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Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

End of Term 1 Summative Test

Student Name:
Part A: Multiple Choice (10 Questions) Circle the correct answer
1. Fetch occurs in which type of outdoor environment?
a) Rock Environments
b) Open Water
c) River
d) Alpine
2. In a river environment which factor does NOT affect the speed at which a
canoe travels?
a) Wind
b) Design of canoe
c) Current
d) The Sun
3. Which of the following is NOT a minimal impact strategy?
a) Carrying out all rubbish
b) Going to the toilet at least 100m away from any water source
c) Removing something from the environment to use in an assignment
d) Using walking trails when possible
4. A belay device is most likely to be used in which environment?
a) Coastal Environments
b) Alpine Environments
c) River Environments
d) Rock Environments
5. When packing a hiking pack, where should you attempt to place the heaviest
a) Closest to your back
b) At the bottom
c) On the left side
d) At the top
6. When did the First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, arrive in Sydney Cove?
a) 1902
b) 1888
c) 1788
d) 1717

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

7. An EPIRB is used for what?

a) To navigate through alpine environments
b) As a belay device in rock climbing
c) To alert search and rescue services that you are okay
d) To alert search and rescue services in the event of an emergency
8. 000 is the Australian emergency number. What is the other emergency
number that can be dialled using a mobile phone?
a) 911
b) 112
c) 333
d) 222
9. Kooyoora State Park is sacred land to which traditional custodians?
a) Jaara
b) Djurite
c) Yorta Yorta
d) Ngaro
10. What was the traditional female role in Australian Indigenous Culture?
a) Food gatherer
b) Hunter
c) Designer of ceremonies
d) Hunted small animals

Part B: Short Answer (5 Questions) Answer on the lines provided

11. What were some of the impacts of early non-indigenous land use?

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

12. Describe some of the differences early European settlers would have found
in Australia compared to where they originated from.

13. Why did the first settlers bring flora and fauna from their home-land? Why
did these have such a huge impact on Australia?

14. How did clearing the land affect Australias soil salinity and degradation of
soil quality?

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

15. List and briefly explain some of the affects the Gold Rush had on Australian

Part C: Long Answer Question Answer on the lines provided

i) Identify and explain the types of modern technology introduced into outdoor
ii) Discuss how these types of technology have assisted in making trips to the
outdoors safer?
iii) Evaluate the positive and negative impacts modern technology has had on
an outdoor experience. Explain.

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

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