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Review and Training Center
Rn1. 867, Ground Floor, Isabel Bldg.
F. Cay co corner Espafia Sts.
Sampaloc, l\11anila
Tel. No. 7317423


Luminous flux ( ct> of F ) is the light energy radiated out per second from the luminous body in the
form of light waves.
Its unit is lumen (lm). One lumen is defined as the flux emitted per unit solid angle from a standard


Solid angle is given as




Its unit is steradian.


Luminous intensity (or candle power) of a source in any direction is given by the luminous flux
radiated out per unit solid angle in that direction.
If <ll is the luminous flux emitted by a source in a solid angle of o> steradian, then I
<!>/ (I)
1m/steradian or candela.
Hence, it is the angular flux density emitted by the source.



A source having a uniform luminous intensity of I candelas radiates out a total flux of 4rd, Lumens.
The mean spherical candle power (M.S.C.P) is given by

M.S .C . P .

=total nux emitted in lumens

d I
can e a



Candela (Cd) is the unit of luminous intensity. One candela is equal to 1/60 h of the luminous
intensity per cm of a black body radiator maintained at the temperature of solidification of platinum.


Illumination (E). The illumination of a surface is measured by the luminous flux received by a unit
area of the surface.
If a flux of <ll lumens is received normr.!lly by an area of A, then
E <ll/A
The unit of E depends on the unit of A.


If A is in m , then E is in lm/m . Its alternative names are: metre-candle (m-Cd) or lux.

If A is in cm , then E is in lm/cm . Its alternative name is phot.
If A is in ff, then E is in lm/ff. Its alternative name is footcandle (fc).

1 phot = 10,000 lux


The law of illumination is

E = I cosO



The space/height ratio is given by


horizontal distance between lamps

mounting height of lamps

10. The utilization factor or coefficient of utilization is defined as


lumen actually received on working plane

lumens emittt.:d by the light source

11. Depreciation factor or maintenance factor is given by


illumination und.:r act;1al conditions

illumination whei evcryti1!ng is clean

12. The total flux required on a working plane can i:;e c3lculated from the relation




REE - April 2006
1. A lamp gives an average output of 628 lumens. What is its M.S.C.P.?
A 50 Cd
B. 40 Cd
. . C. 45 Cd

D. 48 Cd

2. A lamp has luminous intensity of 250 Cd. Cal.culate the total luminous flux emitted by it.
A 1,000 lm
B. 785 lm
C. 3,142 lm
D. 2,000 lm
REE - Sept. 2004
3. A light source has an illumination of 100 footcandles (fc), what is the illumination in lux?
B. 1,075
C. 1,496
D. 1,360
A 1,204
REE - May 2009
4. A light source located 2.75 m from a surface produces an illumination of 528 lux on that surface. Find
the illumination if the distance is changed to 1.55 m.
A 298 lux
B. 1,662 lux
C. 937 lux
D. 168 lux
REE - Sept. 2010
5. At what distance from a wall will 40 Cd lamp provide the same illumination as 80 Cd lamp located 4 m
from the wall?
A 2.93 m
B. 2.83 m
C. 2.65 m
D. 2.07 m

6. A lamp giving 200 candelas uniformly below the horizontal plane is suspended 3 m above a horizontal
plane. Calculate the illumination at a point on the plane.
i. directly below the lamp.
A 66.66 lm/m 2
B. 6.66 lm/m 2
C. 22.22 lm/m 2
D. 2.222 lm/m 2
REE - Sept. 2005
ii. 3 m away from the vertical axis
A 7.66 lux
B. 7.55 lux

C. 7.86 lux

D. 7.351ux

REE -Sept. 2005

7. An intensity of 100 candle power is directed at a point 10 ft distance from the source. If the receiving
plane is tilted through 30 degrees from the perpendicular, what is the illumination upon the surface?
B. 0.34 fc
C. 0.5 fc
D. 0.7 fc
A 0.866 fc
REE - April 2005
8. A 150 candlepower lamp gives sufficient light to read a book at a distance of 6 feet. If the lamp
depreciates to 75 candlepower, how much closer should the book be placed to be read with same
luminance in ft?
A 3.4
B. 2.6
C. 2.2
D. 1.8

9. An incandescent lamp having a flux of 3,000 lumens is enclosed in a 0.3 meter diameter
diffusing sphere and having an absorption factor of 15%. Calculate the average luminance of the

