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Spy Team

GDFR Part 2
Lily looked at her ticket. This was her second time at
DIA (Denver International Airport) today. She was heading
to Gate C to board her plane to San Francisco. She
couldnt really think straight because of what one of her
fellow agent friends at Spy Team International, Hong Kong
informed her about.
Welcome to Frontier Airlines, may I see your boarding
pass please?, asked a lady that scared Lily right out of
her boots.
The lady was tall with long brown hair and dark skin.
She was wearing a flight attendant uniform and had bright
smile on her face.
Sure thing., Lily said pulling out her boarding pass and
showing it to the lady.
Her nametag read: Kathy.
Ok, maam. It appears you're flying first class., the lady
said surprised.
The agency had always gotten the best thing for their
agents, nice for a job that doesnt pay. Well...the adults get
Young lady, I must ask you this. Are you a minor?, the
lady asked.
Lily realized that she could barely see over the counter.
No. Im just very, very short., Lily said. Not a single word
a lie.

The lady nodded. But Lily knew a tall person like Kathy
(the flight attendant) didnt know what it felt like to be
But all of those years, Lily had gotten used to it.
Enjoy your flight., she said finally.
Thanks., Lily said as she walked toward Group A

Tara opened her eyes and stared out the window. It

was morning and they had driven about 17-18 hours
Hey B, where are we?, Tara asked Beauford The
Oh, um...T, were in Sacramento., Beauford said like
he was one of those moms trying to act cool.
Thanks, bro.
Um...your welcome dogg, hommie, amigo-
Beau, you're trying too hard., Tara said.
Tara turned around and Enrique had still been
sleeping. Mandy was awake, but she was watching Home
Alone 2 on her Kindle Fire. And Charley was in the front
talking to Beauford about sports.
Were here., announced Beauford as we drove into the
Woah. I should get out of Illinois more., Tara said
looking out the window.

To her right she spotted cable cars running up, down,

zig zag, basically everywhere around the street. She saw
the classic look of the San Francisco Townhomes.
She looked to the right and saw the Golden Gate Bridge
stretched across sparkly crystal blue water.
Where are we staying, asked Enrique who finally woke
The organization expected you guys to fly. Lily has the
name of the place where you should be staying. Sadly, the
closet Spy Team International is in Los Angeles.,
Beauford explained.
So where are we going to stay?, Mandy asked. She
finally looked up from her movie.
I called in a favor, Charley said, I have an old
babysitter that can help us. Beauford, set the GPS to The
Tipton Hotel.

Emily had just finished curling her hair. The curls were
small and thin, more like waves.
She went to her room and put on her favorite blue and
black striped dress. It was a dress with ruffles at the
bottom and short sleeves.
She put on her favorite black flats and grabbed her
iPhone before she left the house.

Emily spotted the place she was looking for and walked
inside. She saw Steve and walked over to the table he
was sitting at.
Nice to see you again, Lewinsky., Emily said to Steve
in a cold tone. look, wow., Steve gasped.
Save your comments. What did you want to talk to me
about? did this on purpose, didnt you?
Emily looked at her outfit.
No, this is an everyday thing., Emily lied.
She was dressed like this on purpose. She wanted
to pay Steve back for being He pretends to
like Tara, then says he likes her, then decides he likes her
best friend also.
Is this about the fact that Jasmine is my girlfriend
now?, Steve asked.
Emily gulped. She didnt know things with Jasmine and
Steve had gone that far.
No., she lied again. Man, shed make Pinocchio's nose
look like a toothpick.
Look...what is this about?, Emily asked annoyed.
May I take your order?, asked a lady with black hair,
green eyes, and a smile that said Im just smiling because
I get paid to do it.
No thanks. May you come back in..., Emily glanced at
the young ladys name tag, about 15 minutes, Lee?
No problem., the waitress said with a relieved look on
her face.

