's right hand, steps out left, extending Uke's arm to the side, and walks forward applying
omote gyaku.
Tori stands in migi bobi no kamae. Uke stands in dai jodan no kamae. As Uke steps forward and cuts
downwards, Tori steps forward left, outside of Uke's cut (Tori's left hand stays on his hip, right forearm
vertical as a guard). Tori then applies a right ura shuto to Uke's right nagare (This shuto should cut
downwards from his elbow towards nagare). Tori does a right yoko aruki forwards, and applies a right
omote shuto to the point at the top of Uke's nose at eye level.
Tori stands in hidari seigan. Uke stands in dai jodan no kamae. As Uke steps forward and cuts downwards,
Tori steps out to the right (Keep your kamae, using your front arm as a guard). Without stepping, Tori
twists his hips and punches with nio ken to Uke's left tricep (This should push the top half of Uke's body
back, exposing his ribs). Tori finishes with a right kick to Uke's floating ribs.
Batsu Yu
Tori stands in left bobi no kamae. Uke stands in chudan no kamae. As Uke steps forward and cuts from left
to right (to Do), Tori does yoko aruki forwards to the inside of Uke's cut, checking the hilt with his left hand,
and punching with a right nio ken to Uke's jinchu.
Seki Ryoku
Tori stands in left hoko no kamae. Uke stands in dai jodan no kamae. As Uke steps in to cut down to
Tori's men, Tori steps in slightly to Uke's outside, drops down to the left knee, and does a right nio ken to
Uke's suigetsu.

Kahi / Kappi
Tori stands in hira ichimonji no kamae. Uke stands in chudan no kamae. As Uke thrusts to Tori's suigetsu,
Tori avoids to the right and slightly to the rear. Uke then steps forward and cuts left to right to Tori's Do.
Tori drops to his hands and knee and ducks right under the cut. As Uke raises his sword to cut downwards,
Tori jumps up from the ground and strikes with a double front kick to Uke's butsumetsu.
Both Uke and Tori begin in shizen no kamae. Uke approaches Tori. Tori responds by pressing down on
Uke's matsukaze with a right shako ken and then steps forward with his left leg to strike Uke's face with a left
shako ken. Tori finishes with koho tobi.


Hira no Kamae
With both hands open and held at the hips, your eyes stare into the opponent's eyes.
Hira Ichimonji no Kamae
With both hands open and spread out to the right and left, your eyes stare into the opponent's eyes.
Seigan no Kamae
With the body turned to the right side, lightly clench your right fist and put it on your hip, and put your
left hand in shuto at the opponent' s eyes.
Katate-Hicho no Kamae
With the body turned to the left side, lightly clench your right fist and point it at the opponent's chest and
keep your lightly clenched left fist against your left chest. Your eyes stare at the opponent's eyes.
Kosei no Kamae
With the left hand lightly clenched and above your own head, lightly clench the right fist and put it
against your chest, pull your right foot back and lower your hips. Your eyes stare into the eyes of the
Shoden No Kata
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori hold the collar, and the elbow. The right thumb, presses into the nerve
in the side of the neck, and the thumb of the left hand, presses into the nerve in the elbow. Tori shifts the
left foot to the left, and places the right foot, against the hip. Pressing the nerves, pushing out the foot,
and turning Anti clockwise Tori throws Uke onto his back.
Instead of placing the foot on the hip, Tori places it behind Ukes Right leg, and throws him.
Uke strikes from Seigan with a right Jodan tsuki. Tori is in Hira, and moves back into seigan, and a left Jodan
Uke. Uke then strikes with a left Jodan Tsuki, Tori does a right Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist after the
block. Uke does a right kick, Tori responds with a left Gedan Uke, and straight up to strike Kirigasumi, with a
left Boshi Ken. Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and kicks with the left to Ryuge. With draw the
right leg to kneel and Uzimaki.
Kirigasumi - below the ear Ryuge - ankle bone outside calf
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan Uke (Daken Style), and ducking low strikes to Nasai.
Uke then strikes with a left jodan Tsuki, and a right jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right then a left jodan Uke
grabbing the wrist with the final block. Tori then kicks the left leg with his right foot to Sai. Tori then grabs
the neck, and finishes with Uchi Mata

Nasai -

Sai - Thigh

Kubi Wa
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, and a left Keri. Tori is in seigan, and does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the
wrist, and a right Gedan Uke, with a right Boshi ken from the inside to Ryumon. Tori then takes hold of the
neck, and twists Uke down to the left, by stepping back with the left leg. Tori then applies a lock to the
arm with the knee, and re-applying the Boshi ken
Ryumon - Hollow on top of the shoulder.
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right keri. Tori, does a left Jodan Uke, right Jodan
Uke, and a right Fudo Ken to Nasai, and grabs the last striking wrist. Uke then does a right Jodan tsuki.
Tori lifts the wrist he holds, and grabs the arm with his left arm, swings it out to the right to stop the Jodan
Tsuki. Switch hands on the wrist, and apply a choke with the right hand, turn the boy so that you can start a
seio Nage. Uke pulls away. Tori goes under and throws with Ippon seio Nage.
Iso Arashi
Uke grabs the collar with his left hand, and a right strike. Tori in a form of Kosei, does a left Jodan Uke.
Uke then does a right kick, and Tori does a left gedan Uke. Tori locks the hand on the collar, and strikes to
the face with a left Shako ken. Tori steps back with the right foot, and does Uzi maki, lock the hand on the
knee to finish.
Fu Buki
Uke starts the same as Iso Arashi. The defense is the same, but take the hand in Omote Gyaku. Take hold
of the elbow with the left hand, and force it upwards, and kick to right Nasai. Turn under the arm to throw with
Seio Nage.
Kata Ho
Uke does a right then a left Jodan Tsuki, and right keri. Tori does a left, then right Jodan Uke., and a right
Fudo ken to Nasai. Uke then does a left Keri, and tori responds with a left Fudo ken to Nasai. Uke then
does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori blocks with Jumonji Dori, and applies Oni Kudaki. Tori then steps out to the
and does Osoto Gari. Straddle Uke, and lock the arm.
Starts the same as Kata ho, until the last right Jodan Uke. Tori applies the Jumonji Dori, but Uke strikes
with a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps to the side, and does a Jodan Uke to Uko, with omote Shuto. Tori then
takes hold of Daimon, steps out, and kicks with Kakato keri (backward hook) to the hip ot upper thigh. Tori
kneels, and pulls Uke down across the hips.
Chuden No Kata
Ura Nami
Uke is in Seigan no Kamae, Tori is in Hira no kamae. Uke strikes with a right Tsuki, and a left Jodan Tsuki.
Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and a right Jodan Uke. Uke then follows with a right Keri. Tori steps forward 45
degrees to the right, and strikes into Ukes right thigh with a left Gedan Uke. Uke follows Tori, and strikes
with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a Jumonji Dori and applies a Oni Kudaki, and kicks with the right foot, to
Ukes stomach. In the same motion Tori drops the right foot, behind Ukes right foot, and drops with the Oni
Ten Chi
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right Jodan Tsuki,
and a right keri. Tori does left Jodan Uke, right Jodan Uke, Left Jodan Uke, Tori steps to the outside of the
kick, and strikes with a left fudo ken into the thigh. This turns Uke round to the left. As he comes back to
face Tori he strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the left, to the out side of the Tsuki, using Jumonji
Dori. Tori takes hold of the arm, and pulls it down be hind Ukes back. Tori makes Uke bend forwards, and
steps a little forward with the left foot, and kicks the chest with the right foot. Tori then drops to the left knee,
pulls Uke down to the ground.
Kata Nami
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, and a right keri. Tori does a left
Jodan Uke, and steps forward with the right foot, turns to the left, and strikes with a right Fudo ken into the
thigh. Uke then does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori grabs the sleeve with his left hand, and the collar with the
right hand. Tori steps with the right foot, and throws with Osoto Nage.

Kasumi Gake
Uke is in Seigan, and Tori is in Hira. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, and a right keri. Tori does a left Jodan
Uke, steps forward to the right, and turning to the left strikes with the right hand with a fudo ken into the
thigh. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori grabs the sleeve with his left hand. The right hand strikes Ukes right
a shoulder, then moves down to grabs Ukes right elbow. Tori then pulls the elbow so that it bends. When the
elbow is bent the forearm is vertical. Tori turns under the arm, and throws with Osoto Nage.
The bent arm is the same angle as for Musha Dori or Oni Kudaki.
Tatsu No Se
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. Uke dopes a right Jodan Tsuki, and a right Keri. Uke does a left
Jodan Uke, and a left Gedan Uke. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori turns to the right and grabs the
elbow sleeve with the left hand. Tori turns his hand over to the left, and down so that Ukes hand rests on
Tori's forearm. Uke then grabs Toris elbow sleeve, and steps forward with the left, and the right to the
outside of Tori. Toris right hand comes down, and strikes him in the thigh, making him release his grab.
Tori then switches his grab from the right arm to the left arm. Tori barrs the arm vertical to the body. Tori
places his right hip against Ukes right hip, and throws him.
Shio Kaze
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, and a right Keri. Tori does a left Jodan
Uke, and a left Gedan Uke to Kaku. Uke does a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Jodan Uke to Hoshi, or
Nagare. Tori with his right hand grabs Uke from above the backside of Uke right Bicep. At the same time
Tori applies a Ura Gyaku with the left hand, and a keri to the right Koe. Tori drops Uke forwards.
If he resists come back up, and knee him in the chest or face then drop him forwards.
Kaku - Knee Hoshi - inside elbow Koe - Side of the groin
Yama Arashi
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the left 45 degrees, and
does a right Jodan uke to Jaku kin. The right hand checks the grab from underneath. Tori applies a Ura
Gyaku with the left hand, and walks under the arm with Yoko Aruki, at the same time striking to Butsumetsu
with the right elbow as he passes. Tori walks behind Ukes back locking his arm behind him. Tori then kicks
into Buda with the right foot, and steps back with the right foot, taking Uke down, so that he falls onto his
arm breaking it.
Buda - middle of the calf Jaku kin - Inside bicep (middle of)
Yanagi Kaze
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori checks the grab with the
right hand, and steps back 45 degrees to the right, with a left Jodan Uke to Jaku kin. The right hand then
strikes with Fudo ken, or Oshu to Butsumetsu. At the same time as the strike. Tori grabs Ukes left arm with
the left hand, at the same place as the Jodan Uke. With the right hand Tori grabs the Butsumetsu, and
brings Uke to his toes, and throws him, in the same way as doing Omote Gyaku.
Tatsu Nami
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori checks the grab, and strep back to
the right 45 degrees, with a left Jodan Uke. Tori then grabs the grabbing hand with his right hand, and turns
it to the right so that Toris elbow locks it open. Tori steps with the right foot, and turns so that the knee
to the ground. Tori then throws Uke to the ground with Omote Gyaku.
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and strikes with the right. Tori steps back 45 degrees, and does a
left Jodan Uke Tori then applies a Omote Gyaku hold to Ukes grabbing hand, and the left hand grabs Ukes
left elbow. Tori then steps back with the left foot, then kicks with the left foot, to Yaku, and steps through.
From the Omote Gyaku Tori strikes from under the arm with the right hand to Asagasumi with
Oshu,knocking Uke to the ground. Tori's knee should be on Ukes Suzu, and the right elbow on Dokotsu, as
you roll over him Oshu - open palm strike. Dokotsu - Suzu - groin
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and strikes with the right hand. Tori steps back 45 degrees to the
right, and a left Jodan Uke. Tori applies a Take Ori with the right hand to the grabbing hand. With the left
hand Tori grabs the elbow of the grabbing hand. Tori drops his weight then comes up as if rolling a stone
(to Ukes arm), knocking him to the ground.
Shiho Dori

Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan Uke to the wrist. Uke then grabs Tori's collar
with the left hand. Toris left arm comes up in front of his body, and with the right arm applies Oni Kudaki to
the grabbing arm. Tori then does Yoko Aruki to the left, and moves the right foot, behind Ukes left leg. Then
stepping back with the right leg, and straightening Ukes arm, Tori bring Uke to the ground.
For the take down walk in the direction his left leg points.. If the Oni Kudaki fails change to Omote Gyaku,
if he tries to escape, change the technique to Yume Makura.
Sabaki Gata
Ara koma
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and strikes with the right. Tori steps back with a left Jodan Uke. Tori
checks the grab with the right hand, and then turns it into Omote Gyaku, but hold the hand close to the body.
Tori steps in with the right foot, and strikes with a left Boshi Ken to Shada Somi. Tori then steps back with
the right foot, with the Boshi ken still applied. This pushes Uke to the ground. Keep the Boshi ken in place to
Shada Somi - below the ear
Shika Ashi (Kasoku)
Uke grabs with the left hand, and kick with the right foot. Tori checks the grab, and steps to the right, and
a left Gedan Uke.Uke then does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke to Hoshi, and kick with the
right heel o the inside of his right knee, or calf, and turns the heel over, and kicks the same area on the left
For the final heel kick keep the hips back.
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, and a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori blocks first to the wrist, and second to
Hoshi. Uke then does a right keri. Tori does a left Gedan Uke to the ankles. Uke immediately does a right
Jodan Tsuki. From the Gedan Uke, Tori does a left jodan Uke to jaku kin. From under the arm Tori strikes
with a right Oshu Ken to Butsumetsu (the right leg is in front). Tori then grabs the butsumetsu, and brings
Uke up on to his toes, and at the same time grabs the flesh on the upper arm with the left hand. Tori turns
Uke, by pressing Butsumetsu, and pushing the arm. this also makes Uke bend backwards. With the right
hip Tori throws Uke with Harai Goshi. Tori also drops his body weight as he throws. Place the knee into the
ribs when Uke is on the ground.
Careful when doing the Harai Goshi, as Uke can land on the knee, and break their back
Yume Makura
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right Zenpo Keri, right Jodan Tsuki. Tori responds with a left
Jodan Uke, right Jodan Uke, left Gedan Uke, and finally with a right Jumonji dori. Tori's left hand takes hold
of Ukes right wrist, and the left hand takes Ukes elbow.. Tori steps back and brings the arm into a form of
Oni Kudaki. Tori then changes the grab from backwards to forwards, and pushes on the elbow, and pulls on
the wrist so that his arm opens straight. Tori holds Ukes straight arm against his chest, and falls backwards
taking Ukes arm with him. Tori then rolls over Ukes back, and holds him in O Gyaku
Suso Sabaki
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, and a left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, and a right Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan
Uke, Right Jodan Uke, Left Gedan Uke, Left Jodan Uke. From the block move outside of the hand, and take
hold of the wrist in Ura Gyaku with the right hand from above. The left hand grabs the flesh on the shoulder,
and the body turns to the right to the arm. Toris right leg steps over Ukes right leg, and Tori attempts to
throws him. Uke does not let himself be thrown Tori counters this by stepping back with the left leg, and
applying pressure to the shoulder (Ryumon) with the wrist, and a Take Ori moving up and down to break the
Iso Gaeshi
Uke does a right Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, right Jodan Tsuki, another right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a
left Jodan Uke to Kote, right Jodan Uke to Hoshi, left Gedan Uke to kaku, followed by a right Fudo ken to
kaku, left Jodan Uke to Kote. Toris right hand applies a Omote Gyaku from the Fudo ken from underneath
(keep the Omote Gyaku close the body). Tori then walks in with the right foot, and the right elbow is on top
of Ukes right elbow. Tori then steps out with the right foot, and presses down with the right elbow, dropping
Kaze Harai
Uke grabs with the left hand, and strikes with the right. Tori places his right palm under Ukes elbow, and

presses up, and a left Jodan Uke to Jakkin,or wakiboshi. Uke then does a right keri. Tori hand moves
from the elbow to the hand, and Tori does a Gedan Uke. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. As Uke strikes
Tori changes from a right to a left Ura Gyaku, and strikes with the right elbow to Uko, or Butsumetsu. Tori
then walks under the arm (still keep Ura Gyaku), until Tori is behind Uke. Tori places his right hand on
Ukes shoulder. Tori then kicks Uke with Sokushi keri to Buda.
Kuruma Dori
Uke grabs the collar with the left hand, and strike with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori checks the elbow,and
pushes up on it, and does a left Jodan Uke.Tori does a right keri. Tori changes from a elbow to a hand
check, and a left Gedan Uke. Uke then does a right jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the
wrist. Tori
steps across the to left with his right foot. The right hand come under the grabbing arm, so that the
shoulder or right bicep, presses against the elbow, and apply pressure in this way to drop Uke.
Do not let the grabbing hand turn or you could lose control.
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Jodan Tsuki.
Tori does a left Jodan Uke, right Jodan Uke, left Gedan Uke, right Gedan Uke. Immediately after the last
block, Tori applies a Musha Dori, to Ukes left arm, and spins around onto the left knee, and drops Uke onto
their back
Ura Kimon
This starts the same as Kimon, but with two kicks, then a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori immediately applies a right
Oni Kudaki to Ukes left arm, and kicks with the right foot, to Ukes groin. Finish with Osoto Gake or Nage.
Uki No
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hira. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri, right
Jodan Tsuki. Tori does the Uke's. Tori immediately applies a Oni kUdaki to the right arm, and kicks with the
right foot to the groin. Tori the grabs the collar with the right hand, turns and throws with seio Nage, or
applies a Shime waza
Ran Puu
This starts the same as Uki No. Tori applies a Oni Kudaki to the right arm, and kicks with the right foot,
into the groin. Tori grabs Uke in Kumi Uchi, and throws with Seio Nage. While Uke is still in the air. Tori
steps from under Uke for Taki Otoshi.
Okuden No Kata
Fu Setsu
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, Left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with a Fudo Ken into the leg. Uke then does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori blocks with Jumonji
Dori, and applies Oni Kudaki. Tori straightens the arm, and Goes underneath anti clockwise (take hold of
Ukes shoulder with the left hand). Tori then kicks with a right Kakato Keri to Ukes inside right thigh, then
steps back with the right foot, to throw Uke face down.
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, Right keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the
last Keri to punches with a Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then does a right jodan Tsuki. Tori then does a
Jumonji Dori to Ukes right arm, and applies Oni Kudaki. Tori then does a right kick to Ukes groin. Tori places
his right foot between Ukes legs, drops to the left knee, and pivots on it to the left throwing Uke with the Oni
Kudaki still applied.
Kaeshi Waza
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a
Jumonji Dori, and applies Oni Kudaki. Tori then switches this to Musha Dori. Tori then kicks back with a
right Kakato keri to Ukes stomach. Tori then drops the foot down, and spins around to the right (going
down). and applies a Shime waza.
Oni Otoshi
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a
Jumonji Dori, and applies Oni Kudaki, which is then changed to Musha Dori. Tori kicks with the Shin to Ukes

groin, the same leg the throws with Osoto Nage.

Iwa Kudaki
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori blocks with a left
Jodan Uke, and a right Chin Ken to the face. The left hand at the same time grabs the wrist. Tori places his
hips near Ukes, and throws with Osoto Nage.
Slam the hips in hard
Setsu To
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan
Uke, and grabs the wrist, as the right hand strikes with Fudo Ken into the right bicep. Tori then does a right
shin kick to Ukes groin, and pushes Ukes arm in, and down, whilst grabbing the shoulder with the right hand.
Tori then steps back with the left foot, and down to the knee, pulling Uke with him.
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a left
Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist. Tori then grabs Ukes right shoulder with the right hand. Tori steps in and
under, knocking Uke up with a hip strike, and then stepping out to the left so that Uke falls.
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a left
Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist. Tori keeps this arm straight whist he strikes with a right Ura Shuto to
Kasumi. Tori then kicks with the shin into Ukes groin, and continues the foot through between the legs,
and hooks Ukes furthest leg up.
Grab the shoulder with the right hand, and push whilst sweeping the foot away. Ukes right palm must be up
to stop the arm from hitting you.
Oni Kudaki
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a
Jumonji Dori, and applies Oni Kudaki. Tori then does a shin kick to the groin, and places it behind Ukes
right leg for Osoto Gake.
For the final throw turn to the left. Be careful
This is almost exactly the same as Ura Nami from the Chuden no kata
Yanagi Kaze
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a left
Jodan Uke. Uke then grabs Tori and attempts seio Nage. Tori drops his hips, and strikes Uke with Boshi
Ken in Shichibatsu. Tori then jumps around to the front of Uke, and strikes with the right elbow into Ukes
chest. Tori then takes hold of Ukes left arm with the right hand. Tori's left hand comes up under Ukes right
and grabs the collar. Tori then goes under Ukes right arm, and throws with Nagare. Tori kicks Uke when
he is dow.
Tachi Uchi
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan
Uke. Uke then grabs Tori and attempts to throw with Seio Nage. Tori drops his hip and strikes with Boshi
Ken to Shichibatsu. With the Boshi Ken Tori pushes Uke away, and goes behind him, and grabs the flesh at
Butsumetsu. Tori then turns and throws Uke.
For the Butsumetsu grab, dig the thumbs in. Throw from the side so he will not fall off. Beware of
this technique, as the throw will break the neck.
Hane Otoshi (Hane Taoshi)
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, left Keri. Tori responds with the Uke. For the last
Keri Tori strikes with Fudo ken into the thigh. Uke then strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a left
Jodan Uke. Uke grabs Tori, and attempts Seio Nage. Tori drops the hips, and applies Boshi Ken to
Shichibatsu. Uke then turns to face Tori, who then strikes with Ryote Koppo ken to Ukes Uko. This makes
Uke arc his back. Tori throws with Osoto Nage.

Shirabe Moguri Gata

Moguri Dori
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori blocks with a left Jodan Uke. Uke then grabs Toris blocking wrist. Tori
steps in with a right keri. As this comes to the ground, Tori steps in with a the right foot, and a right Ura
Shuto to Uko. Tori then places the right foot behind Ukes right foot, and placing the hips together, throws
Defense against Moguri Dori.
As Tori places his hip to throw. Uke pushes his right thigh up under Tori's thigh. The right hand then
comes up to the neck, and the left goes around the back to grab Tori's left Shichibatsu. Uke then drops to
his left knee pulling Uke over it, using the hands to help him.
For then technique to work properly Uke, and Tori must be in a straight line.
Ko Fuki
Ryu Fuki
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki, and a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and a right Jodan
Uke, and then grabs the collar with the right hand (with a right step forward), and the left hand grabs the
right sleeve. Uke grabs Tori in the same fashion, and attempts to throw with Seio Nage. Tori drops his body
weight, and does a right fudo Ken into Uke groin, followed by a right Fudo Ken into the top of the right thigh,
at the same time a left Fudo ken into the back of the ribs. Pull Uke into a standing position. Tori grabs Ukes
left bicep with the right hand, and the right bicep with the left hand. Tori then does a Kikaku Ken to the chest.
Toris right leg goes inside of Ukes legs, hooking back on the left leg, and pushes Uke to the ground.
Tobi Chigae
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and then moves to the outside of Uke, and does
another Jodan Uke (right) to the back of Ukes hand. Tori then steps on Ukes right foot, with his right foot.
With Ukes right arm away from Tori (across the front of Ukes body). Tori strikes with a right Boshi ken to
Ukes Butsumetsu
Yama Otoshi
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and then grabs hold of the wrist. Tori places his
right hand on Ukes left Shoulder, and pushes his thumb into the neck. Tori turns his right hand into
Shako ken n the face, and step behind Ukes right eg with his right leg. Tori then throws Uke, keeping
hold of the wrist with the left hand.
To Ryaku
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi (left hand holds the collar). Tori checks the collar grab with the right hand, and
holds the arm with his left hand. Tori steps to the right, and drops the right hand down under Ukes left arm.
The right hand comes up and the palm is placed under the elbow. Tori Yoko Aruki's to the right, and the left
hand grabs the bicep of ukes left arm. Tori then steps back with the left foot, and then drops to the left
knee, pulling Uke down onto his front
Sho To
Musa Sabi
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. Uke counters this by moving his right arm,
under Toris left arm, for Ganseki Nage. Tori strikes Uke in the right Koe with a right Boshi Ken. Uke steps
out with the right leg to escape the Boshi Ken. Tori grabs Ukes right wrist with the left hand, and the right
shoulder with the right hand. Tori then kick Uke in Suzu with the right foot. From the kick Tori places the right
foot on Ukes right knee (inside). Tori pulls the wrist, and pushes the shoulder, and kicks the leg away for
Tama Nage
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. Uke continues his Tsuki by moving his right
arm under Tori's for Ganseki Nage. Tori counters by striking Uke in the right koe with a right Boshi Ken. Uke
steps out with the right foot to escape the Boshi Ken. Tori grabs Ukes right wrist with the right hand, from

under neath in Omote Gyaku, and grabs the right elbow with the left hand. Whilst putting pressure on
the elbow, Tori changes the Omote Gyaku to Ura Gyaku, and grabs the top of the breast bone with the
right hand. Tori steps behind the right leg for Osoto Nage.
If changing the hands is too risky, throw instead with Gyaku Nage.
Gyaku Nage
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and immediately grabs the wrist with his left
hand, and the right shoulder with his right hand. Tori then tries to kick Uke in Suzu. As he does this Uke
does a left Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back with the right foot (from the kick), and does a right Gedan Uke. Tori
then grabs the back of Ukes right hand with his right hand. Tori strikes with a left Shitan Ken to Ukes face.
Uke now has his right hand free, and blocks with a right Jodan Uke. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki.
Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the left hand. From the left wrist grab Tori strikes with
the left hand to Jinchu with Shitan Ken. Toris then places the right leg behind Ukes right leg for Osoto Nage.
Uchi Harai
Uke attacks with a right Jodan tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, followed by a Shitan Ken to ukes face.
Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Shitan Ken to Ukes face. Tori does a
right Zenpo Keri. Uke does a left Gedan Uke, and a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori applies a left Jodan Uke, and a
left Shitan Ken to Ukes face, Tori quickly steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Fudo ken
to Ukes Butsumetsu. Tori's right arm moves under Ukes left arm, and the left hand grabs Ukes right arm,
the right foot goes behind Ukes right foot, and throws.
You must keep a very long distance when doing these techniques. Uke will have a Katana. All the time he
is looking for an opening to attack you. When he does attack, you must move fast, as it will all be over in
less than a second.
Above all, you must be prepared to be cut.
With all of the Kodachi techniques you must maintain eye contact with Uke. He will wait for your attention
to drop, or for you to look away from him. Keep your guard up at all times.
You must not go to him, as this will be fatal, he must come first to you.
Kodachi Kata
Hicho Ken (Flying birds sword)
Uke starts in daijodan and does jodan kiri, which finishes with Uke in seigan no kamae (this is not the
attack, but a show of strength). Uke then steps back into hidari hasso no kamae. Tori is a good distance
away with the Kodachi, in shizen no kamae. Each time he moves, a little of his back is exposed as a target
for Uke. Uke, when shown enough of the back, will attack the back at waist height with do uchi. Tori walks /
jumps forward very fast, and strikes Uke in the ribs with the Kodachi.
Ishishi Geki (Chinese Lion attacks)
Uke is in daijodan, Tori is in naka seigan. Tori moves to the left and turns his body to present the left side of
his body as a target, then moves his right foot to the left, back into naka seigan. Tori repeats this twice
more. As Tori moves around Uke, Uke will pivot on the spot to maintain a watchful eye on Tori. When Tori's
side is presented a third time, Uke steps in with the right leg to cut do uchi to Tori's left side. Tori lunges
forward with his weight over the right leg and thrusts the Kodachi at Uke's heart. Tori keeps his left arm
down by his left side for protection and continues his forward movement by stepping yoko aruki.
Juji Ken (Cross swords)
Uke is in daijodan, Tori is in shizen no kamae with the Kodachi in the left hand. Tori does yoko aruki to the
left. This will expose Tori's right side to Uke. Uke will cut with do uchi to the right side of Tori's waist. Tori
moves forward with the right foot, and takes hold of the sword hand with his right hand. The Kodachi is
then thrust into Uke's shoulder, or slashes the shoulder.


The Shindenfudo Ryu is broken into two halves, Jutaijutsu, and Dakentaijutsu.
The beginnnings of the Jutaijutsu, is solely Jutaijutsu, but as you move further through the Kata,
Dakentaijutsu starts to creep in. So when the end of the Jutaijutsu Okuden is reached, Dakentaijutsu
is primary, and Jutaijutsu is secondary.
The Dakentaijutsu is the oppersite to the Jutaijutsu, with more Jutaijutsu at the end, and less
Dakentaijutsu. The Shindenfudo Ryu also has Hojojutsu.
Use as little movement as possible. When Uke strikes shift out of the way with as little effort as possible.
When striking, do so with as much force as is possible. Mainly from Shizen. Right step forwards, with
the right hand following the foot, and slamming directly into Uke. Can also be done while walking, with
the natural swing of the arms.
Also strike with Shikan ken turned flat, for striking into the throat.
The Dakentaijutsu involved a lot of attacks from behind.
All of the kata can also be done with either Uke, Tori or both wearing Daisho. Understand that the Ryu Ha
is meant to be practiced while wearing the Daisho against someone wearing the Daisho.
Understand Nature. "The basics of Shinden Fud Ryu begin with an understanding of nature. By training
with nature (i.e. in natural surroundings such as a forest or park) you can strengthen your legs, waist and
wrist (fists). Training should be with nature (i.e. lifting heavy logs or boulders, walking naturally as you avoid
thrown or swung objects, striking old or dead trees, dirt, or sand). Moving through a forest (walking or
running), rolling in this surrounding, and/or using the Kakushi Geri ('hidden kick') to strike trees or rocks as
you go past them. A person can train with tree branches to strengthen their arms, kick rocks to toughen their
legs and roll about the forest floor to enhance their Ukemi. This is the way of training, which does not
require a Dj (school) or limits practice to just exercise."
Multiple attacks. Hatsumi Sensei stressed the use of multiple attacks against an opponent.4
Understand birds. Hatsumi Sensei has repeatedly stated during training this year that in order to
truly understand Shinden Fud Ryu we must understand the nature and behavior of birds.
Keep the right hand free. "In Shinden Fud Ryu it is important to keep the right hand free and 'floating'
about. Free does not mean unresponsive or inaction. It does not mean that the right hand cannot be used to
or grab, parry or remove an opponent's attack. Rather the 'freedom' to act in these situations is exactly why
the right hand must remain free. Also, it was the limb that best controlled the sword [or 'soul'] of the Samurai
and as such must always be prepared to unsheathe the ultimate weapon of the defender."
Punching. In Shinden Fud Ryu the hand is thrown in a natural manner by stepping forward with the leg.
Start from Shizen No Kamae. As you step forward to punch, bring your punching arm straight up from the
hip. There is no chambering of the arm. Remember to open your hips. The punch should become virtually
undetected to your opponent, and with the integration of the hip/leg movement and the arm, your punch
will be fast and powerful.
Za No Kamae (Fudoza)
Sit on the heel of the left foot, and have the sole of the right foot, tucked into the calf of the left leg.
Hira Ichimonji No Kamae
Both arms are held ot from the sides of the body at shoulder height. Feet are shoulder width apart.
Seigan No Kamae
The lead hand is out at Uke with the fingers pointing at the heart. The rear hand is clenched near to the ear.
Katate Seigan No Kamae
Same as Seigan no Kamae with the right hand at the eyes.
Shizen No Kamae
Feet shoulder width apart, with both hands, palms back against the hips.


Shoden No Kata (Initial transmission forms)

Kata Mune Dori (Single chest capture)
Uke and Tori are both in Za Kamae. Uke comes up on the right foot, and grabs the Mune with the right hand.
Tori checks the hand, and grabs it in a two handed Ura Gyaku. Tori then does a right kick to the stomach,
and pushes right upstanding leg out to the side with the left foot. Tori drops to his back, doing a Ura Gyaku,
and pushes the leg away, so that Uke falls next to him on to his stomach. Tori then goes up onto his right
knee sitting next to Uke, and putting his left hand into Ura Gyaku on the floor (the arm is bent at 90
degrees). With his right hand Tori, holds Ukes hand on the floor (in Take Ori), and with the left pulls the
elbow towards him. This is called Te Kubi.
Gyaku Katamune Dori (Reverse single chest capture)
Both Uke, and Tori are in Za Kamae. Uke steps up with his right foot, and grabs Tori's Mune with the right
hand. Tori right hand comes over and grabs the hand in Ura Gyaku, and the right foot, kicks out to Uke's
stomach. Tori then drops onto his back, and pulls Uke with him onto his back. They lie side by side. Tori
comes up onto his right knee, and Pulls the elbow (hand still in Ura Gyaku) with the left hand, and pulls
Uke onto his back on Tori's left side.
Ude Ori (Arm break)
Uke and Tori are both in Za Kamae. Uke comes up on the right foot, and strikes with a right Tsuki. Tori leans
to the left, and grabs Uke wrist with the right hand, and then leans back to the right, and raising the right
knee, and applies pressure to Ukes elbow by using his knee. Tori rolls to the left and continues the
pressure. Ura waza
Uke comes up on the right foot and grabs the Mune with the right hand. Tori holds this with two hands. Tori
leands back and pulls the arm. Tori then grabs the left shoulder with the left hand, and steps back to the
left knee, pulling Uke down onto his front.
Matsu Kaze (Pine tree wind)
Kuden: The meaning of Matsu Kaze is to remove the Opponents wind by grabbing the throat.
Start with Kumi Uchi with the left hand on the Obi. Do a slight shift to the right, and move the right hand
inside of the collar. Tori then shifts to the left, and drops the left hand to Butsumetsu. Tilt Uke to you
left. Right foot goes behind Ukes right foot, Tori drops to the left knee and throws Uke.
Use the thumb in the neck to shift him to your left.
His buttocks should be half on, half off when lying across the your knee.
This fall can be hard, use your thumb to control his fall.
Instead of the thumb, use a grab to the collar bone to shift him if he refuses to move.
Ryu Ko (Dragon Tiger)
Uke does Hon Jime to Tori. Tori grabs Ukes left elbow with the right hand, and the right shoulder with the
left hand. Tori then steps in with the right foot, and does Yoko nagare, taking Uke over the top of him.
Gedan Gake (Low hook)
Uke is in a left Seigan Kame, and does a Jodan Tsuki. Tori is in Shizen, and steps out to the right, with a left
Jodan Uke. Tori moves forwards with a right kick to the groin, and at the same time grabs Ukes right hand
in Ura Gyaku with the right hand. Tori turns to his right so that Uke bends over. Tori then does Zenpo
Ukemi, with his body on Ukes arm. Tori keeps the Ura Gyaku on, and lies on the arm to break it.
Ude Ori (Arm break)
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori controls Ukes left arm with the right hand (palm against the back of the
elbow). Tori fakes a left tsuki to Suigetsu, but changes it to a Shikan Ken to Jinchu. Tori applies a Muso
Dori to the left arm, and turns to the left so that he is standing next to Ukes left. Tori pushes Uke down onto
his stomach, and knees with the right knee on the shoulder. Tori takes Ukes left hand in Ura Gyaku, and
pulls it to dislocate the shoulder.
Kyu In (Old street)
This is the same as No 7 Ude Ori. But when Tori does the Muso dori, he does a left kick to Ukes left
knee. The ending is the same.
Kimon Dori (Demon gate capture)
Uke does a Ryote Mune Dori. Tori hold both of his hands, and drops his body weight. Tori then does a right
step onto Ukes left Toki, and letting go of the hands does a Ryote Fudo ken to Ukes chest. Tori immediately

grabs the Gi with both hands, and turns to the left to throw Uke.
When turning to the left to throw Uke, the movement of the hands is similar to that of turning a
steering wheel.
Ura waza
After the Fudo Ken, if Uke resists, pinch the flesh between the thumb, and a bent fore finger. Keep
your knees touching Ukes. You must drop the body weight down when doing the Fudo Kens. Attack
Kimon. Ura waza
Instead of striking the to Nagare, then grab both Kimon, to break the balance. Step back, and down to
one knee, and throw.
Jinchu Nage (Centre of man throw)
Uke does Ryote Mune dori. Tori grabs with both arms under the armpits, with the thumbs on Kimon. Tori
steps with the left foot, forward to the left, and strikes with kikaku to Ukes head. Tori then steps with the
right foot, behind Ukes, and does Osoto gake. The hands still hold Kimon.
Koromo Kaeshi (Garment over throw)
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori moves to the left to a Ichimonji style Kamae. With the left hand Tori grabs
Uke right Hoshi. Toris right arm goes under Ukes left armpit, with the hand pressing Kimon. Uke now
takes two steps back (left first). Tori goes with Uke, but applies a Shako ken to the face. Tori steps behind
Ukes right foot, and the left hand grabs Ukes right wrist. The right hand grabs the right Jakkin (Tori's right
elbow presses on Ukes right under arm) Tori now does Koshi Nage.
Saka Otoshi (Incline drop)
Uke does Ryote Mune dori. Tori holds Uke in Kumi Uchi. Tori then steps forward to the left with the right
foot, so that he is standing next to Ukes right side. Tori applies a right Shuki ken to the Butsumetsu, Tori
does a right heel kick to the back of Ukes right knee and moves his right arm under Ukes right arm. Tori
holds Ukes left wrist with his right hand. Tori steps behind Uke with the left foot, and goes down on the right
knee,and throws Uke. Ukes arm is bent right over the right shoulder.
Pull onto the arm, and the shoulder with the right hand. During the throw Tori turns to the left a little.
Satani Nage (Field valley throw)
Uke grabs the collar with the right hand. Uke checks the grab, and steps back with the left foot. Tori grabs
Ukes right hand with the right hand in Ura Gyaku, and steps back with the right foot. Tori does a right
heel kick to the right knee. Tori pulls on Ukes right elbow, and the left hand. Uke falls to the left.
Katate Otoshi (one hand drop)
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori checks the right hand with the left hand, and grabs Ukes left wrist from
under (fingers on the inside) with the right hand. Tori steps back with the left foot, and then comes back in
with the left foot, and pivots to the right (turning ukes arm). Ukes arms are now crossed on Ukes left
shoulder (elbows down) Tori does Morote Gyaku Nage.
Gyaku Nage (Reverse throw)
Uke either does Ryote mune Dori, or does a Jodan Tsuki. Tori turns clockwise to intercept the attack. Ukes
elbow(s) are locked, and barred elbow down, on top of Tori's shoulder. Tori pulls on the elbows, and
throws Uke over his shoulder, or bends the arms sharply to break them.
Gokuraku Otoshi (Paradise drop)
Uke holds tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back to the right with the right palm under Ukes elbow. Tori then steps
back in with the right, rolling the elbow over as he steps in, pulling Ukes back a little. Uke tries to regain his
balance, Tori places his left hand on Ukes right hand, drops to the left knee, and pushes Uke to Tori's left
pulling him over.
Chuden No Kata (Middle transmission forms)
The main point of the Chudan no kata, is to be able to move freely and control your own body weight.
Before doing the Chudan no Kata, Takamatsu Sensei would do a forwards handspring on one finger.
Before doing the Chudan no kata, Toda Sensei would jump 1 Ken (1.82m) up in the air.
Fu Setsu
Tori and Uke hold the left Obi, and the right Mune. Tori steps back to the right, and kicks with a left Keri to

Ukes right Kaku. Tori then steps forward with the right foot in front of Ukes left foot, and then drops down
to the right knee, throwing Uke clockwise.
For the throw, pull on the Mune, and push on the Obi.
Tama Otoshi
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi (left hand on Mune right hand on the obi). Tori steps forward to the right, and
strikes with Fudo ken to Omote Kimon. Tori again steps to the right, and places the right heel, behind
Ukes right heel. As Uke attempts to regain his balance, Tori drops to his right knee, and throws Uke.
Pull on the obi to help Uke over.
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori holds Ukes hand on Mune with the palm up (left hand on Obi, right on
the Mune). Tori steps out to the left, and does a right kick to Ukes left Yaku. Tori pulls on the obi to break
Ukes balance. Tori steps out to the left twisting, and extending the right arm. Tori then steps to Ukes right
foot, and drops to the left knee, throwing Uke.
Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps forward with the left foot 45, and strikes with a right Shuto to
Ukes right Bicep. Tori pulls the Obi, and pushes the shoulder bending the back. Tori steps in with the right
foot behind Ukes legs, and throws (place your legs across Ukes thighs)
Ran Odori
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori holds the left obi, and the right mune. Tori steps back to the right pulling
the Mune. As Uke pulls back (for his balance), Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right
happa ken to Asagasumi. Tori from here strikes down to the right Nagare, and holds it. Tori drops to his right
knee, and grabs with the right to the inside of the back of Ukes right leg. Tori switches from right to left knee,
pulling Ukes right arm over the shoulder, and raises the leg.
Tsuki No Wa
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and attempts Seio Nage. Tori resists the throw,, and starts Ganseki Nage with
the right arm. Uke resists this, so Tori turns to the left, and grabs Ukes left shoulder with the left hand, and
Osoto Gake.
Koncho Dori (Butterfly capture)
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and throws with Seio Nage. As he goes Tori catches Ukes lapel, and starts a
Ganseki Nage, and grabs the wrist to twist Uke forward for a throw, and sweep kick to the legs.
Kasa Harai
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and starts a Seio Nage. Tori drops the hips, and starts O-Gyaku (Ukes right
side is the easiest). Tori catches the elbow, and locks the shoulder. Have the elbow up witht he palm down.
As Uke bends over, Tori kicks the left leg above the inside of the knee, and bends the arm into Ura Oni
It is vital to use the elbow to knock his arm away. It is best to step forward 45.
Kaku Sei
Kuden: The name Kaku Sei means cranes voice. The Uke should not be allowed to let out his voice twice.
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and attempts a throw. As Uke comes in Tori grabs the obi, and presses the
thumb into Shichibatsu. As the throwing motion continues, Toris right arm locks around Ukes neck, and
Tori rolls over with Uke, and applies pressure to the neck with the head. Tori is on top of Uke, with the arm
still around Ukes neck. Tori holds Ukes right hand with his left hand, and the right shoulder pushes up on
Ukes neck to break it.
Kasumi Gake (Mist Hook)
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and attempts Seio Nage. Tori drops his weight, and grabs the back of the
Obi. Tori raise the right arm slightly, and strikes with Fudo Ken to Omote Kimon. Continue this down to the
floor, and putting his right on Uke, Tori rolls over him.
If you can not do the Fudo ken, press downwards with Boshi ken
Ura waza
Uke does a Ryomune Dori. Tori raises his hands and strikes just above the elbow to weaken the grip.
Tori then grabs the pectorals with both hands, and pushes him back and down.

