End of Term 2 Summative Test: Name: Part A: Multiple Choice (10 Questions)

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Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

End of Term 2 Summative Test

Part A: Multiple Choice (10 Questions) Circle the correct answer
1. What do cirrus clouds indicate?
a) A nice and sunny day
b) A change of weather in 1-2 hours
c) A change of weather in 24-48 hours
d) Rain and stormy weather

2. Which image represents a cold front on a weather chart?





3. Which of the following is not native to Australia?

a) Common Starling
b) Red Wattle Bird
c) Magpie
d) Scarlet Robin
4. What type of tree is commonly found on the banks of the Murray River?
a) Grey Box
b) Red Gum
c) Yellow Gum
d) Iron Bark
5. Which of the following represents a saddle on a map?




6. What is the best knot to use for attaching a painter line to the canoe?
a) Truckies hitch
b) Clove hitch
c) Bowline
d) Granny knot

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

7. Tocumwal is sacred land to which traditional custodians?

a) Yorta Yorta/Ngaro
b) Jaara
c) Ulupna/Bangerang
d) Dja Dja Wurrung
8. Paddle steamers were used primarily to transport what?
a) Weapons
b) Wool
c) People
d) Meat
9. What is the pry stroke used for?
a) Paddling forward
b) Quickly stopping
c) Moving sideways away from something
d) Moving sideways towards something
10. What rescue technique is used in the event of a capsize of a canoe?
a) T-rescue recovery
b) Scoop Rescue
c) Back deck recovery
d) Sit on top recovery

Part B: Short Answer (5 Questions) Answer on the lines provided

11. How did paddle steamers impact the Murray River environment/ecosystem?

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

12. Explain what to do if/when you become lost?

13. Describe what a high pressure system is.

14. What are points to consider when selecting a campsite on the Murray River?

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

15. Describe how to take a bearing.

Part C: Long Answer Question Answer on the lines provided

i) Identify and draw 3 introduced species- Flora or Fauna
ii) Describe the features of these species
iii) Explain the reason for their introduction and the threat they pose to native

Year 10 Outdoor & Environmental Education

Summative Test 2015 (Term One)

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