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Mathematics Survey

Summer Program-2015

Results of Survey
A. What type of exercise you do?

Football: 1 Basketball: 2
Soccer: 1 Badminton:1 Jogging: 1 Nothing: 1
Running: 1
B. How long you do your exercise?
A) 2
B) 7
C) 2
D) 4
C. How frequent you do exercise every week? A) 10
B) 5
C) 0
2)How frequent you eat vegetables and fruits every A) 11
B) 4
3)How long you sleep every day?
A) 3
B) 11
C) 1
4)How much you drink water every day?
A) 3
B) 7
C) 5
5)How often you eat junk food in a week?
A) 1
B) 11
C) 2
D) 1
6)How often you drink soda in a week?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 2
D) 1

Analyze Question #1
Out of 15 students, 7 students do exercise for 30-45 mi
nutes every week. This has not met the standard healt
hy lifestyle which each teenager should exercise at lea
st 60 minutes.
Out of 15 students, there are 10 students having the ex
ercise for 1-3 days per week. While it is expected that
each teenager should do exercise every day.
Teenagers at SPH has not met yet the standard healthy li
festyle in exercising their physical body.

Analyze Question #2
Out of 15 students, 11 students eat 2 cups of fruits and
2 cups of vegetables every day. This has met the sta
ndard healthy lifestyle which each teenager should ea
t 2 cups of fruits and 2 cups of vegetables every da
Teenagers at SPH have met the standard healthy lifestyle
in having healthy diet.

Analyze Question #3
Out of 15 students, 11 students sleep for 6-8 hours ever
y day. This has met the standard healthy lifestyle whic
h each teenager should sleep for 6-8 hours every day.
Teenagers at SPH have met the standard healthy lifestyle
in sleeping enough.

Analyze Question #4
Out of 15 students, 7 students drink 1-2 liters of water e
very day. This has not met the standard healthy lifest
yle which each teenager should drink water at least 2
liters every day.
Teenagers at SPH have not met yet the standard healthy
lifestyle in drinking at least 2 liters of water every day.

Analyze Question #5
Out of 15 students, 11 students eat junk food for 1-3 da
ys per week. This has not met the standard healthy lif
estyle which each teenager should never eat junk foo
Teenagers at SPH have not met yet the standard healthy
lifestyle in never eating junk food.

Analyze Question #6
Out of 15 students, 8 students drink soda 1-2 times per
week. This has not met the standard healthy lifestyle
which each teenager should never drink soda per wee
Teenagers at SPH have not met yet the standard healthy
lifestyle in never drinking soda.

According to the data, most of the students i
n SPH are not healthy. It is because most o
f them eat junk food, drink soda, dont dri
nk 2 liters of water every day, dont exercis
e every day and dont exercise for 60 minut
es every day.

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