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15-16 ostign015 Apple Valley High School Room Usage Report 16 - AVHS — Draft 5 Page Lof 13 Term: 3 * No Room Osaq & Doubles ¥ Period course od__ course oom oom 108 + OFeN + 2o02a1 Grae 2° OFEN 2 70232 Ego 3. OFEN 3 200223 Emo 4 088634 AcademicPrept 4 OPEN J 5 OFEN 5 201825 Comp 10 8 OPEN 6 707026 Uno 7 OPEN 7 toxa37 uso & oFEN 8 OFEN Room 102 Room 107 1 oe 1 OPEN 2 OREN 2 s00932 Mentar seme 3 OPEN 3 c2a089 Stucke Sy Hal 4 OPEN 4 OFeN Soom ore / 8 OREN 8 6007.98 Menor Exe 7 OFeN 1600738 MeriorF Exp C @ OPEN 1 s0t037 MenF Em Thc Room 409 8 oFEN 4 OeN Room 108 2 OPEN + 201831 Speech 3 2067.39. Word ut and Comp 2° 023082 Structures Study Hal © 4208734 Wotsutand ome / 3 201539 Speech J § 204725 Beat Novels 4206134 Meda States 8 OPEN 5 200035. Interpersonal Communications 7 Teas Avot 8 OPEN a OFEN 7209037 nerpersena Communicators Room 104 8 OPEN 1 200531 Honors Eng 9 Room 110 2 OPEN 1 OPEN 32005339. Honors Eng 9 2 OFEN 4023084 Stctre Sty Hal 3. OFEN 8 200225 Ene 4 OFeN 8 200228 Ene 5 OPEN 7 200237 Eng 8 OPEN v & OPEN 7 OPEN oom 405 8 OFEN 1 05031 wyinotgy Room +14 2. OPEN 1" a16091 AP Lanecomp 3 2082:39: Mythology 22067382 Word it and Comp 4% 20s4 Hono ene 3 21782 Tops in eratre- War 5 20055 Honors Era 4 0868-34 Communicators 8 200525. Honors Ena 5246035 AP Lang Comp 1 OPEN 8 216035 APLangComp OPEN 7 OFEN 8 OFeN Page 20 Room Usage Report cont. Appl Vale High Scho! — 8:16 “ eas" rans Prey SaaS Period Course Period Course Room 412 Room 118 4 2120.31 creative iting 4 7098.31. Honors Spans 2 2169-92 APLang Comp 2 7007-92 Spanish 2 3 2185-93 APLang-Comp 3 OPEN 4 OPEN V 4710594 Spanish v 5 211235. Wiking Dial Age: Blog Wit 5 7000-95 Honors Span 3 & OPEN 6 7109.96. Spanish 4 7 2120-27 Creative Wing 1 7087-37 Spanish 2 8 OPEN 8 OPEN Room 119 Room 119 + 71931 AMA 4110731 Honors Span 2 OPEN 2 7059:32 Spanish 3 201633. Comp 10 3 7089:39. Spanish + 4 2351-34 Honors Comp 10 4 7069-24 Spanish + 5 202835 Lito 5 023635. stutued Sty Hal @ 8 2161-36 Honors Comp 10 & OPEN 7 2181-37 Honors Comp 10 7 OPEN @ OPEN 8 OPEN Room 116 Room 420 1 OPEN 4 OPEN 2 0003-82 Resting Academy 1 2 71622 AvID10 3 OPEN 3 731633. AvIO 10 4 0040-04 Math 4 6066-04 Word History 5 OPEN 5 6066.85. Weld History © 0315-86. Basic Lie Skits 8 0730-05. Stuctired Stuy HallC 7 0958:37 Academie Prop 7 606637. Weld History 8 OPEN 8 OPEN Room 115 Room 124 1 604931 APUS History 4 708131. Honors Span 2 6040-02 APUS History 2709492 Honors Span 2 3 020-83 US Hsory 3 7087-33. Sparish2 4 OPEN 4 7067-94 Spanish? 5 6029:35 US Hisloy 5 708735. Spanish? 