Ryo Yoku
Kuden: The name Ryo Yoku, means Both wings. You should have the feeling of both of your arms
being wings.
Uke holds Tori in Kumi Uchi, and attempts Seio Nage, Tori jumps to the front, with both arms straight on
Ukes shoulders (left first). Tori then pushes down with both thumbs into the collar bone, and kicks to Gorin.
Utsushi Dori
Uke holds in Kumi Uchi, and attempts Seio Nage. Tori strikes with a Boshi Ken into Shichibatsu, then jumps
to the front, and the left hand grips Ryumon, and the right hand holds the front of the Obi. Tori then slides
the right foot forward for Yoko Nagare, and pulls Uke to the left. Tori then kicks to Suigetsu.
Gaeshi Gata
Kote Geashi
Uke holds the wrist in Omote Gyaku, and applies the lock. Tori turns to face his locked wrist, and
jump/flips, into a cartwheel with the free hand coming over to touch the ground first. A Katate Kuten will
complete the Gaeshi.
Seio Gaeshi
Uke does a Seio Nage. As he throws, do a slight jump, and propel yourself over Ukes shoulder, to land on
your feet.
Tomoe Geashi
Uke does Tomoe Nage. Tori as he is thrown, puts the hands out in front of himself, past Ukes head,
and uses the momentum of the throw, to do a cartwheel.
Kuruma Gaeshi
As Uke does the Kuruma Nage, put both of the hands out in front of you, and either cartwheel or
Handspring clear.
Finish in Kamae for all of the Gaeshi Gata.
Okuden No Kata (Inner transmission forms)
Hyo Fu
Tori applies a right Hon Jime to Uke. Uke counters by lifting Tori's right arm, and attempting Koshi Nage.
Tori responds by dropping the right arm, and body, and then lifts up to apply Musha Dori to Ukes left arm.
left leg slides down the outside of Ukes left leg, in a kind of Yoko Nagare movement, finishing up on his back.
Tori pulls Uke across his body, and Uke lands on Toris right side. As Tori sits up he switches hands, taking
Ukes left arm from underneath with the left arm similar to Oni Kudaki, twisting his hand into Omote Gyaku,
while holding Ukes right lapel in Hon Jime. Tori pushes down on the neck, and applies pressure to the left
arm while twisting to the right.
Waza 1
Tori applies Hon Jime to Uke. Uke counters by lifting Tori's right arm, and attempting Koshi Nage. Tori shifts
to the front, and takes Uke right arm in Musha Dori, or Ude Ori, and lifts Uke to apply a lock. Tori's right
hand grabs Ukes shoulder. Tori slides his right leg forward into Yoko Nagare movement as before, pulling
Uke across his body. Tori then stands up and secure Uke's neck, or head with the left knee, and applies Ude
Ori by flexing the spine backwards.
Waza 2
Tori applies a Hon Jime to Uke. Instead of lifting the right arm, Uke raises Toris left arm from his lapel. As
Uke raises the arm, Tori grabs the sleeve, and skin of Ukes left elbow. Tori the lifts Uke's right right elbow, as
the right leg slides down between Ukes legs in Yoko Nagare, bringing Uke over Tori's body, landing on his
head. Tori finishes with a kick to Suigetsu
Waza 3
Tori applies a Hon Jime to Uke. Uke raises the left arm, and attempts a Koshi Nage. Tori releases the left
grip on the lapel, and grabs the sleeve, and skin of Ukes left elbow as Tori steps to his right to Ukes front.
Tori pulls Ukes balance forward. Tori then does Yoko Nagare, but this time the left foot goes out, instead
sliding it down. Tori also stamps on Ukes left foot in a cutting motion. Tori then brings Uke over his body, and
a kick to Suigetsu.
Waza 4

Tori applies a Hon Jime to Uke. Uke lifts the left elbow to attempt Koshi Nage. Tori steps to the right to
Ukes front, and grabs Ukes right arm with the left hand, and keeps the right hand on the lapel. Tori then
does a right step to Ukes rear, as the right hand goes over Ukes right elbow. As he steps Tori does not
place the foot directly to the floor, but drops straight down to Yoko Nagare, putting pressure on Ukes elbow
with entire body weight.
Gosha Dori (Warrior capture)
Uke applies a Hon Jime to Tori. Tori steps back and uses the chin to stop the choke, and applies a Ryote
Shako Ken to Ryumon. Tori then jumps up and wraps his legs around Ukes leg waist and squeezes. Tori
then releases his hands and drops back to the ground. Tori grabs Ukes ankles and does a right heel kick
up into Suigetsu. Tori pulls on the legs and take Uke down. Tori once again kicks to Suigetsu. Tori then sits
up, and grabs the skin at Butsumetsu, drops his weight on the knuckles into Butsumetsu, and applies
Kikaku Ken to Men.
Ura waza 1
Uke applies a Hon Jime. Tori steps back, and stops the choke with the chin, and applies a Ryote Shako
Ken to Ryumon.Tori then jumps up and wraps his legs around Ukes waist and squeezes. Tori keeps hold of
the Ryumon, and drops to the ground, pulling Uke forward. Tori does a right kick to Suigetsu, and a Tomoe
Ura waza 2
Uke applies a Hon Jime to Tori. Tori steps back and uses the chin to stop the choke. He then does a
Ryote Shako Ken to Ryumon, with both thumbs sticking in to the gaps between windpipe, and neck
muscles. Tori then does the jump to the waist, and pushes the thumbs deeper in the neck, knocking Uke
Ura waza 3
Uke applies a Hon Jime to Tori. Tori steps back, and uses the chin to stop the choke. Then he applies a
Ryote Shako Ken to Ryumon. Tori then jumps to the waist. But if Uke is too strong, or if his balance is too
good to pull him forwards, then Tori pushes off him by lowering one leg then the other. Tori then throws
him with Ganseki Nage, Seoi Nage etc.
Ura waza 4
Uke applies a Ryotte Shako Ken to Tori. Tori steps back, and uses the chin to stop the choke. Tori then
applies a Ryote Shako Ken to Ryumon. Tori the jumps up to the waist. But if Uke is too strong, or his
balance is good, Tori pushes off him by lowering one leg then the other. Tori then holds Uke left arm, and
drops down to the right knee, and turns back to Uke.
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori checks Ukes right hand, and does a Omote Shuto to Kasumi with the right
hand. Tori then grabs Ukes right wrist with the right hand (from under the arms), and steps back with the
left foot. Tori then steps back with the left foot, and pulls Ukes right arm up and pivots to the right, putting
Ukes arm onto his left shoulder. Tori then does Gyaku Nage.
Kari Shimo
Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori pulls his right hand back to attempt to free it. Uke pulls their arm
back, Tori strikes with a Boshi ken to the neck. Tori then locks Ukes elbow, and throws with Osoto Nage.
Ura waza 1
Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori pulls his right hand back to attempt to free it. Uke pulls their arm
back, Tori strikes with a Boshi ken to the neck. Tori then locks Ukes elbow, and throws with Temakure.
Ura waza
Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori pulls his right hand back to attempt to free it. Uke pulls their arm
back, Tori strikes with a Boshi ken to the neck. Tori then locks Ukes elbow, Tori then steps behind Uke
kneeling taking Uke to the ground as he kneels.
Tatsu Maki (Tornado)
Furoya nage
Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right, and does Jodan Uke, and then grabs the wrist. Tori then
steps forwards with the right foot, and grabs Uke right elbow with the right hand from underneath. Tori then
pushes on the wrist, and pulls on the elbow, and turns so that he is standing next to Uke (on the right side of
Uke, both facing the front). Ukes right elbow is now pointing upwards. Tori then does Koho Ukemi, and pulls
Uke down onto his back.
Yama Arashi (Mountain storm)
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Shizen no Kamae. When the cut comes down, Tori
steps on with the right foot, and drops to the left knee, and does a right Shikan Ken to Suigetsu.

Bai Setsu
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori steps back with the left foot, and grabs the right hand in Ura Gyaku with
the right hand, giving a Shuki Ken during the movement to Uke right elbow. With the left hand, Tori grabs
Ukes left wrist, and steps forward with the left foot, and turns to the right, and pulls on the arms so that Uke
turn with him until they are both back to back. Ukes has both of his arms barred down on top of Toris
shoulders. Tori then bends forwards, and throws Uke over the top onto his back.


Nichi Geki
Uke grabs Tori in Kumi Uchi. Tori places his left hand between himself, and Ukes knuckles. The right hand
lies on top of Ukes other arm with the palm facing up (he does not grab the lapel). As Uke turns to attempt
Seio Nage, Tori drops his body weight, and lifts the right hand up in the direction of Ukes face. At the same
time Tori drops his body weight, by bending the knees, and keeping them close to Ukes knees. Tori then
turns anti clockwise, and places his right foot behind Ukes right foot (keeping the knees bent, and pushing
on the right hand at the face throws Uke backwards.
Both are in Shizen. Uke steps forward, and punches Shindenfudo Ryu style. Tori does a slight right step,
and lifts the left hand to take hold of Ukes wrists (he does not grab). Tori the shifts back to the left, and takes
hold of uke right shoulder (Toris left), and kicks with Sokuyaku to Suigetsu. Without stepping back to the
ground Tori drops straight out the right knee, at the same time he lifts the left hand, and pulls the right hand
with him. Tori drops Uke on his stomach on the ground to his right side. Tori finishes with O-Gyaku.
Ukes does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Uke by the shoulders with the hands. He them jumps up, and wraps
his legs around Ukes waist. He places one ankle on top of the other, and together he squeezes his knees
together, and pushes his feet out. He then his Uke in the face with the base of the right Fudo Ken. Tori then
drops to the ground (keep the legs around the waist), pulls both of Ukes legs from under him, and drops
Uke onto his back. Tori then does a Kagato Ken to the chest.
The leg grip around the waist is called Ashi Jime.
U Ryu
Uke grabs Tori from behind in a bear hug (right hand is on top). Tori drops his body weight, and then takes
hold of the fingers on Ukes right hand, with his right hand. Tori then pulls the hand out to the right, and
steps back with the left foot placing it behind Ukes right leg. Tori then steps back with the right foot dropping
to the knee, and throws Uke
U ryu (ura waza)
As in Kata, but Tori pulls the fingers apart on his right hand, and places his left elbow on top of Ukes
right elbow to keep it barred open. Tori applies pressure while the throws Uke over his left leg.
U ryu (ura waza)
Tori side steps to the left . The right hand comes up and grabs Ukes hair, and pulls him forwards over
the right leg.
Un Jaku / Hibari
Uke and Tori are both in Shizen. Uke steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with the right hand
(Shindenfudo Ryu Style). Tori drops to his left knee to avoid the punch. Toris left hand is at Ukes knee, as a
cover, with the left elbow at shoulder height. Tori then stands up fast, and brings a right Fudo Ken up under
Asagasumi. This knocks Uke backwards. Tori then pivots anti clockwise, so he is standing next to Ukes left
side (both face front), and with his right leg crossed over Ukes left leg. Tori takes hold of the skin, and
sleeve of Ukes left arm, and pushes his arm forward, knocking Uke over his leg onto the ground.
ura waza
Finish with Ganseki Nage or any other throw.
Once Uke has done his Tsuki, and you have dropped down to your knee, place the left forearm against his
knee, and plull his ankle with your right hand, while pushing your left forearm to knock him down. Then roll
over his body.

Setsu Yaku
Uke does a right punch (Shindenfudo Ryu Style). Tori then shifts to the right, and takes hold of Ukes right
wrist with his left hand (the palm is down and on top of the hand). Tori steps in with the right foot, across to
Ukes right foot. At the same time twist Ukes hand out as in a Gyaku Omote Gyaku. Toris right hand
comes up under Ukes right arm, and grabs the shoulder, and then barr's the arm. Tori then steps through
with the right foot, and turns a little clockwise, turning the arm in to Oni Kudaki, and drop him the floor.
If Uke will not let you turn clockwise, and do the Oni Kudaki, turn instead anti clockwise, and throw Uke with
Gyaku Nage.
ura waza
After the Omote Gyaku, apply Hiji Gyaku, then Osoto Gake.
From the Hiji Gyaku, keep on the lock, and reach to grab between his shoulder blades., the throw with a
hip throw.
Uke strikes with a right Fudo Ken (Shinden Style). Tori steps back, and across the left so the punch passes
by his chest. At the same time as stepping Tori drops his body weight, and takes hold of Ukes wrist with
the left hand. The right hand comes up under Ukes arm, with a Shako Ken to the face or a Fudo Ken to the
chest. Tori then steps back with the right foot to face Uke, and turns the grabbed hand so is similar to Take
Ori. Tori then passes under the arm anti clockwise, keeping it straight. When Tori has passed under it
completely, he stands at the side of Uke with the arm still straight (in a straight line with the opposite
shoulder). With a right Shuto Tori strikes the upper arm muscles dropping Uke.
When doing the final Shuto, if the body weight is dropped at the point of contact, the Shuto will deliver
more impact, and be a more devastating attack to the muscle.
ura waza
Tori is in Shizen, Ukes strikes with a left Gedan Tsuki. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and back with
the left foot. The left hand is palm up under Ukes left hand to cover the Tsuki. Tori takes hold of Ukes left
hand with his left, and rotates it to the left, whie striking with a right Fudo ken to Asagasumi (rise this up
from underneath). Toris right hand then grabs the left wrist and brings it out to the right side opening him up.
Tori then does a left Shako ken to the chin. Tori then passes under Ukes left arm clockwise, and does a
right elbow strike to the ribs as he passes. Tori locks Ukes arm. Tori steps back kneeling on the right knee,
and finishes with a left Shuto to the upper arm muscles.
ura waza
This starts the asame as the above Ura Waza. Uke starts with a right Tsuki.
After the turn under the arm, Tori then grabs hold of the shoulder with the right hand, and a right
sokuyaku geri to Shichibatsu on the right side to finish.
Ka Rai
Uke grabs Tori's left lapel with the right hand. Uke then steps back with the left foot, and pulls the left
hand back to start the punch. As soon as Uke grabs the lapel, Tori checks the hand with his left hand, and
takes hold of it. As Uke steps back to do the punch, Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does a right
Fudo Ken to Ukes Suigetsu. Toris right and then grabs Ukes right shoulder. Tori steps back with the right
foot dropping to the right knee, pulling Uke by the shoulder to the ground. Finish with O-Gyaku.
Chi No Kata
Ri Ken
Uke is in Seiza with wearing a Daisho. Tori is sat in Za Kamae, also wearing a Daisho. Uke comes up on the
right foot, and steps forward, and grabs Ukes left Mune with the right hand. Tori takes hold of the his sword
with the left hand and places it against the outside of Ukes forearm. Tori's right hand then takes hold of the
Sword handle from above the forearm. Tori then leans to the right, and kicks with the right foot, to Ukes
/ hip. Tori then moves over to the right restraining Uke with the sword handle. Tori drops Uke onto his
face, and restrains him with the sword.
Note: Tori place the sword against Ukes forearm. It must form a cross with the arm and the handle. Place
it just below the elbow for best effect.
ura waza
This is the same start as above, but at the end when the left knee comes up to the top of of Ukes right
arm, instead roll the whole body against his arm and shoulder. this way you can add your right elbow to
the attack.
ura waza

Tori is in Za Kamae. Uke is in Seiza, and comes up on the right foot, and a right grab. Tori sinks
backwards, while kicking up to Ukes chin. Tori's left foot circles to the left, then up and over the arm, striking
the temple with the left heel. Tori then sinks back onto the right buttock, and rests on his right shoulder, as
he is face down.
Shin Ken
Uke sits in Seiza and comes up on the right foot, and grabs Toris left Mune with the right hand. Tori is in
Za Kamae, and controls the grab with the left hand, and does a right Omote Shuto to Ukes right Jakkin.
Tori then comes up on the left knee, and kicks with the right foot (toes to the Butsumetsu). Tori then drops
back from the kick, and does a Yoko Kaiten.
Rai Ken
Uke is in Hidari Seigan no Kamae, and does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori is sitting in Za Kamae, and does a left
Gedan Uke (stay seated). Tori then does a right kick to Ukes groin, followed by a Yoko Kaiten.
Tori does all his movements from Za Kamae, and does not go up onto either foot.
Hen Kyo
Uke is in Seiza, and comes up on the left foot, and grabs Toris right Mune with the left sleeve. Tori is in Za
Kamae, and grabs with the right hand in Omote Gyaku. Tori then comes onto the left knee, and does a right
toe kick to Butsumetsu. Tori then drops back to a seated position on the ground. Tori then does Omote
Gyaku, and pushes Ukes left foot away towards Ukes right side with his left foot. Tori drops to the right side,
while doing this Uke falls onto his back next to Tori. Tori comes up onto his right knee, and does a left kick
to Ukes side. Ukes hand is still in Omote Gyaku.
Uke is in a left Seigan no kamae, and does a Zenpo Keri, followed by a right Tsuki. Tori is in Za Kamae,
and does Gedan Uke for the kick, and grabs the wrist of the Tsuki with his right hand (Thumb on the inside,
fingers on the outside of the wrist). Tori places his right foot on Ukes right foot, and drops back pushing on
the foot, and pulling on the wrist. Uke falls on to his stomach next to Tori. Tori then sits up on his right knee,
and places his left knee on Ukes right arm.
Ha Ken / Aru Ken
Uke has a Katana in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Za Kamae. When the cut comes, Tori does
Koho Kaiten, with the right foot coming up, and kicking Ukes sword hand, knocking the sword out of the way.
Kan Jin / Ken Kon
Uke stands behind Tori in Daijodan. Tori is sat in Za Kamae. Uke gives out a Kiai, and cuts with Jodan Kiri.
Tori leans to the left to avoid the cut (place the left hand on the ground for support). As the sword passes to
Toris right, Tori takes hold of the sword hand from on top. The right leg moves to the right, and the left
hand joins the right hand. Tori then rises to his feet, and turns clockwise, lifting the blade out of the way.
Tori now holds Uke in a form of Ura Gyaku. Tori locks him and drops him straight to the ground. Tori takes
the sword away from Uke, and cuts him across the back.
Sui Ryu
Uke has a Katana in Migi Chudan no Kamae, and does a Chudan Tsuki. Tori is in Za Kamae, and comes up
onto the right foot to avoid the cut. Tori grabs Ukes right hand with his left hand, and grabs the elbow with
the right hand from underneath the arms. Tori pulls on the elbow, and holds Ukes right hand in place with the
left in an arm lock (similar to Musha Dori). Tori then does a right kick to the groin, and places the right foot
behind Ukes right foot, and pulls the elbow down so that Uke will fall on to his back, and break his
elbow during the fall.
Note: Tori is sitting on his left knee during this technique, and does not come up all of the way.
Shizen Shikoku No Kata
Tai Nagashi
Uke grabs with the right hand Tori's Mune. Tori's left hand takes gold of Ukes hand from underneath, with
the thumb, and index finger facing away from the body. Uke does a Jodan Tsuki, Tori responds with Jodan
Uke. Toris right hand then travels past the eyes, to grab the flesh on the outside of Ukes right Bicep.. At the
same time the right hand moves, the right foot steps across. Tori then steps back with the right foot, rolling
Ukes arm over by pulling the flesh. Tori drops to the right knee.

Keep the arm straight, and hold the hand in a form of Ura Gyaku
You need to take his balance. Every time you change direction, you must alter and change his balance,
so that you can keep control.
ura waza
Uke does a right grab to Mune, and a left Punch. Tori take hold of the hand from underneath, and does a
Jodan Uke, knocking the arm away. The right hand then grabs the flesh at the ribs. Tori's left foot steps on
Ukes right foot (rock forwards). Tori then drops back onto the right knee, pulling Uke with him.
Drop back onto your buttocks and throw Uke over head.
Use Kosshijutsu to move him.
Before the flesh grab do a Daken style strike with the palm to the ribs, then turn the hand into Shako Ken,
and grab.
Ken Nagashi
Uke does a left grab, and a right punch. Tori takes hold from underneath, and does a Jodan Uke. Tori then
shifts to the left, and starts a Ganseki Nage. Uke drops his weight to counter. Tori then does a switch step,
and does either Muso Dori, or Hon Gyaku. Tori then does a right step back, and goes down on the right
knee to drop Uke. Place the right foot on the shoulder blade, and barr the arm on the shin to restrain.
ura waza
Same start of Ken Nagashi. At the Ganseki when he counters, step out then back in and do the Ganseki
Keep then Ganseki on but only do a half step out then back in. Before moving in wait for him to relax, then
lift your elbow, and do the Ganseki.
Fu Batsu
Uke grabs Toris Mune with the left hand. Tori checks the hand, and grabs Ukes left shoulder with his left
hand.. Tori then kicks with the right foot, to Ukes stomach. Tori then drops the right foot back, and starts
to turn clockwise. When Tori steps back he drops to the right knee, pulling with his right hand na pushing
the shoulder with his left hand. Uke falls to the ground.
Start the turning, pushing, and pulling from the kick.
Ryote Gake
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Ukes elbows from underneath. Tori then pushes up with the right, and
pulls down with the left. Tori then pushes with the left, and pulls with the right, Tori then Pushes with the
right, and pulls with the left. Tori steps in, and across with the right foot. Tori throws with koshi Nage.
Tori does the push pulling three times, and twists his body from the knees, leaving the feet firmly on
the ground.
After the turn Tori has his back against Ukes stomach,
Uke does Hon Jime. Tori grabs both elbows from underneath. He then places the sole of his right
foot against Ukes left hip, and drops back with Tomoe Nage.
Suzu Otoshi
Uke grabs Tori with the left hand, at Toris right Bicep. Tori grabs Ukes arm at the elbow. Tori then steps back
with the right foot, and pulls Uke with him. Tori grabs his own shoulder (Sleeve), above Ukes hand. Ukes
arm is trapped between Toris hand and arm. Tori pivots to the left, and goes down to the left knee. Uke falls
his stomach.
When Tori grabs Uke at the beginning of the technique, turn the hand similar to Musha Dori. During the
turn at the end of the technique, Ukes hand is held similar to Ura Gyaku
Kasumi Otoshi
Uke grabs with his left hand, and does a right punch. Tori checks the grabbing hand, and steps back with
the right foot, and a left Jodan Uke. Tori does a Omote Gyaku to Ukes grabbing hand. Uke falls onto their
back. Tori then does a right kick to Ukes side.
When doing the Omote Gyaku, hold it close to the body.
Ro To
Uke does a left grab, and a right Tsuki. Tori take hold of the hand with the right hand, steps to the right, and
a left Jodan Uke. After the block Tori does Ura Gyaku, just enough to make Uke bend over. Tori then pivot to
the left (still with the Ura Gyaku), and drops to the left knee. Uke falls on their stomach. Tori finishes with a
right kick to Ukes left side.

Fu Do
Uke grabs with the left hand, and punches with the right hand. Tori steps to the right, and does a Left
Jodan Uke. Tori grabs Ukes hand with the right hand, and applies Take Ori. Tori then grabs the left
shoulder with the left hand, at the same time moving across to the left. Tori maintains the Take Ori, while
pulling Uke forward by the shoulder to throw Uke to the ground. Tori steps back with his right foot, and
throws him.
U Gari
Uke attempts Osoto Gake. Tori lets Uke throw him, but does a Yoko Nagare to a seated position. Tori then
pulls Uke over his head or Shoulder, and continues the rolling motion to end up sitting astride the prone
Uke. Finish with a Hon Jime.
With the Yoko Nagare, Tori keeps hold of Uke. The whole technique is done with a continuous flow.
Fu Kan
Uke attempts a Seionage. Tori punches Uke in the face with a right Fudo Ken, and grabs the back of Ukes
belt with the left hand. Tori the leans forward, and rolls, taking Uke with him. When they land Tori
continues his roll to finish on top of Uke.
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori, and starts to shove Uke. Tori lowers his hips, and strikes with a Fudo Ken to
the stomach. If Uke then pulls Tori does a Kick to the groin in a Sanshin Motion.


Their are no set kamae in Takagi Yoshin Ryu. Due to the connections with the Kukishinden Ryu, Hira, and
Seigan etc can be used.
When in Seiza the toes are up, and the back is straight. The hands rest on the tops of the
thighs. When striking in Takagi Yoshin Ryu, a Kiai is given out.
When the collar is grabbed, grab your own jacket below Ukes hand, and press the thumb into the
pressure point of the little or ring finger.
To release a collar grab, grab Ukes wrist, and pull his hand, and your jacket apart with a violent pull. Turn the
body to face the hands, at the same time.
The take downs in practice are done gently. For real they are done so that Uke, can not roll, breakfall, or
escape. They are designed so that He breaks his back, neck, or a limb. The restrains are for holding down
a violent attacker.
When a strike has been applied, a further strike is sometimes applied to "make sure". This is either
done straight away, or at a later time during the technique.
When striking from Seiza (e.g), the right knee comes up, and the left comes across the back, at 90
degrees to the right foot. The toes are up.
Kuden - Essence
One of the characteristics of the Takagi Yoshin Ryu is to control at least two points of the attackers body
at once.
The Takagi Yoshin Ryu is a complete system and incorporates the following systems.
JUTAIJUTSU (Empty hand)
(Katana and Kodachi)
(Knife and dirks)
(Rokushaku Bo - Long staff)
HANBOJUTSU (Short staff)
TORITSUKE (Ropebinding)
The Jujutsu is broken down into the following groups
Joint locks, and dislocation
Body strikes
NAGE Throws


Chokes & Strangulation


The Ate is used to distract, weaken and unbalance (Kuzushi)

Characteristics of the Takagi Yoshin Ryu:
EYES: First the eyes, always look at your opponents eyes
SPEED: Move like the wind
COURAGE (Spirit): Pluck up as must courage as your body will muster.
STRENGTH: Always use your strength effectively, and efficiently.
The inside of your body must remain calm, and the inside must have courage when you are involve in a fight.
The principle of flexibility is applied to the technique and in strategy and tactics.
The Ryu feels that conflict should be avoided, with actual physical violence being the last and least
favourable response to a situation.
When a situation is faced, never take the opponent face on. The attackers force is redirected, in such a
way that it doesn't strike the defender. This is then used against the attacker.
The defender at all times observes 'Zanshin' (heightened awareness). Zanshin is to be used at
the beginning, middle, and end of each technique.
Always have a strong Kamae (posture). This is not a Kamae, as in a fighting posture, but a feeling of being
in a correct posture during a conflict.
The absolute control of Ma-ai (distancing) is only possible when you have mastered Tai Sabaki. This is
the most important basic of Jujutsu.
In the Jutaijutsu kata the most important factor is to learn Kuzushi (loss of balance). When his balance is
lost, this is the time that he is easiest to control. If he pushes - pull him, if he pulls - push him, This is the
Willow bending in the wind. Otherwise strike with hands or feet to distract him, pressure points can also be
used. Almost all movement to engage Kuzushi are circular.
Joint dislocation (Gyaku) and throws (Nage) are achieved by lever principles (Teko), and the fulcrum of
the lever (Shiten)
It is also essential to be calm, but full of courage within, and during a fight.
Randori Geiko (Free movement training)
After you master technique and Kata, try to develop a proper positioning (Kurai Dori). Try to position your
self at his dead angle (Spot where he can not see you). Instead of using your power make the attackers
power crash against each other. This will take away their fighting power. Technique will take the same form
as kata. It changes it's form infinitely.
Kihon Kamae Kata (Basic posture forms)
Hira No Kamae (Flat posture)
The feet are apart, approx shoulder width. Both hands are in Fudo Ken, and palms facing the body they
both rest just on the inside near the hips
Hira Ichimonji No Kamae (Flat number one posture)
The body is the same as Hira no Kamae. The arms are out stretched to the side of the body. The hands
are in Shikan Ken so that the fingers will not get cut off. Also it is almost impossible to make a good Fudo
ken when wearing Armour.
Seigan No Kamae (Correct eye posture)
The body is side on to Uke. The left hand points at Ukes eyes, the right hand in Shikan Ken, rests on
the heart.
Katate Hicho No kamae (Single crane posture)
Same as Seigan no Kamae, except the right hand is open. The left foot, can come back near to the right foot.
Kosei No Kamae
The left hand is Shikan Ken above the eyes. The right hand is by the heart in Shikan Ken.
-These are the same Kamae as used in Kukishinden Ryu Dakentaijutsu

Shoden Omote No Kata (Initial transmission outside forms
Kasumi Dori (Haze capture)
Uke, and Tori are in Seiza. Uke steps up with the right foot, and grabs Ukes collar with the right hand
(Kiai). Tori comes up his right foot, and strikes Uke with a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Toris right hand
comes back and grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and at the same time comes up into a standing
position. When stood Tori changes the Ura Gyaku to Hon Gyaku, and a right Keri to Butsumetsu. From this
Tori comes down to the right knee, bringing Uke down to O-Gyaku.
Same attack. Secure then Ura Shuto. Rock your body back a little to break his balance, and kick up with
the right foot to Asagasumi. Land with the knee inside next to his knee, and take him down backwards with
pressure to the knee. Shift the feet when he is halfway down to change his fall, so that he lands on his front.
Henka (Jutte)
Tori hits the Kasumi with the Jutte which is in the right hand. Tori then brings the Jutte back to Ukes right
hand on the wrist joint, and with the Yoko Ha, applies pressure to it before completing the end of the
Kata. Note
While in Seiza the Jutte can be hidden behind the knees, with the handle to the right. It can then be
grabbed when Tori raise off the right knee.
Do Gaeshi (Torso overturn)
Uke and Tori, are both in Seiza. Uke comes up on the right foot, with a Jodan Tsuki (Kiai). Tori comes up on
his left foot forwards, and takes Ukes right wrist in a open handed right grab. Tori then steps forward with
the with the left foot, so his knee presses Ukes right knee. The left hand comes over the top of Ukes right
arm to grab the left side of Ukes collar, and Shime waza. Tori pulls the left hand back, pulling Uke on to his
back. Tori then bars the back of Ukes right elbow onto his left knee, and pulling the right hand, and pulling
the left collar grab bring Uke over on to his stomach. O-Gyaku
Do from standing
Strike to the face with the left hand then with the elbow
Karame Dori
Tori is in Seiza. Uke walks towards Tori, and does a right Zenpo keri. Tori steps up to the left with the left
foot, and does aright Gedan Uke, and holds Ukes leg up off the ground. Tori turns to the right, and the left
hand goes under Ukes leg, to grab the put. Tori pulls his left hand back, turning Uke over. At the same
time Tori stands. Uke is now on the ground on his front. Tori strikes a Shuto into the calf of the leg he
holds. Henka
When you stand, turn him over, then walk backwards dragging him down.
When you stand kick away the supporting leg
Kyoto (Ko-to - Tigers sword) Trnt p.125
Tori walks towards Uke who does a right Gedan Tsuki. Uke is in Seiza. Tori steps up to the left, and grabs
the wrist with the right hand, turns to the right, and the left hand goes to the elbow or grabs the skin on the
upper arm. Tori keeps the momentum going and pulls on the wrist, bringing Uke to the ground. Lock with
O- Gyaku, or brace his right hand on your right thigh, and kneel on his elbow with the left knee.
This can also be done if Uke draws a Shoto with a Do/Jodan Kiri
Same attack. As you try to take him down he resists. Tori then kicks with the right foot to Kaku (Inside),
and then pulls him down.
Same attack. This time as he resists, kick with the left foot to Kaku (outside), causing him to fall on his
back. Finish with Do-Gaeshi.
Katamune Dori (single chest capture)
Uke grabs Toris left collar with the right hand. Tori checks the hand in Takagi Style. Tori steps forward with
the right foot, and a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. The right hand the grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and
pulls the hand free (Takagi Style). Tori then does a right keri to Koe, and changes the grip to Hon Gyaku

both hands. Toris right hand then grabs Ukes right shoulder, and the right foot, kicks the back of Ukes
right knee, knocking Ukes down forwards O-Gyaku.
On the way down you can kick Uke in the shoulder or the face with the knee. The Hon Gyaku is really
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Toris right hand comes over the top of the arms, and grabs the right hand, and
locking the left elbow with his elbow. Tori steps back with the left leg, releasing Ukes right hand with a
snapping motion. With the right foot Tori kicks Uke in the front Butsumetsu. Tori then drops the right foot,
and down to the right knee. The drop in body weight, brings Uke down. Pin Uke to the ground.
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori strikes with both Shikan ken to the backs of the hands. Turning the body Tori
strikes up under the chin with the right hand. Tori steps back and releases the Ukes right hand, and kicks
to the floating ribs, with the right foot. Tori drops to the right knee, this brings down Uke.
Ryomune Dori (Double chest capture)
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori does Shikan Ken to the backs of Ukes hands. By turning the left. Tori
strikes vertical to Asagasumi with a right Shikan Ken. Tori left hand grab Ukes right hand and applies
pressure to the thumb Kyusho (from underneath). Toris right hand goes to Ukes right shoulder, and a
right keri to Ukes right Kaku. Tori then steps back, and down with the right knee. to O-Gyaku.
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori checks both hands, steps back with the right foot, and does Ryote Shikan
Ken, to the back of the hands. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a Koppo Ken to
Ukes left Kasumi, and at the same time a Omote Gyaku with the left hand, causing Uke to fall on his
Oikage Dori (Pursing capture)
Tori is behind Uke. They walk in the same direction. Tori lets out a Kiai. Uke turns to face him (turn right).
with the right foot forward, Tori does a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. The right hand the drops to the rear of
Uke, and up again under the arm. Toris right foot, is placed behind Ukes right foot, and is swept back.
Tori places his Knee on Ukes chest.
Same start as Kata. As Tori comes close to Uke, he grabs the collar with the right hand, and kicks into
the back of Ukes right leg taking him down. Tori then kneels on Ukes chest with his right knee. Zanshin.
Henka (Jutte)
Same start. Tori strikes Uke with the Jutte which is in the right hand. The left hand grabs Ukes right
hand, and lifts it, then pulls it down taking Uke to the ground. At the same time Tori drops to his right
knee. Tori strikes to Buda with the Jutte
Kaigo Kudaki (Rear guard crush)
Uke grabs Tori from behind in a bear hug. Tori shoves his hips back into Ukes groin, and a Ryote Shukki to
Butsumetsu, to break the grip. Tori catches the right wrist with the left hand, and the right shoulder joint
with the right hand. Tori drops his weight on to Ukes knee, and throws with Seionage.
As Uke grabs Tori, as in Kata, Tori puts his arm straight up, and slides down out of the hold. As Tori slides to
the ground, he moves through Ukes legs, with just his head, and shoulders, he then kicks Uke in the chest
or face while laying on the ground.
Uke does a bear hug. Tori bends the body backwards, then slams the hips back into Uke, then brings
the arms down to his sides. Tori moves his body to the side, and does a Ganseki Nage, or Otoshi.
Uke grabs Tori in a bear Hug. Tori bends the body backward to break Ukes balance, then forwards
slamming the hips back, and the arms down to Ukes hips. Tori side steps, and brings the arm up to Ganseki,
throws with either Ganseki Nage, or Ganseki Otoshi.
Iki Chigae (Yuki Chigai) (Walking past)
Uke and Tori walk towards each other on their right sides, As they pass, Tori takes hold of Ukes right hand
with his right hand, but does not grip it. He continues with the right foot, and lifts the right hand in the air.
Tori then steps back with the right foot, and turns to the right, bring the right hand back and up to his right.
Tori either strikes with a left Shukki to Butsumetsu, or with a left Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. Tori then turns to
the left and steps forward with the right foot, placing it behind Ukes right foot. The right hand is brought
forward, and pulled, so that Uke falls over backwards.
When you bring the hand back to drop Uke, turn as you walk to the right, so that you are stood behind Uke,

and place his hand up behind his back. Kick his right leg away with the right foot, and pull his right
hand towards you as he falls, breaking it.
This is the same as the last Henka. But place the left hand on Ukes left shoulder, and when you kick his
leg away you can control his fall, and place his hand as if in Take Ori on the ground (back of the hand
against the ground). Place pressure on the palm of the hand with the right foot, and push down on both
shoulders with the hands.
Yui Gyaku
Uke does a right Ura Shuto to Toris Kasumi. Tori steps back to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke. Tori
then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. The right leg is then hooked
behind Ukes right eg, and knocks him off balance. Tori then throws Uke with Seio Nage.
Uke, and Tori walk towards each other. As they come close, Uke punches to Toris face, Tori steps back
to the right, and Jodan Uke.. Tori then steps in with the right foot, and strikes with Shikan Ken to Ukes
Asagasumi, and a right kick to Ukes right knee, knock Uke to the ground on his back. Tori steps back to
Kamae, and Zanshin.
Midare Gaechi (Ran Sho) (Disturbance quest)
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back on the right, and a left Jodan, and grabs the wrist after the
Uke. With his right foot, Tori steps on Ukes right foot, and applies a Hijigyaku (arm lock). Tori then Turns
to the left and throws with Seio Nage, or Gyaku Nage.
For the arm lock. Pull the wrist down, and bring the elbow to the body.
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right with a left Jodan Uke.. Tori then strikes Ukes
Asagasumi, with a right Fudo Ken. Tori then steps on Ukes right foot with the left foot, and with the right
foot, kicks the right inside Kaku with the right foot. Continue with this (Yoko Aruki), to move away.
Uke does a right Tsuki, Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and catches the wrist. Tori steps in with the right foot,
and strikes in a Sanshin motion with shikan Ken to Ukes Asagasumi.. From the inside Toris right foot, hooks
Ukes right foot, and pulls the foot away, causing Uke to fall on his back.
Ken Nagashi (Fist flow)
Uke does a right Gedan Tsuki. Tori steps back with the left foot, and strikes down with the right hand, and
catches the right hand with the right hand, in a Ura Gyaku grip. Tori steps forward with the right foot, then
back with the right foot, applying Ura Gyaku as he steps in, and out. Tori then steps back with the left
foot, and applies Ura Gyaku Henka, and steps back with the right foot, and down to the right knee, at the
same time Ura Gyaku is applied. Finish with Ude Jime.
Uke is close to Tori and strikes to Chudan. Tori twists and slide to the right on the outside of the punch.
Tori takes this hand with the right hand, and the elbow with the left hand, and twists in a Ura Gyaku fashion.
Tori walks Uke to the floor with Jigoku Dori. When Uke is on the floor, Tori drops his weight breaking the
elbow. Tori then kicks the Butsumetsu with Sokugyaku.
Uke strikes with Fudo ken to Chudan. Tori steps in with the right foot, and a small Taisabaki motion to the
inside. Tori takes the hand in Ura Gyaku with the right hand. Tori applies Ura Gyaku then Ura Gyaku
Henka, and sits down on his right knee. Uke falls backwards. Tori then does a right keri to Butsumetsu.
Hiza Guruma (Knee vehicle)
Tori is in Seiza. Uke walks towards him and kicks with a right keri. Tori steps out to the left, with a right
Gedan Uke. Tori drops to the left knee, and bring the right hand to Ukes right hand, and takes hold of it
in Omote Gyaku grip. Tori brings the left hand to his right hand, and then brings them over his head, with
Omote Gyaku. Tori moves forward on the knees, and takes Uke down with the Omote Gyaku.
Uke is in Seiza. Tori walks towards him and does a right Zenpo keri. Uke steps out to the left and does a
right Gedan Uke. Tori grabs the blocking hand, in Ura Gyaku, and with a large clockwise motion does
Ura Gyaku. Uke falls on his stomach. Tori places his right knee in Ukes Tricep. Hand is still in Ura Gyaku
Uke is in Seiza. Tori walks up to Uke, and kicks to Suigetsu. Uke steps out to the left and does a right
Gedan Uke. Tori sinks down on the left knee, and takes Ukes right hand in his right hand. Tori lifts Ukes
hand over Ukes head in Omote Gyaku. Tori walks forward on his knees, and takes Uke down onto his back

Tori is in Seiza, and Uke walks towards him and kicks with the right foot. Tori steps to the left, and strikes
down with the right hand, and then catches Uke's right wrist with his right hand. Tori then stands so he is
next to Uke, and takes hold of Ukes right shoulder, with his left hand. Tori stretches Ukes right arm, and
sits on the right leg to press Uke down. Tori then twists, pulling on the right arm, and presses on the left
knee, knocking Uke to the ground
Shoden Ura No Kata (Initial transmission inside forms)
Ate Komi (Hit down)
Both are in Fudoza. Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand, and attempts a punch. Tori covers the grab
with the right hand, and before the punch can come in strikes with a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face (come up
on the left foot as you strike). Tori then does Omote Gyaku to Ukes grabbing hand, and turns anticlockwise. Lock Uke when he is on the ground.
Gyaku Dori (Suno Ichi) (Reverse capture No1)
Both are in Fudoza. Uke grabs with the right hand, and attempts a punch. Tori covers with the right hand,
and coming up on the left foot, does a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face. Tori places Ukes hand in Ura Gyaku,
and finishes kneeling on Ukes arm.
Menbu (Suno Ichi) (Face front No 1)
Both are in Fudoza. Ukes does a right Stomach punch. Tori does a Gedan Uke, and then grabs Ukes
right hand at the wrist with the right hand. Tori rises up on the outside of Ukes arm and strikes with a left
Ura Shuto to Ukes face. Tori then places the left hand on the outside of Ukes elbow, and walks in a circle
in a clockwise direction taking Uke to the floor.
Gyaku Dori (Suno Ni) (Reverse capture No2)
Both are in Fudoza. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori drops his balance to the right, and places the right
hand on the ground for support, and takes hold of the inside of Ukes wrist with the left hand. Tori comes
back to the left, and strikes with a right Shako Ken to the face, and sweeps Ukes right leg away with the right
leg, knocking Uke onto his back.
Ryo Ashi Dori (Suno Ichi) (Double leg capture No1)
Tori is in Fudoza, Uke is in Shizen. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori moves to the left with a right Gedan
Uke. Tori grabs the foot, and twists it inwards, and then changes hands. Tori then strikes downwards with a
right Omote Shuto to the calf. This drops Uke. When he is down fold Ukes legs up, with the soles against
the backside. Tori wraps his right leg around the legs, and leans forward to cause pain.
The right leg is between Ukes calves, and his backside.
Menbu (Suno Ni) (Face front No2)
Tori is in Fudoza, Uke is in Shizen. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori moves to the left, and a right
Gedan Uke. Uke then does a right Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and as he rises he rotates Ukes
right arm downwards, and brings Ukes leg over the arm. Tori then punches Uke in the face.
Ke Komi (Suno Ichi) (Hand down No1)
Both in Seigan. Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori does a right Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the right
hand. Tori then kicks Uke in Butsumetsu with the right foot, and with the left hand pushes down on Ukes
right elbow, at the same time stepping back with the right foot from the kick.
Kata Mune Dori (Single collar capture)
Uke grabs the lapel with the left hand, and a right Tsuki. Tori covers the hand in Takagi style, and moves
forward 45 degrees to the right. Tori then does a left Ura Shuto to Kasumi, and a left kick to the solar
Ryo Mune Dori (Double collar capture)
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori does a Ryote Fudo ken to the backs of the hands. Tori then strikes with a left
Shako ken to the face, while at the same time he applies a Omote Take Ori, or Omote Gyaku with the right
hand. Tori the turns clockwise to take Uke down.
The Fudo ken to the hands can be a Shikan ken to Jakkin
In the end do a right kick, and go down on the right knee.

