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Algebra-Unsolved Exercises

Exercise 1 When p(x) = gcd(f (x), g(x)) where

f (x) = x5 + 3x4 + x3 + 4x2 + 7x 2
g(x) = x4 + 3x 2
which is the value of p(3) ?
Exercise 2 How many different necklaces are there with 4 blue beads and 3
white beads? The beads can shift freely along the string.
Exercise 3

i. If (a, b) = 1 , c | a and d | b. Show that (c, d) = 1.

ii. If (a, b) = (a, c) = 1, then (a, bc) = 1.

iii. If (a, b) = 1 and n, k 1, tehn (an , bk ) = 1.
Exercise 4 Which is the remainder of the division of 71203 by 143 ?
Exercise 5 Let a an odd number.
Show that the remainder of the division of a2 by 4 is equal to 1.
Exercise 6 Let as 1 (mod m) and at 1 (mod m).
If d = gcd(s, t) show that ad 1 (mod m).
Exercise 7 Let a, b Z. Show that:
i. If gcd(a, b) = 1, then gcd(a + b, a b) = 1 or 2.
ii. If gcd(a, b) = 1, then gcd(a b, a2 + ab + b2 ) = 1 or 3.
Exercise 8 i. Show that each prime number p 3 can be written in the form
p = 4n + 1 or p = 4n + 3, where n N.
ii. Show that each natural number of the form 4m + 3 has a prime divisor of
the form 4n + 3.
Exercise 9 Let (G, ?) be a group and a, b G.
Show that a ? b = e b ? a = e, where e is the identity element of G.
Exercise 10 Let (G, ) be a group and let a be an element of G.
Show that Ha := {g G, where ag = ga} is a subgroup of G.

Exercise 11 Let G = hai be a cyclic group of order n.

Show that if am = e then n | m.
Exercise 12 At the group S4 , we consider the subset H = {e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}.
Show that H is an abelian subgroup of S4 .
Exercise 13 Find all the subgroups of the group S3 .
Exercise 14 In the group S6 analyze the following permutations as a product
of disjoint cycles:
i. (13)(23)
ii. (16)(26)(36)(46)(56)
iii. (12345)(16)
Exercise 15

i. Which is the inverse element, 71 , of 7 in the field Z17 ?

ii. Use i) to calculate the remainder of the division of 731 by 17.

Exercise 16 Find the invertible elements (units) at the following rings:
i. Z[x]
ii. Z5 [x]

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