6 OPEN 6 7067-38 Spansh2 7 0049.37 APUS History 7 OPEN 8 OPEN 8 OPEN Room 416 Room 122 + OPEN + 602031 US Hstoy 2 OPEN 2 6006-22 World History 3 OPEN 3 8066-33. Wer History 4 OPEN 4 6086:34 Word History 5 OPEN 5 OPEN © OPEN 6 OPEN 7 OPEN 7 602087 US History & 4501-38 Onine Wethess 2 8 OPEN Room 117 Room 125, 1 OPEN + 610691 Sodelogy 2 OPEN 2 6144-22. AP Payehology 3 6012-99. Chis and Ciizenship 9 3 6146:39 AP Psycholoay 4 4640-24. Wolhoss 16 4 6141-94 Dev. Paych 5 OPEN 5 6141-94 Dev. Paych © 4049:36. Welhess 16 6 8106-38. Socology 7 4640.37 Wolhoss 16 7 6106.37 Socology 8 OPEN 8 OPEN a en ieee a ie 2 ee 2 : Se i A as 7 oe Pag 3610939 Criminooay J 3 OPEN 4 71904 AMOS 4 OPEN J aan AS se A = 2 io a J oo 1S. ceo ee :8 oto Ba eee oe _ a age 4 of 13 Room Usage Report cont Apple Valley High Shoal — 1-16 ‘ow92015, 16 AVS Drafts Period Course, Porlod Course oom 43 ae 4 1006-31 2-D AM $ open 2 ses 2 OPEN 2 ren 3. OPEN / 2 oN 4 OPEN + oN 8 OPEN 6 OPEN ; Se 1 ey wana —y Oye ooreN 7407897. hsv Poe Teateny \ oo 7107097. Level Deal Potaranhy ey ae 7 1067-37 Photo B&W oO 1 open 7 srg 2 490032 Danco Tech ¢ om 3.490999, Done oan 1 Foon tt 449084. Dane Ten2 1 owen 5 OPEN " & 424398 Chorecuapy & Meda 3 open vy 7420007 Advnced Dance «oe ‘oo 6 3046-25 Metals Design Lab eae 7 3023-37 Small Engines 1 250191 Favre Foods 7 sass 3 250ts toom 148 3 260133. Favoite Foods Room 5 4 2506-34. Pizza Pas.aMore! J 1 ope conn 3 3002-33 Fab Lab-Make Almost Anything 7 25003 4 3002-34 Fab Lab-Meke Almost Anything 7 250837 PuzaPas.ere! «mano 8 open 5 Ore Room 140 8 onen + open 7 oren 5 ee Room 148 a one 1 OPEN ia / ey 8 OPN 3 0818-33 Basic Electives: 7 OFM 4 OPEN cee 5 0803-35 Basic Math 7 6 0816-36 Basie Life Skills ae 7 0952-37 ArtiMusic/Dance: 1 tomer 20m = 2 1001-82 Ioduton . 3. 100-33. ioducon ot Poon te 4 OPEN fran § 104095 Creat Dnerions 2 ore ; § 051-25. Level Gane Dorslons 3 ora 195205 Level rene Derslons + ona 8, 18 106095 15. AP Sto At Soe © 1065-96. Drawing 1 Kyaw ges 8 11630 1. Gnenwomenore “NVC 7 open 7 1100137 18. Paning cw oh & OPEN 1 oo Room 142 1 oven 1 open 2 oPeN 3 One 4 OPEN JL «Ope & OPEN , ie 5 net {8 8025-36 Woods Design Lab x Q 5 ee 6 3026-36 Woods Design Lab: Sports Equip + OneN 7 OPEN open 8 OPEN @ OPEN Page Sof 13 Period Course. Room 151 so1e-st 3015-82 OPEN OPEN 3082-35 ‘OPEN 306-37 OPEN Room oviz-at ootz2 0012-83 012-38 0912.35 0912-38 091237 ‘OPEN Room ostz81 912-82 oorz83 912-84 0912-85 0012-86, 0912-87 (OPEN Room (OPEN (OPEN (OPEN OPEN OPEN (OPEN (OPEN OPEN Room S134 suiza2 5029-33 5033-94 5012.95 5012.98, 501297 OPEN Room OPEN 2016-32 2197-33 237-34 (OPEN 2086-38 2086-37 (OPEN Principles of Engineering