Ryo Ashi Dori (Suno Ni) (Double leg capture No2)

As Uke walks in front of Tori (as in Oikage Dori from Shoden no Kata), Tori makes a grab for both of the
legs. Uke turns to see what is happening. Tori places the left hand in front of Ukes legs and the right to
the rear. Tori then pulls Uke to the ground, so that he ends up on Ukes knees.
To bring Uke down you can use Yoko Nagare
Tengu Dori (Demon capture)
Uke walks in front of you (you walk in the same direction). Tori creeps up behind Uke, and strikes with a
Ryote Happa Ken the strikes with a Ken to the middle of the back
For the ken use any of the following. Fudo, Happa, Boshi, Shuto Nio etc.
Kaigo Kudaki (Rear guard crush)
Uke walks up behind Tori and attempts a full nelson. Tori drops his weight, and brings the elbows in.
Tori then peels off both arms, and does Ganseki Nage.
Chiki Taoshi
As Uke walks towards Tori. Tori takes hold of the right hand with the left hand, and does Seio Nage.
Before the throw Tori strikes with a back fist to the face.
Tsuki Taoshi (Strike ?)
Both in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and steps in, and does a right
Shako ken to the face, as if doing a Tsuki.
Ude Ori (Suno Ichi) (Arm break No1)
Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist with the
left hand. Tori steps in with the right foot, and strikes with a right Shako ken to the face. Tori then takes his
right arm over Ukes right arm, and grabs his own wrist to lock the elbow. Tori then steps behind, and Osoto
Nage, still holding the arm
Hiki Komi
Both are in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabbing
Ukes right with the left hand. Tori continues his movement (from the Uke), and takes Uke with the flow, as he
moves into Ihen, moving Uke to the ground with the flow.
Nagashi (Flow)
Both are in Seigan. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the
wrist at the same time as stepping in and striking with a left Shako ken to Ukes right elbow. Tori then twists
clockwise making sure that your left leg is behind Ukes right knee.
Ke Komi (Suno Ni) (Hand down No2)
Both are in Seigan. Uke attacks with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and takes hold of the
wrist. Tori then kick Uke in the throat, and steps back from the kick, dragging Uke down.
Ude Ori (Suno Ni) (Arm break No2)
Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist.
Tori steps in and moves his left arm over the top of Ukes right arm, and grabs his own right wrist to bar
Ukes arm. Tori drops to the left knee to throw Uke.
Eri Jime (Collar choke)
Both are in Seigan. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke, and grabs the wrist.
Tori steps in and grabs the back of Ukes elbow with the left hand, and twist clockwise to throw Ukes face
down. Tori then puts the right knee into the back of Ukes right elbow, and strangle Uke with the left hand
by grabbing Ukes right lapel, and pulling the lapel across his throat. Keep the left knee on the spine to aid
the strangle.
Chuden No Sabaki Kata (Middle transmission lateral forms)
Katamune Dori (Single collar capture)
Uke grabs the right collar. Tori checks with the left hand, and steps forward with the right foot, and strikes
with a right Ura Shuto to Ukes Kasumi. Toris right hand then goes down to Ukes right wrist, and turns it

to Ura Gyaku, the left hand goes to the elbow, as Ukes hand passes in front of the face. Tori then kick with
the right foot to the groin, and bringing the right foot, back, and turning clockwise, so that Uke spins to the
Uke and Tori stand in Kumi Uchi. Tori checks Ukes right hand with his left hand, and steps out to the left
side, and strikes with a right Shikan ken to Ukes face. At the same time Tori grabs Ukes right hand in
Omote Gyaku, and goes back and down onto the left knee, taking Uke with him.
Ryomune Dori (Double collar capture)
Uke grabs both Mune. Tori covers Ukes hands, and kicks with the right shin to Suzu. Tori then applies
a armlock (Omote - Ura Gyaku, Muso Dori etc) to take Uke down, and secure him.
Note: Arch the back when you cover his hands. You can throw with a Ryote Omote/Ura Gyaku
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori checks both hands, and does a right shin kick to suzu. Tori then steps in
with the left foot. Tori turns so that his back is to Uke with Both hands over his shoulder, and throws.
Uke grabs both Mune. Tori does a right shin kick to suzu. If Uke has a strong grip Tori steps in with the
right foot. The right palm is placed under Ukes chin, and the left hand grabs the hair at the back of the
head. Tori then twists the head around to break it.
Oni Kudaki (Demon break)
Uke strikes with a right Shikan Ken. Tori is in Shizen, and steps back to the right, and a left Jodan Uke.
The left hand stays with Ukes right hand. Tori steps in with the right foot, and applies Oni Kudaki to Ukes
right arm. Tori right foot, goes behind Ukes right foot. Tori applies the Oni Kudaki.
This Henka is the same as Kata, but instead of placing your foot behind Ukes leg to take him down,
stamp on the top of the calf, and keep it in place while taking Uke down.
This is the same as the first Henka, but instead of Omote Oni Kudaki, use Ura Oni Kudaki, and stamp on
Ukes leg to take him down.
Seoigama (Back Sycle?)
Kuden: In Japanese the word Seoi, comes from Seo, meaning to carry something on ones back.
Therefore this throw should be down with you using your hips with your back to Uke'.
Uke grabs with the left hand the Mune, and a Jodan Tsuki with the right hand. Tori covers this with the right
hand, and moves to the right to block with a left Jodan Uke. Tori shifts to the left, and puts his right arm
under Ukes arm, at Nagare. Tori secures Ukes left hand to the chest (Hijigyaku), with the left hand, and
steps between Ukes legs, with the right foot, while pushing up on the elbow, and holding the hand in place
(the scrolls says :- Tsuki Agaeru, thrust upwards with the right hand breaking the elbow - bend the elbow).
Then Tori uses Kosshi Nage to throw Uke forwards.
Uke grabs the left Mune, and does a right Tsuki. Tori moves back to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke.
The right hand then moves to Ukes left arm, and grabs Hoshi from underneath (keep the grab on the chest
with the left hand). Tori steps between Ukes legs with the right foot to lock the elbow. Uke resists. Tori
responds by lowering the weight, and pushing the thumb into Nagare to bend the elbow Tori then shifts
forward pushing Ukes elbow in front of him. Tori sweeps the left leg with the right foot, making Uke fall
down on the elbow.
Same start as above. When Tori steps between the legs to lock Ukes elbow, Uke is more powerful. Tori
keeps the hand on his chest Tori steps with the right foot, on top of Uke right Toki, and strikes with the
right shoulder with a Slam with the entire body weight against the left arm throwing him or breaking it.
Koshinage Gama (Hip throw ?)
Kuden: 'Koshi Nage differs from Seoi, in that you do not have to have your back completely facing Uke'.
Uke punches with the right hand. Tori steps to the right, and does a left Jodan Uke. Tori shifts to the left,
and places the right arm under Ukes arm, grabbing his own wrist (similar to Oni Kudaki). Tori steps with the
right foot, between Ukes legs, and turns to throw with Seio Nage.
Note: Throw with the Oni Kudaki still on.
Uke does a right strike, and Tori steps back to block. Tori then steps in with the left foot, and attempts Oni
Kudaki. Uke then strikes with his left hand. Tori steps forward with his left foot to avoid the strike. Tori then
turns to the right placing Ukes arm on top of his shoulder. From here if Tori rises he can break the arm.
Tori throws with Gyaku Nage.

Uke does a right strike. Tori steps back to the right, and does a Jodan Uke. Tori then steps forward with
the left foot, and applies a Oni Kudaki. Uke is strong, so Tori shifts his body back to the left (For balance
breaking), then back in again pushing Ukes weight backwards. Tori pushes Ukes restrained arm down
towards the ground (Use Hiji Gyaku), and Ashi Barai with the right foot.
Ude Ori (Arm break)
Uke does a right grab. Tori steps forward to the left , and an Ura Shuto to the eyes. At the same time, Tori
grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku, and applies it. Tori steps back with the right foot, to make Uke bend
over. Tori steps back and down onto the right knee (use Gozen Dori to make Uke fall onto his back). Tori
does the finish to Do Gaeshi to make Uke move onto his stomach. With the hand still in Ura Gyaku place
the left knee on the elbow
Both Uke, and Tori are in Fudoza. Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand. Uke goes up on the right knee,
and punches with a right Tsuki. Tori grabs Ukes arm, and leans back, using the right knee to apply
pressure to the back of Ukes straightened left elbow. Tori rolls to the left, and continues with the pressure to
the elbow.
Uke grabs the left Mune. Tori steps and does a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Tori then takes Ukes hand in
Omote Gyaku and attempts to take him down. Uke resists. Tori then steps to Ukes left side with the right
foot, then the left foot behind his (as the weight goes from the right to left, hit Ukes hip with yours). Take
Uke backwards with the Omote Gyaku part way. Then break the elbow.
Gyaku Te Nage (Reverse hand throw)
Uke steps forward with the right foot, and grabs the collar with the right hand. Toris left hand grabs the
underneath of Ukes hand, and twists it so that the palm is on the outside, and then lifts it to shoulder height.
Tori steps in with the right foot, and grabs just above the Butsumetsu.. Ukes arm is held high. Tori steps
with the right foot, to the rear of Ukes right foot, and does Ashi Barai, at the same time Tori drops the arm to
throw Uke.
For the Butsumetsu grab, sink low, below his shoulder.
Do not grab Butsumetsu, but the elbow. Bend it back and forth a few times. Then do Ash Barrie and
Kimono Nage (Demon gate throw)
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori steps in with the right foot, and grabs with both of his hands Ukes jacket at his
chest, and then strikes with Bootie Ken. Tori then straight away grabs the jacket, and pulls Uke to him so
that he can strike with Kick ken. Tori then pivots to the left until he has his back against Ukes. Tori then
drops to his right knee, and throws Uke over his shoulder or Agouti/Otoshi.
Ate Nage (Ate Kimono) (Place the throw)
Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand. Tori take hold of the hand with his right hand in Gyaku Et Take
Or, and strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Butsumetsu, striking under the arm. Tori turns to the right going
under Ukes left arm (strike Butsumetsu with the elbow), and grabs Ukes left shoulder or Butsumetsu with
the left hand with Ukes left hand up behind his back. Tori then kicks Ukes supporting leg out, and drops
Note: When you take the Take Or from underneath, drop the weight by bending the knees.
Uke does a left grab. Tori does Ura Take Or with the right hand, and steps underneath Ukes arm, and
Shukki ken to Ukes left Butsumetsu. Tori is now standing behind Uke, and grabs Ukes left Butsumetsu with
his left hand followed by a right kick to the back of Ukes left knee and pulls Uke onto his back. Uke falls onto
own arm.
Henka (Jutte)
Hold the Jutte in the right hand. The left hand comes across to grab Ukes hand, and the Jutte comes up
and strikes into the inside of the elbow. The tip of the Jutte is then pushed into the armpit. Tori then turns
underneath the arm, and places the tip of the Jutte handle into the top of the shoulder muscle, and applies
Kocho Dori (Catching a Butterfly)
Uke does a left grab. Tori then grabs Ukes left elbow with the right hand from underneath, and the left from
above. Tori steps forward to his right, and turns so that he is stood to the side of Uke. Tori moves the elbow
up then down so that Uke is bent over forwards. Tori then turns to the left, and goes down on the right
knee, putting Ukes elbow over his right shoulder, and throws Uke, onto his back.
Note: When they are stood next to each other, Toris right shoulder is next to Ukes left shoulder. The final

throw is dangerous, take great care.

Uke grabs the right lapel with the left hand. With the right hand cover the grab, and step to the left rear.
Change the hand grips, and the right takes hold of his left elbow lightly, Step in front of |Uke with the right
foot, and throw, twisting anti-clockwise.
Left garb to Collar. Step in with the right foot, then left foot, and twist anti-clockwise, then kneel and
throw with his arms barred.
Note: Keep your fingers on the Kyusho inside his elbow. Do not concentrate on catching his foot, as this
could mess you up in the technique. Just let his foot land were it wants to.
Chuden No Tai No Kata (Middle transmission body forms)
Koshi Guruma (Hip vehicle)
Kuden: In the scrolls this is described as a standing technique, and is written as such.
The opponent grabs the front of the belt with his left hand, and the back of it with the right hand, and
attempts to throw you with a hip throw. You grab the back of the opponents belt with the left hand, strike his
face with your right hand, move forward, and collapse in front of him, using your right hand to push his left
leg (shin) up and fall over in a whir.
Note: This version was printed in Tetsuzan.
Henka (Jutte)
Uke grabs and attempts the throw. Tori grabs the back of Ukes Obi with the left hand, and as he comes
around the front he strikes Uke in the face with the Jutte. Finish as in Kata.
Yotsude (Four hands)
Uke and Tori stand in a form of Kumi Uchi, but with the left hand holding the Obi, and the right on the
Mune. Uke pulls, and does three steps back with the left foot. Tori follows with three steps with the right in
front. . On the third steps he slides his left leg between Ukes legs, and places the right on the hip for Tomoe
Yotsude Kuzushi (Four hand balance)
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Ukes belt with the left hand, and the left shoulder with the right
hand. Tori steps back with the left foot, and pushes Uke back in with his left foot. Uke does a right step
back. Tori falls on his back left leg doing Tomoe Nage.
Kei Tou
Uke stands behind Tori, and grabs his collar with the right hand. Tori grabs Ukes hand with his right hand,
and turns to the left, striking with a left Shikan ken to Men. Uke now pulls and takes three steps back with
the left foot. Tori follows with the three steps. On the third step stepping to the left,, Tori takes the grabbing
hand over his head, with his left hand, and strikes with the right with Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori pulls Ukes
right shoulder, and drops back with Tomoe Nage.
Note: When bringing the hand over the head switch hands
Koshi Or (Hip Break)
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi, Tori has his left hand on the Obi. Uke comes in and tries to do a Kosshi
Nage (with the right hip). Tori puts his right foot in between Ukes legs, and strikes with a right Shikan ken
to Suigetsu. Tori then grabs Ukes belt at the back with the left hand, and does a Yoko Tomoe Nage. Tori
then drops down the left leg between Ukes legs.
Koshi Nagare (Hip flow)
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders from above, and does a Yoko Nagare. Uke
lands on his back next to Tori.
Kumoi Gaeshi
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime (over the top of Ukes arms), and then drops back
with Tomoe Nage.
Ryote Kake (Two hand trap)
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori drops his hips, and steps back with the left foot, and at the same time
pushes up on the underneath of Ukes elbows.. Tori suddenly pivots to the right, going down on the
right knee, and pulling down on Ukes left elbow, and pushing up with the right. This flips Uke on to their
back Note: The final movement to the right, must all be done together to make it work.

Mizu Nagare (Flowing water)

Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders, and steps in with the left foot. Tori pushes
with the left hand, and pulls with the right hand, tilting Ukes Torso. Tori steps to the outside of Uke with the
right foot, and does a Nagare, throwing Uke to his right.
Ryusetsu (Willow dance/snow)
Uke grabs both Mune. Tori grabs one shoulder, and the opposite Butsumetsu. Tori pulls the
Butsumetsu, and pushes the shoulder to off balance Uke. Tori then throws with Tomoe Nage.
Eichigo Kuzushi (? Balance)
Uke grabs Tori with Ryote mune Dori. Tori takes hold of the elbows from underneath, and presses the
thumbs into the Kyusho, above Hoshi. Pulling the elbows out, Tori strikes with Kikaku Ken to Men or
the chest. Tori the walks between Ukes legs, dropping to the ground, pulling Uke over the top of him.
Note: Before pulling Uke, trap his hand against your chest, with your forearms. By doing this Uke will not
be able to do a Kaiten, or Ukemi, and will land on his face.
Kasasagi (Magpie)
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the left, and a right Jodan Uke, to the outside of the strike. Tori
takes hold of the wrist. Uke then does a right kick, and to counter this Tori pulls the right hand down. Tori
then quickly does a right keri kaeshi to the outside of Ukes right thigh / calf. Tori then strikes with a left
Shikan Ken to Butsumetsu. To do this Tori lifts Ukes right arm, and then Tori passes under the right arm,
and does a exaggerated Omote Gyaku to drop Uke to the ground.
Note: It is important to relax both arms when you throw.
Hyo Tsui
Uke grabs with Ryote Mune Dori. Tori brings his hand up to the shoulder, on the inside of Ukes arms,
and grabs the flesh. Tori then steps with the left foot, between Ukes legs, and drops to the ground, with
Tachi Nagare. Tori follows Uke over with the roll, and sitting astride him, applies a Hon Jime.
Tsuta Karame
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime to Ukes shoulder muscles (up). Tori goes in
and under for a Tomoe Nage. Tori flows with the Nage, and finishes astride Uke, finishing with a Shime.
Note: Keep the Shime on while doing the Nage.
Tatsu Otoshi (? drop)
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime. Tori then steps forward, and slides through
Ukes legs to throw with a Tachi Nage. Tori follows Uke over and applies a Shime.
Note: Keep the Shime on at all times.
Okuden No Kata (Inner transmission
forms) Baido
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori (grab the pressure points in the neck. Tori attempts to do a Omote Gyaku. Uke
counters this by stepping to the opposite side of the lock. Uke then strikes Tori in the neck with the thumb to
unbalance him. Uke drops onto one knee same as the Omote Gyaku), and using his body weight brings
Tori down with him.
Kuden: This refers to blood, and organs being vomited, as your elbow strikes
Kuruma Gaeshi (wheel counter)
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and strikes with the right palm up into
Ukes chin, then grabs the collar. Tori places his right foot into Ukes hip for a Tomoe Nage.
Ten Gaeshi (Heaven counter)
Uke, and Tori stand in Kumi uchi. Tori takes a step back to unbalance Uke, and kicks with his right foot to
Ukes right knee. Tori then comes in to throw with a Koshi Nage, but kicks Ukes left knee out with the
right foot (Uchi Mata)
Nagare Dori (Flowing capture)
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori does a right boshi Ken to Ukes right Uko to push him off balance (step
to the right when you do this). Tori then comes back in with the right leg, and pushes Ukes left elbow
straight up with his right hand (to put off balance again), and Tori then does a koshi Nage in the same
direction as Uke is off balanced, and walks in this direction also. Uke falls onto his back.

Yama Otoshi (Mountain drop)

Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori does a Left Omote Gyaku, to Ukes right hand, and at the same time
strikes with the right hand into Ukes neck with a Boshi Ken. Tori then places his right arm over Ukes right
arm (as in Oni Kudaki), and Tori grabs his own Jacket. Tori then applies the Omote Gyaku, and Uke falls
onto his back. Tori then falls with Uke, onto his back on top of Uke, and does a Koho kaiten to break
Ukes arm. the hand is still in Omote Gyaku, and the arm lock is still on (Oni Kudaki)
Note: In training release the hands, and arm, so as not to break them. Great care is needed.
Kura Arashi ( ?? storm)
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the right foot to put Uke off balance, and comes back
in with a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori clasps the hands together, and goes back, and down to hid right
knee. Uke will fall on his back.
Sode Gurama (Sleeve capture)
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori checks Ukes right hand with his left hand, and grabs it in Omote
Gyaku (step back with the left foot). Tori then strikes with a right Boshi Ken to Ukes left Uko, and then grabs
the shoulder Tori steps with the right foot, behind Ukes right foot, and does Osoto Gake (pull with the
Omote Gyaku, and the shoulder).
Ryote Kake (Two hand trap) TRNT P. 169
Uke does a double hand choke to Toris neck. Tori drops his hips, and steps back with the left foot, and
pushes up on the underside of Ukes elbows. Tori then suddenly pivots to the right dropping to the right
knee, and pushes up with the left hand, and pulls down with the right hand. This flips Ukes onto his back.
Note: All these movements are done in one movement.
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back to the right, and does a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori
is now standing next to Uke. Tori strikes with a left Boshi ken to Ukes throat, and then clasps the hands
together, and goes back, and down to his right knee. Ukes falls onto his back.
Sue Otoshi
Uke, and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the left foot, and does Muso Dori to Ukes right arm.
Tori then steps back in with the left foot, and grabs Ukes right shoulder with the right hand, and steps back
and down to his right, pulling Uke onto his stomach. Tori now goes down with him on his back. the arm is
locked, and Tori then does a Koho Kaiten to break the arm.
Tai Kudaki (Destroy the body)
Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps back with the left foot, and does a Muso Dori to Ukes right arm.
He then steps to the right with the right foot, and stands in a posture similar to that of Ganseki. Instead of
a Ganseki Nage. Tori comes back with his right foot, and pulls behind Ukes right leg. At the same time
he slams his right forearm into Ukes right throat. Ukes right arm is gripped under Ukes throat. Tori is now
standing behind Uke, and does Koshi Nage to throw Uke. Uke falls to his back.
Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime. Tori steps forward with the right foot, Ukes steps
back with the left foot, and then the right foot. Tori kicks Uke right knee. From the kick, Tori places his
foot against the left hip. Tori lets himself fall backwards to the ground, and does a Tomoe Nage.
Gyaku Dori (Reverse capture)
Uke grabs with his right hand, and does a left Tsuki. Checks with the left, and steps to the left with Jodan
Uke. Tori holds Ukes right arm with Omote Gyaku, and pivots in a clockwise direction. Tori places Ukes
arm on his shoulder (still in Omote Gyaku). Tori then goes down to his left knee, and does Gyaku Seio
Uke grabs Tori collar with the right hand, and the Obi with the left hand. Tori sticks his left arm under Ukes
right arm at the elbow, and grabs the lapel. This is a elbow lock (keep Ukes arm pressed against the body,
and push the elbow up). Tori puts his right arm under Ukes left arm, and grabs the other lapel. Tori no
pivots to the left, until he is completely with his back to Uke, and then drops to the right knee, to do Seio
Fusetsu (Snow dance)
Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori steps forward with the left foot (next to Ukes), and grabs under both armpits
(strike first with a Boshi Ken then grab). Step steps forward a little with the right foot (turn Uke a bit), so that

Tori is almost behind Uke, and does a Koshi Nage. Uke should fall onto his back.
Eri Shime Gata (Collar choke forms)
Hon Jime (Principle choke)
Uke grabs the right lapel with the right hand (thumb inside the jacket), and the left with the left hand
(thumb inside) with the wrists are crossed. Uke applies a scissor action to apply the choke, with the right
forearm against the neck, and pulling with the left hand
Henka (Jutte)
The Jutte is in the right hand in a reverse grip. The left hand grabs the left collar, and the Jutte passes to
the right side, and then to the rear of the neck. Tori's left hand grabs the shaft of the Jutte in the left hand,
and pulls to apply the Shime waza.
Gyaku Jime (Reverse choke)
Uke grabs the same as Hon Jime, but the palms face out, with the fingers inside the jacket. Uke does
the scissor action to choke.
Ude Jime (Arm choke)
When Ukes does a right arm grab, Tori applies a Ura Oni Kudaki, and goes down with Uke, falling on
the arm to break it.
Note: Do not complete the Oni Kudaki, fall forwards still holding his arm. Turn your body (back) to him
Itteki Jime (One punch choke)
Uke grabs Toris left lapel. Tori places his left hand under Ukes, on the lapel, and steps back with the left
foot, then forwards with the left foot, to the outside of Ukes foot. The right foot comes to the rear of Toris left
foot. Tori drops his body weight. Tori uses his fore arm and elbow to lever Ukes arm up. Tori then places his
right hand on Ukes shoulder (Toris arms are crossed). Tori then steps behind Uke, and places the left hand
on Ukes shoulders . Tori then grabs the flesh on both sides of the neck, and gripping tight, pulls Uke back,
and down to the ground.
Note: Grip the flesh tight to shock Uke into dropping back. Place your head against his when he drops
to apply pressure to the back of the neck. When Uke is down roll over him (forwards) to break the neck.
Itami Jime (Painful choke)
Tori does Ryote Mune Dori, with the palms down. Tori then pulls forward while pushing back and inward
with the tips of the knuckles and the thumbs on both sides of the neck.
Oshi Jime (Pinning choke)
Tori places both hands on the shoulders, and drives Boshi Ken into the side of the neck, just above the
collar bone, in a downward forwards motion.
Gyaku Oshi Jime (reverse pinning choke)
Tori applies Gyaku Jime (grab is high) or Ryomune Dori. Tori then pushes with the thumbs into the neck, in
a downward, or upward motion. Then turn and drop him down. If you turn fast he can fly.
Suwari Jime (Seated choke)
Tori grabs the lapel with both hands, and then walks around Uke. One forearm is at the back of the neck,
the other is in front of the neck. Tori is now standing behind Uke. With the left hand Tori grabs his right
elbow, and the right grabs the left. The forearms are now pushing into the neck. Tori pushes with the
forearm at the rear of the neck, and pulls with the front. Tori can also use his own head to apply pressure.
Note: When you go behind Uke, almost jump into place. This is a faster movement. Tilt him back and
support him on your knee.
Moguri Gata (Submerging forms)
Gyakuraku Otoshi (Let fall to heaven)
Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand, and the right sleeve with the left hand. Tori steps in to apply a
Muso Dori to Ukes left arm. Tori then pivots to the right, applying the lock, and kicks with the right heel into
the back of Ukes calf. As Ukes leg is knocked out, Tori pushes down on Ukes arm forcing him into a
sitting position, or breaking the arm.
Uke grabs Tori with Gyaku Jime or Hon Jime (Eri Shime Gata) Tori does a right Koho Sabaki, and a right
Muso Dori to the left arm, and a left Koho Sabaki. With a left grab to the right arm, Tori turns into position and

does a Ganseki Otoshi.

As above, but do a left Yoko Sabaki, to Osoto Gake, followed by a right Sokugyaku Ken to the front right
Yaku, and the Otoshi
Jigoku Dori (Hell capture)
Uke steps forward with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori steps back to the right 45, and does a left Jodan Uke, and
grabs the wrist with the left hand, and pulls the arm so that it is straight. Moving around the arm, and
switching the grip from the left to the right hand, Tori places his left knee against the elbow, and forces Uke
to the ground.
Tori and Uke are in Kumi Uchi. Tori steps to the left wit Yoko Sabaki to do a Osoto Gake, followed by a right
Sokugyaku Ken to Yaku. Tori does not complete the Osoto, but does a right Yoko Sabaki Moguri (Ash
Sabaki). Tori ten goes under the right arm, and finishes with a Gyaku Seoi Otoshi
Tama Kudaki
Uke is in a left Seigan no kamae, and does a left then right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does Jodan Uke to both (first to
Ura Kote, second to Hoshi). Tori grabs the elbow with the left hand, and strikes with a right Boshi Ken to the
front left Uko., then applies a Osoto Gake, and a right Sokugykau Ken to the front right Yaku.
Hicho Dori (Capture the Crane)
Ukes does a right Jodan Tsuki, left Jodan Tsuki, and a left keri. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, right Jodan Uke,
and a left Gedan Uke. Tori then grabs the left wrist with the right hand, and the right shoulder with the left
hand. Tori then kicks with the right heel to Ukes left thigh. Tori then places the left foot on Ukes right thigh,
and does Uchi Mata.
Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a left Jodan Tsuki, right Jodan Tsuki, right Keri, Tori does a
Jodan Uke to Ura Kote to both Tsuki, and does a Yoko Sabaki, and a right Sukui Uke. Tori steps to Ukes
right leg and a right Sokugyaku ken to the front left Mokuzume, and right Boshi ken to the left side of Uko.
Tori grabs the left collar, and with the right hand the left wrist. Turn the right, and down to the right knee,
and throw with Tai Nage.
Oni Buse
Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand. Tori holds underneath with the left hand. Using strength the hand
is pulled away, and with a sudden and instant move, also with kiai, Tori steps forward with the right foot,
and strikes with a right Taisho to Uko
Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a right, then left Jodan Tsuki., then a left Sokugyaku Ken, and a
right Sokugyaku Ken. Tori does a left then right Jodan Uke, then a right then left Gedan Uke, striking into
Sai. Tori then applies Osoto Gake.
Inazume Nage (Lightning throw)
Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and does a right, left, then right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does Jodan Uke to Ura
Kote. Uke then does a right Sokugyaku Ken. Tori steps to the left, and does a Gedan Uke, and a right Boshi
Ken to left Uko. Tori grabs the collar with the right hand. Tori turns to the left, drops to the left knee, and
throws with Tai Nage.
Mizu Dori (Water capture)
Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae, and a right left, right Tsuki. Tori does a
left, right left Jodan Uke. Uke then does a right Keri. Tori steps to the left and a right Gedan Uke. Uke, does
a another right Keri. Tori does a forward right Uchi Yaku. Tori grabs the collar with the right hand, and
throws with Uchi Mata.
Uke is in a right Seigan no kamae. He does a right, left, right Jodan Tsuki
With the left hand Tori grabs the right Kote. Uke does a right Keri. Tori steps to the left, and blocks. A right
Boshi Ken to Uko. Tori then does a left Omote Gyaku (lock not throw). Tori then does Oya Goroshi with
the palm up. With the right hand Tori grabs the lapel, and turns to the right, down to the right knee, and Tai
Tai Otoshi (Body drop)
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki, Tori shifts to the right 45 degrees to avoid the strike. Uke then does a right
Zenpo Keri, Tori shifts 45 degrees to the left, and does a right Chudan Uke, to the outside of the knee. Uke

then does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori shifts again back to the left, and grabs Ukes right wrist with the right
hand. Tori reaches over Ukes arm with his left hand, and grabs the collar. Uke pulls the hand away from
the collar. Tori the grabs the left hand with his left hand. Tori then moves his left shoulder under Ukes arm
and throws with Seio Nage.
Moguri Dori (Submerging capture)
Uke grabs Toris right collar with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori responds by checking the
grab with the right hand, and does a left Jodan Uke. Uke does a right keri, with Tori doing a left Gedan Uke.
Tori then grabs Ukes right shoulder with the left hand, or a Boshi Ken into Uko ("door of rain", rear of the Jaw
bone). Press with the thumb, pull with the hand, and drop to the right knee in a circular motion, dropping Uke.
Moguri Nage (Submerging throw)
Uke grabs the right collar with the left hand, and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori checks the grab, and does a
left Jodan Uke. Uke does a right keri, Tori does Gedan Uke. Tori changes the left hand grab to the right
hand to apply Oni Kudaki on the left arm. Tori kicks with the right heel strike to the back of Ukes left thigh,
then steps back down to the right knee.
Mutodori Waza (Unarmed against sword techniques)
Soja Dori (Ken Jiya Dori) (Boxer capture)
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Uke has a Katana and is in Daijodan. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori's
right foot moves to the rear of the left (turning the body sideways). Tori then does Ken Nagare (do not move
the feet). Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Ukes right Bicep
Uke drops the Katana). Tori's left hand takes hold of Ukes right wrist, and the right hand takes hold of the
right shoulder. Tori then turns clockwise pulling down with the right hand, and dropping Uke to the ground.
Ichimonji (Figure 1)
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji, Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps a little forward with the right
foot, and drops the body weight low. Tori strikes with a right Fudo Ken to the stomach. Tori then jumps back,
to a low Kamae.
Tsuka Otoshi (Handle drop)
Tori is in Ichimonji, Uke is in Daijodan. Uke does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward to the left, and drops to the
right knee. Tori places both hands on Ukes wrists. Tori then stands and pushes Ukes hand into the air,
with the Katana moving back. Tori steps to the left Keeping the Katana to the back. Tori turns clockwise
with the right hand taking hold of the handle. Tori has his back to Ukes chest, with the arms over the left
shoulder, and Tori throws Uke. Tori keeps hold of the Katana, and cuts Uke.
Bi Haku Dori / Haku Dori (Redirecting capture)
Tori is in Seigan no kamae, Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward with the right
foot, and goes under the cut, and place the hands on Ukes elbows, and push up, to put him off balance.
Tori then strikes with a Shikan Ken to the solar plexus, and again takes hold of both elbows. Tori then pivots
to the left, until his back is to Uke, and then dropping to the right knee, throws Uke.
Mawashi Dori (Rotating capture)
Tori is in a right Ichimonji, slightly leaning forward. Uke is in Daijodan , and cuts with Jodan kiri. Tori steps to
the left, and strikes down (in a sweeping motion) with Shuto, to Ukes right Nagare. Tori then does a
Sanshin style kick to the underneath of the right arm (this lifts the arm up), and from under the right arm,
Tori strikes with a right Fudo ken underneath the arm to Asagasumi.
Ushiro Dori (Rear capture)
Tori has his back to Uke. Uke is in Daijodan, and does a Jodan Kiri (from behind). Tori steps to the left,
comes back, and grabs Ukes arm under the elbow (between the arm, and the body). With the right hand
grab Ukes right hand, and the left with the left hand. With the left hand apply Omote Take Or, and with
right hand, Omote Gyaku, and then turn to the right. During the turn strike with a right Shukki Ken to the
face, and keep turning until you have your front to Uke. Finish with a right kick to Butsumetsu.
Shisumi Dori
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri, followed by a Tsuki. Tori steps back as the first cut comes down,
and Soto Sabaki
(left foot forward). Tori places his right hand on Ukes right hand, and strikes with a left Fudo ken to Ukes
left elbow (strike from under the right arm). This knocks Ukes left arm away. Tori has hold of Ukes right
hand in

Omote Gyaku, and he lifts it up, and makes a full clockwise circle (Omote Gyaku) until Uke is on his back.
Note: Be totally aware of the Katana at all times in this technique.
Daisho Sabaki Gata (Long and Short sword manipulation forms) When you study Daisho Sabaki, it is best to
know Kyusho
Tsuka Kudaki (Hilt crush)
Tori and Uke are both in Shizen with Daisho. Uke steps back with the left foot, and starts to draw the
Katana. Tori steps in with the right foot, and follows with the left foot (this is a walking motion), and strikes
down with Hidari Shuto to Ukes right Kyukansetsu. Toris right hand takes hold of the Katana tsuka, and lifts
it in front of Ukes face, at the same time with a right sanshin style kick to Gedan Renro (Suzu). As Uke drops
Tori backs away fast from Uke.
Note: When Uke does the shuto he bends his knees. The Shuto knocks the Katana hand out to Toris
left. Henka
After the Shuto to kote, Tori does another Shuto to Uke throat, knocking him back, or do Ganmen Dori
to take Uke down.
When Tori steps forward he strike Uke with a right Nio ken to the back of the hand. Tori immediately
grabs the wrist, and the left hand grabs the elbow as he steps in with the left foot. Tori turns tot he right
with uzimaki to take Uke down.
Hiki Dori (Pulling capture)
Uke is in Shizen with Daisho. Tori is in Fudoshin (Shizen). Uke steps back with the left leg to draw the
Katana. Tori quickly moves in (type of Tobi), and grabs both of Ukes Ryusode (right foot is between Ukes
legs with bent knees), Ukes Katana is by Toris right Butsmetsu. Tori lets go of the head and grabs hold of
the Katana. Uke drops his posture, Tori steps back pulling the Katana with him, and then in to Tsuki with the
Katana to Ukes Suigetsu.
Note: The fists strike can be Koppo Ken then turn it into Happa ken.
Uke is a little fast (or you slow). Tori takes the Katana hand with his right hand, and the elbow to the left of
the Tsuka, and moves it across to Toris right. Tori then does a Ryote Happa Ken to Mimi. Tori then does a
Ganmen Dori to take Uke down.
Instead of Ganmen Dori, pull Ukes Katana away from him, and a Jodan Kiri, or Kesa Kiri to the back of
Ukes neck.
Iri Dori (Entering capture)
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. As The cut comes in Tori moves in under
the arms (*), and drops to the left knee, striking with a right Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori grabs Ukes Shoto,
and as he rises and steps a little back to the left he draws it. With the right hand under, grabbing the back
of the blade, Tori rocks, or steps in with the right foot, to Tsuki at Uke
Note: * Use the feeling of If you step in , ahead lies Paradise
When you grab the Shoto, instead of stepping back with the left foot. Tori grabs the jacket with the
right hand, and draws the Shoto with the left. Restraining Uke Tori does a Tsuki to Uke with the Shoto
Ran Gaku (Jagged peaks)
As Uke is walking Tori follows behind him. (same as Oi Kage). Tori speeds up the pace to move to Ukes
left side. Tori then turns to face Uke, and takes Ukes left hand in his left hand, the right hand grabs the
base of the Wakizashi Saya Kojiri. Uke now tries to draw his Katana, Tori pulls the left hand and applies
pressure with the Saya. Tori then forces Uke to the ground.
Note: If Uke will not go to the ground place the right knee into the back of his knee. To keep him pinned to
the ground, place the foot on the end of the Saya.
Et Dori (Sukui Dori **) (Hand capture)
Both Uke and Tori are in Shizen with the Katana sheathed. Uke steps forward with the right foot and starts to
draw the Katana. Tori shifts a little to the left with the left foot (in the blink of an eye 6th sense). Tori kicks
up with the right foot to knock Ukes right hand away, Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and grabs
Ukes wakizashi with the left hand, without stepping Tori strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Ukes chin, and then
steps back with the left foot draws Ukes Wakizashi breaking clear from Uke. Tori steps back in with the left
and does a Tsuki with the Wakizashi to Ukes stomach / ribs. Tori then retreats.

Note: The kick to the arm is a push kick, and it is directed to the elbow. When back away with the Wakizashi
the knees are bent. The Wakizashi is also held with the right hand on the back of the blade. The cutting
edge is up.
Ryu Koku (Ryu Kotsu **) (Willow bone)
Tori is in Shizen, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and
turning a little to the right places his left hand on top of Ukes left hand. Without stepping Tori strikes to the
chin with
a right elbow, by turning from the hips up keeping the knees bent. Tori lifts his left hand up a little and moves
to the right pushing Ukes hand with him. As He steps Tori takes the Katana away from Uke with the right
hand, and then cuts with a overhead Yoko Ichimonji (L-R)
Note: The Taisabaki is the same as notching an arrow to a bow
Ushio Gaeshi (Tide reversal)
Tori is in Shizen Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts both feet slightly out to
the left in a sliding motion. Without stepping Tori strikes to Sakkotsu (Nagare) with a right Shuto (Uke drops
the Katana). From the Shuto the right hand slides up Ukes arm and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Jinchu.
The right foot then shifts behind Ukes right heel, and is swept back with Ash barai
Ke Ryaku (Ke Kimono **) (Hooking and felling)
Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Shizen. As Uke cuts Tori moves in under
Ukes arms on the forearms (the fingers face towards Uke wrists). Tori kicks up with the right foot / shin to
the groin, and places it to Uke left as far as possible past Uke. As He steps Tori takes Ukes left hand in his
left hand. Tori then grabs the Kojiri of the Saya, and lifts it up. The mouth of the Saya is across Ukes left
forearm (the Saya passes throught he groin).
Note: Keep low when going under the Katana. Use the elbow in the small of Ukes back to help force him
to the ground.
Ora Dome (Kote Dome **) (Wrist stop)
Tori is in Shizen, Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and
turning places his left hand on top of Ukes left hand. Tori steps forward a little with the right foot, and the
right hand comes up underneath Ukes hands, and takes hold. Tori twists the body to the left and does
Omote Gyaku. Tori drops down to the left knee having moved a little across to the right. The Katana is now
on Ukes neck, and is pulled to cut.
Note: When the Omote Gyaku is done, the Katanas position does not move, Tori comes underneath it. It
does not go to Ukes throat. It is important to use all 5 areas of the body as you do 5 strikes to Ukes
body Note: In the Densho is starts by saying I evade by opening up my right to the rear left.
Oto (Side sword)
Both are in Shizen. Uke goes to draw his Katana. Tori steps forward with the right foot on to Ukes right foot.
Tori places his right hand on Ukes right wrist to stop him drawing the Katana. Uke retreats to gain space,
but Tori follows him. As he follows Tori pushes the Tsuka towards the ground making it harder to draw the
Katana. Tori gets close enough so that he can place his left hand on the Tsuka, with his left forearm against
Ukes. Tori then steps in a little to strike with a right Shukki to Asagasumi. Tori then pulls away taking the
Katana with him, then steps back in with a Uko Kiri
Note: When following Uke keep the knees bent
Kuruma Nage (Waterwheel throw)
Both are in Shizen. Uke steps forward to draw the Katana. Tori steps out to the left, and places his right
hand on top of Ukes right hand Tori the moves his right hand across the front of his body, placing the Katana
hand into his left hand. Tori steps forward with the right foot between Ukes legs Tori strikes with a right
Shukki to Suigetsu. Tori then grabs the left Pectoral with the right hand, and places the left foot on Ukes right
foot (or kick). Tori the drops to his left knee, and pulls the left hand and pushes with the right to throw Uke.
As Uke falls Tori takes the Katana away from Ukes to the cut his while he is on his back.
Note: The Katana hand is pulled straight so that Tori does not cut himself when he does the Shukki
Yotsu Shuto (Yotsu De To **) (4 hand sword)
Both are in Shizen. Uke walks forward then goes to draw the Katana. Tori steps back 45 degrees to the left,
and places his right hand, on the Tsuka (Important to hide your left side for Uke). Tori turns a little to the
right and grabs the Wakizashi with the left hand, at the same time kicking Ukes right knee, or stamping on
right foot (Kyokei) with the right foot (He is distracted). Tori releases the grip on the Katana, and pulls the
Wakizashi clear (after stamping on his foot, he retracts it, this helps to pull the Shoto clear), and places
the right hand on the Wakizashi Mune, and rocking / stepping forward with the right foot, does a Tsuki
Note: As The Shotos Kissaki clears the Sayaguchi/Koiguchi, this is the time to thrust in.

