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Lesson Plan

Lesson __2__ of __2___

Subject/Grade Level:

Spanish 1

La Batalla de Puebla

Date: 6/1/15
Student: Eric

Content Standards & Correlating lesson objective

(Write the Correlating lesson objective directly below the content standard)
Create an illustration of the Batalla de Puebla incorporating elements
learned through the infographs
Consideration of Technology Use:
xThis lesson could have integrated technology, but it was not considered to
be an effective pedagogical choice for this content.
This lesson integrates technology as an effective pedagogical choice for
this content. It has been integrated in the following way(s): (list ways)
Meeting all Learners Needs:
Description of students
(how many students, gender, unique needs
or characteristics)
Learners with special
TAG learners
ESOL learners

Materials Needed:
Teacher: Infographs on Batalla de Puebla

Adaptations required to meet learning needs

for this lesson

Students: Pencil, Paper, art supplies (colered pencils, markers, etc.)

Lesson Opener: Students will locate Puebla on a map of Mexico

Summary of Lesson
What will teacher do?
Teacher will present first
infograph and will read it
together with class.
Lead discussion on possible
meaning of text and images.

Teacher will present second


Teacher will explain assignment

to create illustration of the
Batalla de Puebla using
information from the infograph.

What will students do?

Student will read the infograph
with the class

Student will participate in a class

discussion of meaning of the
images and text.

Students will read the 2nd

infograph on their own.

Students will create an

illustration of the batalla de
puebla using information from
the infograph.

Students will share illustrations with a partner.

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