Into to Engineering Design a 7 Into to Graphics Functional Life Skits Functional Life Skis Functional Life Sills Funetiona Life Sills Functional Life Skits Functional Lie Skits Functional Life Sila Fon it Furor Lf Site reweraiesie Fuori Sl Forte fe ie Functional Life Skits Functional Life Skils [ Earth Sois Earth Seis General Slonce Geneval Selence Earth Scio Earth Scio Earth Sols speech Honocs Speech l Honor Speech ‘American Lit and Comp ‘American Lit and Comp Root Usage Report out Te AVES— Drafts ‘Apple Valley High Sebool — 15-16 ‘os9015, Poriod _ Course Room 162 1 5059-05 2 5050-32 3 5060-33 4 5060-34 5 5058-95 8 5053-06 7 OPEN 8 OPEN Room 41 1 OPEN 2 ozs 3 2065-33 4 20274 5 2080.35 8 OPEN 7 2080-37 8 OPEN Room 1 5068-31 5066-32 5066-33, 5060-34 5068-35, 5083-36, 5060-37 OPEN Room 5009-31 OPEN (OPEN 5090-36 5000-35 OPEN 5090-37 OPEN 5053-31 5088-32 5053-33, 5055-34 5059-35 5052-86, 5053-97 OPEN Room 5008-31 OPEN 6009-33, 5098-34 0280.05 6000-36 6000-37 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 4 ‘ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Room 185 1 2 3 ‘ 6 8 7 8 4 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OPEN lay Slog! Fncamenias Sli Fundamenias Tearezlo L Ter Eo Boloay Honors Lit 10| / ‘American Lit and Comp Honers Lit 10| ‘AP LitComp AP Lcomp Honors Blo (C18 Anatomy and Phys (CIS Anatomy and Phys Honors Blo Honors Bio Honors Bio Honors Bio Honors Physics Honors Physics Honors Physics Honors Pysios Biology Bllegy Bllegy Biology Biology Bicegy Biclogy Physics Physies Physics ‘Structured Study Hall © Prysies Prystes nasser um get et Ape Valen Shel — 536 ea a Pood _coune avod__coune iam 18 oom 304 + open 7 soee.o1 cen Pyse 2 Fen 2 sites Genel yes 3 2176-33 EaglEye 3 5089-33 General Physics os 3 Bim seme KGL 4. OPEN AS «nen $ Sarese chamaty 5 OPEN 5 5015-35 Honors Earth Sci 9 “~ oonen @ soteae Hone ea sa 7 open farses Choma Fen 1 Safest one 930 % foam #70 7 tarear Chamety 1 open &onew 2 tet2 cmt and oom 208 3 ‘onze Symone Band open ee ena ee Soren a Oren Sohn ia J 7 ren Screw a open oT. Rdg Aca _ 7 Oren 2 forose_ Wires 10 com 208 3 4507-93 Weliness 2 1 0991-31 Social Studies & * feoros wes 1 toreat scsamebep 7 OXs faunas wee? 2 sa Eten & open 3 Oren 7 S87 Welrese2 4 omeae_ ton ooren foieess Conmusine _ unr ‘Tron Se 2 sorsa1 cheniay 8 008298 Commazatons Sats KOK 2 saraae chemay 7 Qarear ess Pop 2 Sores Ghemity 8 open + Soreat Stemity oom 208 Sonn 7 owes.t Ace o Omey 2 amass Aasonishep 1 OPN Guest cae op 1 3 Oren 4 coat Agta? Events Room 203 5 OPEN 7 onen tna. AsdmioPep 7 7 tesa? ese Pp eet 3 Open 4 sarees How Gm oom 307 $sreas_ Howe ot NN 7 sxans1 coomety $ sooee rs oun SK WA 2 shoo Tec ath \o 6 8083-38 AP Chem 3 0239-33 Structured Study Hall C Ae ¢ Sores owe Cm { Seosst tema wan W omen 3 trae remgeomcsanan SC 5 b teaase comety 8286. Gromsty wes 7 omen tony Page Tot 13 ‘Room Usage Report ont. 16: AVHIS——DraftS Apple Valley High School — 15-16 ‘si9m2015 Period Course Purod__course Room 208 oom 2144 1 020031 stucued Stuy Hac 1" 701694. Freneh 2 Oren 2 yo0032 ‘French 4 2341-09, Honors lg? 3. OREN 4 354434 Honors Aig 2 4 7003-34 French Vv 5360735. IniemedateAgebra 8 701138 Freeh © 2807-20 Intermedia Algebra 8 07-38 French 2 1360737 Intrmodate algebra 7 foorsr French OPEN 8 OneN Room 208 Room 2448 1 sect Precekus 1711594. CIS-Spanih 2358002. Preclaiue 2 e068 Spann 3 OPEN 2 Toes Sanna / 430504. Goumety Remediation 4 OPEN 5 asa008 Gonmety § 700536. Spann 8 020985. Smet Stay Hal © © 711898 tS Spankhs 1 3880:37,Goomety Remediation 7700837 Spanish 8 OPEN 8 OPEN oom 210 Room 216A 1 e401. Fundamental math Si 1 open 2 3807-22 Intamedat Agoira 2 OPEN 3 960009, APCa (Ae) f{ 3 OPEN 4S Seotee Ag2 4 OFEN 5 3501.35 Alg2 5 OPEN v 8 aestae Ag? 6 OPEN 7 sea137 Ag? 7 OPEN 8 OFEN 5 OFEN Room 244 Room 2188 1 aso191 aoe 1 OPEN 2 c2t0.2. Stuctre Study Hal 2 OnEN 3 asta Ag? 3 OFeN Sat Champa ou ar) ioe / & open 5 OPEN © 261098 cola Prob Sats CAPS) 8 oneN 1 asste7 Ag? 7 omen & OFEN & oneN Room 212 Room 2186 1 50781 IneaadateAgeba 1 open 2 3585-32 Honore Precalculus J 2 OPEN 8507-80 ntemedte letra a OPEN 4358524 Honor Precis 4 OnEN § 3606.25 Honor Precleie 5 onEN & OPEN 8 Oren 7 OPEN 7 omen & OPEN & OPEN Room 243 Room 2150, 1 702991 Geman 4 1 open / 2703532 CIS Germans 2 OFEN 3 erse. Soman? J 3 ope 470374 Garman 2 4 OnEN 8 0498 Geman & OPEN 8 70233 Geman‘ 6 OPEN 7 One 1 se4ea7 ELUM @ OPEN 8 omen Page of13 Period Course, Room Room oa 3s hat port oes re fenton / a coy 3eEss sgaes Phere so] cea eascrtenmee ead o 3019-01 AP State 9813-32 AP Stats 3850-33 CLAP. Eq, OPEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 2 3 4 5 3880.35 Precalculus 8 3580-38. Precalculus 7 3613.37 AP Stas 8 OPEN 2 1 2 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 2 3561-31 Honors Alg 2 3641-32 Honore Alg 2 2625-33 Intermediate Alg Remedi 9610-38 AP Calo(@C) 2610-34 APCale(@C) (OPEN 0286-36 Stuctured Study Hall 3625-37 Intermediate Alg Remediation C (OPEN 7081-81 Japanese 3 187047-95 1, Japanese 2 slapenese 4 0670-34 WES Seminar 7313-35 AVIS 7047-26 Japanese 2 18 7054.36. 