Nin Ketsu (Ha Musubi **) (Blade knot)

Both are in Shizen. Uke moves forward to draw his Katana. Tori moves to the left forwards with the left foot,
and turns to the right. Toris left hand comes across to take Ukes left hand, and the right hand takes hold of
the Wakizashi. Tori turns to his left drawing the Wakizashi, and grabs the Wakizashi Tsuka also with the right
hand. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and turns to the right with a Yoko Ichimonji Kuji Kiri
Note: The Kuji Kiri is done the same as the Kanji for Ku, and Japanese 9
Sukashi Dori (Sparing capture)
Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Shizen. Tori steps with both feet out to the
left. Uke the stepping back with the right foot, cuts with a L-R Yoko Ichimonji, Tori steps back. As Uke then
raises the Katana to Daijodan no Kamae, Tori rushes in dropping to the left knee, places the left hand on
the base of the Katana Tsuka, and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Suigetsu. As He rises Tori strikes again
a Fudo Ken to Suigetsu, and steps back and around with the left foot, so that his right foot is across Ukes
left foot (Tori is standing at Ukes left side). Tori holds Ukes left hand in his left hand, and the right hand has
the left Bicep. Tori sweeps back the right foot, and pushes with the right hand, and pulls with the left hand.
Note: As Tori turns and rises off the knee, his right hand now grabs the bicep.


Katachi (Kata) Wa Nai - No Fixed Forms
No matter what line of theories other martial artists may preach, in practice devoting oneself to perfecting
kata or techniques (Waza) tends to force one into a set way of thinking and responding. An opponent can
and will make use of this. At the early stages it is necessary to teach such things so that the basic
principles of the art can be absorbed into the unconscious: if a total beginner tries to catch just the feeling
from the very start they will make little progress. They should learn the basics from a good local teacher
and then come to Hatsumi Sensei to discover the deeper aspects. He promises to then destroy all forms
which have become fixed habits.
Do not carry through technques with your hands. Your legs should form a flowing base and do all the
work, leaving your hands as free as possible. Your whole body (Karada Zentai) should work as one.
Walking (Aruku) naturally, especially with short steps (Komata) is essential, as is having a flexible
The Sanpo Hiden is related to the three main kyusho of Togakure Ryu, as used by the Togakure Ryu
Bugeisha. These are the Eye's. Ears, and the Groin. You do not have to strike these areas hard to harm
them. Everyone, including women, are vulnerable in these areas. The Sanpo Hiden also includes other
areas of weakness.
Do not seek out enemies, but rather avoid it. To avoid is better than having to deal with them.
Sanpo Hiden
(Three Secrets Ways)
1. Senban Shuriken
A four pointed throwing star, to which this design is exclusively unique to the Togakure Ninja.
2. Shuko
Also known as Tekagi, these are metal bands around the palm of the hand with four metal spikes projecting
from the palm, another metal band is around the wrist. A piece of leather joins the two metal bands
together. This was a climbing tool, and also used in the defense against sword attacks.
3. Shinodake
This is a small, short bamboo tube 4-foot long (1.20m) long, use to aid breathing when hiding under
water. Also used as a blowpipe (fukiya). Sometimes a broken Scabbard was used.

Kinteki: This the groin area
Happa: This is the ears.
Metsubushi: This is the eyes.

ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE (Figure Number 1 posture)
The left leg is forwards. The left hand is out stretched pointing at Uke. The body leans back away from
Uke. The right hand is open and is held close to the face under the chin. This is so if Tori is wearing Shuko,
they are not easily seen.
DOKO NO KAMAE (Angry Tiger Posture)
Similar to Ichimonji no Kamae, except the body does not lean backwards, and the right hand is held
above the head, and the right hand is in Fudo Ken.
The body posture is similar to Ichimonji no Kamae, but give the Uke the impression that you intend to
move in a different direction than you appear to be going. i.e. If leaning back, move forwards or to the side.
HAPPO GAKURE NO KAMAE (Eight ways of hiding Posture)
Left foot forward, the body is upright, and the arms are held above the head out-stretched.
HACHIMONJI NO KAMAE (Eight forms posture)
The posture is the same as that of Doko no Kamae. Except the right hand is open, and the finger tips point at
Uke, The palm of the hand faces the ground.
Drop the body weight and bend the knees (as if on a horse). The fist is in the palm of the hand. The
elbows are up and out.

Zan To Tonko No Kata (Escape practice form)
MIGI KATA UDE TONSO KATA (One hand escape practice form)
Uke uses his right hand to grab Tori's right wrist. Tori, and Uke, both go into Hachimonji no Kamae. Uke
pulls Tori, backwards three times in a shuffle step. On the second step, Tori lifts Ukes hand up into Take Ori.
On the third step Tori, kicks Uke in the groin with the right foot, lifts Ukes right arm up with the Take Ori, and
turns under the arm anti clockwise. Tori then throws (Katate Nage) Uke to the ground by the wrist, and then
scatters Metsubushi into his face. Tori then escapes with Chi Tobi.
As Uke does the first pull, move further in. Turn to the left. Place the back of his wrist against your
chest, hold the elbow, and wrist (all bent at 90 degrees), and apply pressure.
When Uke pulls Yoko Aruki in to Uke. Move the right hand to the left side of the neck, and apply pressure
with Ko Ken. Ashi Barai.
As he pulls turn your hand to the left, then right and up on top of his wrist, and hold it. The left hand goes
to the elbow. The left foot sweeps his right foot back while you apply pressure.
HIDARI KATA USE TONSO KATA (Right - left escape practice form)
Uke grabs Toris left wrist with his right hand. Both then move into Hachimonji no kamae. Uke then pulls Tori
with three short shuffle steps. On the second step, Tori moves his hand so that he hold Ukes wrist. On the
third step Tori lifts Ukes grabbing hand up in Take Ori. Tori grabs Ukes right shoulder with his right hand,
kicks to the groin with his right foot, and stepping straight back drops to his right knee, bringing Uke with

Tori then scatters Metsubushi, and escapes with Chi Tobi.

Note: When Uke pulls - On the first step, Tori drops his left hand slightly so that his thumb is below the level
of Ukes wrist. On the second step Tori lifts his hand back up again so that his thumb now lies along the
outside of Ukes wrist. On the third step, Tori rotates his left thumb in a clockwise direction until the thumb
is pointing downwards, while keeping it pressed against Ukes right wrist - this will rotate Ukes arm until his
elbow is pointing up. There is very little strength in Ukes arm in this position and when Tori moves in, Ukes
arm will easily go into position for Take Ori. The first two maneuvers for steps one and two allow Tori to
weaken Ukes ability to pull and get into the correct position for Take Ori without Uke being aware of it.
As he pulls, apply Take Ori, and place your right hand on the back of his hand and Ura Gyaku, and the
left goes to the elbow. Drop Uke with the lock, sweeping him onto his back.
The right hand goes to the shoulder, while the left pulls into the chest. Pull Uke to the ground, and OGyaku. Henka
90 degrees Take Ori. Right hand to the bicep and flesh grab. Turn Anti clockwise, under the arm, with the left
leg over his leg. Drop to the left knee, and throw. Keep the left trapped.
MIGI TE KUBISUGI TONSO KATA (Rear escape practice form)
Uke is behind Tori, and grabs the back of his collar with the right hand. Uke then pulls Tori back with three
short shuffle steps. On the third step, grabs Ukes right hand with his right hand. Tori drops his body
weight, turns to the left, and strikes Uke in Butsumetsu with a left Shuki ken. The left hand then takes hold
of Ukes bicep, and the right hand lifts Ukes right hand from the collar. With a rolling motion of the left hand
(Ura Gyaku) Tori throws Uke. Tori then scatters Metsubushi, and escapes with Chi Tobi.
As you turn to the left lift the left hand, under his right arm, and drop him with Ganseki Otoshi.
Grab the hand then turn under the arm so that his hand is on the right shoulder. Place the left foot on top
of his right foot. The left hand is on his elbow. The push Uke face down on to the floor.
When he pulls, slide the left leg back between his legs, and bump into him to push him back and
down. Note
You can step on his foot to trap him.
ATEKOMI TONSO KATA (Strike, and escape practice form)
Uke has a Katana in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Doko no kamae. As the sword comes
down, Tori rushes in under the sword, and strikes with Boshi ken to Gorin. Tori then leaps back to the
left and escapes with Ukemi.
When you move in kick his right leg out with your right foot, so that he falls face down.
Move in as in the Kata, and strike the groin.
The left knee drops on top of his right foot, then kick up with the right foot into his groin.
KOTE UCHI TONSO KATA (Arm strike escape practice form)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Doko no kamae, and moves to the left, and strikes
down with a right Shuto to the top of Ukes right forearm. As Uke drops the sword, Tori turns the hips to
the left, and strikes with a left Shikan Ken to Butsumetsu (drops to the left knee). Tori then rises and
moves to the right so that he faces Uke on the right side, and scatters Metsubushi. Tori then escapes.
Right hand down. Turn 180 degrees to the left so that the left foot goes across the front of his right leg,
and knock him backwards.
The right hand grabs the sleeve of the elbow. Tori then does a Yoko Aruki in front of Uke (left over the back
of the right), and slams his body into the front of Uke, knocking him back.
The right hand is on top of Nagare. The left hand goes across the front of the throat and grabs the left
collar. The left foot sweeps the right foot forward, and pulls on the collar knocking Uke onto his back.
Control the arms
MIGI UCHI TONSO GATA (Right strike escape practice form)
Tori is in Happogakure no kamae. Uke is in Chudan no kamae, and strikes with Chudan Tsuki. Tori shifts to

the right, brings the left hand down, and grabs the handle of the sword. The right hand follows, and strikes
with Shuto to Ukes left forearm. Tori pulls the Katana away from Uke, Tori then jumps backwards, takes
the metsubushi, and scatters it in Ukes face and escapes.
The left hand drops onto the left hand. The right hand comes underneath and grabs the sword handle. Tori
pulls this back under the hands (sword is held in a reverse grip). Tori pulls the left hand and cuts down on
to the back of the neck.
Keep the hand close to the stomach
Same as before. But Tori does a Tsuki with the Kashira to Wakitsubo or under the armpit. Tori places his
right foot across Ukes left leg, and throws him to Ukes right side.
Same as before. Tori places the sword on the back of Ukes neck, and then pulls Uke across to his left.
The sword is then placed across the throat (Tsuka to the right). The left hand takes the blade and pull with
both hands to cut the head off.
SAYU KUMOGAKURE KATA (Two handed cloud form)
Two Uke face Tori in Daijodan. Tori is in front of them with metsubushi in each hand. As the Uke prepare to
move in, Tori lifts his hands above his head, steps forward, and throws the metsubushi into the their faces.
As he throws the Metsubushi, Tori drops low, and passes between the Uke, striking them both in Butsumetsu
with Boshi Ken. Tori then does Ukemi, and escapes.
A 3rd attacker can first be hit with Shuriken
KOSEI KIRIGAKURE KATA (Attacking fog form)
Several Uke surround Tori with the Katana held high, or in Chudan no kamae. Tori assumes Tonso no
kamae. Then turning randomly to each Uke, Tori scatters several Metsubushi in all directions to develop
a screen. Then Tori starts to throw Shuriken at the startled Uke, and escapes in the confusion
HAPPO KIRIGAKURE KATA (Disappearing into the fog in all directions)
When Tori is surrounded by many Uke, he throws Shuriken to the front then Metsubushi to the rear. Tori
then drops to one knee, and throw Shuriken in all directions, and escapes using Ukemi.

Hiden Gata
CHU GAESHI (Middle roll)
Tori is in Shizen. Uke is behind in Hasso no kamae. Uke advances silently, and slowly towards Tori. When
Tori senses the danger behind him, he steps forward, and rolls away.
TOBI GAESHI (Jumping roll)
Same as Chu Gaeshi. After the roll, Tori jumps forward.
YOKO GAESHI (Sideways roll)
Same start as Chu Gaeshi, except Tori only does Yoko Nagare to escape from Uke.
KIRI GAESHI (Cutting roll)
Tori has a Katana in Chudan no kamae. Three Uke face him with Katana in different Kamae.
1. One steps forward with Chudan Tsuki. Tori steps forward to the left, and cuts with Do Kiri.
2. Steps forward with Yokomen Kiri. Tori advances and cuts with Do Kiri, and turns to face number 3.
3. Cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori advances very fast, and cuts again with Do Kiri.
Note: All Do Kiri are from left to right

Shuko Ukemi Gata

KAESHI DORI (Counter Capture)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori rolls forward under the
cut (start the roll before the cut). As the roll is completed, Tori strikes with both feet to the stomach, and
then rolls back into a Gedan Ichimonji no kamae.

KEN NAGARE (Sword flow)

Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Ichimonji. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and
drops to the left knee. Tori strikes with the right Shuko in a down ward strike, down the right thigh. Tori
rolls back to a Gedan Ichimonji.
ICHI NO KAMAE (Number 1 posture)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps forward with the
left foot, places the right Shuko on Ukes right hand, then strikes with the left Shuko into the cheek.
Note: Also on the right side, and also using Yoko Aruki.
ITTO DORI (One sword capture)
Uke cuts with Jodan kiri. Tori steps straight forward with the left foot, and drops the body weight. The right
hand is lifted, and the blade is trapped in the palm of the right hand. The left hand comes around the other
side of the blade, twist the hands to lock the sword into place. The right foot comes up and kicks Uke in
the stomach or Kinteki. Tori then turns to the left, and then the sword is pulled from Uke.
Note: It is important that the palm is at the same angle as the down coming blade, and that the fingers
are bent back, to avoid being cut off. The arm is bent, to allow for the shock of Shuko, and Katana
YOKO GIRI (Sideways cut)
Uke is in Chudan no kamae, and does a Tsuki. Tori is in Shizen Tori kicks with the right foot, to the hands.
As the foot comes back to the ground, Tori shoves the right Shuko into Ukes face.
ITTO GIRI (One sword cut)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Ichimonji. Tori shifts the body to the left (do not
move the feet). The right hand takes hold of the top of both sword hands. Tori takes the sword away, and
cuts to the ribs.

Shinobi Gaeshi Gata

The name of this Kata has two meanings
1. To conceal one's self a top a roof or wall and from there gather information, or attack the enemy from
2. To place something to stop someone getting over the top e.g. glass
SHIGE GAESHI (Lying on top counter)
Tori lays on top of a wall. He removes a Shuriken from his jacket, and throws it. Tori then drops to the
ground at the rear, and rolls when he contacts the ground
SHIGE DORI (Lying on top capture)
Same start as Shige gata. As Uke walks along the length of the wall, Tori kicks out to the side, as Uke
reaches him. Tori then drops to the ground at the rear, and escapes.
YOKO NAGARE (Sideways flow)
Tori is in Shizen. Uke is behind with a Yari in Chudan no kamae, and another Uke is in front with a Katana, in
Daijodan. The front Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori throws either a Shuriken, or Metsubushi in to Ukes face,
and then rolls to the left (Yoko Nagare), Tori comes up to face the other Uke, and again throws either
Shuriken or Metsubushi.
USHIRO NAGARE (Backwards flow)
Tori faces three Uke, each with a Yari. Metsubushi is thrown in a wide arc by Tori. Tori then rolls with Koho
Kaiten (Ushiro Kaiten) to escape.
These movements are for situations when one is discovered by the enemy while hiding.
Tori is surrounded by eight attackers.
Uke(1) punches right jodan tsuki from a left ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps to the left with the left leg and
shifts his right leg to the inside of Uke`s right leg. Tori then uses his right knee against the inside of
Uke`s right knee to take him down.
Uke(2) punches right jodan tsuki from a left ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps forward with the left leg to the left

and strikes to Uke`s chest with his right shoulder.

Uke(3) punches right chudan tsuki from kosei no kamae. Tori moves to the left side and throws Uke over
his right knee by grabbing Uke(3)`s right wrist and shoulder and pulling in a circular motion.
Uke(4) approaches in hoko no kamae. Tori grabs Uke`s left lapel with his right hand and Uke`s right thigh
with his left hand. Tori then steps round to his left, pulling down with his left hand and up with his right while
twisting to the left and dropping. Tori then walks forward to throw Uke over Tori`s right knee onto his back.
Uke(5) punches right jodan tsuki from a left ichimonji no kamae. Tori ducks to the left and blocks with his
right hand, whilst stepping between Uke`s legs with his right leg. Tori then lifts Uke onto his back and
throws him to the floor by lifting Uke`s right leg with his left hand.
Uke(6) punches right jodan tsuki from a left ichimonji no kamae. Tori kicks backwards 45o to the
right, striking Uke`s suigetsu with his heel.
Uke(7) runs in attacking with right jodan tsuki. Tori steps to the left and catches the punch with his left
hand, then kicks with his right heel to kimon. Tori steps behind Uke`s right leg with his right and pulls Uke`s
hand down to the left to throw Uke over Tori`s right leg (Tori uses his right hand on Uke`s left mune to
assist the throw).
Uke(8) punches right jodan tsuki from a left ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps right with his right leg and
blocks with his left hand, striking omote shuto to uko with the right hand. Tori grabs Uke`s right wrist with
his left hand and kneels whilst turning to his right to throw Uke.
Kunoichi with parasol is faced by two attackers.
The parasol is printed with a large yellow off centre circle. Tori separates the attackers by moving around
while spinning the parasol. Tori closes the parasol and strikes the rightmost Uke(1) to his right kasumi
with the parasol's handle.
Tori strikes Uke(2) to shinchu with the point of the parasol and opens it up. This momentarily blinds Uke as
Tori strikes to ganmen with shako ken.
Tori moves back to Uke(1) while again spinning the parasol. Tori strikes to shinchu with the point of
the parasol, before dropping the parasol and removing her shoes.
Tori picks up the shoes and strikes Uke(1) at hoshi, inside the knees, the ankles and ganmen to knock
him out.
Tori turns to Uke(2) and throws the shoes at him before grabbing metsubushi and throwing to his eyes with
a sanshin movement.
Tori is held by three attackers, one on either arm and one holding with an overarm bear hug.
Tori raises his arms and drops his body out of the hug. From a kneeling position, Tori turns his body to
the right bringing his left arm over his head and his left arm in front. As the attackers fall over each other,
Tori restrains by sitting on top of the topmost attacker.
Tori and Uke stand in shizen no kamae.
Uke kicks with a right zenpo geri to shinchu. Tori moves with his right leg to the inside and catches the leg
with his left hand. Tori then kicks with his right heel to the inside of Uke`s supporting leg. As Uke falls, Tori
swaps the grabbing hand for his right hand and walks forward to trap Uke`s left leg and push his right leg
up to stretch the hamstring.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae confronted by three attackers, one in front and one at either side.
Uke(1) (the one directly in front) punches with a right jodan tsuki. Tori steps in with his right leg, ducking
his body under the punching arm, and takes Uke down by standing and applying pressure to Uke`s right
koe. Without stopping, Tori turns to his right and kicks Uke(2) with a right zenpo geri.
Tori then faces his third opponent in a left ichimonji no kamae. As Uke(3) punches with a right jodan tsuki,
Tori steps to the outside with his left leg and catches the punching hand with his right hand. Tori grabs
hoshi with his left hand and spins to his right to throw Uke(3) onto Uke(2)`s legs.
Tori then restrains by placing Uke(3)`s arm along Uke(2)`s left leg and kneeling on it with his left knee
whilst straddling Uke(2) and separating his legs with the right arm.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae faced by two attackers.
As the rightmost Uke(1) punches with a right jodan tsuki, Tori steps to the left and catches Uke(1)`s right
wrist with his left hand. As Uke(2) punches right jodan tsuki, Tori steps left again and brings Uke(1)`s
arm under Uke(2)`s punching arm
Tori steps behind Uke(2) and pushes him over Uke(1). Tori then grabs Uke(2)`s right arm and bars it against

Uke(1) right arm to restrain with oni kudaki.

Kunoichi is armed with ball and ribbon and faced by two attackers.
Tori steps and strikes tsuki with the ball to ganmen of the left Uke(1), then stamps with the right foot to the
outside of Uke(1)`s left knee. When he has fallen to the ground, Tori swings the ball over her head to
strike suigetsu.
Uke(2) then punches right jodan tsuki. Tori steps to the left (outside) with her left leg, trapping Uke(2)`s
punching arm from the inside with the ribbon and pulling his body down. Still trapping Uke(2)`s arm, Tori
swings the ball up to strike jinchu and switches the ribbon from Uke(2)`s arm to his neck as Tori moves
behind. Tori then moves to Uke(2)`s left side round the front to apply the choke and bring Uke(2) to the
floor (when choking, Tori`s right fist is applying pressure to Uke(2)`s uko).
Tori and Uke stand in gedan no kamae armed with bisento.
Simoutaneousley, they strike menuchi but miss each other. They then strike kesa giri (right to left) into the
ground and use the handle to vault behind each other (almost like a cartwheel). Whilst crossing in mid-air,
Tori kicks out at Uke but misses and as Uke comes out of the vault, he turns to the left continuing the
motion and strikes do giri.
As they face each other, Uke throws metsubushi, which Tori avoids by striking the metsubushi in the air
and covering his eyes with his forearm. Uke then strikes men uchi which Tori avoids by stepping left and
swinging his right leg behind him to a kneeling position. Tori strikes down with the handle of his weapon to
the back of Uke`s blade to bury the bisento in the ground, and strikes at Uke keisa giri.
Uke rolls backwards into a handstand, kicking the blade of Tori`s bisento out of the way and coming onto
his feet, while Tori rolls zenpo kaiten with the motion of his strike.
Uke then draws a tanto and uses a low cartwheel to approach Tori but Tori uses the handle of his weapon
to throw Uke into the air over his head behind him. Tori attacks men uchi but Uke rolls across his shoulders
to circle Tori and come behind him.
Tori is kneeling in tenchi no kamae, blade down, and Uke approaches slashing with his tanto, but Tori rolls at
Uke`s legs and Uke jumps over him with a cut and lands rolling.
Tori again kneels in tenchi no kamae as Uke approaches in daijodan no kamae. Uke cut menuchi and Tori
blocks to the outside (still kneeling) and catches Uke`s wrist with his right hand. Tori places the handle of
the bisento on Uke`s right tricep and steps in like ganseki nage to kick Uke`s left knee on the inside. When
is on the ground, Tori strikes down with the bisento.
Tori is armed with a nyo-ibo and is surrounded by three swordsmen.
Tori strikes down menuchi at Uke(1) and Uke(1) avoids by jumping back. Tori holds the nyo-ibo in tenchi
no kamae as Uke(1) cuts keisa giri right to left. Tori blocks by standing behind his weapon to the left side
and kicking up to Uke(1)`s arms with his left leg to disarm him. Tori then strikes to shinchu with the end of
his weapon and pushes Uke(1) back and down to the floor to crush him.
Uke(2) also attacks keisa giri left to right and Tori blocks in the same way, this time standing to the right of
the weapon and kicking with the right foot to kinteki. Tori then takes Uke(2)`s right hand in his right hand
and bars it against the staff, pushing down to take Uke(2) to the ground where Tori takes his sword and cuts
to the neck.
Uke(3) approaches in daijodan no kamae as Tori stands in tenchi no kamae. Tori strikes with menuchi
before resuming tenchi no kamae. Uke(3) thrusts chudan tsuki, Tori catches Uke(3)`s right hand with his
right and locks oni kudaki against the staff. Tori then takes Uke(3) down with his knee, takes the sword and
Tori is in ichimonji no kamae with kyoketsu shoge, Uke is in seigan with sword.
Tori spins the ring of the kyoketsu shoge and strikes Uke`s hands menuchi, causing Uke to drop his sword.
Tori regains the ring and strikes menuchi again, but Uke avoids and catches the rope. Uke then holds the
rope with his left hand and flings the ring at Tori as he rushes in. Tori stabs with the knife to Uke`s stomach,
flipping Uke over into a forward roll and as Uke comes out of the roll, Tori catches Uke`s throat with the
hook which he uses to restrain while he ties Uke up with the rope.
Shinobi Yari
Tori is armed with yari faced by four swordsmen.
Tori thrust to Uke(1)`s sword and spins it in an inwards clockwise direction to bring Uke(1)`s sword to
his neck and push him over sideways.
Uke(2) attacks menuchi which Tori deflects to his right with the handle of the yari. This motion brings the
point of the hook to the back of Uke(2)`s neck and Tori pulls the yari in to hook Uke`s neck. Tori steps to

left side and applies a choke with his right forearm, turning to the right to cut Uke`s neck.
Uke(3) stands in seigan no kamae and Tori uses the point of the yari to knock the sword to the right
and thrust in to the stomach.
Uke(4) stands in daijodan and cuts menuchi. Tori steps to the right (outside) and uses the middle of the
handle against Uke(4)`s wrist and pushes (the end of the handle is inside Uke(4)`s right thigh). When
Uke(4) falls, Tori thrusts to his back.
Tori stands in seigan no kamae with shinobi zue, Uke is in daijodan no kamae with sword.
Tori thrusts tsuki to Uke`s uko to stab with the concealed point, then strikes to Uke`s right kasumi with
the handle. As Uke makes a final lunge, Tori steps to the left and strikes with the middle of the staff to
Uke`s shinchu to fold him. Tori then strikes Uke`s back to down him and then thrusts to his back with the
Tori stands in gedan no kamae with bo, Uke is in seigan no kamae with sword.
Tori strikes to the sword and spins it in an anticlockwise circle, Uke moves back and strikes menuchi. Tori
blocks tenchi no kamae, rolls the bo to the right side of Uke`s neck and takes down by turning to the
right. Then Tori(2) throws a net over them both with a sanshin movement and ties Uke up.
Kunoichi is armed with naginata in ten chi no kamae, faced by two swordsmen in seigan no kamae.
Tori cuts upwards keisa giri (left to right), cutting Uke(1)`s hands and follows the movement round in a
figure eight to cut Uke(1)`s back (right to left).
Tori attempts an upwards keisa giri (left to right) which Uke(2) blocks. Tori then switches hands on the
naginata and strikes straight down with the handle on to Uke(2)`s head. As Uke(2) falls, Tori switches hands
again and brings the blade down to cut Uke(2)`s right leg at the ankle.
Tori armed with shuko is faced by three swordsmen, one in front and one either side.
The right Uke(1) attacks menuchi from daijodan no kamae. Tori moves to the left (outside) and catches
Uke(1)`s right arm with his right shuko whilst striking to shinchu with a left shikan ken. Tori then turns in
front of Uke(1) to Uke(1)`s left side and turns to throw Uke(1) over his right knee with the right hand.
Uke(2) (the one in front of Tori) attacks menuchi from daijodan no kamae. Tori moves underneath,
catching Uke(2)`s arms at the elbow and digging in with the shuko. Tori then throws by lifting his right arm
and dropping his left while twisting to the left. Tori then kicks Uke(2) in the left ribs with his right foot.
Uke(3) also attacks menuchi from daijodan no kamae. Tori catches the blade with the right shuko and
twists it to capture the blade. Tori then takes the blade down to his left, then his right to distract Uke(3) and
strikes with the left claws to Uke(3)`s face. Tori then puts the blade behind Uke(3)`s neck from Uke(3)`s left
side, holds it with both hands and twists to the left to take down.
Kunoichi and Uke face each other in shizen no kamae.
Uke swings to Tori`s head with his right fist. Tori steps back with the right leg and ducks under the strike.
Tori strikes Uke`s suigetsu with a right sanshin movement, while at the same time placing her left hand on
the back of Uke`s right shoulder. Tori then steps to the left with her right leg while turning and bringing her
right hand to Uke`s right wrist as he falls . Tori kneels with her right knee on the back of Uke`s right arm and
reaches over to grab Uke`s left arm and pull it back, restraining it with her right shoulder, head and left arm.
Tori then draws a knife with her right hand and cuts Uke`s throat, then places the knife in her mouth.
Tori stands in a left doko no kamae, Uke stands in a left ichimonji no kamae.
Uke strikes right jodan tsuki, Tori moves to the right (inside) and blocks left jodan uke, followed by a reverse
right omote shuto to the same spot (hoshi). Uke then kicks right zenpo geri, Tori moves left (outside) and
kicks with a right shin kick to Uke`s leg, turning Uke`s back to Tori. Tori moves in behind Uke, strikes right
shikan ken to Uke`s right kidney and takes his balance with the right foot on Uke`s right knee to throw him
to the right onto his back.
Tori and Uke stand in shizen no kamae.
Uke strikes left chudan tsuki and Tori moves to the left, allowing Uke`s arm to go between Tori`s right
side and arm. Tori also stands on Uke`s left foot with his right foot and turns to the left to apply an arm bar
and bend Uke`s body down. When Uke is level to the ground, Tori kicks right zenpo geri to Uke`s left ribs.

Tori is in shizen no kamae, Uke is in ichimonji no kamae.
Uke strikes right jodan tsuki, Tori steps to the right and catches Uke`s right wrist with his left hand. Tori then
steps in with his right leg behind Uke`s right leg, at the same time bringing his right arm to the back of
Uke`s right upper arm to bar it. Tori then takes Uke down to his rear with a right leg sweep, stamps on
Uke`s right ribs with his right foot and bars his right arm on Tori`s left knee.
Kunoichi stands in shizen no kamae, Uke approaches from the left side.
As Uke grabs her left arm with his right, Tori strikes his left arm with a right ura shuto, then raises right
shako ken to Uke`s face. At the same time, Tori`s left arm comes up behind Uke`s right and she steps
between his legs with her left leg. Tori then steps through and throws Uke sideways to the left with ganseki
nage. Tori kneels on her left knee keeping Uke`s right arm locked, stamping on his left arm with her right
foot and applying shako ken to ganmen. Tori then strikes right ura shuto to uko and releases Uke`s right arm
to reinforce the shuto with a left fudo ken (the bottom of the fist).
Tori stands in shizen no kamae, Uke is in a right ichimonji no kamae.
Uke punches with a left jodan tsuki and Tori responds by stepping out 90o to the left and striking to
suigetsu with a right ura shuto. As he strikes, Tori steps with his right leg between Uke`s legs, raises his
right arm behind Uke`s left and throws with ganseki nage. When Uke is grounded, Tori follows and stamps
to the head.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae, Uke is in a left ichimonji no kamae.
Uke strikes with a right jodan tsuki and Tori steps to the left with his left leg and catches Uke`s right wrist
with his right hand. At the same time, Tori inserts his right leg behind Uke`s left and twists to the left to throw
Uke over his right leg. Tori then kneels on Uke to restrain him.
Tori is in shizen no kamae, Uke approaches from the front in hoko no kamae as if to strike the shoulders.
Tori strikes with both hands to ganmen, grabs Uke`s sides and drops between Uke`s legs to throw him
over Tori`s head. Tori then rolls out to his right, capturing Uke`s left leg and coming on to his left knee to
apply a leg choke.
Tori is in shizen no kamae, Uke is in a left ichimonji.
Uke strikes with a left zenpo geri, and Tori responds by stepping to the left and turning his back to the kick
so he catches the right foot in his left hand. Tori then uses his right elbow to apply pressure to Uke`s right
upper thigh and push him to the ground. As Uke rolls out backwards, Tori stands on Uke`s hand and kneels
on his arm to restrain.
Tori does a right lapel grab to Uke`s left mune.
As Uke attempts omote gyaku, Tori moves to the right twisting with the lock and bringing his right leg in
front of Uke`s left. Continuing his hand motion, Tori throws Uke over his right leg. As Uke falls, Tori takes
Uke`s right fingers in his right hand and his left fingers in his left hand as he moves round behind Uke to
apply pressure with his right knee between the shoulder blades.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae as Uke attempts a right hip throw.
Tori drops his weight and steps with his right leg over Uke`s right, going with the flow of the throw. Tori grabs
Uke`s left mune and right outside shoulder, and puts his right shin in Uke`s kinteki whilst rolling, throwing
Uke onto his back. When on the floor, Tori kicks to Uke`s right butsumetsu with his right foot and takes
his right arm to kneel up onto Uke`s back and apply o gyaku.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae, Uke is in a left ichimonji no kamae.
Uke punches with a right jodan tsuki and Tori counters by kicking up to Uke`s throat with his right toes,
then kicking down to Uke`s right thigh with the right heel to knock Uke down.
Tori is held in an overarm bear hug from behind as another attacker faces him.

As Uke(1) strikes down with a right stabbing motion to Tori`s head, Tori drops to his left knee and lifts his
arms up to drop out of the grab and allow Uke(1) to strike Uke(2). From his kneeling position, Tori strikes
Uke(1) with a right bosshiken to his right kidney. Tori then stands and takes Uke(1)`s right arm by the wrist
and shoulder, and turns to throw him on to Uke(2). Tori finishes with his left knee on Uke(2)`s left leg and
bars Uke(1)`s right arm over Uke(2)`s left leg.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae, Uke is in left ichimonji no kamae.
Uke strikes right jodan tsuki and Tori shifts out to the right, catching Uke`s arm between his chin and
left shoulder. Tori then steps in with his right foot and turns slightly left to throw Uke. Tori then restrains
by kneeling on Uke`s leg with his right knee.
Tori stands in shizen no kamae faced by two attackers.
Uke(1) (to Tori`s right) attacks with a right jodan tsuki, Tori moves to the left and catches the hand in his
right hand. As Uke(2) attacks from Tori`s left with a right jodan tsuki, Tori moves left bringing Uke(1)`s arm
under Uke(2)`s which Tori uses to take Uke(2) off balance. Tori then throws Uke(1) on top of Uke(2) and
restrains by pushing Uke(1)`s arm up his back, trapping Uke(2)`s arm.
Tori and Uke are in shizen no kamae.
Uke attacks right zenpo geri, and Tori steps to the left to avoid the kick while sliding his right leg in front of
Uke`s left. Tori then stands, breaking Uke`s balance with the knee and throwing him. Tori then kneels
with his left leg on Uke`s left leg to restrain.
Tori stands with sword in tenchi no kamae, Uke is in shizen no kamae.
Tori strikes menuchi to Uke`s head and Uke responds by stepping to the left and attempting a right ura
shuto to Tori`s uko. Tori avoids by shifting his weight to the left, Uke then strikes with a left ura shuto to
Tori`s uko. Tori avoids by shifting his weight to the right as he brings the sword level across Uke`s stomach.
Tori applies pressure with his right knee to the inside of Uke`s left knee to take him down, and then kneels to
trap Uke`s left leg while putting the sword to Uke`s throat.
Muto Dori
Tori is walking as four swordsmen approach from behind.
As Tori turn to face them, Uke(1) strikes with tsuki. Tori turns to his right to avoid the thrust and traps the
sword with his right arm while striking right ura shuto to uko. Tori then turns the blade between Uke`s
legs and pushes him away.
Uke(2) attacks keisa giri (right to left) and Tori steps in with the right foot, trapping the sword with his left
arm. Tori bars Uke(2)`s right arm with his left and steps to the front of Uke(2)`s right leg with his left. Tori
turns to the right to throw Uke(2).
Uke(3) then strikes with menuchi. Tori responds by stepping out to the left and striking uko with a left ura
shuto. Tori then takes Uke(3)`s hands in his own, (still holding the sword) and turns the blade to Uke(3)`s
throat. Tori then takes Uke(3)`s balance with left knee pressure on Uke(3)`s right knee and uses his left
hand on the back of the blade to twist Uke(3) down and cut his throat.
Uke(4) also attacks menuchi and Tori steps forward with his right foot and catches the handle with both
hands from beneath. Tori then takes the balance with left knee pressure on Uke(4)`s right knee and takes
the end of the sword handle between Uke(4)`s hands, turning the blade onto Uke(4)`s throat. Tori then
turns Uke(4) so that he is bent backwards over Tori`s right knee from Uke(4)`s right side. Tori then cuts as
he drops Uke(4).



When drawing the sword, click out the blade from the Saya. Do this with the thumb or the forefinger. Make
sure that the thumb if it is used is not directly over the edge of the blade. Otherwise there is a chance that
the thumb will be cut. Pull the Saya out a little, then as you draw, pull it right back out of the way. This will

drawing the sword faster. At the same time step back with the left leg.
One method of drawing the blade is to hold the Habaki between the thumb and the index finger (the Tsuba is
between the index and middle fingers). One reason for this is enable you to be able to draw the blade if an
accident is made while drawing, or when you go to draw the sword, for some reason it is already partially out
of the Saya.
If the sword is to be drawn form a Tenchi Kiri style cut, aim for the Ukes Tsuba with the Kashira as if you
were going to poke at the Tsuba. Then flip out the blade cutting down, which also aims at the Tsuba. This will
enable you to cut his Kote, and provides a excellent target for when you draw. In a close situation, when you
draw, you can strike the Ukes hand with the Kashira prior to drawing the sword. This can help create
distance, and can also damage his hand, stopping or slowing down the drawing of his sword.
When the blade is out, make sure that the right knee is bent. Then you may drop back into a Kamae.
Having the right knee bent is the same position as when you cut normally. It also allows you to be able to
move freely in any direction. Or back into a Kamae. Moving straight back into a kamae only gives you the
more. option of being in a kamae, nothing.
Cutting from Daijodan no kamae:
When you cut down do so by dropping the blade straight down with
a cut. However. It is important to lift the wrists a little, which in turn also lifts the Kashira. Then step
forwards cutting down. When to have cut down do not finish at this point, continue the feeling (and maybe
also the movement) of thrusting forwards with the Katana with a Tsuki.
When you cut, you must aim to cut through the entire body. If you just clip him he may still fight (an injured
animal is a dangerous animal). Cut with precise angle with the sword, because the sword may deflect
once inside the body, and jar, making it almost if not impossible to with draw the blade.
Noto (returning the sword to the Saya): Hold the mouth of the Saya in the left hand. The sword is in the
centre of the body. Step forwards with the left foot. This brings the mouth of the Saya to the sword. Then as
you pull the blade through the fingers step back with the left foot, this helps with the movement of the
sword passing between the fingers.
To return the sword to the Saya, grip the mouth of the Saya in the left hand. The middle finger comes across
the bottom of the Sayas mouth, and the index finger sticks up pointing out from the Saya. Run the back of
the sword along the piece of skin between the thumb and index finger, and also between the index and
middle finger. Running it between these two fingers enable you to remove any blood and guts that may still
remain on the sword once Chiburi has been performed. Once the sword is clear slide it into the Saya.

Sanshin No Kata
These Kata are to be practice from a variety of starting postitions.
1. Practice each one from different Kamae.
2. With the Katana sheathed in it's Saya, draw the Katana, and do the Sanshin no Kata using the
following draws..
a) Shomen Giri
(Vertical cut from the draw)
b) Kesa Giri
(Diagonal cut down (Left - Right) from the draw)
c) Yoko Giri
(Horizontal cut from the draw)
d) Gyaku Kesa Giri
(Diagonal cut up (left - Right) from the draw)
Chi No Kata
Bend the right knee a little forwards so that it is directly over the right foot, at the same time do a Chudan
Tsuki with the Katana, by pushing the arms out so that the arms are straight.
Sui No Kata
With a slight right step forwards, with the left foot following a little, raise the Katana up and to the right,
then cut down with a right - left Kesa Giri.
Ka No Kata

With a slight right step forwards, with the left foot following a little, raise the Katana up and to the left,
then cut down with a left - right Kesa Giri.
Fu No Kata
With a slight right step forwards with the left foot following a little, drop the Katana down to the left, the cut
up with a left - right Gyaku Kesa Giri.
Ku No Kata
Drop the Katana then while stepping forwards a little with the right foot, cut up vertical with the Katana (turn
it so the cutting edge it up). Step forwards with the right foot again, and cut down with Shomen Giri (bend the


Ichi No Kamae
The body posture is the same as Gyokko Ryu Ichimonji no kamae. The sword is held level, pointing at
Ukes heart.
Seigan No Kamae (Correct eye posture)
The right foot is forwards, with the Kashira being held almost at the top of the thigh. The Kissaki points to
the eyes.
Hasso No Kamae (Eight apparitions posture)
Left foot forward, heel close together, with the left side facing forwards. The sword is held vertical on the
right side, with the left hand by the chest.
Daijodan No Kamae (Big upper level posture)
Left foot forwards, the sword his held above the head at a 60 angle. The Kashira is above the forehead
of the head.
Jizuri Gedan No Kamae (Tosui no kamae)
Left foot forwards, with the left shoulder pushed forwards, with the body leaning forwards. The sword
runs along the line of the left calf.
In Jizuri Gedan no kamae with the left shoulder being forwards, you are vulnerable to attack. The
basic defence is to lift the

HIKENJUTSU (secret sword)
1.The tip of the blade is focused on Uke. All movements pivot about the tip.
2. When in Kamae, give an opening for Uke, i.e. by moving the tip of the sword across or down. This is
done by moving the whole body. Thereby keeping the kamae, and focus of Uke. Compensate by using
knees, focus on Uke. This gives more balance. Again don't move the tip. Also gives full body (hip), the body
is turned / twisted. This controls the direction, and point of attack. If Uke doesn't attack, return to Kamae. As
Uke attacks the opening Tori should be in a position to attack or counter immediately, with no extra
movements of the tip (this gives more time).
3. When you Tsuki (drop weight), keep the tip along the same line (shortest route). Compensate raised arms.
Don't let the tip wobble, or move off line.
4. After avoiding, step in so to have foot, and sword tip in line for Tsuki.