Emily got out of her side of the booth and sat next to
Steve. She scooted as close to him as possible and stared
into his eyes.
Wh-what are you doing Emily?, Steve asked
Emily was just starting her payback. The look she gave
Steve was as cold as a freezer located in the middle of
Steve scooted away from Emily.
Look Emily, you could play your little games, but I think
Jasmine is in trouble. You can be either with me or against
me. Im sorry that you dont like the fact that Jasmine
makes my heart race like Lewis Hamilton driving a
Mercedes. And yeah, I care about her. So get over
yourself for just two seconds and hear me out!, Steve
said sternly.
Emily almost fell off the edge of the booth. Steve had
done something no one has ever done to Emily before. He
used her own method against her.
Yeah...ok., she said staring at the table.
Steve met her eyes.
I think Jasmine is in trouble. The other day I got this
text from her., Steve said showing Emily his phone.
Jasmines Text: Steve, I really like you. I just want you to
know how important you are to me. I dont know if Ill get to
see you again. My brother and I ran into a gang on the
street. Were hiding right now, but Im so scared. I just
wanted you to know that I urwygkkfjsowpfvlvbbhmejf

I see Jasmine is fluent in gibberish., Emily said

Steve resisted the urge to laugh. This is serious. I think
something happened when she typed that. Did Jasmine
contact you at all recently?
Emily had only remembered receiving a text from Owen
yesterday, but she pulled out her phone anyway.
She unlocked it and saw she got a new voicemail.
Looks like there is a voicemail from...Jaz, Emily
Steve nearly knocked the phone out of Emilys hand
when he reached to grab it.
Voicemail: Hey Emily. Sorry about the whole Steve
thing...but there are bigger things. I think your sister just
saved my brother and Is life. Call me back as soon as you
Emily giggled. So your girlfriend is in on Taras secret
Steve looked confused. What book? You mean one of
those Percy Jackson things?
No Steve, it was what was in the Percy Jackson thing.
Apparently Tara writes stories. Theyre really good. She
calls it her Journal. She writes stories pretending shes a
spy that works for a super secret company with a mean
boss and Enrique as a crush., Emily explained.
Steves look was dead serious.
Emily, may I see that journal?
Emily snatched her phone from Steve.

Because this may actually answer some questions.
Emily wanted to storm out of Red Lobster and never
see Steve again. But she met his dark brown eyes.
Well...I took a picture of my favorite page on my
phone., Emily said as she reluctantly handed her phone
to Steve.
He read: Saturday, 12:24 A.M.
I just got back from a deadly mission with Russian spies. It
would have been terrible if Enrique wasnt there. He saved
me from almost being knocked out by a 5-inch heel. For
my own good luck, I kissed Enrique on the cheek. Hes
really cool and I like him, but he probably still likes Emily
like every other boy.
After defeating Godiva and her little minions (hate that
girl) Enrique and I were so tired. Enrique asked me if I
wanted to go with him to get something to eat. Of course I
said heck ya! Nothing better than eating free food with the
guy you like. We walked into Wendys and everyone
looked at us. We were both wearing suits, and they
probably saw me on the news saving the Mayor's life.
No one bothered us. It was just both of us eating
hamburgers. The scariest part of the whole day wasnt the
Russian spies. It was when Lily stormed into Wendys
wearing a tattered Indian suit. An Indian suit is like a Sari
except its formal. Lily walked into the store mumbling in
Hindi. Then she took her shoe off the bottom of her foot
and smacked me in the head with it.
What was that for?, I asked confused.

Are you stupid?, Lily spoke with an Indian accent, Why

would you let the cameras catch you? I am saying so
many bad things in Hindi. Just be lucky you're not
bilingual., Lily said looking at me like she wanted to hit me
with her shoe again.
Before I could respond Enrique covered for me, Godiva
left us no choice. She got on stage front and center. We
didnt know what to do other than catch the fugitive and
save the mayor's life., Enrique exaggerated. I know he
probably likes Emily, but I can see that he cares about me,
You got lucky, punks., Lily said in a dramatic way and
then walked back out of Wendys saying things in Hindi
that didnt sound like they should be in a rated PG movie.
Weirdest thing about my day: Emily said that Steve
liked me, but she said it was just in her dream. I was
relieved because Steve is straightforward when he likes
someone and I already like Enrique. Im not sure if Emily
really meant that or not, but hopefully it was just a part of
her deranged dream.
Well thats all for Today/ Yesterday's events. Agent
McHenly from Spy Team International, Chicago, signing
Steve blushed, but tried to hide it from Emily. Dont call
me crazy Emi, but I think Tara is a spy.
Emily burst out laughing. Thats hilarious Steve. My
sister...Tara, a spy. Spies dont even exist. And even if they
did, Tara would never keep a secret that big from me.
Steve grabbed Emilys hand, a friend gesture, though.

