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Practitioners As Decision Makers : What and How They Teach

Practitioners is someone who is qualified or trained a particular or certain career and

profession. This journal was published by two profession which are Chan Evans and Sharilyn
C. Steaman from East Carlifornia University. From this article, they are trying to discuss and
find out some implications and recommendations for administration, leadership in school,
educator and practitioners especially. Educational practitioners is one of the issues in the
Curriculum and Instruction which present many characteristics of K-12 teaching in the field
of classroom settings and locations. K-12 actually stand for K- twelve or K (kindergarten) to
twelve. This is sum for primary and secondary school education. K-12 system used in United
States, Canada, South Korea, Turkeys, Philippines and Australia.
There are some level of K education, but in this article just mention and highlight
about K-12 and i would like to explain a little bit regarding to this abroad educational system.
K-12 teaching strategies is good for me because it guides student to develop their brain to
think while they are learning. Besides, K-12 education encourage student to explore and
improve their ability either in academic or social skill. There are a lot of examples of activities
that teacher had used for applying this system in the classroom. Teachers in US also do survey
on practitioners strategies and methods they use to teach the content of the syllibus. The best
quality of practitioners is they were used multimodal instructions and identify the quality of
graphic in the textbook selection for example in the terms of picture, diagram, table and data.
Multimodal instruction is a communication training in aspect of spatial, textual, aural and
visual resources. Multimodality actually is the combination of multiple technologies. Student
will use all the sense and skill including sound (hearing), gestures (touching), speech (oral),
images (viewing) and text (reading). At the end of article, we can see the purpose of this
article is trying to investigate how a teacher be an effective educator either they use their own
skill or learn from what they had learn in their field of studies.
The researchers sharing the experiences about how they found several ways in China
in Advancing English Language by using multimodal content area teaching (Cheryl North and
Nancy Rankie Shelton, 2014). School in China give all the attention to one aspect of student
in a certain case study. A kid-watching achieved to access the effect on learning of some
combination factors. The factors are ; risk-taking encouraged by an environment, written and
oral communication were highlight, multiple content areas and associated literacies, reduced

emphasis on correctness in grammar and structure. Based on the shared experiences, the US
teachers have awareness of the importance in some aspects such as manage to intended result,
have mission in observation, factors that increase the students spirit to learn a new language
and the effect on multimodal education. The next point in this article is about the role of
graphic in second language acquisition. Creative and objective in second language education
material really help students to understand the contents of studies. In that article stated that
More than just eye-catching : describing the quality of graphic in middle school English
learners science textbooks (2014). As an educator, teacher should expert and smart on how
to organize students in classroom in terms of classroom setting and the process of teaching
and learning of new languange. The mission in observation in this article means the role of
teacher to identify the ability, potential or weakness on students so that teacher can improve
the student ability or overcome the student weakness. Next, the factors that influence the
student motivation also important to make sure they always give full attention during lesson.
At the beginning of the lesson, tell the students the objective what they will get after learning
the whole chapter so that they can have a goal to achieve the understanding. Then, teacher
should give feedback if student ask anything and offer chances to improve their weakness in
learning new language.
The contents of this journal shows that there has a lot of advantages especially to the
educators. This article helps and gives teacher some ideas about what and which methods and
strategies should be taken. In this article, i really interested towards multimodal learning
strategies which it combines teaching models for example memory model, cooperative
learning and direct instruction model. The various kind of ways able to experience and gain
student educational. Since our globalisation are widely spread, the use of technologies for
education also quite familiar and easier for teacher use as teaching method. Teacher can
deliver the contents in syllibus by e-learning. E-learning environment involves the students
and teacher which both able to expose to variety learning style (Birch&Gardiner,2005).
Multimodal learning environment also involves instructional matter to be showed in more
than one sensory mode like writting and visual. Creative teacher also can design suitable
graphic for students and easy to understand such as Biology subject. Biology subject have a
lot of process to understand and memorize. By using multimodal teaching technique, teacher
able to create something like diagrams, pictures or videos related to the chapter or subject. In
video, student involve the sense of viewing and hearing so it can maintain the students
attention by making the information more attractive and motivating them to learn it. Multiple

representation in computer based learning environment is very advance and the best way to
increase the level of understanding (Moreno,2002). At the same time, the lesson can be
repeated anytime and anywhere. In my opinion regarding to the article, researchers
successfully achieve the purpose of the journal. All the strategies and method school in United
States and other countries was stated in the article. They found out new strategies from China
which has probability to get the positive result when the strategies are applied to the students
in US also.

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