5. When drawing the sword, take the Kissaki as far as Uke. Any further and you are vulnerable (Miai)
MIAI (Distancing)
Uke and Tori face each other with their swords held out straight in front of them. The Kisaaki touch or
just cross. This is the correct disatnce. Then step back to Kamae, not forwards. You are now ready.
Jodan No Kamae (Upper level posture)
The left foot is forwards with the sword held 60 degrees above the head.
The defense for this is to cut down to the hands, by stepping to left or right, by first using Yoko Aruki.
Seigan No Kamae (Correct eye posture)
The right foot is forwards. The Kashira is placed almost at the top of the thigh. The tip of the blade points at
Ukes eyes.
Chudan No Kamae (MIddle level posture)
The right foot is forwards, with the sword held almost horizontal (slightly upwards).
Hasso No Kamae (Eight apparitions posture)
The feet almost touch, and Tori is standing upright with the sword held at the side. The elbows are by the
body, and the left hand is at chest height. The Tsuba is positioned slightly between the shoulder and the ear)
Gedan No Kamae (Low level posture)
The right foot is forwards, the tip of the blade points at the ground. Tori leans forwards a little. Both wrists
are below the belt.
Tenchi No Kamae (Heaven and Earth posture)
The right foot is forwards. The sword is held out in front of the body, with the hands at chest height
If you are using a Shoto, or Chisakatana, use Ichi no kamae, instead of Seigan. This will compensate for
the distance.
1.Tenchi no kamae, Daijodan no kamae. Uke cuts with a Jodan Kiri. Tori and Uke clash in the middle, with
the left foot forwards. As Uke pushes with his sword, Tori turns his over to the left to cut Ukes right side of
his neck.
2.Tenchi no kamae, Daijodan no kamae. Uke cuts with a Jodan Kiri. Tori and Uke clash in the middle, with
the right foot forwards. As Uke pushes, turn the body on the right side around to the left. The sword
should come to Ukes neck
3.Tenchi no kamae, Daijodan no kamae. Uke cuts with a Jodan Kiri. Tori and Uke clash in the middle, with
the right foot forwards. Tori archs his back so that Tori's wrists are below Ukes. Tori turns to the right, and
drops to the left knee, and at the same time releases the right hand on the sword. Tori comes up under
Ukes arms, and cuts as he goes past Uke.
4.Tenchi no kamae, Daijodan no kamae. Uke cuts with a Jodan Kiri. Tori and Uke clash in the middle,
with the right foot forwards. Tori does a slight keri to Gorin/Suigetsu. Tori then drops his sword to Tsuki to
5.Tori is in Gedan no Kamae, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori moves either
left or right. The sword is lifted up and dropped odwn on top of Ukes Kote to cut.
6.Tori is in Tenchi no kamae, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps left forwards
45. Tori drops the Kissaki down so that is points at Ukes adams Apple/throat. Right/left step and Tsuki
7.Tori is in Tenchi no kamae, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps right or
left forwards,knocking (parry). Turn the sword as you parry so the edge faces Uke. Ukes sword slightly to
the side. If on the left cut to the right side. (Visa Versa).

Tsuki Komi
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan, and as the cut comes in either, drops to
the left knee, and stabs Uke in the throat, or he steps to the side, and stabs Uke in throat. Use a Kiai, as
you stab.
Yoko Aruki to the left, and cut the right wrist as you Tsuki.
Yoko Aruki to the right, and cut the left wrist as you Tsuki
When doing the Tsuki forwards, follow the curve of the blade. It is possible if you just go to the knee, and
stab, that Uke will fall on you. Therefore, stab to the top of the rib cage, into the neck. This will knock
him back. Depends on the length of your sword. Move the tip of your sword to the left to make him
Sayu Gyaku (Tsuki Komi no Sayu Gyaku)
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Seigan. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps to either left or right, and parries
the cut. Tori then cuts to the shoulder with Kesa kiri.
If you step to the right first, then step to the left for the neck cut, and visa versa.
From Ichi no kamae, step to the left, and block. Yoko Aruki to the left, and cut to the back of the
neck. Henka
Step back to the right to avoid the cut, and cut to the neck.
Tsuki Kake
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan. As the cut comes down, Tori fakes a Tsuki, to
slow / halt Ukes cut. Tori steps back, and out with the left foot, then Yoko Aruki with the right to the left
cutting Uke as he passes by.
Kiri Age (Cut up)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hasso. Tori cuts up from the R-L, cutting to the
insides of the sleeves, and continues the cut to releases Uke hand from the Tsuka. Tori then cuts across LR with a Do Kiri
Uke cuts faster than you can move. Cut up to Kote, and Tsuki to the Do.
Uke cuts faster than you can move. Cut up under right wrist, and then immediately the left
wrist. Note
The cut should start just under the ribs, and continue through the shoulder. Always keep your sword
between you, and Uke.
Kiri Age No Sayu Gyaku
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hasso no kamae (or Tenchi). Tori steps across to the
right, and cuts with Gyaku Kesa Kiri to his Kote, or parry the blade. Tori then switch steps, and cuts from
left to right to Daimon. Daimon - Shoulder joint.
Uke cuts faster than you move. Cut up to Kote, and Tsuki.
Step back with the left as he cuts. Bring the sword parallel to his. Jodan Kiri, and then Kesa Giri
Kiri Sage
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Yokomen Kiri. Tori is in Tenchi no kamae. Tori meets Uke in a clash of
swords (right foot forwards). Tori pushes Ukes sword away, and up from him, so that Tori's arms are
stretched. Tori moves the sword, so that the tip starts to point towards Ukes face / neck. Tori shifts the feet
to the right, so that the sword blade comes to the neck, and cuts Uke.
Move to the left, and use the left elbow to check his right arm. Then cut to the back of his
neck. Henka
He is strong. As he presses down on you, use Moguri, and cut with Do Kiri. Use the full body together for this
Good for cutting under the Shinkoro of the Kabuto. Stand your ground, if you step he will have the

advantage. If he doesn't press the attack, you will have the advantage. The arms should form the shape of
a roof top. It should also feel like he will fall forwards if you let go.
Kiri Sage Sayu Gyaku
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hasso, or Tenchi no kamae and steps out to the right to avoid the cut.
Tori then with the swords Tsuba strikes Uke on his wrist. With the Tsuba, under the wrist, Tori lifts his sword,
and Ukes wrist, does a shuffle step forward, and kick Uke in the Hara, and a Tsuki, to the throat, and he
staggers back.
When the swords clash, move to the left, and use the elbows to check his right arm. Right kick to Kote,
then step back with the left leg, and Tsuki to the Hara.
From the clash of sword, Tori does a right kick to the Hara (shuffle step), and stamps down on the right
knee, followed by a Tsuki to Hara.
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Gedan in Ashi Dome (sword Kissaki points at Ukes foot). Tori and Uke circle
to their left. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri, Tori steps back to Seigan, Uke moves to Chudan to alter the
distance. Tori steps with the left foot behind the right (Yoko Aruki), and then jumps (push with the left foot),
cutting down on Ukes Kote.
Start from Issoku Ikken. Jump in without the Yoko Aruki, and cut down on top of the Kote.
Give Uke the impression that you will stab his foot from the Gedan
Issoku Ikken :- Close the distance so that one move step can deliver the final blow.
Koncho Gaeshi
Tori is in Daijodan, Uke is in Seigan. Tori tries to get Uke to cut him. When he does Tori jumps to the
right side, and cuts the tops of the wrists.
Jump in further, and cut with Kesa Giri through Uko.
Uke attacks with a Tsuki as you move. Tori jumps in immediately, and cuts down on the left Kote.
When trying to get Uke to cut, Tori uses light footwork, and the rear foot moves forward, the front foot
alters to keep balance, distance etc, for a good jump. Jump off the left foot.
Koncho Gaeshi Sayu Gyaku
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Seigan. Tori tries to get Uke to cut down at him. As he cuts at Tori, Tori cuts
to the kote then Tsuki to the stomach.
Shi Ho Kiri
Tori is in Hasso no kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and a right Gyaku Kesa Kiri, then
switch stepping, Tori does a left Gyaku Kesa Kiri.
Shi Ho Sayu Gyaku
Tori is in Hasso no kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does a right Gyaku Kesa Kiri, then
switch stepping he does a left Gyaku Kesa Kiri. With a right step forward Tori does a Chudan Tsuki, and
then steps forward with the left foot, and a Jodan kiri.
Happo Kiri
Tori is in Hasso no kamae, and steps forward with the right foot, and a right Kesa Kiri, switch steps, and a left
Kesa Kiri. Tori does this a total of four times.
Happo Kiri Sayu Gyaku
Tori is in Hasso no kamae. Steps forward with the right foot, and a right Kesa Kiri, switch steps, and a left
Kesa Kiri. Tori then goes to Daijodan, and with a right step forward does Jodan Kiri.
Tsuki No Wa
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan no kamae. As the cut comes down, he shifts to
the right, and does a Tsuki to Murasame.
Tsuki No Wa Sayu Gyaku

Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan. As the cut comes, Tori steps to the right, and
does a chudan Tsuki to Butsumetsu, pushing the blade completely through Uke.

The Shinden Fud Ryu sword is slightly larger than the Kukishinden Ryu sword. When drawing, pay
special attention to the use of the body and spine to unsheathe the sword, rather than just using the arm
and shoulder.
The strike doesn't come with the hands or arms. Let the sword's weight do the cut for you.
"When you draw your sword in Shinden Fud Ryu, you do so as if moving into Ichi No Kamae try not
to twist your body too much.
"When you draw, you are not drawing to 'cut'. You are drawing to 'plunge'."
"The trick to using your sword effectively is to minimize the extent to which you move the blade. Don't
go swinging it around more than necessary or you will open yourself to an attack."
"The trouble with most students of sword is they try to form their kamae using only their wrists. You must
start your kamae from your elbow, then your shoulder, then your body. In this way, you will learn the proper
way of kamae."
"When you wear your sword, you want to make sure it is pointing out in front of you like this. Don't let it
droop. This is wrong. Pull it out of your obi a little so it stays in balance. Then when you want to draw it,
make sure to push your scabbard back with your left hand as you draw Then when resheathing, pull your
scabbard forward again till it snaps into place."
There are three Iai draws in Shinden Fud Ryu:
1.Normal Iai draw
2.Tachi otoshi - Sword tight to body, draw straight up
3.Sagi age - Sword pointing down, Chi No Kata feeling to the draw. Push sword and saya back, drawing the
sword down as you step back.
4.Happo Kuji Ni
"Hatsumi also does the following cuts and calls it 'Happo Kuji Ni':
Jodan Kiri
Left Kesa Giri
Right Kesa Giri
Left Do Kiri
Right Do Kiri
Left Gyaku Kesa Giri
Right Gyaku Kesa Giri
And finishes up with a right hand katate age kiri from the left side, straight up.
Then he says 'Shinden Fud Ryu'."
Seigan No Kamae (Taking the Eyes Posture)
When in kamae such as Seigan, because the sword is so heavy, make a fist and place it on top of the
tsuka, instead of using the rear hand to grip. Place the butt end of the tsuka in the front of your hip for added
control. To bring the sword up to cut, simply push down with your arm and fist onto the tsuka.
"When doing Seigan No Kamae with a Shinden Fud Ryu sword, please keep your elbow in tight against
your body. This will help keep you from tiring out from its weight."
Daijdan No Kamae (Upper Level Posture )
In kamae such as Daijdan, put the hand on the bottom of the tsuka (which in this case is facing up in
the air). To cut, push on the bottom of the tsuka (similar to Seigan).

Engetsu No Kamae (Crescent Moon Posture)

Similar to Wangetsu No Kamae, but this is a moving kamae. Keep the hands in the same place, slowly
move the sword around in a circle (clockwise). This gives the opponent an opening (kyojitsu).
Wangetsu No Kamae (Crescent Posture)
Similar to Tenchi No Kamae, but the blade of the sword faces to the right.
Ryusei No Kamae (Falling Star/Meteor Posture)
From Wangetsu No Kamae, stand with one leg forward and the blade resting on either the shoulder, or
the upper section of the arm. You can have either leg forward with the blade resting on the corresponding
"In Ryusei, you must rest your sword on your arm like this Do not point your sword directly at them.
You should be able to hold it quite comfortably with either arm. This is helpful when your sword is heavy.
If you can hold it with only one arm like this, your other hand is free. You can draw your shoto here, for
example, if another opponent were to come, throwing it at them like this. Start with your sword in Seigan,
then move to Ryusei. Your tip can be pointing straight at them at first, but then move it to the side so as to
entice them to attack you."


Characteristics of the Shinobi Gatana are that it is very plain and slightly blackish, maybe due to lack of
maintenance. The blade ranged from 1 shaku, 4 sun (16.7 inches) - 1 shaku 8 sun (21.5 inch). This
enabled the user to fight in confined spaces, this is why the length was kept small. Apart from the short
Shinobi Gatana, the long Daito is also used.
The Sageo is up to 12 feet (4m) long, and was used in Shinobinawa (Ninja rope)
The Saya is also longer than the length of the blade, so that Metsubushi can be hidden inside easily. The
kojiri end of the saya is removable, for use in Suiton, as a snorkel (Shinodake).
Use the scabbard as a weapon , or spray metsubushi from it by holding the sageo and swinging
the scabbard around.
Hold the sword lightly so that you can move it quickly and easily with the feeling of throwing it. Focus
your grip on impact and then hold the sword lightly again.
1.The short length of the blade can make a difference with drawing the sword at speed.
2.The short sword means that the kamae must have the short sword thrust out, such as in Ichi no kamae.
3.The Saya has a longer Sageo.
4.In Tosui no kamae, the left shoulder being forwards means that you are vulnerable.
Taito - Wearing A Sword
1.With a Dai-Katana, hold it vertical, with the Kojiri on the ground, in the right hand.
2.Wear the Katana in the Obi on the right side.
3.Wear the Katana in the Obi on the left side.
4.Wear the Katana across the back on the left side.
5.Wear the Katana across the back on the right side.
6.Wear a Dai-katana, strapped across the back
Shinobi Iai Happo Sabaki Gata
The sword drawing techniques require free movement of the feet. This is the eight ways of footwork
for drawing the sword.
Start each in Shizen Tai
1.Yoko aruki across to the right (left over right)
2.Yoko aruki across to the left (right over left)
3.Move left foot diagonally back to the left
4.Move right foot diagonally back to the right
5.Move forwards with right foot
6.Move back with left foot
7.Move diagonally forwards to right

8.Move diagonally forwards to left

Koi Kuchi Kiri - Break The Carps Mouth (Unlocking the sword)
1.When the Katana is to be drawn, the left hand grips the Saya lightly near the mouth of the Saya (Koi
Kuchi). The index finger presses against the Tsuba and pushes the Katana out of the Saya.
1.A variation of this is to use the thumb instead of the index finger.
1.A way of hiding the fact that you will draw your Katana is to clamp it close to the body with the left
arm. Normally, the left hand grabs the Saya to stop it being pulled from the Obi when the Katana is
drawn. Clamping it in this way will hide your actions.
1.A variation of this is to turn the body to the left and grab the Saya with the left hand (the turn hides
the grab), and when you turn back to face Uke, you draw the Katana in the turn.
1.Another method of drawing the sword is one handed. This is to take hold of the Tsuka with the left hand
(reverse grip), and pull it out of the Saya. When the blade is out it runs the length of the forearm and can
be almost hidden from view. It can also be used to help aid a block. Lift the hand so that it is head height
and that the sword finishes level. To draw a longer sword with the left hand, take hold of the tsuka and turn
the sword and saya so that the blades cutting-edge is facing downwards. Push the tsuka backwards
towards your obi as far as it will go and then draw the sword forwards and upwards.
Kage no Itto (Single sword shadow)
This reverse draw starts on the left side and is moved to the right across the back. A great deal of flexibility
is required in the wrists for the sword to be turned, and lifted in a single movement, and then drawn over the
right shoulder with the right hand.
This technique is best transmitted Orally.
This is also known as 'Ninja Shinden Iai-giri'. It is used when there is an obstacle or person in the way.
Itto Nage (Single sword throw)
Tori is in Shizen Tai with the Katana in the Obi. Tori draws the Katana horizontally, and then brings it straight
back (still horizontal) to rest on the upper left arm with the sword tip to the rear (right foot is still forwards).
The left arm hangs limply straight down, between the legs.
When nothing else can be done, and you have to throw your sword, throw it this way, just like
throwing shuriken.
Katate Gyaku Nuki Single Handed Reverse Draw
Using the 8 methods of the Shinobi Iai, also practise the following method:
1.Uke is in Daijodan and does a Jodan Kiri. Tori, in Batto no kamae, steps back to the right as your left
hand draws your blade in Gyaku Nuki, blocking his cut. Metsubushi to his eyes as you kick Sokuyaku ken to
his left Sai. Kesa Giri right to left.
Iai Mai - Sword Distancing
Generally, when one draws the Katana, you step forwards with the right foot as you draw. This brings you
closer to your opponent. When faced with this situation, to step forwards would be dangerous, as you would
both be extremely close to one another. In this case, the Ninja steps back with the left foot as he draws to
open the distance between the two. As the Ninja generally carries a Katana (Shinobi Gatana) that is slightly
shorter than the Katana of the Samurai, the Ninja's blade should draw quicker. If the Ninja were to use a
Tenchi Kiri, his Katana should cut down on top of the samurai's wrists before he has time to completely
draw his Katana.
Iai Mai Henka- Sword Distancing Variation
This time, the Ninja does a Shinobi Yoko Aruki to the left cutting down to the Kote. The tip of the Katana is
then passed between the attackers forearms (over the right, under the left), and steps a little around to the
right. The Ninja takes hold of the Samurai's sword handle and lifts the tip of the sword up and over to the
left, turning his attacker over onto his right side. The Ninja then controls him with both swords.
NOTE: For training in Biken, it is desirable to master Taijutsu. This is because Kenjutsu Begins with
Taijutsu and ends with Taijutsu.
Methods of using the Sageo
1.Scabbard balanced on the boshi of the sword (cutting edge upwards), held by the sageo in the mouth at
arms length to probe at ground level for enemies in the darkness. If an enemy is encountered. Let go of
the sageo, pull the sword back slightly and tsuki forward.
2.Sageo used to tie the ninja to a tree so he can sleep (up in the branches).
3.Use the scabbard as a weapon, or spray metsubushi from it by holding the sageo and swinging
the scabbard around.
4.Use the scabbard as a step-up against an object (i.e. a wall) and then use the sageo to pull the scabbard

up after you.
5.Use the sageo to tie up an enemy hojojutsu.
Cutting from Daijodan
Feel the balance of the sword above the head, the tsuka kashira points at Ukes feet. Use the spine to arch
backwards, this causes the natural weight of the sword going backwards to raise the tsuka kashira so that
it points at Ukes face. Then, pull down with the left hand and punch forwards with the right hand to thrust
the sword forward with a cut. Walk as you thrust/cut - this is called Tsuki Tobasu.
Drop the weight and push the scabbard mouth back to the left hip as you either step back with the left leg
or forward with the right leg.
The tsuka kashira points downwards slightly.
Cut with a thrusting motion (tsuki forward with the tsuka kashira), not by drawing the sword up and
chopping down.
The scabbard mouth is held (and pushed back) between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand.
Draw and cut using tsuki tobasu.
You must hold the sword lightly when you draw the sword.
Prior to drawing the sword, the tsuka kashira must point at Uke.
When Uke is doing a draw and Tori wants to counter by also drawing, aim at Ukes tsuba - this will mean
that your blade will contact with his kote.
To counter a draw with a draw, step to the left and slightly forward with your left foot. Your left heel touches
the floor first and the foot rolls flat along the outside ridge from heel to toe. As the left foot rolls, turn the
foot so that the toes face in Ukes direction (this will turn your hips and aim your tsuka kashira at Uke).
If your drawing hand is slippy, cut or maimed you wont be able to grip the handle properly - in this case, use
your right thumb and forefinger behind (blade side) the tsuba to draw the sword. The tsuba is gripped
between the forefinger and middle finger.
Use the thumb to push the tsuba (to the side of the blade) slightly to release the blade from the
scabbard. Dont do this too much or Uke will see that your sword is ready to draw.
As the sword extends, drop your weight by bending the knees to supply the downward component of the
cut. One way of drawing is to push the scabbarded sword out to the front so it extends forwards and the
right hand takes hold of the sword handle, then pull the scabbard back to draw the blade.
When advancing towards Uke (you are wearing Daisho), vary the rhythm, pace and length of your stride
so that the moment of your attack is unpredictable.
When wearing Daisho and you are retreating from Uke (keep facing Uke as you back-peddle), you must
keep the tsuka kashira of one of your swords pointing at Uke at all times. The swords remain in their
scabbards and you can point with one, then the other as you retreat with an unpredictable rhythm.
Pointing the tsuka kashira means that one of your swords will always be on target if you suddenly need
to draw. This same idea also works when advancing rather than retreating.
The most important thing in Iaijutsu is drawing the sword, freeing the blade so it can be used.
Everything else is secondary.
When walking with the scabbarded sword in your obi you wouldnt ordinarily be holding the sword with
either hand. Consider this when doing techniques.
You can draw the sword using standard grip, reverse grip, cutting downwards, upwards, sideways etc.
using the principles above.
Resheathing the sword
While you are resheathing the sword, keep either the point or the edge of the blade facing Uke, eg.
blade held horizontally in front of your body.
The blade is drawn between the forefinger and middle finger(V position) and the thumb also guides
along the same side of the blade as the middle finger.
From Seigan, move into Daijodan as follows: Step forwards with the left leg (or backwards with the right
leg) and at the same time push the tsuka kashira upwards with the left hand so that the sword is raised into
the position for Daijodan. As your hand pushes upwards your weight sinks downwards by bending your
knees. When cutting, if you walk, this will free your spine and the cut will be more natural. If you dont walk
the cut wont be natural. Apply this idea to other weapons and taijutsu.
Kesa Giri (cut down from shoulder to opposite hip) - use the spine (turning side-on) to apply this cut, dont
let the sword tip travel too far downward once it has passed the level of Ukes hips.
Gyaku Kesa Giri (cut up from hip to opposite shoulder)- Again, use the spine (turning side-on and
arching back) to apply the cut. Dont let the sword tip travel too far upwards once it has passed the level
of Ukes shoulders.
When doing a draw and the follow-up one-handed tsuki tobasu, the sword handle lies along the inside of the

right forearm for stability. As the left leg steps forward, bring the sword down to the rear and grip two-handed,
as the right foot steps forward the sword is raised and a jodan giri is applied all in one smooth motion.
Continue with a tsuki tobasu after this cut also.
When you cut, you usually push away from you rather than pull towards you.
The bokken used in matches is a weapon in itself and is called a shiai bokuto.
To break Ukes sword by striking it with yours, you need to hit either the middle of Ukes blade or further up
near to his tsuba.
Sword held in the belt in an upright position.
Uke and Tori walk towards each other so they will pass with their right sides together.
When within range, Uke begins a Do-giri draw.
Tori draws his sword straight up as he bends his knees and sinks his weight down. Tori turns and bring his
sword down (held vertical with the tip at the top), projecting his intention at Uke through the tsuba rather
than the boshi. Toris blade stops Ukes draw by cutting Ukes kote from this position.
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in seigan. Tori gives an opening by moving the point of his sword to the (his) left,
Uke then cuts down with jodan giri. Tori steps forward to Ukes outside with his left leg. As he does this,
Tori turns the fingers of his right hand upward so that this hand is now holding the sword in a reverse grip.
The palm of the left hand pushes the tsuka kashira down so that the blade cuts upwards into the back of
Ukes right knee.
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Hasso (hidari). Uke does a tsuki. Tori does a small jump to the inside of Ukes
tsuki so that he (Tori) changes legs and his legs are lined up parallel to the line of Ukes tsuki. As Tori lands
from this jump he uses his weight dropping to knock Ukes sword down and to Ukes right rear. As the weight
is dropped, Toris knees are well bent and Tori uses this to launch into another jump - the direction of the
leap is in almost the opposite direction to Ukes tsuki. The leap is used to power a horizontal cut across
Ukes throat. Alternatively, the cut could be at the other side of Ukes neck (like omote shuto).
Note: Instead of the first jump, you could simply change legs with small steps.
Uke and Tori walk towards each other so that they will pass with their right sides together. Toris sword is
in its scabbard, held vertically in the obi. As Tori passes Uke, Tori draws his sword straight up and cuts
backwards and down to cut the back of Ukes right knee (Tori keeps facing in the direction he was walking
while doing this cut). Tori turns clockwise to face Uke and continues the motion of the cut upwards until the
sword boshi is pointing at Uke. Tori then pushes the point down into Ukes right shichibatsu (preferably so
that the blade travels down Ukes right leg as well).
Note: Tori draws his sword as Uke passes, not before, so that Uke cannot see the cut coming. Tori can
also help to hide his draw by turning his body to his left as he takes hold of the sword handle.
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Tenchi no kamae with the sword held vertically (boshi uppermost) in front of
the body, the right leg is to the front and the left leg to the rear. Uke attacks jodan giri. Tori shifts his weight
forward onto his right leg and meets Ukes sword with his own (use the part of the blade just above the
tsuba) in a clash. Ukes and Toris sword blades now form a V between them - Toris sword boshi is turned
out to his right. To encourage Uke to push forward, Tori uses a two-push rhythm: Tori pushes (using his
knees) against Ukes sword then receives Ukes reacting push with his knees. Tori then pushes again and as
Uke pushes in response, Tori receives and steps forward left to the outside of Ukes sword with his left foot
(the right foot sweeps round in a clockwise direction so that Toris feet are parallel to the line of Ukes push).
As Tori moves, he uses his left elbow to push Ukes right elbow to Ukes left and Toris sword blade rotates
down and clockwise so that it comes around onto the right side of Ukes neck (Tori can let go of the sword
handle with his left hand to do this). Toris left knee helps to take Ukes balance by pressing into the outside
of Ukes right knee. There should be at least three points of contact at the end of this technique. (sword
on neck, knee against knee and elbow against Ukes arm).
Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Tenchi no kamae with the sword held vertically (boshi uppermost) in front of
the body, the right leg is to the front and the left leg to the rear. Uke attacks jodan giri. Tori shifts his weight
forward onto his right leg and meets Ukes sword with his own (use the part of the blade just above the
tsuba) in a clash. Ukes and Toris sword blades now form a V between them - Toris sword boshi is turned
out to his right. To encourage Uke to push forward, Tori uses a two-push rhythm: Tori pushes (using his
knees) against Ukes sword then receives Ukes reacting push with his knees. Tori then pushes again and as
Uke pushes in response, Tori receives and does a small jump forward to the right so that his feet are lined
up parallel to Ukes push. Tori pulls the sword handle close into his body so that the end of the blade cuts the

left side of Ukes neck.

Uke is in Daijodan, Tori is in Tenchi no kamae with the sword held vertically (boshi uppermost) in front of
the body, the right leg is to the front and the left leg to the rear. Uke attacks jodan giri. Tori shifts his weight
forward onto his right leg and meets Ukes sword with his own (use the part of the blade just above the
tsuba) in a clash. Ukes and Toris sword blades now form a V between them - Toris sword boshi is turned
out to his right. To encourage Uke to push forward, Tori uses a two-push rhythm: Tori pushes (using his
knees) against Ukes sword then receives Ukes reacting push with his knees. Tori then pushes again and as
Uke pushes in response, Tori receives and bends his elbows to encourage Uke to push more and
overcommit himself. Tori then arches his spine backwards and drops underneath Ukes cut by lowering his
left knee so that his sword boshi is to his left. Tori then moves forward right and cuts accross Ukes belly
from left to right.
The above three techniques are basics. Once you can do these well, the next step is to do the same
technique but without clashing swords. Tori must still move forward and project his intention as if he were
to clash blades but then maintain a small distance between the swords and complete the technique. For
the third technique (where Tori moves under Ukes sword) it is important to really arch the back backwards
and even tilt the head backwards as well. On all of these techniques, both basic and advanced versions,
the timing is very important - you must move correctly in response to Ukes reaction to your push (or
1.ICHI NO KAMAE - No 1 posture
Right foot forward. The sword is held in both hands horizontal, and is held straight out at shoulder height,
pointing at Ukes eyes. This posture is almost the same as the Gyokko Ryu Ichimonji no kamae. Weight
60/40 to the rear. Adapting to changes as in Henka
Kuden: Adapting to changes (Henka)
2.SEIGAN NO KAMAE - Correct eye posture
Right foot forward. The sword Kissaki points at Ukes eyes. The hilt is near the top of the right thigh. Weight is
60/40 to the rear. With the intention of capturing and manipulating the opponents mind
Kuden: With the intention of capturing and manipulating the opponents mind.
A.K.A Seigan gan-tsubushi no kamae (straight eye, eye destroying posture)
3.CHUDAN NO KAMAE - Middle level posture
Right foot forward. The sword is held horizontal at waist level. The arms are not straight out. The
kissaki points at the heart. Weight is 60/40 to the rear. Have the feeling of drifting in space
Kuden: The feeling of drifting in space.
4.GEDAN NO KAMAE - Low level posture
Right foot forward. The body slightly leans forward. The hands are close to the navel, and the sword points
to the ground 45 forward, next to Toris right foot. Keep the intention of stabbing at the opponents foot (Toki).
Kuden: With the intention of stabbing and opponents foot (the vital point called Toki)
TOSUI NO KAMAE - Ridge water posture
Left foot forward. The left shoulder points down to the ground, and the body leans forward more than
Gedan. The sword points to the ground in front of your left toes. This is both difficult, and dangerous.
Kuden: Munen Muso (thinking of nothing at all) and also the feeling of being on top of thin ice.
NOTE: In Tosui the right shoulder being forward, you are vulnerable to attack. The basic defence is to lift
the sword as you step right or left, to the outside of the attack. Use slight movements to the side, and cut as
you walk past. Maintain Munen Muso, and also the feeling of being on thin ice.
This Kamae is a specialist Kamae of the Togakure Ryu, but is also found in the Koto Ryu (Jizuri Gedan
no kamae).
6.HASSO NO KAMAE - 8 ways posture (a.k.a. Daijodan no kamae)
Left foot forward, and the feet almost touch each at the heels (the body is upright). The sword is held on
the right side, with the hands at shoulder height. The sword is vertical next to the right ear. The cutting
edge points to the right.
Kuden: Filling oneself with the feeling which matches that of a flash of lightning.
NOTE: The defence for this is to step to the right, and to the side of Uke. Cut to the neck as you would with
Shuto. Fill oneself with the feeling which matches that of a flash of lightning.

7.KASUMI NO KAMAE - Haze posture

Left foot forward, the knees are bent at 90 degrees. The sword is held above the head, with the hilt on
the right side, and the sword tip on the left. The sword is horizontal, but angles 45o forwards. Use
Kyojitsu - seeing but pretending not to see.
Kuden: Kyojitsu, seeing but pretending not to see.
8. TOTOKU HYOSHI NO KAMAE - Sword hiding catapult posture
Useful for defending against projectile weapons, i.e. shuriken. Tori kneels on the left knee (toes up). The
right knee faces Uke. The sword is held in the right hand, and is vertical with the cutting-edge facing to Toris
left (left hand can hold the Saya). The body must be side on, with the shoulders, hips, knees and feet/ankles
all lined up behind the sword. The sword is held in front of the face to protect it. If a shuriken goes low (to
your feet), lower the sword so that the tsuka deflects the shuriken. If the shuriken goes wide, do not try and
deflect it with your sword as if you move the sword from your centre line you will be exposing a target. Only
move the sword a small amount to the left or right and make sure it stays vertical as you do so. An
advanced way of suing this kamae is to twist your sword blade as the shuriken hits it, this will send the
shuriken flying off at enemies to the side. Alternatively, if you flick the blade forward as the shuriken hits, it
will send the shuriken back at the enemy who threw it.
Kuden: Adapting to an unseen enemy.

KAMAE NO WAZA - Techniques using the Kamae

Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Ichi no kamae. Tori steps forward slightly with
the left foot, the swords just contact. The left hand releases the Tsuka, and comes up under both of the Kote.
Both of Tori's feet come closer to Uke. Tori's left hand grabs the back of the blade, so that the cutting edge
cuts into Ukes Kote. Tori turns the blade flat, so that when the left hand pulls it cuts Ukes stomach. Tori then
steps back from Uke.
NOTE: If Uke is wearing chain mail, take both of his arms and pull the sword in to cut.
Uke is in Daijodan no Kamae and does Jodan Kiri, Tori is in Seigan no kamae. Tori lifts the sword to
Gyaku Kasumi no kamae (Tsuka on the left) to block the cut. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and turns
to the right to face Uke. Tori releases his left hand from the Tsuka. The Tsuka is placed over both of Ukes
Kote, with the blade almost vertical. The left hand comes under the Kote, and grabs the Tsuka. Tori turns
the sword blade back, and cuts to the right side of Ukes neck as he steps back.
Uke and Tori are in Chudan no kamae, Uke does a Chudan Tsuki. Tori steps forward to the left, and drops
the kissaki down to the right, by lifting the Tsuka. The swords clash. Tori releases the left hand, and grabs
Ukes right Nagare on top with the left hand. Tori lifts his right hand to bring the sword to Ukes right
shoulder, and cuts to the right cutting the right side of the neck.
KUDEN: Change the 'Chu' of Chudan for Chu or Uchu (universe), and Chudan becomes a posture of space.
Tori is in Gedan no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward a little to
the right, and lifts the blade to contact Ukes sword. Tori kicks up with the right foot to Uke left Kote and
does a L - R Do Kiri and advances forwards to the right past Uke.
KUDEN: To understand Gedan, you must understand that 'Enlightenment is at your feet'
Tori is in Tosui no Kamae, Uke is in Daijodan no kamae and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward with the
right foot almost like Shinobi Yoko Aruki, and lifts the sword on the left side of Ukes sword, moving it over
completely to the right then down and back to the left (in a circle). With a short right stamp he cuts down
on top of Ukes right shoulder or head.
Disengaging slightly later, finish with horizontal cut to mid section right to left, with full body weight as
you step left.
Lift the sword with a right step forwards, or left step forwards to the outside of Ukes Jodan Kiri. With
slight movements to the side cut as you walk.

Tori is in Hasso no kamae. Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, and does a Jodan Kiri. Tori steps forward with the
left foot, and drops the blade down on top of Ukes Kote (Tori's hands stay in original place), with the
kissaki pointing at the face. Tori does a shuffle step forwards, and does a Tsuki to the face.
NOTE: If it misses Tori pulls the sword back cutting down on the shoulder.
As Uke curs with Jodan Kiri, right step forward, and cut down with Kesa Giri to the neck.
Tori is in kasumi no kamae, Uke is in Seigan no kamae, and does a Chudan Tsuki. Tori drops the sword ,
and sort of bats the sword to the left (the sword is almost vertical with the Tsuka at the bottom). At the same
time the right foot steps forward to the right, and does a Katate Do Kiri under Ukes sword to the stomach.
NOTE: When Tori moves forward, it's as if he is starting to run.
Tori is in Totoku Hiyoshi. Uke has Shuriken and one by one he throws the at Tori's face. Tori uses the sword
to bat the Shuriken away. It is important that you knock away only the Shuriken that may hit you. It is a waste
of time and you could be leaving yourself open if you deflect Shuriken that will not hit you. Uke may throw
these Shuriken to tempt you to open your self up. When you become more advanced you can then move
onto Kyujutsu, and Sojutsu.
1. HI RYU NO KEN - Flying dragon sword
Tori begins in Ichi no Kamae. Tori circles the sword up and clockwise twice, stepping forward yoko aruki with
his left foot as the sword comes to the front (passing through Gedan no Kamae) for the second time. Tori
keeps circling the sword once more and steps forward with his right leg as the sword passes through Gedan
no Kamae again. From this low sword position, Tori steps forward with his left leg and cuts up from left to
right, gyaku kesa giri.
This circling movement can be used against many attacks, i.e. tsuki, jodan-giri, do-giri etc.
Uke does a Tsuki or Jodan Kiri. Rotate the sword left then up to the right (clockwise).
Repeat the movement. Continue the movement, and as the sword reaches you left hip, step forward with
the right foot. Continue to rotate the sword. As the sword comes to the left hip, a right step forward. Gyaku
Kesa Giri from left to right.
NOTE: The swords clash, and Tori keeps them together as he rotates his sword. The change is Ihen
no kamae. On the last rotation Tori cuts Ukes wrist.
Uke is in Ichi no kamae, straight thrust to throat. Tori is also in Ichi no kamae, and does a block/deflect
down and to right, push blade down and right moving into two revolutions, close distance during revolutions
until close at completion of second, place blade diagonally across opponent's neck (his left side), cut as you
Uke is in Dai Jodan no kamae, cuts straight down. Tori is in Chudan no kamae, step left blocking blade
to right, push blade down and right moving into one revolution as you step to right, at the end of the
second down movement, fluidly bring blade across forearms cutting, then stepping to right past opponent
cut diagonally up left to right.
Uke is in Dai Jodan no kamae, cuts horizontally left to right. Tori is in Chudan no kamae, step left blocking
down and to right then circle blade for one revolution (stepping back with left to avoid blades then forward
with right on upstroke), just past peak of revolution bring blade in and up under armpits cutting, cross step
left behind right turning left and moving in, drop to half-kneel on left knee and throw with blade, then
2. KASUMI NO KEN - Mist sword
Tori begins in Ichi/Chudan no Kamae. Tori steps forward with his left leg to cut do-giri from left to right.
From here, Tori uses his wrists to rotate the sword 360 degrees clockwise. Tori steps back with his left leg
(as in Ichi no Kamae) but brings the sword back to his left shoulder like hasso. Tori repeats the above
movement once more. From the migi hasso, Tori extends his arms to Ichi no Kamae then steps forward
(no do-giri), clockwise deflection and steps back to migi hasso. From here Tori steps back with his right
leg and cuts kesa-giri from left to right (weight on back leg). The sword continues moving along the path of
the kesa-giri and comes up into a henka of Kasumi no Kamae where the boshi is pointing at Uke. Tori then
steps forward

with his right leg to do tsuki.

Against an attacker, Toris do-giri is actually an intercept of Ukes jodan-giri (or other attack). When
Tori steps back with his right leg, it is to avoid Ukes tsuki and the kesa-giri is to deflect the tsuki.
Chudan no kamae. Left step forward, and a short cut horizontal to the right. Rotate the sword clockwise
(final part is a cut down). Left step back to a left Hasso. Left step forward with a L-R Do Giri (high) to Uko.
Rotate the sword clockwise, and cut down. Left step back to left Hasso. Ichi no kamae. Rotate the sword
again (left foot forward). Left step back to Left Hasso. Right step back, and left Kesa Kiri (one movement).
Hold the sword horizontal on the right with the tip forwards, and the wrists crossed. Hold this by the ear with
the edge up. Right step forward, and Tsuki turning the sword over as you do the Tsuki.
NOTE: When rotating the swords Tori finishes each part by almost throwing Ukes sword to the side. The
final part is to knock his sword down.
Uke is in Dai Jodan no kamae, cuts straight down. Tori is in Chudan no kamae, step forward with left, block
towards right, engaging blades circle clockwise once then snap down as you step with right, sweep blade
to left by twisting body (feet as well), assume Chudan no kamae. Repeat twice.
Uke is in Chudan no kamae, straight thrust to heart. Tori is in Chudan no kamae, shift left foot slightly
forward then step 45 degrees back right as you circle blade anti-clockwise to beat down onto opponent's
blade (with side) to disarm, step forward with right thrust to throat to finish.
3. MUSO KEN NO KAMAE (URA NAMI) - No thought sword Posture - Inside wave
Tori is in Gedan no Kamae. Tori lowers his weight and shifts his weight forward over the right knee as he
lifts the boshi of his sword to face height and thrusts towards Ukes men. Tori then steps forward with his left
leg, dropping to his right knee to cut from left to right with do-giri.
Tori can step forward with the left leg when doing the thrust, which incidentally can be used to lift Ukes
kabuto with hane-age. Tori should then step forward with his right leg, dropping to his left knee to cut dogiri (one handed with the left hand supporting the spine of the blade).
Gedan no kamae. Drop the body weight and lift the hands until they are level with the face (similar to
Daijodan). Left foot forward, drop to the right knee, and drop the sword over to the left side, and Do Giri
from left to right
NOTE: When Tori lifts the sword it comes up under the inside of Ukes wrists, under the helmet, cutting his
face. When Tori drops to his knees he cuts across the waist. To help, place the left hand on the back of the
sword blade.
Uke is in Dai Jodan no kamae, weight shift forward, hesitate. Tori is in Gedan no kamae, weight shift
forward. Uke begins to cut. Tori on the intention to cut, snap blade up between opponent's arms to in front
of face then above forehead, step to right moving into half-kneel on left knee (right knee to side), bring blade
across midsection, release left hand, place on back of blade and weight shift forward as you cut and move
into a standing position.
4. DATO NO KEN - Striking and felling sword
Tori is in Gedan no Kamae. Tori moves to his left, 90 degrees with his left leg as he raises his sword to
block/intercept Ukes jodan-giri (Toris sword is horizontal with the boshi to his right). Tori then steps
directly forward with his left leg to cut from left to right with do-giri.
Notes: Toris block/intercept should place his blade just underneath Ukes tsuba, therefore controlling
Ukes sword. Tori can then take a short step forward with his right leg while he uses his right elbow to lift
and control Ukes left elbow. Finally, Tori turns his body to the right and slams his sword into Ukes hara
(one- handed) using his body and left forearm pushing the back of the blade.
After the intercept, Tori can use his left elbow to lift and control Ukes right elbow. Then, letting go of the
tsuka with his left hand, uses the tsuka kashira to strike Ukes right omote kimon. Finally Tori rotates the
sword clockwise above his head to cut do-giri from left to right across Ukes right side as Tori moves back
with his right leg.
Gedan no kamae. Left step out, lifting the sword high to do a high block, and Kiai (hilt to left). Left
foot forward, and cut horizontally to the neck from left to right and Kiai.
NOTE: To lift the sword, Tori also steps forward with the left foot, and meets Ukes sword. Tori strikes
Ukes wrists from underneath with the Tsuba. Keep the arms straight for the cut. If you are too close and
need extra power, push the back of the blade with the left forearm (hand on Tsuba).
Uke is in Daijodan no kamae, cuts straight down. Tori is in Gedan no kamae, step forward with left
jamming opponent's hands with Tsuba (sword tip to right), step forward with right, pressure opponent's
arms up with

elbows (mainly right), snap blade down into midsection, place left elbow/forearm to back of blade, left
hand on Tsuba, weight shift forward and cut.
After the block, shuffle forward placing left leg behind opponent's right, pressure right arm up using left
elbow wedging under armpit, release left hand, strike to solar plexus with butt, circle blade around to cut
midsection, cut left to right supporting blade with left hand as you step back.
5. ISSEN NO KEN - One flash sword
Tori is in Chudan no Kamae. Tori shifts his weight forward onto the right leg and does tsuki, he then drops
his boshi to his left. Tori then steps out to his left 90 degrees with his left leg and strikes down to the right,
in a clockwise arc (onto Ukes sword).
Toris tsuki is blocked/deflected by Uke, Tori then moves in the direction that his sword has been
knocked and uses the movement to knock Ukes sword out of his hands. Tori can then finish Uke with
any attack. Application:
Chudan no kamae. right step forward, and Tsuki (short movement). Drop the Kissaki to the left, so that the
tip points at the ground (the wrists are crossed). Left step forward, and out. Bring the sword to Daijodan, and
Jodan Kiri.
NOTE: If Uke is in Seigan no kamae, and does a Tsuki, Tori can connect with the sword, then knock it away.
Possibly out of Ukes hands. The Daijodan comes as high as the shoulder - The drop over of the sword is to
knock Ukes sword Can also Tsuki instead of Jodan Kiri.
Uke is in Seigan no kamae. Tori is in Tosui no kamae, step forward with right deflecting opponent's blade
to left, bring blade sharply counter clockwise to beat down on opponent's blade (with flat) disarming, weight
shift forward to thrust to throat.
Start in Seigan no kamae, shuffle forward with left then right as you deflect opponent's blade, circle
clockwise and beat down on blade.
NOTE: Your first Tsuki is a dummy because his sword is longer than yours and he will hit you before your
Tsuki reaches him. If he blocks your sword do not hold your rigidly. But beware as his Kissaki will be pointing
at you.
6. RAIKO NO KEN - Thunder light sword
Tori is in Hasso no Kamae. Left leg moves back and cut kesa-giri from right to left. Left leg steps forward
and cuts do-giri from left to right. Left leg steps back and cut jodan-giri. Left leg steps forward and cut kesagiri from left to right. Switch step, cut kesa-giri from right to left. Left leg steps forward to cut gyaku kesa-giri.
Use this series of cuts against a line of attackers - advancing forward with each cut. Do this from a
posture/attitude of shin-shin, shin-gan (gods heart, gods eyes), and from this will come the naturalness
which is the true secret of Happo Biken (eight direction secret sword).
Hasso no kamae. Left step back, and Kesa Giri. Left step forward Do Giri. Daijodan with a left step back,
Jodan Kiri (one movement). Left step forward, to a over the head Kesa Giri (L-R). Lift the sword up hilt to
the right, tip to the left. Rotate the sword over the head, and Kesa Giri (right - left). Switch step and Gyaku
Kesa Giri (left - right), and step forward as you cut. Hasso.
NOTE: You start in an upright Hasso no Kamae, then the hips are kept low. Do not bob up and down as
you perform the Kata. Each cut should be straight and true.
Multiple attackers. Tori performs the above kata against multiple attackers. One per cut.
KUDEN: This technique is for moving through a crowd. The cuts you make leave you open, so your next
cut must go to this new open space, as that is were the next attack will come form.
7. ITTO NAGE One sword throw
Tori is in Shizentai with the Katana in the obi. Tori draws the katana horizontally and throws it with the
right foot forwards. The left arm hangs limply straight down, between the legs.
When nothing else can be done, and you have to throw your sword, throw it this way, just like throwing
8. ITTO GIRI - One sword cut
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan. Tori shifts to the left, and drops to the
left knee, and cuts from the right to the left with Do Kiri.
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in either Hasso, or Seigan. Tori steps forward to the left,
and walks cut Uke with Do Kiri. As Tori passes Uke he turns to the right to face him, and cuts across the
spine left - right.