Emily...this was probably a big thing for Tara. But just

think. You saw the news where that lady saved the
mayors life while his security was too stunned to do
anything. This Tara being a spy thing explains a lot of
weird stuff thats been happening recently.
Emily shook her head. Even if Tara was a spy...and Im
not saying she is, but she would have told me. Plus, spies
are just made up character in movies, shows, and books.
Why would we even need spies? We have swat, army,
Steve let go of Emilys hand. I have to go. We can
meet up another time. But I think you have some stuff to
talk about with Tara.
Steve got up and left.
Lee finally came back.
Oh, I see your boyfriend has left. Poor dear, would you
like a free desert?, Lee asked with a look of sympathy in
her eyes.
Emily grabbed a fork from her rolled up napkin.
Hes not my boyfriend!, she said. She threw the fork at
the wall across the room.
Emily wasnt mad, she was furious. She snatched her
phone from the table and walked out with a feeling like she
wanted to punch her sister, Jasmine, and how about Steve
while were listing people, in the gut.

Lily arrived at the San Francisco International Airport.

She headed to baggage claim and grabbed her luggage.

She went outside where a car should have been waiting

for her.
Lily Hera., said a voice that made Lily want to pull out
a sharp item.
Not only did it come from no where...but Lily knew that
voice. And it said Lily Hera as if it were a joke.
Lily grabbed her suitcase and swung it just in time as a
guy had attacked her from the left.
She then did a backflip and kicked another guy in the
stomach. She blocked a punch from another guy who
attacked in front of her and kicked him (where the sun
doesnt shine).
Somebody had grabbed her. She did a flip in his
hand and kicked him in the face.
A lady put her arm around Lilys neck. It was a
headlock, but she was trying to strangle Lily. Lily used all
of the fat in her chin (barely any) to escape the choke
hold. She then tazed the girl for a few seconds and was
about to pull out her nun chucks when the voice spoke
Now, now agent. Youre not going to take down all of
my guys, are you?
Lily shivered. A man in a plaid shirt and khaki pants
approached her. He had slick black hair, brown eyes, and
wore glasses. He didnt look dangerous, but Lily had
learned very quickly not to judge a spy by their cover.
Wing, what are you doing here?, Lily asked prepared
to kick this guys butt like she did everybody else that lay

Aw, we meet again Ms. Hera. I hate to interrupt you in

the middle of a mission with a potentially big threat but we
need to talk., Wing said with a mischievous grin.
Lily nodded and walked toward the white Lexus he had
waiting for him. Wings guards kept an eye on Lily. She
looked them straight in the eye and gestured toward her
nun chucks.
They looked in the other direction and trembled.
Lily sat in the backseat of the car. Wing was in the front
with one of his guards.
Its been long Puja., Wing said with a friendly smile.
Lily shot him a look.
Oh, Lily. An American name that you-, Lily cut him off.
Can you shut up and watch your chauffeur drive before
you wish I beat you up at the terminal?, Lily threatened
instead of asking.
Ok. Well arent you wondering why I am here?, Wing
So I can do to you just what I did to, Lily couldnt
Go on. So you could kill me like you did my son. Jake.
Lily felt a wave of pain through her body.
I loved Jake like a brother. But you know he was evil.,
Lily said with a tear rolling down her cheek.
That was my son. I loved him...I still do. Since you took
away something that I love, Im going to take away ALL of
the things you love. Starting with that precious agency of
yours. What is it called...Spy Team?

Mandy walked into the large hotel. It was gorgeous. The

lobby was huge with bronze railing and elevators and
lounge areas everywhere. The front desk had a line of
people that looked like only the wealthiest of the
Welcome to the Tipton. Five star hotel., Charley
A girl walked in front of the group. She had shiny brown
hair and dark brown eyes. She was wearing an Arturo
Vitali Original. She looked very lost.
Ugh, I wish Mosby was here. Wait...maybe he is.
Mosby? the girl asked no specific person.
She looked like she was in her 20s.
You must be London. Maddie told me you were visiting
the Tipton in San Francisco for a fashion convention?,
Charley questioned.
Oh, honey. I dont attend conventions. Im the reason
all these Arturo Vitali wanna bees are gathering. Im his
new model!, London exclaimed.
Yeah...amazing. Well could we stay here? Maddie said
you would say yes., Charley asked hopefully.
Maddie...she moved to New York after college. I
havent seen her in a long time. But I just visited Baileigh.
Why would Maddie tell you that?, London asked.
She said if you didnt say yes then she would tell
everybody about something that happened when you guys
went to Paris?, Charley said.

