Presentation1 Parent

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Parent Presentation

Presented by
Sheronda Brown

Adolescence begins with the onset of physiologically normal
puberty, and ends when an adult identity and behaviour are
accepted. This period of development corresponds roughly to
the period between the ages of 10 and 19 years, which is
consistent with the World Health Organization's definition of
adolescence (Paediatr Child Health, (2003). Age limits and

The role of the child development is to provide a s

environment for the children. As teacher you have
children are not alike and are unique in their on w
them everything they need to know to the best of m
prepare them for college, careers, and the real wor
have to work with children so that they can develo
and emotional skills. I have to be that Im paying
emotions. Each child will learn differently but as t
identify with the needs of each individual child. B
child is reaching their milestones and if they are n
the help they need to successfully do this. I will w
provide them with information that will help them
child to.

Partnership with Families, Schools & The

When the families are involved in the childs school life it causes the child to have
higher test scores, grades improve and their attitude towards school work improves.
Other benefits of family involvement in schooling include improved
behavior at school, higher attendance rates, lower drop-out rates,
higher self esteem, and higher probability of avoiding high-risk
behavior in adolescence (Callender, S., & Hansen, A., (2014). FamilySchool Partnership).
A few others things that parents can do is volunteer at school activities, help children
with homework and make visits may be once a week to let the child know you care about
them and their school life.

The Mesosystem refers to those situations or events in which two

Microsystems come together in some respect. The people or activities
from individual Microsystems interact to form a new experience for the
child. Mesosystems, like Microsystems, can be long term and
recurrentlike family gatherings on holidays. They can also be
solitary or one-time occurrencessuch as a school field trip

Epsteins Involvement
The purpose of the Epsteins
Involvement is to help
educators develop programs for

Help all families establish home environments to support
children as students.
Family support programs to assist families with health, nutrition,
and other services.
Enable families to share information with schools about culture,
background, children's talents and

Design effective forms of school-to-home and hometo-school communications about school programs
and children's progress.
Weekly or monthly folders of student work sent home
for review and comments.
Clear information on choosing schools or courses, programs, and
activities within schools.
Clear information on all school policies, programs, reforms, and

Recruit and organize parent help and support.
School and classroom volunteer program to help teachers,
administrators, students, and other parents.
Readiness to involve families in new ways, including those who do not
volunteer at school.
Awareness of parents' talents and interests in school and children.

Learning At Home
Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at
home with homework and other
curriculum-related activities, decisions, and planning.
Family math, science, and reading activities at school.
Family participation in setting student goals each year and in planning
for college or work.
Respect for family time.
Recognition of equal helpfulness of single-parent, dual-income, and less
formally educated
families in motivating and reinforcing student learning.

Decision Making
Include parents in school decisions, developing
parent leaders and representatives.
Active PTA/PTO or other parent organizations,
advisory councils, or committees (e.g.,
safety, personnel) for parent leadership and
Awareness of parent perspectives as a factor in policy
development and decisions.

Collabrating with the Community

Identify and integrate resources and services from the community to strengthen
school programs, family
practices, and student learning and development.

Knowledgeable, helpful referrals of children and families to needed


Bronfenbrenners Microsystems and Mesosystem,
Callender, S., & Hansen, A., (2014). FamilySchool Partnership: Information and Approaches
for Educators,
Epstein, J. (n.d.).
Epstein's framework of six types of inv
Retrieved from
Paediatr Child Health, (2003). Age limits and

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