A 450
B. 9,020
C. 2,255
D. 3,000

10. Two lamp posts are 13 m apart and are fitted with 1,000 Cd lamp each at a height of 5 m 'above the
ground. Calculate the illumination on the ground:
i. under each lamp
A 41.85 lux
B. 40 lux
. C. 80 lux
D. 20.92 lux
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___. / /






iL midway between the lamps

A 37.181Ux
B 9.071ux






D. 27.21 lux

11. What must be the candle power of a point source of light which gives an i11Lmination of 100 lmlm at a
point A 2 m vertically below the source?
A 200 Cd
B. 400 Cd
C 100 Cd
D 300 Cd
12. In Prob. # 11, if a plane mirror which reflects 75% of the light falling on it it:> placed horizontally 30 em
above the source, what will be the illumination at A?
A 100 lux
B. 200 lux
C. 444 lux
D 1444 lux
13. Two lamps A and B produce equal illumination on the screen of a photom$ter when A is 60 em and B
is 50 em from the screen. A plane mirror is placed 6 em behind B, the plane of the mirror being at right
angles to the line f~'om B to the screen and it is then found that to restore equality of illumination on the
screen, the source A must be moved 10 em nearer:. the screen. Wt1at is the reflecting power of the
A 68%
B 50%
C 62%
D 65%
14. After a balance was obtained between two lamps on a photometric bench, a sheet of plane glass was
interposed on one side of the photometer. To restore the balance, one of the lamps was moved back
through 10 em making its distance from the photometer 11 0 em. What percentage of light incident on
the glass was transmitted by it?
A. 90.9%
B. 82.6%
C 86.2%
D 88.6%
'15. A drawing office contair1ing a number of boards having a total effective area of 70m 2 is lit by a number
of 40 W incandescent, lamps giving 11 lm/W. An illumination of 72 lm/m 2 is required on the drawing
boards. Assuming that 60% of the totCJI light emitted by the lamps is available for illuminating the
drawing boards, estimate the number of lamps required.
A 19
B. 21
C 23
D 25

REE-April 2004
16. A room with dimensions of 72 ft x 36 ft x 13 ft requires 50 footcandles, maintenance factor of 0. 7,
coefficient of utilization of 046 and Rl of 4 Calculate the required lumens output of the lamps.
A 144,000
B. 136.800
C 402,485
D. 74,690
REE-Sept. 2001
17. A 40ft by 20.ft office is to be illuminated with duplex fluorescent luminaires at a level of 50 footcandles.
The maintenance factor and coefficient of utilization are estimated to be 70% and 60%, respectively.
Each fluorescent produces 3,300 lumens. How many luminaires are required?
A. 18
B 8
C. 14
D. 28
REE -Sept. 2005
18. Which is not found in a rapid start fluorescent lamp?
A ballast
B. starter

wire harness

D. capacitor

19. A drawing hall in an engineering colfege is to be provided with a lighting installation The hall is 30 m x
20 m x 8 m (high). The mounting ~eight is 5 m and the illumination required is 135 lm/m 2 . Using metal
lamps, estimate the size and number of single lamp luminaires. Assume
Utilization coefficient 0.6; maintenance factor= 0. 75
Space/height ratio = 1; lm/W for 300-W lamp = 13~ 1m/watt for 500--W lamp = 15
A. 500 W, 24
B. 500 W, 48
C. 300 W, 46
D. 300 W, 23

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Four lamps are suspended 8 m above the ground at the corners of a square of 3 m side. Each lamp
gives 250 candelas uniformly below the horizontal plane. Calculate the illumination at the center of the
A. '14.12 lm/m 2
D. 10.59 lm/m 2
B. 7.06 lm/m 2
C 3 53 lm/m 2

2. A 100 candela lamp emits light uniformly in all directions and is suspended 2 m above the center of a
working table which is 3m square. Calculate the illumination at each corner of the table.
A. 23.54 lux
B. 8.07 lux
C 11 77 lux
D 4 04 lux
3. A work room 33 m long by 13 m wide is illuminated by means of 10 lamps suspended 3 m above the
working plane Determine the mean spherical candle power of the lamps required to give an average
illumination of 27 lm/m 2 at the work table. Assume that 25% of the total light falls on the working plane.
A. 369 candelas
B. 318 candelas
C 398 candelas
D. 400 candelas
4. A building 25 m long and 18 m wide is to have a minimum illumination of 56 lm/m 2 Electric lamps of
efficiency 10 lm!W are to be suspended 3 m above the floor, the space/height ratio being 1.2. If
coefficient of utilization is 0.6 and maintenance factor is 0.8, calculate the number of fittings required
and the rating of each fitting in watts.
A. 35,150W
B. 40,132W
C 50,105W
D 60,088W