Ok! Ill help you, you can spend the night in suite,
London walked to the front desk and had a small
conversation with the manager, then came back with a
room key card. Youll be staying in the Royal Tipton suite.
On the top floor. Just check out when you're ready. The
manager of this hotel must know Mosby because he didnt
really like the fact that four children were staying here.
Well, off to see Arturo., London said as she skipped up a
carpeted ramp that led to outdoors.
Is it just me or did that heiress seem like an airhead?,
Tara asked.
Everyone answered by being quiet.
Ok...well I have to use the little spys room so Ill go drop
everything off in the room. I mean...with the help of the bell
hop of course. You guys go get started on that mission.,
Enrique said as he ran to elevator before anyone could
say anything.
Ok, so hes useless. Mandy and Charley, go find
Natalies location. Ill stay here and wait for my assigned
mission partner to see if we can bring these guys down.,
Tara said. Sound like a plan?
They gathered in a circle (kind of a triangle) and put
their hands in the middle.
1...2...3, break!, they all said as they went their separate
Mandy and Charley walked toward the door. Ok
Charley, where to start?, Mandy asked Charley. She felt

so nervous. Tara was usually with her when she was with
Charley because she liked him, but now they were alone.
Mandy, did you hear me?, Charley asked tapping her
shoulder lightly. She noticed they had walked outside of
the hotel and she was about to run into a pole. She
stopped walking and studied her surroundings.
Mandy must have blanked out.
Um...sorry. Repeat that one more time please.
Well, I said-, Charley was interrupted by random
Go, go, go!, they heard as sacks flew over their heads
and they were thrown into moving vehicle. The last thing
Mandy remembered was passing out.
Tara sat down in the lobby and waited for Enrique. He
was taking forever. She was about to start riding the
luggage carts (Sound like a familiar idea?) when she felt
her necklace vibrate.
She opened it and a tall man wearing all black and a
dark mask projected in front of her.
Agent McHenly, how nice to be in your presence. I am
Natalies dad, but you never got to meet me formally. My
name is Nigel. Id come down here if I were you...well up
here, Natalies dad (Nigel) introduced.
Tara felt her heart racing. The image zoomed out and
she realized where up here was.
The Golden Gate Bridge...wh-what are you doing
there?, Tara interrogated with fear in her voice.
Oh, I think you know Ms. Tara. He pointed to a big
metal box counting down from 10 minutes.
What do you want?, Tara asked.

What do I want?, he asked like the question amused

him. I am Spy Teams biggest enemy. You guys really
underestimated my daughter and I. Im so disappointed. I
want Spy Team of course! I want to destroy the
organization and every last piece. But if thats not enough
to make you come down here...Ive captured your friends.
A tall boy and a girl with freckles and green eyes. See you
soon., he signed off.
Tara had no time to wait for Enrique, she had to go save
her friends.
Hurry Jeff, cant you fly this thing any faster?, Tara
asked the agent flying the helicopter she was in.
I cant find a clear landing on the bridge., Jeff
And you're not gonna. Ill attach the rope ladder. I just
need a safe enough place for me to jump down., Tara
Minutes later she was climbing down a rope ladder. It
wasnt long enough and Jeff couldnt adjust the helicopter.
The nearest place for her to land was about 7 feet off the
ground. She let go of the rope and fell.
Tara fell much further than expected. She finally landed
on the side of one of the triangular shapes on the bridge.
She began to climb it. When she reached the top she
found the bomb, but no Nigel.
A setup., she said to herself.
She tried to remember how to deactivate a bomb. Do you
cut the red wire or blue? But there were no wires! This was
some sort of weapon that just simply couldnt be disabled.

What to do, what to do? The time was at 2:21 minutes.

Maybe she could throw it into the water. But the bomb
looked heavier than Enrique multiplied 10 times added to
15 Taras. But she tried anyway.
Tara pushed and pushed. She had to catch herself
because she almost fell off of the railing.
Tara had gotten the bomb to move halfway when it
started counting down from 20 seconds.
Come on, work with me here!, Tara put all of her
strength into it. Then she realized she had a grappling
Always come in handy., she said to herself.
She shot it toward the bottom of the bridge and tied the
rope to the bomb.
Ok, Im no Percy Jackson, but I hope this works out if
it gets to that point., she said to herself.
5...4...3, the bomb warned.
Tara retracted the hook, and just as it hit 1, the bomb
She and the huge metal box went flying off the side of
the Golden Gate Bridge, toward the Pacific Ocean.
Cliffhanger, he, he, he, he, he

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