Information Sheet

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Researcher: Brett Nicholas, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington

I am a Masters student in Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington. As part of this degree I am
undertaking a research project leading to a thesis. The research I am undertaking is to examine the public
perception of architect designed homes and the services offered by architects prior to engagement of their
services. Comparisons will also be made against participants perceptions of the services offered by large
home building companies acting in competition to architects.
Responses will form the basis of my research project and will be put into a written report. The information will
be kept for up to two years securely in order to be compiled and used to indicate perception of architects and
architect designed homes to guide recommendations to address architect engagement in the residential
The research will involve you answering a series of questions online to establish perceptions of the services
offered by architects and architect designed houses. The research will be undertaking in a single stage and
will remain anonymous throughout. It will not be possible for you to be identified personally. All material
collected will be anonymous. The thesis will be submitted for marking to the School of Architecture and
deposited in the University Library and made available online. It is possible that one or more articles may be
submitted for publication in scholarly journals.
This survey has been approved by the Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Committee
(0000021836). A summary of the results will be put up on website when available. If you
have any further questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at or my supervisor Guy Marriage,, at the School of
Architecture at Victoria University.
Placing a check in the box indicates you have read and understood the information sheet provided in
accordance with Victoria University of Wellington Human Ethics Policy and that participation in the survey
implies consent.
I have read and understood the information sheet *


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