ABLE Online Completion Exam: Branch Registrar

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ABLE Online Completion Exam

Branch Registrar
Branch Registrar Module : Online Completion Exam procedure
Student will submit 2 copies of completion form and after taking the CEXAM (online completion exam).
1. Open browser and access ABLE Portal at
2. Open Branch Registrar Module : (You need to request ABLE REGISTRAR access)
3. Select correct SYTerm, ClassType and Term. Open Class grade record of student
4. Click Edit icon (Gradebook page), another window will display CEXAM Results / LO grade data
5. Verify and check if Completion EXAM result/grade is > ZERO or highest grade (All CEXAM Attempts)
6. Click UPDATE CEXAM RESULTS button - this will overwrite/transfer CEXAM grade to FEXAM grade
7. Click PROCESS IC COMPLETION button - this will recompute finalgrade
8. Check and verify now recomputed student grade. Complete the IC Completion FORM
9. Return 1 copy of student Completion form to student ( 1 of 2 copies)
10.New grade will be posted to :
Oracle PSCS
by batch (weekly) or upon request.
AMA Online Portal :
must be manually reencoded by Branch Registrar

1. Each brand have their own google site and branches have a dedicated PAGE SITE/SUBPAGE SITE.
2. Each BRANCH PAGE SITE have their own assigned users to EDIT/UPDATE content.
3. Branch with multiple building/multi floor facilities and have more photos w/ different angles can create a sub-pages.

Procedure for students

1. Visit Branch Registrar Office and fill-up GRADE COMPLETION FORM (2 copies)
Form name: Request for IC/NFE Completion and Change of Grades
2. Pay to the Cashier - Outstanding Balance and IC Completion Fee
AMA IT Department. For internal use only #05052014

ABLE Online Completion Exam

Branch Registrar
3. Present OR receipt to Registrar and claim ABLE EXAM VOUCHER PIN
4. Present the following documents to: Branch Dean / Elearning Coordinator
OR reciept, IC Completion Form and ExamVoucher PIN.
5. Check available CEXAM schedule and Take the CEXAM (Online Completion Exam) using ABLE Portal
6. After completing the CEXAM, present the IC Completion form to Branch Registrar
7. Branch Registrar will process IC grade / recompute your final grade (Online Process)
8. Get 1 Copy of IC Completion Form (must be with new FINAL GRADE COMPUTED)- serve as student copy.
Note: Online CEXAM is only applicable to students w/ IC as Final grade - 20141 onwards / eLearning subjects

AMA IT Department. For internal use only #05052014

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