Tfa Journal Checklist

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Things Fall Apart Journal Checklist

World Lit


Please staple all journals together and in order with this page at the top
For full credit, journals must be thorough.
Journals are worth 10 points each
Journal 1 (4/15)
What do we know about Okonkwos community and society so far? Include 3 quotes from Ch 1-4.


Journal 2 (4/20)
What does it mean to be a man according to Okonkwo? Support your response with at least 2
quotes from Ch 5-10. Does this view of masculinity seem to be more of Okonkwos personal
beliefs, or a societal belief? Where do his views on masculinity come from?


Journal 3 (4/23)
Respond to one of the following to prepare for an inner/outer circle discussion:
What happened in the tortoise story? Does it seem like it could represent something else
in the story?
pg. 75 Chielos changing roles
pg. 79 What do Okonkwos feelings toward Ezinma reveal about him as a character?
Whats the danger in only hearing one story about him?
pg. 83 What was the wedding like? What else do we learn about their culture?
pg. 88 Does Okonkwos punishment fit his crime? Explain.


Journal 4 (4/27)
How are things beginning to fall apart? Include 2-3 quotes from Ch 18-22 that reveal specifically
how things are falling apart.


Journal 5 (4/29)
Make 3 lists (each list should include at least 5 characters)
Rank Things Fall Apart characters from
1. Most to least powerful
2. Most to least sympathetic
3. Those who have the most voice to those who are most silenced
*After each list, write a paragraph (~5 sentences) explaining your choices

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