HENKA (Sojutsu - Kenjutsu)

Tori is in Seigan. Uke is in Ihen with a Yari. Uke does a Tsuki. Tori steps forward to the left and cuts to the
top of Ukes hand on the left side, and pushes the katana forwards to cut the other hand. Tori the cuts to
the right side of the neck. Tori then does a right kick to the chest to knock him back.
NOTE: If the Yari blade comes close as you kick him back away for safety.
9. KIRI KAESHI Cutting return
Tori has a Katana in Chudan no kamae. There are three basic ways of doing this form.
1. Uke 1 steps forward with Chudan Tsuki. Tori steps forward to the left, and cuts with Do Kiri.
2. Uke 2 steps forward with Yokomen Kiri. Tori advances and cuts with Do Kiri, and turns to face Uke 3.
3. Uke 3 cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori advances very fast, and cuts again with Do Kiri.
NOTE: All Kiri are from left to right.
10. SUTEMI - Sacrifice
You are surrounded by a group of swordsmen. Make them believe that you are going to attack the
strongest point of their attack and then quickly escape through their weakest point.
11. METSUBUSHI To crush the eyes.
1.Two attackers, one in front in Daijodan, the other behind in Seigan. The one at the front attacks with
Jodan Kiri, while the one behind moves to Daijodan. Tori with the left foot forwards with the saya in the left
hand, and the sword drawn in the right hand held high (similar to Daijodan). As the first attacker cuts down,
step forwards with the right foot bringing the sword across to block his sword and hold them together. Turn
to the rear to release the Metsubushi to the rear from the Saya. Turn to the front again releasing the
Metsubushi to the front while stepping back with the right foot. Step forwards with the right foot cutting with
Yoko Giri to his midsection.
2.Uke does a Batto no kamae, and draw to Daijodan and Jodan kiri.. Tori does a Batto no kamae with the
saya in the left hand. Step forwards with the right foot, drawing the sword with the right hand, and use it
to block Ukes Jodan Kiri. Throw the Metsubushi at his eyes and then do a Katate Do Kiri. Noto.
Note: You can get three or four lots of Metsubishi from one saya.
12. KAGE NO ITTO - Single sword shadow
Use this form of draw when you are close to a wall and you wish to draw the sword so that you do not
expose your position. With this draw you will be able to remain in the shadows.
This reverse draw starts on the left side and is moved to the right across the back. A great deal of flexibility
is required in the wrists for the sword to be turned, and lifted in a single movement, and then drawn over the
right shoulder with the right hand.
This technique is best transmitted Orally.
1.Batto no kamae
2.Step to the left with the left foot and push the sword handle to the left with the left hand.
3.Push the sword to the right with the left hand across the back, so the handle points out to the right (the
sword is till cutting-edge up at this point). The right hand rests on the top of the Tsuka so that the palm faces
rear. Slide your hand around the Tsuka until your palm is underneath, and then take hold. Keeping constant
contact with the Tsuka, turn the hand and the Tsuka so that the cutting-edge now faces downwards. Lift the
Tsuka up to behind your right shoulder so you are able to draw the sword over the shoulder. The left hand
remains on the saya throughout and returns the saya to the left hip once the blade is free from the scabbard.
NOTE: This is also known as 'Ninja Shinden Iai-giri'. It is used when there is an obstacle or person in the
way. In the eye and mind controlling method called Sanzu no metsubushi, the Kage no Nitto (double shadow
sword) thus protects the invasion of evil.
13. SHINOBI IAI (Shinobi Iai Happo Sabaki Gata) Ninja draw
The sword drawing techniques require free movement of the feet. This is the eight ways of footwork
for drawing the sword.
Start in Shizen Tai.
1. Move your left foot to the right in Yoko Aruki in front of the right foot.
2. Move your right foot to the left in Yoko Aruki in front of the left foot.
3. Move your left foot diagonally to the rear left.
4. Move your right foot diagonally to the rear right.
5. Move forward with the right foot.
6. Move straight backwards with the left foot.
7. Move diagonally forwards to the right.
8. Move diagonally forwards to the left.
14. TE NO UCHI (Hand strike)

Uke is in Gedan no kamae, and Tsuki. Tori is in Daijodan no kamae, hold Metsubushi in the right hand. As
Uke does his Tsuki, throw the Metsubushi into his face then do a Katate Yoko Giri to the neck as you walk
forwards. Noto.
15. SAGEO GATA Sono ichi Scabbard cord forms No1
Tie the end of the Sageo to the Obi. You have two Uke. One to the front, one to the rear. Pull the Saya
from the Obi, throw it to the rear to strike the Uke in the body, immediately attack the Uke at the front
cutting him down.. Then you must quickly turn to the rear and cut that Uke down. Pull the Sageo to retrieve
your Saya and push it back into your Obi.
16. SAGEO GATA Sono ni Scabbard cord forms No2
The Togakure Ryu sword has a small metal weight attached to the end of the sageo. Pull the Saya from the
Obi with the left hand. Hold it in the left hand at the Kojiri or the middle of the saya. Flick the saya so that
the weighted sageo flicks out at the Uke, then cut him down
Notes: When the Saya is loaded with metsubishi it will last for three flicks at least, then the weight will
come into action. Keep flicking as much as you need to to keep the Uke at bay. Hitting him with the weight
will injure him.
Sageo Nanajutsu Seven scabbard forms
1.As a substitute for a ninja's belt, if the ninja's belt was cut by his enemy, or when the ninja sleeping in his
bed with his shinobigatana close at hand couldn't find his belt easily in the dark.
2.It was used as a signal of warning when the ninja slept in inns while travelling. While sleeping, he
fastened the end of the sageo to his hand or concealed his long and short swords with sageo under his bed.
This was to awaken him if someone tried to steal his swords.
3.It was used as a device for climbing over a wall. with the sword leaning against the wall, the sageo
between his teeth (or tied around his ankle), the ninja climbed up the wall using the tsuba as a booster
step. in accomplishing his climbing, he pulled up the sword by the sageo.
4.It was used when the goton no jutsu was applied.
5.It was used to tie an enemy and secure ninja tools as well
6.It was used when the ninja tried to snatch a long weapon such as a spear from his enemy by twining
the sageo around it (karame dori)
7.It was used as a weapon for metsubishi
17. TAI WARI ITTO (Itto Ryu Dan sword mortar shell)
1.This is were the Saya is filled with Metsubishi, and sprayed in the face of an opponent.
Uke is in Daijodan and cuts with Tenchi Giri. Hold the Saya by the Kojiri, hold the Saya across the front of
the body (this is Hidari Hanmi no kamae). With the sword held above the head (Kocho no kamae), and spray
the metsubishi from right to left in an arc. Then move in and cut across the neck, or Tsuki.
If you run out of powder, use your sageo. (This is Sageo Gata)

red Oak to make a good Bo
The Jo is not primarily a military weapon, indeed it is considered as more of a defensive weapon, as it
doesn't have any sharp edges (as with a sword). However once a sword has been used a number of times, it
may lose efficiency, because of damage to the blade. This is not the case with a Jo, which will always remain
good. Because of the length of the Jo (being approximately two thirds of the Rokushaku Bo and only slightly
greater in length than the sword), it was neccessary that the user move in to strike and then back out of
range again.
All movements with the Bo are done with the body, i.e. arms alone are not used, neither weight changing,
stepping or twisting of the body.
Keeping elbows tucked into the body, this gives a stronger movement and all resistance is against the
shoulder, not the elbows, also more impact against Uke.
Using the full length of the Bo for striking. Use the last inch, and edge of the Bo when striking.
The Bo Kotsu is about controlling distance i.e. moving in to attack, and then out quickly, to avoid speed of

Ukes sword. Length of Bo fully especially when doing a Tsuki. This is to keep out of Ukes range. In, and Out.
Switch step, and striking together quickly, with a slight jump in between.
Made of wood, and about 6.5 foot long, covered in leather and covered in metal studs. They were used a
lot in the battle fields. They were used to smash down on to the men in armour, and knock them back. If
struck hard enough it would knock them out. It could also be used to stand behind to protect one's self from
being struck by sword, arrows, or other weapons. It could break things such as swords, and bones. A long
cloth tassel was attached to the end, to distract, and to help throwing it over the shoulder.
Bo with 9 metal bands
The Bo has 4 bands at each end, 1 in the middle. They are spaced out so that the gap between each is
the width of the hand. Apart from being able to increase the impact power of the Bo it will also help
strengthen the ends.
Bo with small hook on the end
This can be used to hook onto cloths or armour, and help keep the enemy at a distance. It can also be
used to slam into the side's of the enemies body to wound / injury him.
Octagonal Bo
No different than the round Bo, except it is multi-sided, which is edged instead of rounded. It is also thicker
than the round Bo. The edges when they contact can cause the skin to spilt, also the weight can be used
to bear down on the enemy.
Shugenja Bo
This is a monk's walking stick, which has a large ring with 9 small rings looped into it. The end of it has
a metal spike. The whole end and rings are made of metal. The end can be used to poke, and strike the
enemy. In effect it can be used as a small Yari.
This is a wheel and axle, used for the launching of ships or boats into the sea. It floats to the surface after
the boat has sail off. The axle is approx 10 foot long, and the wheels 2 foot wide, and 3 inch thick. The whole
assembly can be rolled along the ground knock people over, or one end can be rolled, while the other is
Kuki Gyoja Bo
This is from the Kukishin Ry_, and is also known as a Kukishin Ry_ Bo. Four metal blade like spikes
are attached to one end, with the sides reinforced by metal bands, which are studded. The end of the
Bo is hollow, with a 4 foot cahin with a weight is hidden inside. This can be flipped out when needed.
The oppersite end of the Bo has nine studded metal bands with a metal pointed end.

Sanshin No Kata
Chi No Kata (Earth)
Hold the Bo in shizen Tai in the right hand. Step back with the right foot. The Bo is at the same angle as the
right leg, with the top of the Bo forward. right step forward lowering the top of the Bo, and Chudan Tsuki
with the Bo.
The Bo should not stop but go right through Uke. It is more effective if you don't try to fix on one
particular target. Think of striking into space.
As above. With the right step forward, bring the rear of the Bo up to strike under the chin with
Haneage. Henka
As Uke does a Tsuki, Tori drops back on the left knee, and then turns the body to face Uke. The right foot,
flips the bottom of the Bo up into Ukes groin.

Against Seio Nage

Step back with the right foot. With his back against your chest. Step forwards with the right foot, so that it
is across the front of Ukes right leg. Pass the Bo across his neck, and take hold of it with the left hand, and
choke him. Step back with the left leg to take him down.
This can also be done with Uzimaki
Uke does Seionage. Tori steps back with the right foot, and passes the bottom of the Bo through Ukes
legs. Tori then takes hold of this end of the Bo with the left hand. As Tori walks forward, he releases the
right hand.
The Bo comes as high as the groin, and the end of the Bo strikes his shin as Tori walks past. You can
also step back with the left leg.
Walking With The Bo
Just as you approach Uke, look back, and bring the Bo to Katate Chuden no kamae by the Obi. Turn to face
Uke, and strike to Suigetsu while you both are still walking.
After the Tsuki drop to the left knee, and take hold of the Bo with the left hand as strike across his shins
as you would with Do Uchi (brace the Bo across your own shins).
As above. After the strike to the shins step back still on the knee, and drop the Bo with the right foot on top
to strike down with the whole shaft on both Toki.
When walking with the Bo, bring the right hand to the side of the Obi, with the Bo horizontal. Turn to
look back as you do this, then turn to face Uke striking to Gorin as you turn back to face him.
Leave the hand by the Obi for the whole waza.
After the above Tsuki, drop to the left knee, and Ashi barai across the front of both of Ukes shins, then step
up, and a right Yoko Keri to the side of Ukes knee.
Ryote Uke
You walk towards two Uke who are about 2 metres apart. You notice they will attack. As the first one
passes, bring the Bo horizontal, and strike the second Uke with Chi no Kata Tsuki to Gorin. Then striking
sideways to the first Ukes hand with the rear of the Bo, as he goes to draw his Katana.
Uke does a tsuki. Tori releases his hand, and turns it, and grabs the Bo again, dropping to the left knee
with a Tsuki to Ukes groin. The Bo is braced along the forearm, then Do Uchi.
This can be against one behind and one in front. As you rotate the hand the top drops down on the rear
Uke. Henka
As you move down the left foot goes to the top of Ukes Toki. Tori strikes with a Do Uchi style to Ukes
right shin.
Sui No Kata (Water)
Starting in Shizen Tai, Uke does a right Tsuki. Tori steps back a little to the right, and a left Jodan Uke. As
Tori steps forward with the right foot he transfers the Bo to the left hand, and strikes with a right Omote
Shuto to the side of Ukes neck.
Hit with either the Bo or with the knuckles of the left fist.
As Above. Then the left foot scoops the bottom of the Bo up into Ukes groin.
as Above, but with the hand transfer, Tori slams the Bo into Ukes arm with the left hand.
After the Bo slam into the arm, the right hand grabs the Bo, with a right step forwards. The left hand slides
to the top of the Bo, and do Uchi.
Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke (Toris posture is the same as the first movement in
the Chi no kata Bojutsu). the right hand release the Bo, and rotates so that the thumb is now underneath.
Tori lifts the Bo level at shoulder height, and does a Tsuki with the top of the Bo to Ukes face.
If a second attacker is behind Uke, flip the Bo over as in Tento Uchi to strike the other Uke.
As Above then Tobi back.
Yoko Aruki

As Uke does Tsuki tori steps back, and brings the Bo to Katate Chuden no kamae. Tori then steps to the
left with Yoko Aruki, and slams the side of the bo into Ukes front.
Ka No Kata (Fire)
In Shizen Tai, as Uke strikes move the left leg back, and grasping the bottom of the Bo as it rises on the
left. Tori then strikes across from the left to the right to Uke.
Keep the knees bent.
After the neck strike, Tori shifts to the left with the left foot, and releases the right hand. Tori reaches over
and grabs Ukes right hand, and pulls it over the top of the Bo to restrain Uke. Pull the hand, and push the
Bo to drop Uke.
Fu No Kata (Wind)
Tori is in Shizen Tai. As Uke kicks Tori drops the top of the Bo over to the left dropping it down on top of
Ukes shin. The Bo is then rotated over so that it is on the left. What was the top is now forwards. The
left hand grabs the Bo. With a right foot forwards Tori does a Tsuki.
Same start. When the Bo has struck the Shin, Tori turns the Bo back, so that the bottom of the Bo strikes
up under the shin. Tori grabs the Bo under the right hand with the left hand, and strikes with the base of the
Bo into Ukes chest (top of the Bo is near Ukes head).
If a Kunai is ties to one end of the Bo (Bo is held with the Kunai at the bottom). Tori step back as Ukes
strikes, and then steps in striking by lifting the base of the Bo up into the groin.
Ku No Kata (void)
Tori is in Shizen Tai with the Bo in the right hand. Uke goes to grab the collar with the right hand. Tori
steps back a little to the right, and drops the Bo on top of Ukes wrist (top of the bo drops to the left) with the
Bo horizontal. Tori then comes in and kicks up with the right foot under the chin.
As Tori kicks up he switches hands on the bo, and rotates it above the head in the left hand, and
strikes down on top of the shoulder or the head. Tori can also throw the Bo at Uke from here.
Same start as the base kata. Tori then steps back slightly to the right, and turns the left side of the Bo to
the right so that it strikes into the side of Ukes neck. The rear of the Bo tucks under the right armpit.
If Uke grabs the collar, the same techniques are used, except the left hand covers as in Omote Gyaku.
Use the nail, and Omote Gyaku to take his hand from the jacket, and hold it out to the left with his arm
straight. Strike up under the arm or down on top of the arm.

- Use the very tip / edge of the Jo when striking
- When striking with the Jo, the arms are held out from the body from the body (almost stretching
- At the point of contact when striking with the Jo, both hands should be holding the end of the Jo, in
much the same way as holding a sword (they are together not seperate).
- Use the length of the Jo with the hands at the end to keep out of reach of the sword.
- Crossing the hands is permitted with the Jo.
- Keep the knees bent.
- When the Jo is made from the lower end of a Naginata, use the Harumaki to hook the cloths in some of
the movements to control Uke. Also use the Harumaki to strike with.

Jodan No Kamae
Lift the Bo so that it is held above the head, with the rear hand above the crown of the head. The Bo is

angled down forwards.

The balance of the body can be shifted from one to the other to allow distancing, and balance to change.
Chudan No Kamae
The Bo is placed under the armpit, with the rear arm over the top of the Bo holding it close to the body. The
Bo is horizontal. The knees are bent.
The body can be up right with the legs strain, or in Yoko Aruki. The arm hugs the Bo when it is underneath
the armpit.
Gedan No Kamae
The Bo is slide form Seigan through the hands, so they hold the top end of the Bo. The rear tip is on
the floor.The hands are at the level of the belt.
Variations of this are to leans right forward, and backwards, with the weight mainly on the rear or forward
Ichimonji No Kamae
Stand side on to the attacker. The Bo is held in both hands, across the waist line.
The leg postures, position, and balance changes depending on the terrain.
Hira Ichimonji No Kamae
Stand with the feet shoulder width apart. The Bo is held in both hands in front of the body.
Gedan is with the Bo across the waist, Chudan is with the Bo across the chest, Jodan is with the Bo from
the face upwards. Even as musc as holding the Bo high above the head.
Ihen No Kamae
Drop the Bo to the side of the body, with the rear hand at the side, but away from the ear. The Bo is angle
down, but across to the front of the body.
When the Bo is held is follows the same angle, and line as the body. A henka is to do the kamae is
complete reverse, with the rear end down, and the front raised. The rear hand is by the Obi.
Seigan No Kamae
The rear hand drops to the level of the belt, and the Bo is angled upwards, with the front tip in the direction of
Ukes face.
For this kamae the lead hand can be underneath rather than on top as it usually is.
Tenchijin No Kamae
The Bo is held to the right side of the vertical. The right hand is palm flat against the Bo, at head height,
and the left hand holds the Bo at belt level.
As with the other kamae, as and when needed the legs can be placed in a variety of postures.
Heiton No Kamae
The Bo is pulled back to the central position, and is held 90 degrees across the back.

Age Uchi / Hane Age
Strike upwards
kasumi uchi / yokomoen
Strike to the temple
Tento Uchi / Men Uchi
Strike to the top of the head from above
Do Uchi
The Bo strikes to the mid section.
Ashi Barai
The Bo sweeps the legs away

Kote Uchi
The Bo strikes the wrists.
Toki Uchi
The Bo strikes to the top of the Foot.
The Bo strikes with a thrust
Spin the Bo in an upwards direction, beginning from Ihen no Kamae. Keep the elbows close to the body
and move the legs and body as the Bo spins.
Strike to Ukes leg(s) using your body
From hidari Chudan no Kamae, spin the Bo and switch step so that the right leg is forward and strike
ashibarai. Keep the legs as they are in strike to Ukes Kasumi by bringing the tip of the Bo up from where
you have just attacked ashibarai. Switch step and strike ashibarai to the other side, let go with the the right
hand, rotate the Bo, re-grip with the right hand and strike ashibarai.
Spin the bo to attack several opponents all around you, you must change direction freely and can also
throw the Bo over your shoulder to attack an opponent behind you.
Uke is in Seigan with Katana, Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae with the Bo. Switch step while doing bofurigata
three times then when your right leg moves forward, strike ashibarai then swing the bo tip up to strike Ukes
Kasumi. Switch step and strike ashibarai. Shift your weight backwards over the right leg to rotate the Bo in
your left hand then shift your weight forward to strike ashibarai (left leg still forward). Shift your weight back
to finish in hidari Ichimonji no Kamae.
Uke is in Seigan with Katana, Tori is in hidari Ichimonji no Kamae with the Bo. Tori shifts into hidari Ihen no
Kamae then begins bofurigata. Tori spins the bo to switch step migi, then hidari and immediately does
hidari tsuki to Ukes suigetsu. Tori does a switch step to strike Ukes kasumi then another switch step to
strike hidari haneage. Finally, Tori does another switch step, rotates the Bo and strikes migi kasumi uchi.
Note: Soke said that when doing the tsuki from the bofurigata, you must be able to move in any
direction freely.
Uke is in Seigan no Kamae with Katana, Tori is in hidari Chudan no Kamae with the Bo. Tori shifts his
weight forward and strikes hidari tsuki (turn your right hand sideways so the palm is facing outwards). Tori
steps forward with his right leg to strike migi do uchi. Tori pulls the Bo back, sliding it through his hands
and then step forward with his right leg to strike age uchi to Kinteki or haneage.
Uke is Seigan with Katana, Tori is in hidari Gedan no Kamae with the Bo. Tori steps forward with his right
to deliver do uchi, then steps forwards with his left to deliver tento uchi. Tori steps with his right to so age
uchi, then steps with his left to do tento uchi.
Uke is in Seigan with Katana, Tori is in hidari Tenchi no Kamae with the Bo. Tori steps forwards with his right
leg and drops to his left knee to slam the Bo down to the ground, toki uchi. Tori slides the Bo back and
strikes ashibarai (Toris legs remain the same). Tori steps forward with his left and strikes hidari kasumi
uchi then spins the Bo vertically in his left hand to strike tento uchi. Tori pulls the Bo back and steps forward
with his right to strike migi kasumi uchi then rotates the Bo in his right hand to strike migi ashibarai.

Uke is in Seigan with Katana, Tori is in Gendan no Kamae with the Bo.

Kihon Gata (New Start Forms)

Ukemi Gata
Bo book P. 71
Uke, and Tori face each other in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Uke steps forward with the right foot, and strikes
with tento Uchi. Tori steps forward a little with the left foot, and brings the Bo up above his head, with the
left arm higher than the right. The Bo is angled. The right hand, has the palm flat against the Bo, so when
Ukes bo strikes and slides down to the right, it will not break the fingers.
Bo Furi Gata
The Bo is rotated from the left to the right and visa versa. This continues, also if neccessay striking can
take place.
Ashi Barai
Bo book P. 74
Uke and Tori face each other in Hira Ichimonji. Both step forward with the right foot, and meet in the middle
with Ashi Barai. The left hand is released, grabs again below the right hand. The right hand slides tot he
top. Switch step, and Ashi Barai. Repeat etc.
Shiho Bo Furi Gata
Bo book P. 76
Tori Furi's the Bo, and strikes at random at the uke that surround him. A good flow of body movement
is required to maintain a good control of the Bo
Men Uchi Harai
Bo book P. 82
Uke, and Tori are both in Ichimonji. Stepping forward they strike with ashi Barai, followed by Kasumi Uchi
(no step). Pulling back the Bo to Gedan on the left side. switch step, and Ashi Barai. The right hand
and the Bo is rotated, with the right hand catching, Ashi Barai. The whole movement is repeated again.
Tsuki Hane
Bo book P. 85
Both Uke, and Tori are in seigan. Uke does a Tsuki with the Bo. Tori also does a Tsuki to the top of Ukes
hand, and then quickly does a right step forward with age uchi. Tori without moving his feet turns
clockwise, from the hips up, hooks the Bo up, and through to the top of Ukes wrist, knocking him over.
Shoden No Kata
Chudan Kangi
Tori is in Chudan no kamae, and does a right step forward, and releases the Bo with the left hand, rotates
the Bo over head, and strikes with Do Uchi (catch the Bo). Tori steps back with the right foot, pulling the
Bo back to seigan. Tori rocks the body forward, releases the Bo with the right, and throws a Tento Uchi.
Tori pulls the Bo back, drops to the right knee, and Tsuki.
Gedan Kangi
Tori is in Gedan no kame, Tori is in Seigan. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does Ashi Barai. The
Bo comes up for Kasumi Uchi on the right. Tori switches step, and slides the hands up the Bo, to Ichimonji
(on the right). Tori steps a little to the left, Tori releases the left, hand turning the Bo over, and catches
again. Tori then steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with Do Uchi.
For the final Do Uchi hold the Bo the same way as holding a sword.
Ihen Kangi
Tori is in Ihen no kamae. Tori fakes a Tsuki, and then lifts the Bo above the head, and rotates it, releasing,
and catching again with the left hand, and strikes with Kasumi Uchi on the right side (step forward with the
right foot. Tori steps forward with the left foot, sliding the right hand to the end of the Bo. This brings the
Bo over to the right side, and Tori then strikes up with Age Uchi to Suzu, Tori steps back to Ihen no

Jodan Gogi
Tori is in Jodan no kamae. Tori does a right step forward, and Age Uchi, and then slides the Bo back on
the left to Gedan. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and Age Uchi, and brings the Bo back on the right to
Ichimonji. Tori does a Tento Uchi. Tori pulls the Bo back to Jodan.
Ichimonji Gogi
Tori is in Ichimonji, and changes to Ihen, by moving only the right hand. As he changes his Kamae, Tori
circles Uke to the right. Tori does a fake Tsuki. Tori then steps forward, with the right foot, and rotates the Bo
over the head to the left side. The holding the Bo almost in the central position Tori does Tento Uchi. Uke
blocks by lifting the Katana in both hands. Tori then pulls the Bo back, drops to the left knee, and does a
Tori keeps shifting the Kamae as he circles Uke
Hira Ichimonji Gogi
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Uke is in Seigan, and moves to Daijodan. Tori drops straight down,
and does a Tsuki to the throat. The standing up Tori does a Kasumi Uchi on the right side. With a switch
step, and moving over the left, Tori strikes with Do Uchi
Ichimonji Kogi / Hakugi
Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori strikes with a Tento Uchi three times, with a step forwards, Then
jumps back to Ichimonji no kamae.
Seigan Kogi / Hakugi
Tori is in in Seigan no kamae. Tori steps forward with Tento Uchi, three times. On the last Tento Uchi when
the Bo is vertical, Tori steps forward with the right foot, and does a Do Uchi instead. Tori then shifts back,
and steps forward with the left foot, with Ashi Barai. Tori shifts the back back (no step), and a Tento Uchi.
Tori then jumps back to Seigan no kamae.
Tenchijin Kogi / Hakugi
Tori is in Tenchijin no kamae, stepping back with the left foot, strikes with a right Do Uchi (use the
momenteum of the step). Pulling the Bo back to Seigan, Tori turns the hand over, and releases with the
rear hand for a Ashi Barai, and shifts back to Seigan, turning the hand over. Tori then strikes with a Tento
Uchi, with no step. Tori pulls the Bo back, and turning to the right into Kamae.
Tori is in Tenchijin no kamae, steps back with both feet then forwards with both feet. Tori steps forward
with the right foot, and strikes with Do Uchi, stepping back with the right foot, Tori releases his left hand,
turns it so he can catch the top of the Bo with the left hand. Tori steps forward with the right foot, striking
with ashi Barai. With the Bo on the left, Tori steps forward with the left foot, and strikes with Tento Uchi.
Chuden No Kata
Jodan Naigi
Tori is in Ihen no kamae, Tori circles Uke, and moves the Bo into a vertical Jodan. Tori releases the left
hand, rotates the Bo over his head, steps forward with the right foot, and down to the left knee and up
into Age Uchi (hold the Bo above the head as the Age Uchi strikes. Tori releases the left hand, rotates
the Bo, and strikes Ukes foot (palm is down on the Bo), knocking him to the ground.
Gedan Naigi
Tori is in Gedan no kamae, and circles Uke to the right. Tori strikes with Yoko Men, and jumps back to
Tenchijin no kamae. Tori steps foward with the left foot, and does a Toki uchi. Tori steps forward with
the right foot (still kneeling), and does a Ashi Barai to Yaku, and jumps back to Kamae.
Hira Ichimonji Naigi
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae, and does Ashi Barai (Mawashite Ashi Barai), and hit striaght up to Kasumi
without srtepping (bend the lead knee). Do uchi (Mawashite Do Uchi) with a step. Finish in Kamae.
Chudan Jugi
Tori is in Chudan no kamae, and circles Uke to the right. With a right step forward Tori fakes a Tsuki (half a
Tsuki), and quickly pulls the Bo back when Uke goes to block, and striaght away, while stepping to the right,
strikes with a Tsuki. Tori moves to the right, kneels, and strikes with a Yoko men uchi. Tori then steps back

to Kamae.
Ichimonji Jugi
Tori is in in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori does a Tsuki, and then steps to the right, brionging the Bo across the
back, and strikes down with Kubi Sugi (to the point where the neck, and shoulder meet), Tori jumps back
into Kamae.
Ihen Jugi
Tori has the Bo in Yoko Ichimonji, and moves to Ihen. Tori releases the left hand, and strikes with a over the
head Do uchi on the right. Uke blocks by bracing the Katana, against the side of the arm. Tori steps to the
left holding the bo in the central position, striking upwards with Age Uchi. Tori brings the Bo down to the right
side. releases with the left hand (right hand palm down), catches the Bo with the left hand, and Tsuki to the
Seigan Saigi
Tori is in in a left Seigan no kamae, and moves to the right. As Tori is stepping to the right, he strikes with a
Yoko men Uchi (mawashite Yokomen Uchi). Tori then strikes with Hane Age (Age Uchi, with hands in central
position), as he steps back with the right leg. Tori rotates the Bo over into Seigan no kamae, and steps back
in the Kamae.
Tenchijin Saigi
Tori isi n Tenchijin no kamae, and circles Uke to the right. Tori steps out to the right, and slides the Bo for a
Hane Age. Tori then shifts back to the left, to a right Tenchijin no kamae. Tori steps out to the left, and
slides the Bo for Hane Age. Then Tori shifts forwards then back with a Tsuki. Tori moves the Bo behind the
back, and grabs it over the shoulder with the hand, with the right hand. Tori then steps out to the right, and
releases the Bo from the back, and strikes with a Tento Uchi. Tori then jumps back into Kamae.
Ichimonji Saigi
Tori is in Ichimonji. They circle each other slightly. Tori lifts the front end of the Bo, and does a over the head
Do Uchi or Kasumi Uchi. Tori releases the left hand, and rotates the Bo in front of the body anti clockwise,
and strikes on the right with Do Uchi. Left step forward (Bo on the right), and a Tsuki, pushing Uke to the
Okuden No Kata
Jodan Sogi
Tori is in Jodan no kamae. As they circle each other. Tori throws a Tento Uchi (no step). Tori pulls the
Bo back on the right to Gedan.
Gedan Sogi
Tori is in Gedan no kamae, and strikes with a Tento uchi (no step). Tori pulls the Bo back (the lead palm
is up). Tori steps to the right with the right foot, and Yoko Aruki to the right, and Tsuki. Tori again steps to
the right with the right foot, and then Yoko Aruki to the right, Tsuki. Tori then jumps back into a kamae.
Hira Ichimonji Sogi
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps back with the left foot, and a Tsuki to Hara. Then back to Hira
Ichimonji no kamae, steps back with the right foot, and a Tsuki to hara. Tori goes down on his right knee, and
a Tsuki (This is under Ukes Jodan Kiri, dropping to the knee as he comes in). Tori jumps back to kamae.
Chudan Kakugi
Chudan no kamae. Slide the right hand to the rear of the Bo and Tsuki. Tori steps to the left moving the Bo to
the left side, and across the back from the left hip to the right shoulder, in Bo Furi. Tori drops the Bo to mid
bicep on the right arm, Takes hold of the Bo with the right hand, releases the left hand, and with a right step
forward, strikes with Ashi Barai. Tori steps back with the right foot to Chudan no kamae, Tori then fakes a
Tsuki, and strikes with a Tento Uchi Yoko Men. Tori steps back with the right foot, and drops to the right
knee. Pulls the Bo back, and as Uke comes in with Jodan Kiri, strikes with a Tsuki.
Ichimonji Kakugi
Tori is in Hidari ichimonji no kamae. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and drops to the right knee, with a
Tsuki. Tori stands and steps to the right moving the Bo behind the back (top on the right side). Grab the Bo
with the right hand, and feint a strike twice. The grip is changed for a Do Uchi, and steps to the right (or

Ihen Kakugi
Tori is in hidari Ihen no kamae. Tori releases the left hand, and does a mawashite Age Uchi to the kote, and
regrabs the Bo. Tori releases the left hand and grabs above the right hand, and steps forward with the left
foot, striking with a Yokomen Uchi. Tori shifts back and does a Tsuki. Tori steps to the right, and spins the Bo
to the back and grab with the right hand. Tori then steps out with the right foot, and a Yokomen. Release the
left hand, pull back ,and jump back to kamae.
Seigan Yakugi
Tori is in Seigan no kamae. Tori steps out tot he right with the right foot, and forward with the left with a
Tsuki. Tori pulls back the Bo steps forward with the right foot, nd a Yoko Men uchi. Tori pulls the Bo back
and strikes with a Tento Uchi (no step). Step forward with the left foot, and lift the Bo up with the right
hand, and let the Bo slide down through the left foot a Yokomen Uchi to the other side. Pull back to Seigan
no kamae.
Tenchijin Yakugi
Tori is in Hidari Tenchijin no kamae. Steps forward with the left foot, and kneel on the right for a Toki Uchi.
Pull the Bo back while standing and Tsuki. Right step forward, and Ashi Barai. Shift back and with no step a
Tento Uchi. Spin the Bo as you step back into Kamae.
Heito Yakugi
Tenchijin no kamae, left step forward, and kneel with a Toki Uchi. Pull the Bo back as you stand, and Tsuki.
Tori then Yoko Aruki to the right, and at the same time move the Bo behind the back, and grab the top of the
Bo with the right hand. Twice feint a Do Uchi, change the grip and strike with Yoko Men Uchi.
Keiko Sabaki Gata
Goho (Five Methods)
Bo book P. 88
Tori starts in Hira Ichimonji no kamae, and steps back to Ichimonji no kamae. Tori then does a Furi four
times, switch stepping as he moves the Bo. With a right step forward, Toris strikes with Ashi Barai, then
straight up on the right with Kasumi Uchi. Tori slides the Bo back on the left to Gedan no Kamae. Tori
then steps forward with the left foot, striking with Ashi Barai, Tori pulls the Bo back on the right , and
throws a Tento Uchi at Uke. Tori then moves into Seigan no kamae to finish.
Ura Goho
Bo book P. 93
Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae, and steps back to Ichimonji no kamae. Tori then does a furi four times,
switch stepping as he moves the Bo. Uke is in Seigan, but as the last comes he steps to Daijodan. Tori has
the Bo on the right, and does a Tsuki to the stomach. Tori pulls the Bo back on the right, and with a switch
step strikes with Kasumi Uchi. Tori pulls the Bo back on the left to Gedan, switch steps, and strikes with Age
Uchi. Tori lifts both hands high, and drops the front of the Bo. Tori releases the right hand, and catches the
Bo below the left hand (Bo is on the right). Tori then does a switch step, and Kasumi Uchi.
For the Age Uchi, the hand is palm up, the Bo is held a little like a sword for the final Kasumi Uchi.
Sashi Ai
Bo book P. 101
Tori is in Ihen no kamae down to Chudan no kamae. Uke is in Seigan no kamae. Tori does a left step
forward, and Tsuki. With the Bo still on the right, Tori steps forward with the right foot, and a Kasumi Uchi.
Tori drops to the left knee, and at the same time drops the level of the front end of the Bo. Tori if need be
shifts forward, and lifts the front end of the Bo to strike with Age Uchi to the groin.
To do the Tsuki at the start, the right hand turns so that it is on top, and slides the Bo through the left hand.
Fune Bari
Bo book 106
Tori is in Gedan no kamae. Uke is in Seigan no kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and strikes
with a Do Uchi. With the Bo on the left, Tori switches step, sliding the hands slightly on the Bo (in central
position rear end strikes). Tori has the Bo on the right, and as he switches step, strikes with Ashi Barai. Tori
again switches step with Tento Uchi.

Tsuru No Hitoashi (Ch_ No Issoku)

Bo book P. 112
Tori is in Tenchijin, Uke is in Seigan. Tori steps forward with the right foot, drops to the left knee, and slams
the Bo on the ground. Uke escapes by jumping back. Tori slides down, and slides the Bo back to Gedan,
and with no step does Ashi Barai (still down on the right knee). Uke comes up into Hicho (no block). Comes
off his knee, with the Bo on the left. He does a left step forward and a Kasumi Uchi. Tori no has the Bo on
the right, and throws a Tento Uchi. Tori then pulls the Bo back on the right to Gedan. Tori then does a
right step forward, and does Kasumi Uchi. Tori then releases the left hand. and brings the bo across the
front of the body, catches with the right hand, and does a Do or Kasumi Uchi (shift both feet forward.
Ura No Hitoashi (Ura Issoku)
Bo book P. 118
Tori is in Gedan, Uke is in Seigan. Tori does a right step forward, and a Ashi Barai. With the Bo now on the
left, he release with the left and catches below the right hand (Tento Uchi). Tori steps forward with an Ashi
Barai. Tori releases the right, and catches below the left hand (Tento Uchi) in the central position on the
right side of the body. Tori then does a Tento Uchi with a left step back. Tori repeats the complete sequence
again. Finish with a Tsuki.
Suso Otoshi
Bo book P. 124
Tori is in Chudan, and Uke is in Seigan. Tori does a Tsuki, and then with a right step forward does a over
the head Do Uchi. Tori the steps back with the right foot, with the Bo on the right side, and throws the Bo
forwards in a stretching Tento Uchi, letting go, and catching again with the right hand. Tori then pulls the
Bo back to a chest high Ichimonji, Tori then does a right step forwards with a Ashi Barai.
For the over head Do Uchi, as it is raised in the right hand, the Bo is held tight against the right forearm.
When the Tento Uchi is thrown, the Bo is held as if holding the sword, but with the right hand at the
bottom. Before doing the Ashi Barai the left hand which is at the front of the Bo is palm up, and the right
which is at the rear is palm down.
Ura Suso Otoshi
Bo book P. 127
Tori is in Chudan, and Uke is in Seigan. Tori does a slight left step forward and a Tsuki, he then pulls the Bo
back a little and with a right step forward does a Ashi Barai. After the Ashi Barai the left hand releases as the
Bo passes a little to the left, and catches again below the right hand, switch step, and a Ashi Barai, switch
step, Ashi Barai, switch step, Ashi Barai. The left foot is now forward, Tori releases the right hand ,and turns
the Bo over for a Tento Uchi. Tori then pulls the Bo back on the right, and does a Tsuki.
Keep switching hands before each Ashi Barai. When Tori does the Tsuki, he slides the Bo through the
hands, keeping it at chest level. Final Tsuki the left palm is upwards.
Ippon Sugi
Bo book P. 131
Tori is in Tenchijin no Kamae, Uke is in Seigan no Kamae. Tori does a right step forwards, place the left
knee down, and slams the Bo onto the ground. The left foot comes to the right foot, the left hand takes hold
of the Bo in front of the right hand. Then with a right step forward, Tori does a low Ashi Barai, Bring the
body back to normal height, Tori does a over the head Do Uchi with the Do finishing on the left side of the
As he does the Do Uchi, Tori shifts to the right side of Uke. Tori steps with the left foot forwards, and with the
hands in the central position, he does a Tento Uchi as he moves. The whole body shifts back to the left as
he does the Tento Uchi. The Bo is now on the right, and releasing with the right hand, he turns the Bo over
for a Tento Uchi.
Taki Otoshi
Bo book P. 137
Tori is in Chudan no Kamae. Uke is in Seigan. Tori does a left step forward, and a Tsuki sliding the Bo
through the left hand, pulling the Bo back to the original position. The left foot steps back to the same
position as the right foot. Tori moves the Bo over to the left side of the body. The right hand releases, and
the Bo is passed behind the body, so the left hand is at the belt, and the right goes to the right shoulder to
catch the Bo. Tori grabs with the right hand, and releases with the left, and with a right step forward, does a
form of Bo Furi strike (similar to a Tento Uchi). Tori then steps back with the right, or forward with the left
depending on distance, and repeats the move on the right side. Finish in Chudan.
When the Bo lies across the back, make sure the tip of the Bo is pointing at Uke.