1S Japanese 4 7055-37 Japanese 4 OPEN IS 7sbat_18-lapares 4 v 704032 apes or row : ; : : ; : : i 7 eee Moore ancilaeey) pesos i Be fer eee Sia eestor loca) coeanace| Aa eemas Seen aoc ie Room Usage Report cont 16: AVIS Draft Room 2196 ‘3607-31 3820-82 3520-53 0230-34 3507-85, OPEN 352007 OPEN 196 067034 3647-22 OPEN 3503-04 3627.95, OPEN 3607-97 OPEN 8 asz7-31 orot-s2 OPEN 3607-34 0230-85 3527-36 3507-87 OPEN Room 012.31 o00-22 1596-22 1598-32 OPEN 1692-34 6108-35 6012.26 eor2.87 ‘OPEN Room 1925-13, 3656-32 1500-03, 801-34 1605-35, 1509-36, 261-37 OPEN Room OPEN 1553-92 1534-93, 1534.94 1543.95, 1542.96, 0260-37 OPEN eae ‘Apple Valley High School — 15-16 ‘oit92015 riod Course Intermediate Agebra Geomety Geomety Structured Study Hall Intermediate Algebra Geometry WES Seminar Linear Algebra Geomety Honors Geometry Honars Geometry Honore Geometry Transfer Room Used J Intermedtate Algebra Structured Study Hall Honors Geometry Intermeciate Algebra ‘Cvs and Citzenship 9 ‘Yearbook 1 Yearbook 2 Yearbooks wor’ {C18 Meroeoonomics Sedloiogy ‘Clee and Citzensip 0 (Ces and Giizenship 9 ‘Aosounting ‘AP Computer Science Keven comptes. / ‘eyboarding Computer App 1 Keyboarding Computer App 2 Keyboarding Computer App 3 Gils Gol SHC wet peaeeee cn fccene SportsEntertainment Mt Boys Galf HC ee 16- AVHS — Draft S Fetes _ coun fom tie a 7 gar031 ween 0 Poe y 2 teros2 eS Sener 2 Okey 2 toress wecero, 6 4626-35 Lacrosse/Soocer Onre2e WECE 1 6 4626-96 Lacrosse/Soccer & sree MEIER to ¢ sees oe Room BALC room 227 wae 2 open :2 y a oe 4 OPEN 4109 ReagAcndey 2 Sree 8 mos ‘Anrep ° ores nf cee 8 OPEN neg Room CAF1 oom zat on 1 corsa. pete Eset comm 2 ose Geonay Enea = A oee 4 OPEN ness 5 OPEN &torsss Aye texsena = oe 8 ousae Coeunor a hts : Set wo Room CAF2 toon 228 ona 1 087431. Aendenic Pep? _ ¥en V tometer en r 2 open 1 Sees ampere otal |} om 2 fers Aoncrp ‘ {oa 3. tees Reng fxn & one 3 0862-33 English Essentials: Ww os 3 0874-33 pees QR eel ¢ tarese Asean ep 3 Oio3s Randy hector 2 pean ca & tareat_ Aeon pd Pe + Garear Aaa Pop? 2 Se ae 4 OPEN oom 280 + on 7 ssst_raenihop ah 3s 2 Sees Reet? 99 $ret 2 tose nda Anny — «Open VM room eA & oen nen $n es Om Rong Acnamy 3 as S coae coomty eset 2 oe + omar Aloo Pop : Se cies 6 OPEN 1 open Page 10 0f 13 Room Usage Report cont 16-AVHS— Draft ‘Apoe Valley ih Scho! — 15-16 “as93015 eae ae imme fom oa Fret ttn Se Pest Pett 2 Tan ames’ 2 Ses pases sos 2 Ses foe 2 oe 3 GBS Almrirtec : oa Jo ee Mle 3 Tee Hay aoe 3 ESS Bieta 4 Fata raters YQLO\S — § a emt reel aoe ¢ Sa) Seta 1 fae SStemnp aac ee + ee fom ove poon i Fast a st ones by Pest mate casas 2 Sie Go tiaresananoes 1 oS ; Gre: enawowre tears 3 ores 3 Ss Maayrtenrss 2 es : Sao tanarreeetae 3 oe oe 2 oe 3 oe ne : oe i oes 1 ont rove eth pew e aoe 1 even 2 Spa