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Annotated Bibliography
Katie Chock
June 26, 2015
CURR 341
Joel Blomenkamp, Ed.D.
Teacher College of San Joaquin


Exploring teaching and learning in the 21st century classroom.

Educators have deviated away from front-loading students with information and assessing how
well he or she can memorize content, to reassessing important learning outcomes and finding a
way to motivate students to become life-long learners. This course has exposed me to the idea of
21st century learning, and how it can be implemented in the classroom. The core ideas discussed
pertain to the 3 Rs (rigor, relevance, and relationships) and 21st century skills students will need
to master in order to become college and career ready. These 21st century skills include, critical
thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, and creativity and innovation. I
am interested in learning how to not only guide students to master these 21st century skills, but
also expose students to a variety of purposeful educational experiences they would not receive in
a traditional school setting. It is important for teachers to provide students with opportunities to
master skills needed for the workforce, all while creating a safe environment for students to
play, passionately. Many educators are recognizing the need and significance for 21st century
learning, and the impact it will have on the next generation of learners. The following resources
have provided insight to my investigation:
Carlgren, T. (2013). Communication, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving: A Suggested Course
for All High School Students in the 21st Century. Interchange, 63-81.
This article states that 21st century skills are needed for the contributing member of
society. So many graduates are graduating without mastering 21st century skills, and
teachers need to be holding their students accountable for learning these skills. Teachers


are more focused on teaching academic content on testable material instead of helping
students achieve life-skills. Students need a foundation for learning strategies and
technology tools.
Al-Bataineh, A., Erwin, R., Bonomo, L., Mercer, S., & Mustafeh, I. (2010). Technology
Integration in the 21st Century Classroom. Ubiquitous Learning: An International
Journal, 2(1), 79-90.
This article states that all jobs incorporate some sort of technology. Technology has been
proven to enhance education and improve learning. In order to properly encompass
technology into the classroom, teachers need Professional Developments, in-service,
trainings, and time to collaborate (including Professional Learning Communities).
Teachers use technology in their practice daily. This article demonstrates the importance
of it, and ways to include it in your teaching practices.
Drew, C. (2011, November 6). Why science majors change their minds. The New York Times. pp.
This is a fascinating article that explains reasons why students change their majors in
college. Many students enter college as STEM majors, and within the first year of
college, 40% of students switch to an easier major or drop out of college altogether.
The article proceeds to explain how students are not prepared with 21st century skills
needed for college and careers.
Yoo, J. J., & MacDonald, N. M. (2014). Developing 21st Century Process Skills through Project
Design. Journal Of Family & Consumer Sciences, 106(3), 22-27.


This article stresses the importance of building importance relationships with students.
Additionally, the idea of 21st century process skills was created in order to integrate a set
of skills deemed essential for student success in college and a career. The role of the
teacher now is to teach creatively by making learning fun and interesting, while
developing students creative thinking and ability.
Edutopia. (2015). Integrating academic and vocational learning at high tech high. United States.
This Edutopia video clip provides insight on a different type of high school experience.
98% of students who attend High Tech High go on to 4-year universities. The vision of
the school is interest drives learning. Technology is a key component to their 21st
century education learning. The traditional education setting is not effective, and this is
an alternative.
Timberg, S. (2015). When culture works. In Culture crash: killing the creative class (pp. 23-52).
United States of America: Yale University Press.
This chapter of the book is about great artists. Musicians, artists, literary authors, and
poets are undervalued in the 21st century. We are not training the next generation how to
paint ceilings of churches, or write plays. We are more focused on strengthening our
communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving skills. As a result,
we are killing the creative class.

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