A school classroom with a general dimensions of 24 ft x 30 ft is lighted with 10 fluorescent fixtures of 4

lamps per fixture and 3,200 lumens per lamp. What is the irlitial illumination in footcandles assuming
that coefficient of utilization is 0.35?
A. 178
B. 44,800
C 15.680
D. 62.22


In Prob. # 5, what is the maintained illumination assuming that maintenance factor is 0.70?
A. 43.55 fc
B. 88 88 fc
C 30.49 fc
D 124 fc

7. A workshop measures 7 m x 13 m and is lighted by 10 lamps which are each rated at 200 Wand have
an efficiency of 15 lm!W. Assuming a depreciation factor of 1.5 and a coefficient of utilization of 0.5,
find the illumination on the working plane.
A. 102 lm/m 2
B. 106 lm/m 2
C. 110 lm/m 2
D. 114 lm/m
8. An office, 17m by 8 m wide, is lighted by 8 lamps and each lamp has a luminous irHensityof 200 Cd.
Allowing an absorption loss of 4,000 lm for the reflectors, walls, and ceiling, calculate the average
illumination on the working plane.
A. 177 lm/m 2
B. 136 lm/m 2
C 118 lm/m 2
D. 152 lm/m
9. A 40-watt fluorescent lamp 120 centimeters long produces 3,200 lumens of light in a room having a
general dimensions of 10ft x 20ft. Find the illumination on the floor
A. 640,000 fc
B. 16 fc
C 160 fc
D. 320 fc
10. In Prob. # 9, find the luminance if the reflectance factor of the wall is 40%.
A. 40 footlamberts
B. 102 footlamberts
C 6.4 footlamberts

2.56 footlamberts

REE - Sept. 2001

. 11. The illumination of a room is being designed. The illumination intensity required is 50 footcandles. The
maintenance factor is 70% and coefficient of utilization is 0.6. If the room is 20 ft by 15ft, what is the
total required lumens output of the lamp?
A. 35,000 lumens
B. 10,500 lumens
C 6,300 lumens
D. 12,800 lumens
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. ~





~ .

. REE- April 2005

12. A room 20 ft x 30 ft is illuminated by five 200 watt, 3,700 lumen incand$scent lamps. The average
illumination intensity at the working plane as measured by foot-candle me~er is 10 lumens per square
foot. Calculate the utilization factor of the lamps.
A. 0.45
. B. 0.23
C. 0.56
D. 0.32

13. At what distance from a screen should the lamp of 120 Cd be placed to produce the same illumination
on the scree. 1 as a lamp of 30 Cd would give when placed a,t a distance of 40 em from the screen?
A. 20 em
B. 40 em
C. 60 em
D. 80 em
REE - Sept. 2004
14. A light source which radiates light in all directions has luminous intensity of
100 candela. What is the
illumination E in footcandles in a perpendicular working area 10 ft distance below the source?
A. 2
B. 3
C 1
D. 2.5
REE - Sept. 2006
15. A certain light source produces an illumination of 800 lux on a surface. Find the illumination on that
surface if the distance to the light is cjoubled.
A. 300 lux
B. 100 lux
C. 400 lux
D. 200 lux

16. A colliery workshop 20 m x. 10 m requires an average illumination of 135 lm/m 2 on the working plane.
Calculate the electrical power and current required for the purpose. Allow. a coefficient of utilization of
0.45 and a depreciation factor of 1.4. The supply is 230-V at 50 Hz and the efficiency of each of the
lamps is 12 lm/W.
A. 8 kW, 34.8 A
B. 9 kW, 39.1 A
C. 6 kW, 26.1 A
D. 7 kW, 30.4 A
REE - May 2009
17. How far .from a 150 Cd light source would a picture have to be placed so as to receive the same
illumination as when it is placed 12 m from an 85 Cd light source?
A. 16.46m
B. 15.40m
C 15.94m
D. 16.20m


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