Knot Theory Problems and Solutions

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Knot Theory Problems/Solutions

Problem 1: Is the figure 8 knot equivalent to its mirror image?

In other words, show that: (or does not)

It turns out we can manipulate the one on the left using R-moves to get the one on the right.






Problem 2: Construct a system of four links such that if any one link is removed the whole thing falls
apart. (Basically a Borromean knot, but with four loops).

There may be more ways to do this, but we found a way that just links all four loops together into one
big loop.

If any one loop is removed, the rest

can slide apart. This concept can apply
to any number of loops

Problem 3: Show that a braid attached to its mirror image produces 0.

Basically, show that this works for any

braid its mirror image.

This problem can be explained very easily intuitively. Lets call the braid A. In order to undo A (make it
0) we need to go backwards through all the steps we did to make A (like all the crossings of the
strings, etc). This means that we need to reverse all of our displacements. This can only be done by
attaching a braid onto A that is perfectly symmetric to A about the center, which is the mirror image of
A. Essentially, a mirror image just goes backwards through the steps that created the braid, which
unravels the whole braid, producing straight strings.
Problem 4: How many elements are there in the group of symmetries of a cube?
First, we can put planes inside a cube to make symmetry.

There are 3 planes that can be placed

that are parallel to the sides of the
cubes, like the one on the left.

And there are 6 planes that can be

drawn from the corners of the sides

There are also rotational symmetries. Think of every sides as being a different color (6 different colors).
The cube can be positioned so that any of the six sides is facing up. With each of these 6 sides facing up,
it can be turned horizontally 4 different ways. All together, there are 24 (6*4) rotational symmetries.
In total, there are 33 symmetries (3+9+24).
Problem 5: Show that the knot drawn below is an unknot.
This should be solved using R-moves,
but that takes a really long time, so
Im just going to do it in a few moves
so that everyone gets the general idea
of how to solve it.

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