io 3 Sha aoe 2 oe 2 Sat if fe i oe os 3 oe + oat * oa i oa oe hoon ave peen tt oben To 2 MPs synoRacnt gp 82 i 3 inst Syogmomatepen 82 3 oe {Meter oprenremap aa 2 oe i Seinst spootanmepne 82 3 oa tar swromeamapr a3 foe : Sos monetee + oe 3 Ger i Sa cn toon La Perea ore : te i oa ? oo 3 oa foe ee 3 eat 3 oa 3 Sar $ Se : oo om os a toon ore pwn Pen oven io Te ; oa oe } oar 2 eat ° Sar $a : oa : oo oo oe 3 oa 3 Ser Page 11 of 13 Period Course Room Mainofice OPEN OPEN OPEN ‘OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN ‘Room Usage Report cont Ta: AVS Drafts Period ‘Apple Valley High School — 15-16 ‘sat92015, course Room OPEN 8000-13, 8090-16, aort-12 8073-41 103-11 1086-13 8754.13 8085-13 ‘087-11 088-11 8090-28 8000-23 eor1-22 8073-21 8086-28, 8754-23, 8088-23, 087-21 088-21 3000-38 8000-33 071-32 2073.31 8086-33 8754-33 9088-33 2087-31 2088-31 8000-48, 8000-43, aori-42 2073-41 8086-43, 8758-43 089-43 087-44 088-41 8080-56 000-63 e071-82 8973.51 8103-61 006-53 8784-69 8083-53 8088-51 8087-51 2086-51 000-66 00-63 sertez 897361 8103.61 2080-03, 8754.63, 8085.64 8085-63 8087-63 Home Schoo! Home Sebo! Peoo A e000 EDU Dakota Ridge C ‘Shared wi other HS Modified Day © Early Grad Bac Early Grad © ome Schoo! Home Schoo! Pee0A Peooc Dakota Ridge © ‘Shared wl ane HS Modited Day ¢ Enry Grad BC ary Grad C Home School Home Schoo! Peo A seo Dakota Rioge © ‘Shared w other HS. Modified Day ¢ Eatly Grad BC Early Grad © Home Schoo! Home Senoo! P00 & PreoC Dakota Ridge C ‘Shared wi ahr HS Modiied Day C Ently Grad B AC Early Grad C Home Schoo! Home Schoo! Peo A seo © eDu4e Dakota Rege © ‘Shared wether HS Modified Day & Modified Day C Early Grad 8 &C Early Grad © Home Schoo! Home Shoo! seo A e009 EDUC Dakota Ridge © ‘Shacod wi other HS Modifies Day C Modified Day C Early Grad BC Page 120f 13 Period 9086-61 2000-78, 8090-73, eort-72 eo7371 103-71 2088-73 0867-37 8756-73 085-73 083-74 087-74 008-71 000-83 aa73-81 2013-38 8088-83 course Eaiy Gad Home School Home Schoo! E00 E00 EDU Dakota Ridge © Wet 7th Hr ‘Shared w other HS Modified Day © Modified Day © Esrly Grad 8 & C Early Grad © Home Schoo! Peo Men F Exp 3th Early Grad © oom Usage Report co Te: AVHS——Drat'S Period Room RHS 7748-31 7782-31 7756-31 7766-31 7767-31 776-31 77931 779-31 748-31 7752-31 7755-31 7764.31 erat 76-31 778531 7739.31 OPEN 7ra3-04 7136-38 7148-36 7782-36 7755-34 7786-34 7767-34 7776-34 7770-34 m4 7736-34 748-34 7752-24 7755-24 7784-34 1787-34 1776-04 m0 7733-38 7796-98, 7748-38 7140-36 7182-36 7155:36 7784-36 7787-36 7776-36 7779-36 7738-36 7736-36 7148-36 749-36 7752-38 1756-36 7784-36 7787-26 776-38 1778-38 