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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name

24 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 11, 2015

Miriam Mimi Alspector
Dora Beloigeret
Burton Gold
Israel Kaplansky

Freda Madorsky
Sidney Stolsky

25 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 12, 2015

Hinda Askenazy
Jacob S. Beitner
Rebecca Benstein
Henry Brode

Joseph David
Miriam Ferst
Fanya Green
Max Kahn

Bertrand J. Sandweiss
Sam Stoller

26 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 13, 2015

Helen Brode
Martin Budman
Leonard J. Crayle
Gladys Daitch

Harry Mogill
Hilda Nelson
Meyer Perlman
Elizabeth Pierce

Joseph Rothschild
Stella Savin
Leslie Wright

27 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 14, 2015

Sylvia R. Kessler
Pearl Levin
Morris Mendelson
Mae Schwartz

28 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 15, 2015

Dennis Aaron
Sophie Averbuch
Harry Galens
Oren Lewis

William W. Saulson
Ben Schurgin
Herbert Archie Seiton
Vivian Shulman

Eleanore B. Sugarman
Peggy Ann Weingarden

29 TAMMUZ 5775 JULY 16, 2015

Glen Gendloff
Sol Lakind
Rose Russky
Henrietta Schwartz

Lawrence Simmer

1 AV 5775 JULY 17, 2015

Irving Coblentz
Charlotte Firestone
Dorothy Goodman
Pamela Grosinger

Jerome Marcus Keywell

Louis Krass
Anna L. Landau
Lillian Miller

Debra Steinberg

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