Koku (Empty Space)

Bo book P. 143
Tori is in Chudan. Tori does a left step forward, and does a Tsuki. Uke is in Seigan, and as the Tsuki comes
in, he blocks the Tsuki upwards, knocking it up into the air. As this happens, Tori does a left step forwards to
the side of Uke. From the block Uke is in Daijodan. Uke does a Jodan Kiri, Tori moves in to Ukemi (from
Kihon Gata), Tori the drops his left hand down, with the Bo dropping onto the back of Ukes neck.
Kasa No Uchi
Bo book P. 147
Tori is in Seigan with the Bo on the left side of the body. Tori does a left step forward with a Do Uchi, Tori
switches step, and does another Do Uchi on the right side. Tori steps back with the right foot, and lifts the
Bo almost vertical, and switches hands on the Bo. Tori then steps forward with the left foot, and does Age
Uchi. Note
As he does the switch step Toris hands slide from one end of the Bo to the other. The Age Uchi strikes
between the hands, to the inside of the right hand between the wrist, and the sword handle.
Tachi Otoshi
Bo book P. 153
Tori is in Ichimonji. Uke steps forward with the left foot from Seigan to Daijodan. Uke then steps forward with
Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts to the right, and lifts the Bo up to Ukemi (Kihon Gata). Tori then steps back with the
left leg, and releases the left hand, and rotates the Bo clockwise in front of the body. The left hand catches
again, the body has dropped, and the tip of the Bo points towards Ukes face.
Bo book P. 158
Uke, and Tori are both in Seigan no Kamae. Uke steps forward with the left foot, and turns the Seigan into
a Daijodan, cutting with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps across to the right with the right foot, and the left comes
across to the right behind the right foot. The rear of the Bo comes over, to strike down on top of Ukes Kote.
does a switch step, and strikes up with Age Uchi to the Kote. Tori then slightly shifts the right foot to the
right, and rotates the Bo over the head to strike with a Do Uchi to the top of the thigh.
Kote Zuke (Yama Te Tsuke)
Bo book P. 161
Uke is in Seigan. Tori is in Chudan no Kamae. Tori shifts the left foot forward, and a Tsuki. The doing a
switch step Tori does a Do Uchi (the Bo finishes on the left). Tori then throws a Tento Uchi over to Uke,
holding the Bo at the end similar to a Katana. Tori pulls the Bo back on the left, and with a left step
forwards, strikes with a Age Uchi
Moku Zuke
Bo book P. 165
Uke is in Seigan, Tori is in Ihen no Kamae (rotate rear hand while in Kamae). Tori steps forward with the
right foot, and strikes with a Tento Uchi. Doing a Bo Furi, Tori rotates the Bo, and switch steps, until the Bo
is on the right, in Seigan. Tori then switch steps, and strikes with a Tento Uchi,, and rotates the Bo over, with
switch steps, until the Bo is back on the right again. Tori then rotates the Bo on the right, and a Tento Uchi
with a right step forwards
Instead of switch stepping, Tori can advance on Uke, making Uke retreat.
Keage (Shu Ken)
Bo book P. 176
Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori throws a Tento Uchi, and releases the right hand, as he does this. With
a switch step, Tori takes hold of the Bo again (the Bo is on the left). Tori repeats this on the left, the right,
the left. Then with a right step forward Tori rotates the Bo overhead, and strikes with a Do Uchi.
Geki Ryu
Bo book P. 179
Tori is in Seigan no kamae. With a left shuffle step forwards, Tori does a Tsuki, and then a small Tsuki. Tori
steps back on the left, moving the Bo around with him to the left side. With a left step forwards, Tori strikes
with Age Uchi, with a right step, Tori then does a Kasumi Uchi.
The Bo is held in the central position, until the Kasumi Uchi.

Tsuke Iri
Bo book P. 183
Tori is in Seigan on the left side. Tori does a right step forwards, and a Tsuki, pulls the Bo back on the left
side, and with a switch step, does a Do Uchi. In a Seigan no kamae, on the right side, Tori steps
forwards with the left foot, and a Tsuki.
Gorin Kudaki
Bo book P. 186
Tori is in Jodan no kamae, and moves to Ihen to Jodan etc. Tori steps forward with the right foot, and a Do
Uchi. The switch steps, and a Do Uchi on the left side, another switch step, and a Do Uchi on the right side.
Bo book P. 190
Tori is in a left Tenchijin no kamae. With a left step forwards, Tori swings the Bo down and up in Age Uchi.
Continuing the advance with left steps, Tori does a Tsuki to the face, and with out pulling it back, but
stepping forwards with the left foot, strikes to kasumi on the left side. The right foot, comes in with a forwards
Yoko Aruki, and back again. As the right foot, comes to the ground, Tori does a Tsuki to Men.
The Yoko Aruki forward, does not move the Bo, this stays were it is. When Tori comes back he pulls the Bo
with him, sliding it through the left hand. This will invite Uke to attack him, then Tsuki. Keep low when doing
this technique.
Mae Hirio
Bo book P. 193
Tori is in Chudan no kamae. Tori does a right step forwards, and a Do Uchi, without stepping, Tori does a
Tento Uchi. Tori then steps back with the right foot, to Tenchijin no kamae, and drops to the right knee,
with a Toki Uchi. Tori takes hold of the Bo with the left hand in front of the right hand, and does a Tsuki to
when doing the final Tsuki. The right knee is raised, and the left dropped. They are at 90 degrees to each
other, and the left foot is raised on the toes.
Ryo Kote (Two Wrists)
Bo book P. 198
Tori is in Chudan no kamae. Tori steps forwards with the right foot, and a Age Uchi. With no step, and the
hands in the same place (do not move them), Tori releases the left hand, and rotates the Bo with Tento
Uchi, catching with the left hand again. Tori steps forward with the left foot, and Age Uchi. Tori then steps
with the left foot, and a Ashi Barai / Age Uchi.
Ura Nami (Inside Wave)
Bo book P. 200
Tori is in Ichimonji no kamae. Tori does a left step forward, and a Tsuki, steps back with the left foot, and
rotate the Bo over for a Tento Uchi. Tori then pulls the Bo back on the left ,and a Tsuki. Tori then steps
back with the left foot, and brings the Bo behind the back (horizontal). The right hand goes over the top of
the Bo, and brings it around (release the left hand) for a Do Uchi.
Tama Kaeshi
Bo book P. 205
Tori is in Jodan no kamae, moving to Ihen no kamae. With a left step forwards Tori does a Tsuki. Left step
forwards, and another Tsuki. Tori pulls the Bo back on the right, and with a right step forwards strikes with a
Do Uchi. Tori rotates the Bo over the head, with Do Uchi. Tori quickly drops the Bo for a Ashi Barai, then
dropping the right knee, lifts the Bo up for Age Uchi to Suzu.
Bo Nuke
Kubi Nuki
Tori is trapped with 4 Bo around the neck in a grid pattern. The Bo's that are under neath are at the sides
of the neck. Tori hunches his shoulders, and turns to his left. As he continues to turn, keeping the
shoulders raised, Tori will start to spiral out of the trap. When the head has dropped far enough Tori can
make a sudden move, and escape the trap.
Benkei Nuke

Tori is held down by two Bo. One across the chest trapping the arms to the sides of the body, and the other
across the shins. Tori turns his toes inward's so that they touch one another, and raises his elbows. The
left knee is bent, the wrists come up to the stomach. The body turns to the left with the right foot pushing
the body, and the right hand lifts the Bo to the level of the head. The body then continues to roll escaping
the trap.
Construction of the Yari
The Yari's pole is from 1.5m - 4.5m long. Generally it is made from Oak. The opposite end to the blade has a
metal fitting known as the Ishizuki. This is made of iron, and forms a point design. Although most Ishizuki
finish as a point, so are more bullet shaped, with the end rounded. The Ishizuki end of the pole is bigger
than the end that holds the blade. The helps with the balance. The binding on the blade end of the Yari
should be at least twice as long as the Yari blade.
The Blade of the Yari is from 8cm -50cm. This is usually made from iron, by a swordsmith, in the same
manner as the Katana are made, with the iron folded up to a maximum of 21 times
When you Tsuki, the front hand turns the Yari, so that it is on top of the pole, to help apply pressure, during
the Tsuki.
Migi Hidari Tsuki
Start in Seigan no Kamae, with the left leg forwards. Shuffle step forwards with the left leg, and rotate the
left hand turning the Yari over. The left knee is bent almost to 90. The Yari is raised so that it is level with
the right hand almost up to the breast.

Seigan No Kamae (Yari book P. 56)
Same as Bojutsu Seigan, with the Yari blade towards the face
Ryusui No Kamae (Yari book P. 61)
This is similar to Jodan, except the Yari is held out to the side of the head.
Chudan No Kamae (Yari book P. 66)
The Yari is held horizontal, with the blade forwards. It is held at the same level as the belt.
Chudan no kamae is a form of Ihen no kamae
Jodan No Kamae (Yari book P. 71)
The Yari must be held horizontal above the head, with the body side on to Uke.
Taihen No Kamae (Yari book P. 74)
This is the same as Bojutsu Ihen, but the body leans slightly forwards. The Yari is across the chest
Yari Gedan No Kamae (Yari book P. 78)
This is the same as Jodan. except the Yari is at a sharp angle down in front of the body. The shaft is next
to the right eye. It is almost vertical.

Keiko Gata (Kata of practice)
Ryu Ka (Dragon haze) Yari book P. 168

Left foot forward, and Tsuki pushing the Yari through then hands (Sui Ryu). Draw the Yari back through
the hands to hold the blade end of the Yari. Lift the Yari to waist height, away from the body. Let go with the
left hand, and lean to the left, rotate the Yari on the right side, keeping a tight hold so the blade is at the
rear. Place the Yari across the back diagonally, with the blade at the left shoulder. Pull it over the left
shoulder, and hold the Butt end in the right hand, and drop to the right knee to Tsuki. Raise from the right
knee, and prepare to throw.
Yari Tai Hen (body movement with a spear) Yari book P. 171
Hold the Yari in Jodan no Kamae, holding the bottom 3rd of the shaft. Drop the right hand to chest height,
and rock forwards. Slide the hands to normal Yari position, and hold at stomach height. Right Yoko Aruki to
Do Uchi. Rotate the Yari over, with the Butt at the ground. Turn into Do Uchi, and right step back at the same
Note: If doing this against Uke, you can turn the ending into Ganseki Nage with the Yari.
Kaisetsu Gata
Kanpo (Warding method)
Seigan no kamae. Chudan Tsuki. Pull the Yari back up to Ihen no Kamae. Tsuki so that the Yari slides
through then hands, so that the right hand comes to the left hand. Pull back again to Ihen no Kamae.,
and repeat the Tsuki. Uke steps forward to Daijodan no kamae, as Tori does a Switch step striking with
Ashi Barai to Ukes ankle.
You must be able to shift the Yari with more than just the Knees, spine, and footwork. When he raises to
Daijodan no kamae, this is his weak point. This is important. In the kata, with the first Tsuki hold the Yari
firmly at the hip, as a strong parry will knock it from your hands. Shift the body back, move the Yari as if
withdrawing. Keep the right arm at the right shoulder level. For the Ashi Barai, if he is wearing armour,
you may need more than just the impact. You must be prepared to move again. Use circular motion,
move the Yari and the right foot at the same time.
Shiho Waza (Four directional technique)
Jodan no Kamae, Tsuki. Step to the right a little with a short Tsuki. Step forwards with the right foot, striking
with the Ishizuki to Kasumi (with a low posture). Drop the Ishizuki down rotating it over on the left side
turning this into a Tsuki. Step forwards with the left foot, striking with Hane Age to Suzu (Low posture).
If Ryusui no kamae is use instead of Jodan, the feet need to be approx 60cm apart, and the knees need to
be able to move freely. Draw back the Yari at the start so that he can not parry it. Do this by doing the Tsuki
from Jodan, and drawing it back to Chudan, and immediately go in with the next Tsuki as you step.
Depending how close you are you can place the Yari between his wrists and pull it up and back so that the
Ishizuki comes into Suzu with one movement. The distance changes depending if its Kata or Shinken Gata
(real fighting). If he manages to parry drop the Yari down and Tsuki from below his wrists. If you hit with the
shaft of the Yari pull it back stroking his body with it while pushing down.
Hicho Kaku (Flying bird hurl)
Ihen no Kamae, Tsuki, then Hicho Tobi 45 back to the right, rotating the Yari back over so that the blade
comes to the rear. Right step forwards and strike to Kasumi with the Blade. Drop the blade down and back
rotating it so that it is on the right side, step back across with the right foot to the left side to Ihen. The right
foot comes across the back of the left with Yoko Aruki. Step forward with the left foot, and Tsuki. Hicho Tobi
45 back to the right rotating the Yari, right step forwards Kasumi Uchi with the blade, drop the Yari down
and Tsuki to Do (This is Jujiro Tsuki (cross cut) - Cut the neck and another part of the body start after that).
When you Tsuki slide the shaft through the left hand. When you hold the Yari out and thrust this is called
Tobashi Zuki (Flinging thrust). When you do it against armour it wont go in, so you do it 2 or 3 times in fast
repetitive movements. The Kasumi Uchi is called Yoko Shibaki (Side thrash using spear head and the edge
of the blade to hit and cut at the same time). Skulls found at battle sites have been found with temporal
bones cracked from being struck with weapons such as Yari, Naginata, etc. If Uke attempts to parry a Tsuki,
hit his hands, then thrust in . Use the shaft on his wrist to stop him lifting his hands as you Tsuki.
Hitotsukiai (Single thrust press) (Ittotsu Ai Ho)
Jodan no Kamae. Rotate the Yari over head with a right step forward with a Kasumi Uchi. Drop down to the
left knee, and a Tsuki to Hara. Stand rotating the Yari in front of you over to the right side dropping down to
the right knee, and a Tsuki to Hara. Stand and switch step to hit his thigh/calf with the Ishizuki. Step back
with the right foot and Tsuki while he is down.

In Jodan no kamae with the Yari held level this is the version from Takagi Yoshin Ryu.
Depending on your distance, you do not slide the Yari through the hands. When you drop to the right knee,
Uke raises to Daijodan no Kamae creating an opening for you to Tsuki. At the start it is important to get
your distance, right shuffle in or out accordingly. You may shift your hands so you can alter this distance.
For the Kasumi Uchi, if he goes low to block the Yari. You can push him with the shaft. For the Tsuki when
he is down, push it directly into his body, in a sharp descent, pushing right through him. If you have to hold
the very end of the Yari when you strike Kasumi, use the lead shoulder against the shaft for strength. When
you thrust from low down you have many targets. You can also cut the armour shoulder cords with the
Itto Santo (One lunge three hits)
Start in Shizen Tai with the Yari vertical in the right hand. Step back with the right foot pulling the Yari to
Chudan no kamae., and Tsuki sliding it through the hands (all in one movement). Right step forwards and
Do/Kasumi Uchi. Slide the feet back a little to the left rotating the Yari to the left side and Tsuki. Switch step,
and moving a little across to the left, rotate the Yari across to the right and Tsuki. Then push Uke back
pushing the Yari in.
Also try holding the Yari level in Shizen Tai
Also use Ihen no kamae. This kamae is used to deceive an enemy, as there are no rules for Ihen. Use
the whole Ki of your body when you hit him
Hassai (Snap up and crush)
Jodan no Kamae or Ihen no Kamae, Tsuki. Switch step and rotate the Yari for Ashi Barai, with the left hand
by the Ishizuki. Switch step and drop the blade rotating it down and back and Tsuki with the Yari on the right
side. Switch step, stepping across to the right rotating the Yari to Hit Kasumi. Switch step, dropping the Yari
down and back to rotate and Tsuki (left foot forwards).
In Ihen you can move the Yari into Gedan no Kamae. The quickly snapping your knees into a bent position,
swiftly bring the Yari up to strike. Not only does it rise it also does a Tsuki. This is an important movement.
Depending on the position of the hands, you can lift up from the Ashi Barai as you rotate the Yari to hit his
hands from underneath. This may cause him to lose his sword. Hold the Yari down at an angle, Yoko Aruki
forwards, then snap up. This is a variation on the start. If he parries your Tsuki, this may help you rotate
the Yari, for your next movement. It can also leave him slightly open.
Hiso (Secret spear)
Chudan no kamae, Tsuki. As you bring the Yari back, switch step moving the right foot 45 to the front with
Ashi Barai . Step straight back with the right foot to Chudan no Kamae, and Tsuki. Right step forwards
with Ashi Barai (He blocks the Ishizuki). Knock his sword to your right as you step back 45 to the rear left
dropping down to the right knee (he cuts Kesa Giri), Block the cut rotating clockwise and Tsuki to Hara.
The Ashi Barai which he blocks, use Hane Age, this way your Ishizuki is on the left side, when you drop
down to the right knee. Strike down on top of his sword with the Yari. In Chudan the Yari can be held away or
close to the body. You can change the technique by using less footwork and rotating the Yari. Sharply tap his
sword to the side and Tsuki, all in one movement. This is an important point to learn Use Ryuki (Dragon
spirit) each time you change your bodies position
Tenchi Kaku (Heaven, Earth drub)
Seigan no Kamae, Tsuki. Switch step and Hane Age. As you move bring the blade from the rear, over the
head to strike Kasumi. Step back rotating the Yari as you move, so that you hold the Yari in the middle.
Raise the Yari to shoulder height and throw it at Uke.
Uke starts with his Katana sheathed. When he starts to draw his Katana, raise your left arm to shoulder
height. This must be relaxed, and floating in the air. From the Hane Age, Immediately flip the Yari around.
Depending on distance, you may have the choice of hitting the hands, Kasumi, or both. The throw will
depend on how close you are to Uke. If you are very close, you may keep hold of the shaft, and push the
blade in. You may place the left hand/arm straight out, and rest the end of the Yari near the wrist as a
rest. This position is used as a threatening posture if you do not wish to kill Uke, but guard over him. Then
if he moves you are in a good position to thrust at him.
Happo Yaku (Snap, Catch, Cram)
Start in Yoko Shizen Tai. The Yari is in the right hand pointing diagonally down. The left arm is straight out
pointing in the general direction of Ukes knee. The left hand comes across to the Yari, and Tsuki 3 times.
Each time the left arms stays straight, and the Yari slides through the hands. With the Yari on the left side

Ukes sword, rotate it clockwise until his sword is high, then drop the Yari blade down low, sink the posture
and Tsuki to Hara, pushing it in until he drops back down to the ground.
If you Tsuki with one hand have the palm up and support with the Bicep and Wakitsubo, trapping the shaft.
When you Tsuki hit the side of his sword, manipulate him by moving to both sides of his sword. If you use a
Gedan no kamae, you can thrust from below, do not hesitate between thrusts.
If you use a Jumonji Yari, the cross blades can be used to catch his sword, and push his sword back towards
him. This way you can also Tsuki and turn the Jumonji Yari so that the crossblades miss his sword and you
skewer him. If you spiral the Tsuki, he will think you are trying to trap his sword, when in fact you spiral past
his sword to thrust at his body. This is Kyojitsu.
Kasumi Gata (Mist forms) (Gokui Gata)
Ichimonji (Straight line)
Jodan no kamae, Tsuki. Uke moves to Daijodan no kamae, and Tori turns the Yari blade a little to the left,
then follows Uke as he goes back to Daijodan with a Hane Age. Uke drops his sword down to block this.
Knock the Katana to the right. Tori steps in with the left foot with a Ashi Barai, and curves the Yari's path to
Tsuki up to the face.
When you pull the Yari back at the beginning, the arms are stretched our. Keep moving the body with a big
sweeping motion like a wave. Tsuki to the point which will finish the attack the quickest.
Kikusui (Floating chrysanthemum)
Ihen no kamae or Chudan no Kamae. Move to the left, then right of Uke. Turn the Yari's tip in a spiral,
using the right hand. The left hand is a pivot. The right hand moves clockwise. Tsuki at Ukes shin/foot
(Hayabusa Tsuki), then pull the Yari back, and Tsuki at Hara. As you pull the Yari back, Uke raises to
Daijodan, and cuts. Step to the right with the left foot, following behind striking Yoko Shibaki with the
Ishizuki. Rotate the Yari on the left side and Tsuki with the hands close together just either side of the
centre of the Yari.
While you rotate the Yari, move in as if you were a whirlpool. When you rotate the Yari on the left, the
Ishizuki as it comes down can strike to the wrists taking the left hand away from the sword. When you rotate
the Yari at the start, make him look at your rear hand. This will draw his attention away from everything
else. This is important. A variation is to also rotate the front hand. Move back at this time. This gives the
impression of being absent minded. This movement is similar to paddling a canoe
Kancho (Winding Ivy) (Maki Cho)
Migi Ichimonji no kamae or Chudan no kamae, with the Yari held slightly to the left, Tsuki. Switch step and
Ashi Barai. Rotate the Yari. As you do this Uke goes to Daijodan (you move to Jodan at the same time).
Then Tsuki to the exposed Hara. Keep the blade in and push him down to the ground.
You may also use Chudan no kamae. If the distance is great move in with Yoko Aruki. When you rotate the
Yari do so, as if you were to knock his sword down, if you contact with it. It is important to maintain a good
flow. When you Tsuki you can aim to push the Yari across the front of his chest to stab into his left arm. Use
Kikan the power of Ki to pierce the opponent.
Kisasu (Demon stab) (Oni Zashi)
Chudan no kamae, Tsuki. Uke is in Hasso no kamae, and steps back with the left foot to knock down the
Yari. Tori steps back with the left foot, pulling the Yari up to Ichimonji (maintain Shinki - this is to hold the
Yari lightly, and relaxed to be ready to make the next move), then straight in with a Tsuki sliding it through
the left hand. Tori pulls the Yari back, and another Tsuki. Tori does a switch step lifting the Yari and rotating
it over onto the left side and Tsuki. Tsuki to the feet.
Shinki can penetrate through armour (hold the Yari lightly and relaxed, being ready to make the next move
by sensing where to go next). With a Jumonji Yari you can hit his katana with the cross blades to stop him
cutting down. Do this in rapid repeating strikes. Twist/spiral the Jumonji Yari as you Tsuki. This way you can
thrust past his katana to hit him. He initially gets the impression you will hit the sword. Change the spiral,
then you can hit his sword, catching it. Then with a twist of the wrist you can snare his sword between the
cross blades and the straight blade. This gives you a better control of him when he is trapped.
Hiryu (Flying Dragon)
Migi Gedan no kamae, Tsuki down at his feet (Uke jumps high backwards)uJJjjjjjjj. Switching step, Tori
rotates the Yari so that it is level and a Tsuki. Tori lifts the Yari rotating it, at the same time switch stepping to

strike Ashi Barai with the blade. Uke comes in with a Tsuki, Tori steps back with the right across to the rear
of the left and does a Do Uchi with the Ishizuki. Pushing the Ishizuki into the Butsumetsu to push Uke
back. Notes:
The Do Uchi is more of a thrust than a sideways strike. If Uke is in Seigan when you Tsuki straight at
him, you must then trust with a turning motion with the end of the Yari to knock the sword out of the way,
you continue the Tsuki inwards. It is important to move the spine. If you strike with the Ishizuki to the cheek
it is called Yokotsura
Tsuki Buse (Trusting down.)
Ichimonji no kamae, Tsuki to Hara, then Tsuki to the legs, then Tsuki to Hara. Lift the right hand high above
the head almost moving to Gedan no kamae. Tsuki directly into Koe and Push in knocking Uke down.
Angle the posture to the right, into Senhen no kamae (Thousand changes posture). This is a
psychological technique. For the final Tsuki to Koe, Uke moves to Daijodan no kamae opening himself up.
You are thrusting at his heart and stomach. This is to help crush his courage. If he attempts to cut you,
you can still stab him. Use Fudoshin. Also use Taiso Ichinyo (blending body and spear as one).
Kage Cho (Shadow Butterfly)
Ryusui no kamae, Tsuki. Jump forwards to the right, bringing the right foot to the front, striking Do Uchi with
the Ishizuki. Step across with both feet bringing the right foot to the rear. Thrust in with the Yari. Jump in
again to the right with Do Uchi with the Ishizuki.
At the start no specific Kamae is required. Use a natural feeling. Gedan no kamae may also be used.
Make Uke feel as if he can not cut you. If you hit his sword and you lose grip of the Yari, learn how to Tsuki
with one hand. If he parries you Do Uchi, you can then drop the shaft down to hit in again at close range to
his ribs. Move to the left of his sword to avoid being cut. You can move ht his ribs as many times as you
Satsugyoku (Three jewels) (Mitsu Dama)
Jodan no kamae (lean to the right), Tsuki. Switch step and rotate the Yari for a Ashi Barrie (with Sofu - spear
wind). From here flip the tip of the Yari up to Tsuki
From your Jodan no kamae, look at Uke over the arms. When you Tsuki, aim at his chest and push his
arms down. This is important. If he rushes in, Drop your Jodan, and he will impale himself on your Yari. This
is the same as a Tsuki. Instead of Ashi Barai, you can strike down, attacking instead of sweeping. The initial
movements are very similar. Use Taijutsu when you hit. If he moves to avoid, Thrust in. This is your que to
attack with a Tsuki.
Kyoba (Seven leaves) (Nanamai Ba)
Ihen no kamae. Shift your footing back a little to the right, then step in with the right foot, rotating the Yari into
Ashi Barai. Raise the Yari on the left, to a high Chudan no kamae, this is level with both shoulders, and
move step by step across to the left. Then stepping forwards with the left foot, and rotating the Yari to strike
with Ashi Barai.
When you have done the first Ashi Barai, keep the upper body fixed in position and move only the waist to
bring your body back upright. In the Kamae at the start, push the Yari blade out to the right to open yourself
up to Uke. The rotate the Yari and move in. In this way you are offering yourself. Twist your body a little
when you move in with the second Ashi Barai Ihen pulling it back a little you may be able to Tsuki. With a
Jumonji Yari, with the first Ashi Barai, pull the Yari back sharply on the left. This will pull his sword with the
Yari opening him up. With the Ashi Barai, press in hard.
Hencho Gata (Changing Butterfly form)
Oto (Side felling)
Seigan no Kamae, changing to Jodan no kamae. Fake a small Tsuki (almost as if using no effort at all). Step
in with the right foot hard, striking Kasumi with the Ishizuki. Switch step and rotate the Yari over head to
strike with the Ishizuki to Kasumi (hold the Yari in the middle).
With the strikes to Kasumi, the body is side on with the Yari along the side of the body. Keep it close and
streamline. When rotating the Yari switch hands. The spinning is the same as the Rokushakubo. Changing
the hands is not the same as the Bo. If you have two opponents the point of the Yari is at one, then rotate
the Yari to strike the other with the Ishizuki, then rotate to strike the first with the Ishizuki again. If one is to
the front, and the other to the rear, strike one with the Ishizuki, and the other with the blade. These are good

exercises on twirling the Yari.

Ryu Zu (Dragon head)
Gedan no kamae. Drop down to the right knee, and Tsuki. Stand (right foot forwards), rotating the Yari and
Ashi Barai. Drop to the left knee and Tsuki to Hara.
When you stand, rotate the Yari at the same time and step out to the right. This may help to create an
opening to Tsuki to Hara. This is almost tricking him as you Tsuki. This time as you Tsuki, turn the right
hand, and use the left hand as your direction finder for the Yari. In Gedan the lead hand sets your
direction. When you Tsuki, use a sense of only holding the Yari with one hand. It is important to blend the
Ashi Barai into the Tsuki. Flick the Yari up into a Tsuki. When the Kata becomes advanced your
movements become much smaller even though they appear large. Rise up like a raised dragons head
thrusting into he chest. This technique is difficult for your opponent to defend against if the opponent has a
long sword. This is a Kuden.
Tomoe (Whirl)
Jodan no Kamae. Rotate the Yari above the head turning the Yari to the left. Uke is in Seigan no Kamae,
and blocks the Yari. Tori rotates the Yari back around to strike at Uke on the other side. Uke blocks this.
Tori repeats both rotations again., with Uke blocking each time. Tori again rotates the Yari, which Ukes
blocks. Immediately as Uke blocks the Yari, Tori drops the blade and attempts a Tsuki to Gorin. Uke blocks
this by knocking the Yari down. Tori quickly rotates the Yari at his side onto the right side, and odes a Tsuki
to Koe. Notes:
Whirl the Yari above the head three times like the Tomoe (three comma[,] shaped heads together). To
rapidly rotate the Yari and hit in a constant whirling motion is one main point of this technique. Your Tsuki
must move inwards within the breadth (close to) Ukes sword. This too is important. With the final whirl,
your body should be in the natural position for you to Tsuki. Jumping forward switching the feet (as in a
switch step) this is called a Hencho (as in Hencho Gata)
Chogi (Nail remover) (Kugi Nuki)
Seigan no Kamae into Jodan no Kamae. Shift the left foot forward. At the same time lower the Yari so that it
is all level with both shoulders. Bring the right leg forwards, at the same time raising the right hand above the
head (into an off centre Jodan), shift the left leg forward, dropping the right hand down to chest height.
Knock Ukes sword to your right and Tsuki tot he throat.
The shuffle step and lifting and lowering of the Yari almost makes the Yari look as if it is hooking something
before it is thrust in. You move the Yari as if you are extracting a nail. Leap in with the body rather than just
thrusting in with the hands. The thrusts are mainly high, but this feature of the technique can be when
needed changed. The hooking of the Yari can be made in such a way as to fake a movement, or in sizing up
your opponents strength and skill. Hook his sword out of the way by knocking it with a reverse J movement
Arashi (Tempest)
Chudan no kamae. Rotate the tip of the Yari slightly while taking small steps to the right. Right step
forwards rotating the Yari by your side and strike with a Do Uchi. Pull the Yari back on the left to a Chudan
no kamae. Left step forwards and strike with a Ash Barai with the Ishizuki. Immediately step back with the
left foot to a form of Seigan no Kamae. Drop the Yari down to Chudan no kamae and start to rotate the Yari
again. Uke steps forward to Daijodan no kamae,. Tori immediately drops to the left knee and strikes with a
Tsuki to Gorin.
One way is to hold the Yari in Chudan against your chest when you rotate it. Move your chest at the same
time. Then when you do the Do Uchi, you hit with the whole body. Also rotate the rear hand. In this way you
can hit his sword with the tip of the Yari. If Uke parries the Do Uchi, pull the \Yari straight back. Manipulate
Uke with your movements, this is important. Use your movements to unbalance him.
Shinmyo (Heart light)
Chudan no Kamae (tucked under the armpit). Uke is in Seigan no Kamae. Point the Yari directly into
Ukes face. Then shuffling forward knock his sword tot he side and push the Yari straight into Ukes face.
Move forwards inch by inch towards the opponent. If he attacks he will lose. At all times keep the posture
through out. Remain strong in heart and spirit.. You must use Fushaku Shinmyo - An attitude of sacrifice of
not clinging to ones life. Thrust in when you have touched his sword. Use a feeling to hit Uke. When you
move in to hit him, use total commitment. Use a thrusting cut to hit him. If Uke can not wait for Tori to
attack, he himself will attack which is his downfall, as Tori will thrust forwards with Sutemi Shinmyo
(sacrifice of the

heart light). Thrust in then pull out.

Taki Otoshi (Cataract drop)
Hold the Yari in the right hand by the shoulder with a ratio of 7:3 (closer to the blade) Hold it central and
assume a posture for throwing. Sink the body weight and twisting the hips and no step forwards, throw
the Yari forwards into he air.
The posture for throwing is similar to that used for throwing a European Javelin. In combat throw the Yari
high so that it turns and falls like a cataract!. Hiding in a tree and throwing it down is the same technique.
The Yari is not just for spearing. If someone is on a horse riding towards you, you may throw the Yari into the
air to land vertical into the ground in front of the horse to cause an obstacle. Even standing in a cliff and
throwing the Yari down below is the same. If the Yari blade is light, a stone is attached tot he end of the Yari
to make it heavy, so that the blade Yari will land vertical. This is an important point. It is called cataract drop
because the Yari is thrown from high up down onto the target.
Yoko Nage (Lateral throw)
Ihen no Kamae. Slide the right hand down to the Ishizuki, and the left hand to the middle of the shaft.
Raise the Yari above the head and turn the blade to your left and rotate the Yari over the head with just the
right hand. The left pushes the Yari then releases it. The Yari is then with a right step forwards thrust
directly (lateral) into the target before you. Once it pierces push it in.
If at first you hit Ukes side, keep practising as soon you will be able to thrust in with the kata. Regard this
technique as knocking down Uke rather than stabbing him with the Yari. For the final part, the left hand
if required grasp the shaft to help push it in. Initially hold the Yari as if you are about to take hold and throw
it. Then after your grip for the rotation. Make sure when you do the rotation that it is lateral. Even though you
are rotating the Yari make it fly forward into the target. The main point is to propel the Yari forwards.
Tate Nage (Longitudinal throw)
Hold the Yari in the right hand as for throwing by the right shoulder. Advance towards your target and throw it
This is for throwing at nearby enemies. You are holding the Yari in a Chudan/Seigan no kamae position.
Hold the Yari 17 inches (43cm) behind the Senban Maki (spear blades reinforcement on the shaft). Hook it
into the air and re-catch it in the right hand for throwing. You must be able to throw in any direction. Even so
much as having to change direction then suddenly throw it at the target. Zanshin is of the utmost
importance. This technique may also be known as Tachi Nage - Standing throw. Use a throw from kneeling,
this is called
Shiho Tenchi Nage, this is a Kuden
Nichi Getsu (Sun and Moon)
Any kamae. When surrounded closely by many attackers shift the hands tot he Ishizuki end of the Yari,
then suddenly bring the Yari above the head rotating it rapidly. Keep absolute control so that you may drop
the Yari down to protect yourself or attack any number of your attackers.
This is a technique for you to leap at your enemies while holding your Yari. Hold the Yari 7.5 inches (18cm)
from the Ishizuki. Rotate twice high then twice low (head - legs). This way your opponents can not keep
watch of your movements and you can cut your way through the crowd.

Any cut which swings in an upward motion, cuts mainly to the body, legs, arms, etc (kesa Giri), comes up
Any cut which swings downward (Ura/Gyaku Kesa Giri). In this cut the weight of the Naginata is not
controlled, but taken advantage of, i.e. letting it fall. Again the cut is either
diagonal, or straight down
(Jodan Kiri) as a chop.
When holding the Naginata, the back of the hand, and the back of the wrist must be in line. It should
fit comfortably in the hand. If these points are not followed, the Naginata hold will not be strong.
It is important to measure the distance (Miai). Hold the Naginata in the rear hand, and cross the blade
with the Katana.

Walking with the weapon

From kamae, Transfer your weight onto the front leg then, pushing of with the ball of the right foot, lift your
right leg up and bring it down behind your left heel (heels together) with the toes pointing 90 degrees to the
right. Then lift your left foot up and extend it forward, putting it down heel first into kamae once more. When
using this walking method it is important to keep your weapon stable. The weapon should be in contact with
as many points as possible so that it is under your control. With naginata in hasso, the shaft should remain
against your right leg as at all times during the walk but without causing the weapon to bob up and down.
Having this control means that you can use your leg to affect a change of direction or kamae. When
wearing daisho and using a large weapon such as yari or naginata, you can use the swords as another
point of contact for the shaft of the weapon.
Seigan no Kamae
Legs as in Ichimonji (left hand forward), naginata is held with the left arm bent and the elbow tucked into the
left side at the hip. The right hand holds the naginata at the right hip. The point of the naginata aims at
Ukes eyes and the body is turned side-on with the naginata flat across the hips.
Naka Seigan
Same as in Seigan, above, but the left hand lifts the haft up to just under the armpit (so that the haft
is horizontal) and the hand is open and rests gently against the side of the haft.
Tenchi No Kamae
Hold the Naginata vertical, blade end in the right hand. The right foot forward, the knee is bent. Lean
slightly forward.
Gyaku Ihen No Kamae
Same as Bojutsu Ihen, except that Naginata (blade forwords), is held diagonal across the chest.
Ichimonji no Kamae
The Naginata ls held horizontal on the right side of the body.
Stand upright with the heels close together, the left foot points at Uke and the right foot points to the right.
The naginata is held vertically on the right side of the body with the right hand at the top at kasumi height,
the left hand is held lower at roughly butsumetsu height. The blade is facing Uke.
Hasso (Henka)
Legs are as in Ichimonji (Taijutsu), left foot forward. The naginata is held on the right side of the body
(away from the body). The butt end of the haft angles down to the front and the blade angles up and to the
rear (cutting edge facing Uke). The height of the hands is the same as Hasso above).
Hira Ichimonji
Stand facing Uke with arms and legs about shoulder width apart. The Naginata is held infront of the body
with the blade on the right hand side (cutting edge either up or down). The left hand is palm down and the
right hand is palm up.
Yoko Hira Ichimonji
Exactly the same as Hira Ichimonji, above, but Stand with your left side facing Uke.
Gedan No Kamae
Right foot is forward and points at Uke, left foot points to the left. Legs are apart with most of the weight
over the right knee.The blade-end of the naginata is held in the right hand (palm up) and points down at
Ukes feet. The butt-end is tucked under the left armpit (left hand is palm down).
Note: The butt end can be tucked under the left armpit and secured in place by the left arm which
hangs down.
From Hasso (Jisen Gata), bend the lead knee forwards as if pushing the base of the Naginata in the direction

of Ukes lead foot. Step forwards and cut with Kesa Giri.
Kesa Kiri
Cut from the shoulder down to the oppersite hip
Ura Kesa Kiri
Cut up from the hip to the oppersite shoulder.
Do Kiri
Cut across the waist above the hips, but below the ribs.

Nagi Taoshi
Tori stands in Hasso no kamae. Step forward, and cut Uke upwards from his left hip to his right
shoulder (This is Gyaku Kesa Giri, it is one of the most important cuts with the naginata). Switch step,
and cut the other side. Practise this both sides, stepping forwards, backwards, and doing switch steps.
Sukui Age
Take up position by spreading your legs back to the right at an angle and dropping your hips, in Yoko
Ichimonji no kamae. It depends on how the opponent makes their move. If they step forward and come to
cut in, pull back your left leg and cut up the enemys left side with the naginata. If they remain still, move
forward with your right leg and cut upwards from their left armpit.At the same time, take the initiative and
move forward with your left leg, cutting upwards from their right armpit. repeat this many times. There is a
Hataki Taoshi
In Hasso no kamae. If the opponent is in Seigan, pull back your left leg and cut down onto the enemys left
wrist from the left. If the opponent is in Daijodan, step forward with your right leg and cut into their left
armpit. Turn your wrist and cut back to their right hem, then turn your wrist and cut into their left shoulder.
Pull back one step to the original position, in Hasso no kamae. There is a Kuden.
Ashi Barai
Hira Ichimonji no Kamae. The enemy is in Daijodan with a sword, and comes to cut in. Receive this by
sticking your left hand out high above your head, and bending your right arm. In this form of block, you will
cause the enemys sword to flow away to the right. At the same time, turn your wrist, pull back your left leg,
sit down and sweep the enemys right leg, turn your wrist and at the same time sweep their left leg. Pull back
a step - Zanshin. Change into Yoko Ichimonji. There is a Kuden.
Hane Taoshi
Seigan no kamae. the Uke is also in Seigan. You turn to the left, and the enemy tries to strike in. Turn your
wrist and cut into their neck from the right shoulder, then once more turn your wrist over and cut down
from the left shoulder. There is a Kuden.
Kiri Dashi
Naka Seigan no kamae. In response to the enemys Daijodan, move your left foot back, in Seigan. Whilst
showing that you are retreating, turn to the left, turn your wrist and cut into the enemys left torso, then
instantly turn to the right, turn your wrist and cut into their right torso. As above, this techniqueshould be
sent out (Kuri-dasu) as suits the ebb and flow of your bodies. There is a Kuden.
Zango Nagi
Take up position in Hasso. There are several enemies, behind and in front of you. From the left, cut back
to the right, and use the way the right arm is sent back to cut instantly to the right. When done quickly, this
is called Naginata Furimawashi Kirikaeshi. Use this to cut into the midst of the enemy. There is a Kuden.
Sashi Chigai
In Hira Ichimonji no kamae. in response to the enemys Daijodan, thrust with the Naginatas side blade,
then turn your wrist and sweep their hem; once again, thrust in with the side blade, turn your wrist and
sweep their hem; defeat the enemy by doing this several times. There is a Kuden.
Tobi Kiri
Position yourself in Hasso. If you cut in to the enemys left torso, use the reaction from this to leap to the left;

if you cut in to their right torso, leap to the right; in other words, cut them as you leap past (Tobi-chigai cf. Iki-chigai). There is a Kuden.
1.Tori is in migi seigan but has his weight far forward over the right knee (to threaten uke), toris right hand
holds the naginata as near to the blade as possible - preferably just behind the tsuba. Uke is in Daijodan
with katana. Tori moves the blade slightly to his left to give Uke an opening to cut - this can be done from
stationary or while Uke and tori circle each other. If Uke cuts before Tori provides an opening, tori lets go
with the right hand so that the naginata blade drops on Ukes foot. Uke sees the opening and steps forward
with jodan giri. Tori steps out to his left with the left leg and throws the butt-end of the naginata (with his left
hand) in an anti-clockwise arc to strike Uke across Do (the chest/stomach). Tori then then jams the butt
into the floor either to the inside or outside of Ukes right foot and steps forward with his right leg to strike
Ukes head with the naginata tsuba or haft/fist. N.B.The vertical position of the naginata haft prevents Uke
from cutting do giri to Tori as Tori moves in. Tori then moves back left with the left leg into seigan which
has the effect of cutting the back/side of Ukes neck as Tori withdraws.
2.Tori is in Migi Seigan (weight fairly central and knees well bent). Uke is in Daijodan with katana. Tori
moves the blade slightly to his left to provide an opening. Uke cuts jodan giri. As soon as Uke begins the cut,
Tori leaps up (and slightly to the outside of the cut) to change legs and hands so that the left foot and left
hand is now forward. As Tori comes down from the leap he brings the blade down onto the right side of
Ukes neck (Ukes right) with a slight forward push of the naginata blade to cut and move Uke back slightly.
Tori then moves his weight forward over the left leg to cut down onto Ukes right kote (right down to the
ground), this will cause Uke to lean forward. Tori the moves his weight back over the right leg to bring the
point of the naginata blade (citting edge still facing downwards) up to pierce Ukes throat. Tori then steps to
the right with his right leg which (with right hand pressed against right hip) makes the blade-end of the
naginata cut across Ukes throat from right to left from where it pierced the throat. N.B. turn the blade
horizontal with the cutting edge facing the left. Practise attacking other areas in this way instead of the throat.
Bear in mind the weak points in Ukes armour.
Note: When Tori does the leap he does not move forwards or backwards. The leap is used to change
sides, avoid the cut to the outside and provide extra downward momentum behind the initial cut. This cut
would be continued all the way down to the floor if the technique was done for real. In training this is done
in two stages, stop at the neck and the do a second downward cut onto kote.
Tori is in Migi Seigan, as above, facing Uke #1. Uke #2 is to Toris front right. Both Uke #1 and #2 are in
Daijodan with Katana. Tori provides an opening and Uke #1 attacks jodan giri. Tori does a switch-step leap
to avoid to the outside and cuts Uke #1 on the right side of his neck. Tori then shifts weight forward over
the left leg to cut down onto Uke #1s kote, this also provides a target of Uke #2. Uke #2 cuts down jodan
giri. Tori shifts back right with the right leg and cuts Uke #2 Do giri from left to right.
After the Do giri, Tori hooks his left hand underneath the naginata haft (hand in a fist) to support the
right- hand side of the haft. Tori then pivots his hips anti-clockwise and hooks the back of the naginata
blade behind Uke #2s neck. N.B. keep the right hand pressed against the right hip when doing this.
To do the Do giri against Uke #2, tori can turn clockwise and pivot the naginata across his stomach or hip
(let go with the left hand).