OPEN ‘Apple Valley High Soo! — 18-16 ‘oin92015 course Emergency Senioes-Fire © Forensie Science © ‘Advanced Forensic Science © Medical & Heath Care C ‘Adv Mesial & Health Care © Vehicle Services C ‘Advanced Vehicle Services C Electronic Technology Careers Emergoncy Sonvces-Fre C Forensic Sclence © ‘Advanced Forersie Sclence C Medical & Heath Care C ‘Adv Metical & Health Care C Vehicle Services © ‘Advanced Vehicle Services © Elecronle Technology Careers Comp Hréyra/Sotte Game Des © Computer Networking CISCO C. Emergency Sendoes Fite C Forensie Science © ‘Advanced Forensic Sience © Medical & Heath Care C ‘Ad Medial & Health Care © Vehicle Servees © ‘Advanced Vebicle Services C ‘Comp Hrdwre/Sottre Game Des C ‘Computer Networking CISCO C Emergency Senvces-Fre © Fetensie Seionce C ‘Advanced Forensie Science C Medical & Heath Care C ‘Adv Meslcal & Heath Gare C Verio Services © ‘Advanced Vehicle Services © (Comp Hrdwe/Sotvwe Game Des © Computer Networking CISCO C. Emergency Servioes-Fie C ‘Advanced Emergency Services C Ferenc Science ‘Rdvanced Ferensle Science C ‘Mosieal & Heath Care C ‘Adv Medial & Heath Care © Vehicle Services © ‘Advanced Vehicle Services © ‘Comp Hrdure!Sofvre Game Des © Computer Networking CISCO C Emergency Serioes-Fre C ‘Advanced Emergency Secvices C Forensic Selence C ‘Advanced Forensic Science C Medical & Heath Care C ‘Adv Messcal & Health Care © Vehicle Senices © ‘Advanced Vehicle Services © Page 13 0f 13 Room Usage Report cont, T6-AVHS— Dra Period Course Room SES 7708-31. Inco to Animal ScioncelCIS © Room ONO OR UNH gs ONO OREN Ay BVA IN OOOO ODA OOD R DD RU UN NNN Ne 7710-31 7719-31 001-11 aoot-13 7703-31 77031 77331 902-21 062-23 3905-31 3085-33 7709-38 7770-04 r304 2094-81 3008-43 7709-36 7710-34 771334 005-51 2005-53 ‘700-36 7770-38, 7773-38, 2096-61 8906-63 7709-36 777036 777336 907-74 8007-73 005-84 ‘OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN (OPEN OPEN (OPEN 4562-31 4562-32 OPEN OPEN OPEN 455338, 4569-37 OPEN Musle reduction 1© Music Production 2c SES* SES# Into to Animal Sciences © Music Production 10 ‘Musie Prodution 20 SES? SES2 SESS SESS 00 Uniisnimat Care C IMusie Production 1© "Music Production 20 SES4 Ses4 Z00 UniAnimal Care © Music Production 10 usle Production 2c SESS SESS 200 Univinimal Care © ‘Musie Production 1 ‘Musie Production 2C SES SES 0 Univanimal Care C ‘Musle Production 1© -Musie Production 26 SES7 SES? Sea WTF 4 Stren & Sp for Men WTF 4 Siren & Sp for Men Wt Tr.282-Adv Siespd for Men Wt Tr 283-AdW Srp for Men ‘Apple Valley High School — 15-16 9/2015

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