BISENTO (Beatle Halbeard)

When using the Bisento you must use smooth supple movements due to the extreme weight of the
weapon. You must use the body rather than using the hands alone.
1. Use the flow of the Bisentos weight to keep control of it.
2. Take advantage of the weight of the Bisento to aid your movements.
3. You must make good use of your Taijutsu. Keep good control of your Knees and spine.

Seigan No Kamae
This is the same as Bojutsu Seigan no kamae, but it has the blade forwards pointing towards Ukes face.
Hasso No Kamae
This kamae is the same as the Bojutsu Tenchijin no kamae. The blade is at the top. The cutting edge of
the blade faces to the right
Ichimonji No Kamae
This is the same as the Bojutsu Ichimonji no kamae, with the blade forwards.
Yoko Ichimonji no Kamae, is Ichimonji no kamae, done diagonally.
Oburi - Deep And Broad Swinging
Hidari Seigan no Kamae. Step back to Hasso, then step in with the right foot with a r-l Do Uchi or Kasumi
Uchi. Maintain a Seigan no kamae. Bring the Bisento blade back to the right to the rear, rotating it over
head to bring it to the left for a L-R cut (the Bisento is tucked under the right arm pit). Unwind the arms for
the Bisento to come back across to the left then straight down for a Jodan Kiri.
Bringing the Bisento back to Hasso is a movement in itself, as if winding up for the first cut. Make good use
of the knees and spine. Make the spine almost arch when you bring it back, but too far which may cause
you to fall backwards or damage the spine.. Each movement when complete then starts afresh. Almost as if
you have wound up a spring in doing the cut then releasing it for the next cut. For this techniques the Seigan
on the left side.
Kaku Gyaku - Parting Reversal
Keep the elbows tucked in with the Bisento in one hand (right) almost vertical. Hold it so that you can tilt it
left or right. With the elbow tucked in this is your pivot. Use the left hand to pull the lower part of the Bisento
up. Use this movement to aid the flow of the Bisento as it cuts down. Turn the Bisento over in front of you
cut on the other side.
By placing the left hand below the right , with the right at the pivoting point you may drop the Bisento blade
down as the weight of the blade makes this technique do it on its own. The main point is to keep the
elbows tucked into the ribs and letting the Bisento drop by its own weight.
Chikusha - Bamboo Diagonal
Have the Bisento in Hasso no kamae and cut with a Kesa Kiri. Then lift the Bisento vertical and switch it over
tot he other side. With a switch step cut down with a Kesa Kiri.
Switch the Bisento from one side to the other by having the hands do the switching close together at the
balance point. The upper hand holding the shaft at the point of balance. When doing the switch step the
knees come together. This keeps the back straight and vertical and the weight central. When you switch
step backwards, the lead knee is then bent to help with the balance as you cut down. If the distance is wrong
you may step forwards when you switch step. You may rest the Bisento on the shoulders between cuts.
When you hit draw the Bisento back to cut. You do not need to push down on the shaft too much as its own
weight will aid with the cutting motion.
Namiba - Wave Blade
This techniques is the same as Chikusha but with its own differences. Hold the Bisento a little more
relaxed and use an explosive body action when you advance into your opponent. You may hold the Bisento
on your shoulder to take some of the weight as you move forward.
Batto - Drawing A Sword
Hold the Bisento in Ihen no kamae. As you advance rapidly, jab at Ukes feet with the Ishizuki, do this a few
times then cut down with a Kesa Giri. Tori then rotates the Bisento over the head, and cuts down on the
left side of the neck with a Kesa Kiri.
Pull the Bisento into he body as you cut. If the Bisento is resting on the shoulders at the start you may still
jab by using your Taijutsu and keeping the Bisento still resting on your shoulders.. Even if Uke blocks
jab you may still drop the Bisento forwards into him. If you dont cut him it may still take him down with
weight alone. When doing this if he lifts his sword you may trap his arms against him between the shaft and

body. If he uses his sword to try and block the Bisento the Bisento should cut through his sword. You may
also drop onto one knee when you jab.
Gisen - Sunlight Tip
Migi Seigan (or Chudan no kamae) Move in with Yoko Aruki steps raising the Bisento as you move forwards.
Uke is in Seigan and knocks the Bisento to your left. Using your spine and no step bring the Bisento back in
to cut L-R cutting into the waist. Turn the Bisento over onto the right (the shaft is still on the left side) and cut
with a R-L Do Kiri or cut to his legs. When his down cut at him with the Bisento.
For the L-R movement the left knee is bent facing to the left, but turn the body from the hips keeping
the back straight. Hold the Bisento tight into the left hip.
Shinto - Stretching Sword
With a Hidari Gedan no kamae, swing the Bisento up keeping the arms straight (the swinging motion is like
a swinging pendulum) then step across to the left with the left foot, and as the Bisento comes down in an
arc, cut across to the right with the Bisento. The movement looks like you will cut to the right rear.
Rise and cut across in a single motion. Brace the shaft across the top of the right thigh. When you swing
up he may and try and knock the Bisento to the side. Step to that side, and come back in with a cut.
Seito - Clean Sword
Migi Ichimonji no kamae. Rotate the Bisento in front of you to a Hidari Ichimonji, and bring the left leg across
to the rear of the right foot. At the same time lift the Bisento up, then quickly drop it down on top of the
hands. Notes:
Depending on how you intend to cut you may lift the left leg up to aid balance. You may lift the
Bisento slowly, but you must drop it rapidly, using the Bisentos weight to help you.
Miken - Bewitched Sword
Holding the Bisento in Hasso, using the Spine, jump forwards a single step, and cut with a Gyaku Kesa
Giri. Turn the Bisento over onto the left side and repeat the jump and cut.
When you jump against a sword cut you may sue the raised shaft from the start of the Gyaku Kesa Kiri to
block his downward strike. Then cutting up into him. The downward sword cut may also speed up the
Gyaku Kesa Kiri.

Katate Yaburi No Kamae
Stand as in Dakentaijutsu Hira no kamae, with the Hanbo held in both hands in front of the body.
Also called Hira Ichimonji No Kamae
Munen Muso No Kamae
Stand as Katate Yaburi no kamae with the Hanbo held in the right hand, vertical. It is held at the top, with
the bottom end on the ground.
Otonashi No Kamae
Same as Katate Yaburi, with the Hanbo held in both hands to the rear of the body.
Naname Ushiro Omote Waki Uchi (Moving diagonally back outside his attack and striking the side)
Stand facing your training partner in Katate Yaburi No Kamae. Start the basic movements from this posture.
Your partner punches straight to your face with his right fist. Step to your left rear with your left foot and
slide your right foot a little to your left, and at the same time swing the stick to strike him across the solar
plexus. As you step with your left foot, your left hand must slide to the end of the stick, and as you swing the
stick, your right hand must slide a little towards the left-hand end. This co-ordination of foot movement and

sliding applies to all the basic movements except No.8. You should strike not so much with your hands
and arms as with your whole body. After the completion of the movement, both you and your partner return
to your original positions. He then attacks with the other fist. Whenever you strike you should try to make
contact with the last 5 or 6 inches, where the maximum power is concentrated. Continue with Tsuke Iri.
Naname Mae Ura Waki Uchi (Moving diagonally forward inside his attack and striking the side)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his left fist. Step to your left with your left foot and swing
the stick to strike him accross the left ribs. Continue with Koshi Ori.
When you are familiar with these two movements, practice them together. He attacks with his right fist,
you step to your left and apply No.1. He attacks with his left fist, again you step to your left and apply No.
Naname Mae Omote Waki Uchi (Moving diagonally forward outside his attack and striking the side)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his right fist. Step to your left front with your left foot and
slide your right foot in the same direction and strike him across the right ribs. Continue with Kyokotsu
Mawashi Kote Uchi Omote (Rotate the stick and strike the wrist, outside his attack)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his right fist. Step to your left or left rear with your left foot
and slide your right foot a little in the same direction. At the same time move the right-hand end of the stick
in a clockwise movement and strike down on his wrist. When he attacks with his left fist, the movement of
the stick will be anticlockwise. Continue with Gyaku Ude Garami.
Mawashi Kote Uchi Ura (Rotate the stick and strike the wrist, inside his attack)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his left fist. Step to your left rear with your left foot and
move the right-hand end of the stick in a clockwise movement and strike down on his wrist. For a right fist
attack the left-hand end of the stick must be moved anticlockwise. Continue with Koshi Ori or Ganseki
Kote Uchi Omote (Strike the wrist, outside his attack)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his right fist. Step to your left with your left foot and withdraw
your right foot in an arc to your left rear. Strike down with the left end of the stick onto his wrists. Continue
with Ganseki Otoshi Garami.
Kote Uchi Ura (Strike the wrist, inside his attack)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his left fist. Withdraw your right foot in an arc to your left
rear at the same time pivoting a little on your left heel and strike down onto his wrist. Continue with Ganseki
For further practice it is possible to work combinations of the basic movements, for example; your partner
attacks with his right fist, you apply Mawashi Kote Uchi Ura, No.5. he immediately follows up with a left-fist
attack, you withdraw your right foot and strike down on his left wrsit with the left-end of the stick using Kote
Uchi Ura, No.7. He attacks again with his right fist, you withdraw your left foot, sliding your left hand to the
end of the stick , and strike down on his right wrist with the right-hand end of the stick, again using No.7. He
attacks again with his left fist, you use No.5 striking down on his left wrist with the right-hand end of the
stick. You will notice that the movements in which you come inside your adversarys attacking arm or in
other words the Ura movements leave you vulnerable to a continuation of his attack. Consequently Basic
Movements 2, 5, 7 and 8 should always be practiced with a combination in mind. This may be a combination
of some of the Basic Movements or it may simply be a jab with the end of the stick to your adversarys face
or ribs to better prepare the way for your application of a technique.
Kata-Te Tsuki (One-hand thrust)
Your partner punches straight to your face with his left fist. Release your right-hand hold on the stick. Step
to your left front with your left foot and draw your right foot back a little, and thrust with the point of the stick
to his chin or solar plexus.
Shoden No Kata
Tori is in Katate Yaburi no kamae.
Uke attacks with a Shoto.
Katate Uchi (Single Strike)
Uke has the Shoto in the right hand. Uke steps forward with the left foot, and grabs the collar with the left

hand. Uke then steps forward with the right foot, with a Chudan Tsuki with the Shoto. Tori steps forwards,
and out to the right. The left foot, comes across to the left, and steps behind the right. Tori brings the
Hanbo up striking just above the elbow on Ukes grabbing arm
Tsuki Otoshi (Strike And Drop)
The start is the same as Katate Uchi. After the strike up with the Hanbo, Tori releases the left hand, and
turns the Hanbo over to the right. Catching again wit the left hand, Tori strikes with the tip of the Hanbo
into Ukes throat. Tori moves forward for the Tsuki.
Uchi Waza (Hitting Technique)
Uke steps forward with a Chudan Tsuki. Tori steps out to the left. The right end of the Hanbo strikes down
on top of Ukes hand. Uke releases the left hand, and turns it so that he can catch the right end of the Hanbo.
Tori does a slight step forward, and a Tsuki to Kasumi
Nagare Dori (Flowing Drop)
Uke steps forward with a Tsuki. Tori steps forward with the right foot, on Ukes inside. Tori releases the left
hand. With the Hanbo vertical (hand is at the top) Tori strikes with the length of the Hanbo into the inside of
Ukes elbow. At the same time Toris left hand grabs Ukes hand with the Shoto. Tori rotates the Hanbo (keep
contact with the elbow), until it is again vertical with the hand at the top, and the Hanbo under the arm, and
partial across the back. Tori steps back with the left leg, pulling on Ukes arm with his left hand, and
applying pressure with the hanbo. Finish with Uke on the floor.
Kasumi Gake (Haze Trap)
Uke does a Tsuki with the Shoto. Tori steps out to the left, and releases the right hand on the Hanbo. The
right hand takes hold of Ukes wrist with the Shoto. Tori strikes up to Ukes Kasumi from under the outside
of his arm with the top tip of the Hanbo (left hand at top, hanbo is vertical). Tori lifts the right hand, and
steps across the front of Uke with the left foot (under the arm). The right foot follows. Tori pulls on the right
hand, throwing Uke.
Iki Chigae
Uke does a Tsuki with the Shoto. Tori steps to the left, and releases the Hanbo with the right hand, and
takes hold of Ukes wrist with the right hand. The Hanbo is brought up under the armpit, and strikes Uke in
the face (only if possible). Tori lift up the right hand, and passes under the arm, throwing Uke.
Kao Kudaki
Uke steps forward with the right foot, and does a Chudan tsuki with the Shoto. Tori steps back to the left 45
degrees, and releases the left hand on the Hanbo. The Hanbo is rotated to the right, with the left hand
catching the other end, as it strikes the top of the Shoto, or the top of the wrist. Tori pulls the Hanbo through
the right hand with the left hand, releases the left hand, and with a left step forward, and strikes with a
Katate Tento Uchi to Men.
Ate Kaeshi
Uke holds the Shoto in Daijodan, and Jodan Kiri. Uke drops to the left knee, and releases the Hanbo with
the left hand. The Hanbo is rotated over so the left hand can catch it again. The tip of the Hanbo is struck
into Ukes throat, knocking him back.
Saka Otoshi
Uke steps forward with a Jodan Kiri. Tori lifts the Hanbo up, blocking the Shoto either on the blade, or at the
forearm (be careful with this as the Shoto may be released, and drop down on you). Tori then does Yoko
Aruki to the left, steps around the back of Uke placing the Hanbo across the front of Ukes chest. Tori pulls
on the Hanbo, applying pressure to the chest. Tori then drops to the right knee, taking Uke down.
Chuden No Kata
Tori is in Munen Muso no kamae
Uke attacks with a Daito
Kote Gaeshi (Hands Against)
As Uke cuts down with jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the right, and does a figure of 8 downwards on top of the
Hanbo striking the Kote.
Saka Otoshi

Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. tori has the hanbo in the right hand, steps back to the right, so that he is side on to
Uke ( on the outside). He then strikes up with the Hanbo under the arms. Tori then steps forward with the
left foot, and strike with the top tip of the hanbo, into the kasumi.
Harai Waza
The start is the same as Kate Gaeshi. After the strike to the Kote, Tori steps to the left, and strikes
with another figure of 8 to kasumi.
Soto Waza
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the right, and strikes down with a figure of 8. Tori then steps in
and does a Tsuki to Kage.
Okuden No Kata
Tori is in Otonashi no kamae.
Uke attacks with a Daito.
Hane Otoshi (Jump And Drop)
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left and rolls the right end of the hanbo until the right
palm faces forward, then raise it to the right shoulder and strike holding it in the right hand (kuri kaeshi)
to the Kote.
For Kuri Kaeshi see Jutte book P.31. Kuri Kaeshi means - dried chestnut
Mata Gake
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and strikes upward to the Kote. Tori then steps in with
the right foot, and strikes with Age uchi to Rin.
Kote Harai (Disposing Of The Hands)
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori steps out to the left, and a Kuri Kaeshi. Tori then steps out to the left. With
the right side Tori strikes the kasumi, with Kasumi Uchi.


Shoden No Kata
Jumonji (The cross)
Tori is in Ihen no Kamae, Uke is in Seigan no Kamae. Tori steps forward with the right foot. As he steps
he pushes down with the left hand, and releases it. The right hand rotates the Jo vertically over, with the
right hand catching the end to strike Ukes Kasumi. Tori shifts his left leg across to the rear of the right leg,
and drops the Jo down in a crescent to strike Ukes Butsumetsu (no right step). Tori shifts the left leg
across to the left, and does a switch step, and strikes to Ukes kasumi on the other side (Tori does this
from a left Gedan). Tori pulls the Jo back to Gedan on the right (hold the Jo with the hands together
Thumbs in the
middle touching at the very end off the Jo). With a left step forward, Tori over his head clockwise (not
moving the hands to strike Ukes temple (on Tori left). Toris right elbow is in the air with the right hand upside
down the wrists are crossed). Slide the right hand to the middle of the Jo, release with the left hand rotate
the Jo over head. Step forwards with the right foot, catch with the left foot, and strike to kasumi, or
Butsumetsu. Note:
This is similar to Bojutsu "Goho". When you have a good flow, Uke will not be able to keep up a defense.
Roppo (Gedan Nagashi) (Six ways)
Tori is in Gedan, and does a right step forwards, and does a Kasumi Uchi. Uke jumps back to avoid this
strike. The strike continues past Uke, and Tori releases with the right hand. Uke stops the Jo when it
rests across the top of the shoulders. Tori takes hold of the Jo in the right hand (both hands hold the Jo,
one at each end). Tori releases the left hand, so that the Jo flips around for a Yoko Men Uchi to Kasumi.
The left

hand catches the Jo on impact. The left releases the Jo, and the right rotates the Jo to the right side of
Tori. Uke comes in from Daijodan, and Tori does a Tsuki to finish.
Tori can drop to the knee for the Tsuki.
To cushion the Jo across the shoulders, drop the weight onto the left leg.
This technique can be seen on the old video "Ninja secrets of the Grandmaster"
Kyuho (Nine ways)
Tori is in Chudan. Tori does a right step forwards, and a Ashi Barai, to Ukes lead leg. Tori then rocks back
onto the left leg, and does Age Uchi to the groin or wrists. Tori pulls the Jo back to Gedan on the left, and
steps forward with the left, and does Tento Uchi (keep the weight on the left leg after the left step). Tori
steps forward with the right , and strikes with Ashi Barai to Ukes rear leg (keep the weight on the left leg).
Tori releases with the left hand Paddles the Jo back to Chudan with a right step back.
Use the paddle back to knock Ukes sword away if it is close to Tori.
Hiryu (Flying Dragon)
Tori is in Tenchijin no kamae. Tori does a right step and a Jodan Kiri style strike with the Jo. Tori pulls the
Jo back so he holds both ends of the Jo, and steps forward with the left foot, and Tento Uchi. The jo is on
the right, and Tori throws a Tento Uchi forwards. Tori pulls the Jo back on the right, and with no step does a
Do Uchi. Tori then does a switch step, and strikes up with Age Uchi (right hand in front). Tori does a switch
step and strikes with Kasumi Uchi (left hand in front), another switch step, and a Ashi Barai, switch step, and
Do Uchi to Ukes right side. Tori paddles the Jo to Chudan and finish.
The paddle is the same as that from Roppo.
Tsuki Iri
Tori is in Chudan. Tori steps forward to the right Slides the Jo through the left hand, and rotating the Jo
anti clockwise, strikes in a full circle, to the back of Ukes head. Tori rotates the Jo above his head, in the
right hand, and strikes Uke on the same side. Tori shifts his weight onto the left leg, and slides the Jo to
Chudan on the right side. Tori switches step, and slides the hands forward, and strikes with a form of tento
Uchi, pulling the Jo back to Chudan on th left side. With a right step forwards Tori brings the Jo anti
clockwise across the body, to strike up to Ukes left side Kasumi. Tori rotates the Jo above the head in the
right hand, and strikes to Ukes left Kasumi again. Tori lets go with the left hand and regrips below the right,
and strike with the Jo on top of Ukes head.
Ude Gake (Arm trap)
Tori is in Ichimonji no Kamae, Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts to the left, and lifts the Jo
vertical, with the right hand at the top. Tori releases the left hand, rotates the Jo clockwise, catching the
other end of the Jo in the left hand, and drops it down on top of Ukes wrists.
Strike with the edge of the Jo to the hands. When shifting to the left place the weight on the left leg. The
hands slide to the ends of the Jo. As you release the Jo flip it like a spring over. Depending on distance,
rock the weight back in on to the right leg.
Kote Gaeshi (Hands against)
Tori is in Seigan, and does a Tsuki, by shifting the left leg forwards. Tori then pulls the Jo back on the right to
Gedan. Tori rocks forward on the left leg, tori rotates the Jo overhead, for a Kasumi
Uchi. Note
For the kasumi Uchi the hands are crossed.
Tachi Otoshi (Standing drop)
Tori is in Chudan. Tori slides the Jo through the hands to Tsuki. Tori then steps out to the right slightly
forwards, Tori rotates / paddles the Jo in a anticlockwise motion to strike the back of the head, Tori then
does a over head Do Uchi. Tori steps back with the right foot. He the steps forward and repeats this without
the Tsuki. A third attack is undertaken, but instead of the overhead Do Uchi, Tori slides the right hand to the
middle of the Jo (jo is on the left), rel;eases the left hand, the right hand rotates the Jo vertically for a Tento
When doing the paddling aim for the back of the head, or if Uke moves back strike down on top of the
wrists. When it is done the third time the final attack will surprise Uke, as he expects you

Jutte Karada Kamae
Muso No Kamae
The feet are shoulder width apart, and the hands hang loosly down by the sides of the body. The Jutte is in
the right hand.
Suicho No Kamae (Mizu Tori no kamae)
The left foot is forward, and both knees are bent. Theleft hand is in Fudo ken and is just to the right of the
left knee. The Jutte is in the right hand, pointing straight down, at the side of the right knee. The body slightly
leans forward. The postur is low,and looks strong.
Ichi No Kamae
The body is the same as Suicho no kamae. The left hand is on the out side just above the knee. The
right arm is straight out at shoulder height pointing forwards with the Jutte pointing straight at Ukes
Seigan No Kamae
This is the same as Ichi no kamae, except the Jutte is pointinmg at Ukes eyes.
Ten No Kamae
The body is the same as Ichi no kamae, except the right foot is forwards. The Jutte is in the right hand.
The right arm is up in front of the body with the forearm vertical. The Jutte points to the rear, at 60
All Kamae except Muso, are squat, and low down with plenty of strength in the thighs \ legs. Muso gives
the impreesion that you are relaxed, and do not pose a threat.

Kiri No Hitoha (Leaf of the Paulownia tree) Jutte book P.166
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan no Kamae, with the Jutte in the right hand. Tori
steps to the right to avoid the cut. Tori the strikes the right side of the neck with the Jutte, and takes the
sword hand with is left hand. The tip of the Jutte is placed under the arm. Pull on the right arm, and push
the Jutte into the armpit to restrain Uke.
When he strikes with the Jutte, strike with the tip. Or with the area with the area of the hook, and shove it in.
Rakka (Falling Petal) Jutte book P. 167
Tori is in Seigan no Kamae, Uke is in Daijodan and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps to the left, and traps the
sword in the Yokoha (Hook). Tori then steps to the right, and does a Yoko Aruki forwards with the left foot.
As he does this Tori lifts the right elbow, and as he steps forward with the right foot, drops the right elbow
down over the arms trapping Uke. As he does these movement Tori is turning the blade over. Tori does a
right kick to the groin, and takes the sword handle with the left hand. Tori then does Yoko Aruki away taking
the sword with him.
To trap the sword blade the hook must point towards the eyes, and the thumb must be on the other side of
the the hook to act as a brace.
Gorin Kudaki (Breaking the five circles)
Uke is in Daijodan, and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Seigan, and steps across to the right, and strikes
the top of Ukes hands with the Jutte. Uke drops the sword. Tori then does a Tsuki to the stomach, holds
Ukes left hand with the right and drops him to the ground.
Mizu Tori
Uke is in Daijodan, and does Jodan Kiri. Tori is in Hira no Kamae with the Jutte in the right hand. Tori steps
back with the left foot, so that he is on the inside of the cut, at the same time he traps the sword in the
hook. The left hand comes up behind the Jutte until the shaft of the Jutte lies in the open palm. Tori the

forward with the left foot, so that he is now on the out side of the Jodan Kiri. As he steps the left hand pushes
the Jutte down until it is horizontal. The left hand take hold of the Katana handle. Tori steps back with the left
foot, and steps forward with the right foot, and strikes with the Jutte to the top of the head.
Mawari Dori
Uke starts in Dai Jodan No Kamae with the Sword and Tori starts in Seigan No Kamae with the Jutte
hidden behind the right leg - the right hand holds the Jutte upside down so that it lies along the forearm.
Uke attacks with a downward cut. Tori steps forward and to the left with the left foot and raises the right arm
up to block Ukes attack with the Jutte. Tori steps forward with the right foot to raise Ukes Sword up and
then turns underneath clockwise.
Tori strikes with right Soku Yaku Ken into Ukes hands - to dislodge the Sword. Tori places the Jutte against
the right side of Ukes neck (or right ribs) and grips the end of it with the left hand and then, while turning
clockwise, pulls inwards to apply a constriction on Ukes neck.
Ryu Shita
Midari Hana

Kocho (Small butterfly)
Uke draws his sword to cut Tori with Do Giri. Tori moves to his left and holds Ukes right hand with his left.
Tori then uses the tessen in his right hand to hit the back of Ukes right hand. Tori moves behind Uke and
uses his left hand to grip Ukes left Jakkin and presses the tip of the tessen onto Ukes chest to take him
to the ground and restrain.
Shuko Kudaki (Breaking the back of the hand)
Uke does a chudan tsuki with his sword. Tori avoids to his left and srtikes the sword (or Ukes hand) with the
tessen. Tori then strikes Ukes kasumi with the tessen and applies pressure to Ukes temple to restrain.
Kasumi Jime (Tying up the fog)
Uke does chudan tsuki with his sword, from Seigan no Kamae. Tori moves to his left and hits the side of
Ukes sword blade upwards with the tessen from underneath. Tori then moves in close behind Uke, places
the tessen against Ukes left kasumi and applies pressure with the aid of his left hand.
Tessen Dori
Apply various forms of Take Ori, or Bar the arm under the arm pit, and trap the remaining part of the arm
with the Tessen. Practice holding the Tessen in each hand, while holding Uke trapped.
This is good for applying pressure to Ukes arm if hwe tries to wriggle free. Use the side or the end of the
Tessen to apply pain.
Kakae Dori
Uke grabs your wrist. Place the Tessen over Ukes wrist, and tuck the other end under your own, and
lever off.
Karame Dori
Do this to any limb, and cross the wrists (Jumonji), and place the Tessen on the other side of the limb.
Hold the Tessen in both hands to trap, and apply pressure with the Tessen.
Naeshi Ate Nagare

When Uke strikes or attacks, rake the end of the Tessen along the arms, legs, and down the body. For extra
pressure, use the other hand on the Tessen.
Hiki Guruma Nagare
Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori does a left Jodan Uke, and without stepping strikes with the end of
the Tessen into Ukes other arm (Hoshi). Toris right hand goes under Ukes left arm, and the right goes to
the top, and grabs the end of the Tessen. Tori then bends forwards, with his face next to Ukes back, and
dropping to the right knee, takes Uke to the ground.
Tessen Kurai Dori
Uke is in Kasumi no kamae, Tori is in Fuko no kamae with the Tessen. Uke strikes with a Jodan Kiri.
Tori shifts to th left, and strikes with a Hiki Guruma Nagare.
Tessen Jutsu, Ro Ryu
Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori shifts forward with the left foot, and strikes with the Tessen between Ukes
hands to the face (Tessen is in a reverse grip). Tori then turns the Tessen so that it is over Ukes left
bicep, and grabs from underneath the end of the Tessen with the right hand. Tori pulls on the Tessen, and
takes Uke to the ground.

Hon Uchi
In Doko No Kamae with the throwing hand raised above the shoulder. The throwing hand is
propelled towards the target. Palm forward.
Gyaku Uchi
The shuriken is held palm down at waist level. The arm rises up and across the body to shoulder height
and throw. Palm down when throwing.
Yoko Uchi
Very similar to above only the throwing hand starts at the back shoulder and comes horizontally across and
throws. The palm is always kept downward in this throw.
Bo Shuriken
Holding the Shuriken
Hold a single pointed bo shuriken so that the blunt butt-end rests in the centre of the palm of your hand.
Your fingers are straight and the shaft of the shuriken lies along the length of your middle finger with the
pointed end of the shuriken extending beyond your finger-tips. Fold the thumb in towards the palm so that it
gently holds the shuriken in place.
Hon Nage
Stand like in hidari Doko No kamae with a bo shuriken in the raised right hand. The right hand has the palm
facing the target. The palm is then sharply pushed at the target and the bo shuriken is allowed to slide
out. Dont point the fingers at the target as this will cause the shuriken point to dip - point the palm at the
N.B. At close range the shuriken point should be near the finger-tips, at middle range the point should be
in the palm, at long range the point should be near the fingertips again.
Short range - shuriken does not rotate as it flies to the target.
Middle range - shuriken rotates 180 degrees.
Long range - shuriken rotates 360 degrees or more depending on the distance.
To improve accuracy of how the point rotates as it goes to the target you can move the bo shuriken up or
down the hand. The normal generic throw would have the butt of the shuriken resting in the centre of the
palm of the hand. For close range you would move the shuriken up the hand (towards the fingers) and

long range you would move the shuriken down the hand (towards the wrist).
Use Hon Nage when you can set up your attack, i.e. if you have time.
Yoko Nage
Start with the legs in migi Ichimonji with the right hand holding the shuriken (palm down) at the left shoulder.
The arm is sharply snapped towards the target and the shuriken is released with the palm facing the target
- the hand therefore turns anti-clockwise so that the shuriken is palm-pushed towards Uke.
Gyaku Nage
Same as Yoko Nage but the right hand begins at the left hip rather than at the
shoulder. Use Yoko and Gyaku Nage as you turn towards your opponent.
Ushiro Nage
Stand with your back to Uke. Step forward with the left leg and simultaneously swing the right arm
backwards (with the palm facing towards Uke) - the throwing arm stays close to the side of the body (do
not open up the armpit, swing with a backward sanshin motion). The shuriken is released with the fingertips pointing at the target and the palm facing Uke. Throughout the Ushiro Nage you have your back to
Use Ushiro Nage if Uke is behind you and you dont want to turn towards him to throw.


Bo shuriken
Holding the Shuriken
Hold a single pointed Bo Shuriken so that the blunt butt-end rests in the centre of the palm of your hand.
Your fingers are straight and the shaft of the Shuriken lies along the length of your middle finger with the
pointed end of the Shuriken extending beyond your fingertips. Fold the thumb in towards the palm so that
it gently holds the Shuriken in place.
HON NAGE - Principle throw
Stand like in Hidari Doko No kamae with a Bo Shuriken in the raised right hand. The right hand has the
palm facing the target. The palm is then sharply pushed at the target and the Bo Shuriken is allowed to
slide out. Dont point the fingers at the target, as this will cause the Shuriken point to dip - point the palm at
the target. At close range the Shuriken point should be near the fingertips, at middle range the point should
be in the palm, at long range the point should be near the fingertips again.
Short range - Shuriken does not rotate as it flies to the target.
Middle range - Shuriken rotates 180 degrees.
Long range - Shuriken rotates 360 degrees or more depending on the distance.
To improve accuracy of how the point rotates as it goes to the target you can move the Bo Shuriken up or
down the hand. The normal generic throw would have the butt of the Shuriken resting in the centre of the
palm of the hand. For close range you would move the Shuriken up the hand (towards the fingers) and
for long range you would move the Shuriken down the hand (towards the wrist).
Use Hon Nage when you can set up your attack, i.e. if you have time.
YOKO NAGE - Side throw
Start with the legs in Migi Ichimonji with the right hand holding the Shuriken (palm down) at the left shoulder.
The arm is sharply snapped towards the target and the Shuriken is released with the palm facing the target
- the hand therefore turns anti-clockwise so that the Shuriken is palm-pushed towards Uke.
GYAKU NAGE - Reverse throw
Same as Yoko Nage but the right hand begins at the left hip rather than at the
shoulder. Use Yoko and Gyaku Nage as you turn towards your opponent.
USHIR0 NAGE - Rear throw
Stand with your back to Uke. Step forward with the left leg and simultaneously swing the right arm
backwards (with the palm facing towards Uke) - the throwing arm stays close to the side of the body (do
not open up the armpit, swing with a backward Sanshin motion). The Shuriken is released with the
fingertips pointing at the target and the palm facing Uke. Throughout the Ushiro Nage you have your back
to Uke.
Use Ushiro Nage if Uke is behind you and you dont want to turn towards him to throw

Senban Nage
A special way to stop a shuriken shining was to wrap it in silk and put it in a fire. This made the
shuriken black and rustproof.
Target areas include the area between the eyebrows, the upper lip, the throat, the heart, the abdomen,
the thigh and the foot. It is important to attack with the shuriken when the enemy is off guard; when he is
surprised or scared is the time to escape.
The Togakure Ryu Ninja carried shuriken in sets of nine.
To throw the Shuriken, throw with a snapping action of the hand.
Senban Zengo Jiyu uchi
1.Combine the throwing action, to throw to the front.
2.To throw to the rear, face front in Yoko Aruki (right foot to the rear), The right hand comes across the front
of the body, to throw the Shuriken to the rear. Look to the rear.
For (2), the throw is the opposite to (1), sort of in a pushing motion.
Hold the Shuriken in the left hand, in Ichi no kamae.
Standing in Ichi no kamae, with the Shuriken in the left hand, and taking the Shuriken in the right hand,
and throwing turning the palm upwards.
The thinner the blade the better the blade will fly and cut. A rusty blade does not give the appearance of
a weapon, and will also aggravate the wound when it cuts.
When you learn to throw Shuriken you must also learn the attitudes of Totoku Hyoshi no kamae
(Sword cover catapult shape posture). This is used to repel Shuriken with a sword blade.
This is a flat double pointed metal throwing blade. The pointed edges are sharp along the sides. It is held in
the hand similar to the way that you hold the Bo- Shuriken, with the thumb almost in the central position.
The spare Ita ken are held in the left hand.
The posture for throwing is Doko no kamae or Ichimonji no kamae.
When throwing the rear leg steps forward, and the raised hand moves forward at the same time, releasing
the Ita ken towards the Target with the palm up. You can also throw without a step, depending on


The Togakure Ninja had a very special and unique weapon that is found exclusively within this ryu. It
is called the kyoketsu shoge.
It is thought that the kyoketsu shoge was developed before the kusari gama. It has a cord 9 - 18 feet long
with a metal ring 4 inches in diameter attached to one end. At the other end of the cord was a doubleedged knife with a hooked secondary blade protruding at a right angle to the main blade.
The kyoketsu shoge was used for slashing, pulling, thrusting, stabs, etc. Additionally, it could also be used
for climbing, ensnaring the enemy, setting traps, the raising or lowering of equipment and also as a
grappling hook..
The weapon was highly effective against horses when it was twirled above the head. The long cord
was usually made from women's hair but horse hair was also used. This was because of the strength
and resilience of hair. In battle, the hair cord would be replaced by a chain (kusari).


1.Lay the Kyoketsu Shoge on the ground.
2.Loop the rope, taking care not to get it tangled.
3.Starting from the bottom of the loop, wind the rope around (working upwards) to gather the loop into a
neat coil.
4.When near the top of the loop, tuck the ring end of the rope under the coil below
This method of preparing the Kyoketsu Shoge allows it to be fed out without tangling.
The Kyoketsu Shoge (prepared as above) is worn inside the Gi jacket with the ring tucked between the Obi
and the body. To use, the hook knife is pulled out first and held in the left hand. The rope is then fed out and
looped in the left hand until the ring is drawn out and this is wielded in the right hand.
5.Throw the ring end of the Kyoketsu Shoge at Uke who then catches it.
6.Stand in Doko No Kamae with the hook knife in your left hand and the rope in your right. Your body
must be 45 degrees-on to Uke with the ring end of the rope lying outside of your right arm.
7.Shift your weight forward onto your left leg as you cast a loop towards Uke. This must be done like
an omote shuto aimed above and to the right of your target (ie. Uke's hand which has caught the ring).
8.When the loop has settled around Uke's wrist, shift your weight back onto the right leg as you pull down on
the rope to pull Uke forward. You can use your left foot to trap down on the rope to assist with this (like
hicho no Kamae).
The same principles apply to casting a loop using ura shuto or sanshin ken - the aiming target must be
varied accordingly for these, however.
If Uke is wearing a sword in his obi and has caught the ring of Toris shoge in his right hand, Tori can cast
a loop over the tsuba (blade side) and pull Ukes sword out of his scabbard. Tori can either pull the sword
towards him and use it or pull to spin Ukes sword (the sword will spin out of the loop) the latter can be
used to injure Uke as he tries to recover his sword.
9.Hold the rope in your right hand with the palm facing upwards.
10.Open your hand and let the rope lie along the inside of your wrist.
11.Scoop your hand towards your body and downwards and catch the ring end of the rope.
12.Pull through the loop thus formed around your wrist.
Normal taijutsu body movement is used to send the weighted end out to strike Uke, either vertically
(upwards or downwards), horizontally (from the left or the right), or straight ahead (spin the weight in an
circle rising upwards to the front, then step forward to send the weight forward). When doing any of these
strikes, the
rear hand that holds the blade and any excess rope comes forward to meet the front hand. The rope is
allowed to slide through the front hand to extend out to the target. To recover, pull the rear hand back and
the rope is allowed to slide through the front hand to recover the weighted end of the shoge.
If you lose control of the weight and it lies on the floor, do yoko aruki, coiling the rope with the arm
movement as you walk. The first coil should be held by the little finger of the left hand, the second coil held
be the ring finger and the third coil (nearest the weighted end) held be the middle finger. By holding each coil
in a separate finger you can give yourself more rope to work with in varying degrees by releasing individual
coils rather than dropping all of them
Then spinning the weighted end, the direction of the spin can be changed by "bouncing" the rope (just
above the weight) off your foot. The weight can be stopped from a spin or swing either by dropping your
weight to kill the momentum or by standing on the rope (just above the weight). If you have stood on the
rope and the rope is in front of your leg, the weight can be kicked forward at Uke. If the rope is behind your
the weight can be kicked backwards so that it swings over your head and forwards towards Uke in an
arc. This is a very effective long distance or surprise strike. After a horizontal swing, allow the rope (just
above the weight) to "bounce" off your upper arm or thigh to propel the weight into another strike, back
along the way that it came
Stand with your back to the wall or tree etc. that you wish to climb. Take three paces away from the
obstacle and turn to face it. Then throw the hooked end of the Shoge up at an angle of about 60 degrees.
As you ascend the rope hand over hand, gather the rope in your hands.
The length of the rope should be from one hand to the other, with the arms out stretched. Use this to
control the ropes distance
The Kyoketsu Shoge is also known as a Shinobibundo

It is important to use Taijutsu.

Use it like a Jutte, then throw the rope so that it wraps around the Kote, and Tsuka.
TENCHI FURI (Heaven, & Earth twirl)
Rising and falling strikes.
YOKO FURI (Sideways twirl)
Inward, and outward horizontal strikes.
HAPPO FURI (Eight ways of twirling)
Inward, and outward diagonal strikes.
NAKA FURI (Side twirl)
Forward shooting strikes.
TENCHI BURI (Heaven and Earth twirl)
Spinning the chain above the head.
SAYU YOKO BURI (Side twirl)
Spinning the chain on one side of the body.
Spinning the chain in front of the body in a figure of 8.

KOTE GAESHI (Hands against)
Uke is in Seigan with a Katana. Tori holds the Kyoketsu in the left hand, and spins the chain in the right
with Yoko Sayu Buri. Tori steps to the right, and throws the chain striking Ukes hands with the ring. Then
with Tenchi Buri Tori strikes at the legs, and pulls Uke to the ground. Tori then jumps on Uke, steps on his
sword hand and cuts his neck.
SHIHO ZUME (Blocking in 4 directions)
Tori uses Hachiji Buri. Uke is in Seigan. Tori hits Uke on both sides of the body with the ring. Uke
manages to avoid the strikes with Taihenjutsu. Tori then does Tenchi Buri, and throws the ring at Ukes
neck. Uke ducks and blocks it with the sword, but it gets caught up in the chain. Both pull on the chain.
Uke advances to cut (still caught up). Tori moves to the side, blocks Ukes cut with the sickle and cuts Uke
with the blade.
IWA KUDAKI (Breaking rocks)
Uke is in Seigan, and does Chudan Tsuki. Tori shifts to the left and cuts Ukes wrists with the sickle (held in
his left hand), Tori then strikes Uke on the head with the ring (held in the right hand).

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